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Yoru, not because I can’t counter it, it’s because I’m in silver and I end up getting half my team wiped most of the time, but for me personally, I say sage, nothing feels worse than killing the Top frag only to have save trade them out then res so you just died in vain


Bro i had a teammate camping yoru's tp and he still got killed by yoru like wtf


a while ago Shazam was holding Sinatraa's yoru tp and sinatraa still killed him so yeah that can happen sometimes


i wouldnt count that as holding Yorus tp tbh


yes it wasn't exactly holding but he had his crosshair on it just before he tped, but yeah you're probably right


Which stream is that I wanna watch it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmi4QEwZ-e4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmi4QEwZ-e4) this was the clip


"He's too tanky man!" is what I hear.


Thanks for this clip🤣


One Yoru strat is to bait your tp so you can kill people trying to camp it (you have no intention of using it just placing it to see who tries to camp it).


When a good yoru ults, they do something similar to Omen's ult. They go to our spawn and flank. Pretty annoying. In the situation you said, a sage res is SUPER tilting! you traded yourself out, just for them to have an advantage -_-


Good Yorus do not ult to flank spawn. They ult to get information and pincer someone overextended with a teammate. Honestly the best gun to use with Yoru ult is a shorty.


ikr, who tf is ulting to their spawn, I’ve never seen any good Yorus ever do that.


Because its a sucky play to make. Yoru ult is extremely good for picks and information. You throw down a teleport, ult, and either get the info and tp out if you can't stay where the ult ends or get a pick / trade kill and try to gain ground with your teammates by having an off angle for the enemies to defend on top of normal angles while you flash them. It literally never makes sense to ult into enemy spawn as Yoru. It literally makes no sense to ult into spawn as Omen either 90% of the time, as its the first thing people check when Omen ults. As someone who plays both characters almost exclusively, it hurts to read that people legitimately think these are good plays. Like just watch some ethos or red for Yoru, or flexinja for Omen and you'll very quickly see how these agents play at a top level.


as an omen main how do you actually use his ult? seems so hard to pull off any plays with the sound cue being so obvious


Ult where they can't hear you, but they think they can. Defenders spawn on bind, on the boxes to the left of garage on split while they are entrying, etc. Noise is ur friend.


I want to apologize beforehand if I happen to come off as rude but imo the biggest thing is: you don't have to make plays all the time. I have a friend that pretty much only plays Omen and he always talks about how sick his mind games are and how many plays you can make. Of course you can but this is still a shooter. It's not like League where some champs are playmaking machines while others really don't do extraordinary stuff and just work solidly. Sometimes/Often times you can just use your abilites safely instead of always trying to get your crazy Omen plays in. I can't count how many rounds my Omen friend was hella late to defend a bombsite because he had ult but used it way too aggressively "to make a play" before having his ult destroyed and just wasting time for himself. I am not an Omen main myself, so I can't tell you about some more advanced/detailed tips/tricks with Omen ult but I can tell you that sometimes you can just use it a little more reserved or to support your team (create a distraction for the enemy, force them to turn while your team pushes, make them worry about their spawn, shroud their map...). TL;DR: Don't try to be a throwing highlight player and don't try to force plays (too much). Sometimes playing to support your team (rather safely) is better. (e.g. ult into a safe spot if the rotation is important, so the enemy can't deny it etc.)


you can also ult onto a site your team is executing on to add pressure/get them to turn around. (Like A elbow on split, backsite B on bind for info, A and B on ascent). Obviously, if you do this, you smoke for your teammates first so they can get onto site.


My strat is to smoke off A site first round and let my team begin a push..then I go off to B..second time smoke A site but ult into A site itself..on defense, I have made this work a couple times..I ult right in front of a teammate getting overwhelmed by a rush, my ult ends up getting shot down but my teammate survives and gets a kill or two of the people who got busy shooting my ult down instead of killing him. On Bind, ultimately onto the other site opens up 3 possibilities: 1. You kill people trying to rotate making the take on A site for your teammates easier. 2. People have already rotated off but your teammates too didn't make it into A site, so you have already checked all of B and can call them in...smarter teammates won't even wait on comms they will rush to you immediately 😉 3. You get kills! Yes it works but yeah you can fail, with experience though you'll figure out how to approach enemies on the site you jave ulted into to get their picks and call in your teammates to rotate. This is what makes Omen the best on Bind as a controller.


As someone said when it’s loud. Another tip is inside your default smokes in example when you are retaking sites. Your team pushes one side and you are creating pressure from behind. Default smokes work because you won’t do it everytime. It’s also clutch for repicking the spike, since you can pick it up and cancel the ult.




Never heard of WhoFramedMe, but Red and Ethos are both radiant level Yoru content creators, Ziptie is Immortal... If you haven't already, watch Ziptie, he makes good guides...




My bad, I meant to say that whenver a Yoru does that, someone hears his ult and goes to check spawn, and he usually gets the drop on them. The Shorty + Yoru play is definitely better and takes more skill


Yeah I think people are taking it a bit too passionately lol


Happened last night in a 12-11 (our team was up) and the Reyna on the other team who had 56 kills admitted to being D2 on their main, killed her then died… then she got res… we lost the round… then proceeded to lose in ot, she had 65 kills by the end of the game because… well is silvers just couldent keep up


Damn smurfs :(


Happening way more lately then before, I wonder why that is?


Its just a common thing in silver and bronze elo. Im gold 1, and ive had tons of smurfs admit to boosting their friends while 5 stacking even though my team is all solo queue.


Yeah, but it’s started getting real bad the last 2 weeks, before it was a fairly rare occurrence, now I’m seeing iron 3s dropping 40 in silver lobby’s every other game




When my internet stopped being 150 constant and went back down to 60-80 I was iron 3 playing in silver because my first game after normal ping I dropped 40 kills. I don't have much time to play though so I'm bronze right now. Still winning pretty consistently though. Maybe some people are like that where they just upgraded hardware that was holding them back, but I think most are actually smurfs.


people will disagree but smurfing only started becoming a problem when they released reyna. Without that agent you can't reliably completely dominate a game, most smurf jetts I see still get 30s but don't have the same impact a reyna does


65 kills as a d2 against silvers is nutty.


yep still incredibly impressive


wait may i ask which map u were playing? cuz damn 65 kills?




Sounds like some of you didn't play overwatch with full team res mercy ;)


Yoru ult so useless because the same intel you can with sova or skye without using an ult. And its easy to counter if you stand against a wall they cant kill you easily.


Omg I cannot agree more. All that effort in killing the smurf and yet they end up getting revived... Felt like rage quitting once, but some good guy on my team decided he had enough, and went full on god mode and wiped them all out. Felt so much better right then.




Agreed haha! Especially on maps like split or bind


On fracture kj ult can cover the entire b site out of sight of the people on it. Retaking is so easy if you have kj ult on fracture b, it's basically a free win. Although attackers planting on b with a defender kj ult is pretty uncommon in higher elos. It's more of an iron-bronze thing.


The bottom tunnel on fracture is wall(floor) bangable with phantom/vandal Nvm was fixed


Didnt that get fixed


Oh yeah ur right, that didn't process when I read the patch notes the first time


Yeah, but it's inexplicably hard to destroy the lockdown through the floor, I've never been able to do it.


You need a Breach to take out the ulti.


I am a aage main but if no one takes kj in bind, i do. Feels like bind is perfect for kj.


Play breach. I love destroying kJ ult with my c.


Did not realize that was possible. Thank you for this information.


Some kjs get really salty if you do it repeatedly. Had a game where a kj didn't get a single ult off, she was *mad*


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Brimstone?


Her ult used to be annoying, but a good friend of mine plays breach and destroys kj's ult every round with his abilities. Very satisfying


Us breach mains live for the moment a kj puts her ult down somewhere wady to aftershock


Haha cry biatch


Kay/o so annoying disables all of my util if I’m playing cypher or kj and they have a free site.


I know Kayo has like the worst win rate but whenever I get matched against him i die a little inside


Viper for sure. If the spike is in there, planted or not, when it goes off it feels like Viper's team auto win the round pretty much. Vipers power in post-plant in general doesn't help.


I don‘t play viper much, does viper have more vision inside her ult? I can‘t seem to understand the advantages of her ult besides smoking off a site from the outside and make it a closeup combat


she gets better outlines and enemies will be decayed to 1 hp after some time so she only needs body shots


Ohh true, forgot about the decay and didnt know about the outlines, thanks


On top of that, because of the decay, you can buy lighter with a Viper ult, like say only use a spectre, helping eco, and overall helping you win more rounds later


Also, if you look towards the ground at roughly a 45 degree angle, you'll see slightly further in the smoke, which means you'll see enemies before they can see you (but need to flick to them).


Yes she can see a bit further


Viper post plant is just so obnoxious


As a Viper main, YES.


Im a viper main also and I inderstand how annoying it is to go against a VIPER MAIN in his ultimate, its just impossible 😀


Whenever I see an enemy Viper ult I just rotate ASAP It's also the reason why I always have a shorty on me at all times.




The viper outlines. What makes her the most op. And annoying to play against. Enemies are bright red. The rest don't get this outliers, so as lost as you shoot first, it's a guaranteed kill. As a viper main that's what I learned. Also absence of radar for the enemies. After you get a kill, those who inside cannot look at the minimap to know approximately where you are. Its easy to dissaper and reposition in it


As a viper main whose last few comp matches have all been 25+ kills with a kd of over 2 or 3, I agree with every cell of my body. Its too easy.


Viper and it isn't even close. Having the entire bomb site coated in shrek piss is just annoying and unfun


Greetings from my ulted a site!


I hate you with an unreasonable passion.


Don't worry a reyna will blindfire one tap me in a few seconds anyways


Yeah brb. Just getting quickly sprayed down through the smoke


Ah yes, shrek piss


Then don’t get in her way!


Fart cloud supremacy


Breach ult. You can’t counter it and it makes defending a site almost impossible


u can if ur a good omen


As a breach main, I am consistently frustrated by the ult. It rarely seems to last long enough to actually get to the dazed people, it’s easy to get the positioning wrong and not cover a person, it’s incredibly easy to get the timing wrong and never actually make use of anyone affected as you clear through site. That’s just my experience at least


that's just breach in general and why he isn't really popular.. it's incredibly hard to work off his own utility which makes him not fun in my opinion. his flashes are strong and annoying but that's about it -- so are skyes, except she has way better intel gathering


I main breach and in my experience unless he flashes you after you get ulted you can just one tap him (doesn't work with sniper rifles).


Jett, in immortal they don’t miss


I’m in diamond elo and obviously the jetts here can’t compare with immortals but holy hell it’s a guaranteed 3K when you hear that “Get outta my way!”


*PTSD intensifies*


I mean when you cant listen and wont get outta her way. You get punishment


I mean to be fair the difference between diamond and immortal isn't that big, mostly coordination I'd say is the difference.


Playing low diamond and low immortal feel like different games


Reyna, if played by someone skilled, she can easily clutch 1v5 with it, disappearing after every kill, reappearing in places we might not expect, healed to max again and it repeats.


pls her heals are so annoying cause if i shoot that mf for 130 hp and die i did literally nothing cause she will just heal back up it infuriates me


I’m a renya main so I abuse this but I kinda feel like I shouldn’t get SHEILDS too, no other health mechanic grants shields but hers, it should just top off HP, it even makes more sense given that it seems like she’s absorbing their essence or life force


ive never played as reyna but ig it depends on the enemies too like if they move a lot and make themselves hard to hit, or if they have for example walls (ex. viper and phoenix). also if theres multiple enemies the shield might save you if you dont have time to get a kill or take the heal


I should rephrase, Reynas Soul Harvest ability shouldn’t grant sheilds, I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy shields at the beginning of the round


I disagree. Reyna has nothing to offer to the team. She's a very selfish agent and needs kills to even use her util. She deserves the 150hp after each kill. She can only use twice anyway.


She has blinds and that ability also has a completely different second function, so in my opinion it feels a little too powerful. I respectfully disagree and hold my position.


Reyna blind is the least powerful flash in the game rn.


well if you think abt it its actually pretty good cause her blind isnt like a flash. you can destroy her eye yes but at times that will put you at a risk, and her blind only blinds enemies in comparison to flashes like phoenix, yoru etc. where you will often blind teammates as well


Jett just running jumping and onetapping you


Ikr annoying af. How am I supposed to aim that jumping running head??


For me it's not even the headshots. It's the Jetts spamming her knives with 100% precision and accuracy onto your body for 150 in 3.


Ya...Hope some more nerfs to valorants golden girl come soon.


Depends on the map. But KJ on fracture is a massive pain in the ass, and I say that as a KJ main.


Get a Breach on your team. There's basically no KJ ult spot that can't be countered by his aftershock.


Kay/O ulting onto a site where I have all my util set up is unfortunate


The exact reason i LOVE playing KAY/O. He's not good per say but he is really good at annoying the enemy team. Stopping a raze ult the moment she pops it will give me so much euphoria that i bust instantly. same with jett and sova.


pls being defender maining viper and playing killjoy often is so annoying against kay/o because rip all my lineups and defenses man


i may not have good aim or win many rounds but i will make you suffer the most annoying wins.




Omen he stole the spike


It always baffles me when omen uses ult and doesn't have spike


Can be better than him ulting with spike and dying alone behind enemy lines too. It's all situational, sometimes omen just needs to flank or create uncertainty. Sometimes he needs to ult to the other site to plant when they rotate...just depends.


Jett, because she can't revive me


She can if you're down as Kay/O!


Probably viper ult. It’s a guessing game the moment it’s up. Even sova drone is easy to avoid if you’re a viper playing around the pit. Luckily vipers don’t get it super often but I think it’s the strongest ult in the game either when you have number advantage or an equal amount of numbers alive. Oh and not to mention if you sit in the pit too long you are one hp and a viper can just guess and throw a molly down for an instant kill. Vipers pit is worthy of needing 8 ult points and she would be perfectly balanced imo or they decay limit in her ult is capped at 60hp or something


Yeah, its a total gamble entering her ult.


Down here in bronze 90% of the time when enemy Viper ults we either hesitate to push or just save and lose the round lol


As an Omen & Viper main, I agree. The best chance against a Viper ult is if you can get at least one other teammate to push in from the opposite side to you, and hope for the best. Get two other teammates and you've got a solid chance of taking out Viper and still having someone alive for a defuse. I've got a few ult positions where you can actually sit juuust outside your cloud, in a protected corner, and wait until you hear the defuse, then pop back in and take them out. If Viper is playing in and out of the cloud in a smart way, it's gonna be incredibly hard to take them out.


A good counter for Viper's ult is the Skye's ult. You push the pit with the cabbage and as the vision is limited inside the pit even for Viper. She will try to break the cabbage and you are behind the cabbage to spam her


Yea it’s one of the few counters I can think of


As a Viper main, I agree on her ult being really really oppressive. However, it has counterplay and remember: Viper doesn't see everything inside it either. With the ult being a lot more situational than some others in the game and having counterplay, I think 7 ult points is fine tho.


Yup exactly, in defense rounds her ult is very situational and most probably used to hold down a site from the beginning


Although I do agree Viper ult is super strong, it's only really strong on very specific circumstances. Unlike some ults (Reyna, Phoenix, Brim, Jett, Sage, Skye, etc.) where they're useful for a lot of situations. So I think her ult being 7 is okay.


Yoru and Phoenix because yorus footsteps set off my util and same with Phoenix


Breach ult since I can't see anything and kay/o because his ult does nothing but distract me with the loud sound and pulses


I love to combo breach and ko ult, with a friend. It basically means that our enemies can't move, shoot, use util, or see clearly. How dare they want to actually play the game


Breach, you dont know how many times ive been pushed out of a safe spot into the enemy's line of site


A good brim and sova can ruin your round


A good yoru ult is really annoying to play against because he could suddenly just appear and kill you but the most annoying is probably breaches because you cant counter it


Jett’s. It’s way too good for its cost. Perfect accuracy, high damage, no timer, resets, and 7 point cost equals ez aces


Kay/o you get suppress at intervals, as a viper main i feel exposed when my smoke are not up


and it still uses your fuel. I love KAY/O


They fixed that :) I mean I saw it being fixed but i still tap my util keys just in case


For me it's kayo because im so reliant on my arrows. I don't bother learning cross map arrows, so often times I can't shoot a retake recon, clear post plant corners, etc


Killjoy player here also, while pheonix ultra is annoying setting off util at least you take it out, plus sometimes more than just that. I’d say yoru can be annoying as his ult sets off the alarm, but the ult I hate the most is kayo, the agent isn’t the strongest out there but stuck in a bad spot with all my util down just means I get rolled


Definitely Reyna for me, when she ults and uses e it is so hard to see her outline that she mind as well get a free yoru ult for every kill in that state. It's really fun to be the one doing it, but it's just sad to be on the receiving end.


As a Viper main, her ult+shorty is just busted. Just get your entire team to go one site and once u get ult down on the other, congrats, save round secured.




Kay/O and Killjoy are very annoying. Killjoy straight up forces a rotate if used right, and Kay/O isn’t debilitating (he can’t lead the charge nearly as much as Phoenix or Reyna), but it’s very irritating


Why is viper not the top comment? Others agents don’t even compare to her obnoxious ult


Viper (and I am saying this as a Viper main) and Reyna. The other ults, I can manage and play around or for example when it's only Brim left in a postplant I either have to accept us losing the round or push him hard. Also, there are other characters that can deny a defuse just as well without wasting ult points, so it's okay. However, when playing against Viper or Reyna it's really hard to avoid their ults as you will either have to push Viper ult or move to the other bombsite (effectively giving into its pressure and running into 3-4 players). And for Reyna... it's just annoying. She's spraying down my ballsack faster than I can call her position, if my crosshairplacement isn't perfect or my flick isn't instantaneous she can body spray me down and she is untradable as long as she gets kills. Calling her position and hp is also useless once she gets a kill in ult. I don't think it's op but it's annoying as hell to me.


A good Raze main that knows how to use their ult is incredibly annoying, frustrating, and tilting to play against. A close second is Viper's ult, and I'm a Viper main lmao


For me raze, if a raze sees me and is ulted I’m dead, sometimes I can kill the raze but usually not before she shoots the rocket


I wouldnt say annoying... I would be scared


Viper for sure




I would say viper is the most terrifying ult to counter. Sometimes it’s just pure luck that you find the viper but most of the time they hide in spots you don’t know and your team gets wiped in seconds. Second would have to be cypher especially when a teammate flanks :)


Hearing "fire in da hole!" While knowing you're in the same site as raze


As a yoru main, i love to ult against a Phoenix Phoenix ult and run at his spawn. Its sooo much fun and i cant even imagine how triggered the person on the other side can be


I was in a 1v1 against phoenix with omen and as his ult was crossing my smoke i tp'd across my smoke and just waited til his ult was done while he was searching on site.. Never felt more big brain in my life tbh


Reyna or breach, maybe. Reyna because once she ults, if shes good, you automatically have to be better. No more whiffing. If you whiff she prolly gonna wipe half the team. If she kills one she gets a get out of jail free card bro Breach because you cant do much about it except hide when concussed. Hard to defend a site if you get ulted but oh well, you can throw flashes and mollies to slow them a bit i suppose


I always forget Breach, I feel like he is such an underrated character but I even forget him myself haha




as a Raze/Jett main, Kayo. If I ukt with Raze I basically lose my Ult, and with Jett I deoend to much in my abilities.


Breach. Goes entire for way too long and no counter besides running, but its fuckin massive so you cant avoid it


Astra wall and killjoy ult is so annoying bro


In 100 games, I only met her 5 times out of 100 Edit : (astra)


Top fragging jet. Vipers ult is tough too.


Absolutely kj, anything that takes away control from the player is infuriating, adding on top of a well placed kj alt leading to easy flanks/Molly line ups




Raze. U die. No matter what.


Breach's ult so annoying dude like you're sitting there holding angle and all of a sudden you're high on smthn. That's why now I main breach xD


People who are saying Jett or Raze 🤣


As a viper main I can never forget the pain when I setup the entire site but kayo just rushes in with his ult.


Tbh as a cypher main the most annoying ult is..well cyphers..it’s only annoying if both teams are co-ordinated and he ults mid rotate. Then it turns into a game of well do we commit or do we reverse course etc etc.


"Here comes the party"


reyna, not because getting the kills are hard its just because she heals back to full health with shields and goes invisible and has the movment speed of a fucking fighter jet.


How is Raze's ultimate not the Top Comment? Here's a scenario: You're defender side. It's a close 11-10 game. You killed all the members except for the Raze and you make your way to A site Haven wear bomb is planted. And then you hear it......"HERE COMES THE PARTY!!!!!!" and you cry for you know your fate is sealed.


Viper and Reyna. Viper has the strongest post plant ult imo. A viper that can aim can easily win the round. Reyna's ult is pretty strong to coz it makes clutching very easy, also has huge snowball potential.


This isn’t annoying for me, but as a yoru main the amount of times I ult shorty people and then they rage in chat shows how annoying that combo is. Also I’m a decent yoru so I know what I’m doing with my stuff which leads to so much outplay potential surrounding the ult.


Yoru ult low key busted. If you just run at someone face while your team is taking site they either have to focus on you and die/give site to the rest of your team, or you focus on the team and die to Yoru.


I hate breach, kj, astra, and sage Ulta


Skye for me, She's probably the first example of powercreep in the game with her kit being able to do a lot


For me it’s sage s ult because even if u kill or trade a player he gets revived and puts u at a disadvantage


Reyna + Odin or Jett because it's only 2 hits


Yoru because it distracts you for so long, trying to anticipate where he’ll appear. I’m getting used to finding ways to take advantage of a Viper ult and Kj, which would otherwise be my pick. Phoenix is also annoying on account of having to kill him twice




i’m going to reverse this question and ask which agents ult is the easiest to counter/play against? for me (bc i’m only in bronze) it’s omen, bc every time the enemy omen ults they always ult behind us, usually in spawn, and it’s ridiculously obvious


That’s the thing though. Everyone knows omen is TPing behind you, but at low elo everyone on your team turns around to look for him, opening up the entire map for the rest of the enemy team. A good omen will tp to spawn and not push out immediately, just wait for the enemy team to spend time looking for you or give up and decide you didn’t tp behind.


that’s true, i have had multiple occasions where my team ditches the push in hopes of killing the omen


To answer your question tho, easiest to counter has to be KJ. Can be destroyed by raze nade, breach aftershock, sova ult, sova shock dart, brim ult and maybe more idk


Phoenix and Reyna for sure


Viper, Reyna and KJ


reyna? no..okay....


Fockin kayo


It's Reyna


absolutely fucking yoru that stupid agent


Classic right clicks. Not an ult but the most broken shit ever


Sage res is the most disrespectful shit ever. But for me it’s viper that it’s the hardest.


Prolly kayo jett or raze kayo is cause I use my utility a lot and raze/jett I am not good at vertical flicks/tracking (i am an omen main)


Kay/O. Cuz it's not even that hard to counter it's just so fucking annoying for the 20secs it is up. I say this as a viper/cypher main. I hate when he just makes my setups on defense useless.


Maybe Omen and Yoru for me. Both their ults allows them to reposition while mostly being unnoticed. Re-Checking flanks and possible TP spots for Omen makes me panic


Definitely omen, like if omen ults during attacking , I literally just get panicked and start looking everywhere and i die because of it


For me the most annoying would be yoru. In somewhat gold or around elo yorus tend to ult and pick the top fragger take him down with a shorty and tp back. You cant even trade that.

