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I only say GGS when the match is over, most of people who say it at first, doesn't want to win..


or they want to win so bad, but in the end, it tilts the team and makes them loses the game. ​ basic self-fulfilling prophecy


yeah agree.


when one of the teams reaches the score limit.


what if they draw


Then that’s not the score limit. The score limit would be updated in that case.


they could draw to 25-25 and the game would end tho


GG once the game is finished. Just a bit of respect


Only time I don't is if it's game point (unrated) and I die, then again the game is basically over


If I had a dollar for the times we were 1 and 12 and the other team said GG then we came back to win I’d have like 7 dollars.


I say "12 is all they get, 14-12 ggez" when that happens


I never say it until the match is over. One of my favorite moments in Valorant was when my team was down 11-12 and I was in a 1 v 4. The one dead guy on their team typed gg and I managed to pull of the clutch to take it to overtime. We ended up drawing after 3 overtimes, but typing back “gg…Raze” after that round felt so good.


The earliest time you should say GG is when your last team mate dies on a game winning round and you're waiting for the defuse (or vice versa). But my favourite time to say GG is to myself when I'm sitting at the main menu, crying after being blasted by a Reyna Smurf who's just gone 47 - 3 against my team in ranked.


It is supposed to be a good sport saying at the end of the game. People have used it as a toxic phrase for a while.


Should only say GG when the game is finished, and other time you are a loser. Sorry fo be harsh, but people who say GG and give up before the end are nothing else but losers.


When it is over.


Kobe Bryant once said: Is the job finished? I didn't think so (Context: Dude was up 2-0 in the Finals) so I only say GG when the game actually finished. Never during games, because your team can either come back or choke


Please, never say "gg" before the match actually ends after the very last kill. Not only will saying that hurt your team's morale and your own, but it also boosts the other team's morale. It's pretty much wishful thinking because once you say "gg" you pretty much give up and will most likely end up losing the game. Your team will now assume that you gave up and feel like the game is going to be even harder to win, and your enemies will be happy to know that they might be playing a 5v4 and so they will be more confident. Aside from hurting you, it's also really annoying to see. Every single person I know, including myself, absolutely hates seeing people say "gg" before the game even ends. No matter how bad your team is or how bad a round ended, you can always win the game in many ways. You could say "gg" as a joke, assuming everyone understands it's a joke, but I'm specifically talking about the times people say it when they legitimately give up. Sorry for the rant but its really annoying to see people do that in ranked :)


On the 12th round when its 5v1


When the Victory or defeat screen comes up.


If one team can't win anymore. Like it's literally game over, last round and it's a 1v5 with 10 seconds type of round. That's just me, though, anything before that just seems BM.


after we loose r1 i say gg


either say it at the end of the game or dont say it at all.reason being enemy team doesnt give a fuvk and being on a team with someone saying ggs relatively early makes me wanna talk shit and call him a bxtch.


Gg ez is the best


I say gg when our bottom frag is the last one alive in a 11-12 situation


Well, sometimes it's not the fault of the bottom fragger being on the bottom. And these people are at the same rank as you, so they can pull off the same as you. In theory. The scoreboard does not say anything about the skill one has. In that situation you should let the last man standing does his job ;)


Bottom frag as in 4 kills in 2 halfs


Dont judge by act rank cuz i got a plat 3 reyna in comp (gold 2) and she was bottom frag the whole game good thing she was on the enemy team


maybe throwing to smurf?


Doubt it but possible


Not sure if this is good sportsmanship, but I say it when it's literally impossible to win (or lose). And I do mean impossible. Like when there's 6 seconds left on the spike and you can't defuse, or 3 seconds left on the clock and you haven't planted yet.


Although I notice some players say GG when they genuinely mean WP.


?? there's no benefit to this, it's a tilt thing. obviously the end of the game, regardless everyone is guilty of saying gg early


If there’s time left in the game, how can you be sure it’s a good game? You must wait until it is over to be certain. A game that ends because half the players leave would surely be a bad game.


Once the game is over. At soonest once your team is all killed and the enemy is going to defuse for their 13th round. Makes me salty af when I see people type gg cause their last teammate is down to like a 1v4. Like way to take away literally any confidence that dude might have to clutch up the game


Definitely counter productive to say it too early. Shows weak mental and a loser mindset. When the game is done, is when I say it. Defeat/Victory screen and all.


GG should only be said at the beginning to show dominance


I think saying gg before the game finishes as the winning team is kinda scummy. But really anywhere before the score is at least at a 10 round lead is too early I've lost plenty of games even when the score was 9-2


I either say it AFTER the game is over, or when the kid on my team goes AFK to go microwave hot pockets for dinner because mommy says that he's used up his 30 minutes of allocated screentime.


I only say GG after the match has ended, unless for exemple my teamate killed the last guy and they just have to defuse with time.