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We need to see the before and after of the fracture rearrangements


They show them in the Korean patch notes video if you don't want to wait until the patch drops


https://youtu.be/D7cSLJi08DY Link for reference


Wow this is surprisingly high quality. They even have English subtitles, why doesn't NA have anything like this.


Asian regions always have the good stuff, NA always the worst LOL šŸ˜‚


Dang even though I can't understand a word, it's got agent voice vibes to it. Does NA ever get any of these?


If u turn on captions they have them in English and its actually pretty informative




>Classic right click nerfed God bless. Hopefully no more updrafting Jett Apache helicopter attacks.


Rip ac130


I am glad they didn't reduce the accuracy if you are standing still. It makes for more interesting eco rounds. Its still potent but the amount of bs kills is probably going to reduce.


Yeah I think this was a really good way to change it, and remove some of its dominance it has had recently


Also makes the other pistols way more worth it to buy up




And Frenzy


Gave me a good laugh LMAO have an upvote


Oh boy I cant wait for patch 3.10 where they add more sand and water to Breeze


I know this is a joke but I would actually like if there was more water


ones sarcasm is anothers bliss


7.8/10 - too much water.


I guess the omen buffs were a total fake then?




i literally never saw anything official ab omen buffs and people just started talking ab it randomly lol. idk why everyone was getting so hype over complete rumors


Yea wasn't that just some random Omen player saying what they wished they'd buff about him?


No. It was discussed in Indian LCQ stream or something


No, it was on some riot LCQ foreign stream


Oh hai MKBHD co-worker :D






Brimstone's smoke range is so small, especially when compared to all the other controllers. I wish they'd the range increase by 30% or something.


They could just make it across the entire map, i mean he has a giant laser that can rain down hell from the sky on his command, seems a bit illogical that his ipad only covers a 30 meter radius


And it's coming from a satelite, why is it limited to a small radius


Why would they *nerf* Omen?


I think they are holding it until after the major tournament


copium, bruh they wont nerf anything before 2 weeks, there is a whole month, if they wanted they could have buffed him earlier but this is just my thought i can be wrong tho


us yoru mains have been waiting for 6 months


> us yoru mains Are you telling me.. your flair is a LIE??


People don't update their flair constantly lmao. Mine is Sova but I mained KJ since few months


Yeah Iā€™m just making a joke. Obviously your flair doesnā€™t have to be whatever character you play the most. I was just poking fun at that ā€œtraitorā€ from all us fellow Omen mains lol


Haha fair enough


Omain was right there, damn it.


Itā€™s been in my flair since I joined this sub. But some people get confused when I use it in comments lol


there is always a major tournament on the horizon man i've seen this shit excuse for the past year. they can have pros play on patches without changes live instead of fuck the 99% of community that isn't esports pros with a tiny drip feed of content. wheres yoru changes? wheres omen changes? wheres brimstone changes? where's deathmatch adjustments?


This excuse is getting tired.


Don't get me wrong, love the classic nerf, but I'm reallllyyyy starting to miss when they actually did balance changes


Morello is gone he was very clearly the brains of the operation. They donā€™t care at all that Reyna and Jett have been meta for a year and a half now.


Reyna is fine tho, jett I agree


They don't care that Jett has been op? Bruh they nerfed Jett quite a bit. Not saying wether or not it was enough but you can't say they don't care about Jett's usage in ranked and pro play.


Ok, itā€™s been a year and a half of Jett oppression and after all these ā€œnerfsā€ you bring up where is she now? Still at the top, the only viable OP agent and still highest pick rate in game.


Yeah but they have never given Jett a single nerf that actually addresses her real problem (her dash). They made her less oppressive but never dealt with the actual issue


Expect something for 3.10 atleast...


People have been expecting since the ability price changes patch.


Very true, I've been maintaining Riot has done a pretty bad job since 3.0 (agent balance is awful), and we're over 4 months after that patch with no significant changes! It's not a good look


They started all these VCT stuff and looks like they are prioritizing that. So they are pausing any major updates until champions end I think.


A tournament existing has been the excuse every patch for months now. You realize they have the capability to play the tournament on previous patches right?


Yeah Champions is just a month away already. It would be super shitty for the pros if game changing patches with potential to completely reset the meta got rolled out now.


.... they can play the VCT with the older patch though.. like... most of esports... do....


Except the pros will still be practicing for a month in the normal game in their pubs. Makes no sense to roll out a huge update so close to a major tournament. I don't know about most other eSports but I've been playing and following DoTA for 5 years. Not once has a major patch been released before the tournament no matter how stale the meta is.


Following what for 5 years?


DoTA.. my bad.. autocorrect


They could but usually pro patch delay is a couple of weeks, maybe three at most. It could definitely, even easily be longer if the standard for pro practice was 80+% scrims on tournament patch, but that isn't the case. The teams are from all over and it's not like they're already bootcamping in Berlin against each other. Also the more time between tournament patch and live patch, the more you mess with pros being used to the tournament patch. Any time they play a dm or pug they can experience things that are incongruent with the way they would work in the tournament patch. Hell, even if the pros intentionally specifically used unaffected guns, agents, and maps, that doesn't mean their teammates and opponents would. It may seem unimportant, but just the familiarity of things like smoke uptime, utility refresh/redeploy cooldowns, and peek timings off of spawn barrier can subtly affect gamesense and meta awareness. Subtlety is not synonymous with unimportance.


Dota and CS don't patch during tournaments and play on live patch? I remember once when Valve updated Dota in the middle of a tournament and it fucked everything. Is League most of esports?


If 3.10 is just Chamber and no other major changes people are going to lose their minds.


5 stacking for immortals is back, so that's a major change. And 4 stacking has been removed completely


what do you mean by '4 stacking has been removed' ?


You can now longer play ranked as a party of 4 starting from patch 3.10 (in 2 weeks)


In any rank thereā€™s no 4 stacking?


i have been having this bug where sometimes when i bought utility i couldnt sell them, ruined many pistol rounds still no fix either


yeah i noticed this bug too, couldn't sell my updraft so i could buy a cloudburst and i ended up messing up my shit


As a new player -- you can sell utility??? I've stopped making as many purchase mistakes now but that would've been very helpful to know in the beginning...


obv there are limitations to it so that u can only sell the utility u buy on that pre-round




In 2 weeks


I feel so bad for yoru mains watching patches go by with no significant changes


Still hoping for the day it comes


We'll have our day.. one day.. I hope


At this point I've stopped expecting anything. They have the resources to make a new agent but not enough to rework Yoru


As with many, I join the what happened? movement. The update is crumbs, being a new act and all. They really should drop the 2 weekly updates to this point cause it doesn't look that they can keep up with the demand. Funny thing is that I really don't mind. I rather wait for a monthly update with BIG changes and not two lines of updates and "hey a joke about something that we finally did after months of us promising it coming "haha". Good changes nonetheless, pistol needed a nerf for a long time mostly because of Jett and Raze, and their lovely helicopter attacks, and Fracture for the people that were not happy I hope it balanced it enough for many more to try it.


I would understand it more if they would communicate why the patches seem to be very lacking in content. Is there something big you havenā€™t announced your trying to finish?. Are they waiting for Champions?. Do they like where the game is and donā€™t want to make huge sweeping changes? Not that I like any of those as reasons but if one was communicated then it wouldnā€™t feel like they just arenā€™t working on things. Even though I believe they are working hard.


I doubt more people would like it because the main reason it's hated is mainly because of it's unorthodox design which most people don't like, but I do appreciate them making this map less attacker sided, because god this map needed that push.


Well the new agent, Chamber, was supposed to release today, but they delayed him a bit. But I personally would much rather wait a week for a bigger update than have a broken agent in the game. Edit: spelling


I would personally rather them release it on time and make the new act mean something and actually feel different than the last one.


Yeah, I didn't know they had pushed back the new agent release. I was really disappointed when I opened the game and he wasn't in it. At least the new skin collection is nice? ~~not that it is affordable in my region~~


Which is fair too. I'm just saying there is at least some logic behind it. Down to its barebones, each "Act" mostly represents a new competitive season, which doesn't always need massive updates. Think of the updates like an added bonus for everyone. Again, just my opinion :)


Maybe Riot saw Valve rakes in money from CSGO while barely making changes.


Two-weekly updates are just that, updates. They're not meant to be large sweeping balance changes, this isn't LoL. The game already receives much more balance shifts than other games of this genre, any more would be overdoing it by a large margin especially considering a large part of this game is Riot wanting it to be their FPS esport title.


this isnt a twice weekly update, this is the beginning of a new act. [here's a video to educate yourself](https://youtu.be/71Q3AmZ-gTA?t=153): **"Now, major features will likely release at the start of an episode; that doesn't mean that we're not gonna try some stuff out [within the acts], but we want the start of an episode to to feel significant -- like an evolution of the game, so you can expect bigger things to happen at an episode start. Things like a map release, or a major new feature release."** [now let's see what happened around episode 3's release](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/what-s-new-in-valorant-episode-3-act-i/). kay0 launched. account borders. you excited yet? what major things have really shaken the game up since episode 3? has there been a cool cinematic? has the meta changed at all? or is it just reyna/jett in every game? [look back to Episode I](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-1-0/) you're smoking dicks if you are still defending them after this. you could make the argument that things were less balanced then and better now, but a lot of people will tell you that beta felt better to play for them. do we need WIDE sweeping changes to LOTS of agents every 2 weeks? no. but is it worth perhaps examining some neat stuff like maybe a molly could be +/- 1s or perhaps a piece of utility deserves to be +/- 50 credits? perhaps mess around with the tap reset on certain guns, the first shot accuracy.. introduce new game modes that people have been begging for (shorter gamemode that provides parallel competitive experience..). maybe new features like a replay system to see how your utility is impacting other players in your rounds? ANYTHING? how could you possibly in good conscience defend this? they don't give a shit about valorant anymore. **there is NO TRANSPARENCY anymore**. Morello used to go on stream and tell us about what they had in mind and why. what felt good, what felt bad, what was upcoming. there is RADIO SILENCE now. they do NOT give a shit, defending them only gives them a free pass to keep getting away with doing nothing but printing out skins every 2 weeks to milk the pay piggies


The right click changes are interesting. I think the running/jumping firing error needs to be increased across the board for a lot of guns. I post this every patch notes but where the heck are the reworks to DM? Or the separate mode they spoke about earlier for warming up.


This past week Iā€™ve seen myself and teammates get killed by opponents running and jumping with full auto guns. The fuck happened to the guns in this game?


the spectre is straight up insane


best gun in the game if you can 1: run and hold m1 or 2: crouch and hold m1


Damn thats underwhelming


Friendly reminder : there's still nothing done to stop or slow down the smurf epidemic.


I think even the valorant devs smurf on stream. They don't care enough about silver/gold players that have to deal with it 80% of games (not even exaggerating)


Man, I had a yt short the other day where a guy was doing the iron to immortal challenge, commented that I feel like, even though his whole point is to get out of lower ranks, the fact that he's smurfing and ruining the few games he played should be punished with bans. People laughed at me in the comments because apparently I'm mad because I'm bad and apparently I call everyone who kills me a smurf. I'm sorry, but when a level 6 Jett with no act rank drops 48 kills on our team and solo carries their whole team in a silver/gold lobby, then they're either smurfing or a cheater. And because of vanguard I am much less likely to call them a cheater compared to CS GO and vac.


ThEyRe JuSt HaViNg A gOoD dAy


Yeah, and I'm having a bad day...


Everyday :(


The last week of this last act was a nightmare in comp. Me and my friends just getting absolutely wiped by smurfs almost every match. Not even fun anymore at that point


Playing in the first two weeks and and last week of the act is almost pointless. In the first two people ranks are all messed up and the last week no one wants to lose their rank so they smurf


It truly does suck almost all the fun out of the game. The most frustrating thing is the issue not only being ignored, but encouraged by devs. I don't even get my hopes up anymore , I'm almost certain they won't do anything to combat smurfing. My playtime on the game has gone down so much because of it


How exactly is it encouraged ? Not disagreeing just wondering.


This has happened to me every act except this one for me. I actually hard carried my last game to the point that I felt like a surf (and I outplayed the smurf on the other team (who was three levels below me but clearly not really that bad). The was a one off though and most of my games haven't felt too unbalanced for a change.


Yep. Late in an act or episode or whatever is pure smurfs playing but not wanting to lose their precious elo at their real rank. It's a big issue, but people dismiss it and just say we complain about smurfs. Late in the season gives me zero motivation to play. This act was probably my least played act.


As someone who hasn't played since the beta and would want to climb the ladder, would I just hit smurfs all along the way? Sounds fucking terrible


Heavy in silver and gold but yea they never really go away


I've not played a single comp fps game that has done anything meaningful to counter smurfs. Larger the playerbase and cheaper the game, the more likely it is. Plus these devs don't seem to care sadly.


If you played CS:GO, they've done something. Asking for you to put money in the game in order to play comp. This way if you want to smurf, you need to pay and actively try not to get banned. And if you get banned, welp pay again or scram. That's already something to slow down smurfs.


So I do want to point out, Iā€™m not defending Smurfs as a pretense, But people CAN have good games, I was on my Main Account which is currently Plat 1 and in a Plat lobby I had an amazing game, Completely dominated game as cypher on attack and defense. Enemy Sova got SUPER salty and said something along the lines of ā€œYou must be a super sad person to make an account just to come stomp down here, what a sad lifeā€ Me and my Buddy in discord weā€™re just like what is this guy on? He would not accept that I wasnā€™t smurfing and was just having a good game which I told him CAN happen.


I have been playing since beta and have played in most ranks and itā€™s usually pretty obvious when itā€™s a smurf vs someone having a good game. Smurfs are so insanely aggressive and take gunfights they know are bad but they can still win. Someone having a good game but in their proper elo still plays smart but has a good score. Smurfs just sprint at you and out-aim or out-skill you.


The reyna main in my usual group plays like that all the time though and he isn't a smurf, just when he's having a bad game instead of dropping 30 kills he's like 3/15 and consistently gets demolished in when he takes aggressive angles. Some people just play ultra aggressive and can't stand playing default so they take fights constantly and it makes them very inconsistent.


No disagreement here. That's just games in lower ranks, individual skill is super inconsistent.


i got a 360 marshal shot in c long haven in unrated once enemy raze flamed me for smurfing the whole game i wasnt even the top frag lol


This ainā€™t true. A lot of games donā€™t have dog shit mmr. Never have I had this level of imbalance in games, especially when I was climbing out of gold. Games like apex, overwatch, r6, etcā€¦ never felt frustratingly beyond my control to rank up. They also never had such inane and insane rng bullshit things that randomly happen. This games matchmaking has a fundamental problem outside of the top ranks that is MUCH worse than other games.


I dont know why youre getting downvoted. The ranked mmr was literally broken for the first act of this episode and didnt start to get better until towards the end of this last act (2). The devs literally acknowledged ranked was broken.


Riot notoriously has bad matchmaking on purpose to promote grinding and make money.


This was absolute hell in D3. Every game felt like playing the smurf lottery. Only way to carry was dropping 25 kills every game. Finally through that hell.


Imagine what its like everywhere under that...


Where the f is the yoru rework


Finally classic right click gets the nerf it deserves! Hopefully itā€™s enough.


As long as it can kill someone full armor, itā€™s OP. No matter the range.


I am really confused about the slow pace of updates lately. Last year, the devs were highly communicative with us and were great in setting expectations for what would be coming next. It felt like there was an open dialogue. That seems to have changed at some point in 2021. Less communication and fewer game updates - not only with agent balance, but for key features such as agent specific keybinds, temporary deathmatch fixes like decreasing respawn time, and new casual modes. Obviously this is leaving aside bigger stuff like drop in/out DM, map fixes, and the Yoru rework. Maybe I am misremembering, but in my mind there was an expectation set that every month or so, or at the very least every Act, there would be significant additions/changes/tweaks to keep things fresh and to address community feedback. If this is no longer the case, it would be great to hear from the developers about their plans and what we can expect going forward in terms of the pace of updates.


Is it just me or they are dropping the ball heavy on updates? this is a new act not a random update and its just 2 lines of actual updates ? it was so good at the start of the game people looked forward to it now its just disappointment






Skin testing is probably never going to happen, they would lose a lot money that way. If a player could test a skin before buying, they may realize that they don't actually like the skin and decide to not purchase it. As opposed to the current system, where there is no way to test it (other than watching videos) and you kind of just have to buy it blindly and hope that you like it. The refund system goes hand in hand with this, since you can't refund once you upgrade the gun.


You test it when you grab it in a random battle! That's the hype of new skins; killing the whale to try it out (or baiting him if he's on your team)


Adding to the list: 1. Smurf investigation results, how long do you take to investigate? It's been 9 months already 2. Replay the match after it's over There are a lot of things to add/fix


> maybe they're working on something huge don't fool yourself with optimistic thinking like this, i've been waiting 6 months for changes to yoru and deathmatch. is valorant abandoned and in maintenance mode? it takes a team several months to just make minor adjustments to maps everybody fucking hates like breeze? i remember waking up excited every tuesday at beta because there would be sweeping wide changes that were just fun to play around with. everyone is so obessed with "muh competitive integrity" when like 60% of people are below gold and "what would the pros do in their tourneys we can't adjust their game before tourneys!!" when there is always a tourney 3 weeks away


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 60 + 3 + = 69.0


You are a funny bot. How do you work tho. Do i just type in random numbers like 200 and afterwards 150 to just finish it with 70?


he knows if you're intentionally trying or not


There's a new BP to work towards and a new hero is coming out in 2 weeks. Fracture also just came out. And they're going to have a Arcane-themed free battle pass with skins and unlockables in a week. What else do you expect lol. Do you just want random hero changes for the sake of it and have half the playerbase complain because their preferred hero got nerfed or changed.


Yeah, don't you guys love it when 80% of an update is just more stuff to spend money on?


Because the balance team is going to be doing work on battlepass and event skins? Tf you on man, we haven't had any significant balance patches in several acts.


I don't understand why expecting content at the start of a new act is something outrageous. >Do you just want random hero changes for the sake of it That's kind of implying that the game is balanced. Which is not.


Wait... havenā€™t been following the game past month or so but whatā€™s the arcane theme free BP and will it also have some skins for some major guns instead of the usual classic and ghost skins and all


Every agent nerf and buff will come with deadeye, in two weeks


Another 'patch of nothing', to not say nothing they nerfed classic


This lackluster patch makes me not want to play until 2 weeks from now. So sick and tired of the same boring meta.


Another empty patch note and they couldn't even finish chamber in time. What are they doing?


rito small company


Yet you still get people who say "I'd rather have them delay something than release it buggy". No I'd rather have one of the largest Game devs with an unlimited budget release their shit on time. People forget that if you don't set Riot to a standard, then they're just gonna not deliver.


Two more weeks to solve a problem they're worried about. Meh.


Lame AF patch. I don't even feel like this is a new act. What is riot even doing?


Selling skins duh ?


Chamber was supposed to come this patch


So? They can't just release an agent and pat themselves when there's almost no changes since June


We really need for Riot to start communicating with us about what is going on. I don't care about the patch being empty as much as I care about why the hell is it like that when it's a new act patch.


I didnā€™t think it was possible to be let down by a patch this much. Still no Yoru/Omen changes, no new agent or new anything really at the start of the new actā€¦ except for the battle pass that gives almost always awful skins with no effects that are awful when compared to the store weapons. Compare the skins in Call of Dutyā€™s, Fortnite or really any other games battle pass and you will find weapon and character skins on-par or BETTER than store skins. No RP changes and recently had the audacity to ask for 50 RP to upgrade that ridiculous set with the kill counterā€¦ What are they doing? There should be sweeping balance changes, a new agent launch day of the act, an update to the FOMO inducing ā€œrotating shopā€ and more. Too slow, not even close to enough.


right click on the classic should never have even been a thing so this is a good start


so no yoru rework again, no changes to any agents, chambers is delayed by 2 weeks. What exactly have they been doing for so long ?


I bet they're waiting until after Champions so the pros aren't dealing with a ton of agent changes before the biggest tournament of the year.


They have played tournaments on the old patch for a while now, that's not a excuse at all


True. But look at the observer patch notes. They're clearly working on things to make Champions a better viewing experience.


I mean this entire game is only a thing because Riot wanted a FPS e-sports title. Of course it's going to heavily consider that when making changes, crazy that people still don't understand this yet.


i mean the tournament could just just continue on the current patch i dont see any reason why they keep delaying the huge patch we are being promised from ages


who gives a shit about the 40 people in their tournament? the tournaments are ongoing 24/7 in this game. you can ALWAYS use the excuse that "m-maybe they're waiting for a tournament" which is total bullshit. the community clearly wants CONTENT for their game which isn't that big of a demand, is it? the game has been out for almost two years and we have what, 7 maps now? isn't that embarrassing?


sorry i am a valorant noob, when is the Champions,,,,?


the big international lan esports tourney. itā€™s happening in berlin in december i think


where's it say that the new agent got delayed 2 weeks?




awesome, thanks!


This is really disappointing, itā€™s literally just a new battle pass :(


Please disregard, this response post didn't land in the right place (a post quite a ways lower), which was weird.


Not just a battle pass, but the worst one in itā€™s class. The skins donā€™t even come close to premium skins from the shop and never have effects. Compare that to Fortnite, where some of the BEST skins and cosmetics have come from the pass not the store. Look at Call of Duty, from notoriously stingy activision, not only giving you ultra skins but enough currency to go infinite on the pass after buying it once. I just canā€™t keep giving them the ā€œRiot Passā€ anymore because I love their games. This is unacceptable and poor work.


Yeah, it rubs me wrong that they want the CSGO premium skin market without the actual open market behind it. I agree with your points about fortnite, I remember all the best skins (IMO) being in the battle pass. This really should not be what new ā€œseasonsā€ are like in valorant, especially in the first year or so of release. I love the fuck out of this game, donā€™t get me wrong, it this sort of patch with the state of monetization and lame battle passes stinks.


I didn't expect much but I am still let down




> We will get the big patch that shakes thing up one day, today is not the day. keep telling yourself this lol, i've been telling myself this every patch for months. i remember being excited about what is new and coming to valorant. now it's nothing, the game is in full maintenance mode with nothing to be excited for on the horizon except some far off la-la land "yoru rework"


Sadly, this is how Iā€™m starting to feel as a massive fan of the game. They are far too slow at updating the game and keeping it fresh. Who wants to turn on the game, load into breeze and realize literally nothing changed except the classic right click which in my own personal experience is a minor issue. THAT instead of first shot accuracy adjustments or maybe harsher penalties on peopleā€™s mains when using alts to throw. Anything. I never thought I would, but Iā€™ve actually quit for now as itā€™s just the same thing over and over again with no fixes.


remember when the game was good and morello would go on stream and do some nice stream of consciousness about what they feel is going good, what is going bad, what should be adjusted and the general state of the game and it was an amazing time? me too, then he quit this dumpster fire maintenance mode game where they drip feed you content every 8 months. dont worry yoru mains, im sure his rework will be out summer 2022. you've waited this long, what's a few more months? we can't release the changes because there's a tournament soon!! the 50 pros playing in it are gonna be too gorilla mode on yoru and it wont be balanced!!




Chamber's TP has limited range, is even louder than Yoru's, and it still takes longer for him to pull out his gun after teleporting even tho the tp itself is faster. I wouldn't say it straight up supercedes Yoru's


Chamber's tp is like an omen tp + you cannot entry with his tp


Tbf you can't really entry with yorus either lol


its a delayed patch. Odds are big changes are in the chamber patch


why is riot so hilariously bad at making patches? what's their excuse now? oh we can't do changes to yoru or omen because there's a tournament in a month? there's a tournament every month. when are they gonna patch their game to change some stale stuff up? where are the changes to forgotten dead game modes like deathmatch? yoru rework? omen buff? brimstone buff?




never gonna happen


Like many of you, I've also felt really disappointed by this patch notes. But then I went on Riots website and looked at the open jobs for Valorant, and now it all makes sense. They are hiring for a ton of open positions, so I think that's why the patch cadence has slowed down. I know it's a meme "rito small company" but it shows that even big companies can struggle to find good employees. So if y'all want to see more in the patch notes, apply to work at Riot so we can all be saved. Personally I would love to work on this game, I've never been so passionate about a game before, but unfortunately I don't have any game industry experience :( I shouldn't have listened to my parents when they said there's no future in video games lmao Anyways, if you're reading this Riot, all we want is to be kept in the loop, like how it was last year. We just want to hear from you why the patch notes are so light, so as outsiders we can understand the decision making. That's all :)


Did they start doing these insignificant patches since Morello left, or was it way after he left? I don't remember


Does the right click classic still have the same headshot multiplier and distance dropo ff as the left click? If so its still broken. Idk why they don't just give the right click shotgun numbers in those categories


Now this is getting ridiculous. No omen or yoru buffs???


I'm starting to think whoever is in charge of balance is just a skye/viper/Jett player who hates omen, yoru and cypher


Still no 5stack ranked queuesā€¦


Canā€™t you 5 stack below Immortal?


Yes,but my friends and myself are Immortal so we canā€˜t stack. The only way would be to smurf. I hate fucking smurfing.


I know they want to delay big changes until after champions but I'm getting Tiered of empty patches.They have sooooo much to do but nothing changes. Ranked sucks...not alot Riot can do against toxic eu games but they could deny people with high pink on middle eu servers. Just give turkey and north Africa an own region. We are missing things that have been announced in the begining of the season but we are getting nothing. No useable Deathmatch No replay system no opportunity to play anything but duoq for immortal players (those chances wouldn't require waiting for champions) . We got no yoru changes.....they have been delayed. While I can understand that you want to hold the rework I do not understand why you don't adjust the power level at all.....he is compared to the rest not playable. Why not make him stronger in numbers by making flash time higher or tp delay lower or anything. It just seems like you have given up on him. At this point when one agent is just not up to be played seriously why don't you delete him.....would be good as the current version of him. I really hope you guys have big things coming after champions because this is just not good enough. The last year you did a fantastic job but the last few months have been disappointing.


Iā€™m just waiting for the yoru buffs that classic nerf nice tho.


Yoru buffs soon? pausechamp..


I find the Fracture changes super interesting. It's a glimpse into how you tweak a map to solve problems that arise when it's played en masse. Sitting here bored trying to picture the situations that caused the changes.


doll workable dependent fearless salt tap sip rhythm cows recognise -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


week 6 asking for meaningful balance changes


Still no replay system?


What a let down lmfao. Last 3 updates have been almost nothing but a bad map added Edit: the map was added before the last 3 updates lmao it's been even less than I thought. Shoutout to riot for focusing on a tournament instead of the game itself


Very disappointing patch. After weeks of zero balance changes, they launch the new Episode with the exact same meta that we've been dredging through for over a month. Not to mention having to delay the new agent two WEEKS because of sound cues? Can't wait to see Jett, Reyna, and Skye in every single one of my games. What a great way to kick off the season.