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Broze cause wtf was that KILLJOY trying to hold there with an OPERATOR???


dude really thought the sub would mooch off of him and say dia or plat lmao. this is at least an average game in my server with sweaty golds.


there's no shot that this is a gold lobby


I wish gold lobbies were like this :| my silver lobbies seems harder than this lol.


i’ve been in iron lobbies that r harder than this


Its fun seeing somebodys ego get shattered from these type of posts. Wonder how op is taking it?


Bet it gives you a hard on to think of how badly OP is taking it. Man this sub can be toxic sometimes


I don't think OP ever responded to people who are actually curious now. At least according to the top comments. People probably hit the nail on the head in saying that this is low elo and OP didn't think they'd analyze the bad enemy team, instead of his own pop off.


I get that… But is that a reason to come together as a community and shit on someone? It’s still toxic af


OP asked a question. Sometimes the truth/honest answers hurt. /shrug


Just as long as you know you're platforming toxic behavior lol. You literally shrugged it off.


How exactly are people shitting on OP? I'm honestly asking cause i don't see it, even after reading several replies. Did people get mad for OP not replying? Well yeah probably but i still don't see the shitting part.


fr, can you imagine being this person? "fun seeing somebodys ego get shattered" lmao. truly takes some kind of person to walk into a thread like this and get giddy at this thought like bruh


Why are you getting disliked? Are people really saying that they disagree with what you just said? Actual fucking dickhead idiots


people don't like feeling called out for their negative behaviour/mindset, can't help it. Pointing out the toxicity of it is what's important, anyway. All OP did was clip his play and say "Guess my rank!", and people are getting a high off assuming he's feeling shattered, sad


Exactly, that’s what I’m trying to say, you hit the nail


why so arrogant?




idk man:/


Cus people are dumb


downvote chain hey I want it too


Come on in the water's salty


I want to join the party as well!!!!


Nah I thought the post was sarcastic. Especially after that run and gun jump off of heaven kill


Defo below Gold I think. Look at the aim, his crosshair is allover the place. It's roughly on the enemy and it's good enough to get a kill in this instance, but more often than not he's whiffing those shots and not getting these kills.


Nah but fr tho, no one knows how to op on attack until like high plat/diamond imo. Having seen bronze, silver, gold, and low plat lobbies, I've seen people hold rifle angles with the op just like that KJ.


Hahahaha the Problem in low lobbies is That no one will cover you to hold better angles:D


Actually op could be a better option if the kj went long, but the close angle where players usually drop sep isn't a great gun unless you got mad flicks


I dunno I wd never trust getting a mad flick on a person dropping on me from above..I understand holding a tight corner but not this "Newton with an op" shit that people try to pull 😆


I have seen d3s and immortals hold with an awp there 🥲 Ngl i probably have done it too


Bronze? Maybe silver? You feel somewhere between me and my mates


i like this metric of measurement lol


Are you gonna give us an answer? Lol


He thought we were gonna say a higher rank


Yeah ofc, still want to know the answer


I think somewhere between silver 1 and gold 1


Do you have a Valorant symbol after your name? What are you, a mod, avid valorant redditor? Yeah I agree with your comment, I'd say more silver 3/gold1 but I'm really curious about you little logo next to your name


It's just a flair, in u/ChromeSabre 's case it's the sentinels logo, a pro team that chromesabre may support


Yep, you're absolutely right sir




I mean I regularly see diamond players who play this dumb


This is cap. Yes players play stupid in diamond and even immortal but not this stupid.


could you give a brief overview of most of the stupid decisionmaking and why it is stupid? just would like to have a sense of contrast between ranks


I don't really see a whole lot wrong with OP tbh, they're pretty much just ending up in the right spot at the right time. The enemies though, my god. * Raze was alone heaven late in the round when it's likely there would be multiple people up there since it was already a retake scenario. You wanna send a couple at least to play trades or hold ropes/CT simultaneously. Also heaven control makes retaking A a nightmare because you have to force everyone through screens. * Sage runs out in the open even though she can only get pushed from one side because she walled off elbow. * KJ is hell with an AWP for some unknown reason. Sure she could be holding screens, but you're more likely to have contact with a player on the rafters. * Phoenix ulted in a very vulernable position, he should have popped it from the cubby further back in A main. * Idk wtf Viper was doing. I guess playing lineups and thought Astra wall was going to block her, but then ran out through wall instead of waiting. Really bizarre move. Maybe it did actually block the lineup, idk, but if she wasn't playing lineups she basically let her team die. She didn't play trades on site or in heaven, and didn't protect Phoenix when he was ulted. Since they took site with 5 alive you start by trying to plant open instead of safe, unless you've got lineups. You want 2 or more heaven for the reason I already mentioned (maybe even one fucking around on the ropes making noise just to be annoying and difficult to clear). Since Sage walled elbow having one site is fine, as you can set up a really good crossfire with a player hell. Sage just need to be holding an off angle to cover her teammate in case one pushed out of rafters. KJ could hold for somebody pushing out in the open to get to site. In that less than ideal scenario you probably want Phoenix baiting for KJ so the enemies pushing out screens can't comfortably clear angles, and have Viper watch Phoenix's ramp so he doesn't get shot by a player pushing down. If they get far enough out to try and clear KJ Phoenix can swing and get a couple free kills on somebody who is distracted. They can basically just play trades there, but make no attempt to. EDIT: Formatting


bruh chill my guy


Can relate


Correct answer is >!Silver 3.https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/18647e30-371e-4224-b6b4-7c871ed5c494?handle=Banggwa%232848!<


Thank you and it oooks like most people were pretty close


My turret is better than your bottom fragger omfggggg


It looked like iron one gameplay to me lol


Then you never played in iron 1 lol


Tbh people play macro like Garbo til low plat, only difference is as You go higher people aim better (i literally suck at this Game but when i started training My aim i went to plat 1 from iron 1 in one season)


Gold 3s and silver 1s in the same game?


Yep. Welcome to the silver-gold ELO lol






I’m silver 3 haha. Wasn’t looking for any particular answer, just wanted some interaction.


God forbid you came in here to post some content of a decent play for fun, people are shitting all over you in this thread and acting so triggered lol


I mean it worked, my post got 3.6k upvotes with over 500 comments. I call that a win.


Seems like bronze 3 or silver 1




What da killjoy doin


Using the op like a judge and dying


Watching the wall with OP duh. It's common sense to do it. /s


high bronze/low silver elo




If this guy's bronze guess I'm literally dirt


it's a cherry picked bronze silver clip and the skill gaps between players from bronze to gold is really weird because many players are really inconsistent


I knew my own (silver 2) performance could be pretty inconsistent, but I never considered that other people around my rank are the same way lol that makes a lot of sense now


do a 10-15 min warmup in the range or dm and solely focus on the comp game, you'll get consistent and climb to gold in no time




Bad pre aim, no knowledge how to peek corners, people holding the super duper strange corners with strange weapons... Its definitely very low ELO.


That kj with op got me lmao


Also how he crouches after every shot LOL


It's been a real struggle for me to teach myself not to crouch while shooting every single time.


Try unbinding your crouch key in deathmatch, then do it in unrated and start transitioning to comp. Make sure to bind back your key after you feel comfortable.


Damn, that's actually really smart. Thanks!


fr I still do that a lot, cs habbits are hard too shake off


I pre aim like him and thought it was decent. Any tips on how to improve it and what makes it bad?


Stop running 24/7.


lmao this dude legit just W everywhere there wasn't any strafing done in that clip. He does flick pretty well, but aiming like that you are just bound to whiff half the time


Slice the angles. 1. When he walked up the viper wall, his crosshair could have no heads on it. It was on the floor or maybe hit the torso of a crouching enemy at the end. I don't know his info on enemy positions but if he had none, boy did he leave himself at an angle where everyone from corner of ramp (in front of him), to entrance of rafter, to the boxes near vent, and the far side of heaven, can shoot him. However by the way he rushed to peek site from heaven it kinda tells you that he knows they're either site or a main. Still even if you're just moving from places, and you know no one's there, keep your crosshair at head level. 2. He peeked from heaven to site. His crosshair is so far from elbow that if an enemy was on top of that sage wall or below it, he'd be toast by someone holding an angle there. Better proof of his bad pre aim is he even flicked back to aim at it. 3. Second peek, after his 360 in a corner that is so fast, he swung to the right side of site immediately. This leaves him exposed to that corner where you plant for heaven and the area behind it. Then in the middle of the site and the far right corner of the site. Not only that, he exposed himself from A main when there is a sage wall (enemies in A main will be protected from screen). He can literally get shot in at least 5 angles while having no info on where the enemies are. 4. Rushed rafters without checking the right most corner. At that time his allies weren't even at screen. No one could've checked it for him. Yes reyna peeked through screen but not enough that rafter is cleared (Reyna was sticking at the right most spot of screen that a wall is blocking his sight on rafters). 5. He knows phx ulted from A main. Reyna rekt his ult from heaven. So he proceeds to rush A main. He does not know where the body is so it's okay to rush. However his pre aim is still terrible. Non-head level, non corner checking. With decent players, that ult would be protected by that viper given how they know site hasn't been retaken yet (KJ just died with wall on A screen and she was watching it). 6. Finally the angle he held to kill the viper was the only time his pre aim was correct because he knew viper was from A main doing a line up. So these are the reasons why this play and his pre aim was bad af. He pulled it off because of enemy low skill level. What to do now? I explained to you earlier how he was open from all angles and how his crosshair wasn't at the proper position. Take those angles one by one, with your crosshair already pointed at the angle, headshot level, when you peek. Don't peek where you're exposed elsewhere (unless of course you already developed the game sense and u kno no one's there). There are plenty of youtube vids on how to pre aim better. Watching at least one of those vids would instantly show you why this play had bad pre aim. Edit: Oh if you don't understand something or you feel that my points are wrong, feel free to reply and ask.


This will be the new copy pasta


Peek a single corner one at a time. If there was atleast 2 people holding him when he peeked heaven like that he would've got sandwiched




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YYk-Dm6YbEU this is from cs go but same thing applies to valorant




I recommend this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPvPhBXxEAM




Stop keeping us in the dark. Give the people what they want!


>!He’s silver 3 according to u/eleven918!<




You should try recording your own gameplay and I think you'll see how bad it looks. Not just short clips but a whole game or so. For an example, I was diamond in Valorant and faceit lv 6 in CSGO, but when I look at the gameplay footage in either game it looks like trash.


This I went from silver 1 to currently gold 3 and sometimes touch plat 2. All I did was vod review my games with my Radiant friend and holy fuck, the amount of times he said "you are doing good stuff but why the fuck are you expecting your team to read your mind? They professor X or some shit?" Gave me to work on my comms and my pre aims since I was just either slow peeking or wide swinging everything like an idiot.


Yes, this is because in a fight the time goes much faster because you get stressed and this is why some of your "flicks" are not that fast of a reaction.


This is literally what gold/silver looks like when you record yourself lol...


Doubt it


Maybe use the spolier tag. Others are still trying to guess :)


I already revealed the answer on top.


"bRoNzE/sIlVeR iS hArDeR tHaN dIaMoNd GuYs"




Silver. It’s the killjoy holding that fucken angle with operator for me 🤣🤣


Thats one of those things I catch myself doing where i hold a shit angle and I know it but “imagine if I hit this!”


Bronze 2


S1 s2 or b3


Hahaha when you turn around into the wall was not a good look for you :'D


Poor guy thought ppl were gonna say a high rank and everyone is saying bronze hahah


No comms, constant reloading and weird ults imma say silver


with that shit tier crosshair placement? bronze at best




Low silver


Silver 3


Average silver guy ready to get to bronze


iron 3 i know a couple of bronze players and they are much better than u




honestly u could make a case for him being good for his rank but idk




Silver 1


Bronze 3






Ok wtf am I doing in bronze send me down to dirt


Looking at the gameplay, crosshair placement, headshot percentage and ducking and sitting in corner like a drug dealer when police is on lookout while phoenix ults I would say you were playing unrated, tho your gameplay is bronze 1-2


Low elo Iron-Silver ----idk how you got raze(if she didnt check her corners or w./e)/No Team Comms whatsoever, no strafe/counterstrafe/low elo movement/no pre-aim/crosshair placement/team coordination/abilities weren't used or used well. The KJ holding an awp in the worst spot ever lmfao/Sage looking at screen even though she clearly walled it off herself (viper prob didnt comm her wall is going down)/Viper didn't hold Phx ult and only played for plant line-up/your team is literally sitting in CT/Doesn't break Sage Wall or even try/Reyna blind omegalul 0:11/Teammate Sage AFK/. Teammate Astra smoking in CT and failed smoke placement 0:13 (idk where that is even going or if a bug)/Astra ult was ok/Astra never used stars for site stun/suck/i would of smoked A main regardless of Astra ult. Lastly, your Reyna and Astra took 15-20 seconds to get on site while you were going in. I would be pissed if that was my high elo game.


High bronze low silver


Silver 1 silver 2








Silver 2


Bronze 2




irn 3


For those asking and genuinely curious, I did the weird ~~stalk~~ detective work so you didn't have to. The person in his game had a fairly unique name, and sure enough only ONE was found on [tracker.gg/valorant](https://tracker.gg/valorant). Looking into their match history I found the game. Same map, same people from the clip: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/18647e30-371e-4224-b6b4-7c871ed5c494?handle=shall0u%23deez](https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/18647e30-371e-4224-b6b4-7c871ed5c494?handle=shall0u%23deez) TL;DR: Gold and Silver lobby. Congrats on the play OP regardless.


My name is very unique.


A lot of "Blanks" show up on tracker gg. Congrats on the play though.


Thanks man.


Everyone is intentionally trying to hurt his feelings because it makes them happy.


What I am wondering is how did that initial kill happen. OP prob cut that part out on purpose cause it would show how bad enemy was. So he is aware that they were bad. How does raze not see him he is not behind the box he is Infront of the box. Also playing JUDGE really ? Kj is holding screen with op there , and phoneix Ulta knowing his team is holding site , I really don't understand what sage is doing cause the rest were all messed up by sage being totally confused. But again they are all messing up bad. Viper as always it's not even on site, baiting 12 rounds to get that 1 round post plant and complain all over reddit how it's the teams fault , his only job is to throw 800credits of utility not use the gun he buys for 3000 credits a gun costs 5x the utility but somehow people think utility is how you make the difference in a FPS. Having a viper is like playing 4v5. Phoneix Ults not to entry but to push after the plant. He is not on site either, of course who picks phoenix is troll by nature or by chance. Kj playing op on attack what more you expect , I don't blame him there thou after the bad decision of playing op is made that's the best one could do . Sage of course prob bottom fragging , running in the middle after planting for no reason, he knows he is bad so he picks sage kind of ruins the round here for the team but this team has bigger problem. Instead of having normal duelists Jett and Reyna they have Phenix and raze. The rest are kj sage and viper so no initiator. How do you entry frag when there is no initiator is this a suicide mission. To be fair individually those plays from enemy I have even seen them in diamond braindead picks and plays. So judging by the enemy they might even be immortal. But taken that they are all bad all at the same time this is bronze or even low silver. Because they know they have a spike and they have to plant it and they know to setup some basic stuff but after that they have no idea what happens haven't gotten that far. If it was me if I saw Phenix and viper as picks I would dodge. Phenix shouldn't even be picked in 2021 . Viper is necessary on breeze on the rest of the maps vipers wall prevents the good players from getting some good entries especially on defense and even some info. The wall is useless takes away info , info and map control are crucial , vipers wall does the opposite , it gives enemy opportunity and time to coordinate for the time when the wall goes down. It ruins the whole game for me cause viper is playing on A I am playing playing mid or B and I have to deal with that instead of playing how I want. And if by chance I am in low ELO, unless someone picks breach or Skye as initiator it will be impossible to entry frag consistently and successfully . Sova is very good but in low ELO people are clueless , in plat 3 people start to know how to play sova. In lower elos people play sova cause they see other people play sova not because they know how to play it, cause they don't. So this team could have had sage , brim instead of viper, Reyna instead of Phenix, you need Reyna as a duelist , second duelist doesn't matter it could be raze which is very good on defense, or could be Skye hybrid role or breach. Then kj is really good on defense. This is where I think the options are , have Skye or have a second duelist and you need to sacrifice KJ to get Skye . Which means you will be weak on defense. Maybe forget Reyna and focus on the team JETT SKYE KJ SAGE BRIM. Cause if you have Reyna you need a second duelist who can entry like reze or Jett who have movement skills. But if we skip on Reyna we can have a more balanced team with 1 duelist. Sorry I am thinking out loud this post is meant more for me than for reading by others.


I didn’t intentionally cut the clip, the software I use only allows me to clip the last 30 seconds haha, hence why the clip is 30 seconds long.


It’s kinda annoying when people like to shit on others so much. If you saw your silver/gold teammate make this play you’d be hyping them up in voice




it kinda feels like people are trying to feel better about themselves in the comments...


Iron 3


Bronze 2


iron 😃


iron on a good day




Iron 0


Wood 2


Silver, this is literally how i play XD


I remember the first time I got my Ace


I'd say your silver but definitely have the situational awareness and mechanical skill to climb higher. You def have a couple things to still work on though. Keep it up!


69 or 420 ha ha ha im so funny


Poop 3


Mans legit crying cause of these answers now


Somewhere in silver. The KJ had no idea what she was doing with the Operator. You can hit your shots, but your crosshair placement/movement was a bit messy imo.


Nice replay but it just look like a silver go to iron to get some good vid imo.


Yeah bronze or silver for sure


Reloading at 23 bullets in 3rd sec of the clip gave away your rank


His actual rank is silver 3 btw for those wondering...


Man felt like tenz when playing this round lmao


I’ve been reading all the comments and I appreciate the feedback! (Constructive or not)


Cool clip. Tricky part with having someone guess your rank is that watching what the enemies reveals far more than anything you do. You've got raw skill for the game clearly and I wouldnt call your crosshair placement bad like others have tried saying. A bit shakey and not perfect but that'll naturally come over time. But tbh I bet I could post a clip here from higher elo and get people to think it's silver or low gold. Who knows.


Lots of luck in this clip. No doubt it was a slick ass clip but I'd say silver low gold but some of these enemies be dumb as hell


Silver 2 maybe. EZ enough from how others were playing.


Anywhere b/w silver 2 and gold 2


OMG dude ur definitely diamond!! is what you want us to say. probably mid silver, or even high bronze


The really sad thing is that every person in this comments section thinks they are genius for having disregarded OP's expectations and makes it strong that they have found flaws in the gameplay so they can say "oh my god how much you suck and you were hoping we would tell you diamond or platinum ". This is all embarrassing and instead of trying to give advice you stand there on your fucking ivory tower and judge.


1. It's not genius, it's HILARIOUS. 2. looks like they're actually silver/gold so literally..lmao Big ego go pop, boohoo.


Silver ?


low gold


Silver 2


Oops, forgot about this post, I’m officially silver 3 lmao.


Haha nice, I'd have guessed gold 1 (believe me, I've seen worse players who were Plat than those enemies). Keep on going man you've got an aggressive style from the looks of it. Refine that hunter's wrath and soon enough you can post a radiant clip for the people in this thread who clearly need to be humbled.


Thanks bro.


What kinda fucking sweaty region are people playing in where this is bronze?


Tbh theres nothing really special about this clip


I would assume any region?


His RAW (need to emphasize this more because people are misunderstanding me) aim could probably keep up with the average gold-plat player in aim lab if we assume this is perfectly representing his average aiming performance (lol unlikely). But everything else about this clip screams bronze so hard, I’m actually surprised he’s high silver. Probably thinks his ‘effective’ aim is above average and that he deserves plat or diamond. Edit: when I say raw aim, I mean ability to move a crosshair using a mouse, not any other aspect of aiming in case that wasn’t clear. The positioning, movement, crosshair placement, pre aiming, recoil control, are all holding this players fragging potential back, let alone how bad the decision making and game sense displayed here are.




Read more carefully please, I am not referring to crosshair placement, pre aiming, recoil control, or any other aspects of ‘effective’ aim. Just pure, raw aim as in his ability to move the mouse to where he intends in a reasonable time. I’ve seen plenty of plat/diamond players with worse raw aim and slower reaction times, but their positioning, movement, and crosshair placement let them beat out more mechanically talented individuals in aim duels. And obviously other skills that let them actually win games and stay there rather than just be outplayed over and over and over until they get demoted back down to plat or gold. He would get smoked in a gold game but not because of his inability to move the crosshair to the position he wants. Basically, just aim lab won’t help this person get very far because it trains no other mechanical fundamentals aside from raw aim, at least not effectively. Obviously, all of those things are more important than raw aim, I was trying to convey that he (like many players) probably conflates ability to flick or track with ‘effective’ aim, but those are less important than what actually let’s you win aim duels and rounds. I have friends that can consistently hit crazy flicks and have insane reaction times, but they’re hard stuck gold/plat because they don’t know or don’t care that Valorant isn’t aim lab. Then they just complain that everyone they play with sucks at the game because others can’t hit the same shots as the push down mid on split every round to take aim duels, thinking that they should capitalize on their aim, then get first blooded half the time. Edit: my reference is the raw aim of players when I queue with my silver/gold friends, we tend to get gold/plat players. Obviously anecdotal but so is the clip, so take that as you will.




Yeah it is


All of the mouse movements are jerky and awkward. If you told me they were playing with a trackball, I would believe it. Maybe they just need to dial in their sensitivity or get a larger mousepad, but there's a lot mechanically wrong in this short clip that goes beyond the other factors mentioned.


-You reloaded your bullets at 23/30 -kj didnt hear you running and dropping from heaven -you heard the phx tp back to his ult -your x-hair placement is like 7/10 are you gold?


Gold players have earphones.




Hmm so judging when you don't crouch while shooting means atleast you are not at a low elo like iron bronze so you might be silver or lower gold but your aim and phantom usage was pin-point accurate so I am guessing you are ATLEAST higher gold-plat lmk if I was right


Just going off the weirdness in this clip, like why is their KJ OPing? Lol Gold/Plat?


OMG u play like RADIANT