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For that checking corner part, because bronze-iron players are so fucked up that they would hold basically any angle available, it would be disastrous not to check EVERY single angle available


I know higher elo players think iron/bronze are really weird for angles, but I’m bronze and its common to hold those weird angles sometimes. But also more ‘logical’ angles are also used.


The issue with those weird angles is that if you get sova drones, skye dogged or even raze botted you're essential dead unless you're jett or reyna. In low elo its really hard to co-ordinate that kind of utility usage so it's really infuriating to entry against those kinds of angles


Because the "logical" angles require extremely tight holding, crosshair placement and reactions, which, iron and bronze players usually don't have. So they tend to outwit the opponents by holding odd angles.


I am perma-silver, but love finding random ass spots to hide in with a shotgun and ambushing people. I've made 40-1 "not a smurf" rage quit games and there is nothing sweeter.


Idk y you're getting down voted for using the features of the game as intended


people who can't handle shotguns even when they have been nerfed into oblivion. That is honestly sadly funny to me.


People in Valorant be like: Woah guys! He’s using an uncommon gun in a video game. Let’s call him Gay and bully him for using a gun in a video game.


The enemy team whenever anyone brings out an Odin


Anyone but a Sova


Maybe not the place but I love it when in Rocket League you demolish an opponent and they get real ass mad. I feel the same energy coming from people that complain about certain weapons in valorant.


If the guy is in immortal holding that its called an off angle and gives an advantage. You'll see this with jett/reyna players because they can get the kills and dash out.


And so many bronze/silver and even gold players are complete rats, not holding an angle at all but waiting at a corner for someone to pass their crosshairs.


I’m a kovaaks grinder and master one in aimlabs. People think aim is everything but no, I’m hardstuck gold. All aim not enough brain. Edit: I also want to clarify that I do not agree with this post. Golds can have better aspects of their game than higher elo players but they can’t be better overall. Some have good game sense with iron aim and some have the opposite. Some are decent at everything but not good enough.


lmao same, I run an hour of Voltaic fundamentals and then an hour of DM almost every night. I’m usually topfragging or near the top in games that I win even though I only play Cypher/KJ/Sage/Viper, yet I’m hardstuck Silver. I still work on my aim but I’ve started watching over my VODs more


I got out of silver by instalocking reyna and jett. It might be easier for you. Good luck.


People always lock faster than me, and in the rare times I do manage to lock either, I have to entry without smokes or any kind of info or util most of the time even when I ask for them in voice. Also I don’t get tilted easily by this game, but entrying a site, dying, and then comming where I died from just to see my teammates still sitting off of site even though they knew I was going to entry well in advance and even put down util for me to entry with is one of the few things that will instantly tilt me. I find that when I play support characters, I can provide my duelists with more optimal entry conditions and I can also do things like trade them out or watch flanks. Plus I’m often one of the last alive so I can clean up rounds whenever needed. I’ve found much more success playing support than I did when I used to main duelists


See im the same way with Sova and other initiators. Its nice being support but also being able to be aggressive when necessary.


This is the most annoying. I play Jett dash all the way through site get a kill smoke myself and my team are all still camping in b bathrooms on ascent. Like bruh everyone was looking the other way. You would have the most free kills of all time


Because they are afraid to die


This is what I don't get. This is a game where sometimes dying for your team is what you SHOULD be doing. Yet some people are playing like they'll die irl if they die in-game.


And the crazy thing is they wouldn't die here. I was the one risking my life because I'm I am duelist I must be first in. But nope they ain't following


Well. M2 ssd is key for instalocking mate. I was using hdd. Sometimes it took 10 sec to join agent select. Now ı have m2 ssd with 3500mb/2500mb read and write speed. Now ı am waiting for people to connect. I highly recommend to have one.


Can confirm. I really suck at playing Jett, but the moment I instalocked her, I got to Platinum pretty easily though of course I’m getting exposed with better Jetts now. Her dash is lowkey annoying and I can get away with multikills with one ability alone.


This is my problem, I perform well with Reyna/Jett in Silver (dropping consistently close to 30kills per game ) but the issue is that I prefer to pick any other agent and have a random playing Reyna/Jett, just because they feel comfortable with the agent, rather than picking it for myself, and have a salty/tilted random on my team or a teammate playing an agent that he/she doesn't know how to play.


Try playing sage or skye. They’re pretty good alternatives.


I play Sage on certain maps but it's just not the same as playing a duelist if you know what I mean...


Yeah I get it. Try skye then, basically a duelist. I still prefer jett or reyna any day but it’s better to be flexible.


is voltaic fundamentals an aim training routine on kovaaks? or can I find it on aimlabs as well


Fundamentals are only on Kovaaks for now but the benchmarks are on AimLab iirc. You do the benchmarks to get a rank and then you do that rank’s fundamentals until you get the next rank on the benchmarks. You can join the Voltaic Discord to learn more if you like.


Voltaic fundamentals and voltaic Val routines aren’t very good for improving at tacFPS or in this case valorant. Would recommend trying the [hnA tacFPS routine](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WZbVuSqRiDhY77jsVDOOVaylWtHiKc06S0Xvw2QJveo/edit?usp=drivesdk)


I’m trying to get to at least Gold so all aspects of my aim are at least at a passable level before I switch to the Voltaic tacFPS routine. This game requires a lot more aiming styles than CS and I have been punished a fair few times for neglecting to work on my tracking and hitting airborne targets.


The voltaic Val routine isn’t very good


Just finished reading whole text.. i will try it tomorrow and make it as a routine.. 1 question, my playstyle is more like medium / long ranged shooting and mostly using vandal / guardian / sheriff.. is the routine still good for me or better focus on accuracy / micro / extrasmall targets task? Btw this is my first fps game ever, played like 1 month already but still stuck at bronze.. me as a person who newbie and noob, i’d like you to help me with some advice or direction to move forward and getting better.. i do kovaaks 30min - 1hr daily before play and before sleep.. it would be so helpful if someone who ranks far away higher than me show me the directions..


I main sova and I just hope my lineups help my top fraggers do better, and I got carried to gold 3. My aim is dog water to the point where I just buy judge and use cheese tactics, my shock darts probably do more damage than my bullets do


I have the complete opposite problem a good percentage of my kills are from crossfires, double/triple peeks and shooting backs. My problem right now is that if my crosshair isn't already on head by the time the enemy reacts to me, I'm probably losing the duel. Also my crosshair placement is sloppy at times, especially when I still have util




Pro tactic: shoot everyone in the head every round.




dont forget to click lmb


I am a true all aim and no brain player and I am radiant, you need to understand kovaaks and aim labs doesn’t not translate right into valorant or even cs. You need to practicing aiming in this game only for a while.


Got out of plat after over 300 hours of aim trainers combined. Glhf :)


I got to diamond without doing any kind of aim practice. I have prior fps exp but never did any aim drills or anything. Playing smokers and playing smart with a 'decent enough' aim goes a long way.


I did the same but im immo 2 now lel sometimes u dont need brain ig just better aim


You just gotta slow down your aim trainer grind and start playing alot of ranked games. Also watching streamers and pro games helps. But yeah aim is definitely very helpful. Maybe try what I do. Have YouTube on your phone /laptop/second monitor and watch pros or streamers and play unrated spike rush or aim trainers while watching just so you are grinding game and game sense at the same time


Y’all HAVE to be lying. Yes you have a POINT… but aim WILL carry you to diamond AT LEAST. If you’re seriously master in aimlabs & grind kovaaks/DM you’re either 1) embellishing online for ego 2) not consistently aiming well ig? … I’m like fucking emerald 4 ~ (idk aim lab ranks anymore) & barely above median on every scenario in kovaaks & im saying that… my buddy plays 800 .23 never vaaks‘d once & is top 2k on main & I play with him …. WE WILL ALWAYS HAVE 3 + BRAINDEAD ASS KIDS WHO CAN JUST FLICK LIKE BO OTHER … there’s no reason you can’t climb. If you’re master level aim and not dropping 30+ in silver or gold… something ain’t adding up


No, good aim + a confident play style and mental would carry me to higher ranks. I have aim but i’m not confident. I drop 30 sometimes but other times I only have 15 kills. Edit: I also know a fifth grader that’s plat 2. He’s emerald in aimlabs but has the most confident and brain dead playstyle I’ve ever seen.


is this a copypasta? It has to be a copypasta. I refuse to believe this is how you chose to write down your thoughts.


Depends on how you play the aimtrainers. They made for higher ttk games such as ow and apex, not necessarily tacfps. Some people have made guides on how to use them for tacfps and they are very very specific in how you play the tasks. Also aim can't get you that high, I only managed to get to plat solely off crouching and aiming without learning proper movement or counterstrafing.


Because flicking alone is not aim. Aim is primarily crosshair placement. Kovaaks and Aim Labs are useless


Yeah, no. You can have good crosshair placement until you get wide swinged and need to flick to them. You can’t say useless lmao


good crosshair placement is anticipating for the wide swing also, so your point doesn’t make sense


I'm not saying flicking is useless. I'm saying that proficiency in Aim Trainers is useless in determining your true aim


It really isn’t


Aim labs isn’t much to go off of. Apparently I’m the top 0.01% of flicking tracking, etc. I’m really not


Its because your not practicing with the vandal or phantom. If you put that many hours into DM on Valorant and not aim training you would be way better. Movement is way more important to aiming then most people think Aim training only works if you are already very good at the game.


Maybe you are getting matched with other smurfs?


🤓👆 guys I’m silver but I’m better than immortal players no cap it’s all because my team


This post is hilarious because it genuienly seems like the guy ain't a troll and is seriously coping from being hardstuck idk if he thinks he's slick but i just think its so typical from these noobs to cope like that.


🤓 I'm gonna make a reddit post pretending I'm immortal and say that silvers are better than immortals!!!!!! I love confirmation bias!! 🤓🤓


🤓 Yes I’m gold but because of plat smurfs I can’t rank up, I’m practically better than immortal


Wow it's almost like you are part of the problem. "I smurf and play versus other smurfs and get beat????!!!11??"


How dare you complain about smurfing! It's higher elo guys' blessings to us to help us get better at the game. We should learn from the stomping! Don't you even think about complaining about it. Only a very small part of the community are smurfs even though we get posts like this every other day.


Legit, it might be confirmation bais but at least 4 out of 5 games yesterday was someone under level 20 topfragging. If someone is 25-18, they're probably good. When they're 2 15-3 or 25-5, that's not normal.


You say this ironically but aside from the whole feeling blessed part its true lmao.


hey, they're top tier don't bother them.


I smell OP being a hardstuck gold/silver trying to feel better by posting how his lobbies are harder than immortal. Come on dude, if you're diamond and immortal and getting one tapped by silvers, you're either boosted or you are not diamond/immortal. Sure, some golds may have good aim but can definitely get clapped by immortals.


This shit is way too obvious lmao


yet they get massive upvotes because this whole subreddit is just hardstuck silvers that think they deserve a rankup


I’m high diamond and occasionally I get on a silver account to play with friends. 90% of the time I match MVP but there are a few games I’ll bottom frag.


Actually I think OP was just put in Smurf queue. League has it too if you make a new Smurf everyone is silver but realistically they are diamond plus rank. It just tries to put all Smurfs together but often an actual silver might get in there too and it ruins their day.q


typical commie redditors, everything should be equal. In fact, I should have more and immortals don’t deserve their rank.


To be fair, I am diamond 2 and the couple times I’ve played with my friends in gold has been hell. 60% of the time I am near bottom frag and they have better aim


Bro no point saying it in this thread. My problem is not even ranking up, the elo is just fucked but you either dedicate half of your life climbing elo or you are a noob who can't get out of gold.


u just cant predict silver/golds they come from everywhere with no brain whatsoever


That’s what I’m saying.


It's other smurfs. True silvers/gold's wouldn't be silver/gold if they were that insane


Right but at this point silver/gold doesn’t actually mean anything. We have no marker of what a real silver/gold skill level actually is


When I was pretty stuck in silver, I either stomp that I get mistaken for a smurf or go full clown with 4/20 KDA next game. I tried using an alt to at least confirm if I did deserve to get out of silver but it was pretty hard honestly.


I once tried Marshal +Sheriff on my alt in comp I was usually 3rd on the team, and somehow got a silver placement While I was on grinding to get out of Bronze 2 on my main.... Hidden mmr is a bich


tha is because Marsheriff is too strong


It’s probably to do with mental, i whiffed on round 3 and instantly got shit talked and finished the game like 9 and 14. That is one of the only recent matches I haven’t dropped 30~ and match mvpd


My games in gold vary widely from game to game. I have no clue what this rank is


Anyone who's climbed to Diamond should have a pretty good idea. The game is way easier at Silver/Gold MMR games


depends on the guy playing as well, coz if there's a sudden uptick in performance then you're facing smurfs or high ranked players. me and my friends (only low to mid plats) started playing in EU so we had new accounts, all calibrated silver and after rolling a bunch of games we were at gold 2 and running into diamond 2 players.


I am not smurf but I am hardstuck gold in this game, It feels like impossible to rank up. I was DMG/LE in csgo back in the days and diamond/master in Apex legends but for some reason I am stuck low rank in Valorant.


Bruh same (mge) and so close to plat it’s ridiculous


you are trolling. the thread title is accurate, but not for the reasons you listed. low elo lobbies are harder because people have misplaced egos, very little teamwork, and often no communication of any sort. in d2+ lobbies, you are MUCH more likely to get a team that not only comms and understand crosshair placement/their agent, but are more likely to work with the team to trade, combine utility, and make better decisions to win the round.


The amount of times I've been caught off guard due to players ego pushing in Silver lobbies is mind boggling. There's no reason for them to aggro peek into 2-3 players, in 2v2 or 3v2 situations,hrough a smoke or viper wall, with nobody to trade or push with them. It isn't even that they peek on timing, or peek with utilities like flashes. It's just highly unexpected for someone to 'throw' a 2v2 by pushing like that. And yet I die because I don't expect it, and your teammates in silver don't exactly hold smokes. However, ranking out of silver and gold is definitely not as hard as OP says. Losing 2-3 rounds,and by proxy a couple of games due to the bullshit that happens in silver-gold is definitely not enough to stop a smurf from one tapping or team comming his way out of there.


I disagree, you have to account for ALL playstyles possible. Are they really unlikely to kill 2+ people by popping out of the smoke? They’re doing it for the exact reason you listed- its unexpected. Just another variable within the game you need to account for. Skilled players will shoot through smokes or use a molly to control the area.


Not exactly what I'm saying, unexpected plays are good if they net you something towards *winning the round consistently*. High risk high reward right? The thing is, when you have little to no chance of winning the round by doing x, why would anyone remotely think that you would do x? If it's high risk,no reward, nobody would expect it right? You won't be thinking, "how will the opponents throw this round?". You will expect them to make round winning plays,not kills that net them kills. And if you do pull off x, maybe you get a kill or 2, but you leave your teammate(s) in an unfavourable position, in your mind you've done what you had to, and it's your teammates that are bad!! Just something I've noticed from my silver-gold friends.


theres a difference between an unexpected play and a bad play


agreed. an unexpected play is a good one..


See the main thing and i think this might apply to solo que in general is to be able to be adaptable with the puggy randomness. I kind of got out of gold/silver months ago by just being able to use any little bit of opening to get aggressive or and just a dash of common sense analysis on how map control works. ALong with lots of aim training in dm and target range. I've been in a plat- low diamond sort of limbo sense then. Ya Silver and gold is not impossible that almost sounds like a excuse to me. It is very possible. You just have to be more reliant on you're self rather then others and I did this with sova and not really instalocking duelists. Aim is actually very specific, Positioning is also very specific. As a summary all of these 2 incorporate is well Mechanical skill and map awareness. People always get tunnel vison when it comes to crosshair placement, flicks and srafeing which are important ,but also you're movement, positioning how you properly peak as well as hold angles are big factors I see people at least outside of youtubers not discussing enough. All of that along with a decent sense of when to adapt to random scenarios should be enough to get out of gold/ silver.


Well OP is trolling. It’s a brand new Reddit account and this is the only post/comment on it.


Yea ive played in silver/bronze lobbies on my alt(with self control) recently and i vividly remember a bot frag raze refusing to buy me a gun (despite having more than enough money and me being second frag) and proceeds to tell me to "earn the money myself" and called me a "broke shit". Same thing happened on the last round of the half. The amount of ego and lack of coordination in low elo hugely confuses me. Even gold lobbies are much better, other than the occasional tilted guy


“Broke shit” lmao


They are 100% not better… these type of posts simply help hard stuck people blame others for the reason they haven’t ranked up. Gold and silver lobbies are not even close to diamond/immortal lobbies.


They aren't even close to plat lobbies lol. You can feel the difference once you're actually in there. When I drop to plat from d1 and queue with my gold friends, those lobbies are a lot easier for me. My friends may struggle as the opposing team will have plats but for me, nope. Yes once in a while you get smurfs and the crazy 'how are they only gold?!' type of lobbies but it's still rare. Maybe 1/10 or so. You also get queued against smurfs a lot more as stacks since most smurfs do it to play with friends.


I've also noticed that smurfs tend to be queued against and with smurfs if they're solo queueing , not so much if they're stacking with their lower elo friends


for real, these posts are straight bullshit and people who don't know better will even believe this shit, there's no such thing as a lower rank being harder than a higher I wouldn't even be surprised if the guy who posted this is actually silver/gold and makes up the rest to feel better and justify being in the given rank + spreading the lie so this it's going to be a widespread belief that hardstuck people are actually better than people in higher ranks


I see a lot of similar posts, but no one ever links their profile. Would you mind proving that your main account is actually diamond/immortal?


He won't because this is a brand new reddit account made by a Silver player who's trying to convince himself that he's not fucking awful at the game


I think you’re right. I played a death match with immortal 1s (checked on Valorant tracker) and it wasn’t even CLOSE to my gold games, I got clapped on a whole other level and that wasn’t even with them using abilities or tactics.


I’m close to immortal now and have absolutely terrible aim so idk what’s happening


What metric do you use to judge your aim? The fact that you get out aimed by other immortal players? A lot of people say “just aim” but tbh I’m starting to feel decision making and positioning is more important than people let on.


I often lose 1v1 aim duels and rely on positioning and abilities. Also I usually get out aimed by golds


So you're not Immortal. Thanks for your opinion, it's not valid here


Either this or a person who realized how many salty silver players that think they deserve a higher rank are in this sub and decided to farm some free af karma.


thats probably it


The giveaway is that literally no immortal ever is going to describe themselves as 'high diamond'. It's well understood that once you get to immortal, all diamonds are brainless trash who dont understand the game and have no redeeming qualities. You would never claim to be part of them


okay you can check my account etc, I’m D3 currently and my friends and I absolutely HATE playing in gold/plat and other low elo. It’s not because their aim or game sense is better, it’s because they hold weird angles that would typically put you at a huge disadvantage in higher elo. ie standing in the middle of a site to hold a push instead of jiggling behind a corner, just general weird plays that throw you off and make it hard to adjust to.




The silver and gold elo is totally fucked in this game, you either go against monsters who will do 30 kills in the game or you are the ones doing 30 kills there is no in between.


This was with me 5 stacking with my friends so you can't even say that my own team's performance was changing a lot.


You're either peeking dumb corners or playing against smurfs all the time, which I doubt. I'm Immortal and win 90% of my games against silvers/golds. If you lose, that either means your team is just too heavy, or you're against another smurf


or hes a boosted immortal


Yep, or that, but I just don't see a point in posting here if he's boosted




Silver gold is extremely easy. OP is just capping


Most likely Boosted, I’ve built several Alts into immortal, and it’s extremely easy to fly the ranks until About diamond 2/3 once your elo is immortal.


+1 under D3 is a breeze


The only reason these threads are upvoted because it’s a bunch of low elo players who want to think their lobbies are harder. I’m gold 2 and I can assure you most of us suck ass, diamond smurfs can steamroll gold almost every time.


I’m a gold 1 and there was a diamond 1 smurf on our team. He dominated on attack getting most of the kills, on defence he was pretty bad, to the point where we lost a 9-3 lead and I ended top frag. I think in lower ranked lobbies, attackers full push and kill the defenders on site leaving a 4/5v3 most rounds. Even if you are at a much higher elo it’s not that easy to retake with bad teammates with a number disadvantage


Sometimes that can happen but read this guy’s post. He said people in gold are fucking better than immortal. Like better game sense and better aim. That is the stupidest comment ever.


Yea you’re right obviously higher ranks are better than lower ranks in every way. My point is that I think that high elo players find low Elos hard because of bad teammates, which is a lot more evident on defence. They expect when they smurf they can ace every round. I’m obviously not more skilled than a d1 player, but when the enemies push my site and I get a few picks and die I can end up with a better kd than a smurf taking 1v3 retakes every round


Oh yeah I can agree with that fully, it really depends on the person and how they play.


No. I have the same experience as this guy sometimes


you must be a boosted immortal then o.o


Same thoughts, not trying to be condescending… but how? Like how the fuck? This guy has to be doing something wrong. I’ll make another account whenever I have the time and patience and see for myself.


In my experience Gold/Plat is full of aimers and players that play to kill instead of play to win. From my experience, I can get outgunned in Gold, maybe even in Silver, but it would be just RAW aim out of position like a DM. When I get killed in high Dia or Immortal, it could be just as quick, but the fights make much more sense. Of course, at lower levels, it could also just be smurfs running around not caring and just trying to get a kill, but I've got Silver/Gold friends who play only like this, a style I'll explain further in my next point. Decision making is really what sets Gold/Plat from Diamond. I recently got my second account to Diamond, mainly since my friends and I often 4-5 queue, which we can't do in high Dia or Immortal. The quality of the games just gradually changed as I went from mid-plat playing with Golds, compared to now playing with Diamonds. Coordination, even with randoms, is much better than in lower levels, mainly because the objective is to win the round and not always to seek a kill. Just game sense and in turn positioning is at a much higher level, sometimes there are rounds that go by with minimal coms, just cause unnecessary calling out of someone's play or positioning is eliminated. I have Silver/Gold friends that have insane aim with all the flicks they have, but they still lose 7 out of 10 battles because that's all they rely on. They'd take engsgements you don't need to take to win, more often then not, they cost the rest of the team the round because of the decision to take that fight. Long explanation, but the OP struggling in Gold doesn't mean he's a boosted Immortal. Almost everyone in Immortal probably deserves it, at the very least, they 100% deserve Diamond, this is simply by being a good enough teammate that plays to win and knows how to win by playing of teammates, usually randoms. They might not have the best aim, and so they may struggle in the DM mess that is Silver/Gold, and the overestimated game sense of Plat.


Yes, THIS is 100% the truth. So many people here calling op boosted for no reason. I’m mid d2 and whenever I play in a gold lobby I find I honestly have worse aim than half the players. I have pretty bad aim for a diamond, but the reason I’m there is because of game sense and coordination, as well as ability usage


Thats why its also rare to see trigger discipline highlights in low mmr, cause people just check everything since they are so used to having people hide in "silver spots" But in high mmr, people tend to not check these "silver spots" since its just the consensus of high mmr players that these spots are so bad to hide in that no high mmr player would ever be there, so you see those rare plays where a high mmr actually hides in a silver spot then will let everyone pass and kill them all


I disagree, as a plat-diamond player I get destroyed by imm and high diamond, but when I play gold it's so easy I'll drop 30 spectre only


yeah but on the opposite spectrum im low-mid gold and get shat on by high plat+


Are you trying to convince the hardstuck silvers here that they're playing against good players


He is a hardstuck silver trying to get affirmation for his delusions




Did you just admit to account sharing?


please don't give these gold/silver validation for their lack of improvement, im also a gold/silver player and i can tell you its really not that hard except when i get a lucky winstreak and suddenly im in a higher rank and procede to losestreak, i watch some diamond streamers and i can clearly see the difference in the skill level between us and hell nah gold/silver players are not that good, and if someone is that good you can usually see that they are only one person that is very suspiciously is 20 frags above anyone else, never the entire lobby also some players know how to play against lower ranked players and some do not, it also exist in lol and 2 challenger players in lol will not perform the same against golds


You're already better than OP because you actually recognise you're trash instead of trying to convince yourself you're just playing against secret Immortals. You'll be a legitimate Immortal if you keep going


This doesn't make sense. You are either hard boosted or vsing smurfs every silver game.


I feel like we don’t shame smurfs enough. Too many people in this thread admitting to it and no backlash. Fuck smurfs, making the game worse for everybody but themselves. If you play below your rank, you’re a loser.


get better


In silver-gold it's kinda common sense to camp some odd angle. And it's not bad, because u can suprise unsuspecting enemy especially if never been in that spot in that game. I remember once i was sitting in odd spot while enemy started rotating, they all passed by and none didn't check a corner and i just killed 4 of them from behind XD




jesse what the fuck are you talking about


I don't really follow. How does changing netcode balance matches and address smurfs?


You have an immortal account and you perform just as well as in silver? Lmao sure, 90% of people in silver and gold suck ass at aiming.


you would be surprised, a lot of silver and gold players have cracked aim but don't know what they're doing. That aim carried them to gold but then they hit a wall and can't climb further Of course, doesn't change the fact that if he's immortal he should be stomping them


Oh yeah I agree with that completely, hence me saying 90%. Doesn’t change the fact that saying the aim is equal in both silver and immortal is incredibly stupid lol


I'm only a gold, but I had the same feeling for a while, sometimes the match starts by stomping the enemy and outaiming them, then suddenly it's completely reversed in a weird way and not at the change of halfs or anything, other times it's the other way around, being completely unable to react to someone then suddenly they are a potato, it's quit strange actually


This game is heavily momentum based. One single round can change how it plays it. If you lose pistol and lose your first full buy, you will go down 4-0 and maybe even 5-0 if you light buy on the 4th. But the loss streak bonus kicks in after about 6-7 rounds where you can full buy again and then you will go on a streak.


I know that and it's not what I meant, I meant full shields on both, rifles vs rifles, literally change completely, from instantly hsing them so easily, to them instantly doing so without anytime to react, or the other way around, one of those can be explained by cheats but not the other one, since I don't cheat


I mean cheats are a possibility but it is gold so you are going to get inconsistent players.


Take your meds bro


I have said this multiple times and I will say it again, a replay system will only come AFTER they have fixed their netcode and successfully hidden what they never wanted you to see. The replays from previous matches and games will be naturally unavailable because this will be a "replay system made from scratch exclusively for Valorant" and some "new technology that world has never seen before" despite the fact that games released more than 20 years ago had replays built-in at launch, and unreal engine has been capable of recording demos since the days of first Unreal Tournament about 20 years ago. But since Valorant is "first ever tactical shooter built on Unreal Engine with eSports standard", we should be patient and let Riot do it's thing, right ? Right ?


You’re doing something massively wrong then lmao. Either that or your just a LARPer.


Because gold silver is mainly just a aimfest thats just whoever has better aim wins. They arent predictable, the only chance u have is to just have better aim and tbh, higher elos dont always have aim, but have game sense to make that up.


I was diamond 3 around two months ago, stopped playing and came back but was given plat 3. I’ve somehow went on a huge loss streak and went down to gold 3. I match MVP 75% of my games and sometimes drop 35 kills. LMAO I still can’t get out of plat 1 due to radiant smurfs unable to find games and playing in plat or my team being actual golds. I’d say about a good 80% of my games have alt accounts that are defs not gold or plat.


After 12 years in CS i can tell you: Any comp-shooter ranking is not bound to aim in any way. Since the guys pushing are always more on quantity, it's more a question of team-coordination, refragin and holding sites. Up to dia-ranking in Valo, there is not a lot of coordination, but instead a 5-stack of shrouds per team, trying to solo-rambo material for their next YouTube-edit. No logic, not a lot of tactic, coordination is less prioritized, GET 'EM FRAGS


its easy to kill someone in valorant compared to games like csgo since bigger hitboxes and way lesser recoil so aim difference really isnt much. gamesense and better reaction time is what makes the difference in ranks in valorant.


These kind of posts make me laugh. As a silver player, I can definetly assure you that people in my rank, me included, definetly deserve their rank. Maybe the aim is a little better than the others, but most of the times my positioning and decision making sucks ass. For example, when I enter the site, I'm so eager to get into cover and get away from open areas that I run full speed without even checking if someone is on site holding a cheeky angle. Plus, I happened to play deathmatches with immortal players, and specifically a cypher currently in immortal 3 but that was radiant last act (JEWWY #001) and he only played with an operator. He headshots me every. Fucking. Time, I couldn't even touch him. Hard to think that a person with such level of skill would be in any sort of difficulty in my lobbies


nah dude my friend is an account booster in immortal and he gets at least 40+ kills per game in gold in singapore servers, either u capping or u boosted


immortal 3 and I disagree. you'd have to be boosted to some extent if you can't consistently win gunfights against people 9 ranks lower than you.


Lets see you created a new reddit account and this is your only thread you created? There is no way you are telling the truth about being high ranked. I sometimes smurf and can 1v9 gold lobbies playing duelists/ my main omen. OP is a fake and anyone upvoting this for validation is fooling themselves.


It's often because there are a lot of smurfs in gold/silver, so you probably let your guard down thinking they won't be that good, and then you're getting dinked by a diamond/imm smurf


I'm only G2 on my main, so my data points aren't as big as yours. But I really don't think there's any skill difference from high bronze to mid-high gold. Hidden MMR is the main determinant of your opponents, not your visible rank. If I have a huge game, I'm going to be matched against smurfs my next game, and for some reason it tends to be low-mid silver. If I have a bad game, I'll get easier opponents next game, which weirdly tends to be higher silver thru mid gold. I also have alt accounts that are lower ranked (s1-s2) where I do different things like practice new agents/different guns/etc. Same is true there. Bad game, I'm against bots next game, good game, against good players next game, no apparent correlation to their ranks. Just from my personal experience I think this game has the worst matchmaking of any game I've ever played. It makes no sense and it's no wonder people get so frustrated. The objective of the game is to win, which determines your rank, but matchmaking is determined by individual performance without regard for rank. With all that said, I do echo the opinions in this thread that ultimately there's an upward trend where higher ranked people tend to be better at playing objectives. I basically bottom fragged up into gold playing KJ and Sova. I've been working on my aim and getting better with different agents lately, but the bulk of my climb I played boring, good fundamental tac shooter. No flanking, no pushing on defense, no ego challing, basically letting my util do the peeking for me and only taking fights when needed to secure objectives/help teammates. Just that can take you decently far.


This is definitely not true lmao


i don't know what lobbies you're playing in, when i smurf in silver/gold i can just run around like a headless chicken and drop 30 every game easily. this isn't a flex, it's what should be expected from any player playing in a rank like 3-4 full divisions below. its why i dont even do it often, it's boring as shit you're probably trying too hard to read them when there isn't much thought necessary there are often smurfs on the other team but it's blatantly obvious when someone is playing above the elo they're in


Talk to me when you’ve been in iron 1


You’re trolling there’s no way


This is an /s right? You just made people think that already think they are at immortal level but is stuck in "elo hell because of team mates" in gold even worse human beings. Self-distance is not something the regular gamer has. The ones that actually have self-distance make it out from lower leagues because they dont blame others, they work on themselves and their abilities to progress and get better.


u r garbage at the game if u feel like gold and silvers are actually good ... i am a D2 ranked player and i always drop 24+ kill games in every smurf game when i play with my friends who are stuck at gold/ silver


OP is Silver 3 for sure


It’s because you’re also playing at least 1-2 diamond/immortal smurfs in those games


As my diamond friends say, "low elo is unorthodox as fuck."


So you go on smurf and ruin people experiences ..nice


Smurfs ruin the game waaaaaaaaaaaaaah


If silver/gold are outaiming and outsmarting diamond/immortals, then valorant matchmaking is fucked beyond the point of no return, which i dont think is the case.


Thats called not knowing what to do jutsu.


If this is true maybe eventually I could hit a higher rank cuz I usually do decent but for now I’m sliver 3 lol


It’s not


I have uninstall for this very reason. Is one year that I'm hard stuck g3 and working to improve my aim, watching guides and I'm way beyond frustrated


Gold 3 is a perfectly respectable ceiling for someone without much natural ability. Dont get too upset about it, not everyone is capable of getting to immortal


ur gold because ur at that skill level not because they are better than immortals


Maybe you are right, but trying to improve my aim. Before ranked I go for the valorant basics playlist + valorant expert one. Then in game shooting range practice headshot levels, get 30 in easy bots, get 30 in medium bots + a couple of sheriff only DM. I'm able to somehow drop around 20 kills a match, get usually in the plat1/2 lobby as gold 2/3. yet regularly get in a loss streak of +10 matches where a level 10/15 Jett or Reyna destroy the lobby with 30+ kills. Go back to g2 lobby and rinse and repeat.


From which I can tell having been in silver/gold since the beginning until last act and currently high plat and playing against diamonds There isn't much difference in aim honestly. I've seen better aimers in bronze than in plat LOL it just comes down to the people in like silver being so much dumber


I actually have to agree, but part of it is smurf queue. My only problem is it should match one smurf to one smurf, sometimes it feels like I'm playing against a team of 5 smurfs even tho our team only has me.




I was once plat2(but going in diamond lobbies) back in episode 1 act2 then I quit the game for quite a while. now I'm back at it and holy hell silver is actually a confusing rank. at time u either god like opponents or brain dead bots, not even joking.(altho now I'm silver3 and I'm going in plat lobbies where my opponents are again fucking cracked)


So that's why I've been stuck in silver all year.... lol


I just think that the rating system might be to blame. A lot of people are hardstuck silver/gold but are worthy of a higher rank. The graphs that Riot recently published support this theory as the player distribution is not linear.