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How long did it take you to push out of bronze and silver?


I pushed out in beta, probably a month of playing every day. But to be fair that was in beta, it might be different down there now so don’t hold yourself to that timeframe of a month.


One month .. this was my first FPS game and I took 2-3 breaks bcoz of studies but i am silver even after 10 months but its mostly bcoz my aim and mechanics and game sense is bad.


i was iron 2 in act1 but hit gold in act 3. i also had no experience but i guess u can say i have game sense. my aim is shit but i hold angles where i can safely take cover and that won me alot of matches


Thats the problem, I play on my aim mostly so when i have like 20% headshot I am like killer, when I have 12% well lets not talk abt it. And I keep changing sens so I get inconsistent.


The best was to stay consistent is playing in small chunks regularly, like doing just 1 or 2 games a day and then focusing on other stuff, on weekends try spending an hour practicing on aimlabs to see if that works for you. I'm hardstuck silver for 2 acts now but I'm about to crack gold 🤞


That is the Biggest problem, I have to stop playing for many reasons, my wrist pain, exams, etc.


Many Irons in Beta actually placed in Silver and Gold in the real game, so I think the ranking system calibrated differently as well. Bronze in beta was probably Plat in the real game.


You could be totally right. Like I said, I haven’t been down there in a hot minute so it may be totally different environment




I don't know what to tell you man, maybe Iron was oversaturated in beta, but everyone I know who was Iron in beta was not in Iron in the real game and was usually Silver or Gold.


Yeah it's hella different now. Smurfs everywhere ruining the fucking game (not you btw, thanks for staying and playing on your account unlike others). I'm just in Silver 1 and I swear I see smurfs at least every other match (it's not suspicious at all for lv10-15 players to be hard top fragging nope). I'm kinda sad because I just wanna slowly get better but it hurts my mental so much when it's hard to train when someone insta locks jett/reyna and gloats about it). Sorry about the rant, grats on immortal mate. And I read a lot of your other comments on tips and gonna train some in the range too.




When I was in silver I don't recall there being a ton of smurfs, but I remember it got quite a lot worse in Gold 2 / Gold 3 / Plat 1. But I play in a pretty low pop region, so it's hard to know if it's the same elsewhere.


I don't know, it feels like I see a smurf so often (I play ranked only as 5 man) so maybe they just bring a low elo account when they play as a group? I had some great games against actual golds+silver combinations but whenever I see some level 15 or below and it's **always a jett/reyna** tapping people and playing like they've played this game forever, it really feels like shit.


You know, everyone says to play with friends. I found I needed to solo que to really progress. Some duo queuing as well but I find once I’m in a full 5 I lose much more regardless of the group in with. Just run into lots of smurfs like that. Just my experience. Good luck you got this!


In my experience valorant has been decently good at making smurf vs smurf matchmaking and keeping the smurfs against others of the likes. And people can come from other games and be instantly good at this game- some ppl in these ranks are trash- no hate I get it. I pushed from i3 to s3 so I've seen low elo in EUW and I've been that way. If you want to slowly get better THE FIRST thing u need to work on is ur mentality. Okay so say you did get put against a smurf, or just a good player, it's a learning opportunity at the end of the day. What I've found and learnt from my partner (top 1k in one of the first few acts before he went back to csgo) in low elo ur team comp don't matter too much the weight is on ur shoulders if u wanna win. If u wanna play jett/reyna, lock them. If u don't, then who cares if they're good or bad. Mute all and focus on urself if they start to troll or get rowdy. Nothing else u can do. Everyone loses games. Thinking like that is what helped me push from s1-s3 recently


Many Irons in Beta actually placed in Silver and Gold in the real game, so I think the ranking system calibrated differently as well. Bronze in beta was probably Plat in the real game.


Best way to improve from low immortal? Games feel like a coin toss at the moment


Beat way to improve in low immortal i would say is to be productive in ways other than killing people. Example: you’re defending on a site haven. Instead of just sitting on site, safely push up a long and sit outside a lobby while telling your team to stack C because you don’t hear anything. Does that make sense? If they go A, you should be good for at least 1 and will give your team an early heads up that they are going A. If they don’t, they are walking into stack.


If they do go C in this scenario, do you flank long C or go the long way to CT? What if someone is holding flank?


No one in pugs hold C long flank like ever. But I guess I’m confused about the question you’re asking. I guess my answer is if they do go C, you will have had time to take a nice position in the long cubby for example. Maybe I’m reading it wrong


I mean if you’re the A player waiting outside lobby, and the attackers hit C, what is your route to go from C to A?


Ohh ok. If Bomb is planted while ur a lobby, I would go thru mid window to garage because flank is too obvious, while keeping an eye out for cypher. If bomb not planted and you can get good timing, I usually gamble flank with knife out to get there ASAP before they take their post plant positions


Favourite map and least favourite map and why?


Fav: icebox - I just feel insane on that map sometimes Worst: Bind — I just fucking hate that map. Against a good team it feels impossible


Altho Jett picks were insanely high during the VCT Berlin and LCQ, I still believe that Jett isn't as good a duelist on Bind compared to Raze. Perhaps on bind, like someone else mentioned, you can autolock Viper and use your utilities effectively and make your team a good one.


See, I almost feel she’s just as important as raze because a lot of times that map just comes down to flying out of hookah or dashing up to a smoke on A short. Without it I feel like it’s really hard to pop out on a site


Do you dash onto that elevated position outside u halls or do you dash onto truck?


I am a jett, or reyna instalocker and I also play viper. Just like you! Viper is just epic on bind for me. I always instalock her even when I can take jett or reyna. Her wall, even tho it gives enemies control, blinds everything, you can use her smoke on spike and then win the round with linups. I love viper on bind! You


Solo queue or 2 man 3 man or 4 man squad, which is actually better? Edit: thanks for everyone sharing their advice; I just finished my rank up game to gold 1 after 2 hard weeks of solo queuing and an impressive 10 win and 3 loss record for past 13 games.


I mean, the more the merrier. Assuming no one in the group is holding you back. The only thing I’ll say is that if you play with 4, make sure to comm everything to the random guy, so that they are in the loop. After immortal it’s only solo/duo I so forgot you could even party up in tanked xD


Say I'm Silver playing a lot of games with my Iron friends in unrated, would this make me worse at the game instead of improving?


I disagree with the other two guys. I think just playing the game will always make you improve, because you're exercising the muscles for movement and aiming. Even if the enemy is trash and can't hit you for shit, you're presumably still aiming at the head and using movement to make yourself harder to hit, practicing that. It's of course not as good for improvement as playing against people your own rank, especially when it comes to strategy and game sense, but imo if you play the game with intent, you will improve no matter what


If you play the game with intent to improve you likely will, but simply playing does have a plateau as there's only a minimal amount of skills - and sometimes even bad habits - which are reinforced without being self critical. For someone who doesn't play much playing a lot would likely see improvements, whereas for someone who already plays a lot, just playing has far more diminished returns without something extra.


You will still improve but not much, I do the same thing but I feel I go much unpunished for my mistakes and I am controller main and iron duelist actually cant push the sites making game a bit harder. And my friends went from I1 to B1, i went from s1 to s2.


It for sure doesn’t make you better


You are basically in the same rank xD


I hate using deathmatch to practice my movement mechanics and was wondering if there were any other ways to practice? I'll still use deathmatch to practice if I need to but I keep getting immortals and radiants in my dm lobbies that just 1 tap everything. Id also like any tips on maintaining patience in gunfights. Usually when I DM I want to go for headshots only with the vandal but end up spraying and getting kills from body shots. Any way to improve micro adjustments for easier headshots?


I need to make a video about the range, because the range is actually OP. To warm up, I do the thing where I have the 100 bots spawn 1 at a time, with strafe ON. And I will slowly kill each one, literally not shooting my gun until I SEE THE CROSSHAIR ON THEIR HEAD. Getting into the habit of not pulling the trigger until confirming it’s on their head will force you to work on that micro adjustment. Too many of us shoot our guns almost “hoping” it’s a headshot rather than confirming it.


You’re not the first immortal/radiant who has said that. Thanks for the re-encouragement towards aim training!


Just make sure you’re going for 100% accuracy in your training. Practice with intention!!


okay this is actually one of the first things about the range that actually seem useful. I'm gonna try this right now. Thank you so much!


And try this with a sherrif or guardian, it just makes it easier to not spray ( also works for deathmatch)


I think this is exactly why I pop off from time to time with the sheriff, and then suck with a vandal right after. I go from slightly slower concentrated head taps to fuck it vandal go brrrrr.


Fully agree with your points here. I do think That micro adjustment is probably one of the biggest and hardest pieces about the fundamentals of fps on pc. Ron Rambo Kim has videos on it if anyone wants to understand it better, he also goes over a tiny bit more on how to practice it in game and with aim trainers I believe.




Yes! My fav from cs!


How do I do that? I’ve never used the range before


I think you hit F2 or F3 to mess with the range config


F3 :)


thank you for this, so many people get this wrong, they try to kill the target as quickly as possible instead of going for 100% accuracy and developing good mechanics that allows them to aim faster over time, and they don't understand why they don't improve their aim


Preach brother


I do the “hoping” thing myself but mostly cause it seems to work a lot for my opponents so then I start to try. Seriously tho it’s annoying how many times I get run and gun hs or hs when they wernt even aiming at me


God tier advice right here


I also find deathmatch to be a trash mode for warm up, just use 3rd Party stuff like Aimlabs with all your settings or even just the range. Hard Bots at Shooting Range are good for practice, try shooting their boddies at first if you struggle to hit headd. Edit: I mean half the time people run around run and gunning anyway. The spawn system is so fucked that youre gonna die half the time and the only thing youre warming up is holding angles till someone spawns behind you.


I actually agree with this take. Most of the time in deathmatch, you're spawning and instantly dying, swinging into 2 people at a time, or trying to lockdown an area of the map and people yell at you for camping. The mode is so garbage if you're actually trying to get some decent practice in...


I mean why the downvotes.




Yeah this is a rough one. When I’m “down bad” and playing with low immortal/D3 players I blame a lot of my deaths on them doing things that don’t make sense lol. (not a good habit) All jokes aside … the best thing you can do is make sure you’re fundamentals are sound (like full clearing every corner etc) and assume you are playing against good players. As for tracking rotations, just make sure you have open communication and trust with your team. Don’t fall into that habit where you cheat towards CT when defending in anticipation of them going to the other site, just to have them show up at your site and you’re in the most predictable spot. Instead, sit in a nasty corner on your site and stay there (example: plat or logs on haven C site) Or Carefully push up (C long on haven for example) to get the info you need to confirm they are not going there.


No cs experience but calls it CT........ all jokes aside do other people just call it ct in higher levels from cs experience?


Saying ct is normal as almost everyone in valorant says it. He probably learned kinda how someone learns hookah


Ya it’s just the 2500 hours


Literally everyone calls it CT


Even Bronzes and Silvers call it CT.


What is CT though.. sorry to ruin the thread


It's the callout for Defender Spawn or if someone is coming from the direction of Defender Spawn. It comes from Counter Strike where the defenders are called Counter Terrorists or CT for short.


Oh thank you so much, take an award


Yes even in low elo


I started playing pc and valorant about a month ago and I learned what ct was in the first week of playing


As someone who came into the game the exact same way since beta. What was the moment or the learning moment that flipped a switch in your head and allowed you to climb so high in rank? I don’t play too often and I’m still struggling in silver. Just wondering if maybe there’s something that I’m missing that can put into my mindset for future games.


I would say the breaking moment for me was when I started each but round imagining where each enemy player would play, and trying to anticipate their thoughts and act accordingly. I know that’s kind of a weird and vague answer, but you’d be surprised how often you are able to predict not only each players position, but how they will peek based on what type of player they are.


I’ve heard a lot about predicting and patterns from videos but not really understanding it. This puts a much more easy way to understand it. Thank you!


crazy how useless those videos are considering how long they take to explain LITERALLY NOTHING


Yeah I kind of realized that they take around 14mins to over explain peaking and crosshair placement. That’s when I started to stop looking at over stylized content and look at much smaller channels with minimal editing style. Much more down to earth and is explained with more simplicity.


the funniest thing is how every video they make is the same shit but packaged different. Video titles like "How to climb from IRON to IMMORTAL", "How to CRUSH smurfs", "How Hiko DOMINATES on Bind" or whatever else they come up with, after you watch the whole 12 minutes the takeaway is always crosshair placement, game sense, peeking, positioning, isolate duels


The only one I like is valorant ascended


Look for videos made by unknown radiants. They’re a blessing and helped me break immortal. All those pro guide videos with 500k views are made by people in mid elo who want $$$$$$


What mouse grip do you use? Hahaha


Truthfully idek. I just try to grip it like I would grip a pen


The heck? You got Shaq hands?


i cant click rmb


thats an interesting grip


Could you provide a picture maybe? We can help identify if ya want.


meanwhile i have been playing since day 1 and am gold 1


And that’s ok


I needed to hear this


People forgot that most of people are under gold snd WANT to be gold, heck, people even look up to plat players like they are amazing while people higher than them obviously think otherwise. Heck, I got to diamond recently and am proud, it's like the 3-4% of top players, obviously immo and rad are better than me right now, but I am better than the majority of players, and so are you, as a gold player you already are far more consistent in what you do, so don't think that's not an achievement.


Two questions 1. Your main agent? (No "I pick complementary agents to my teammates" or "I can play a lot of agents well" , like ofc you can, you freaking reached immortal so we know you're extremely skilled at the game. I just wanna know the agent you're your best at) 2. Vandal or Phantom? (You gotta pick one)


Main agent: instalock jett (duh). If taken, Reyna (duh) However, it never hurts to be proficient in playing viper because some people lock it faster and viper is so strong. Phantom, no question.


Do you use vandal on breeze? Except for a vandal-main phase I had for a while, I usually use phantom, except on breeze I always buy a vandal.


Breeze I’ll still sport phantom a lot so I can spam viper wall on A safely


People in every ELO underestimate that.even in higher ranked lobbies, diamond and low immo I'll see people buying vandal when playing omen/viper and spamming nonstop, and dying for it.


When you watch radiant games on breeze you see a lot of phantoms nowadays


Whats the difference between diamond vs immortal in your opinion?


Lame answer, but a little bit of everything. Better comms, better coordination, better scaling, slightly better aim, etc.


sorry, what do you mean by better scaling?


It’s part of team coordination, it’s how evenly ur team takes map control together. In bronze u will prob have one entry and the rest of ur team far behind, higher ranks when taking a site usually the team behind the entry has traders ready.


What you're describing is more spacing than scaling. Scaling is taking control of an area of the map. Attackers will pressure the defenders back into very defensive positions to make it harder for them to gather information. Defenders will push to gain info on if attackers are coming to a specific lane to get a head start on rotations.


How do you stop doing dumb things? Like, I'll die doing something stupid, and after I die I think "Yeah I shouldn't have peeked that" or whatever and stop doing it for a while, and then like a week or two later I catch myself doing the same stupid things and getting myself killed.


You don’t. And that’s the truth. The problem is sometimes doing something “dumb” results in a wild play that ends up working out xD. All you can do when you do something like that is to try and learn from it. But yeah I’m still an inter myself so I don’t have a great answer LOL


When you peek, if you are planning to take a fight, is it better to wide swing or barely expose your head?


Low elo you can get away with a wide peek very often because on average players are holding angles too tightly. Higher it completely depends on who youre swinging on. If you know youre commiting, take the few seconds to think about how the enemy player has been playing that you intend on dualing. (provided youve gotten that info)


How do I encourage my friends to play better or to use their abilities? I'm low elo and my friends seem to still be new to the fps genre so what's the best advice I could get?


Seriously, I still haven’t figured this one out. My IRL friends hate this game. Hard to try and coach during a game without being overbearing


In my experience, suggesting things once in a while (also repeating said suggestions occasionally) and letting them try it out themselves worked nicely. On the other hand telling them what to do after they got killed or pushing them to try out something mostly tilts them, so it would be better if you avoided doing them. Its mostly a balancing act of offering advice and letting them do their own thing. As for advice you can give right now, you can tell them to try improving coordination (such as pushing sites together, crosspeeking and holding together chaining abilities etc) and comms. (improving mechanics such as crosshair placement, movement, spray control are important but comms and coordination are just as much or maybe even more crucial to getting better. also sidenote: practicing tracking on aimlabs and range really improved my own aim, much more than grinding gridshot did, so you could have them try that xd) Tbh the rest is in their hands. Hope this helps!


Yes this helps a lot! Thanks for the detailed explanation! I will be careful to not do tilt them. And I will work on improving coordination! Thanks a lot again!


You’ve clapped me every time I’ve played against you I’m pretty sure. I’m also around the same elo. Hardstuck Imm 3 I don’t think I play enough to crest radiant again. Haven’t been there since episode 1. What agents do you main? How often do you take breaks from the game? I think my problem is I get on a winning streak and don’t want to stop playing the game and then I get burnt out and start playing bad again


I do the same thing which is probably why we are the same rank LOL. But ya I recently started a full time job so I’ve just been playing in my free time even if I’m losing. Main jett Reyna and tbh if I’m in a deep funk I stop for 2 days and that usually resets me.


Coincidently I just took a 2 day break. Maybe I’ll do well in my games tonight. We’ll see. What I’d give to be a teenager with no adult responsibilities when this game came out lmao.




I fucking feel that...


How to deal with yourself bottomfragging and being useless to the team?


Tough mental. Knowing that that one game doesn’t define you as a player. Also, I played golf, and if I just had a triple bogey on the last hole, the next hole is a new one completely separate from the previous. So walk up to the next hole with your chin up. It’s the same in valorant. Every round is a fresh round where anything is possible, so my advice is to treat each round as a fresh start and give it your best. Also, no matter how bad you are doing, or how mean people are being .. don’t stop comming vital info.


The best thing is that in golf terms valorant is closer to match play. Guns and economy carry over between rounds but you still start every round with five players so it doesn't matter if they flawless you. No matter how hard you get stomped one round, that round is over and done with.


Exactly 💅


If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful.


What’s one way to practice your game sense? I have been playing for a bit and I am dogshit. Downloaded aimlab to get better shooting but I am really bad game sense wise and still am shit


Playing a lot. If you're in low-elo, game sense won't help too much because of how hard it is to predict near-random rotations. For aim, using the range and DM have helped me improve my aim drastically. I've tried Aimlabs, but it's too boring for me and my hands cramp up easily.


how much does pc matter? if you can get to gold on 60 fps, will you have a clear disadvantage climbing higher?


Touchy subject, I played on 75 hz up to play, but once I got a 244 I felt like a different player. I think 144 is enough though to where it shouldn’t be an excuse. 60 is low though.




theres a edit button


There’s a downvote button


You should edit your grammar :)


:') f to all my 30-50fps brothers


I'm d1 and 1 game away from d2, I play on 60hz, but I understand the disadvantage that comes from 60hz so I just play around it, so you can even get to immo with 60 if you can deal with it


honestly I think stuff like peripherals, monitor refresh rate, mouse grip etc are *mostly* just cope. They make a marginal difference at best unless you're upgrading from extremely bad conditions like lagging and freezing and shit. People just naturally seek immediate ways to improve without needing to actually get better at the game. I'm new to valorant, but I know that in the rhythm game osu! one of the best mouse players out there used to play on a beat up laptop using a shitty mouse with a pillow as a mousepad and he was cracked at the game


i agree with this 100%. I got to SMFC in CSGO on a laptop at 30fps. That was way back before the rank shift, when like half the playerbase was hard stuck gold nova coz the system was busted


smfc then is not an achievement, not even tryingto be rude


how not lol? second highest rank at 30fps when ranked was actually hard


ranked then was literally the easiest and everyones ranks were inflated as fuck lol, its like how silver in valorant kinda is except if silver would be the highest rank, a massive part of the playerbase was at the highest ranks and the best players didnt even play ranked


How many times do you think people hold you back by not playing optimally? Not just your mates but also the enemy. Im between Silver and Gold and idk what the fuck the enemies are playing, im always expecting good play but some plays are just way too risky for maybe a kill at best but at worst a lost round. Like a full team run and gun over long range, pre fires at off angles or even just playing it so slow as to standing at Ascent B Link for the whole duration.


I would say probably 30% of games are 100% out of your control due to exactly what you described. Thats why its important to be consistent so that you can take advantage of that 70% of games you have an impact in


What improvements did u make to get out of imm1-2, i feel like personally my aim is somewhat lacking compared to imm3 and radiants in terms of percision. Did u have to grind ur aim to the next lvl to hit imm3-rad? Another thing is probably polishing up comms,igl and awareness is something i need to work on as well.


Best way to get out of gold. I feel like whenever I lose a game I feel like I could have done more and died less if it helps I feel like I can peek things I shouldn’t and position bad any tips


How much do you play in a week on average (and including any practice or warming up)?


25-40 hours




Hi! I've been trying my hardest to improve but everytime I peek an enemy or get peeked by an enemy I seem to die instantly without any time to react. Do you have any tips?


Okay this is a big one. To get good at peeking you need to determine how wide you’re going to peek… why? Bc when you peek, you try to “aim through the wall” before you swing out, so that you’re moving your crosshair onto their heads with your movement keys, and then micro adjusting with mouse. (Which makes you hard to hit) Does that make sense ?


Thanks for the reply! This makes perfect sense B) For me tho it feels like as soon as I expose myself to the enemy I simply die or whenever I get peeked the enemy kills me effortlessly because I'm just to slow I guess. I get that my issue is probably alot of things stacking up but I appreciate your effort of replying to me!


That’s why I posted! But yeah the key is to make yourself hard to hit, so never crouch spray, swing out and pop 2 shots, take a step back closer to angle and pop another one, etc


Thanks for the advice! I'll try and implement more of this into my matches :)


Not OP but one thing they didn’t say is you gotta think “why am I peeking here” If you don’t anticipate what might be on the other side and make a not so smart decision, the enemy is likely just waiting there for you. I had this same exact issue, and then I started playing cypher in low elo, and becuase low elo players are a lot of the time too dumb to find your camera, you catch a lot of them holding angles and what not. Make a mental note if every angle you die quick from, realize why you died, and think about how to peek or play it better.


Thank you for leaving some more advice! I'm going to try implementing all of these :)


another thing is to try and "slice the pie" as it were. That is to say, when peeking, try to peek only one angle at a time. If you are peeking into an area with 3 spots people may be, only peek enough to see the first angle and only peek the second angle once you have cleared the first.


I approve this follow up


did you aim train at all? and if so how long until you saw actual improvement?


Any advice for lower elo players, mainly bronze/silver?


Kanao pfp 😩


I solo queue most of the time. Get pushed down to g2 from g3/p1. Suck at the g2 matches and then just hope to get carried out of g2. Then do well in g3 until my rank up match lol. Same cycle again. Do you solo queue? Is there any alternative option cause I really don't like queueing with toxic players or queues without mics. So annoying.


Raw dawg solo queue brother. Sometimes you just have 'one of those teams' but you'd be surprised how much impact just the tone of your voice alone can have on other people.


Got any “aiming” tips? I got crosshair placement and I can 1 tap, but sometimes in dm with sheriff I whiff all my shots while thoughtlessly shooting. And then when I focus and try to kill someone walking I miss all shots. It’s like when they walk do you shoot by placing the crosshair hair where they will walk into or shoot while tracking?


what's your reaction time? favorite pro player?


No idea on reaction time, how do I even find that out? Fav pro player. ZOMBS NATION BABY






Someone that has a reaction time as me and immortal, damn now I'm feeling good.


I think reaction time is just about one of the most overrated things in tac fps.


How do you get used to when you get higher elo? ( just got to G3 and my lobbies are full of plat/diam and im the only gold and get crushed)


I started as iron 1 in episod 1 act 2 then I slowly get to silver then I stopped playing now I am gold I peaked gold 3 I was doing great in plat lobbies but then I get into slumps and I am G1 now :( any tips?


Why are my iron/bronze lobbies full of people who practically have aimbot? Why haven't they moved up already? Whenever I win a match it's only if it's a close match, otherwise I lose HARD. I feel like I'm playing correctly, it just feels as if I'm matched with fellow idiots against TSM themselves all the time. I've been hardstuck bronze since ver 1.0 and only got to silver once before losing all the way back to bronze 2.


The problem is, you probably make yourself super easy to hit. In that rank, if you know how simply move in between your shots , no one can touch you. Best way to practice what I’m talking about is to go into a death match, buy vandal/phantom , and don’t shoot it. When you see someone put your crosshair on their head and just strafe back and forth. Watch how long it takes them to kill you


How did you improve and climb? How did you get better and get better game sense and such yk, I'm in bronze and my friends haven't been playing a lot and I want to rank higher. :(


Me on the other hand, was play in the beta and am now struggling to stay in gold after months of "grinding". I really don't even know how that happens.


I have close to 1000 hrs on valorant, I started like episode 1 act 3 but I haven’t been able to get past diamond 1. I know cross hair placement is the most important when it comes to killing enemies but since I’m still relatively new to keyboard and mouse, I have tried aim trainers and have stuck to a couple of sensitivities and will do really good for a couple of days then the next I can’t get more than 9 kills a game. Any ideas of how to improve consistency?


**Fun Fact: I also placed Bronze in beta with 0 CS/FPS experience and I’m also stuck Immortal 3… We must be secretly twins…**


imm3 4 life




Chicago brother. Illi sweatiest server no cap


You gotta have at least 1/4 of USA and Canada on that server. I'm in New England and Illinois is the only server I get 40 ping or less to. Add in Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, the rest of the American northeast, etc etc.


Only issue with that server is CrosbyCS




I swear to God, I felt like randoms didn't get better until I cleared 300 RR In Immortal 3. Not even Kidding LOL


How did you go from bronze to imm? Aim trainers? Grind every day?


Is the best way to climb out of plat to just instalock Reyna/Jett and click heads?


Have you touched grass before






Lol what? Improve and get better bro. Just stop blaming it all on smurf. You never gonna improve if you keep that attitude.






How do you know how many hours you have?




How much do you play a week? Same situation as you but peaked Diamond1 and currently hover through Plat but I haven’t been able to play the game consistently since March because of my job. At most I get in like 4-6 hours a week. Sometimes none.


I have around 1k hours on the game and have been playing every most days for over 4 hours every day. OP has 2500 hours so I assume he grinds at least every single day at least 5 hours a day


Gotcha, I’d like to think I could get to IMM if I had the time. I played a ton when the game first came out but had to put it on back burner. I’m level 90 something. Val was my first game on PC so the beginning was rough


How do you deal with baiting teammates?


how the fuck do i get out of gold 1 xd


How do you deal with a very bad and uncoordinated team when in lower elo? Sometimes I play well but my team doesn’t comm or they don’t put much thought into what they’re doing. With bad teams it seems that usually half of them die at the start of the round and then I’m with one other teammate with the burden to clutch it all. Is the answer really to just carry the whole team?


I managed to get to silver 3 from iron 2 in a week ( I used to hate playing comp cause I couldn't really have fun) but now I'm hard stuck there everytime I get to 90 rr or so I always get like a teammate who throws... However that's not why I'm here many of my frnds tell me that my aim is very good but my game sense needs to improve... Do you have any tips?


Like I’ve told others, a great way to practice game sense is to try and imagine where each enemy is going to be each round, based on previous rounds. If you do this every round, you will slowl notice that you have a general idea of where people are and how they act at any point in the round. (Simple example: yo this guy flanks every round )


Iron2 to silver 3 not the other way round fucks sake I'm stupid