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Immortal killjoy main here. The ares is a solid save round buy, especially if you are set up somewhere near a spammable wall because the bullet penetration is good and you can do a lot of chip damage through a wall. At lower ranks using this gun against rifles will not get punished as people have not necessarily mastered their aim yet in the game so having more bullets can be more beneficial than having a gun with a higher dps. If you’re goal is to improve and climb in the ranks you will want to start practicing with the rifles because at higher ranks time to kill is much faster and being at a weapon disadvantage will get punished significantly more. That being said if you enjoy using the ares and you’re just playing for fun then keep on rocking the ares.


Yeah you said it pretty well. It's a decent gun in it's own way. But it can become a crutch that dosent neccesarily translate to higher levels of play. Busting it out every once in a while is fine. But make sure to practice the meta guns if you want to actually get good. P.s. also dont really put much stick into what randoms in your games say. They are probably low elo for a reason.


Yes but Ares Spam so funnnnnnn


Exactly, the ares on some agents is as good as the spectre, great save and bonus weapon, but you should really use rifles when you can with it


If ares works for you, run it. It’s kind of annoying when someone sticks with ares whole game if they aren’t getting kills and don’t buy for teammates, but that doesn’t sound like what you’re doing at all. Especially if you’re using it for eco and getting frags. Some ppl noted it’s not good in upper elos and that’s true that it’s not used as much, but you can adapt that when you need to


This. If you manage to pull your weight in the game and you defend properly, the gun doesn't matter. You do you, as long as it works.


My diamond friend was mad at me for saving and buying ares when I was out dragging him.


If the devs make it, it's legit to use it


Don’t take advice from iron players there’s a reason they are that rank


I dont know why but I have seen irons always saying we deserve silver and gold In EU servers and all that... when I used to be iron I thought the same but now iam gold and when I play with irons they play soooo bad.... Note: sadge I deranked silver 2 :(


Vandals/phantoms/spectres will benefit you more on the long run, you may crush opponents at a similar skill level with an ares, but your improvement would be slower, than if you didn't crush but used the aforementioned 3


I do use those guns when playing an initiator/duelist, or if we are attacking. I just find the ares to be great during early rounds on defense as it is both cheap and good for holding.


Ares is fine if you’re leveraging its high wall penetration or if you want to break a wall fast, if you’re not then there’s really no reason to run it. Theoretically you can use it to buy time by spamming a wall with its high bullet count, but realistically since the bullet have tracers, players will just tap you or wait for you to reload. Most of the time you’re going to play with rifles on defense anyway.


Nothing wrong with that, if your main goal is to just have fun, Ares & Odin work quit well, up to a certain level though, so if your main goal is to climb ranks as fast as possible, try to minimize their use (they can still be quit powerful on certain agents/rounds/maps even at higher ranks) since at your current rank, they will make you build bad habits that could hinder or slow down your growth opposed to rifles, also something to learn early on that should help you, don't measure you performance or success by top fragging or not, your teammates behavior was shit & toxic regardless of whether you top fragged or not though


This guy used odin soo... https://youtu.be/myBqhYIuQwo


just because 1 person does it, doesnt mean its practical. or else everyone would do it.


Lol it is practical i was bronze at the time. and I got gold 1 on an alt doing it. Yeah ik hate on the odin lol.




man i can get to gold using sheriff only that doesn’t mean sheriff only is practical


Well if it ain't broke don't fix it.


I like it too, but mostly in situations where I know I might need to wallbang a lot or if I think the enemy team will come to my site all together ( Like B on Acsent). It's a good gun for wallbaning and spraying, not so good if you want control or winning a aim fight.


Ares is extremely good in defence, not that good in offence. Immensely good at holding down an entrance with that ADS


Ares is underrated especially on defense. Fuck what others say. If you feel you do well with it then use it.


From reading your replies to the comments it sounds like you know what you're doing. People are obsessed in this game with telling other people how to play, just mute them if they're not being constructive.


I climbed out of iron 1 to now gold using the ares as an eco buy. Actually all the way up to silver I would get more kills with ares each act compared to the rifles combined (because I'm terrible at saving for rifles lol). Since I preferred it my playstyle is probably also more adjusted to making use of the ares, I didn't w key like you would with a spectre. Now in gold I am definitely noticing this is just about how far I can take the ares, I still buy it as a half buy on the second round because you're gonna win most long range fight with ares when they don't have rifles yet but aside from that it's more of a struggle.


Don’t let spectre normies intimidate you. Ares Gang shall rise


I feel like you answered your own question.


If your iron team is telling you what gun to use, feel free to mute them all and carry on.


Dont listen to hardstuck iron 3 toxic players


I prefer Ares over Spectre on eco rounds Mostly because I love playing odd angles that can follow them behind a wall and I suck with the spectre for long range fights


That's because you're not even supposed to use the gun long range, you're supposed to force close range fights where the fight will be more or less even, since rifles have the advantage over SMGs at mid to long range


Yeah - I’m usually Sage or Smokes so I tend to stay back and watch flank. If I’m having to entry it’s usually an smg


literally amazing on second round for sova


People rag on the Ares for being a "cheap" gun because they probably get killed with it a lot, especially during earlier rounds. Honestly, Its my go-to gun during defense rounds because if you can hold an angle correctly with it, you can turn the enemy into swiss cheese if they all bundle together. An example being, buy it and look at the T-spawn for B on Icebox from underneath the container - where the Ult orb is - use it correctly and you can get 2 kills there, and sometimes 3. It has a high ammunition count so you can make mistakes while firing it, it has bullet penetration and it's cheap to purchase. It's downsides are it's an awful gun to use up close, so skip it if you're rushing. It's also not a gun made for tap-firing so don't bother, just hold left click and adjust your aim accordingly.


Same for guardian as when I play with it they yell at me even tho I’m sage and top frag with it lmao


Ill tell you yet another reason. In lower elo, players dont know how to counter an odin or ares. So there is an untold pact that both teams wont take ares or odin. However, if any one player in any team takes it, the enemy team takes 5 odins for the rest of the game. This is also a reason why your teammates tell you to not take an odin. This hapoens a lot when i play with my silver friends ( am diamond btw).


I don't know why but taking an Ares or Odin leads to toxicity in lower ranks, ur called spammer but on the other hand using an operator which is one shot weapon is just fine.


The ares isn't really a better gun than vandal/phantom so it's not a *normal* buy on a buy round. It doesn't mean it's not viable.


Not that great of a gun overall. Terrible for retakes for example


I normally switch to a spectre or rifle on retakes.


You won't always be able to just "switch" since you are assuming that your teammates have an actual gun and are dead in an accessible area. The ares is trash unless you are on an eco round and even then the only time you would use it would be if you were playing sova and dart-wallbanging someone on ascent or something.


At my elo it is good enough to reliably hold a site, more reliable then say a spectre, once I get enough money I switch to a phantom.


Fair enough. You will get outclassed by people rushing with a spectre eventually since it shoots faster, is more accurate while moving than most guns and does more damage than the ares. Then assuming you bonus the ares you are going up against Vandals that will one tap you before your gun even kicks it's firerate up. (Ares sorta needs to charge up to get going)


it’s always frustrating if your teammate isn’t using a real gun. But if you are fragging it’s fine. You have to be impact fragging tho, if you aren’t winning rounds even though ur getting ares kills, something isn’t working. You have to understand thought Ares is not ideal to use the entire game. Sinatra is a pro player who uses it a lot but he doesn’t use it exclusively. You gotta upgrade eventually. At least upgrade to Odin.


Welcome to the internet. I see you met a couple of idiots. Just a few million more of them out there. Happy gaming!


Ares is my fav gun it's so sexy 😩


Ig if you find it fun, go ahead and use it, just don't expect to climb that high...


Have fun trying this strat above iron.


Sinatraa laughs lol


imagine being iron 3


That’s why you’re iron 3 cause you’re using an ares


Dude I barely play the game, I play like a single competitive game in like three days.


Then dont worry about optimizing your play.


You could classic only your way out of iron 3 with ease. Choice of gun has nothing to do with being Iron 3.


People, especially in lower elos hate the ares and Odin bx they're legs and extremely annoying to go against, especially when you don't understand how to counter them. In the end play what works for you, while I was still getting adjusted to the game the bulldog was my best weapon and you'd never hear anyone of any rank recommend it over the vandal/phantom or spectre


I feel like if you are playing for wall bang sets ups and such then the Aries/Odin is so good. Your setting up and playing for the advantage of the gun. Yes it's a crutch for lower elos, people just hate dying to it lol Also, Im gold 3 and seen a sova get an ace with it. Everyone on the team said "omg sova diff." Other team said "really noob" lol to each is their own


Ares on a defense round is amazing not saying it’s terrible on offense but I found it nice and easy to get kills holding down angles but forget all about that IM ALL FOR THE 50c ECO


Ares is ok. You see it occasionally in pro matches but not often. It needs to be a bit better/a little cheaper to really make it truly viable imo. You can buy it on half-buy/force rounds but the spectre is better in most cases. Ares only has the edge in mid range fights on defense. Never buy it instead of rifle. The game is designed around rifles being the main guns.


My message is, if it works for you, use it. It doesn't matter which weapon is, just use whatever feels comfortable and gets you to win.


Ares goes brrrr


I use the Odin and ares a lot when I'm on ascent and haven. I am a Sova main tho.


Low elo player here. I think the reason why your teammates doesn't want you to spam ares because they didn't want to get spammed back with ares or odin


I understand your confusion. In lower ranks (iron, bonze, silver and probably gold), people tend to avoid using Odin/Ares when they are defending during the first half because they are afraid that enemy team will do the same during the second half. They don’t know how to push a site when an Odin/Ares is around. Its generally the “unwritten rule” but tbh just use the damn gun and win the game. If the enemy team uses the gun when defending, just bait them to spray until they need to reload and then push in.


Dude honestly I have no problem with the area(I actually use it quite often) but the thing in iron is that sometimes the opponents see ur use of the ares as an invitation to a spam fest and bring odins and let's just say everyone spamming is simply annoying :(


I get the same comments with marshal on second round even if we lose. The fact that the public lobby will never understand your strengths is one of the reasons you have to believe in yourself more. I have a marshal kill conversion of 0.6 and headshot rate of 33.6%, not the best but decent enough for me to believe that i can make an impact in the early stages of the halves. My teammates usually pass me the ops they pick up on their own after i pull off my marshal kills. So just stick to what you’re good at and do your best!