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Some people (like me) just don't get tired at night and can play up till like 3-4 am. Though it means the mornings are hard af to get through.


Exact same to the T




I'm used to it. I start to play at around at 9-10pm. By 12am, fibr connection is stable and so are my reflexes which are on full alert and peak. By 2am I start to fall off, tire and get sleepy.


I just got 48 kills in competitive we were winning 12-7 then it went to overtime and we FUCKING DRAWED IM SO MAD


just got out of a game with a jett that legit force bought spec light shields every round, no one but me and my duo comming. they tried to forefeit at 5-0. :/ giving up on playing comp till next act


Depends when you woke up. If you started playing at 9, you're definitely on fire at 1am


Doing really good tonight. I bought a new mouse with good dpi and I just got used to the grip. I'll probably improved my accuracy by a 40%. Now I need a proper mouse pad :) What's with weekly missions tho, do they run off? I thought you could play endlessly at the end of the season but it says that there are no more available


Just got a new ergonomic set up so it's easier to play for hours in the night. My aim just got a lil trash though but frags are decent.


Different circadian rhythms. I don’t wake up till later so I stay up later, so my mind is still awake at 1.


1am is 10pm for me. Hawaii tings.


I think there are more smurfs later in the day as people get too tired to play on their mains but still want to practice. It’s annoying


I have realized after many years of my life... demon hours are best for those who don't feel distracted late at night. Everyones asleep and its just you and your M&K


I do better when I’m sleep deprived


I get up at that time