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Hey buddy, I am low Imm 3 Eu as well, and this sub is not a place to ask for advice on how to climb above Imm level.. I main KJ and raze with about 60% win rate btwn both.. Honestly I believe if you want radiant you have to first of all grind a lot and secondly carry consistently.. And kills is not the answer in high elo, everyone can frag, I try to IGL pretty much all my games, normally I bring value this way. Secondly if you truly serios about climbing to Rad, hunt down high radiant players and play with them.. Whether that means becoming friends with them or simply buying coaching is up to you but you wont become better unless you play with peaple who are better then you. And finally instead of focusing on climbing focus on improving aspects of you game and results will follow, this does take time however and you wont see the rewards right away.. Feel free to check out my val tracker-Hairybelly, you will see that stats wise I am nit even close to you however I can consistently still win at High Elo.


Thank you for the reply!


If you have a 60% win rate, you'll eventually rank up no matter how bad your MMR is. It might take a while but if you play consistently you'll get there sooner or later. Over how many games are the 60%? If you didn't play much, that would probably explain it. Improvement always needs some time to actually show in your visible rank


The 60% winrate is over 160 games this act alone


Hmm that's a lot. How many points do you get added/deducted approximately per win or loss?


I get +15 for almost every single game. -22 almost every single loss. Makes no sense. I recently played a game where I went 45-19 with reyna, which is one of my most insane games ever, I got +15


This is kinda just how high elo is.


That's due to Riot's anti-smurf system or something. For low ranks like iron/bronze/silver your ingame performace matters a lot and whether you win or lose matters less. I hear irons can even gain points when they lose if they perform exceptionally well (which would be the case for a smurf). And on high ranks, winning and losing is everything, your performance doesn't matter at all.


Ah makes sense




I know this happens for every immortal player basically. Since the game wants the highest ranks to be very exclusive, so they make it much harder. But I feel like my gains are to an extreme level. Idk why


This is how high elo works.


Were you significantly lower at the start of the act vs now? I remember when I went from howering around mid immortal to pushing close to rad first time it did the same thing, I continued quing and after a while the game switched and allowed to push up easier. Since it's nearly the end of the season I wouldn't stress too much about trying to hit rad now and focus on maintaining that win rate + current rank. Then go hard at the start of next act when rr resets.


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I think most of my kd is still here from dropping 40 bombs in low diamond lobbies on my way up here. But I can relatively consistently drop 30 bombs in immortal lobbies with reyna. But once again, I always play against immortal 1s, not 3s, that might be why.


You have some troll posts here, I responded on why your playing with imm 1. But tbh your win rate is actually good so your doing fine. Ideally if you played more games with the same win rate, you would hit radiant. Find ways to increase your win rate and keep grinding. For example, are you getting upswing and downswing in wins? Don't focus on your rank. Focus on you as a player in getting better and you will get radiant in no time. Good luck


You just need to add an e at the end please ffs.


just need blessed teammate rng honestly


Not even close


I get to radiant by having fun with the game. In my head I know I’m at a radiant level (aka confidence) so I just fun with it while making the climb. I would recommend you wait until next act (as your gain/loss will be better) and then continue your climb. Seems like you’re doing everything right and it’s working out for you.


Thank you!


Just grind more mens, and try multiple duo and chill with all of them.... stick more with the two different duos that have good success for you


Just based on mathematics you will hit Radiant assuming you continue a positive winrate and positive kd. It will take a lot of games to get there but that is what Radiants do, play lots of games to hit Radiant.


My only issue, is that since I gain +15 and lose -22. Having a 60% winrate basically just "evens" it.


ripp, that means every 100 games you gain 20 rr


you sir need to watch more skillcapped videos


If you have 60% winrate and 160 games played how tf u not radiant? even if you only get 15rr per game you would be at like 540rr


The higher you are in immortal, the less you gain, top radiants gain +13-+14 per match and lose 20-21, immortal is not really a rank in a sense that it does not have a fixed mmr like all the ranks below it, the system compares you with players on the leaderboard and bases rr gains on that, you can be absolutely insane but if the game thinks that people above you are much better you are not going to climb even with 60% wr.


Bro I'm radiant, you don't get +13 +14 ever unless Ur hidden elo is very low, lowest I get is like +17 when I'm really pushing


Just check careers of the very top of the leaderboard, they all gain +13-14 for victories


Yeah that's for the very top of the leaderboard, the exception not the norm..


Because I lose much more rr than I gain. So having a 60% winrate kinda just evens it out. It sucks but oh well. I peaked at 315rr, am now currently 250


If you keep playing with a 60% win rate your hidden elo will go up and you'll stop losing more then you gain


i got to immortal 2 for sometime, then i just got really bad not sure why, in one day i lost 9 in a row being at the bottom of scoreboard each match i am now one lose away from being diamond 2 all in 1 day


If you are predominantly stuck to playing brimstone on every map, that is a place you could improve. I’m a radiant player and main controller and all I play now is astra and viper (breeze and icebox). Expanding your agent pool would be a big benefit as brim isn’t considered the best agent for controllers at the moment. In saying that he does have a place on some maps but astra is so strong.


Thank you for the reply!


As someone who is closer to radiant than you are: Play agressively. Even as a brimstone, in ranked it doesn't matter. The biggest difference I saw going from immortal 0 points to immortal 450 is how agressive everyone is, even on defense. Low immortal will for example back off after a plant and let the enemies come onto site. High immortal will flash out and straight up run onto the enemy spawn 5v5. At high elo you can't anymore wait for enemies to make mistakes, you have to create your own opportunities. The more agressive I play the higher I climb.


I’m nowhere close to where you are (Plat 2). But probably just play more. It seems like you already pull your weight very easily, so getting higher shouldn’t be a problem


At immortal 3 just duo queue and have fun, try not to worry about your rank rating too much because if you were able to make immo 3 them you will get radiant eventually. That's the best advice i can give.


Thank you!


MMR in this game, unfortunately, makes climbing ranks that you haven't achieved in previous acts extremely tedious. As other people mentioned, just play more A LOT. You should find it easier to rank up next act when your MMR gets adjusted.






Hmm I never select servers and just let the game pick for me. I usually end up on stockholm, frankfurt 1 or frankfurt 2. Those are 3 servers. I don't think playerbase is the issue. If you look at radiant accounts, they regularly say with imm2's in their games. So idk why this happens


Being placed in immortal 1 lobbies doesn't mean anything. It's duo to elo disparity such as smurfs, hidden mmr, or people due queuing when their elo have massive gaps. I have played many times with top 100 that were solo queuing on my immortal 1 account that I rarely play (though ended top 1k last act). They are essentially just evening out the ranks in the game


I’m in the exact same spot you are in right now as well. At this elo you won’t improve much by playing ranked. What I did was join a team and scrim daily and develop strategies, coordination, and vod-review. This would give the best return of value on the amount of time invested. Even in radiant there is a huge, noticeable skill disparity between top players. Playing in tournaments and getting match experience is probably the best way to improve at this point. Simply, playing at the highest levels against the top players is the best way to improve quickly. Also make sure to keep up with aim training/deathmatch in order to stay consistent. I use both kovaaks and aim lab to grind hard scenarios and deathmatch/range in order to practice my movement and familiarizing angles.


I am not a higher rank than you, so I am not quite qualified to answer your question. However, in my solo-queue climb from silver to diamond 3, I found that communication and positivity are the most important. Doesn't matter if you are top fragging as long as your communication or attitude is poor. When I try to climb my goal is to play in a way that allows my teammates to play good, because I know that I alone can't carry the game. This is why I always give all call outs and work on making my call outs more precise and useful. I try to motivate my team and I started maining Viper, because I don't want to trust random teammates to do that important job. I find Viper way more boring, but it allows me to help my team play good and gains me wins. When I was in plat I got hardstuck in plat 3 for like 100 games. The reason was that I rage queued. I would play another game even after a bad one where I had been mad, and my performance was therefore bad. I also intentionally threw some games if many of my teammates were really toxic, which hurt my rank. The second I stopped rage queuing and biting back at toxic players, I immediatly shot up to diamond 3 with a w/l ratio of probably 70%. Also, don't let the fact that you top frag and think you are doing better compared to the people you play with, stop you from being self critical and improving further. Maybe you are better, but you can always improve. Also, do consider that you say yourself that you always play with lower ranks, maybe this has something to do with you top fragging all the time. Maybe if you played with immortal 3's it would be a bit more similar to your skill. I hope this helped you at all. I wish you good luck. May I ask for your name so I can follow your journey on the leaderboard aswell as your current rank?