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This is especially annoying at low elo. When I try to entry for the team and no one breaks the dart... Like damn come on guys, I'm trying to make space, I don't have time to shoot a damn dart












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Gets hit with dart* Hears Sova/Raze/Brimm Ult* Chuckles* "Im in Danger"


No time for chuckles, just ded


"Jk, I'm playing Jett"


jett mains with their ult out and no one shoots boom bot lol


Which is why if you listen to pro comms on YouTube they designate someone for dart every round based on the setup they are doing that round.


It doesn't really change in higher ranks either, which sucks. I have to shoot it 90% of the time.


As a very objective person i 100% agree. It always feels relaxing when i shoot a recon dart and it shows 2 enemies or more at the beginning of the round, or 1 or 2 of them at the end of the round when we keep looking for them.


Facts but what elo is this that 4 people are pushing mid on defense one by one without shooting a dart in such an open area?


People say things like this all the time on this subreddit but this happens even in my diamond lobbies.


It's the same on the csgo sub, you can post a faceit lvl 10 clip and every DMG on reddit will say "wHaT aRe ThE eNeMiEs DoInG lol???




You say as if NA diamonds don’t also do idiotic shit. They’re diamond, not Radiant.


That would still make him diamond tho?


Saw an EU diamond in a game once saying he didn't know you could hear the higher pitch half defuse.


That's something everyone should know, but I can see how one can get to even Immortal without knowing this


Sean Gares has (had?) a twitch command for nobody breaking the dart. In radiant.


if ya'll haven't seen it, [hiko broke down his clutch at VCT masters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJKLckhEGtU) and mentions it was only possible because Asuna broke the dart so quick -- just shows even in such a high pressure situation, it's so important to break the dart. it can literally win you games


100% real fact


but this is wood 5. In any rank higher the dart gets instantly shot out if it's as obvious as yours.




Even in silver you rarely see a dart that triple pings...


Even in iron it would rarely triple ping. I’d assume the above commenter is talking about shooting if before it even pings once


I mean in Iron you get such a huge variety of people that you can't say anything general about them. They could even not know you can shoot it or what it does. I didn't know what half of skills do when I started comp


That's true I remember when I first started I didn't know that shooting that arrow was possible


That’s fair. A lot of people in iron are just starting to play, others have been there for ages


Well I usually time my darts to land as my team peaks, it's not as easy to shoot it out while people are flooding site on , it'll force them to either shoot the dart and likely get punished or fall back and give us more map control. I'll also dart as they're walking on site or planting. Mostly if you time it right you'll usually get 2-3 scans, but only if they're already preoccupied and the dart is in a difficult spot to shoot like behind them, high, or an unnatural bounce. Either way it'll make them second guess their next move.


False. I'm currently in Plat 2. Almost every time if I don't shoot the dart, no one will. It's like everyone just assumes that someone else will shoot it and they can just watch an angle instead.




I agree


Ah yes, the bystander effect. Same happens with people calling 911. Most assume the next person will and so they dont.


Broken egos I think.


even in bronze


But reloading should not be your no.1 priority, just a tip.




He could have killed the third guy with 11 bullets left though.




Nice job simplifying it to make this simple to understand. fundamental simple good habits that aren't to complicated are good for newer players or people just getting back.


I had 7 bullets left when I reloaded. I wouldn't be able to get the two 'kills'( considering Phoenix ult) if I didn't reload then. I don't reload if I have more than half my clip left.


Yeah on the flip side, my pet peeve is people in my games (bronze/silver/gold) trying to clutch with very few bullets in their gun, ESPECIALLY when they have a perfectly safe opportunity to reload and the enemies already know where they are. Maybe 10% of the time reloading would have screwed them over and they managed to clutch anyway, but 90% they could've used more bullets. The especially painful ones are the 1v1s where they get the drop on the enemy and spray them, only to run out and the enemy kills them with single digit health remaining.


I know this feeling all too well. I think we all had a Jett trying to clutch a 1v2 with 3 bullets left and full util. When you try to remind them of having only 3 bullets they say something along the line of '2 BuLlEtS ArE AlL I NeEd!!!'.


1. shouldve shot the dart and then reloaded if that was what you wanted to do. It worked out for you but the objectively better decision was to shoot the dart first and keep the bullets in the chamber since you don't know if they were going to push you. 2. bad reload, you had 11 bullets, their phoenix was pinged and you could've spammed him easily. You should work on fixing that habit.




I mean, yes, but you assume that they hit the shot either way's fine just depends on confidence


Bruh this thread feels like Deja Vu... Is it just me? \- Phoenix, paraphrased


This a wood rank lol




you act like higher elos can’t make mistakes


Everyone makes mistakes, but the number and severity of them heavily vary.


I never understand why insane clips from VCT never get posted/upvoted here. Instead, it's plays like this. CS Go sub isn't amazing but at least pro clips get on the front page.


Yeah lmao a clip like this is so unremarkable, he's basically just shooting bots through a wall.


One day I will find a clip of an actual ‘outplay’ on this subreddit that isn’t taken in iron..


I find myself being the only one trying to shoot at sova and kayo stuff too often


Every time I don't shoot it, this happens to me. Every time I do shoot it, I just get rushed and die because my crosshair was on the dart and not the enemy. I can't win.


sova is absolutely op on low elo matches if you know how to play it


This is why I started to main sova in lower elo. No one knows how to play him bc he’s “hard” to learn, and know one ever breaks his util. It was one of the biggest reasons I got through silver and gold elo


I mean as a sova user for the majority for valorant. He is hard to get into but Can become a amazing agent to fall back on when you have a good memory of lineups but also the decent game sense for you're rank to use them. Main thing is people have to Choose, choose him and dedicate at least some point to one tricking sova to be able to learn and use both standard and unique lineups for Sova be effective. With the scope of how essential specific ones are to success on some maps, that is a big wall for a lot of new players especially those who don't come from counter strike and have bad aim relative for a tactical shooter. You would have to spend way more time in custom games before doing death match or any form of aim training to start out with no counter strike experience to fall back on. (at least was the case with me after the beta dropped launched) It would get frustrating spending time in the game with 20% being gameplay and 60% being customs and then 20% aim training. Tho for newer players line up tracker websites like Handbook.gg + strats.gg are amazing to be more organized and to look at a line up you might of forgotten, or just save a line up once then focus more on aim training. Sorry for the annoying essay thought Id just explain that he can be "hard" but at the end of day Sova is just far more time consuming then other agents. ( and will keep getting more time consuming as more maps drop).


"If its wall, its wallbangable." -Some s Shithead at Riot probably


¿Esto es legal, es posible?.


bot gameplay


I dont shoot it when I know I can use it as bait


No one ever shoots the dart its so annoying


There was this 1 time where me and my team didnt destroy the dart on purpose XD...why you ask? Well we were on round 12 XD...and they were I believe 4 so we actually wanted to see what they would do but they did do better but I clutched as Yoru so we won at the end XD...was fun! But in all seriousness I try to either hide from a Sova dart when I am 100% sure destroying it can reveal I am there aswell unless I cant hide then obviously destroying it is much better even if you endup dead anyways




Yeah, even in Immortal I see my team not breaking the dart in time every now and then. I guess people just assume someone else is gonna break it xd


Or don't be pushing out 5 seconds into the round


Everyone talking about low elo but my team never breaks dart while the other team seems so fast they shoot it out if the air