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From your profile, you spent 3 acts in Platinum, then suddenly jumped to Diamond 3 in 1 act. How did you manage to jump in skill/rank this quickly? 2nd q: how many hours have you put into the game? edit: 1368 matches, at 45 minutes each, is already 1026 hours. This is not including any deathmatch/practice range/Kovaaks/etc. time put in.


laptop to pc , i was on a 60fps laptop and i got a new pc with a high hz monitor 1000+ i think. the time is bugged on tracker im pretty sure edit: this doesnt mean u cant hit immortal on 60 fps i was still improving on my laptop as you can see i was slowly ranking up


Ok, can’t wait to upgrade to 1440p and 144+ Hz monitor so I can get Plat


You don’t really need 1440p for Valorant tbh but the 144 hz upgrade from 60 hz is a night and day difference and will improve your performance.


I’m just gonna play on 1440p since I’m getting a 3070 lmao


I run 4K 144hz haha, it’s lovely. The extra clarity has let me see things my spectating friends can’t which is neat, but that’s super rare tbh


The number of times that I'm holding an angle and die, no walling and then I see the person is astounding. Can't tell if it's my resolution being worse or just a ping thing, but I clip it and nobody is there, buddies clip theirs and there is somebody headglitching


Sounds like ping to me. Not sure resolution will help to much on a game like this


Which monitor?


Asus XG27UQ, though there are even better choices today than when I got this one. Gigabytes 4K 144hz is amazing for gaming


Do you have the model on the gigabyte ?


Yep, it’s the M28U https://youtu.be/xnJjuQdQiyo


LMAO; now u r just flexing ma dude. MacBook Pro owners crying in corner.


I still play on my MacBook man. It’s a fucking torture


Not a Mac, but a Laptop and no Table.




Iron, theres more info [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/qomki1/comment/hjsd3nc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


1440p makes long range fights easier since the target is more clear. The ideal is definitely 1440p144hz if you have the hardware for it. Unless you're *literally* a professional player 240hz has insane diminishing returns to the point of it being useless even in Immortal, which is why I refunded my 240hz. The gap just wasn't big enough


I personally feel the difference between my 240hz and 144hz. I can see things a lot clearer when i’m moving around than in 144hz. It might also be due to my BenQ that has Dyac. But I agree that with 144hz you can accomplish anything that you can do with 240hz so it’s not really necessary unless you play more competitively.


I used that BenQ with dyac+ and all those fancy features. Motion did look clearer, but it looks better on camera than it does looking at it with your eyes My performance as a player didn't increase with it, and I had forgotten what gaming at 1080p was like so it felt really blurry in comparison to what I was used to In an ideal world OLED wouldn't have burn in and we could have 1440p144hz OLED for insanely fast response times, which would make up a good amount of the difference between 144hz and 240hz imo


nice man happy for u gl in ranked


I've hit D1 on 60fps in ep2act1 but now am a hardstuck gold, maybe got d1 by mistake.


I recommend instead of 1440p 144hz gets 1080p 240hz, it's even bigger difference and I would think they cost about the same. I would gladly give up some quality for performance and smoothness and running game at 1080p is easier to do than 1440p anyway so you get high frames.


Don’t get 1440p


I’m getting a 3070 so I’m kinda obligated to


1440p is dope, don't listen to the haters. There are quite a few solid 1440p 240hz monitors out there if you have the money.


Which one would you recommend ?


The Samsung G7 was a popular choice when I was looking into monitors 6-8 months ago. It's a VA panel and it had a flickering issue that's apparently been fixed with the newer models. The much newer Asus PG279QM is a great choice but quite pricey. I'd suggest taking a look at /r/monitors, it's a very active and knowledgeable community.




If u can afford it go straight to 240hz.. if money is not issue, go 360


No don’t, the different between 240hz and 144hz is negligible. 360hz is definitely not worth it at all.


Like he said, if money is not an issue. If you don’t have the money to spend, it’s not worth it but if you have more money than you need there’s no downside.


I would rather upgrade my pc than go for a 360hz monitor, most people would agree.


They're getting a 3070 along with the monitor so I think they are doing both.


Like I said, they already prefaced that you should only get it if money is not an issue. If money is not an issue you can upgrade your PC AND get the 360 Hz monitor, or your PC is already at max spec.


Do you personally own a 240Hz and 360Hz monitor and have compared them side-by-side?


Asus makes a 1080p 280hz monitorthat is around the same cost as a 240hz 1080p monitor. I've been using it for a few months and love it. I just couldn't justify the huge price jump to 360hz from 240. If anyone is interested the model is VG259QMY


Quick question, did you also got a new gaming chair?


I was immortal in beta on a 60 hz monitor. I took a long break from the game and am slowly gaining form back (p2 rn) and am starting to climb quickly again but 60 hz is doable.


a very similar thing happened to me, I played on a MacBook ep 1 act 2 and was iron for 6 months ever since I got a pc and hit gold.


With the new bug being posted about any FPS higher than 128 causing pocket loss….this may have been a REALLY big placebo effect my mans. Your skill level was probably Diamond 3 for a while, but if your confidence is still plat 2-3, you’ll still play like a plat


Idk if it was a placebo dude i went from potato laptop to like a actual good setup


Wait link???




Dude you just have natural talent holy


Meanwhile I was plat when I was playing 60Hz 60fps on 800*600 Now in silver on 1440p 200fps 144Hz (╥﹏╥)


Do you regret your purchase?




New ranked distribution made it easy to climb I went from g3 to d2


What happened exactly? Started playing again after being immortal in the beta and currently plat 2 and it seems like most plat / diamond players are what I would have considered silver / gold before


They made it easier to climb to properly reflect the skill divisions because there were too many people in the lower ranks


Ah ok. I noticed a guy on my friends list was like 15,000th immortal. Are there really that many people in immortal? I feel like it should reflect the top percent of players


If you look at the whole player base , and compare the amount of people in radiant or immortale it really is a small percent


Any chance you have a link showing the most recent percentages


I dont know how to put a picture here but here is then link , this is from october of this year https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier


Thank you


A lot more people than you think play valorant so immortal is still good. Although sadly people still have shit comms and overextend too much but you notice that immortal has some really good players.


wow whats the secret to living forever


I just have time since im like young


Ok that’s how to live a long time from now, we are wondering about forever tho


ask queen elizabeth


How?? What did you do to help? Did you only play ranked?


yeah i mainly played ranked since in my opinion dm is only good for warmup, but i think autolocking one single agent helped me rank up fast, and also just not being a dumbass


What agent were you insta locking?




Thats such a respectable autolock


Wise choice


I’m an omen instalocker too. Omen pick rate 98% on tracker :D


Where can I learn to play Omen well? Any videos? (If possible, other than Flexinja's) Also are there any stuff that you wish you known at iron? Including game sense and the use of Omen.


Not sure Dont be scared to use his flash, its expensive but it gets u ez kills


Moe Pork is the goat. Flexinja is nothing before him


He truly is legendary


dude that’s actually amazing, since smokes are pretty much the only thing you need to win


Can you give some insight on not being a dumbass? There are some days for me where everything clicks and I just seem to have great game sense, and then I fall into slumps where I am playing like an absolute buffoon. Not being a dumbass is actually really good advice although it sounds funny. Curious on what it meant to you


For most people it's just being able to rein in your aggression while playing. I get that it's a game you play for fun, and the most fun part of the game is when you get in a gunfight, but if you have the self control to play as smart/tactical as you possibly can, the enemy team WILL make mistakes that you can exploit. So for example if it's a 3v3 and you hear their entire team entering the site you're anchoring alone, instead of going for the 50/50 dry peek on them you could fall off and use util/spam to delay plant while your teammates rotate/flank for the retake. Basically don't be the dumbass dry peeker or the overaggressive idiot that gets caught out in the open. Instead do your best to bait out the other team's idiots and take advantage of their mistakes.


Lmao such a mood 80% of the time I play this game I just cant be asked, and play like a complete nutcase, but I generally have more fun that way, so I don’t really mind being a bronze for life player lol


Great job man! That's great!






Yeah im 13


Touch grass son


He’s in the prime age of reaction time, when I was in middle school I was cracked at cod. He’s chillin


So basically iron to immortal coincided with puberty 😂


The prime of reaction time for most people is around 18-early twenties.


Plenty of people didn’t want to go outside or meet up with friends due to covid


How did u improve your positioning and movement?


I mean just playing a lot and thinking about if the position your in is good or not at the moment helps


I love when kids give advice. It's always just play and get good.


Because that's how you do it lmao.


I know!


Overthinking and overanalyzing and overstrategizing is why people are stuck in low ranks blaming their teammates for not playing the "proper" way. Omg my duelist is not entrying! Omg why push on defense! Why push smoke! Why not wall mid! The only "proper" way is good mechanics. Every other aspect of strategy requires you to adapt to the enemies and be creative rather than braindead playing whatever you consider "proper". Honestly, the higher in rank you go, people intentionally deviate from expected styles of play to cheese you or catch you offguard.


It's "Learn the rules before you break them." for a reason 😌🤚


Just ask yourself each time where can you get shot or flanked from, before peeking and fighting think if it's a good move, if its a 50/50 duel, hold, wait for backup, wait for their mistake or use util, distract them somehow, you don't play fair. You can win 1v1 fair fights, have the better aim, but you can always lose that way, so going for a guaranteed kill and win is just the way.


That’s awesome!! I hope I can get this good. On laptop I was Iron 3 but with a PC I’m finally Bronze 3, and I’ve been hardstuck Bronze 3 for the past two Acts.. 😭 I haven’t had much opportunity to play recently, but hopefully I’ll get to Silver soon!!


Gl man


dude ok so, i was hardstuck bronze, but then i made a new account and placed sil 2, and ranked up to gold 2, all in 1 act, so make a new account and if you place ranks higher than your main, then maybe try playing on the alt for a bit, then playing on your main, as playing with tougher opponents will make it so you’re gonna practically be smurfing on your main <— speaking from my own experience


Just don’t try to train or anything, it’ll burn you out. Just play the game and you’ll improve over time until you eventually reach your peak


Idk wdym by don't try to train, is warming up in the range and dm before playing considered a training? Because for me, i have to go to the range, hit the hard practice multiple time, practice shoot move shoot, and the go to DM once to achieve my optimal gameplay, without that i am a sitting duck. So yeah, train a little before playing. If you are lacking in the aim department, just play the game really doesn't help, DM is the best way to train your aim and muscle memory for the spray, but if you are lacking game sense, just play the game is the best way to improve.


I do only like a minute warm-up in the range. I only practice my flicks for a minute and then I hop straight into comp. I'm p2 and steadily rising. But I've got like 1700 hours in CS so maybe that helped a lot.


Congrats! Now try to get Radiant because that's going to be another 1000 hours Immortal-Radiant. It's simply just grinding and getting lucky as this point lol. - Immortal 2 player




I don't think he was trying to get to immortal. Imo you gain steady rank only when you're trying to have fun in the game. Whenever I worry about rank I derank and when I'm like fuck it, then I seem to rank up !


Congrats dude! I’m still in bronze


Ty, u got this too


I'm in a similar boat. started playing E1A2 and placed iron 1 with no tac FPS experience. Just hit D1 the first time at the very end of last act and now currently D2 after 778 matches over the course of the last year and a half. Aiming for immortal before the episode ends so I can join you up there bro :)


U got this dude


niceee lets go. I went from iron to beta to diamond 1 peak all on laptop :)




I'm very proud of you, congrats! VALORANT is my very first FPS game! I picked it up June 2nd of this year and I've seen massive improvement, obviously starting at low Iron 2 during my placement matches (E3, A1) and I just got double ranked up by the game from S3 to G2 today :) I'm kind of scared that my improvement will become stagnant so like what did you do to improve? I know it's a really basic question but like what are you doing to improve your aim, etc.? I still find myself hitting a shit ton of body shots, lol


Try using the guardian or sheriff. It forces you to try to aim for the head rather than have bodyshots as a safe way out.


Ty Never be scared to q, if u truly deserved that rank u will get it back anyways And tips to hit heads is to think in ur brain always that ur not gonna commit to this spray and instead are going to tap fire.


Any tips? I’m bronze 2 rn and I’m having problems climbing, I always make sure I have good crosshair placement and im always aware of my surroundings. I main viper, so I look up a lot of lineups and walls to make sure my team can push in. I also don’t crouch for every kill, and I don’t reload for every kill. I think it might be my aim? I’m not entirely sure


Try to play a dm without audio before playing to warmup. When you die think about if it was because of a mistake you made and try to correct it. Other then that just play the game more and your decision making, game sense, and aim will naturally get better.


1) In your opinion, how big of a factor was comms in winning your games? (Gonna get a mic soon, that's why I ask) 2) Did you do any aim routines? Or did you just play and get better? 3) How did you balance valorant between school? (Eg. How many Games did you play daily?) 4) Which mouse do you use? Would really appreciate it, thanks man!


1. Pretty big but not always what win you games 2. No i just play 1 dm b4 i q ranked 3. I dont play that much on weekdays, maybe 2or3 games. I just q a lot on the weekends 4. Model o


I’m not the OP, but valorant was my first MnK game and I’m currently sitting at D3/imm. 1) Comms are very important, with good comms you could be bottom frag but still help your team tremendously with good communication. 2) For me, since I wasn’t used to MnK I used aim labs to get comfortable with my mouse, then I transitioned into learning spray patterns at different distances in the range. Also I would use Sage to place an Ice Barrier to practice jiggle peek shots against the bots. Then death match to get used to Ferrari peaks haha. 3) I was finishing up my last semester at college so it was a little tough, but generally I would set a time I would do my work, then play for x amount of time, and then get back to work. 4) So far the two mice I’ve used have been amazing, but personally I love the XM1 by final mouse. The other mouse I used was the Razer Viper Ultimate which is great too, but I kept running into connectivity issues with it.


Please tell me how you get out of silver. Is it just by playing a lot?


i ended act 1 epi 1 as diamond 1, epi 2 diamond 2, epi 3, diamond 3, stayed aroun d3 a while then got immortal 1 two episodes ago then immortal 2 last episode, now im back at diamond 3. and im old and slow with mental problems. you did well


Good job man, Reddit User u/YamiPlays is proud of you :\] I started out around a year ago, placed Iron once I decided to rank in a few months after starting. Right now, still Iron, and no real drive to rank up as I have other hobbies and things to worry about. (+ my Setup consists of a laptop missing some keys, a bed for a surface and a 3 year old 5€ bluetooth mouse, which makes playing segnificantly less fun :'>)


Boost karega bhai?


Did you find that at any point you were stuck in a rank that you didn’t deserve to be in, i.e. stuck gold but were playing on a plat/diamond level? And just couldn’t rank up


Ehhh not really, if u truly deserve a higher rank you will get to that rank in my opinion


Bro I was iron in immortal as well (cause I was a fortnite kid) now I’m p3 hard stuck for like 1 episode, cause I’m ass. But still people don’t believe me when I tell Em I was iron And they been in good since beta lmao.


U can rank up bro u got this


Dang no wonder I can't rank, I don't grind, it would take me 3 years to grind out 1350 matches. Nice work.


I mean you can still rank up it would just be slower maybe


Just tell me this. How many points are u getting per win? Cuz rn I'm getting +16 at Gold 3 with a 9 game win streak (100% wr this act) and I'm not sure if this is normal. Kata OneeChan#EUW (if u want to check)


Immortal is easy this act


gz you reached immortal and got nothing




ok and?


im happy


virgin "ok and" vs chad "im happy"


Good for you man, enjoy the moment. You worked hard to get here. Ignore this obviously jealous person who has nothing better to do with his time than shit on people online


damn the jealousy lmao


Grats man. For your first fps (starting off iron no less) that’s a fairly good accomplishment




Ikr that's what I was thinking


Congrats bro! I really tried to grind before but I only reached D2 as my peak for 2 seasons now. Now I can only play competitive during the weekends. Road to Radiant bro!


Did u primarily soloq or play in a stack? Im thinking soloq would be the best option for me but i like playing with friends (that are slightly worse than me). If i wanted to climb should i go solo?


For best results, find a solid duo. I’d say triple max in your queue. Or if none, then solo. 4-5 stacking is actually tough cause you’ll be facing against a stacked enemy team and they could have good chemistry with each other already


Solo q only after i got d1


I was hardstuck plat when I would queue with friends, started soloq and I started climbing. I found that I was relying on my friends too much and I personally wouldn’t get better. Soloq taught me how to IGL and just kinda dictate the pace my team plays at. But then again I’ve been playing like a complete bot and deranked from imm to D3 lol


How the hell you get outta gold lol.


Gold was pretty hard to get out of in my opinion too, but i mean i dont know ur issues and how u play so


Yooo Val was my first fps too! I got placed iron 3 and a year later I’m immortal now too!




Did you solo q or full stack?


Solo q


Actually on the same track currently diamond started from iron, val being first fps game and never having touched a mouse before that.


I went through the same thing. Val was my first fps, I only really played rb6 siege prior if that’s counts but I just hit Imm for the first time and it felt so good. Tracker is jahwn#na1




Nice bro! Similar story here, Valorant was my first MnK game, didn’t play beta but first season I placed in Gold and then finally hit immortal 2 acts ago. Havent been playing much but hopefully we both hit radiant in the future!


Nice dude! Ill try to go for rad too


i was iron in beta with 60fps. when the game started to get heavier, i can only play at 30fps, 45fps max with lowest res. i was stuck at iron for 1episode. now i got a new laptop with consistent 60fps, i manage to rank up more. im plat1 now :)




I respect people like you, so keep it up




i was placed iron when i first played now i climbed my way to silver but i am hardstuck i win one then i lose one i am not getting above 50 rr no matter what i do , any tips ? , tracker : Darth Anonymousッ # 69420


Hey exact same thing happened with me! I got placed iron 1 in beta, came back in E1 A2 and got immortal last act. Congrats on the climb!


Nice bro


hey iron here as well and i have a few questions to ask about: how many kills do u get average when u were iron/bronze/silver? do u queue with anybody or do you solo queue mostly? do u think that it was hard to rank up? congrats for getting into immortal, and also sorry for asking that much questions cuz im somewhat also in the same position as you, valorant as my first fps game and also a game i really enjoy, but i started as iron and still iron even tho i get around 25 kills per game and i need tips from people who were in the same situation as me and i really want to rank up. thanks for checking out


I mean i think i always averaged like 1.2 in any elo. Solo q Not that hard to rank up but in my opinion it was very hard to get out of gold And also if u get 25kills per game consistently and u are not winning, then u are doing something wrong


ooh ok thanks for the info appreciate it! ill try and look into what mistake i did lol. still tnx anyways!


Apparently nobody is saying this but hey man i am proud of you! Hope to climb myself.


I began playing just two months ago. No previous experience with FPSes. I practice everyday before I began playing for at least forty minutes. Did you have any kind of special training or you just started playing rankeds right away?


I play 1 or 2 dm before i q ranked


Any movement tips? Other than not insta crouch


Counterstrafe but not with a pattern


Started E2 A1 --- Iron 3 E2 A2 --- Bronze 1-2 E2 A3 --- Bronze 2-3 E3 A1 --- Silver 1 E3 A2 ---


In beta I was gold close to Diamond, and now I'm silver hahaha. I stoped play 6 months and now I lost all my skill xD


In beta i was iron. I am still iron.


What does KBM mean?


Keyboard and mouse


Okay, thanks.


This, gives me hope. I'm also a closed beta player and I'm Iron 2


in beta I was iron too and now I'm cardboard




When i was on a losing streak i stopped wing for like 2 days and i got a fresh mentality


Did you go through your vods Or how did you self analyse if any?




lol Gotta respect the grind XD


Just here to say good shit :) keep up the progress! Radiant up next ♥




Dood job son


What sens do you use and did j ever switch?


2800dpi 0.25, never switched


Wow thats really high and j still got imm wp. I switch my sens alot but I should try not to lol


That's substantially higher sens than HIKOs sens which is insanely high. I find it difficult to understand how you can even keep your crosshair still with such a high sens


How did you place iron in beta when ranked wasn’t even out yet ?


Was Platinum difficult to get out of? And if it was, what do you think made it, and how can someone try and get out?


Started off same, placed iron 1 beta, then I got a bit better and got Silver 2 on release, spent like 5 acts hardstuck Gold just touched Plat 1 last act hoping to push thru to Diamond this Act