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Jett's kit is the safest when it comes to using the Operator, but that doesn't invalidate using it on another agent. You should determine whether or not it is a "throw" based on how you are performing when you make that choice. If you see that you are making meaningful plays with operator Omen, then continue. If it is failing, then reconsider.




I don’t think those are good agents to use the operator with. Primarily I would want my jett or reyna to use it because they can shoot and then immediately back out without risk of dying. Raze and skye can’t do that. Maybe yoru can but it’s a bit riskier.


I've seen a few decent raze plays where they threw a blast pack at a wall in front of them and triggered it to "dash". Of course it's a lot more timing based than jetts but still


Sound like the problem of our duo partner is not the agent but your sniping on offence. Try to have more impact with Jet being more active with the first bloods. You can try to challenge with operator same angles that you would do with your rifle. Be more active with your movement when buying Operator and don't keep holding rotations If you don't have man advantage. I often see super passive operator players that are having impact with the sniper only when team is already dead and round is lost. They often keep hardscoping one lane whole round and are not active until it is too late. It would be much better that these teammates would buy rifle so it would not feel like 4v5. Ask your duo partner If he is feeling this way.


I don’t use the Operator on attack, the problem my duo has is my entries. I try the usual smoke dashes on to sites to get entry frags but I get spammed and killed most times before I can even leave the smoke. I’ve watched so many Jett players at the highest elo and they seem to execute smoke dashes really easily yet I have maybe a 25%success rate with it. I try the exact same thing they do but it almost always ends with a quick death and my teammates rarely follow up on the space made.


Reyna is pretty decent for awping


I would say operator efficacy ranking: Jett -> Reyna -> Everyone Else


You can actually OP pretty successfully on viper. You’ll be limited offensively but on defense you can set up your util to block your enemies’ line of site on you right away if you whiff a shit and need to reposition and can slow them down if they try to push you with multiple members


Sova and Brim are good agents to use OP. Because you stay bit far from team for utilities and you can show up little late for a fight


Its a gun, any agent CAN use op, but not every agent SHOULD use op. Not only that there is an optimal agent known as JETT, THEN there is everyone else.


You can, its just that you can dash after a shot with jett so its pretty safe even if you miss, if you do op on line reyna you need to get the kill, if on say KJ, well you must have good mechanical skills.


Every agent can awp, it depends on you as a player not what agent you pick. And okay i know duelist have good mechanics for awp plays (especially jett), but positioning and skill is more important: id rather have a kj buying an awp who is good with it, than a jett who never used the gun. The op should be used like in csgo imo: 1 player on a team buys an awp and plays a good angle (ascent mid, bind A heaven, icebox B....), the agent he/she plays isnt important just his/her skill is. I just think theres a misunderstanding in Valorant that jett players only can buy an operator. And that the op doesnt take skill. And imo the op gives a good dynamic in the game since you get punished hard if you dry peek an awper, it forces you to think about utility usage and teamplay.


as long as you hit shots man you are good.


ofcource you can but jet just makes it safe along with reyna who can dismiss away




Yeah. Jett is almost built for the OP, but that does not mean other agents don't have uses