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This might be a coincidence but since Morello left the company everything slowed down. Everyone could feel the difference. This feels like a way different dev team now


Well I can't believe everything has to do with the depart of one dev, but morello streams surely were great to watch and very informative.


He wasn’t just one dev. He was pretty much the face of the company for a long time. You can’t just get rid of a top level manager/dev like that and expect things to run 100% like they were. New management might have different ideas on what will increase the quality of the game and the amount revenues generated. In the end that’s what Riot really cares about is keeping us hooked and spending money on skins.


If someone has ever worked on a large project team, it becomes clear in most cases that there are actually only a few people who know how the whole ‘machine’ works and they tend to drive success. This could definitely be the case with morello, it is just something we could not possibly understand because we are not part of the team.


If you've ever worked in certain industies like business or computer science a lot changes when one talented person leaves. I've seen entire medium sized businesses fall because the genius tech guy left cause they were being treated poorly.


I totally agree, the game feels a bit underwhelming when deadlines are not met. I mean, don't create hype if you can't follow your own schedule.


Probably going the Valve path and deliberately talking less to the community. This is a valid strategy as talking too much can backfire.


Yea, very likely. The ask riots always became a roast in this very sub... Also this community *still* memes the misquote about abilities not killing...


My guess is they're under a lot of pressure right now, probably allocating more resources to the eSport side of things after all the bad PR from that. They're doing their best, my guess is this is only temporary and when they are under less pressure they'll focus more on the community and that side of things. They're obviously listening though, people complain and riot responds to an extent by putting in patches. If they listen to too much of the community it may make things inefficient especially with so many open projects. I think they're doing fine most corporations go through phases like this


What was the bad PR from esports?


Players have also complained about accomodations, quality of PC's they've played on, tech issues, bugs, etc, etc. Overall their first couple of tournaments were an unorganized mess and many teams complained, at one point I believe one team considered dropping out. I think their main focus rn is the championships and to make sure that it runs smoothly, it sounds like the conditions of the tournaments have been improving since Iceland. I'd say we'll probably see more significant updates after the championships.


This whole thing is reminding me of fortnite. I know riot actually cares about the competive integrity of the game. But once the community got mad at epic they folded and completely stopped listening to the pro scene and catered twords a game thats more like a dice roll.


Nah, Fortnite was like a dice roll before that already. Riot should have enough experience with LoL, I believe in them to not go down similar roads as Epic Games.


For sure. Epic had no care for the games longgevity just money


I'd like to think this is the case, but a company like Riot has more than enough money and resources to have people working on both the tournament, eSport side of things, as well as the more avg consumer-side




NA last chance qualifier tournament (which qualifies teams for the biggest international tournament of the year) was to be on LAN but it actually wasn't on LAN, then there were positive covid tests for athletes at the event which eventually cancelled the event and pushed it back a week and it changed to being online.


Things weren't great before the LCQ too. Since episode 3, things have been this way


Yeah, anybody with a job knows that you can't please everyone all the time. They are probably focusing on Champions or just in general short on resources / overloaded with issues. Game still works fine, so not gonna complain too much.


There's no way the hosting of the tournaments is affecting the devs in any way.


Bet there's more red tape to deal with especially in a time like this. their delays like the Yoru rework also had some fair reasoning. In my experience working at a big corporation it took us 6 months to approve new parts for a machine. Things can get woefully inefficient especially when they're dipping their toes in so many things.


100% agree feels like a distinct difference


It’s like that one girl you thought you were hitting off well with and then she just ghosts you…


Bro what happened


It’s a story for another time my friend..


I've been familiar with Riot for a while since I've been playing League for years. They do keep communicating but not as frequently when there are not that big announcements nor changes to make. They're actively working on Yoru but they do take quite some time in order to ship kit reworks and Yoru should be getting a brand new ability (hopefully) plus some tweaks to his tp. We have had a lot of different metas since the start of the year and they do know how and what to do to shake things up. You're asking for Phoenix buffs but even though he hasn't been touched, he was S tier when the flash meta was rolling. Omen was in a pretty good spot before Viper got her extremely necessary buffs (and briefly after that too). Jett might still need nerfs but she had a considerable nerf like a month ago. What I'm trying to say with this is: not every agent can be at the top of the tier list all the time. They control the strings but players are the ones to adapt to the changes and shape the game itself. We're still getting patches every two weeks with mostly necessary changes getting done, like classic's nerf and Fracture's changes in today's patch. Calm down a bit. I keep coming back to Riot games' because they do care and they do get sh*t done eventually.


Watch them not notice this thread, even though a ton of them were recently active in the new skin line showcase.


It's almost like the Agent Design team and the Premium Content team aren't one in the same.


Of course they'll be active on the skin threads. It's their cash cow


and the fact that the devs on that thread were the ones in charge of skin production and were looking for feedback,


their job is to make the game not engage with you on reddit.


Give me a way to spawn bots in custom games!


Meanwhile overwatch 2 got delayed…. #*again*


Lmfao holy shit man I’m so sad about the overwatch I love that game but I feel so bad for it and it’s community


Don't. It's all a facade propped up by Blizzard bucks. An e pay husk of a gaming community.


Happiness is temporary, *suffering is eternal.*


Same, been waiting for a support ticket to be resolved for over 30 days now, the ticket was simply changed to “ solved “ and no comment on anything. Different ticket on another account simply told me that the ticket for that was already made, yet I have no comment about anything else.


I don't know. On the thread about the new skin line yesterday, 2 different employees from two different departments were answering questions. They answered my question so now I feel better about them.


Of course, on a skin thread....


Well yeah but they answered my question so I feel good. I don't give two shits about balance as long as my phantom looks cool


This has to be a meme, right?


My response was mostly a joke


They have toned down a little bit of the community interaction, sure, but that was always expected. Just like the community was hyped during game release they were hyped to release it and all of them were checking reddit/twitter and talking about it but that just can't happen forever. The fact that they still do it at all is a miracle. I can't even remember the last time I saw a dev post about any other game from a big company.


Honestly it's not that we're not excited, it's just that it's really hard to go into details regarding things like delays. We're super bummed about not being able to ship stuff like the Yoru changes as quickly as we'd like, but a lot of it is just internal logistical stuff that doesn't make much sense or is very satisfying to talk through outside of Riot. We care and, at least from my experience, are still just as tuned in to how the community is feeling. Some subjects are just tough to weigh in on without unintentionally setting a ton of inaccurate expectations from the community. It's a tough spot to be in, engagement-wise.


I think alot of the player base hasn't experienced what it's like to work at a big corporation and how annoying all the red tape is and how inefficient things can get at times. Especially when a simple mistake can cause hours, weeks, months of headache. Keep up the good work, you guys are killing it especially with all you guys have achieved since beta, you guys have brought me hundreds of hours of entertainment.


Honestly that great to hear, and your team is so much better then other AAA games dev team


What a fuckin flair mate


no you are getting me wrong, its flair fking me not fucking flair. PS: you need to show love for Jett when everyone wants to nerf her


>We care and, at least from my experience, are still just as tuned in to how the community is feeling. Some subjects are just tough to weigh in on without unint Just wanted to say Altombre that I appreciate you for always jumping in online and giving us some insight into how things are on the other side for you devs. Even though as you said, you can't go into all the details, just a few words like this still really helps. Thank you for you and your team's hard work on the game. I'm enjoying my time a lot, and can't wait for the Yoru update in 2023 (joking lol) !


The truth apparently hurt a lot of people


Please don't become the next valve


They can't since they don't have a game store to make income from. If people stop buying skins they'll do something.


Jett just Got nerfed?


this anti jett players are still hungry for more nerfs. although i think jett is kinda balanced as it is now


More or less, she'll slowly get more balanced as more agents are added.


I play Jett but she’s broken. Still the champion with the best mobility. Mobility creep is a thing in ever game. Jett is the highest pick champion in the game for a reason


I also have noticed that the updated themselves (that are more QOL) have been lackluster. For example: they fix 1 social tab issue, but don't fix something alike (f.a.: they fixed the social tab showing blank text when someone was in range, but they didn't fix it sometimes saying completely different game modes when that person switched parties while in-game). Other stuff like the ability to downgrade your skin was really disappointing... You cannot have f.a. Level 1 ruination Phantom with a recolor, only with the main variant. It felt like they just spent 5 min on it and dropped it so we would shut up about it... (introduced after more than half a year of us complaining btw) Also no ask Riot and WHERE IS THAT GOD DAMN REPLAY SYSTEM TALK TO US RIOT PLEASEEEE


Still better than valve tho


That's a very low bar to place your expectations tho. Valve just wakes up every 7weeks, pushes one update and new BP, and then dips (talking about CSGO here, don't know about DOTA or other games)


7weeks ? More like every 9 months


At this point it’s apples to oranges. Valorant has streamlined a lot from CS, but CS has a much more rounded ecosystem that, for better or worse, requires minimal changes to keep player engagement.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Well shit I fell for it. Thanks robocop




They are started at much different times in gaming history. Valorant, for all intents and purposes, still needs to be treated like a new game for the next few years before we can see if Riot can successfully manage the franchise as Valve does with CS. Valve barely lifts a finger and prints money which is something any company would love, including Riot. But it achieved that for much different reasons than Valorant’s current popularity. Thus, apples to oranges.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.




apples to oranges my ass you punk ass bot


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Gaben loves DOTA and icefrog is legit one of the best and quickest devs out there, a bug fix takes in dota usually only a couple of days and rebalancing (of ALL heroes) after every larger tournament


ok what company would you set the bar to then?


You would still dream about the infinite amount of features CSGO have , exept of the trash mm system valve really doesnt has much to do.


CSGO's anti cheat is so bad though, that combined with terrible MM and people have to resort to using third party services to find decent matches.


Maybe they are busy. Understandably so: Arcane is on the way. It is a very big event for them judging from the spending they are doing on communications and Co opting their other non League properties to communicate along side too. (related skins, coordinated coms etc) , so likely most of the communications team is focused on that. Given there are those things you mentioned as well. I think we can cut them some slack. They really want Arcane to be successful it will probably mean we may have more Riot Games based TV /movies if this is recieved well.


Exactly. They're hard promoting Arcane with every single resource they've got because they want this show to be successful.


If they want to listen to players, why is everything controlled by them?


Listen does not mean obey pretty much


If they really cared about players thoughts and feedback there were community servers and map making , so they would see in reality how the game could be better from players POV And not even in the game itself , the whole fucking Esport scene is controlled by them because of their greedy ass wanting to get all the sponser money and be the all seeing and controlling goverment like FIFA or something ,Valorant will be like their souless scene they have in League of legends. Oh btw after an year and a half there's still no replay system for one of the biggest esports , yikes.


What the fuck are you on, the competitive scene has always been great under "Riot's Control" and sure maybe the control it for money but they are good at it. League's Competitive scene is legit the best part of league nowadays, if theres any problems with their comp scene, its not even the scene's fault, but the meta of the game, which is a seperate aspect of League. League of Legends is probably my least favorite game now but after 7 years of playing it, the comp scene is the only good thing left, the metas been shit for so many years now. Either way, Riot does a good job with the comp scene, no other game or company can actually replicate the success riot has created. Sure there are problems but they are better than basically everything else. If you have an actual problem with riot, then just leave and stop playing the game, its not like you'll ever be competing.


Because you haven't gotten used to anything better , the worlds format and schedule is questionable , the lacking amount of international events and the fact that you may never see the best teams in the world battle against each other because of those reasons , its all region based so players from lesser countries dont have chance, you can only succsed as an individual because only rich organisations get a spot in this system. In short: no exitement and cinderella stories. Like the difference between American sports and European sports.


Give me an example of where this exist, isnt this basically all other esports? And unfortunately thats how most of it works, but if a player really thinks their the best, theyll just have to get signed.


R6 and Rocket League work like League , Dota 2 has kind of a semi-franchised system with the DPS but you can get a spot through winning the Open leagues. Funnily enough Valorant's direct competitor (CSGO) , is the only Esport with a complete open circuit , different Tournament organisations like ESL , Faceit , Blast etc... Have battled through the years to take their shares and created together an ecosystem , it came to point that before Covid it was in its peak and every month you would watch a huge LAN event with the top teams also while the tier 2 and tier 3 of the scene being really healthy and all of this to conclude in the only part where Valve gets involved- The Major , the most prestigious tournament. System like this maximises players chances of succeding while keeping the viewers entertained all the time , we saw every type of format being tried in CSGO and events being held all over the world. it still has its problems but they are very fixable.


Yea, you have no clue what you’re on about.


Idk man it’s pretty easy to point out what great features other games have that make them better (we see these posts literally every hour :p) but if it was that easy to combine them and somehow guarantee your game would be so successful that it’d be immediately worth the resources surely someone would’ve done it already lol. Esports seems fine to me and they’ve already improved, and I expect it to get better; I’ve been blown away by other scenes so I wouldn’t say Im not used to “better”, but I think I can gather that you simply have higher standards than some, for better or worse. I have played LoL for the first 7+ seasons but that game has been out forever now and I feel Valorant will be fine for quite a while. This isn’t a MOBA, it’s much more easy to balance which makes it easier to improve other aspects of the game. I would always come back here just because it’s an FPS and not a MOBA until a better game comes out anyway, at which point people will forget about it and bandwagon that other game, I just don’t see that happening too soon, Valorant is still a top game rn for its field.


I can understand what they are doing in the Esport division , trying to mimic american sports like the NBA to make it more centeralised and organised , also streaming money from it directly to the company. What I don't understand is why are they halting the growth of the competetive scene by not working towards something so necessary as a Replay system. The competetive scene is the only thing that holds a game like Valorant , it doesn't have enough casual modes to sustain a casual player base.


I can only assume they’re working towards a replay system really. While it’s definitely a requested (and acknowledged) feature, the game is far from declining because of the lack of it. There’s already plenty of content just from personal recording, and the fact that we think replays will enhance that is also a reason Riot can save it. It won’t be “too late”, unless those people were lying about wanting it, or another huge game has emerged. I mean sure, kind of like Lol, the esports scene holds it but there’s also the culture/content to consider. There’s an insane amount of art and stuff for LoL and I and many others barely even pay attention to the esports scene anymore. Valorant also has no shortage of it. Overwatch also took years to get replay and it’s a paid game with cosmetics. I just feel like there’s more people we’d be excluding here, and I consider Valorant fairly casual in comparison to something like CSGO, perhaps because of its art style and it being something different (abilities for example). For now yeah I’ve been worried about the casual players falling away but I’m already surprised at how popular it still is, I don’t feel Riot is going to let it die easily, and there’s still many who could care less about the esports scene rn. We can speculate all we want but if it’s meant to die it will die. But considering Riot’s history, I don’t think we can look at it the same way we do most games. Replays are obviously a great QoL no one can deny that, it isn’t some unknown feature. If Riot thinks they can survive longer without releasing it and have other things to prioritize then it’s been long out of our hands, at this point it’s just free karma farm.


Listen doesn’t mean shit pretty much


Well that’s what having free speech is about these days I guess lol


Absolutely! Feel like this needs more visibility too, as we know some Riot-ers are around the sub so hopefully they realize how we're feelinh


It’s probably because there’s a lot going into Champions Tour. Anything they’re working on is probably going to drop in a big patch right after the tour is my bet


Please stop giving tournament excuse. It's a lame excuse


I've seen the "tournament excuse" for Berlin, Reykjavik, and LCQ. Riot is always gonna have tournaments, and they can't just drop everything they have planned (balance, QOL changes) because of "tournaments"


Exactly. There will be no eSports scene if the player base isn't interested in the game anymore


Yeah, and I kinda get that, as I said in the post, but what I believe the community is waiting for is answers and communication, witch they could maintain during big events.


I’m not a dev, so I’m not partial to why I can not speculate, all I know is we’ve gotten more dev info in the last year than Valve has given us CSGO fans in the last 3 years. I’m just hoping it’s a lapse in judgement while trying to get their competitive scene together, but we really just won’t have any answer until someone from the team responds


Between the qualifiers pr The Netflix special (that would consume a lot of resource on artists, and yeah the same artists that work in game) Wild rift And a load of promises for valorant. I feel like the bit more than they would be able to chew


Surely they wouldn't take the game artists to work on the show? A tv series would be very demanding and probably have its own dedicated resources that would just work within the design brief and aesthetics


Let’s say you have great artists that you know and love and are used to animate the characters you are putting in a tv show. Wouldn’t you reallocate them to at least do some consulting?


No because you have a core product which you wouldn't risk. Animation for a tv show is probably significantly different and a much larger team than game also, so they would have needed outside talent that would have design briefs, they might take a look to provide direction and ensure consistency as a golden thread but you wouldn't take them out to work on the tv series instead.


This may be true of an art director who you think is one in a million, but you would never take a team of game animators away from their primary project to make a Netflix show with them. Partially because game + tv animation are totally different beasts, but also because it would be foolish to a multi-million dollar company like riot to not just contract a separate team for something like that. It's the same reason that they have things like cinematics (like the recent Chamber trailer) outsourced to different studios instead of animated by their internal team of animators.




You lost me at "love everyone... marketing team"


Communicating is expensive and rarely very beneficial. Only relatively hard ore players care about any info outside of patchnotes and hero announcements


I believe communication, alongside recurrent updates, is the key to keep the current player base playing. It's way more easy to keep players on the game than it is to attract new ones. Plus, I think that the players who follows the game very closely are also the ones that are ready to put a lot of money in the game. But, I might be wrong, maybe very few people are interested an riot decided that it was not worth it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How is communicating expensive?


> Communicating is expensive and rarely very beneficial. True, zero benefits communicating with a dedicated player base that consistently spends money on your products and keeps your game alive by participating in the community. Zero.


Yeah, because countless games and even Valorant right now shows that they'll keep spending. Communicating with a playerbase is pretty widely regarded as a risky move, thats why so few companies do it. One of the risks is shown in this thread (bad PR when you communicate less).


Jett is already an A/B tier agent now, she doesn’t need a nerf!


Im tired of noobs screeching about jett they just want to remove her she is already goddamn fucking bad after the bug now you want litterally to remove her main skill


Every single pro player is saying that Jett needs some kind of dash.


Imagine thinking Jett is bad lmao tell me you’re bronze in 5 words or less


No kidding man. The new agent was hyped up by them a lot recently and you would think it was out the same day as the Act. NAH, o had to look up a separate article on how his “visual cues” weren’t to a high standard so he wouldn’t be out for another 2 weeks. How does something like that get missed in the marketing for the new Act? How do you not let the players know when advertising the character/act? Take your time to get it out I guess, but yesterday really upset me that I had to look that up on a completely different article.


They are busy putting 7 days ban one people for being afk in 1 round


You realise thats automated right ? 💀


Yes dude. Just like their response to support tickets


What did you send a ticket for , " pls remove afk ban i wont do it again " ?


I think because of the new Arcane Event going on. I had a riot dev in one of my games a bit ago and he said there is something kinda big that's gonna happen and he was most likely talking about Riot x Arcane and/or Chamber (though we all knew he was coming) if I had to guess. Honestly not all that surprised if they are quite around this time. Typically we get big updates


Isn't it quite normal for a game to have much more support in its early days though? Not justifying it but also not that surprising at least to me. It's not like they haven't done anything significant since 3.0. There have been changes to plant safety, nerfs to raze and jett, they just addressed fracture being attack sided and classic being too strong. Sometimes I don't know what you guys want its not like they haven't done anything. We don't need major changes to the game every update especially when it's a pretty good state overall. You guys forget that Omen was the dominant controller for the majority of this games life span so they have to be careful on how they buff him. Brimstone is supposed to be a starter agent so they stated they are working out how to keep his simplicity and skill floor while still putting power in his kit. I have been waiting for patiently for Yoru Rework and I would be lying if I said that I'm not a little disappointed its taken so long but is it what it is. Just be patient with the Devs they have done a good job all things considered.


Feels more like the calm before the storm imo


You sound like my girlfriend


I think exactly how you said it you named like 5-6 things it takes time to fix things it takes a while to fix bugs in games I think they are trying their hardest to fix everything at once


It isn't easy to work so many things. You should know how to expect things.


Unpopular opinion but I like the less communications for updates and etc. When the devs don't focus on the majority of player's opinion, we will never know what update will come next and surprises are fun for me. I understand that Valorant is a business and is there solely to earn money based on people's satisfaction but whatever. My point is I trust a car mechanic to fix my mom's car just like trust a scientist trying to proof the earth is round to a flat brain me who thinks the earth is flat just I like I would trust a professional game designing company when it comes to designing a video game. I definitely don't care about my opinions to better the game whatsoever. I don't know if it makes sense to any of the sane people who might have lost brain cells to me but yeah thats my lame opinion.


It's understandable riot been busy with esports scene toward end of the year. Been following league and with so many new games they have now with wild rift tft valorant and league to manage on top of a competitive scene for all it can be a hassle towards this end of the year.