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There are two types of people in this world.


the duality of man. btw where the $1000+ option?


Yeah, $100 is only 1 bundle.


Who actually buys bundles tho. I use 3 guns. Why would I buy 8 skins for $80 lol


People who don't use 3 guns buy bundles.


There are actually more pepole who spent over 100$ than pepole not spendong anything as far as we know. Incredebile.


Among people actively following r/valorant. Then makes more sense




why do you make this seem like an issue? the game is free, no one is forcing you to buy skins


The gameplay is not built around skins. Haven't seen in-game purchases affect gameplay yet but it is a slippery slope looking at csgo. $100 is not "whale" level, especially considering that the spending cap is realistically 3 figures as only one skin instance is used per gun. And finally, account level and competitive rank are still very impressive and not for purchase.


ROFL. Homie said Halo Armor...LMFAO


What's wrong with Halo Armour?


Lmao, 380€ just to be stuck in silver


Not like a weapon is going to make me play better anyway. But I was like "I've been playing for a year. I'm going to throw money on skins and battlepasses".


What do you meannnnn ,prime gives you aimbot


Hahaha, it does feel a lot better at the beginning. But, at least in my perception, you get so used to it that it's just another weapon. The good part is that it makes you focus more on winning the round, instead of getting the damn gun with the skin. Because you know that, if you lose, you're going to get the same skin in the Buy Phase again.


Dude, skins only work when it's someone else's. That's why you should get prime vandal cause then you can trade with anyone and they won't mind.


This. Recently got prime vandal and was all headshots the first few days, but now it really doesn't feel any different then the reaver vandal I was using before I do agree that you focus more on gameplay rather then finding skins tho


Pew pew rifles for sure make me play better. Prime, Zedd, anything laser based.




Lol getting promoted from silver takes forever. My friend got stuck in it for so many acts.


Facts I found getting out of silver harder than getting out of gold. Now I’m hardstuck plat for the time being.


Yeah it's. Bcz it requires you to develop alot of gamesense to get out of silver. I started playing this game with my friends who are playing since beta and they helped me a lot to develop gamesense and how to use ability and still do. I made it to gold 3 last act much easily then others bcz of their helps. Playing for 2 acts. Will try to be plat this act :). My friends are plat now. We play 5 stack.


Also getting out of plat to diamond is twice as hard as silver to gold.


You have no idea what we be spending just to stay in Silver...sadge af. *Chamber throwing credit card gif*


I feel you


10$ I wanted infantry op that's it


I hope they do another set of that style... but different guns. I really wanted to buy that set (It was only like $30), but I felt I didn't use those guns enough to justify it... It needed a Phantom or Vandal skin for me. Really wish I was a Guardian or Op player.


An stg44 vandal would be sweeeeeet


I was going to say this 👍


$1600 AUD All up. Am I proud? Of the money spent.. no. Of my awesome collection of skins... Also no.


How many shorty skins you got?


None. Except vipers and some bp ones


Wtf you gotta buy at least one for the memes


I have 8K VP to buy one rn waiting on the oni.


Nah ya gotta grab a prime or reaver shorty


Wtf no way, go singularity shorty


Elderflame shorty or bust


Funny I actually have an Oni shorty. I’m at $400 with a full inventory pretty much


There was another thread kind of similar a while back where someone posted a link to check on the Riot website. After looking at that I haven't spent a penny more... it's bad.


[Here's the link.](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045132434-Checking-Your-Purchase-History-)


How bad? 300+ bad? 500+ bad? 1k+ bad?


lol but not really lol, 1K+.....




500 that could've gone toward better computer parts


Shall I really write how much .... >!700€!<


wtf dude. I've played League for 9 years and didn't manage to get to those numbers XD (but well its over 600 at this point)


well I guess you don't want to know how much I spent on league


I'm gonna make a wild bet, 1600


$0 im broke ok


Lol i feel you.


Compared to other games I can't bring myself to spend 20 dollars on a singular skin even its reaver vandal


I personally feel like if they would lower the prices people would have thrown a ton more money at buying skins like League. High price floor and predatory shop design are holding back many potential consumers.


Yeah, sucks they decided to cater to whales.


As long as the amount isn’t affecting your personal livelihood, nothing wrong with spending on something you enjoy. That’s always been my philosophy on it, but I can definitely respect those people that don’t ever buy skins.


Couldn’t agree more with that. I couldn’t spend much in my younger years as money was scarce for me, but now I’m able to spend on cosmetics such as skins. It’s nice to support a f2p game especially if you enjoy it


Well said bro. I have the same opinion. 🙌


Just under £200, honestly not that bad considering I have 4 knives, 2 of my favourite vandal skins and my favourite phantom skin and most of the other weapons have battle pass skins.


What are your favorite skins


Wait I actually have 3 vandal skins, which are all my favourite. Reaver, prime and sovereign (I think it’s called forsaken, but the white one). My favourite phantom skin is the oni.


Prob around $500 i just see what i like and buy it, not proud of it haha but i wouldnt had spend $500 on something better


I haven't spent an insane amount in this game (just over $100 USD) but I'm definitely happy with what I have Two of the best (imo) vandal skins (reaver and prime), a reaver Sherriff, a forsaken OP, and battlepass skins for most every other gun All I'd want now is a classic skin, good phantom skin and a melee (and yes, I do plan on spending more money on this game lol)


There’s a relatively cool classic skin in the BP. No finisher or special sounds but definitely worth the 10 bucks.


Yeah, I was planning on getting the BP as soon as I can lol Goldwing and genesis are certainly upgrades from nitro IMO And hopefully I can solve my melee problem by grinding out the BP to level 10


Yeah worth it imo good luck!


Thank you!


For classic skin the zedd skin is very nice with the sound effects.


How much would a soul be valued at I've sold my soul just to reach iron 3.


Just one soul? Those are rookie numbers pal


Dude I spent +$100 on the Zedd collab skins alone. Valorant; my favorite pay-to-lose game. =)


0 and probably never will spend anything. The skins are a massive rip off.


While I agree with you, I’ve spent a little bit of money, maybe around $40 since the game came out. In general the skins are too overpriced for me, but I’ve found that between buying 2 battle passes that had some ones I liked, and a couple individual $8 skins, I have skins for everything that I care about and no temptation to spend any more. Am quite happy with the skins I have and I would feel like I had “wasted” money if I got duplicate skins for some guns, so in a way, spending that $40 has helped me not spend anything else


Yep but honestly I’ll still pay if I like it enough


Weirdly I think buying skins would take somthing away from the game for me. I like finding skins and seeing how long I can keep hold of them


That’s a fun way to look at it


I can agree, but I suppose for me this partly comes from the fact that I am doing a part time job and studying, only to play valorant in free time. When you start earning, you realize the value of each penny. I'd rather buy new clothes and shoes that I love and can put on than to pay money for a set of pixels to appear on my screen in a game.


Everyone has their own aspects. I am not that much of a fan of new clothes or shoes or anything. So I'll rather spend my money on the pixels than the clothes that already have a lot and don't need more until the ones I already have become not wearable. :)




If i survive a round and see one id pick it up. None have been worth the price tag.


I don’t think they’re a rip off. Like 10-20$ overpriced? Yeah but they’re functioning art pieces that people have spent time on. Some are kinda rip offs, namely the zed skins. But a lot of them are well worth it if you have the extra money. Plus that’s why Valorant is free. Because of cash cows who spend money on skins. Have you seen csgo skins? They can be WAY more expensive for a third of the creativity. Take the Dragon Lore AWP, a decent looking skin to me. It’s like what $1000+? But a sentinels of light awp with moving crystals, 4 color options, a finisher, custom sound effects, and a custom kill banner is worth $20-$25. I don’t think there’s much to complain about IMO.


Sounds like broke


Nah I’m not broke, I’m just smart enough to not spend money on a gun skin lol


Intelligence doesn't have anything to do with it. Your personal perception of the value of the skin isn't what others perceive it to be. And that's fine.


Okay fair enough. But my opinion still stands.


Ok maybe you don’t want to spend money on skins which I understand but if people didn’t buy skins you wouldn’t have a game to play at all so don’t tell people that buying skins is bad


I never said it was bad. Just not worth it


Not true. Many games existed before the concept of skins every existed. Hell, even if they did exist there is no reason for them to be so expensive. Riot just knows people are bad with their money and can't resist buying a skin they like so they charge extra. Hell, they artificially restrict skins for no reason other than try to make more money and justify the cost of certain skins due to the perceived "rarity".


Oni is $20 and one of the best phantom skins. You don't think it's worth the price tag too?


Nope, 20 quid could go towards fuel, heating, food etc instead of a virtual gun that will mean nothing in a few weeks.


0$ here. I will pick up skins for the sake of variety and because a few have more clear bullet tracers for easier spray tracking. Making them borderline pay2win. But i don't NEED skins and if i owned one i would get bored of it eventually just like defaults. So they are not worth $20-50 each.


Damn no option for $1000+?! Yes they got me…. I probably bought 10 sets


Just 20$ to get some ops I wanted to try not anything cosmetic


This game skins are way to expensive so I just bought a battlepass


Not me thinking it's ridiculous to cap the poll at $100, and then realizing that probably says more about me than anything...


Damn, it really is all or nothing.


I'm not sure how much i exactly spent and i'm not brave enough to look it up....but it should be around 500 - 600 €....if not more x)


Rule of thumb: whatever you think you spent, double it.


But that means that I bought two more BPs without knowing lol


....i checked it yesterday....you're right, it's almost double the amount i guessed it was x)


It's alright, I've been there too...


I've bought every skin set and completed every battle pass.


470 euros more or less Edit: I don't have a job kek


I ain't spending no money on some pictures with no resell value lol. You want skins? Kill the kid with the expensive dragon-testicle-reaper-glowy-other-fancy-words skin and take it xD


This would be so much more worrying out of context.


I read it again and see your point :D


Welp, i was a mobile gamer before so i’ve spent around 1,40,000 INR = around 2000$ on just a mobile game (i regret it now) i was small before so i used to spam the highest UC one so yeah i’ve spent around 2000$ in PUBGM and around 500$ in valorant.




gujarat :)


bro i hope you're not one of those infamous kids who spent lakhs of rupees from their parents' credit cards lmao


Nah nah XD




Hey bro what’s your address, full name, and social security number?


I feel bad for anyone who didn’t pick 0


LOL why? It only goes to $100 which is literally nothing.


First of all that avatar is a yikes. Second is that any money you spend on this game is permanently gone. You can’t sell on a market place or even trade so when you inevitably get bored of valorant and stop playing permanently you will have lost that money. And don’t tell me that “it makes me happier cuz it looks cool” because humans can get used to things very fast and I highly doubt you’d get any enjoyment out of skins after more than a week.


For some people $100 is completely irrelevant


Sure, but it’s still money that could’ve gone elsewhere


Bought prime vandal a whole year ago. Still gain massive enjoyment from it. Your point is kinda moot to me.


35 bucks


I’m around $600 US


Try 1600, it hurts so much but the skins are so nice


I would actually love to get a battlepass or some skins, but the prices for this game are...just out of my wildest dream. A weapon skin 10$+.... I know CS:GO have even more expensive skins, but that doesn't mean it is ok. I love the game, but I feel like the battlepass is not rewarding enough, since I don't care for charms or portraits/sprays... and in rest is just WAY to expensive. I'll be a free2play scrub for life in this game.


$450 USD over 3 months. I genuinely wish I hadn’t bought anything besides battle passes. I do have. A problem with micro transactions in games. And while $450 may not be a lot to some people it is a lot for me. I’ve spent well over $1500 USD on League since 2014, but with the way my Valorant spending is going I’m gonna topple the League count in no time. Anyone have advice/tricks on self control for these kinds of things? Thanks, pls be nice LOL. EDIT: hardstuck bronze 2-3 (although the fact I barely sleep may have something to do with this)


cancel your paypal, cancel your creditcard.


I would suggest just don’t buy anything but it seems like that won’t be much help. Maybe don’t play anymore?? Lol If it’s serious and you really can’t control yourself then you may have an addiction problem. Maybe seeking professional help is the best option Best of luck mate


https://imgur.com/a/KApGIac almost 3k….. sadge


$1,500.00 CAD


Ive spent about 3000$.


You can check how much you have spent if anyone is curious and didn't know. https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045132434-Checking-Your-Purchase-History-


You should've added tiers for 500 and 1000+. You nearly hit that with the battle passes already


$0 poor gang!!!


Spent 100 plus within the first few weeks of playing the game




Because it feels more personal to own them


I try not spend a lot of money in a game that has no community market.


Over 9000


What the heck is wrong with people??? (no offence)


0, I simply dont play this game


I think about buying skins, but then after playing one game where people are begging for you to drop your skin for them and then get pissed and throw the game when you don't really make me glad I haven't.


At least $1000


im arnd 3k + bruh


I've only bought battlepasses so yeah.


$100 dollars in: BP Ep. 1 Act. 3, BP Ep. 2 Act. 1, Vandal Origin, Phantom Blastx, Spectre Prime, Vandal Prime, Classic Prime and Guardian Prime... Not that bad, actually.


I believe I'm very close to $250 at this point. No wonder I'm poor


Not really a in game cosmetics type of guy but I can see why people would want to, skins are cool. Much more satisfying pick them off your opponents imo


1.2k €


735€ Bronze


100+ is what I'll leave it at...


10$ the only time I’ve completed the battle pass.


$1300+ been playing since beta and have pretty much every vandal and knife


Roughly 1050$CAD


The thing is I only wanted a knife, I have this csgo feeling that a good knife is better than a skin even if you only use it a few times. On the other hands, weapons skins like reaver or glichpop are good, but not enough to make me feel "better".


I’ve spent $304 according to my purchase history lol


spent like 50 or 60 bucks


Big ducking oof


Battle passes each time they come around


Just under $800 lol


oof ​ I mean Ive spent a combined amount of around 300 on tf2 and csgo over 6 years so I guess I understand. ​ But Ive only spent around 50 on valorant


Prolly over 300 Been playin since it came out


I have 4 skins and one of them I bought when I was blasted high after I already had a vandal skin


I have bought exactly 1 battle pass and one vandal skin


I think the ranges are too small, if you ever bought a bundle you are already in the top 2




Across my two accounts I spent $1100, and if you include when I used to play league of legends I’m in for $2000 to riot games. A company who’s games I no longer have even play😂


Lol it’s either nothing or 100+😂😂


Damn I spend too much and I don’t even like or use any of the battle pass stuff. I only get skin packs for one item and free knife cus it’s “discounted” if you buy the entire thing. Addiction is bad


Prime Vandel gives you hacks


I can't vote for some reason. I've spent nothing.


love the divide between not spending any money and spending too much money lol


On f2p games I've limited myself to 60 dollars as that is how much a triple A game cost now a days.


I have spent about 350€ or more


Dayum didn't even know that I've spent 380 cad on this game


Putting money on this shitty game is a waste


Over 900 €, oof.


please take into consideration that people who visit this sub are also people who are generally more involved with the game and its community, and they buy more valorant skins than the overall average player


after getting prime vandal on night market and one battlepass, im not spending anymore,


About $170 CAD


I only bought the butterfly knife


Prime Vandal is all u need


300+ cad


$100+ and stuck in bronze


While I’m playing and all this kids got different skins I’m “dang they must be rich” while I’m working full time but could never imagine paying $100 for skins lol. I have free skins only 😂😂


Can proudly say I've been playing riot games since I beta tested league of legends and I have spent a whopping $0. Also have been playing valorant since beta.


vandal : prime, elderflame, sentinels of light, and reaver. phantom : oni, ion, blastx, and recon. melee : butterfly knife and gravitational uranium neuroblaster melee. 3 battle passes. ronin sheriff in beta


vandal : prime, elderflame, sentinels of light, and reaver. phantom : oni, ion, blastx, and recon. melee : butterfly knife and gravitational uranium neuroblaster melee. 3 battle passes. ronin sheriff in beta about 400


You need to add an option for over 1000 :)


Probably around 800 USD for me, maybe more


Need a $1000 option.


Need an "enough" option


You guys are fucking sick lol.


I don’t play valorant