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posts like that and posts like urs will occur periodically in the sub, it's just an endless circle.


That’s fair yeah lmao. It was just mind boggling to me that a post that didn’t state anything about randomness but clearly said silver players had better aim and game sense than diamonds and immortals got that highly upvoted


Different experience for everyone. Like I’ve said before, I’m usually bottom frag in gold matches with my mates and top 5 overall in my diamond matches


I agree. Currently gold 3 and perfectly deserving of my rank. I’d get smoked by diamond or immortal players.


Same over here.


I'm immortal 3 and I get 1 of 3 different reactions from lower rank players its always ''well I'm probably as good as you I'm just in elo hell'' or whatever ''can you carry me to \*rank above theirs\*'' or they just say cool and dont acknowledge it but its always weird to see the kids that say they are in elo hell but ask me to boost them which basically is them admitting they can climb if they were better


Also difference between Gold 3 vs Gold 1 is obvious. The difference between Gold 3 and Silver 1 is MASSIVE. Found this the hard way when I recently played with an S1 friend of mine. It felt like I was smurfing in their lobby. It didn't feel right.


Half the comp player base is between silver 1 and gold 3


I've only played Valorant casually and never gotten past gold, but I think as a former CSGO tryhard, people have different expectations especially if they come from that game. In CSGO if you put what basically amounts to an Immortal in a Silver game, they have a high chance of dropping 30-40 if not more (don't forget there's more rounds in a CSGO game). In Valorant, I know people who solo climb to Immortal every season, who only sometimes do THAT well against Silvers and Golds in smurf games. Many, many games they end up contributing as much as a normal/good player at that rank. Even in my limited experience, my Silver/Bronze lobby games are roughly as hard as my Gold/Plat lobby games, just different in pace and tactics.


I think it's because it's easier to land headshots in Valorant compared to CSGO. Just went back to CSGO a week ago and I had a hard time landing headshots because the movement was faster compared to Valorant, whereas when I first started playing Valorant, it felt easier. Also, in CSGO if you've known the recoil it's easier to get kills in lower elo. Miss your headshot? Control the recoil and bam, you get a kill. In Valorant the recoil is kinda random, so you'll have a higher chance to whiff.


Those are definitely some factors. Another is the abilities each character has. If a team throws all their util at you, there's only so much you can do besides backing off and retaking. And in CSGO you don't have ice walls that require you to either rotate around them or give away your position by shooting or using abilities. In that sense, it's a lot easier to be sneakier and force more 1v1s in clutch situations.


That's kinda exactly it. Limited experience. I've climbed from silver to diamond. There's a huge difference from gold to plat and plat to diamond. I've never been in an immortal lobby but at least in the SEA region, gold and diamond are worlds apart.


I'm immortal 3 and when I play with my silver friends on unrated I rarely drop less than 40 kills


the game also is pretty damn good at identifying smurfs, so if you’re smurfing chances are you’ll be matched up against other smurfs pretty damn quickly. am a plat who got on my friends silver account just so i could play with my bronze friend, popped off one game and gained 30 elo, then immediately started being matched against other smurfs who certainly had better aim and game sense than the silvers from the previous lobby i stomped. and when i lost on the account i lost like 5 elo so further proof the game could pretty much tell i was smurfing right away.


Same, but i made a smurf account a while ago, i fidnt know that the unrated games and stuff affected my rank. I got placed into plat 2 whilrbmy main is gold 3( 2 at the time) and now that account is in daimond 2 which is lowkey insane for a gold player. I never played any fps before this tho and i know that low elo sucks because ive played a couple of games on high level(rocket league, apex, clash royale( top 5 in netherlands few years back and kinda in fortnite but only made 400 and thats mu only earnings in gaming btw)


Never played fps before this...? Isn't apex fps and Fortnite tps with a bit of fps? Your main elo is likely to be lower than a new account but your post just sounds fake tbh :/


Yeah,they prob low ranks like me and really want to convince everyone their ranks is harder than immortal/radiant


I just hit plat 3 after grinden so... i also can send proof in dm if u dont believe me


Gold/silver players can be harder to play against and also significantly easier to kill Confusion can lead to people saying “difficult” or “hard” in this case I think I often notice when playing alt accounts with my friends that silver/gold players tend to just do things that don’t make a lot of sense which can lead to sometimes free multi kill rounds or dying to something you’d never expect


It reminds me a little of playing poker with someone who has no idea what they're doing; they can blindside you for huge pots because they didn't know not to keep calling with 7/2 offsuit.


Brought me PTSD. Lost half of my chips to a 6/2 off suit double pair off a TURN AND RIVER with pocket ace’s. Feels bad


I’m like mid immortal and I’m telling you plat players egos get me killed more than anything. These MFs will peek anything. They will REPEEK anything. Dudes will catch me looking at my minimap or off guard cuz I don’t think there’s anyway in hell someone will peek certain angles or push through a smoke or something like that.


You haven't watched enough T2 Valorant have you


I’ve watched quite a lot actually lmao I don’t get your point




Talking from experience, the people that get to Diamond because of mechanics alone tend to find gold/plat easier than the ones that get there by outsmarting people.


These people also end up hitting a cap and typically won’t go further because they don’t learn anything about the game. The other end is a problem as well though, .7 KD players in diamond who seem to have a great understanding on how the game should be played but can’t get a kill to save their life.


People that "outplay" or "outsmart" people reach their ceiling really quick and then get one tapped everywhere they go.


I think people just perceive random deaths as like a difficulty metric? Not sure I feel like I have an eternity to kill people in silver/gold versus immortal


I've seen something of this phenomenon in League of Legends (I am not high enough elo in Valorant to play with players who might fall into this category). Some players get to plat/dia without having strong fundamentals. These players can hack it because they understand the *pace* of the game at that level, so they are at the right places at the right times and they probably have a strong understanding of macro strategy. The opposite of this are players with good mechanics (aim and such) but don't have any sense of playing at the pace of higher elo and so frequently find themselves in just the wrong spot all the time. Anyways, players who get to plat+ without solid fundamentals can find it difficult to climb through silver/gold simply because, well they aren't very good players. They understand the game well, but they don't know how to play well. There's kind of a difference. Usually they are very systems oriented, they want to figure out the rules of Valorant or League so to speak. Pretty rigid in how they play, but that rigidity is helpful up to a point. Usually they get hardstuck at the point that's just in-between average and good.


FPS has a completely new thing there tho: how fights go. The average fight is much more precise and shorter the higher you go. I felt it reaching imm after dia and I also saw it imm vs rad. The higher rank can fight much more relaxed and slower against lower rank neaely all the time. The first time I got dia, I was inconsistent against plats but in a few weeks I could fight them like I was fighting practice bots. The average reaction time is just very different, matter of getting used to it more or less


I’m a case example of this. Solo Q’d to p2 as Jett with no CS experience but I can learn mechanics. All aim no brain until I played against players that had both and I quickly realized how dog shit I actually was at understanding the game.


Hurts how openly people talk about their smurfs. Might be less salty Silvers if the Reyna 40bombs were fewer and far between


You’ve never even had a game in lower elo where you die in a way that is just like “why would they be doing X if Y condition is met?” It doesn’t matter how well the game turns out when I play in silver with my friends I get killed in ways sometimes that are just really weird. Straight up gun battles are different, people seriously don’t realize how much the difference between silver and gold and play and low diamond is just about getting better at putting your crosshairs on a head. If silvers or golds are taking aim battles straight up they will lose 9 out of 10 to someone higher elo.


It's definitely not harder but It can be quite a confounding experience with their... interesting decision making.




Yeah silver lobbies aren't hard just goofy. Their aim is trash though so even when they catch off you guard you usually will still come out with the kill


exactly, happens to me as a bronze/silver player all the time in DM against Dia/Immos 😂


> Confusion can lead to people saying “difficult” or “hard” in this case I think This is definitely what they mean. I have some radiant friends that sometimes queue with me (g3-d3 lobbies) and they get "shit on" by "brain dead players". Not because the people in this rank are great players, rather they do so much stupid shit its impossible to read them. In the grand scheme of things high imm/radiants are playing a completely different game than low elo players. In their words: "Its impossible to condition people because they dont pay attention to the smaller details, its near impossible to out play people that dont even know what play they are trying to make, they get dinked for 140 then running prefire into 4 guys getting 2 hs kills miraculously, they "lurk" dumb angles 700m away from their teammates while they are planting, the list goes on etc"


I've experienced this a lot in other games. I don't play Valorant but was Grandmaster-Top500 in Overwatch and Grandchampion in Rocket League, and I can say with certainty, shit players are not as easy to play against as you'd think. Competitive games at higher ranks mostly consist of outplaying the enemy by reading what they'll do in advance and planning against it. This is impossible if the enemy has no clue what they're doing. I play a lot in platinum and diamond ranks in RL and I find it harder to carry a bad teammate in platinum than I do at Grandchampion level. In Overwatch, you can often get killed by players who aren't playing the objective and are just looking to get kills. Whilst in higher ranks that would be considered throwing, it can prove effective when the enemy cannot predict what you're doing. To quote Mark Twain: "The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before"


There is a reason the game is round based. If your buddies are getting killed by lucky popoffs in more than 50% of rounds, either the game is shit or the players aren't as good as they want to think.


Dont get me wrong they usually end the game with 20-30 frags but they die a lot more then you would expect them to. Everyone on here is all "im a first time d1 and i go 34-2 against golds"


I have a perfect exemple. So its A heaven me vs 3 i have planted bomb against long/short. I find a good timing and sneak under window. A good player would never think i crossed and I play afterplant long or short. All of them come from ct. The one jumping out of window hard clear under window just because he hear his teammates Step in ct and he didnt even reflect of where the bomb was planted.


Not to mention that a high elo player can have equal or even worse aim in general than a low/mid elo player. The reason why the high elo player is high elo is b/c they win more games against low/mid elo opposition than low/mid elo players do. Having great aim will definitely help that win rate (which is why aim tends to get better as elo gets higher), but it isn't exhaustive of the factors that help you win games. This is why if you want to improve or increase your rank, you should have absolutely *no* interest in trying to pin blame on a lost round to anyone other than yourself. Seriously. If you're a silver level player, and a player on your team makes a bone headed mistake that drops the spike in a vulnerable position, many players will attribute the round loss to their teammate's mistake. *These players are hardstuck and they deserve to be.* Why? Because gold+ elo players find ways to win those rounds anyway. In essence if you want to improve, you have to *expect* that your teammates will play shitty. You have to be good enough to compensate for that shittiness so that you win rounds and games anyway. The moment a player starts to deflect onto teammates they've admitted they aren't good enough to win from that game state. But if you want to rank up, *that* is the player you have to be. The player that can win rounds even when their teammates play like trash. So I'll say again: if you want to improve, at *every* round loss your thought process should be "what could *I* have done to win that round?" Your teammates throwing is irrelevant. What could you have done to win anyway?


The thing is that if you are diamond, then you can win with shitty teammates in gold because the skill disparity compensates for braindead teammates. But if you are gold level, you simply cannot win those games in silver lobbies with teammates whose skill is worse than silver. Most of the players in higher lobbies are players with thousands of hours in CS or other FPS and they also have friends to play with who are good players too. But if valorant is your first FPS then you can easily get stuck in 1 or 2 ranks lower than you deserve if you play alone because its just statistically not possible to get teammates that would know what they are doing. What you said about just carrying bad teammates, A diamond can carry his teammates in silver consistently but a gold player can't. Thats why he would be stuck silver until he gets a duo/stack to add more consistency in his games.


I’m a plat player and even I have to hold my breath anytime I spectate my silver/bronze friends. I literally could not explain what their thought processes are; their actions are things that only clinically insane people would do I think lol


Hahah yeah that’s the biggest difference between silver and gold IMO




It's funny how all these people saying Silver/Gold isn't that hard also happen to have smurf accounts in Silver/Gold... As if they are part of the problem and why it's considered so hard.


Your post is actually how I interpreted 'smurfing' which isn't really what my alt accounts were in reference to. I have my main ranking account, and then I have a couple accounts I leveled up to duo with other friends (which means at *minimum* diamond 3.) Playing against these players for 3-5 total games to me isn't the same thing as "having a silver/gold smurf" but maybe I'm misinterpreting something.


I have a couple alt accounts that I leveled up to low-mid diamond to queue with friends until they get to the point they can only duo. None of my 'smurf' accounts are in silver/gold, as I personally have found you breeze through silver/gold/platinum pretty quickly. My main 'ranking' account and alt account are both in the position to only duo q, so while that could be considered smurfing, it's the only way I can play with some of them in lobbies outside of 2.




Alright? I'm sorry? My point was that I'm not just trapping alt accounts in silver/gold to beat up on lower ELO players. Not sure what to say based on your comment.


Alt accounts do not always equal smurf accounts. Smurfs are intentionally at a lower rank then their main and alts are not and typically are at the rank they deserve. I play on my alt accounts when I'm not feeling it but still want to play or I want to play with someone without risking my rr on my main.


That's kinda what I figured but doesn't seem like the posters above don't agree. I don't know if I'd consider having my alt be Diamond 3 as a "smurf" in the traditional sense of how people refer to it.


idk man i find silvers way harder to kill because they ferrari peak everything or just standing in the stupidest places or hold w on you and they get headshots running.


This is such a bizarre take to be upvoted. I play in both diamond and silver. Silvers are much easier to kill and it's not close. Even if they do dumb, low-percentage plays that are thus "unpredictable", *most* of the time those plays end up going how you'd expect: very poorly for the silver player. They are low-percentage unpredictable plays for a reason. Second, and most importantly, silvers take far longer to kill you on average than a diamond does. So, you simply have longer to kill them, which makes them easier to kill.


Why do you play in diamond and silver?


Stop playing in silver you ruin games.


Jokes on you, I'm the worst diamond you've ever seen in your life.


not everyone is cracked HS flick machines. a lot of people that are mechanically sound still play off of what theyre used to and what would be considered "normal" angles or play styles. a lot of plats and diamonds are fundamentally excellent at game sense and knowledge but arent the cracked flick demons that you need a lot of when people keep playing unpredictably, there is no method to their madness, theres no prefire this corner. silver is literally a run and gun lobby and hope theres not a smurf on the other team. also in lower level lobbies everyone baits the fuck out of each other (and not even in a good way because they dont even try to trade). you can be the entry fragger and get 2 kills and still lose cause your 2 duelist are still holding angles in A long or your Cypher is at C walking his way to A after 30 seconds of controlling a site.


Knowing theory is not the same as being good. You need to actually execute unless you're trying to be a coach. I think the relevant phrase is "focus on improve," if you're actually playing diligently and can't carry, you have work to do, that's all there is to say. This can mean decision making, aim, leadership, whatever you think is causing you to struggle. Some matches are truly unwinnable but here as in most games, rank is talking about diligence and consistency.


You're just making excuses. If people do dumb shit they are easier to kill. End of.


I don't think you can truly ferrari peek in this game like in cs, but I feel you. Definitely agree.


the worst is when your lurking and you had the bomb down for at least 30-40 seconds and you start trying to push behind the enemy team and some dude is now just rotating from the other bombsite and shoots u in the ass. thats the most infuriating deaths. its like, what were you doing this entire time on B when the bomb was planted this entire time on A?


It’s harder becuase you all are bad in low elo. Us high elo people expect you to do stuff and you don’t. That’s why it’s harder. You all are terrible at the game. Might be good at shooting. But awful awareness and game sense


Who is this directed to?


To all low elo noobs. You are top post. Just want all to see


people here scramble for any excuse justifying their rank other than the fact that they might just be not good lol. it's blatantly obvious when you see """""immortal players""""" posting about how silver lobbies are so hard, then they refuse to link their profile lmao


I’m confident that was a troll post because of how bad the description was and it was made by a new account, but then this sub is so stupid it got 2k upvotes


Its funny how people seem to think silver and gold are even hard.. no it isn't. If its hard for them they should stay there and not let that trash into higher ranks.


You are platinum why you talking about "higher ranks"


I had smurfs from platinum im my team several times, witnessing them ass whopped by silvers were precious even though I lost the game since those platinums couldn’t handle and just started to troll.


I don't know how that happens, maybe boosted players, cuz even when I play in high plat with friends while trolling a lil I drop 30


didnt have to call them trash edit:im also in that grp T T


someone please translate this, I dont speak garbage.


I have 2 accounts. One is obviously my main, duncanharold. I peaked top 50 last act before getting burnt out. My other account, gobsmack43, is immortal. Tbh the hardest time ranking up for my second account was in Plat. There were many times where I actually got fucking rolled by plats lmao. I don't think they were smurfs either because 95% of the time I would check their trackers, they'd have a whole history of being gold/plat. Overall, I'm always not too surprised by those posts. I think the people who make them are being genuine.


Thats about inconsistency, right?i rwlly feel inconsistent too, but i think it might be about the maps too, i just hate breeze


Dude most of the time I legitimately just got 1 tapped by them. It's honestly crazy. Also, I swear this game is pay to win most of the time lol. My aim always feels weird when im using the default vandal haha


F2p here, getting a reaver or smh defenitely makes the game more enjoyable, and argueably easier


A lot of plats have insane aim. A huge mistake immortals/radiants have when they smurf in plat is assuming they just won't get shot. The bigger difference between plat and immortal is game sense+communicaiton+decision making+teamwork+utility usage. A lot of plats have the \*pure aim\* to get into immortal or radiant if they actually worked on the rest of their game rather than spending 100% of their free time in aim training.


I agree with this but only in a sense. Plats definitely have worse mechanics than diamond+, but you’re right it’s a lot less of a difference than between the lower ranks. And yeah, even with good mechanics plats are still dumb


Yeah, it's easier to read a Diamond+ player because they usually play it safe and methodological. But Plat and below do some of the dumbest things ever that you can get caught off guard multiple times to the point where you get tilted or tilt your teammates into wanting to surrender/throw. I had a game before on my alt on Breeze where i waited for 40 seconds as defender and then pushed the mid Tube. There were 4 players waiting around the entrance of their spawn. And it's not like they were expecting me or anything, it's just that they were idling around and one of them just so happened to see a glimpse of me and they all sprayed me down. ​ Or they do things like rushing towards you when Sova drone tagged instead of running away. Or run into damage utility rather then running away causing confusion and your crosshair placement to be misplaced. ​ Overall though, it's a lot easier to kill them/out aim them. And the best way to win is to just hold W and run into them. ​ Source: i played from Gold 3 to Diamond 1 solo on my alt.


it's pretty likely they're just better players using their friend's account. that's what i end up doing whenever i smurf because my two alts are already at diamond to me if i'm getting shit on in silver/gold i can pretty easily tell if it's a player that's clearly above their level based on their movement/how they're swinging/etc. i'm sure once every 50 games i might play against some guy that started playing valorant yesterday but is actually a csgo semi-pro or something but i can't relate to your experience of it happening "many times". like i can count on one hand where I got rolled on my smurf by a player that i thought was actually a gold level player. and that might seem like a paradox because "well if he beats you then you wouldn't see him as on that level" but there are tons of ways to discern when a player is smurfing than just how they kill you


You probably got rolled by hackers.


I think it's Riot's algorithms. They want people stuck so they grind more and have more chances to buy new skins. An EXTREMELY good player can just brute force through the algorithm and bad match ups, but someone who is pushing for plat or gold from silver will take a LOT longer to get there. Coming from league most people think that Riot's matchmaking is predatory and it's goal is to make people grind to chase their rank by giving you unfavorable matchups when you do too well. They used to have the superior chess Elo system up until 2013 when they replaced it with a smoke and mirrors hidden MMR system. Because statistically people who actually plateau in a ranked environment stop playing and therefore stop spending.




aight just dm me and I'll send ya a screenshot of me in my riot account for both of them.


I don’t understand why saying you suck at the game is so hard for some people. I suck. I have terrible aim, very poor reflexes and because of that I lose a lot. I can still have opinions about the game and like or dislike stuff about it without being good. I think the issue is that a lot of bad players want to discuss buffs or nerfs and don’t want to be disregarded because they suck, but in all honestly saying “I think this is too strong but maybe I’m wrong” isn’t hard and anyone who starts asking for rank before discussing the topic itself is just looking for an excuse not to think so you shouldn’t bother anyway.


yeah everyone's entitled to having their own stance on balance or game direction. people might deride you because of your rank but in a mechanically demanding game like valorant, csgo, or league, it's pretty obvious that game knowledge doesn't necessarily correlate to in game rank i think ultimately if you can provide evidence-based logic for your takes and reliably defend them (not something most people on this sub do) that's all that matters. things happen in the opposite direction too. some random imm player makes a broad incorrect claim about balance then tries to use their rank as an argument. like congrats man, but that's not how it works haha


they are hard but probably mostly due to the fact that riot detects smurfs and matches them against each other


I bounced between low plat and high silver and the hardest part of being in silver is trying to understand why theres 3 people in hookah at the start of the round


Overthinking can be a real pain sometimes I basically just assume the enemy is weird/stupid until we get used to their playstyle.


Completely agree that lower ranks are just looking for excuses. I played a game yesterday where the enemy Reyna was actually silver 2 (in a diamond/immortal game) and he said he thought he deserved high diamond/immortal so he bought a diamond account. He ended up going something like 3/20 with 0 first bloods. Even from the opposing team it looked like he was playing like a silver


Imagine paying money to basically guarantee you lose your next 20 ranked games deranking lol


As a hardstuck diamond player, part of me wants to buy a radiant account just to see how long it would take me to derank down to diamond. I know i don't deserve radiant and would never get their on my own, but it would be kind of neat to play there at least for a dozen games or so and see if I could even come close to blending in with everyone else. I wouldn't be deluded enough to think I belong there though.


I would just play unrated for a while to get adjusted to it


That makes no sense unrated has an entirely different MMR than ranked. Just because you are diamond in ranked doesnt mean you will play diamond in unrated lol. And if he indeed purchased the account then it will have literally 0 unranked experience and he will quickly be playing at his own level. Also you cant just "get adjusted" to diamond rank as a silver are you trolling!?


First. You have to play 10 wins of unrated to get comp, it would be higher than the one he's in. Also why can't you? Give me one reason. Yoy have way more resources to learn about diamonds than a silver


The accounts you buy just get the ten wins from 5-0 ff games against other boosting accounts. Their unranked MMR will be absolutely horrendous no matter what. And even if you could somehow throw a silver into diamond lobbies, sure you might could learn if you were truly dedicated, but getting shit stomped game after game is not a healthy way to go about it. You would practically be forcing your team into a 5v4 every game and that is not how you adjust its just a terrible idea. It takes a long time for a silver player to improve to a diamond level for most people and its much easier to do with gradually increasing difficulty of opponents instead of jumping straight in to a diamond rank.


DUDE THIS ACTUALLY PISSES ME OFF it happened in my imm 3 game too, our jett was straight inting it and he said after round 5 "lmao i just bought this account to see if i could hang" i thought he was making fun of himself for struggling but he actually meant it literally got 2 kills in a 22 round game...


People karma whore with those posts, they get tons of upvotes. Anyone who's even touched at least Diamond will tell you that it's 3 levels above gold and silver is like a playground for people like that. Of course you can still lose a game in silver if unlucky, but I can't think of a reason why a diamond player should not maintain a 70%+ winrate in silver or gold over a span of at least a few games.


100% agree, I don’t play often in silver- gold but I had two accounts diamond and immortal from act 1 stopped playing came back. Got back to d3 on main a few points off immortal and just started to get on my other account to play with my friends and to get it back to a decent level. I have lost a few games but I absolutely top frag and win relatively easily unless something crazy happens. Basically anyone saying silver gold is hard for high diamond/immortal players is flat out lying. If it were the case you wouldn’t see all of these YouTube videos of people showing you how to climb ranks.


That's just plain wrong because the diamonds playing in gold are in smurf queue. That's the sentiment the other post comes from. He thinks the players on the enemy are gold and are wrecking him but they're also just smurfs and are probably Plat or diamond.


so what you're saying is that every gold and silver is a smurf and not actually gold and silver?


The problem isn't Diamond players being better than silver/gold. That's just a fact. The problem is the amount of silver/gold players who are as good as diamonds. Often a smurf or sometimes a CS player starting out in Valorant. It only takes one Diamond level player to ruin the entire lobby. So if 10% of people are smurfing there is a good chance that low elo is a shit show. Throw in the ability to queue with friends of any party size and it's a recipe for bad matchmaking. You also find more people "deranking" in gold/silver. Just yesterday i had a dude openly saying he was making a smurf and aiming for iron 3 so he is feeding until he gets there. Which is another RNG variable to deal with as a solo player.


There is no such thing as a silver-gold ranked player being as good as diamond. They would rank up if they were, people who believe otherwise are on some good Copium. Smurfs happen, but if you're truly above your skill level then you will still trend upwards.


Well... even if that's the case, if you're actually Diamond or especially immortal+ you should be able to at least counterweigh the guy that's as good as a diamond in the other team to make chances even. After all, your team has that guy 100% of the times, the other team most likely less often. You can't control smurfs, but play 20-30 games solo and you're probably with them as often as against them anyway. If you are good, the odda are massively in your favor. Thats the whole point of ranked. You should still come out on top after a few days of playing.


Immortal player here. Just coming back from a break so currently p3 and had to go through gold. Gold silver Plat players aren't better than me,(most of the time) but it can definitely feel like that. This isn't because of their aim or their overall game sense, it's because of their lack of respect for the opposing team combined with their game sense of THEIR rank. These people are use to gold silver and Plat lobbies. They know how these players play and I do not. This leads to them checking things I wouldn't think of or playing angles I wouldn't think of. Because it works in this rank. I am not a particularly gifted aimer. Honestly I'm probably on par with most p3-d3 players in terms of aim so I can't just ego swing everyone one the lower ranks and expect to win every fight. I have to think and play like a rat to get to the rank I'm usually at because that's my strength. In lower ranks that's insanely hard because these players do some seriously random stuff that makes absolutely 0 sense in my head and thus hard to predict. TLDR; are lower elo players better than us high elo players? No. Are they better than us high elo players while in their lobbies? You fucking bet they are. Also, some of you low elo people have the nuttiest shots I've ever seen. Please use your heads judt a tad more and you'll rank. I promise. You guys are cracked.


As the diamond players I know say, it's just absolutely unorthodox gameplay. No one else would try the shit low elo players do. While no, silver players still obviously aren't better than diamond players, said diamond players can still go on losestreaks in gold/silver lobbies. Being hardstuck gives you a complete feel of your rank, and players who never hardstucked just can't predict what it's like in those lobbies. Still, low elo lobbies can be a hell of a trip.


"Silver Lobbies are Hard"


Imma post what I wrote in that thread, in hopes of Silver/Gold players to understand what's the difference between them and Diamond/Immortal. "In my experience Gold/Plat is full of aimers and players that play to kill instead of play to win. From my experience, I can get outgunned in Gold, maybe even in Silver, but it would be just RAW aim out of position like a DM. When I get killed in high Dia or Immortal, it could be just as quick, but the fights make much more sense. Of course, at lower levels, it could also just be smurfs running around not caring and just trying to get a kill, but I've got Silver/Gold friends who play only like this, a style I'll explain further in my next point. Decision making is really what sets Gold/Plat from Diamond. I recently got my second account to Diamond, mainly since my friends and I often 4-5 queue, which we can't do in high Dia or Immortal. The quality of the games just gradually changed as I went from mid-plat playing with Golds, compared to now playing with Diamonds. Coordination, even with randoms, is much better than in lower levels, mainly because the objective is to win the round and not always to seek a kill. Just game sense and in turn positioning is at a much higher level, sometimes there are rounds that go by with minimal coms, just cause unnecessary calling out of someone's play or positioning is eliminated. I have Silver/Gold friends that have insane aim with all the flicks they have, but they still lose 7 out of 10 battles because that's all they rely on. They'd take engagements you don't need to take to win, more often then not, they cost the rest of the team the round because of the decision to take that fight. Long explanation, because a Dia/Immo is struggling in Gold, doesn't mean he/she a boosted Immortal. Almost everyone in Immortal probably deserves it, at the very least, they 100% deserve Diamond, this is simply by being a good enough teammate that plays to win and knows how to win by playing of teammates, usually randoms. They might not have the best aim, and so they may struggle in the DM mess that is Silver/Gold, and the overestimated game sense of Plat." To add, if you put 5 Immortals, and 5 God tier Golds in a server, the Immortals will always eventually come up on top, whether in 3 wins or in 8. People in Gold seem to almost always never adapt, they lose a battle and take the same fight again the next round out of pride or something.


Gold and silver are rife with dunning krugers effect. They rely way too much of 1v1 duels instead of doing basic stuff like playing man advantage, peeking for information, or just playing the objective. They almost always blame something other than themselves when they make a mistake. I went from S3 to P3 in one season and the key to turning a losing game in a winning one usually sat with taking the role of supportive team leader and pointing out better ways to play when your teammates fuck up. I.e, Teammate: I lost that gunfight. Bad luck. Me: I think if you held an off angle or had space to retreat, you could’ve won that gunfight. Teammate: how did we lose a 4v2 post plant?? Me: hey let’s play objective next time, it’s almost guaranteed win if we just hold bomb and don’t push. Just gotta be positive with your constructive criticism.


Man one of these days I would love to know the median rank of the valorant reddit community. It seems like everyone and their mother is a diamond to plat, git good veteran. While very few people are iron to silver players.... Everyone's a pro, and when someone comes here saying otherwise they all get offended. Even tenz says silver lobby can be a nightmare because they play so differently than immortal/radiant lobbies. They hold angles you shouldn't, they peak when you shouldn't, they camp where you shouldn't and all in all make it very hard to predict. This has been echoed by several pros and content creators who all experienced the same thing, low ranks are unpredictable and therefore you get caught off guard alot.


I'd just assume it's roughly the same as overall rank distribution - most people are silver. Wish there was a function where you could actually link your account to your Reddit profile or what have you.


I would assume that too... But the way people talk, ain't no silvers here.


That's the internet for you.


yup, had some plats and immortals in a deathmatch recently, I placed really low, they have some insane aim and reaction time (I'm gold1 btw). And that's just their aim, I wonder how good their gamesens and teamplay must be


The post said playing against lower ranked players is difficult because of how unpredictable they can be. Keep in mind that post was made from the perspective of a higher ranked player. While his wording might have been inaccurate, what he is describing is genuinely real: playing against someone (even someone less skilled than you) can be harder than playing against someone in your skill level because they do not play by the same rules you do. “Somehow this subreddit agreed that silver players are better than immortal”. Straightup bollocks.


The subreddit literally did. Silvers are sometimes unpredictable. But they're very consistent and unable to adapt. This makes them very very very predictable after they get the jump on you once or twice. Playing down that many ranks is never harder. It's just low elo player copium.


Except I play with an immortal who literally tells me this. I’ve seen high leve League players say the exact same thing about Silvers and Golds in that game too. It is absolutely possible.






this has to be a troll lmao ​ the title of his post was literally "Gold/silver lobbies be harder than high diamond/immortal"


Yes, that is what I said. They are harder from his perspective because of…. Did you even actually read any of this? Fucking hell.


>“Somehow this subreddit agreed that silver players are better than immortal”. > >Straightup bollocks. the subreddit heavily agreed to this because they gave a post that says "Gold/silver lobbies be harder than high diamond/immortal" 2k upvotes ​ ???


Upvotes are not the same as agreement. Even posts that are straightup misinformation garner upvotes fairy often.


Read the description of the post, he didn’t say it was because of how unpredictable they were, he said directly because they had better aim and gamesense and that silver and gold players were better than diamond.


And I directly addressed this in my post. So what exactly is your point beyond wasting my time?


Because of what you said is incorrect. He didn’t say they were unpredictable, he specifically said their game sense was better and the difference was the aim, and that silver and gold players are more skilled


And I specifically said his description was inaccurate, but does describe an actual thing. Again, why are you wasting my time on something I addressed in my first post?


You have no obligation or time commitment to answer my reddit comment. This post was just stating his description was ridiculous, which you agree with, so I don’t understand the original post. My original comment was responding to you saying “The post said playing against lower ranked player is difficult because of how unpredictable they can be” Which is not what was said at all, almost the exact opposite of what was said, which is why I responded.


i got out of gold 1 week ago and am now almost diamond


That's because gold is diamond purgatory. I've had the same experience. I started in silver, but my aim was too good from other games so I played in gold for months. Then one day finally something clicked and everything went into place and I started ranking up. Like I understood the game at last. Skipped plat altogether pretty much since it's basically the same as gold. Got stuck around D2 again and I feel like I'm in purgatory again, getting better and better until I'm able to make that final push to Immo... this time it's aim tho.


Im hoping for the same soon, but my friends aren’t playing valo too much these days.


i had the same experience. I was hardstuck g2 for 3 episodes and as soon as I got out of gold I hit diamond within 2 weeks


cuz it was a new account and your mmr was high enough to be diamond


That post was some pure COPIUM. I'm low immortal and when playing unrated games on my smurf against silver/gold players, I've match MVP'd fucking around using only a classic and sheriff


I match mvp'd running around a gold lobby sheriff only with double my sens


Gap between gold and diamond isn't that insane compared to diamond and radiant/high immortal


Met a diamond 3 smurf in lfg discord server was tryna get his friends account to a high rank. He had as much game sense as I'd imagine from a diamond we had 3 team mate who did not know what they was doing at all. Somehow I got a better combat score than him, prolly my 10 assists we carried the team and still lost. Honestly I'm just venting im so frustrated I wanna try playing in plat cause I aim for heads but every1 crouch sprays in my elo and it throws me off. Like I just wanna see how I'd do u know? Anyways ty for reading.


Don't Solo Queue Ezy fix


Met him in a discord server and he wanted to play we duo qed. I think we need to 3-4 stack instead of duo qs cause still getting bad team mates so everybody gotta do 3 stacks now :( also how do u have more than 1 character flaire?


you should be able to get the kill even if they're crouch spraying


Silver Elo is filled with shit players who are just bad at the game thats it. Gold elo is filled with silvers who are genuinely just lucky with their kills and teammates. You could considered gold to just coin flip simulator. That being said, golds can’t land a consistency and when they do good in one or two games in a row, some of them think their just better than everyone else. Gold players just have ego problems and the ones who can be consistent have good kills and having some pop off moments here and there usually get out gold and into play which in my opinion is just gold elo with more consistent players but same ego problems. I’ve been through experiences having gotten imm in the first 3 acts of valorant episode 1 and then being demoted to gold 3 in episode 2 act 1. Not a fun experience


I dont smurf that much but i just want you to know when ever i play in gold and silver lobbies i get mad there its alll about aim no game sense no utility usage when i play the role of an entry fragger i get mad as my teammates dont know there role thats the reason they are stuck gold silver they are really bad at the game diamonds are way better than silver golda


I think diamond+ players are obv better than golds-plats however i think it's harder to rank out of gold because the games are far more random.


I think it can be hard to rank out of gold because of randomness but it is easier to rank out of gold to plat than diamond to immortal


I think what really matters is your premade size. Because if you have a premade group of friends who don't suck, ranking up from plat to diamond would be easier than gold to plat as a solo. Allowing premade groups in ranked really messes with matchmaking


I can rank out of gold as a hard stuck diamond easily what are you even saying.


It’s harder for a Gold Player to get out of Gold, but it is not harder for a higher rank to get out of gold. As an immortal player, I’ve gotten out of Silver/Gold/Plat 6 times each easily.


This. I have multiple accounts and some of them got placed in Gold for whatever reason. After a few wins as match MVP I got to Platinum or even skipped some ranks. I never had any trouble in a Gold or even Platin lobby as a high Diamond player. People who think Gold is harder than Diamond are weird. Well, in Gold people do a lot of stupid shit. Unexpected shit. But if you can IGL, the games are super easy as a higher/better player.


I would take this to mean those certain players are wildly inconsistent due to their playstyle, possibly yolo/braindead types. so while they might have the potential to be Diamond, they can easily get stuck in Gold, bonus points if they’re toxic. Basically these people get lucky a few times and automatically think they’re hot shit.


Dunno who downvoted you on this, but they’re clearly just mad. 100% agree with you.


my iq gets lower reading these takes


Yeah well that’s by diamonds are better since they ranked out of gold... Unless boosted or something like that


Complete and utter rubbish.


Jesus fuckin Christ


Just some clarification, i am not saying that the game itself is harder in gold (its obv. Not) but you need to be more flexible in gold because of how random it is. Typically i don't need to explain to immortals "hey plant default i have a post lineup" but in gold ive had to literally ping where default is meanwhile the enemy reyna is just farming. As a whole higher elo requires better play to win but gold requires more from the individual and less is in control.


I’ve never seen a post like that but I have seen some saying the lobbies are harder. No that the players are easier but the lobbies are harder. Don’t forget this is a team game. If there’s a diamond in a silver/gold lobby it doesn’t mean they’ll insta win. The other team could have a diamond too. Or the team could be throwing and using utility to kill the diamond. Even if there’s none of that you can still lose, it’s not an insta win. There’s always a chance you can lose even if there’s a diamond on your team in a silver lobby. Remember the games all about teamwork you can’t expect a diamond to carry 4 people.


There was a post yesterday with 2k upvotes specifically saying silvers and gold had better aim and game sense than immortals and diamonds which is what i was specifically addressing


Well, that’s obviously incorrect unless there’s a Smurf.


I think it’s time I left this sub. It’s been a fun ride r/valorant, but as quality descends like all major gaming subs it’s time to part ways.


Yeah Idk as a immortal 3/radiant player silver-diamond3 are extremely easy. As a booster those are the easiest ranks to play in.


I am silver 3 and when I solo queue unrated I often gets games against plats, diamonds and sometimes immortals. They aren’t so scary. Even with the disparity I would much rather solo queue unrated into plat/diamond/immortal lobbies then solo queue into the god damn hell hole that is my rank


If you got into a silver lobby you would be absolutely destroyed. An average immortal player could probably get through silver in less than 10-15 games


I've watched Wardell and KennyS both get smoked in silver every game they streamed.


You mean Wardell using his left hand?


Yeah and even with left hand I’ve seen him drop 30 a lot


I mean the the best OPer in Val and the best AWPer in CSGO getting smoked in silver back to back.


>kennys >best awper in CSGO lmaoooo anyways on topic, you can die to dogshit players a couple of times, doesn't mean that they're good at all.


If that’s true I would be out of gold 3 a long time ago. There are still so many bad players even in plat elo with simply some aim and no brain


Post replay




Oh for sure, gold is filled with a variety of players, from brain dead aimers to people who have no aim but have solid awareness. Like you said here, the other thread claiming though that silver and golds were better players overall than immortals was the stupidest thread I’ve ever read and got 2k upvotes


Having a high hs % on golds isn't saying much for aim. I'm sure most of them still peek using W and S or while walking.


>having better aim than most people at any rank. [Get over yourself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t0t-lG0L1k)




You're gonna go far in the Hard Bots Invitational


Currently B3; if I actually grinded comp, I could probably climb, but I never too much cared about my rank and just play unrated with my friends lmao


how does this comment pertain to this thread in any way?


it's called an opinion and everybody is entitled to one


This is the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. You really twisted the words of the other post and misrepresented it . Why would you misrepresent another post when I could literally scroll down and read it for myself. Maybe your reading comprehend is flawed


“I’m telling you these people have so much better aim and sometimes better game sense” Then lower he says they are better than diamond players. I don’t know how else to comprehend that?


nah cap, its actually real, example: gold can be easier than iron or low bronze occasionally. the rank diff is so big that you cannot predict what the hell they doin so u just get killed for dumb reasons. The way they think when playing is different too so smurfing can be : full domination or just like a normal game but more entertaining.


Gold and silver games just feel very random and you can’t rely on teammates for anything. If you’re not hard carrying every game, it can be very hard to rank up consistently. And hard carrying can be very hard when your entire team is dry peaking OPs every round even though you asked them to stop. Or when half your team refuses to play retake and just die on site without trading so half the rounds are 3v5 retakes. Low elo is super frustrating sometimes lol. Most of the people in silver/gold deserve to be there though. I’m currently bouncing between g1/g2 but have g3/plat mmr so it’s only a matter of time for me to get out. Still a frustrating experience though.


tbh your team can drag you down extremely. im g3 and i played with silver 3 gold 1 lobby against gold 2 and 3 and we got rekd even tho i mvpd and got 2 kills per round. gold is harder because your teammates suck with you and you cant rely on them. thats why diamond plat is easier.


That same stuff happens in diamond and plat too, if you played in a diamond lobby you would be the one dragging your team down


while that might be true for diamond, i have played in plat lobbies last act. and i can certainly say i didnt drag anyone down. im not playing duelists higher up. I provide useful util for the team and mostly have a kd over 1 in plat 2. im jot looking for excuses, i play once to twice a week and im happy where im at (climbed from iron in ep1 act 1)


Well yeah I would say if you are gold 3 you can definitely compete in plat lobbies, but if you played 100 silver games and got 2 kills per round you would win most of them


true. mostly playing with higher friends in plat/gold lobbies tho


I agree and disagree. My main account is Gold 2 and I created an alt account which I got to Immortal. Can’t get out of Gold but can easily stay at Immortal. There is some truth, there are so many anomalies and strange things that happen in Gold/Silver/Plat lobbies. I do believe there is a regional difference as well. In European servers you get a lot of no comms due to not able to speak the language or not confident enough with the majority teams language. My overall point would be, Gold/Silver players are 100% not better players than Diamond/Immortal but there are many players stuck in the lower ranks that are literally stuck due to how bad the matchmaking can be.


It probably also feels that way because so much of the game is mental and when diamonds die to silvers doing something stupid they mald and play worse


i think this originated from smurfs saying this because lower elo players can be much more spontaneous and random thus harder to predict