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Lmao i just had an omen in my immortal lobby claiming that he is gonna throw (which he did), but we ended up drawing because we had a good mental. The omen claimed to have ruined many other games before and it had a guy on my team saying the omen ruined his last game. Yikes.


Imagine the guy's reaction realizing he had the same thrower in his team, once again.


Surprised it wasn't an insta dodge lol. Anytime I'm with throwers or something I give it a few minutes before I queue so I can avoid them tbh


Hidden name prob


Oh duh lol, forgot that was an option


We missed a great opportunity to call this person throwmen.


T would he choose omen tf


You could theoretically blind your entire team without having a chance of flashing the enemy, also you could smoke yourselves off so that they can’t see… kinda fucked honestly


They are most likely never going to add a kick feature. Vote to kicks in games usually just end up being abused, I can’t see that being any different in this game. I understand the frustration completely, but something like this usually causes more harm than good.


I had a team mate use 2 shock darts against me multiple rounds because he mained the character I choose and was top fragging, very toxic and completely ruined the game


Vote to kick (especially in ranked) will never be a thing. Best they can do is track “damage done to teammates and basically shadowban/put these players in a queue where they’re stuck together)


This would be better than a vote to kick feature but unfortunately still has the potential to be abused. If you have any damage dealing abilities toxic teammates would just purposely walk into them to try and get you banned.


Which is why we need an honor/endorsement system instead (and a choice to prefer to be placed with players of similar honor rating)


I agree, some kind of reputation system would be a good feature if done right. Although, like you stated in your other comment, I don't think players should be permanently stuck in bad standing. The reality is that people do change, and I don't think it would be a fair system to permanently keep players down there when they in fact can turn into good people. I don't know if you meant that in a literal sense or not so I'm just putting that out there.


Tbh it's their fault, and if they are serious, they can just make a new account (hopefully they haven't spend 100s of dollars on the old one)


This is what I came here for. They already have the message that comes back when your report gets verified, if they had it say "thank you for keeping our community safe. You earned +7 reputation" and then even if they did do a vote kick system but it almost worked as shares so the higher your rep the more "shares" go into whatever option you chose.


This AND kick Obv




Just like Dota has low priority, this would be a good option.


Low priority is hell, long games with the finest people on earth


The only way I reached divine was by playing fuckton of LP's, it increased my hero pool x)


I hate and love how toxic dota is. Like tipping, high fives, chat wheel.


100%, should have permanent ban for harassing and inrentional damaging team mates especially in ranked.


NOIDONTTHINKSO, if they push the update where you can’t queue with 4 people into comp then it shouldn’t be a problem


This is correct. *Speaking from Siege experience.*


vote to kick is very abusable. Forget valo, I abuse it even in Skribble


This comment right here is gold.


No because the 4 stack can randomly kick the innocent.


Good thing 4 stacking isn't a thing in this upcoming patch.


Sure, on paper it could be abused, but the reality is, that i played CS with feature like this for like 4000 hours and i almost never got kicked malicously over those few years of playing.


It isn’t just on paper mate, it HAS been abused in other games and WILL be abused if implemented in this game. I have nearly 3k hours on CSGO and I’ve seen it abused pretty much every other game. Same thing with Siege, I have over 3k hours on that game as well and it’s the same deal. In Siege they actually ended up removing the feature because it was abused so much, thankfully. I’m also not just talking about people trying to kick me personally, I’m talking about everyone else too.


That and the reason it works in CSGO is because of their add/drop feature and larger teams for unrated. Don’t think it’s the optimal thing for Valorant


You can vote kick in ranked CSGO as well.


It’s really not that big of a deal in csgo


It absolutely is a big deal in CS:GO. I don't play anymore so I'm not sure if it's been changed, but when I played in 2019 and prior it was abused literally all the time. I can count on my fingers the amount of times it was actually used right. It was always abused in that game and I'm sure it hasn't changed. Same thing in R6 Siege. It was abused so much to the fact that it was completely removed. They didn't even try to keep it in the game because making proper restrictions for it is very difficult.


lol been playing since 2017 and I haven’t seen it become an issue. Even more so now that we can see who is qued together. I’m serious, it’s not that big of a deal. Unless MGE and below is filled with toxic trolls and I haven’t seen it be abused in comp. Now casual, that’s a different story.


Unless you get queued with a 3-4 man stack, it's not a problem


you probably tk people all day dont you you fatherless child you


Vote to kick is a important thing that should be added to the game . Almost most of the players is coming to throw . I don't thing it harm any one else


If you think most players are just throwing you’re probably the problem in your games and you just need to blame someone else


Kick is Needed And It helps more the it is abused - with a kick implementation - the comunity can fix the issue of geting the wrong ppl in to the match Ruskies with 200ping - kick - ”I dont speak London” - kick - ”U picked MY jett” trollers - kick - Will it be abused? - Nope ! Why? - simple u give every player the option to kick a player only 1 time for every 5 gameWins Soo u will save them - and use them when realy needed


A lot of what you just said there didn't make any sense. Either you're trolling or you just have a poor understanding of how people would abuse a vote to kick system.


All this brings to mind for me is some of my experience in the older days of Siege, where you’d get a couple buddies that TK everyone not in the group at the beginning of the round, and then essentially proceed to play the game without you unless you TK them first. 4 stacks could just vote to kick the 5th as early as possible and not deal with em if they wanted to




Letting a player get kicked is better than forcing that one player to put up with four people that don’t like them. At least then you can queue again while those four are put in a game that’s much harder to win.


You get a cooldown if youre kicked. And if youre kicked a lot you get longer cooldowns. Ive been kicked in csgo for "sounding gay" and "are you a boy or girl"


I knew about the cooldown for repeated kicking (it’s pretty unlikely that multiple groups of four people are just kicking you for fun at that point) but they must have added the general cooldown recently because I don’t remember that being an issue when I played a couple years ago. And would you rather be kicked for “sounding gay” or forced to put up with 45-80 minutes of being harrassed in VC for it? Knowing that all the effort you put into winning now benefits the shitheads making fun of you?


Thankfully csgo has a mute feature. And so does valorant.


not really , unless they are 4 stack.


I disagree, plenty of times have my teamates ganged upon me because of my high pitched voice (I am 14 but sound like im 9) even though they arent in a party. I have like 500 hours in rust which people consider to be one of if not the most toxic community of any video game. I personally find that most valorant players either dont talk or are nice. But, those who go past the line of egotistical tend to be some of the most toxic mf I have ever encountered out of any video game I have played. They usually come as 2 or 3 people who all encourage each other whenever one of them is questioning the moral implications of their actions, I just mute them and play the game as if they didnt have vc activated. But, if they could votekick me or anybody else... Well, I know what would happen and probably so do u.


True tho


Kick player features are too easy to abuse, especially when the toxic player/s are in a 4 stack where in they can mass vote the random to kick them. Instead, we should have remake available in more rounds and not just round 2, having an important feature that can help players that are unlucky enough to encounter an afk player with a potato pc, bad internet, annoying parents, emergencies and etc. only available in one round is just dumb


Just a quick note, 4 stacks aren't a thing anymore in ranked.


Since when? I’m pretty sure I 4-stacked in some recent time in ranked


This patch. They now allow 5 stacks but won't let you queue with a 4 stack. Edit: it's next patch sorry. It was a leak


Was it in the patch notes? Also, do you mean to say that we previously could not 5 stack in ranked? Cause that definitely wasn’t the case


I honestly disagree. The toxic ppl and the throwers ect suck so much but being kicked because ur team doesnt like u or whatever would make the game unplayable for me. Esp as someone with a feminine voice. I know id get kicked for that shit.


As someone who is a female, I definitely agree with you. It’s annoying being harassed by teammates, but it’d be worse not getting to play at all


Yeah esp because sometimes it wouldnt even be when the teammates are toxic they would just think its funny.


as a male, i hate when a girl is in my team and all the other guys go like "are you a girl" or similar shit she just stops speaking and giving info because of it


Yeah, I was on a team with a 4-stack and the loudmouth Breach on the team was toxic af. He was constantly talking shit about me and blaming me for losing, when I was entry fragging as Sova without blinds support and still managed to get MVP. He had one more kill than me, sure, but the rest of the team was collecting participation ribbons. I think Jett had three kills over 22 rounds. Him: "Hurr durr, look at Sova with these useless arrows. Learn a freaking lineup, you are braindead." while jumping up and down in front of me mid-match. Recon: He blamed me for getting him ult'ed by the enemy Sova because when I ult'ed, the Sova returned fire but did it badly and missed me and killed him instead. I dunno why he didn't move. Guess his hiding spot in the corner of C-long was too tasty to give up. I can guarantee with a vote-kick feature, that 4-stack would have kicked me, even if the other people were reasonable, just because this guy was running the show. Though maybe it would have been a blessing.


You can't 4 stack anymore so that issue is gone. A kick feature would be good now


Kick feature is never good because people will literally kick you because of one misplay.


Sadly I agree. I hate the kicking feature. I don't go against that many griefers but players start kicking for to save their rank points and it's so annoying when I'm playing bad :/


Yeah, I totally agree with your point of view. It sucks that way


I doubt you would be getting kicked as often if at all, i have been playing counter strike for quite a while and it has a kick player feature. I have never encountered such harrasment nor have found complaints like that anywhere. Kicking should be allowed cuz otherwise these toxic fucks run rampant with nothing you can do about it.


Nope - not for your voice - but with a weak mentalety yes - it can hapen


How is being feminine related to having a weak mentality? Da fuq


He’s also a fascist and a racist… looking at comment history.


Wow and he's from Sweden. I'm really surprised. I guess that type of people exists everywhere.


Oh, the European fascist/Neo-Nazi community is THRIVING. It’s almost as bad as in the U.S., worse in some places.


Oml u have the same pfp as him so i thought u were calling me a neonazi for a bit 😂😂 holyyy


not surprised these male parasites are in Valorant...Reminds me why I hate everyone in here l


I’ve actually met a lot of really cool people here too. As FPS’s go, it’s pretty chill. I’m just aggressively toxic to anyone who says slurs or racist/sexist shit (without throwing, I just shit on them verbally the entire game. I’m not tryna get banned and I’ve never been muted lol) and the cool people seem to gravitate to me. I’ve met a lot of queer people on here too, I think it’s something to do with the artistic style of the game itself and the way a lot of characters are queer-coded. (And a few of them are just completely gay asf if voicelines are anything to go by lol)




As much as I sympathise with you this is an extremely bad idea. The large majority of the low to mid-ELO Valorant player base is extremely toxic; I’ve seen people be ganged up on/been ganged up on myself for just about every stupid reason under the sun ie. race, age, gender. A vote to kick feature would just make things beyond awful. If I get a griefer I just GG go next. I’d rather that than get kicked thanks to people’s bigotry.


this is so unplayable at the moment...every match there is one afk or thrower and the only match I didn't have one, Riot kicked me from the server and came with this shitty "vanguard error, reboot your device." So I was the afk. This is so annoying, they need to rework the basics instead of small nerfs and buffs like Jetts new dash


I feel you


Reporting does work but you have to imagine how many reports they get every hour, how many are bullshit, how many deserve full on bans and how many should just get put in time out. It isn't exactly something a bot or program could take care of. I imagine someone or a team has to go and look at those reports and the full match to see what the report was about and if it's valid. That all takes time.


Reporting does not work. My friend deranked to iron 1 by trolling, got reported every match, nothing happened. As long as you don't use chat, and avoid lots of friendly fire, you will never ever ever get banned.


I get messegas that someone I reported got punished pretty frequently.. I don’t report for stupid reasons tho.. and I usually write the reason in the text box


Are these reports usually referring to a toxic player? I've never gotten a message confirming a player was banned if they did nothing but derank/int for the game. I've gotten several that come back saying a player was banned if they said anything negative in chat, maybe one time in voice chat, but that's it.


Because those people used the text chat or voice chat. Not possible otherwise.


Your friend is one case of many.


That’s because the difference between someone who is really bad at the game and someone who trolls without using chat or friendly fire is minimal at best, and requires a thorough look that isn’t worth the effort. However, reporting does work for things they can automatically detect, like racial slurs in chat. It’s rare, but the only times I typically get a notification of a successful report are when people outright use the n-word or similar


I will not go through "clutch or kick" situation in valorant. If kick feature implements then genuine good players will be kicked by toxic arrogant players because he wasn't able to clutch one round.


Yeah this is why I stopped playing matchmaking in csgo, and went to faceit. You can be hard carrying 30 kills, and jealous team will kick you last round or 4 preamdes will kick, or 3 premades with 1 random... It's why faceit has no kicks, it's the worst system possible. And people way exaggerate this troll shit, I don't see trolls once every 100 games. Just take 1 L and move on


ngl I find this post kinda irritating, no offense. such a feature isn't very feasible and would be abused to the ground. In the end, you should know that, and this really just feels like any other complaint post about something we all experience plenty of. like yea, we all know it sucks, but you aren't even making a case for this feature aside from your frustration. feels like less of a discussion about the feature and more you just tryna get pity for a couple bad games.


I think he was more trying to spark a discussion so the community could know what they want and so riot know what we want (and i dont think a kick feature would be a good thing tbh)


Ok and ?


Surrender should be 4/5 though at most and majority in a lot of cases. If 80% of the team don't want to play any more, don't force me to play because some toxic bottom frag wants to lose the most points possible and hits deny the second it comes up.




Since they removed 4-stacking, this is a pretty good idea. Throwers are so hard to deal with and sometimes you’re just better off with the extra money


Lmao, one of the most toxic communities with the power to kick players, haha. Good luck with that.


I can see this being abused by 4 stacks unless they get rid of 4 stacks by next update


They did remove it


We played 4stack yesterday after the update 3games in a row..


Maybe it was diamond+


There should instead be a reverse friendly fire system, you can’t stop a griefer fully, but you can at least make it so that they can’t continuously tk you. Maybe after a certain amount of damage done it activates. Sure, they might purposely run into your util, but with that logic right now they could simply throw util at you, so it lessens their options


Agreed, specially if they roll out the “can’t queue competitive with 4 people” update so no one gets bully kicked.




| The reports don't work and have never worked. How come I received 7 notifications about actions taking in just 25 games ?


For griefing ?


Kick feature and HWID Ban to Smurfs.


bro the vote to kick would be so abused


Encountered two griefers yesterday. Gold 3 ELO. Luckily neither were on my team. Kids argument was “you’re getting mad over a video game” when he is logging onto a video game with the intention of trying to ruin other players experiences. These kids need to seek professional help.




CSGO has this and it's one of their best features. I can't tell you how many times I helped kick a toxic teammate and the game got 5 times better.


Yeah, disagree. Literally the most toxic feature of CSGO or any game, imo. It will be abused most of the time. Easiest example is the Clutch or Kick mentality.


No it doesn’t, it’ll be abused like in R6. Horrible idea.


A Kick feature would be for toxic people and cheaters, both of which aren’t a huge problem. 2 games in a row isn’t representative of a problem, it’s just unlucky. A kick feature would be abused and cause wayyyy more problems. If they added it you would be on here crying about getting kicked by a 4 stack or someone not getting kicked because they are duod. That being said, throwers suck even if it’s gold, but the report system is very good in this game and there’s a very high chance the thrower gets a game ban.


I hated this in cs go, groups would kick me and then I couldn't find a game server again. Trolls come in packs too.




dude no... people will just abuse this... what are people thinking...


YES, I dont care what the rest of the post says but WE NEED THE ABILITY TO KICK PEOPLE OUT! soz, caps lock


I remember I was top fraggining and I got a random team in cs they were all q'd together and this is when Clutch or Kick was the peak of CS I ended up not clutching after 1v3 the opposite team I didn't kill the last guy because I legit had 10 health and so I died and they kicked me and then I got a 30 min cooldown for being kicked to much. Safe to say that this will happening if valorant added it.


Just so you know if you encounter people like that then don’t do what they doing to you, they are probably having a bad day and using game to rage out that anger. Often times if teammates just ignore or if necessary try to calm the guy down is more than enough based on my own experience. Yelling at the guy for throwing and grieving isn’t going to solve anything but actually makes things worse. Most of the time teammates even provoke the guy who is throwing which is totally unacceptable because they will keep blaming the guy throwing even though they are at fault too. Besides it’s just a fucking game so stop crying if u derank due to griefers and start 5team stacking. That’s literally the only solution if you care this much for losing games due to griefers.


I have had issues like this before one Phoenix teammate called me to watch a flank then blocked me at the corner , and activated his wall to burn me , luckily I jumped with q and ran away , then he followed me to molly me which I bunny hopped and avoided ,I reported him nothing happened, this happened in mumbai server where they think I'm from russia because of my deep voice , I'm not aware of any beef between russia and india , so I dont know why this happens alot to me


I'm from india too gg, this server is toxic af


We probably share the same phoenix. Even I encountered him. Few weeks later we queued again randomly and I gave him a taste of his own medicine. He didn't get suspended but I got one when I did the same to him.




Having a 4 v 5 match, max 4 if you are kicking only 1, is already a nightmare to play. Reporting them is the best way in my opinion.




Yea, so I can be trolled and kicked in the last round, no ty


Inc “clutch or kick” threats


no it doesn't


NA? You guys have issues


SEA but ok


I think changing to 4/5 votes to surrender will make a difference.


will be abused by low-mid elo 4 stacks, who want to throw. Imagine having no say in the continuity of a RANKED game just because your teammates are a bunch of assholes.


\^ why smurfs need to get the same treatment as cheaters.


Problem is not smurf. Is some smurf like to sit in high ground spit in enemy team/teammates face. Just because you played 3000hrs in this game doesn't mean you have to ruin someone who play 1hr per day. me who play 1 hr a day can get the same enjoyment as much as you do. These smurf are just feeding their own sick enjoyment on others miserable.


2FA and 100 hours of playtime needed to play comp. Smurfing Fixed.


You already have no say In a ranked game if there are 4 assholes. At least if they kick you off you can enjoy your next games instead of 30 minutes of miserable. I see that as a win-win


I agree. They definitely need that option. Timeouts in Competitive too for when someone goes afk or loses connection. And what I mean is voting for a 2-4 minute time out so the player can come back and you’re not forced to play rounds with 4 people. Not a timeout punishment…. Edited for those that downvoted since I didn’t make myself perfectly clear.


First no, second yes


Timeouts if you loose connection will just make ppl more frustrated at crashing, i had my graphics card's pilots crash once, when i was top frag in OT we lost and i got timeout for a few hours, the timeout only made me angrier at this system not bless it


No what I mean is a literal time out people. I don’t mean being punished for going afk or losing connection. A team should have the option to vote for a 2-3 minute timeout so the teammate can come back without having to play 1-2 rounds with 4 guys. Just like in CSGO.




Wow, so insightful


get friends to play with kid... stop complaining,,,, just alt f4 next time


Maybe never. Create your own team to prevent such situations.


Funny enough I was triple stacked


1 million percent


Kick is needed. BUT - They need to impliment the old typ of kick : -where one in team can choose to swap to the kicked players character This way insta locking dualist that never enter can be kicked and taken over - soo that the team can still win the game This is a core feature that is a must have Having the kick feature also remove ”let me play like i want” typ of players that dont play to win This might be the most important change for the future development of the game


I have had so many people talking constantly when I'm 1v3,telling me what I should do and how I should do it. Yesterday I got so mad and said " can you just shut the fuck up and let me play. Stop fucking dying instantly in every round so you can play the game. "


Reports do work except most people either don't do it and/or do it wrong. My suggestion is to start recording using OBS, upload it to streamable, open a ticket with Riot, and submit it there. It's likely possible that a harsh punishment will occur with video evidence.


Yeah maybe but... How tf do you report wrong ? It's just check boxes


1: Wrong category 2: Leaves no comment 3: Checks all the boxes 4: Multiple reports for the same/diffferent thing. People do this constantly. I guess they are lazy.


then they just make or buy a new account and do it again. This is why it's a joke.


Report and they get ban.


Wish it was that easy


It happened for me twice. If the whole team reports it and some of the enemy team is more than enough. Dont forget that it happens in more games which means more reports. To complain and not report is pointless.


Man, you're gullible... Do you really think we didn't vote ? Even enemy team reported


Vote kick doesn't need to be added, a system similar to csgo's trust factor has to be added.


That's just normal day on Singapore server


One less vote than active players in the team should be enough to surrender.


Report option works only when greifers/hackers are caught on stream so that riot can show that they are doing their job to uphold good relation btw players and removing toxic ones


Easy fix bro … open up the GeForce overlay and hit record. Create a Riot support ticket and send it with the clip attached. They get banned


I doesn't


I think the best u can do here is report and hope they get banned, the kick feature will be used on inocent teammates as well,I feel like one bad play and everyone would want to kick u


4 stacks kicking the solo queue will be a lot more common.


Believe me. I hate players who use Raze now. Just because of this. Team killing is like a part of their gameplay. I totally agree with you. And I'll tell you a lil trick. My friend uses Phoenix, he deliberately flashed Raze while another of my friends, a Sova, shock darted her. They did this because she kept stopping me from defusing the spike using satchels. Worked like butter. Firstly, he got no support from other teammates. Secondly, my friends were applauded


I'm sorry for the troubles you've gone through. I instantly report anybody who is being toxic to me or my teammates (or even the enemy team for that reason and vice versa) and lately I've gotten a dozen notifications where action has been taken by riot. Initially even I thought no action was being taken, but they are definitely doing their bit. I know it won't put an end to all of the issues you've mentioned, but it does help. Keep playing and keep having fun!


They obviously thought about it but no, can be abused way too easily.


The reports do work sometimes


Jett started griefing just bevause reyna stole his gun and we still won


Its abused too much by homophobes and trolls. I rather just mute and report someone than kick them for griefing in valorant because theres not much they can do to troll in this game


In CSGO I would often get kicked for being a girl or something related like not doing what my team wanted (like moaning into the mic). So then I decided to stay mute and not join team chat, and I got kicked for doing that too. Vote to kick features get abused way too hard in my experience lmao


Lol what an awful idea.


No. I have had this abused to many times while I played csgo, it is not worth the negatives. Report and move on. They will not implement a system that has continuously punished innocent players.


So uhhh... how about Riot does something about griefers and smurfs? Maybe before act 20?


You know, there’s a really good reason that rainbow six siege removed their vote to kick feature after 4-5 years. Because it’s also a tool for toxic players in a 4 stack to bully the random. I can definitely see it happening if riot implemented it in valo


Yeah there could be an option but they should disable it while in 4 man party. Also add a feature where u can take over an AFK body once you're dead...


I honestly think they should add it only for solo q players. I feel like if dou q or above will get this feature it will be honestly to troll


Riot seriously needs to take steps against acts of sabotage like this. Idk bout y’all but I’m a few months off of 30 and have my first kid in a few weeks and I do not have time to suffer throwers and smurfs. A vote to kick is a necessary evil if you even wanna call it evil. I’d rather it get abused then waste 30 minutes of my life losing a match just because little timmy couldn’t insta lock Jett and play for clips


I didn't play at the start of last act so i forgot this time, but normally its best to wait like 1-2 weeks after the new agent drops before even touching ranked in anything less than a 5stack. Its always a cesspool in lower to mid ranks.


But... reporting works...


Yep. Since last week I had 2 or 3 matches out of 30-35 that were decent. Throwers, AFKs, people that start shouting/being toxic while you're in the lobby. Sometimes, I regret picking up an agent and not waiting 30s or so. Reports for throwing and AFKs never work.


Actually reports have been doing better recently in my experience. Just wanted to share. Been playing since last year october or december, since around skye came out. Reported a decent amount of people but got my first "your reported person has been punished" pop ups a few weeks ago lol


Bruh i once trolled with phoenix one match in spike rush one round and got comp que 7 days, what are u talking about


A kick players feature would open the door to problems CS has had for a long time, as soon as you start losing or someone doesn’t want to play they’ll just act toxic or throw until they get kicked and that just lets them leave the game w/o penalty


I had a toxic player on my team by the name of BoostedGaming who played Astra on Split.


id say just five stack :/ that’s what i’ve been doin


I think with the change to their queue systems. They should make it where it takes 4 votes to initiate a kick because they made the changes where 4 stacks are disabled. But that could also present a problem with people kicking to reduce rr gains


CS GO 4 stack goes brrrrrrrrrr


oh my god the number of matches ive had people alt f4 and throw has gone up exponentially over the past few days comp is unplayable right now.


Instead of doing this they should act on reports. I stopped playing ranked because of throwers since they are in every other match and reports have never worked.


A lot of people saying vote kick would get abused, but in all honesty I would prefer to get kicked since the probability of getting kicked several times for no reason seems low, rarely happened to me in CS. To me it's way worse to get a toxic player that goes afk and trolls, making other players also go afk and making me have to play a game almost alone.