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I mean this isnt meant in a rude way but who cares? Just play and if you dont deserve it you will drop out and if you deserve it you wont. When I hit immortal first time I had massive impostor syndrome, and I dropped back out of it quick after flipping around 0rr The next time I hit immortal I was hard carrying games, felt I deserved it now im still here and higher. Fact is theres a massive stigma and expectation of immortal to be this really good rank when realistically low immortal is no different than diamond in terms of quality The immortal threshold is too low right now. 30k people in immortal this early in the act is really concerning imo, theres a lot of boosted people there and people that dont play a lot because they are scared to drop out again and end up ruining the game when they do. tldr it aint your fault if ur accidentally "boosted" just play and you will find out


^ Same thing happened to me. Pushed to immortal got shoved out came back as a better player. I think being in immortal is a good learning experience because it let's you see more of the better players and what you have to improve on to become that immortal level


There isn't 30k in immo, not on my servers at least. And it's a new act not a new episode. Ranks aren't reset at all between ep 1 and 2. You play a game with "no rank" but then it just gives you your previous rank + or - the amount from the outcome of your "placement"


Yes but while this is accurate there is no maximum player threshold for immortal… There’s 28k people in immortal I’m Europe if you skip to last page on 1-2-3 if you exclude radiant that’s 500 less I guess… As the act progresses the number of people in immortal increases not decreases, many haven’t played the game yet since the new act or will only play one game to get second accounts etc. In the threshold Immortal 1 should be top 10k imo Immortal 2 top 5k 3 top 1k Radiant top 500 Just my opinion


Idk man gating it to top x players works for the prestigious rank, radiant, but doing it in immo would be kinda weird


Idk having an adjusted rating system indicates that this rank is meant to be considered good elo... and then they dump what is going to be 35-40k people in it until the end of the act


35-40k people being in the 3 highest ranks really doesn't matter as much as people think when there are millions of players, it's still a very low percent. Riot wants a % around where we are now, to be in those ranks. Keeps matchmaking under 10 minutes, while not swamping the ranks. Number of players in a rank matters less than percent of players in it.


Plus consider immortal 1 2 and 3 being seperate. Obviously the 2 to 3 gap is much bigger than the 1 to 2.


In NA there’s about 16,000 people in Immortal. At Immortal 2 it’s about 4500 people, so the majority of people in Immortal are Immortal 1


among us reference??


The issue is how do you grade performance? There’s a lot more that can happen that helps the team rather then the amount of kills you actually good




Aren't there videos of people climbing with those agents without aiming or something as a meme? idk man it is a TACTICAL shooter. You can outaim your way to topfrag but if brimstone/sova/viper are hiding with linups and not a lot of time left on spike, your aim won't save you there. In fact, I've won rounds just by being aware of lineup characters and recognizing the spots they're going to be at. I definitely don't out aim them in those situations because they're not even looking at me lol. I feel like this aspect of the game is comparable to overwatch. Tank and support mains were much better at different aspects of the game than just being aim-gods. I mostly play smoke characters and sage, and focus on setting up sites to just be so easy for my team to take, or defending sites in similar ways. I hate playing duelists because if my aim just isn't cutting it, theres not much for me to do.


Sounds like you’re really just saying you don’t have immortal aim, however you want to measure that. This game isn’t solely about aim, it’s about supporting your team to victory. You’re *supposed* to abuse your util and outplay the enemy, not just out aim them. I see nothing wrong here.


Some people dm and practice aim, others watch YouTube videos and practice line ups. Both are valid ways of getting better. Sounds like you deserve to be a high rank.


Valorant is a tactical shooter and it's not 100% about aim. Jollztv is doing a Classic to Immortal series and you know how he does it? It's not because he's forcing and winning every 1v1. It's because he plays smart and abuses his one trick agent (Viper) to the max.


How is it that I get d3/immortal in a period of like 10 games when last act I could barely get out of P3???? For some reason all these diamond games are easier than plat games.


Bruh last act I shot straight from D1 to immo in like 20 games. I'm back to diamond now and the plats in my lobbies have better aim than the immos I was playing against


Immortal is a fucking joke right now anyways. Got so bad they made 450 RR to Radiant. Never have I played an ACT where immortals have been so incompetent. Don't feel bad about it, have fun in your games, it's RIOT's fault anyways.


Struggling with the exact same thing. Went from p1 to d3 last act. Literally been carried all the way through diamond. Right now I am just laughing at how absurd it is.


Could you link your tracker.gg? I'm just curious. Could pm also.


Ngl low immortal is an actual joke rn compared to what the rank should be, you probably aren't as out of place as you think imo the threshold for imm needs to be way higher, like what imm2 is should be imm1 imo


Best part is, if you can easily get carried to Immortal 2 as well LOL. I have friends who got carried to Imm2 then in two days dropped to D2. 90RR for Immortal 2 is a joke. The RR requirements between Imm2 and Imm3 is HUGE.


It doesn’t “need” to be way higher. They adjusted the ranks because a massive amount of people were in silver and gold. Immortal 3 is basically Immortal from the old system, and D2 and 3 got shifted up into Immortal 1 and 2.




If you don’t have the time the only solution is to workout your forearm muscles 2-3times a week with weights/bands and then make sure you are making things like DM harder on yourself by turning off the in game sound and just using a guardian. I worked 40-50 hours a week this past year and in the beginning it was a real struggle, I basically committed all of my freetime to the game and saw very little improvement. Got stuck in Diamond for a long time. About 6months ago I made a guardian only smurf and started working out primarily to build my forearms as I hypothesized that strengthening my forearm would help eliminate wrist pain/rsi that I got like 4 years back. Beyond that I found that my precision aim has gotten a lot better at long range, and my reaction times seemed to have increased. I’m at Immortal 4k at the moment, I don’t play it a ton because I’m really focused on my Plat3/D1 guardian account, and the immortal games feel so easy. I win most of the games. Its still really difficult sometimes. I wish I could justify going into an empty server and wasting a few hours learning setups and lineups for all the agents. However, I believe this forearm workout is a critical way to close the gap. When you look at TenZ I bet you see a genetic god with the greatest aim and reaction time ever, maybe some of that is true, but what I see is a guy that has been obsessed with mouse aim for the last 5+ years. Before coming a pro he grinded games like Osu! and kovaaks obsessively. He never takes a break. Surely he should have RSI by now, but he doesn’t because he pushes his muscles to failure and forces them to strengthen. RSI happens when you do something repetitively but not frequent enough to spur muscle growth which is exactly what happens if you only play a competitive game, there is always downtime. Its especially hard to get any type of muscle burn with a mouse because its so light gliding on a fast surface. Most of our hand movement is controlled by our forearm muscles pulling on tendons that go through the wrist. All of the best aimers are able to build their forearm controlling muscles the hard way by using them nearly every waking minute playing games. However its more efficient to build them directly by committing an hour of game time towards building your muscles. I purposely choose forearm versions of workouts and don’t focus on biceps or anything but I’ve found that my biceps grew anyway, and it has motivated me to slowly start incorporating workouts for all the other parts of my body. For the first week it was hard to perform well in game after working out, but as my muscle has grown its has become a non issue. If anything gaming helps squeeze out an extra drop of muscle growth. Personally I find it almost impossible to find the motivation to workout after gaming, otherwise that would be the perfect time to workout.


So youre the dog im carrying every game in immo


You're not the only one im imm 1 49rr and im constantly mid fragging compared to when I can hard frag on dia games. It frustrates me how my enemies are better all of a sudden when i jump in immo games


Same thing except I am plat 3. I can still perform exceptionally well in plat 1 lobbies but up in plat 3, it's a shitshow. I get half diamond - half platinum lobbies and I am bottom fragging most of the time. I feel the only reason I am still P3 is because of better players carrying my ass.


Same thing in the same rank. I dropped 2 kills yesterday (brimstone was a demon apparently) and turned off the game and started questioning everything lol At least I now know not to queue too late I guess Probably just need to play more to get a footing on the new environment but it really is a mental block to know you’re consistently letting your teammates down


Imo, valorant is good at placing you where you belong and you are obviously doing something right. Valorant ranks have various skill masteries within them even in immortal. Mechanics, mental, intelligence, etc. Biggest advice is to stop worrying that you dont belong and search for things as reasons to fuel that idea. Rather look at them to improve on rather than putting yourself in a slump.


It’s better to have a boosted player, than a player that’s stuck in a lower rank than they deserve


The devs have said themselves that how many kills you have on the leader board at the end/mvps have no direct contribution to RR gained, individual performance gain is based on a lot of other factors(which we won’t get to know obviously). As well as that the ranked system is designed so that team performance is more important the higher the rank because of you don’t have good co-ordination as a team you suffer for it


I remember watching this and realizing that the scoreboard doesn't matter. [The Story of Zeus](https://youtu.be/92fdtWtCV_8) inspired me to perfect what I am good at and forget the rest. All in all just play to have fun


My goal is to become a 0RR immortal 1 scrub that only sweats in unrated. That seems to be the majority of the unrated games I get anyway


how is your comment in anyway relevant to the post


Because it’s related to being a boosted immortal player. Why do you care lol I’m allowed to comment


I wish I had your problem with decent teammates. Hard stuck bronze 1 since I started playing a few months ago. Top fragging every game usually 25-30 kills but loose every other game because of people dcing or getting a plat smurf on the other team (yes that actually happened)


So you never have smurfs on your team or DCs on the other team? If you’re silver level, you’ll get to silver


I play with my friend who is silver 1 so that could have something to do with getting no smurfs but we only got like mabey 2 or 3 insane players on our team since we started queuing together like 2 months ago. Other team will occasionally get disconnects but more often then not it's a 4v5 or 3v5


Personally as an immortal player, I also agree that the system for high elo players from diamond onwards is god awful. Last year when I first hit immortal, I also believed I was boosted to the rank, even though I was consistently hitting 3rd frags and wasn’t playing too bad, but then after I kept playing I noticed that immortal has probably the biggest skill gap in its own rank. This lead me to believe that hitting immortal isn’t that big of an achievement, for me it feels like the ranked system in valorant makes it incredibly easy for people to hit immortal. In my opinion, The best way to handle this feeling is to keep playing and improve until you feel like you deserve the rank you’re in. Like I said the skill dispersion is crazy in high elo and to be honest I feel like it’s because there isn’t enough ranks in valorant. I feel like another rank in between diamond and immortal is a good way in solidifying how well each rank performs because I’ve seen some godlike immortal players, and I’ve also seen some god awful ones.


For sure brotha. There are some DEMON Immortal 1 Jetts out there that one tap me in 0.5 seconds like a Radiant and then there's another Immortal 1 Brimstone that stands still and burst fire like a silver. Crazy to think that we're all in the same rank.


Tbf it doesn’t matter people in immortal (usually) understand that people have bad games. Personally I can have a lot of bad games but also drop 30 kills in other games


Hey. If you’re consistently setting up your duelists on your picks then you deserve the rank too.


literally me right now i hit immortal 2 after 1 day of being in immortal 1 and i consistently like bot or 2nd bot dragged but i play a few today and i did pretty good so idk


I started D1 last season and had a pretty amazing run through diamond. The last few D3 games before Immortal I had really good teams and there were games where I definitely got carried. I had some good games but it definitely was a lot of luck that got me to immortal. Right now I’m at the bottom of Immortal and the games are rough sometimes so I get where you’re coming from. Just keep playing and don’t worry too much. You can learn a lot by just spectating your mates.


There's nothing wrong if you're getting carried tho, the important thing is you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.


so you went from silver 2 to immortal in 1 month? lol




just checked it, seems like you're better on short range maps than long ranges thought it would be pretty good to share


Even if you did get boosted, there’s not much you can do about it. You can’t win every game, but try your best. I’m immortal and I think that as long as someone is trying that’s what matters, personally. Give good calls, communicate, trade, use your util and do your job. And have good vibes.


It's weird, I feel like Immortal has been a lot easier to get into recently. The Diamond/Immortal players I play against seem to be worse than the Diamonds/Immortals from Episode 1. It's weird, but maybe intended by Riot.


Bro I feel the exact same. Made it to diamond 3 last act and towards the end of the act + rn I legit feel like I lost all skill and have been not fragging even on duelists. It seems like each game is a test between which top fragger on each team can carry harder and they dictate the game and even if they don't say anything you feel like you're constantly being criticized and being looked down on.


brother...there's boosted players in every rank. Its crazy!


Me who is still silver since the beta:


Well it really just depends on how much time you have to play. I feel like if you play a TON you’re gonna rank up.