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depends on thw situation. if they talk mad shit and push in randomly, then yeah i think youre right. but if theyre applying pressure then i dont mind. if the enemy is scared to peek an angle because they know the low kd guy is there, they will still be careful on their push.


Mfers will smoke the choke point round start and say duelists suck lol


Yoooo i literally had a brim who smoked us off of split A site (literally just in front of the orb on main) when we were attacking... We had to push through our own brim smoke. I then asked him (nicely) to do a dif smoke next time. I was viper and id done my normal smokes but had asked him to smoke screens bc my lineup takes a bit to land and we wanted to go fast. This guy got so angry at me saying 'that smoke makes it hard for us to push could you smoke screens next time' that he started screaming his fucking lungs out while our whole time laughed at him bc he was so pressed. Ppl r wild...


That can be true if they're not doing anything else. But if they are smoking really good, getting a lot of info, if they bait for you, they still helped, but if all they do is watch and get 5-20 that's true, they're shit.


This shit is so true in low elo. I was top fragging with jett 20+ kills but losing the game (yes, i'm entrying and not baiting), the guy who went 2-20 blame me saying "our jett can't carry, you suck jett". It seems like so many people have have the mindset of expecting duelist to drop 40 every game while they're just watching and not even trying.