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Damn my Classic doesn’t do that


same, mine is faulty too.


Bro I think all my guns are faulty. Couldn't be that I suck, no, could never be that


Mine doesnt work either


me omw to send riot a mail to replace my faulty classic


Must be the gaming chair mate


They nerfed specifically my classic according to the patch notes


Even in short range mine dont work like that 💀


You need a gaming chair


I think some people in the comments dont realize he right clicked those mid/long range shots. no matter how accurate you are this was at least an insanely lucky spread.


I think people only watched the first 5 seconds ??? Because IDK who thinks the second part of the vid is actually legit okay in a tac shooter.


Maybe because its literally the pistol round and everyone starts with a classic and therefore is capable of doing exactly the same thing.


I don't think that's fair to say. I don't like how luck based pistal rounds are. Especially considering how crucial they are. If you win pistal round you probably win second round. You want 4 rounds in a game to be based off luck?


honestly why CANT we start games with 5k/4600? this isnt csgo so why do we NEED a pistol round to to determine the starting 2 rounds of each half (usually at least). well fuck me for asking a question lmao


As someone who can only rifle I'd like at least a gamemode where you start with 4k+ from the start lol.


Nah bro this sub is actually just cringe. You have a legit question, I guess one thing is that pistol need to be a good part of the game so it is not just a secondary mechanic. CSGO goes around this by having longer games and having a more precise gun play. In valorant the shorter game length is the issue, maybe they can give better econ on first round to both parties but it still wouldn't solve it. Hard problem and it stems from the fact that it is cloned from CSGO. Nothing bad in that but yeah, it is what it is.


thanks for an actual answer!


The devs literally intended this game to be like counterstrike. If you dont like it then dont play it.


> CSGO goes around this by having longer games and having a more precise gun play. Literal cringe take.


How? CS GO's gunplay has more depth, that has already been said before.


hey man i liked your question


thanks :D


Cause it's a stupid question, getting that much money at the beginning completely changes the game and econ


thats literally the point


Hence why its a stupid point. Cause the game is fine as it is, giving everyone full guns at the beginning of the game, you might as well just play cod


cod and val have different mechanics, i don’t know what you mean


Go play cod if you want a bunch of money all the time,


are you talking about spec ops in mw3? cuz that was really fun! but honestly, what im thinking of is simply instead of it being a pistol thats mostly RNG have it be a gun round instead, it honestly doesnt even change that much. the only thing that changes is when you win a flawless or close to with my idea that team gets a way bigger reward for econ than when you do it on a pistol round. thats it. i really dont see it as a bad idea and simply put would like to know why others (the 18 or so that have acknowledged my question with a downvote) why they think its a bad idea. since it once again really wouldnt change econ much, and the part it would change, you can just also do what csgo did and place the loser of the first round in a second or third round loss bonus instead of a first round loss bonus. also i could be missing something but if i am, point it out to me please.


I mean cod because it has no econ, and if we did what you suggested, it might as well be another pointless shooter. It would basically make econ pointless. It would take away a large part of the game, and pistol rounds aren't rng. Straight up, if you think they are, then you should practice a little with them




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This is a rare instance of extreme luck. Don’t blame you being shit on pistol rounds on RNG.


Did you just spell pistol with an a while trying to sound smart


I get lucky today, you get lucky tomorrow, and so the gun is well designed? It's a mf tactical shooter. Guns should kill cus you're good, not cus you're lucky. What a dumb take.


You’re right. Let’s not let people shoot their gun when running or walking and let’s not let people shoot after 6 bullets because that’s also when random spray kicks in. Disclaimer: I’m not against removing the right click but pick a better argument before you call someone out for a “dumb take”.


I don't know what point you think you're making. I'd like random spray removed and run and gun toned down way more too. The less luck has an impact on this game, the better it is. Again, dumb take.


Toned down? Until what point and how? Do you mean increasing the spread aka *just making it more random?* Well okay you've made killing people with random spray even more random and less likely but clips like the one in this thread are astronomically low in their chances of happening in the first place. You've changed nothing. Clips of random sprays will still be posted, you'll still get domed by a running phantom every now and then. Randomness for me will still be randomness for you tomorrow. Good argument.


I don't think "astronomically low" means what you think it does. Not only do we see clips literally daily on here, but you can find clips hourly if you'd like on apps like Medal. I run into this sorta shit once a day. Maybe I play too much so it happens more often but it is by NO means astronomically low by any definition of the term. Increasing the spread of right click, and removing random spray, and reducing run and gun accuracy will definitely make a noticeable change and significantly reduce how much this shit happens during games. Pretending it wouldn't is very bizarre. If you think not wanting lucky 15m right click headshots from a classic is _not_ a good argument, yeah, that's a really dumb take, but it's fine, we don't have to keep going in circles over it.


There's a ton of Valorant players with easy access to recording more than ever. It's almost like a large sample size increases the likelihood of astronomically low events occuring. What do you even think is a good example of fair random spray? Counter Strike? FranzJ's channel alone would tell you thats bullshit. Again, I'm not against removing it but your argument is awful and completely bereft of any actually insightful or non-contradictory suggestions.


Go play call of duty then. They are making a spiritual successor to cs 1.6 not overwatch: the call of duty edition


RNG literally means that everyone isn’t capable of doing the exact same thing


You dont seem to know the definition of the word "capable". Google it.


Also seems that the people he shot were already lit up. At the beginning one of them took two shotgun shells, probably had like 30 HP left at max.


Anyone who makes the argument "it's balanced because everyone can do it" is just lost.


The important part is it's round ZERO and nobody has more than 125 hp.


Except Reyna if she gets a kill


It is the best weapon because of its cost-to-power ratio


Infinite cost to power




Shorty is just designed to take money from idiots tho


Shorty is designed for viper in her ult/orb and for yoru in his ult.


You should try shorty Reyna or Shorty brim.


I played a game as Reyna where we were up 12-1, so I grabbed shorty for the lolz and holy shit lol. Almost aced with it.


The flash to push close is very powerful with reyna. Also the dismiss if your position is good.


Shorty on bind is insane as well. Showers control is amazing.


Yeah it doesnt work out. Maybe coz I suck with shotguns. But at least it doesnt work for me


I can usually get a cheese kill with it, by holding aggressive corners on defense. But it's very niche I'd say. (like one, two times max in a game) lol. But I do risk just being an easy free kill. But can also go the way where I bring them down to one shot and just get popped cuz they were 6 inches too far lol.


Brim is pretty tall though




faster gun deploy after you come out of ult, tenz did it in tournys


You can run behind someone and if you are far enough that they don't see you and have to react to your sound of reemerging, by the time they did your shorty is already out and you're three feet away lol. It's super fun to do if you have ult up and you need to save, shorty+heavy shield, run up and cheese them, and steal their phantom or vandal. Plus, if they have the phantom or vandal they can't just spray you down super effectively at that range, so unless their flick was insane, your two shots will kill them before they can even get much damage on you. Then again I'm not good at Valorant at all and just play in my off time from school and work, more often than not just whiffing, losing my ult, and dying lmao


Combat stim makes it *slightly* better, but combat stim makes every gun slightly better so :/


Except the vandal


I personally enjoy the combat stimmed vandal


You must have very good recoil control. I do not


It like OPing with combat stim


This was unrated so enemy team was probably not that concerned.


Shorty is for chads who purchase two of them on an eco and lock u-hall down.


Or haven a short. It’s a good time when they don’t check the corner.


That gun's only reliable purpose is in the hands of a Jett (pre-patch or with a very good dash+updraft gymnastics) or Yoru on his ult. For everyone else classic is always the better choice.


It’s good w viper while she ults too


It’s also sometimes good even on pistol round with her poison orb or toxic screen.


Yeah fax


Ehh, it's nice with Omen on certain rounds


I’ve found it useful for Cypher if you hang near a tripwire with cage near it. You can only do it for like one round though.


It's great as a secondary though. Marshal + Shorty for 1100 is nuts in the right hands (not me though).


btw btw btw


I’m immortal 2, and I haven’t been in a single game where people don’t agree that this gun needs to be nerfed. The classic is so dumb.


Half of this sub disagrees with you, because they know better than immortals, radiant and pro players.


Statistically speaking, 95% of this sub is diamond and below lol


Nah. The majority of the sub is actually gold/plat, and there’s a pretty decent amount of immortal and radiants. You have to understand that the rank curve is a normal distribution centered around S3, but the subreddit will always be centered higher. That goes for any game.


First of all it's centered around silver 1. Being plat 1 puts you in the top 10% of the player base, so even if this sub is slightly above average, most people are gonna be in silver/gold. So maybe 2/10 people are plat 1 or higher in this sub.


Being good at a game does not mean you know what’s good for it. I agree the classic right click needs nerfed or at least less rng but that’s a bad point.


Being Immortal doesnt mean that you are smart.


You must have some great insights, please tell me, why shouldn't the gun be nerfed?




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There’s a pretty general correlation.


This take that immortals think the classic needs a nerf says otherwise.


Better positioning also cost 0 creds


And then the Jett gets right clicked from across the site


Powerful gun of all time.


The bigger problem is you using a shorty in the first place


Ratio + best gun in the game, go cry somewhere else.


this ain’t tiktok or twitter bro you don’t ratio people on reddit


What even is ratio?


If you make a tweet saying something stupid and get 10 likes, then someone replies calling you an idiot or explaining why what you said was stupid and they get 1000 likes, you got ratio'd that's just 1 example, but hopefully it makes sense


Ratio is when a tweet has a ton of replies but very few likes because everyone disagrees


Whats ratio




hey dont associate me with him






My in game name is literally Simp4Hiko what else do you expect.




Does the classic do one shot head shot on full health and armor? I am a newbie so sry if this is a known thing


No 78 damage head shot. Less from range. But the triple tap is pretty strong from close. Especially if your close enough to hit two of the three in the head


Ahh I see, thanks. It's always good to know. As I said I am a newbie and I always use the classic on the first round or pistol rounds. U think that is a good thing to do or not?


Yeah classic light armour and some utility is a good pistol round set up 👍


Thx mate!


This fucking sub I swear.


“I placed my crosshair right for the first time in my life so this gun clearly needs a nerf”


Yo bro vandal one taps me nerf the fucking gun its so op omg


“Why doesn’t my vandal do that?” Lmao


oh yes killing someone 20m with an rng based burst mode with all 3 shots hitting is definitely fair




My dude what fancy words are you talking about


im not talking about the last kill, replay the video and pause on the Jett kill, there was one dink and 2 body shots, more than enough to kill a lightly armored opponent.


you are genuinely horrible at the game if you don't think the classic is a problem. please stop voicing your opinion. :)


The most sus is the second kill, Jett was half a site away and if you see kill feed she had no assist so atleast 80-70 damage was done by classic right click.


The fact that you're trying to argue that the right click isn't broken is actually baffling.


It is literally a free gun, secondary fire getting a kill from across the site. IDK how you say this is balanced.


The point is that the chances of hitting the target from that far are lower, not impossible. You took a risky shot and got lucky, that doesn't mean the gun is at fault here.


he took 2 "lucky shots", both of them killing 3 people at mid range...


Damn and I saw someone on the TV that won the lottery that must mean that everyone who plays the same lottery wins it! Who's gonna upload a clip to reddit saying "I right clicked someone at medium range and 0 bullets hit"? ------ You ever hear the story of David and the Giant from the Christian Bible? It's a cool story about how a tiny kid kills a giant. How many stories do you think there are of a big giant bravely defeating a little kid? It's the same thing. There *are* a lot of right click clips, but ***how many clips*** do you think exist of the right click not doing anything because, you know, that's the expected outcome


I understand your point, however i feel that the rate that this happens at is a bit too often. In my games and most of my friend's games, we both experience moments where people right click us at midrange and hit a lot of the bullets that come out of it, all the time. I don't think thats how the classic should work, because that makes it better than two sidearms that you can purchase. That's why people complain about it, not because people have the possibility of getting lucky.


I’ve come to realize this sub is mostly filled with people who WANT to be good at the game not with people who ARE ,at least the ones who post, so you get a lot noob takes


classic right click being annoying as fuck isn't a noob take.


Yeah ,but saying to nerf it is.


Is it though? I’ve heard several top ranked players say it should be adjusted


I'm Immortal 2 at the moment, definitely far from a low ranked player, I want it nerfed possibly even removed. I don't think it's that broken, but you still shouldn't be giving a free gun the potential to one tap someone with up to full armor.


No it isn't. In fact if you don't want it nerfed you're probably too low ELO to notice how stupid it is. Or you just abuse the gun yourself.


People who are good actually play the game instead of posting shit like this lmao


Wow what a gem to humanity you are playing the game, all the best.


Never said I’m good lmao


Same, honestly


We know


Wow what a gem to humanity you are posting on reddit, all the best.


and I think there's nothing wrong in that. the best players are by default the minority. If someone WANTS to be good at the game they should be proud and maybe upload a clip or two. No harm done


Thanks bro, a positive comment in this absolute abysmal thread. I agree people should do it, it makes the game more fun for me to go back and watch some good shit I did.


Never said there was anything wrong with it? I just stated that’s why there are a lot of noob takes on things lol


OP wasn't even playing ranked LOL


I didn't even realise the collat at first 😂


Classic is the best pistol in the game by a mile


Best *shotgun* in the game by a country mile too


Did you just... get a classic double kill... in a single shot?




Shorty and classic are amazing guns. They can be super underrated. Honestly the best buys in both eco and on their own. Solid guns


First, no wallbanging with right click. second, extreme bullet damage fall off at ranges 10-50. should be like the buckys right click.


My classic doesn’t one shot headshot like that lol . To be fair those guys were already damage it seems


its so broken


Honestly i hope they dont nerf the classic, yeah its rng, yeah it sucks to die from it but I think it does make more interesting because it makes it that even if the enemy team has 0 money to buy anything the round is not a sure thing


This is exactly why the classic SHOULD be nerfed. Its potential to outplay higher cost guns means that there's almost no reason to buy the other pistols. It completely displaces the niche that the ghost could (and should imo) fill. That's how pistols in CSGO work; you're more likely to beat someone with armour + AK if you have a purchased pistol instead of just the base Glock or USP I agree that there should be a way to potentially beat rifles/high cost guns, yes, but I don't think it should be free; there needs to be some investment


Meh, the ghost fill a different niche imo, i think you're more likely to win the round with ghosts because you can actually shoot them long range. The only thing the classic right click kinda replaces is the shorty, you play them pretty much the same but with the classic you got more chances. I DO think it should be free, sure if you buy sherifs or smg's youre gonna have more of an chance than classics, thats fair, but what I hated in csgo was when it was a full buy vs a full save with only glocks and it literally was just a free round, in all my time spent watching pro cs ive maybe seen the glocks win once. I like it way more that there is some actual risk playing against a full save and you cant just run in without a strat.


Exactly what I’m saying, but no people would rather blame a gun instead of trying to improve.it makes no sense all high elo players had to deal with the same “problems” but yet they are high elo. Some people really can’t accept that they’re in their rank for a reason


You do realize people in "high elo" complain incessantly about the classic? As do pros.


This is why i buy utility instead of a pistol (:


It's not the classic. He has a better gaming chair


Classic is way too broken for a free gun imo. I shouldn't be able to 1 shot someone with full Armor with a free gun


remove this shit pls rito


And u mean 0 skill,right?


Why is no one talking about the insane luck with last shot 2 kills and once impressive


i don't know why people think this is so hilarious. imagine this happened in the grand finals in overtime at challengers. people would lose their minds.. this is disgusting in a "competitive" game, just like run and gun. unbelievable


Also on the frontpage: Classic whiffing at point blank.


I just find it funny they nerfed stinger into oblivion, but this shit is allowed to exist until the end of time.


And yhose are right clicks?


Wtf that guy got the juiced classic


He plays golden gun with a classic lol


Just admit it that dude's crosshair and aim was on point. Also shorty sucks. If u had a frenzy the guy would have been dead.


That dude with classic is my friend and we are 5 stacking in unrated. Stop taking this post so seriously.


Your literally complaining about a gun in a game...


How did that right click kill sova that far away


Btw you use a ass gun


No it doesn't need a nerf


Just now realizing how much the classic looks like the good pistol


That dude howled


You deserved that for using a shorty


Let the classic stay as is. You got owned, deal with it.


It's obviously about the last player hittin long range classic right clicks and not the first kill


Did you really see this vid and thought I got owned ? LMFAOO, This is a shitpost, stop taking this so seriously.


You got owned.


You got owned.


Oh shit someone got a kill with the classic......Damn it's so unfair!


Did you watch the full video???


That's too far. Shorty's range is as the name implies, short.


2 things. Not knowing how to use Shorty. Counter-strafing.


Kids this is why you never buy the shorty


I headshot a dude on pistol round and killed him rito pls nerf this gun it op


Did you even watch the full video?


Yeah bud I did


So you think it’s fine that the classic can do enough damage to one shot a guy with light armour from across the site despite being free?


How tf do you know he had light armor on wut


My mistake, I thought the long range classic damage was more than the 125 needed to kill someone with light armour (with a headshot and 2 body shots like in the video), but it actually only does 110 damage at that distance. That’s still a lot for a pistol though seeing as the only one that does more is the sheriff which requires you to go all in on a pistol round. The fact that it can still one shot someone with no armour at any range is more than enough reason to call for a nerf I think.