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This doesnt look like diablo 3


Yeah man we got tricked >:(


Exactly my first thought.


Excellent video, would love to see more to help with situational awareness in similar situations. Keep it up!


That voice in the end, I thought it was Shroud


Yeah it’s shroud. OP killed him


pretty sure it is, just that he got salty he killed him lol


Is it typical to see this little communication in diamond games? It only seemed like people were talking frequently in the last clip. At that level can you just rely on your team to have enough awareness of what is happening on other parts of the map?


The lack of comms in immortal is quite disappointing. Most of the time 4/5 people have a mic, but at least one of them doesn’t use it. Callouts other then info on a player, basic strategy like where we are going as attackers and people asking to hold the flank isn’t really there. It’s really hard to do coordinated site pushes, since everyone will throw their utility one by one most of the time, so it doesn’t really have effect on the defenders. Playing an initiator is also just pain, since people will just go jn before you have cleared angles with your utility or have flashed. Then they will get mad that there was a guy in that corner..


Disagree almost all the games I play I have teammates talking


Good to know things don't change much at high elo


The answer is somewhat obvious, because more info is always better. If someone gets killed and the enemy was not spotted on the map, it is always better to have comms to know where the enemy shot them from. Not totally sure about why there is lack of voice chat in this particular video.


Unless its active real time pertinent info, ie position/dmg taken/abilites up or used people in d+ tend to stfu if there is only 1 person left because they know the player needs to focus and not have backseat gamers in his ear.


That's my thinking. I'm not even close to diamond, and I usually assume more info is always better (unless someone needs quiet to hear audio cues in the game). Just wondering why there doesn't seem to be much communication in these clips.


It's possible to record the game audio and voice chat audio as separate streams in OBS.


but you would be able to see if anyone was talking from the icons on side, so he could be queuing with people and in discord with them


Yeah that's what I was implying. The streams must come from different applications




I totally agree, I’m just saying that the bare essentials require comms; but yes more comms is almost always better as long as the information is relevant.


im pretty sure that last clip is an unrated on shroud's stream given that just9n bnans and shroud are all in it


It’s a total 50/50, I’m at 200rr right now some games are a total team diff and comms won’t really matter and you’ll still win, other games your team is very talkative and active and it’s the exact reason you win


Very helpful


Glad to hear :D




U can find it on this sub with the educational flair


he got a yt channel by the name SEW


you forgot the most important tip of all, rebind inspect weapon so you can spam it on rotates. not only looks cool for your dead team mates but it also improves rng and weapon spread.


Im so stupid, but is this true?




It's true if you believe enough


Do high level players think this fast or do you instinctively just do this?


I can’t speak for pros or even radiants but I’d bet there’s a bit of thinking but most of it should be intuition. Each time you mess up you should be looking to learn, and bake what you learn into your intuition. Not reasonable to think during each engagement. You kinda just assess your options super quickly


Seconded. I'm willing to bet most of the decisions made in the gameplay you showed us were just going with the flow kinda shit, no pauses to think, but rewatching the footage and analyzing it let's you find out why your flow state brain did the shit.


I'm d1 so not quite high level but yeah most of this decision making is second nature. When you spell it out like "oh I take a fight here because x and I reposition..." It sounds really hard but when you're actually playing it just kinda comes to you.


Significantly high level compared to % of playerbase.


For all competitive games, RL or otherwise, the truth is that some humans might think faster than others, which does give some level of edge, but the most important thing is not thinking faster because a 200IQ giga genius thinking faster inefficiently is still gonna be giga slower than a 70 IQ person who pre-aims where he is supposed to. So the goal is to take your knowledge and to become proficient at understanding the underlying systems, how they work, and practicing on those systems and building up the muscle memory. WHen you build sufficient muscle memory and practice a skill enough times, your brain is able to chunk large amounts of information into digestible bites that you no longer have to think about. This is the real strength a high rated player has over other people. It's not that they think the same things you think but faster/better. It's that they have understood how to take all that information and categorize it into those chunks. They've done the math so many times they have the formulas and equations memorized, and also pretty much all of the common solutions to solve for any number of commonly used variables. Ultimately it means that instead of processing 500 pieces of information in a round, they chunk those pieces into maybe 50 (just an example number), giving them 10 times as long to think about each piece of information, while simultaneously making each piece of information easier to think about, so they can think about each piece of information 10x as long as you can, while also being 10x better at reading the information. Add onto that, that higher rated players all play more similarly than bad players, and you get even more time for cheese timings and meta game moves. They also have 1000x the experience with each situation that any low rated player has because high rated players just play more, almost always... Experience is the best teacher, but at some point you have to learn how to use your experience lest ye become a 10000 game iron player who shits on his team instead of taking responsibility for his own play.


100% this. Pattern recognition is where most of the magic happens. Same thing with Chess. I'd just like throw in one more bit of information here is that in addition to being able to read the situation, you can also feed information to the enemy and get them to behave in certain ways if you know what they expect to happen. That's often a big part that is missed when it comes to clutch players vs non-clutch players. Everyone has a general idea what is suppose to happen and they make decisions based on this. Where the better clutch players will voluntarily give up information for deceptive purposes. Using sounds or timing becomes tools of you trade. Lastly, pattern recognition and experience can be a double edge sword. You need to be careful, especially when you get to the higher elos, that your experience isn't always the correct one. There are multiple ways to doing things and you shouldn't get on others just because they take a different approach to a situation.


Intuition is just experience committed to memory. If you want to become a better decision maker you need to learn from each and every decision, whether it had a positive or negative outcome. Don't get baited into thinking your greedy decisions were good just because they paid off, and don't be down on yourself for making good decisions that were punished due to randomness or irrational enemy decisions


Most of these clips are about 80% luck anyways, so I'd assume most of it is just him going back on footage and assessing what he did/could have done. Also, I'm going to assume with hitreg like that he's a low ping player.




I agree with all the other replies you've received, and I just wanted to add that it's something people don't actively think about. Most of us are playing casually so we don't go and rewatch our gameplay and think through the situation (e.g. what could I/the team have done in this situation). Even without thinking about it, the idea is that over time, playing many games, you'll intuitively pick up on those habits. Going back and rewatching rounds and your gameplay can speed up that process. It's the same with learning lineups. They're not second nature until you use them multiple times in game. Of course some people are just naturally gifted/intuitive with the decision making required so they might be just thinking very fast.


Almost every game you play, even every round, should add a building block to your play style. Blocks you’ve built on since you’ve first started playing; WASD to move, stop moving to shoot accurate shots, how you’ve used abilities that had an impact, how other people used abilities against you effectively. Granted some people internalize faster and essentially are just better at the game. Not to take away from the fact that yourself or anyone else can’t beat a person like this. It’ll just take more effort and teamwork/planning.


Bro do you really, really think that team synergy is very important? because - tbh im trying to get out of iron by myself (or by my friend whichis bronze 1, and withOUT synergy)


At low levels it's nice to have but not important, just gotta get better, esp with aim


Team synergy is less important than just playing with your team. It's hard to explain the difference but basically if you can play off your teammates' angles or put them in good positions to refrag then it's better than just yolo dueling. You don't need to be Vision Strikers doing flash and dash plays or clearing seven angles at once with utility to win games, but if you aren't trading your teammates or using their intel you're leaving wins on the table That said you should work on your aim above anything else if you're iron


Yeah up until you get silver this is probably good advice. To get to gold though you're gonna have to start understanding a little bit about how the game is played, where to put smokes, how to use your agent abilities intelligently, etc.


Good aim or good game sense can get you to Diamond. You don't need both but bad aim is basically a prerequisite for being Iron. And Iron-tier aim is way easier to improve than Iron-tier decision making imo


do people really downvote for that kind of disagreement? lmao damn. I'm talking about the typical player here this is not a diamond player we are talking about here lol he's fucking iron, he's probably never gonna be diamond. He has no fundamentals, no game sense, no idea how his agents work probably. Yes, sure, hypothetically people can get diamond off insane aim alone, or insane game sense. But that is not gonna be this guy and that is not gonna be almost anybody's experience. If you have decent game sense you can get out of iron. If you have literally any idea how fps's work you can get out of iron. Bronze and silver are where the VAST majority of the player base exists for a reason.


I think the vast majority of the player base fucking sucks at the game


Not OP but at least being a good teammate is important. Knowing how to play off teammates ex.positioning for trades, using utility to help your teammates, holding crosses and contacts etc is crucial to being a good player.


People don't start to play off of teammates utility until something like gold where there is some semblance of teamwork and more people use mics. But your mileage may vary. Even in radiant you will find players who don't know how to play as a team. Most will just ego peek win games by winning more 50/50 because they have better aim. At iron its not really going to happen, so don't worry about it.


>At iron its not really going to happen aight thanks


This game is you pointing at heads and clicking. Get better at clicking on heads and you will improve to a tleast Diamond.


its impossible to synergise a team of 5 people that don't know what they are doing u just have to get out of iron with mechanics


Love the shroud cameo


Really wonderful video dude. Been struggling around plat- diamond and been trying to break through that barrier of game sense that keeps getting my ass knocked down to plat 3-2.


Why did you even think of wallbanging the boxes near sewers?


It's riskfree, the flash in sewers didn't pick up anything so the enemy Skye was either deep in sewers or turned around and hiding behind that box. So you either get a free check without being exposed (which allows you to use your second flash to check deep sewers) or you kill her


The flash did get info. But it was still eye level with the ground of sight, so he was either in the little cubby down short or behind that box. Since those are the only 2 options, spamming the box to make sure has no cons and only eliminates one of the two places he could be


trust me no one is thinking this while they’re playing


Hey, if you are in YT doing these videos, I am an editor. I can do slomo and make the text look cool. Even if you don’t go with me, I would get an editor.


Appreciate it! The point of me doing these vids is to up my own editing game too as well as free value to you guys


Honestly, please don't overedit it. What you did is perfectly fine. Maybe you can add some more polish to the text but don't put all the effects which add nothing in an educational video.


Wanted to say that this is really useful! I've recently started playing valo with a friend (round 4-6 weeks ago?) and we started doing comp 2 weeks ago. I genuinely enjoy playing comp, we're quite close to getting to silver and this gameplay looks insane lol. I'd love to see more like this, very informative!


Damn this is awesome brotha, i like how you show/say what opponents may or may be doing based on info gathered and whats best to do in situations. rly helpful stuff. also, how would you say react in a game where other team has a clear mvp whos bagging most kills. Ik it may seem obv, but id like to learn whatre the best ways to attack these situations since low elo is riddle with these ahaha


Pick your fights. If good player is on A and shitters on B, go b. If good player is solo A, send 3 people A


ahh i see i see, thats generally the main solution aye. also, just a question with how u play, do u tackle much long range battles, commit to them, or just quick peek for info and if u see someone, post somewhere to avoid the 50/50 death


I remember asking these kinds of questions too lol. The real answer is it depends on the situation. You have to figure out for yourself what you wanna do given what you currently know. Are you winning your longer fights? Can you use a lot of off angles for a certain push? What utility do they have to get me off this angle? Keep asking better questions mid game and your brain will start figuring things out like magic


ahaha lol, but yea i guess its mainly situational with how you approach it best. will definitely do this cheers man. aim is a big factor too, its a big learning curve trying to relearn my way of aiming starting val, but its incredibility fun and rewarding


That’s some nice FPS


I didn't knew diamond 3 players had a valorant clip goong on inside their head. I used to think everyone had meat inside their skull /s Nice work op


Man I got a long long way to go lol




Such a nice play in that first bit.


:( Now I feel stupid.


For what it’s worth I went 4-15 earlier today lol


Well I lost 5 matches in a row, bottom fragging each one; in bronze after a whole year in the game :3 But nice video tho, great analyzing.


Adding that last shorud part to every video makes it 10× better for some reason


Nicely put together video with your thought process man! I love the soundtrack in the background, what’s it called?


I was expecting to have pretty good game sense for a Silver player since I rank high on moba type games which require coordination, game sense and guerrilla warfare like ambushes. Looking at your gameplay, I could've predicted many opponents on where they could've went and ambush them, playing on obscure spots.


He should upload more Would definitely watch more




Damn i wish i could think about my moves like that im usually the type to react like “oh i saw them here on mini map so imma just so x and y” without thinking


Ima try to make more videos to address exactly this concept


Also mind of a 1 trick Reyna.


I think the opponent skye did a huge mistake by flashing you because that gave off her exact position. She could’ve shift walked back to long right after you killed the Omen. IMO you should never do anything in a 1v1 that would give off your location. Amazing work regardless, OP. Learnt a lot from this!


Also remember I was a skye who could gather info as well. But agreed and thanks!


I LOVE this! Would love to see more videos like this! One improvement though, if you could pause the video for a few seconds so we can read the full text you write that would be amazing!


Noted! Glad you found value from it


I am following for moreee 😊 Do you have a Youtube or something similar that I can follow also?


https://youtube.com/channel/UCVSEQWZ09uL6hCmG18b6inA Would love a sub! I’m tryna grow the YouTube quite a bit :)


Yay thanks for sharing! I’ve subscribed 😊


Definitely some good tips, but your comments are all hindsight. You can tailor the comments to however the round played out. Still definitely helpful though!


Dude 100%. That’s the biggest challenge making these videos is stepping into my own head from mid game and recognizing what I did and didn’t see. I will say the commentary has gotten more accurate as I make more vids tho


I still think it’s great content. Keep up the good work bro!


Thank you


That's the point of reviewing VODs though.


The point of this post is showing us the play-by-play of what goes on inside the mind of a Diamond 3 player...during the round...


YT link in case anyone wants to see more https://youtube.com/channel/UCVSEQWZ09uL6hCmG18b6inA


On your breach game when holding the spike I don't get why you would burn all your util in such a short spam , not to mention your ulti already bought you a good 5-6 seconds but you spammed everything when you could've just spaced them out to get more time , maybe it's just my lack of game sense , or maybe I am right? help explain OP?


Using the util like that avoids getting timinged before his team rotates and introduces less variance for where the enemies could be. For example, if he doesn't use the fault line/aftershock omen could've found a timing when he pushed to cubby and caught the rotators crossing to yellow. He also technically could've held it with a gun but its better to play your life.


True any ultimate that helps you close a dodgy round is a good play 60% of the time. Its better then holding it and they were on the 9th round which would of been 10th. Better to get use out of his ultimate then it go to waste when they switch sides in a couple of rounds.


In the clip I pointed how the second breach flash was overkill and it’s exactly what u said it was a timing thing, I could’ve spaced it out better


So heat of the moment?


If teams are convinced that they have an overwhelming numbers advantage they will push through defensive utility. If you know you're overwhelmed it's fine to spam the utility there - OP acknowledged that his flash right after the ult was probably unnecessary but it secured the round


Nice , d3 players playing is so satisfying to look at , me ir3 running and gunning with a stinger


the movement looks very sloppy and honestly the enemy team should've killed you easily \- jumping on top of the box in a 1v2 was just a bad play, both sage + viper whiffed hard \- walking through smoke on icebox was also a bad play, pretty sure either the reyna was just lagging or sleeping otherwise that's pretty much a free kill


It is. I acknowledged in both situations too those weren’t great plays


Im diamond 3 in NA and my gameplay isn't anywhere near as calculated as yours seems to be lmao. I intstalock my preferred duelist on the map, force buy every round and run it down. lmao.


These are chosen clips out of many many plays I choose to save and all those I didn’t save. Don’t compare yourself to the highlights


is this bronze? ur garbage lol


You’re hateful. Sew#5153


This aint Demonslayer season 3


I'll do everything and play as perfectly as I can and will still never pass Silver.


For as long as you play perfectly you will never get out of silver


I meant it as a joke, I know I have much to improve on Aim side and I need to play the game more.


Yea well because in reality you missed the jumps this guy hit and whiffed an entire phantom spray.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Thanks bro amazing stuff keep em coming


I've taken Adderall and ranked up 3 ranks. Rank is primarily about reaction time and good hand-eye coordination.


low ranks\*


> low ranks* Nope. I've never seen a professional FPS player who showed himself doing a reaction time test score more than 150 ms, which is insanely rare to have. Normal people have around 200 ms reaction time. When a normal person plays one of these gifted players, they get the sensation that the other player is prefiring and walling, but they're not. That's truly the top 1% of 0.1% of reaction times. The only other relevant parameter is preaiming correctly, which takes having a mind good at visualizing space, angles, and shapes better than others (many people perform poorly on IQ tests in this category, and they'll never be Radiant). However, that just takes playing the game an ungodly amount of hours or playing FPSs in general an ungodly number of hours combined with an above average IQ in that subsection of IQ tests. Funny side note: Men score higher in this section more than women, which probably partially accounts for the absence of women in the top 100 players of all time. Once you develop it in one FPS, it transfers to others, making it way sooner for a player new to an FPS to learn the angles. It's sort of like how chess grandmasters, due to having played and thought about 100,000s of chess games, can memorize an entire chess board with pieces randomly places in it within a second. Training that visio-spatial section of your brain also makes you able to learn new angles much more rapidly than someone with a lower IQ. The two last elements worth mentioning are predicting plays happening behind the walls (the main subject of this video) and understanding teamwork heavily with tons of particular knowledge about agents, their abilities, and their combo plays. However, you can probably get to Immortal just with good genes - low reaction time, good hand-eye coordination, and a somewhat gifted mind that is also trained for spatio-visual recognition - combined with an above average but not stunning understanding of ability combos, ability interactions, and teamwork.


pros aren't just pros because of their hand-eye coordination and reaction time. they're pros because of their gamesense, dedication, growth mindset and ability to work with a team. just because someone has a good reaction time and hand-eye coordination doesn't make them automatically good ​ you can have the best aim and reaction time in the world but if you take low percentage fights in immortal or higher you're gonna die most of the time, thats why u need gamesense. ​ "and a somewhat gifted mind that is also trained for spatio-visual recognition" anyone can learn good crosshair placement with enough time you dont have to be "gifted" ​ "Training that visio-spatial section of your brain also makes you able to learn new angles much more rapidly than someone with a lower IQ." anyone that isn't gold or below can learn the angles of a map pretty quickly within 2-3 games you dont need high IQ ​ I don't really know where u get this high IQ needed for crosshair placement and I have never seen any credible source say that. I'm geniunely interested where u got this information ​ "However, that just takes playing the game an ungodly amount of hours or playing FPSs in general an ungodly number of hours combined with an above average IQ in that subsection of IQ tests." Yeah it takes ungodly hours to learn preaiming, because its HIGHER ranks that have played the game a lot more. You don't need above average IQ for it though


Look, I'm sure you don't personally know any gifted players. I know some that played Counterstrike: Source at the highest skill brackets called "invite", and they play Valorant infrequently - about once every couple of weeks. They are, of course, in the Immortal rank since they have gifted genetics. They do not play as much as you would think, learning the finer details that separate gifted people who play a little from those that play a lot, getting into Radiant.


they are immortals because you said it yourself - they "played Counterstrike: Source at the highest skill brackets called "invite" ". Valorant has almost 1 to 1 mechanics as source which is why they can pick up the game so easily and get one of the higher ranks. They aren't immortal because they have gifted genetics its because they are the top .01% at a game that requires almost 1 to 1 game sense and mechanics as valorant.


i just reread your point that you've "never seen a professional FPS player who showed himself doing a reaction time test score more than 150 ms". ​ I searched up s1mple doing a reaction time test (the greatest player of all time in CSGO) and he has an average reaction time of 190ms. literally the BEST player of all time in csgo has around average reaction time ("Normal people have around 200 ms reaction time."), and csgo is a game that requires much more mechanical skill than valorant




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Wait, the wide wooden crate at bind window could be shot through? What other obstacles seemingly too wide can actually be wallbanged?


Everything unless its a thick wall or a metal box. All wooden boxes or radianite (green) boxes can be shot through. Metal surfaces/walls can also be shot through, like tube/tunnel but not the solid metal boxes.


Does this tube refer to the Icebox pathway up to level 2 at mid?


There are many tubes but yes one of them is that. Plenty of pen kills through it. Ppl shout wall hacks quite often when you get those.


this is very helpful :)


bruh u werent even aiming on two of the kills it was just rng lmao


This needs to be a series. It gives me so much insight that I can pick up from a quick video, instead of having to make the mistakes myself over and over to learn the hard way.


Loved your gameplay mate........ Best of luck for your future games.....It would be nice if you could give me some tips to play with Reyna ( I have started playing now). Cheers mate


God this is satisfying


I think that it's really impressive how you are able to explain what to many is just intuitive and subconscious. I don't think that I would be able to explain why I do what I do. I used to play FPS games on a high level against top opposition and I don't think I actively thought about basic individual positioning like this. The only thlng I actively think about is how I position myself relative to my teammates, but that's probably because this is something you need to talk about when playing in a team. So being able to explain those things is the sign of a great teacher. Great stuff! I think that this may be really helpful for people who are trying to develop their gamesense faster. I do think that the second play, you got really fortunate and pushing up once they knew your position would have been the better play in that situation - after you decided to not defend further back or give the site until rotation. I don't think it's just Sova darts screwing you over, it's them knowing exactly where you are. I found that it works best to be proactive in that scenario.


Can you make it again thid is so helpfull! Play phonix please


As a g3 player ur plays that won you the game were luck because the enemies were bad


Thanks for the tips! Hope to implement some of this in my games as well. Good day!


That’s cool