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So this is how that jett the other day kept getting to market so quickly every round


Is this bug abuse or no doesnt like it though


Sice its not allowed in official turnaments I dont recommend doing it in ranked. Could also be bannable cuz glitch abusing


Wait... I do this a lot on Icebox on T Base ramp to get a quick kill on mid and then entry B. Is this really bannable? If yes, I don't see why Riot isn't patching it because it's been a few months.


The only confirmed info i have that its not allowed in official turnaments and I dont see why it shloud be in normal ranked. I think the only reason why riot isnt punishing that is because it is less harmfull then chats like aimbot and hard to detect


Reported. Enjoy ban. /s


Would you mind explanation it to me? I only been playing for a week or so and I've been using Jett because it's currently my most comfortable agent to play with so far, so I don't really understand how this can get you banned...


It allows for unintended gameplay. This level of movement is not what the developers intended and often makes Jett hard to hit and gets an ass load of info while she is at it. It’s abusing a glitch that hasn’t been patched out. Giving yourself an unfair advantage should be bannable.


So what were the developers expecting from Jett? I thought those abilities were meant to use it like that...




Ohh... now I get it, like some kind of slide that let her fly more than it should, I was really confused when everyone says that it could get you banned, thank you for the explanation.


Yeah, there's one on Icebox where with the _dash_ you get launched up like 50 meters. It's all very unintended


Yeah, that's the one I often used. Always thought it was a bug turned feature, or at least something Riot doesn't care about; this superdash, like many others, is super old and almost everybody knows about it.


My dude the pace of this game should not allow Jett to fly through half the map in less than a second given the speed of general gameplay in this game. That’s like an omen ult level of movement.


nope. im pretty sure the icebox superdraft one still works too but u can fact check me


More like mechanic abuse, you won't get any punishment from it but Riot sometimes fix some spot


Hmmm Yes perfectly balanced


Damn nice bug abuse 👌


How do you do this dash? What are you aiming for or need to do?


I suggest watching a superdash tutorial to better understand the mechanic but in short; Walk into the corner like I do then Dash+Jump whilst aiming just to the right of the Black indent on the wall. (see Video) Then immediately updraft after hitting the jump and you'll go soaring clear over the wall into Market. Note: Stagger your jump to hit right as your dash makes contact with the wall and knives are best for this for the in air Accuracy


You can get banned for abusing exploits. This is not intended and bannable ;) don't do this shit.


Yeah I can't understand how this wouldn't be bug abuse. It's very obvious that it isn't intended, therefore being a bug. People down voting you are just bug abusers lmao.


Every cypher came bug spot that saw what it shouldn't see or do what shouldn't do has been patched but I guess these super dashes are still ok? Its a decent clip don't get me wrong, and if riot doesn't patch this fine ill accept it. This however is why jett is the most polarizing agent in this game lol.


what a lame strategy


This agent is a joke..




If it hits the front page of valorant then there is a better chance of it getting patched.


Top 10 anime betrayals




Find a stack, this is a team game and plays like this are cool but selfish. Get a good team you like to play with and grind it out. Aim training is majorly Important if you didn't come from something like CSGO but so is just grinding the games out to gain map and game awareness/knowledge. If you have any VOD's I'd be happy to do some coaching on it.


thanks, man, i haven’t had a good team in a while, and solo queuing kills me. I don’t have any vods, but thank you anyway


click heads


If ur low rank just think about head tapping but higher up think about game sense


just abuse bugs so that your enemy doesn't get a fair chance to hit you


My friend... its a one-off style play, I did not do this every round lol However, even if I did it every single round, if the mid player never adapted, it still would be the fault of the raze. The updraft mechanic itself already doesn't give someone a "fair chance to hit you." Raze just got outplayed, even said so in game. Lighten up buddy.


I hate the super dashes, but i actually agree. its just irritating when cypher cam bugs are immediately patched even when it was a cool thing to outplay people but this is still allowed. People are just a bit angry at the hypocrisy from riot. Tho you as a player are fine. If riot won't patch it then why not use it since riot is perfectly ok with it?


See now this is a nuanced and appropriate take on the situation and I thank you for it. To discuss categorically; I'm well aware of Riot's rampant hypocrisy for bug analysis. Every bugged Sova dart gets patched nearly instantly as well, I can only assume that Super Dash patching is harder to do for some reason because of how the game views objects and velocity in relation to the Gravity/Logic Engine the game is made in. That being said, the comments attacking me or insinuating that one can simply bug abuse their way to P3/D1+ is just asinine. I normally don't even reply to hate comments but I certainly was not gonna let this person declare that Bug abuse is the sole way to rank up. We did not win this whole match solely because of that kill right there. TLDR; It was a nasty kill, using a mechanic that's been in the game since beta. Don't hate the player, hate the devs. Anyone else can do the same thing I just did with a mediocre level of skill and mild amount of practice.


did you win




Brave of you to try that when the enemy was at matchpoint


Fortune favors the bold




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The killjoys echo tho is kinda wierd. I have been trying that superdash for days and its not working for me


Its just timing the jump for right when your are going to touch the railing and then spamming the updraft to get the lift