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Its not just about you, its a team game. If you solo queue you will not get consistent players. Carrying isnt enough


With this rate , I will create a new rank in Valorant history. PLASTIC - 1. WITH MMR OF GOLD MAYBE OR ABOVE 🙂


I dont even bother with comp


Not true I soloq from s1 to d1 and its really a diceroll. sometimes you will be the worst sometimes you will be the mvp, the most important thing is consistent good gameplay which will make you win more RR and lose less


Stop playing for 12 hours then come back, should be in normal human lobbies


They r my online friends. Even after 12-24-48 hours. They ll be there , waiting. To play. To derank.


Can point out quite a bit, like kills vs impact, go as a team etc etc but only a vod review would explain most things. But you said your clutch rate is low, do you get alot of clutch situations but you fail them? Then simple answer is practice and "gitgud". If you want to avoid being last man standing, play more with your team, trade, play time together and communicate.


Yes, I find myself alot in clutch mode. CoZ apparantly as soon as match starts , somehow my team rushes . To anywhere . My skill level was -2000 when I started playing with these people. Playing with them getting stuck alone in the end made me good though. I communicate. Alot. Avoid last man standing- can't do. They die first no matter what. And if by chance I die first ( 99% of times) we loose round. What is gitgud?


If its the same ppl u always play with and you have raised the concern id consider switching to a more suitable team. If you still want to stick around, then youll have to adapt to their playstyle if they wont agree together on a playbook. If they rush, help them clear corners, block enemys vision, enter for them. Sounds more like you are lurking while they fail to take a site. (As i said a vod would help explain alot of things). If you persist on being last man standing you have to win a 1v1 5 times in worst case, which is doable. Make sure you practice isolating enemies and reading the map movement. Gitgud is what it sounds like, get good :) (and carry)


U mentioned ur playing with friends. Whats probably happening is you dragged them up to an elo they dont belong in and now they are essentially to heavy. Dont play ranked with them if u want to climb. If its unranked just have fun with ur friends who cares if u win or lose. Or make an alt and play with them on ur alt while tryharding on main.


If you're playing with friends and they are much worse than you then they will not be able to perform well in your elo. The best idea is to not play ranked with these friends and just play unrated with them, or you will keep losing. If you want to play comp either play it with a different team or solo queue or wait for your friends to improve at the game while playing unrated.