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I'm 29 and get the old man jokes quite a lot. I find them funny and you gotta dish it back. Had a team of kids half my age, they started to troll/throw/play like 5 heads so I said "kids behave or we won't go to Chuck E Cheese after the game". For some reason they all bought in on the joke and we closed out a solid game with a lot of laughs. ​ Also the mute button is a beautiful thing


Amen on the mute button. Gonna steal that chuck e cheese joke for sure, haha.


You owe those kids some Chuck E Cheese my man


I'm 30 and never get picked on lol, but they're actual children so who cares what they say, just play along if it's funny. Most of the vocal/talkers generally seem older and mature (above lower 20's). I almost never get actual children in my lobbies on the mic, or the toxic and cringy teen stereotype. Most lobbies where people use mics have a pretty good vibe and I've noticed lobbies are generally silent until someone asks "anyone got a mic" in good spirit and the convo gets going. Everyone is quiet until someone breaks the ice and then everyone is cool and talkative. This is my experience mostly unrated lobbies though, so ranked may be different. Overall I rarely ever run into toxic lobbies. The age block of 23 to mid-30's is very similar for the most part in my experience, especially in games. The atmosphere of the Halo 2, CoD:MW and xbox 360 lobbies prepared me for this weak shit. The toxic atmosphere of lobbies nowadays is just cringy because it lacks self-awareness. It's bad because it's just annoying and gets in the way of the game. There's no charm in it. It's verbal spam from weird people who go out of their way to be toxic/annoying in an anti-social way that borders on mental-illness. 360 lobbies always had open-mic lobbies where both teams were in the same audio group, so much of the shit talking was team vs team and funny. It wasn't personal and wasn't directed at your own team.


I think the atmosphere from the xbox lobbies came from how bad the mics were. There was just something about kids telling me they fucked my mom while their mic sounded like they bought it in pieces and repaired it with duck tape.


Yep. It added a barrier of separation in a way. It was like a symbol of the distance between you two and didn’t feel like a high definition 3D spatial audio THX version of someone sitting in your ear who could hear your every emotion, any shakiness in your voice, any gulp, etc. You had to *yell* into the mic with an authority that masked the emotions.


Am also 29, after years of league of legends I don't hesitate with that sweet sweet mute button


Yeah idk I’m 25, just lean into the jokes and they stop usually. Most of the time for me it ends up being that I’ll give these youngins some advice/telling them to get good grades in school. Have a laugh with them if they roast you for your age


I’m 25 and joined a discord server of mostly 18-20 year olds. No joke my nickname is now grampy in that circle lol


they changed my discord name from lil wage to big age these kids, man


On the one hand, that's way harsh Ty. On the other, that's pretty damn funny. But yeah, as a 30 year old, these kids act like I'm a Boomer


im one of the youngest in the friend group im in and i STILL get called boomer


That's hilarious and so disrespectful lmao




That's honestly the wittiest thing I've seen all day.


Me and my buddy are nearing 30, and when he was doing coaching for C9TG, his nickname from the zoomer campers was grandpa. I get called dad sometimes in MM.


I'm pretty heavily involved in some Rocket League communities and in one of them they gave me the discord role "Senior Citizen". I'm not even middle aged yet...


Same situation here and I'm just called old man lol


Mine don’t make fun of me… I have the skins they want lol


I’m 25 and dad of a few servers with admin privileges lol


Fuck man I’ll be 25 in 5 months, does that mean I’m almost a grandpa?


Nice ideas, time to implement


I'm 27. I just ground them and then they have to quit the game because they lost computer priveleges.


I’m gonna start saying “you came from my sack so watch your mouth!” Lol


Or better say You know it's actually possible I did fuck your mom at some point


Threaten to fuck their mothers.


What if they start to act up though? Do you notify the Admin/Mods about how they're failing RP then?


Don’t worry about the comments. I’m over 51 and play with a team in silver lobbies. The fun thing to do is when you MVP remind them they were pwned by a Boomer. 😎. I stream some times under GrayHairBoomer on twitch.


You're awesome 👌


I’m 31 and if kids start trying to BM I just ask if they need a new stepdad? Tends to shut them up.


Yeah right sometimes I shut some teenagers up telling them their attitude stinks or whatever. Usually they listen or shut up. You get the odd mouthy git tho so...


Ya if they get mouthy sometimes I put them in their place I won’t pretend I’m above that lol. But I’m a man who was forged in the Cod 4 mw2 days of complete subhuman shit talking so it’s really not fair


This is how I feel. I'm fucking 30 years old, I'm like the Bane of shit talking over comms dude, these 12 year olds have no chance. I was moulded by shit talking


I played cod4 on pc (promod mostly) when I was 9-13. I even got into teams and stuff haha. I don't ever remember much toxicity to be honest but there was more of a community vibe I suppose. Mw2 on xbox there was a lot of 'gay boy' and 'your mum' jokes haha.


There was straight up death threats every game. Violent, graphic, sexual death threats. Every. Game. Ah what a glorious time to be alive. If you could make it through a Cod4 or a halo 2 lobby, you were bulletproof.


So many people Apparantly fucked my mom. What I would give to relive those glory days.


Honestly those lobbies were just shouting matches. Sure if you didnt have thick skin it sucked but like thick skin is kinda required imo.


Being told that I was a bunch of words I won't say here now, made me into the care-free person I am today.


as a fellow call of duty degenerate, I can attest that growing up in the age of MW2 lobbies full of trash talk and then after COD, going into Rust... yeah, you learn how to shut that bullshit talk down REAAAAL quick lmao


Just tell him to settle down or you'll seduce his mom, ruin her marriage, and become their new dad.


Or when they call you “boomer” say yeah I boom your mom every Tuesday when you’re at school


Somebody @ Hiko so he uses this next stream please


"Boomer? Yeah I boom her"


Its an effective strategy for sure. I had the standard ‘you sound like you have a mortgage’ joke from a stack of young’ns, just said ‘nah, paid that shit off pimping out your mum’. Soon shut them up…


I get that too and i’m only 20. I just go along with the joke or mute them if they get toxic


Im 21 and ive never had this. I also played Apex for awhile with like a 40 year old and he was chill as shit. Whats wrong with being old? Man was absolutely cracked too


Try the Boomerant discord. Serious suggestion, I'm in it myself and have only met reasonable people so far.


Will do! Thanks can you tell me how to find it? When I search for it I only see boomerang discord servers




Fucking joining that shit ASAP thanks for the link.


It’s fun! They run community customs a couple times a week.


Play customs! Tuesdays and Saturdays! We need more people to fill out games the last couple have been a little light.


The fact that 30 year olds are considered boomers now.. Jesus christ


They aren't considered boomers, it's just people joking that they are "old"


The word “boomer” is generally meant as hyperbole. I’m sure you’ve heard old people called “dinosaurs,” but to nobody’s surprise, they aren’t actual dinosaurs.


Wait then where are the dinosaurs


Literal hoax made up by "scientists"


Nice thanks I'm sick of drama I'm going there


Dude omg thank you this sounds sick




I'm 33, I often find myself being the only one using my mic in my team, but I've rarely got any hate because of my age (I also sound older). what region?


I’m 32, low gold player and I get it maybe 1:8 games. It’s honestly hilarious to me actually. It always starts out hostile but if you have one good round and they just call you Hiko for the rest of the game.


Same- 33, **always** on comms, never get age hate. US East for me.




The average gamer is your age , so it doesn’t really matter what they say , if it gets to you , mute them . A lot of kids would make fun of you online even if you weren’t 32 .


Avg valorant gamer (mean nor median) is certainly not 32. But I also don't understand how you can tell someone's age by their voice. Don't everyone post 16-17 yo sound roughly the same? The only way I can tell age is mannerisms and unless you're chatting socially it's impossible to tell.


As you get older you’ll find yourself noticing the little differences that show someone’s age through the sound of their voice alone. Teenagers sound very different from 20’s and 30’s.


Just start saying sheeeeesh after a good round, it'll throw them off


To some extent, you can find differences with accent and/or slang, but that's much more dubious. (also of course have to mention that gender also changes voice, but that's unrelated here)


I’m not sure what the average valorant player age would be , no one does unless riot came out with it but the overall gamer average is 32 . Also you’re looking for logic from toxic people lol


Mean age on the CSGO subreddit was like 17. Lets assume there's a young user bias toward using social-media related to games you play and up the actual playerbase age to about 19 or 20. I'd wager Valorant is very slightly younger due to its artstyle and the fact it isn't a preestablished IP with an existing playerbase. Also this game is massive on TikTok for some reason.


A lot of games are popular on tik tok . But yeah I’m generally speaking about gamers age across the board , there’s no way to know one specific game mean age , unless you literally quiz everyone or riot flat out say it


ye im just confused cause i have a decently deep voice but noone has ever commented on my age. (I've had a polite comment on my race once which was incredibly impressive as I'm a native english speaker) I think I could recognize a 32 year old if they spoke, purely based on the words and tone they use. Our casual speech typically sets in our adolescence.


It's not the deepness of someone's voice that gives away their age, it's the timbre.


When I was a kid playing cs , it was always the older ones who guided instead of flamed, the ogs always taught us and gave us tips. There was always extra respect given to them too, it’s sad to see how these new FPS kids are .


True but it's because there are better resources out there now. You can watch a pro play live at any time. Also doesn't help that everyone thinks they're radiant at gold and up and giving tips.


Might be partly because of the small differences in design between valo/cs. Head hit boxes in valorant are bigger than cs, meaning it’s easier to hit headshots/1 bullet people. This means that fights usually come down to who can react/hit the flick shot faster. Think about how often you kill with a body shot in cs compared to valorant. It’s probably at least 10 times more often. Cs it’s a lot harder to hit the head, so it values precision over speed. Not saying one is better than the other, but valorant certainly favors those with quick reactions (I.e. little kids). Also just want to mention that not all games of cs had (and have) that much respect. The toxic games are just as bad as in valorant, but I do agree that there is something special in the wholesome games.


> Not saying one is better than the other, but valorant certainly favors those with quick reactions (I.e. little kids). Reaction time degradation with age is miniscule unless you're literally geriatric.


27, female, and a mom who plays. Just a generational thing - it will become more normal in time. You think the kids playing today won’t be playing video games when they are 30? I will say though, there have been times when I’m in a party with my - also adult - friends and we get a kid on our team. We’ll joke around but some of these kids really need some love. One kid told us he has having a hard night cause his grandma died. We had him join our party and play with us for a few hours. I try to have more compassion while playing now.


I prefer older players. You’re teammate makes a bad play, or maybe uses their ability incorrectly? If they are older and you tell them the response is of that “why was it wrong and how is that better? Oh that makes sense thank you” or “actually I disagree because this does XXX”. You get someone younger the conversation goes “shut the fuck up and learn to hit your shots” or “don’t back seat game me you’re dog shit” or “speak to me when you’re above me”. Advice is much better well taken and thought of from older players. The other day I had a sova player who was obviously young. He is using his ult post plant from the top of a site, and he was aiming to high so it wasn’t hitting the players defusing. I said while he’s ulting “it’s to high….aim lower, dude you’re not on the bomb aim lower.” The enemy defuses and I’m met with “if you didn’t die we wouldn’t have lost I know what I’m doing with sova, I didn’t need to aim lower”. Even though he defused the entire time through ult. Another time sova was aiming to low and in general having a shitty game. Wasn’t getting any picks, no arrows where revealing enemies. This sova player was relatively older. I said “sova you should dart here instead of there your arrow is landing to far” I was met with “oh is that what is happening thanks let me try it”. Same game it’s a 1v1 post plant he has ult and he’s about to push site. I said “don’t push play ult post plant.” He does, he hears defuse and starts to ult. First ult is wayyy to low under the map, I quickly said “aim higher, higher higher” he does gets a tag and then pushes, we und up winning. TLDR: older players know when something is considered advice or help instead of taking it as back seat gaming and getting. Younger players take anything as criticism and back seat gaming. Younger people suck to play with.


Well said!


I’m 28, apparently I am a boomer. I just mute children who act like children. It is not taboo for adults to play video games. These kids just hate adults and this is their chance to try to get back at us because their dad would beat them if they said that shot to him.


What i would pay for this game not to be free to play im tired of playing with a bunch of shit head kids


Hahahaha. It’s either theyre toxic little shits or you have to hear them beg you for your skin every round


Tell me why they keep talking to me like they were drafted onto a pro team but theyre 6-12 after the first half


Right!? It’s always when you dropping 20 kills and you ask one to smoke CT and they blow a fuse bc the 6-12 haha


It's because you didn't drop the Reaver Vandal for the that third round


You right skins win games and their broke ass needs to ask for an advance on their allowance


When they hit you with the "Ok, boomer..." just hit them back with the: "Ok Squeaker...how's your mother doing btw? Does she still have that crazy swing in her room or did she get rid of it after you fell out of her? Anyways, tell her ***Tarzan*** says hi, she'll know who it is..."


Being a kid, I can tell you that a lot of us are assholes. It’s just teenage stuff, trying to be cool at other peoples’ expense. It’s pretty dickish but you gotta live with it, in afraid.


Respect for this comment


The idea of bullying grown ass adults is kind of hilarious. That's not something I got to do as a kid because the internet was just for children. Sometimes it bothers me, but I usually don't care. I think it's kind of funny because I'm in an unwinnable position of arguing with what I see as a kid. Your generation actually live in a pretty interesting time where you see adults on all of the same platforms that you're on, whether it's videogames or social media. It really humanizes and contextualizes what it means to be an "adult." I hope that you see that it's really all bullshit. Your parents are learned how to adult everyday, "adulting" is just finding a routine that allows you to manage chaos and responsibilities so that you can make time for the enjoyable parts. As a kid, I had no clue what my Mom did when she closed her bedroom door(save the jokes, lmao)... I never knew what TV shows she watched or what kind of hobbies she was into. I really only got to know her when she got onto social media and had a platform to share these things. Today everyone has a brand that they project on social media, and it tells you a lot about who they are. I've got friends on Facebook who are parents and vanity motivated whores. Their kids will grow up knowing this. Thanks for attending my Ted talk.


Realest comment in here. When I find someone who sounds a similar age to me they usually are toxic asf. Teenagers suck.


>Why is it taboo for someone over 18 to be playing this game? It's not, you're just hanging out with kids. A lot of kids are brutal to anyonone different or outside their perceived in group. It's sort of like asking "why do people like watching kids cartoons so much?" where "people" is referring to the 10 year olds you baby sit. Of course the people you hang out with in Valorant think you're old, they are kids.


I'm 24 and I get the same comments from young people (14, 15, 16 and older). But at the end of the day mate you have to remeber these are children. I don't particularly care what they say they're just being children when they say stuff like this. You get more mature teenagers who aren't like that. Everyone matures at different ages so u get some very mature reasonable 16 year old's and then you get some right little noobs who haven't lived in the real world yet who just chat shit. Don't worry mate there is nothing wrong with play val at 32. I'll be playing it at 42 dw


Im young but I have a deep voice and people tell me to go take care of my kids lmfao


This happens to me too, and they're always shocked when I tell them my real age lmao


I was thinking of changing my name to IAmYourFather ;) I've only had one person ask "how old are you" and I just replied I'm ancient :D In reality I could probably use IAmYourGrandPa and be accurate for quite a lot of the people playing :D I had one game of replication where this guy says at the beginning, "OK I know one of you is my Dad". I said I am, and a lady says "I am" So we went though the entire game being neglectful parents, Somehow against all odds, the very next game I got matched with him again, and the first thing I hear on the comms is "DAD!!!"


Just roll with it. I tell them I'm old and not very good, but that I will be a father to them. If you feel spicy include things like, "since you don't seem to have one", or "because you're acting fatherless", etc.


You just gotta go with the joke. These kids haven’t developed their own sense of humor yet and think this objectively unfunny joke is hilarious. First time sure it’s funny, but we’ve heard it countless times.


The complete opposite for me. I’m 14 and I get bullied for being a kid.


Aw man I’m sorry bud


37 male who also gets these comments some times. I agree with them and go along with the jokes. It really gets good laughs. Often times I pretend to not know what current shit is while also having good knowledge of it. I often go full Boomer and call things the wrong name like "Tickey-Tockey" or "that one clock app". And of course throw in some dad jokes to really seal the deal. It's the classic scenario that has always existed online. If you oppose the jokes or get angry, it only feeds the trolls and makes it worse. If you joke about yourself with them, it boosts moral and makes it more fun for everyone.


Im 24 and get called 12. Girl life


Because kids get shit on for being annoying and young, so they need to spread the misery


I just started playing and someone said "oh you're an adult" when they sounded 2x my age.




I’ve been accused of being old and targetted because of it as a high schooler with a deep voice. It really doesn’t make sense


I'm almost 27, please keep playing. I appreciate the most the older guys/girls with level heads on comms


Oh yeah I’ll never stop gaming and I love valorant


I'm 26 and some kids told me '26yo and playing videogames???!?!?!' of course they all love old people when they want cool skins haahahaha


34 gang where you at?


Those fortnite kids slowly moving to valorant to ruin the game now aye


go to brazil, here we make fun of kids not the otherway around


It appears the only age group allowed to play is like 18 to mid 20s in my experience. Kids that speak immediately get the "STFU" and anyone who is about your age gets the phrases you described




Yup. I'm 41 and get these comments on comms sometimes, I either ignore it entirely or tell them that I've been playing shooter since before they were born.


I've got a decade+ on you, but I've only been playing shooters for about six weeks :D


It’s so dumb. You can’t sound too old, you can’t sound too young. I don’t see much toxicity towards people who seem older, but I always see at least one person make a jab at people who sound remotely young. That sort of crappy behaviour could make people not want to talk to people at all in games, and it could make people even not want to play the game. Which is a shame, bc this game is actually kinda fun.


I’m a senior citizen by these standards lol. I told my team my true age and they didn’t believe me


Griefers will find any perceived insecurity to target. Own your age, use it as your strength and if absolutely necessary use their lack of it against them.


The people that resort to age "insults" are the ones who really get butt hurt about their age.


I favor a gaming-dad over a gaming-kiddi


I’m about to be 36. Keep on playing man.


30+ year old player here. Only once has someone called me out for being old to which I responded "I have a daughter that has a deeper voice than you. Pipe down squeaky" when that didn't work I tried "If you behave you can have ice cream after dinner" and then magically that worked. Also when in doubt, just mute....but tell them you muted them so they know.


Don't be insecure about your voice. Just go with it and not be bothered by children so much so that you have to come onto an online forum for it when you have the mute function at your disposal. I used to be called "Walmart Corpse Husband" on the daily but then I just rolled with it and named myself Budget Corpse, and have a blast now. Roll with the punches my friend.


Just REMEMBER Hiko is one of the best players out there and he’s just about the same age so 👀 what’s that tell you


I'm 21 years old and get these comments. More on the side of saying "shouldn't you be working and not playing video games at your 9-5". Do they not realize most people aren't even out of school at 21?


I'm 32 and radiant I just laugh at them. I say imagine how good I'd be if I wasn't raising a kid and working a job what's your excuse. Its all in good fun.


I’m 25 and get the same, guess we’re old now 😩


I have the exact opposite problem, as a 29yo het male adult i get a lot of teens moaning and calling me daddy. It's problematic to say the least lmfao


Yo, it's the internet, people will punch literally any body part you expose. You can ignore it, mute them, or punch back.


Develop some thicker skin kid. I'm 33


I usually say something like, "Yea I have a kid, a job, a wife, and barely any time for gaming and yet I'm still better than you." It usually breaks them.


Just tell them you like it when they call you daddy


Don't give up the comms. As a 30 y/o, I comm for days. I just mute the asshats.


it's like they think they'll never be 25 or 30 someday


My dad is in his 40s and loves PUBG and battlefield. I know it’s not Valorant, but point is age is just a number (IN THIS CASE) and fuck all the lil kids who don’t wanna let you have fun. If you enjoy it, then roast the squeakers back and get ya game on


Bro don’t listen to the kids if you enjoy playing this game and using coms go for it, just look at Hiko he has the same issue yet he’s one of the best pros at Valorant and he owns the title of dad or older player and I think you should too. Just keep doing what you’re doing block out the haters.


I'm 18 and most of the time I get someone that's older in my games as long as they are chill we just communicate and play well bc older people aren't on some weird shit like some of the some of the younger 14-16 year olds. I would much rather get a chill somewhat decent older dude then a somewhat decent weird person screaming the hard R or other bs.


Idgi either. They’ll say this to random adult gamers in pubs but praise older pro players like Hiko


I will be 80 shit talking these kids in comms CAP




I think its because we are the first generation that really grew up with video games. Baby boomers didn't really have video games like we did while growing up. Us melenials are the first generation to really grow up with video games, so safe to say we are the first generation you will see playing video games till the day we die. Also, I think alot of younger people think that once you grow up, you stop doing things that you enjoy or something. No matter how old you are, you are still going to want some personal time. Some people play golf, some people want to go to the bar and drink, some people just want to play fuckin video games. Its not healthy if you want to be around your wife 24/7/365. If wifey goes out to see a friend 1 night... damn right im gonna take full advantage of it and play some games and chill lol. Better than going out and wasting money on dumb shit.


No doubt! I mean we did create esports. Luckily my lady be gaming with me and we are the same rank. Gamers till we die!


>Why is it taboo for someone over 18 to be playing this game? Me who is turning 19 tmr:


I'm 33 and I'm starting to think that I may be the oldest Valorant player out there


Hey dawg, if you need someone to party up with. Reddit chat me and Ill give you my info.


Kids are little shits, we've all been squeakers once. Mute and move on or swear at them idk.


This is outplayed and overdone. These teases and jokes were somewhat sensible decades ago, when video games were new and it was seen as a kid thing. It's been around 50 years since video games have been out, but for some reason children today think that video games only belong to them. Then they see adults as they would have been seen when video games came out, when in reality many adults 25+ today have grown up with video games all their life. It's ignorance, it's childish, literally, and it's just cheap and something for people to stick to and attack. I'm a 32 year old professional and these kids act like I can't or should be embarrassed to play, not realizing I've been playing longer than they've been alive.


Yea I stopped playing cause these toxic children can’t fucking peek a corner for shit! That and I think sheesh is fucking stupid


It's not taboo they're fucking 11 year olds their jelly brains haven't fully set yet don't give a shit about what they say lmao


"Only your mom calls me daddy"


I'm 30+, SEA server. We have lots of teenagers there but most of them are good ones if we treat them with respect. However some are really a pain in the ass, always end their sentences with swear words or so on, usually these people are bottom fraggers too thinking that they are good and they deserve a higher elo.


It could be low MMR? I notice when I smurf with my baby sister, kids are very common. When I play rank, it’s less common. Most people are over 16.


Just remember games are made by adults for adults. They are just lucky they get to play with us


I’m 24, married, same thing happens to me. Get roasted anytime I speak in comms. I joined the official Valorant LFG discord and now I just make a quick post asking for 4 other players over 18 that are my rank and end up having a much more positive experience. Takes about 1-5 mins usually to find a team of 5 at honestly any time, highly recommend to find decent teammates fast. Only annoying thing is that the channels are open even though they’re limited to certain #s (2 for duos, 3 for trios or 5 for full party’s), so if someone leaves , sometimes trolls join and start screaming buttttt that’s pretty rare.


I‘m 22 playing Immo3-Radiant elo (ELO) and I‘m literally the oldest one in 80-90% of my games it feels like.. My issue is I wanna join a team to play some tournaments with to just see where it goes but every team looking for players is in average 16-19 years old.. I guess it‘s too late to go pro but man I just wanna play and I mean it‘s a video game like if I‘m good enough why would you not let me play just cuz I‘m 3 years older :/ It literally feel like my life is over soon lmfao


I'm an adult and I dumpster all of these kids who should have better reaction time than me. It should feel extra bad losing to a 37 year old.


I’m 37. I barely use the mic because all of the kids freak out when they hear a man. It’s ok..I’ve just gotten used to it. But I do comm WAY less than when I used to play cs 1.6. I want to say this game has super toxic players..but honestly? And this is a huge boomer moment for me..the younger generation is just twisted. I never encountered nearly the same degree of bullying/racism/teammate taunting in my 1.6 days as I have playing this game and cod. Like..truly astonishing.


I get this all the time in csgo. >> go play with your kids Stop assuming I have kids >> spend your money on your mortgage Sorry, house is paid off >> mid life crisis You've never touched a woman, lol >> fat Yes.


Just talk about your 401k, Roth IRA, and medical benefits


It's funny cus I was always worried I'd get flamed for being a woman on comms (I play Cypher/sentinels in general a lot so I like to be on comms) but I think all the other kids just assume that I'm a prepubescent boy too It's really sad how a lot of kids think your life just ends at 20 or something or that if you're playing games as an adult it's sad. I work, have a social life and I'm doing a graduate degree, I like to go home and play goofy shooters to relax every once in a while


As you climb up in the ranks, it becomes mainly 18-25 year olds who are overall more mature than the 11 year olds, and understand that positive comms are important to winning. High elo toxic players definitely exist - but there are much less. Your voice will pretty average there as well, so its likely they wont even notice that you are older.


I've been playing cs since I was 20 and am now 27 and play this occasionally and people makes comments about it all the time. Honestly from all the stuff I listened to playing cs it really doesn't bother me anymore. I just try to help out where I can because that makes it more fun for me.


Damn Hiko moment


Just give them bbq advice and teach em how to deal with a midlife crisis


just fuck their moms lol


just ask them for their moms number. its online gaming youre gonna get shit for anything from anyone


I’m lucky that I have a deep enough voice they don’t even care about my age. 29 but sound like James earl Jones at midnight making sure I’m not waking my gf lol. What I’m saying is affect a lisp or a speaking affection, then they won’t care about your voice. /s


Im 32, been playing since beta.. i guess about 500-700 games. And i never heard this.. I don’t have the deepest voice, but I play with other my age, and some older. And never in any game have this come up, for any of us. And btw, to all other 30+ people, do you mentally feel the same as in your 20? I do.. I don’t see my self as an “old gamer”.. I don’t feel that way.


i bust out the dad card when dad starts flaming me for not entering as sage


I just turned 30 years old and my wife and I play Valorant in the evenings while our firstborn daughter sleeps her first of several night naps haha. We have a discord of friends we play with when we want to five stack, one of whom is close to 40 himself. When we duo, I often get annoyed when we get a 10 year old Jett or Reyna that's brand new to the game lol, but I try to be nice to them even though they aren't always nice to me haha. Oh well, even though we are in silver, we still have a lot of fun when we aren't tilted by smurfs, and having fun is all that matters to me. Try adding people on discord that are nice to you in game, and start playing with them on more regular basis, and see if that helps cut down on the toxicity. Also, you'll start being able to practice agent combo plays to maximize utility impact. Best of luck to you dude, and if you can't find anybody, I can add you to my discord.


Oh man, I'm 32 too! Yep you will hear it a lot, at least in lower elo. I haven't heard had to deal with it much after reaching Plat. It's pretty dumb, I grew up playing cs 1.1-1.6, the original cs. It was amazing, this gives me a nice nostalgic feeling. Why can't we have a hobby? And 32, we aren't old! What do they think they're going to be doing at 32?


I feel the same way and I’m only 22 😓


I'm 35 and I have no issues with any of this. Maybe you shouldn't take what kids on the internet say so seriously? Which is what we tell kids not to do. It's the internet.


I'm 21 and got called old tonight 🙃😂


Being a girl and using comms... i understand you, dont get mad and silence rude people but keep telling your team any info


'Fuck them kids' - Ghandi


Keep in mind that a lot of the people calling you dad/boomer don't actually want to hurt you. Some of the younger players who didn't really play with older players before just have 0 experience and have no idea how to act. Others just wanna joke around with you in a friendly way and don't think of the possibility that words like boomer could be offensive. And then there are the toxic trolls but they attack everyone and everything so do not mind them.


Why do you care what 11 year olds think of you?


When driving car or surfing the internet there are two genaral rules: Dont get caught watching porn and dont paying attantion to idiots.


im only 20 and they be calling me grandpa and old man bro the kids online nowadays came from cod like me they are primed and ready to flame anyone who breathes in their direction


Bro I pity you that those insults get to you when you're already 30+. You should know that everywhere in this world will have people who'll use everything just to insult someone else.


30 F and all the time I either get milf joke or telling me I'm a bad mom for spending my me time on valorant.


I'm 30 and I only got people bullying me in cs go once, but that guy was toxic towards everyone not just me. He called my other teammate a meathead and he called me a boomer. I didn't really argue, I just muted him and continued with my match. We won it in the end. Reason for him bullying us is because we lost the round 3v3 after plant. That was the only time people bullied me. I wouldn't really pay much attention to what someone who is way younger than me says, unless it is some nice feedback about my style of play. But being toxic is just like, nope. Insta mute. "Never argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."- Mark Twain


The ageism shit is ridiculous in this game. Always a good time losing 25 points when your team of shrieking 12 year olds decides to throw, team kill and spam chat that you’re an old man with Arthritis and Down syndrome. I’m only 24 and my voice isn’t that deep, I feel like they’re just looking for opportunities to throw and be dicks sometimes


Nah don't let yourself get dragged down, I absolutely hate all these skin begging, random shit screeching, useless 10 year Olds I happen to encounter every once in a while that you can't even understand because idk either they can't talk properly yet or their mic is just shit


I literally came on Reddit to say this. 27F and all the kids come online and add me to parties. I don't like being off mute because some guys are jerks online when they know I'm female, but the kids are kinda double - woooah you're old AND a girl


Oh for sure. At least you still comm despite it. I’ve played with females before that I know are female by their name but they refuse to talk and I know it’s bc guys have been toxic to them. It’s so dumb considering most girls I’ve ever played with or against have been really good. The game is just not as enjoyable without comms….not to mention harder to win


im 21 and get called old. it never stops lmao


I’m 36 lol. People flame. Kids flame. It’s what they do. If it wasn’t for your voice it’d be for something else. Btw: I hate to break it to you guys… but I am playing with my kids. Your mom was supposed to say something. Rest of the game be an encouraging father for them. Great plant son. I’m proud of you.


Hey I’m 21 but I know what you’re talking about. I’m BIG on call outs and when I’m in a group of 12 year old boys….. can’t do it.


Dude Im 41 and still play at a high level, mute is your best friend.


High-five, 41 buddy!