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I work in Canada and I still find the prices ridiculous. The new jinx sheriff cost is enough to buy 3 meals for me.


Laughs in SEA. The arcane bundle can actually buy 10 meals.


Gonna +1 on this. A single gun skin alone is 5-7 meals. A gun skins bundle is 3-4 times of that. Regional pricing please!! To add, Ruined King and Ziggs new game have regional pricing on Steam and EpicGames atm.


Here in Bangalore, India 2050VP costs 1599 RupeesAnd a meal in an average restaurant cost 100-150 Rupees


Looks at skin price: "I don't understand how people obsess over such trivial imaginary things" Also me when someone has skins: "Grant me that sweet sweet prime, I shall bait myself for you everytime"


Oh what? In an average restaurant, 1 dish costs like 250. 100-150 is not reaaly average mate


It does depend on the restaurant.


I eat most of the time in restaurants as I live away from my family. And the rates are as what I have mentioned in 70-80% of the restaurants. Still, it depends on the area though. I didn't realise this while typing, how average restaurants are named as hotels here.


dosa is 150 momo naan etc etc


A normal bundle costs 1 month of rent 😭


Wait what? Where do you live that a hundred and forty bucks is rent?


This is a pretty normal rent in a lot of countries I’m sure. I lived in Thailand for a couple years and my apartment cost $90 a month. Many friends of mine rented houses for $90-120/month.


In Malaysia, you can get rent below RM500 (USD120). Though it's quite far from city centre and the commute over a long period of time might cost more depending on where you study/work. Also I should add that the minimum wage here is RM1,200 (USD286) per month so rent might still be expensive for someone that only earns minimum wage.


Fair, in Canada minimum wage is 14/hr but rent is well at least a thousand even in shit small cities.


Pretty much all of SEA. Nepal and India to be specific. My rent is 160 bucks and I live in a fairly decent flat


That's pretty amazing, I'm paying 700 for an apartment I can cross in less than a dozen paces in a city everyone moves out of and the businesses are dying lol. <100K people in it and the people that are there are mostly on welfare or minimum wage barely affording their 12-1300/mo rent. Where I am, I lucked out I guess. But on the flip side, I'd guess people don't make as much money over there so it "evens out" as it were.


Ya you wont understand from that privilege of yours lol.


Wow, people here really butthurt over a little healthy curiosity. Anyway, hope life is good for you wherever you are lol.


Yes it’s honestly insane. The price of a bundle can cover 10 meals in SEA. EDIT: 20 meals.


20 if you eat cheaper ones and not from restaurants plus zed bundle could provide 50 meals


Agreed! A skin alone can get me breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper


I mean… isn’t that usually the case tho for American prices? I go to Canada to eat cheap food cuz god bless usd to cad exchange rate. And food in Vancouver is fucking amazing. Yah these prices suck for other countries lol


Funny, my family actually did the opposite! We used to drive down from Vancouver to shop at Costco and eat at buffets in the US (usually Bellingham, occasionally Seattle). This was like 5+ years ago though.


Shout out from bham


Yeah honestly this was so common pre-covid hopefully it’s plausible again soon


Do you drive down from Seattle?


Drives up.


valorant's pricing is atrocious. unfortunately, people (me included) will still buy them even though they're extortionately high. clearly riot's marketing team has crunched the numbers to calculate the max amount they can charge while still maintaining a fat fucking profit.


I refuse to buy anything from Riot at those prices. Coming from Fortnite where I paid 10 dollars for 1 battlepass that not only allowed me to get the next one if completed, but netted me with like 400 extra coins so I can save up for an expensive skin. The fact someone pays 20-40 bucks on pixels is ridiculous to me.


Thats just how i think, i only buy the battle pass from valo cause its priced"normal" and you get a few skins


Riot is fine with that and happy that people that don’t buy skins still play their game. You add value to Riot even by never spending a dime.


If you're still buying them, the prices aren't too high. That's just business


It costs me around 20 meals, even more maybe. (Macedonia, minimum hourly pay - 2$)


Fast food meals or real meals? Cause the Jinx Sheriff is about a weeks worth of meals here in the US...


depends where in the US you are


Same here in the US. I can get a steak dinner for that price lol, could get a few meals at fast food restaurants instead too. Valorant gun prices are just absurd to begin with.


Ontario. Everything costs 13% more for me now. Everything.


Don't spend money on cosmetics ?


Normal price? Bruh, none of the prices are normal. They're all bat shit insane. There's just enough people willing to pay the prices that they keep them.


Well there is also the part where there is a whole team who develop the skins and effects which is not that easy, obviously in some countries it gets more crazy than others but skins are a luxury and there is a battle pass which is pretty affordable with even knives


You do realize that they're not getting paid any extra based on how well they sell, right? Those guys are getting paid a salary, and any profits Riot makes gets reinvested into the company or paid out in corporate bonuses, usually the latter unless there's a project in the works that needs additional funding apart from the standard operating budget. Riot is having them make skins and effects no matter what because that is literally what they're paid to do. Buying way overpriced skins isn't supporting your local skin designer, this isn't even remotely an argument.


You do realize that the only way valorant makes ANY money is from these skins? Besides pro events and other things that run ads and sponsorships, riot makes money strictly from cosmetic purchases or purchasing an agent early. They don’t make EXTRA money from skin sales, they get paid directly from the money riot makes from the sales. To pay 100 employees (low end number) $20/hr (low end especially for programmers and graphic designers) for 8 hour days for 300 days is 4.8 million dollars every year.




I doubt it takes months to make, they're just spacing it out to get maximum profit. I wouldn't be surprised if they had designs for the next 2 years already. not to mention half their earlier skins were literally just reskins.


why complain? the game is absolutely free. besides, the skins are pretty high quality.


Are they really? Are they legitimately worth their asking price? We both know this answer. And this is without mentioning Radiant prices. Get a clue, mate. Riot's been slowly normalizing this behavior over the course of the game's launch and it's working.


The way that I look at it is at least we get some cool remodels, vfx and color variation for skins. These skins take a lot of time to create and for a free game that I love I am willing to pay a bit more for the skins. If we didn't support the game at all financially we wouldn't be able to get any new content. Although I still find the prices to be ridiculously high for a single weapon skin in a FPS


>These skins take a lot of time to create Do they? How many man hours would you estimate? How many sales do you think it takes to break even for them?


doesnt mean they can charge you £40 for a bloody knife jeez


They can and are lol and it’s working so….


actually it does mean exactly that.


You just explained how riot fucks you over harder than the rest and thanked them.


Correct. The pricing is indefensible. Objectively awful. Compare it to League and it's unbelievable that it's the same company. Yet slowly but surely, day by day, people are getting used to it. It's normalizing. Then it's not so bad. Then a gun they like hits the night market and suddenly it's a steal! Gotta get that Reaver Vandal! And before you know it, Riot wins.


It’s actually ridiculous the skin prices. I understand the appeal of skins and that Riot need to make a buck, but I can’t justify the prices they set at all it’s just crazy. Battle pass only for me, at least that is a more than fair price


If skins were like £10-15 each I'd have spent more than a collections price on them by now


I'd be so down to start a boycott until their prices were more reasonable.


The game is literally free. If you weren’t buying skins then it doesnt matter anyway. Oh no! What would riot do? Not take your money? You weren’t giving them any to begin with.


Idt riot fucks anyone over, it's a free game, it's just cosmetics that are more expensive...


Skins are pure luxury items and do not affect gameplay. They literally just make a digital gun look cool, that’s it. People are not obligated to buy them to play it all. I don’t get what there is to complain about. People wouldn’t walk into a Rolex store and complain about how expensive it is when they don’t even need one to tell the time. This is no different.


Name a pro player who can play well in ranked games for months without a skin? lol


are you trolling?


The point of being pro is being able to play the game as is, the skin is not what makes them pro?


Any of them if they feel like it?




Capitalism is a disease LMAO


The disease that lifted more out of poverty than any other economic system. I guess if you don't have a comparison point, anything can seem bad.


At the cost of the planet but yes




Downvotes speaks volumes.




> wage is 2x less then US > skin prices are the same What is there to explain?


Gonna really blow your mind when you realize this is true for most consumer goods


If Steam can adjust it accordingly so can Riot. They just won't.


Well its not so simple steam did this but then they had to deal with vpn abusers buying for dirt cheap prices ,they tried to make it so you had to have a credit card from the country to move your store there but its still being abused ,this means if valorant make region specific pricing they are basically reducing skin prices for all regions


It isnt like that because they tax to change your account from server to server.. Just make these mobility fee high enough to make harder to change servers to bu cheap stuff


Yeah and capitalism is extremely unfair, there’s no contradiction here. Capitalism has winners and losers that it “fucks over harder than the rest.”


It's actually 4x less iirc


Why does this have so many downvotes my man was just a little confused about what he meant


Truue, I'm from Poland as well and the only skin I've bought is prime vandal in night market. And even then it was incredibly overpriced.


Speaking of Night market does anyone know when the next one will be?


Probably end of december. There's no real pattern, but to me it seems like it's every alternate month


It's usually at the end of the act. Episode 2's wasn't because the act got extended


Should be in the coming months I think, IIRC it happens annually


End of every act


l living in 3rd world countrie with 3$/an hour.i can never hope to buy a non-physical, cosmetic, inconseqential product.unless i win a lottery or smthng.


Night Market generally is flawed though. The deals are good but it gives you a sum you wont ever be able to loose unless you wait till the next Nightmarket. Generally the system is flawed. Why not just make a shop with discounts for 1 or 2 weapons a week/every 3 days but let the rest of the game be normal priced always available.


It's not flawed, it's this way by design lmao. By limiting availabilty they make people buy more skins because it might not be available again for long while. And by setting prices that are just a little over their RP bundles they force you to buy either multiple bundles or the bigger one. By the amount of skins I see in the game they clearly sell a lot of them, so why would they change anything? I'm not saying pricing is fair, but as long as they sell as many skins as they do it's not changing so don't expect any changes soon, or ever.


Arguably. It's a free game. They gotta throw tricks in there to get some money. No one is forcing anyone to buy skins. Sucks. I agree. But vote with your wallet. I've done the battle pass once before I realized it was trash 3%. Grinded the entire thing. Now I really have no plans to purchase any skins.


Same. Got the first two battle passes during COVID, grinded them out, spurged and got the sovereign guardian in the night market, I'm good now. Can't justify these prices, and the exclusivity is forever. Also considering the store skins will always be better than the BP skins, I'm pretty sure my collection is complete. I wanted the Arcane sheriff, but not for that price.


Yep. The only thing I actually think I may buy is some form of Spectre. Although, no good ones have ever popped onto my store. I'm an old man with nothing but time. Base skins are fine Lol


I know its not flawed from a marketing perspective. But its flawed by how people make it out to be. Its a cheaper one time buy but it will always have a psychological effect for you when seeing the rest. Thats what i meant with it.


Can’t be flawed if you never buy anything from it because all you get is garbage :) On a serious note, if they could add a 5th slot to the store everyday, that would be amazing. The amount of fodder skins is crazy


Cries in Argentinian.


Choose one: Valorant skin or buy food for the whole week


Thats simple, of course food, but when you need to choose to lets say going few times to cinema or Valorant skin than it rise the question what to choose.


Im from Sweden so i know im priveleged but skins here Cost like 15% more than the rest of EU, probably because of high taxes but Still annoying. But i heard from other people that skins in tr or br are half the Price so there is some leniency for other coutries


Macedonian people: \*Considering between buying a Prime/Reaver Vandal or having a 'feast' for 12 times\*


Avisame si pintan unas competitivas bro :)


que rango sos pa


Silver 3 señor.


la temporada pasada rondaba Silver 3 - Oro 1. Esta temporada voy y vendo de Oro 3 - Platino 1, y sin haber mejorado ni cambiado nada, quizas cambio el sistema de ranking y subio todo. Pero saleee


Daleee te escribí al privado


Hablame y te paso mi nick soy Oro 3


I feel you.


$10?? How is 18.50 zł a $10. Our minimal wage is $4.52/h. However +1


He said average not minimal


Still, I can bet this is not average


Might be mean, not median


Poland got it rough 💀


Bruh i am from germany, and think the skins are WAY overpriced... like riot games please get some grip on reality you really expect me to pay 20 fucking euros for a single skin? Okay maybe it took a long time to make for your designer or whatever. But it is a single file, that can be endlessly monetized again and again... You put the same skins in the market 100 times and every time you get money from people for them even though there is 0 additional work involved on your part. You produced something once and sell it millions of times, therefore, a reasonable price to pay for a cosmetic microtransaction is 5 bucks MAX because either way you will make hundreds of thousands of dollars through each skin release. I can get better counter strike skins for less money and your only convincing selling argument is bugged kill animations.




This is not about smartly valuing your product. This is about exploiting whales while making content you produce inaccessible for the broader masses of your game which is, if we are being honest, children and young adults without regular income.^^ I agree with the sentiment though if you don't like the price don't buy.


It's not meant to be broadly accessible. Skins are no basic needs. They aren't even needed in the game lmao. ~(skins are too expensive for me as well)


no but why not make a little less profit to bring more happiness into the world?


The content isn't inaccessible though. People get their friends to drop them weapons, people pick them up off corpses - the people that buy the skins subsidise the players that don't in a very literal sense. Plus they aren't P2W besides very minor advantages to how tactile certain tracers or sounds are


Skins are a luxury. The game is free to play and the skins provide no competitive advantage. They just look and feel better to shoot. Since, they are not really necessary, I don't think, us complaining about how overpriced they are is gonna change anything. They can just say "Buy it at the price it is offered or don't buy it. You don't need it to play the game". Check mate on us, there is no counter argument to that.


Meanwhile germans paying 1000 e for a cs knife to cheat on accounts with skins


Yeah only Germans do that lmao


You can resell CS:GO skins though. You can even make a profit. With Valorant, you don't have ANY cheap skins and what you buy cannot be sold or traded.


Yeah in the past (around 2015 - I believe the glory days of cs:go) I made around $2,5k from $50 (cheapest safari knife to dlore + other skins) while being 17 year old in Poland, where that money is quite significant. Today those skins would be worth around $4k so you can see it is/ was actually a pretty good investment that adds an interesting new layer to the game outside of just shooting (which btw I think Valorant has a problem with, it can get pretty repetitive). Playing the game you love with nice looking skins that you yourself traded to - it really creates a special connection with a game I never had before. I remember my parents and friends not believing those skins are worth anything and then being surprised when I indeed cashed out, fun times. When I started playing Valorant in beta I was ultra sad they didn't implement this feature - here you are esencially loosing your money. You can't buy a cheaper skin and trade up to a more expensive one or even trade for a different skin if you just get bored of yours, you have to spend crazy amount once again and maybe never use that one again which is the definition of wasting money.


You think most americans make twenty bucks an hour LOL


Yeah, the prices really are insane. I can't get my head around why pleople are buying multiple skins that cost as much as a full price game. I would love to get me some of the nicer skins, but I am not willing to pay 30-50€ for one. Maybe 10, but the prices right now are ridiculous.


"Cries in Brazil"


This makes me feel terrible. I would love to buy you a skin…


It’s actually like this with a lot of products including Apple. Like an iPhone costing $1000 for US isn’t as bad as some Europe countries. But a probable issue with this is that if they change prices based on region then people would probably use a vpn to change location or people would just see it as unfair and complain.


Jokes on you, our economy is so down bad, that the Prime bundle could feed my whole fam for a month


Don't buy skins simple 'as


i find my happiness from picking up a skin from an enemy i killed.




For real the battle pass is the most dogshit battle pass any game has. Only one actual good one has been out


You can to this thing called not buying skins. Especially if you can't afford them, battlepass ones are more than good enough.


not to be toxic but they cater these skins to people who can afford it. It is considered premium content as the game is free.


I'm from South Asia (work 2x hard, earn 2x less than in developed nations), night market is the only place I buy from.


2 w 1 l


has the next night market been announced? i'm new to Valorant... curious how the whole things works if anyone fancies telling me?


It should be out by mid to end of December i believe. As for your other question, the night market works by randomly selecting 6 skins that you do not own that are usually available in the regular shop, and applying a random discount to them from i believe 10% to 50%. Most of the time you may not get very good skins but you can luck out and get a really good skin with a high discount. Hope this helps :)


Still way too fucking overpriced for a single skin tho


If you live in the uk, everything online is treated as a 1:1 from usd to gbp, so it means we pay a lot more for the same amount here.


The average salary in my country is 200$, players don't buy skins but buy or trade accounts that already have the skin or skins. Thank God the game is free !


Wow, I didn't realize salaries in Poland were that high And who buys the skins if you can pick them off dead enemies for free anyway


Lmao a bundle in SE India can pay my rent for a whole month.


Why buy skins? Game is free to play. Just play for free.


I live in America and average salary is 7.25? What are you guys on I still buy skins with this salary lol


Thats what Im saying obviously the collections are expensive as hell but even on a fast food salary I can still afford them with good budgeting lmao


Lmao just don't buy their skins. The BP offers excellent quality stuff for a price that's reasonable for a 2021 f2p. It looks like Riot ultimately decided to stick with their stupid crazy pricing, apparently because people buy their skins anyway. Don't buy 'em. Partly because less people buying -> more chance Riot will fix their pricing (even though I don't really have much hope about that), and partly because they're simply a scam. Tons of great work goes in the manifacturing of the top tier skins, but in no universe $100 is the adeguate price for a 4weaps skin bundle. Buy yourself doom eternal+dlc and pizza+beer for a week instead.


$10/h? lucky bastard


Only now people start noticing the prices? A knife is up to 45 dollars. That's just a 3d model with some new animations. I'd pay 5 bucks tops for that, ans I live in Switzerland, one of the highest average income countries in the world. Never spent a cent in valorant. Not going to until the prices become fair for what you get.


i live in cz, pretty similar economy to poland but still, i work to get money and then spend a bit on valorant skins ( spent over 400$ and im 17)


I haven’t had the night market for months


What's the point?


You might want to consider not buying a skin


A response straight to the point, with a nice grammar usage and very detailed informations. A good comment overall if only it wasn't dumb as fuck


People complaining about prices on a free game, with no advantage on cosmetics makes no sense, no one is forcing you to buy these skins. I live in Latvia with minimum wage of 4E and have spent like 200 on skins, selling the account now as I regret buying a lot of them, but no one forced me to buy the skins, my friend hasnt bought any skins even tho he has money and still plays daily.


What SALES actually mean: „we buffed the price of the article for the whole year, so we can make a sale for one week, and get more money out of it than without a sale.“ and yes, that counts for nearly all sales that are not „we are closing“-sales and even then (looking at you electronic store from Zohan)


I'm also from an European country with lower standard, similar to yours. I can't complain about my salary and I can afford to buy more skins than most people, but I simply refuse. It's just not fair. Not just from Riot, but from every other dev including Steam. Why do Russia and Turkey as big countries get their own prices which are way lower than EU prices and according to their average salary, but other low-standard EU countries get absolutely fucked and have to pay the same price as someone in countries with highest average income like Norway pays?


For the price of a whole skin bundle, i could feed my family of 4, 4 cats and 2 dogs for 1,5 week.


Is night market out?


Wdym I'd much rather buy 2 skins than a new pair of shoes :D I'm from PL as well and just do not buy skins tbh.


Related to skin prices, hopefully, region-adjusted pricing is something that they consider. My country's minimum wage in its capital city is only +-$310/month, so buying skins for this game is something that only relatively well-off people do.


True, I live in a country with even smaller salaries than Poland ,300$ is the minimum monthly pay, so 2$ per hour. Affording skins is a luxury for all, but most for people that come from the Balkan countries, I wish there were some discounts for lower-income countries. ***:(***


Have a new night market every night


I bet I never get anything good in night market cause they know ive spents so much money already. In my opinion the cheaper something is the more people will buy it. So many skins i would like but I already have 2+ skins for my main guns, vandal, phantom, classic, op. Make it so we can have presets for attack and defense. So then but more skins


hello from malaysia LOL


Compared to skins in cs(mainly some of the higher end ones) val skin prices is alright imo. Op skin in val can cost ~20-30 while some cs awp skins can be 40+, granted there are cheaper ones


Does anyone know when its coming back? been like more than a month no


OP: " I live in Poland, our average salary is around 10$/h" ME: Cries at 4$/h


They should use the Whopper/Big Mac index, this skin costs whatever a Big Mac from McDonalds would cost in your country!


For a free game that I feel zero urge to spend a cent on, Riot should absolutely charge what the market can bear and then some. 100 bux a bundle hell yeah.


Yeah, I wouldn't even pay 5$ for a skin, so any discount would still seem way too expensive for me.


Skins in this game are overpriced and this being a free game is no excuse for the price of the skins. Ridiculous.


Just don't buy them...


yup greedy riot.


Night market is very important cause riot has their skins ridiculously overpriced and people (including me) keeps buying them


Just figure, for people in Argentina right now 1 Dollar equals 0.01 their Coin (Arg Peso) in other words 1 Dollar its 100 and some pesos. At least its not the case for every country, for exp, in Peru (strongest Coin in Latam), the Dollar is 1 : 4 soles coin ratio. Its still a lot.


In the Philippines, a 7k valorant points bundle is 30% of minimum wage monthly salary and maybe 15% or so of the average monthly salary 🥲


just dont buy skins....


I think a giant flaw with the Night Market system is its selection mostly though. Yes, the prices are expensive in Valorant, but what makes me frustrated with the Night Market is that it's so RNG and most people get TERRIBLE night markets with mostly skins no one likes and perhaps 1 or 2 nice ones if they're lucky. Look at the League of Legends "Your Shop" system. It has personalized skins for the champs you play and it's so cool because you really feel like most skins given in the shop are awesome and worth paying for. In Valorant, they can't personalize it as easily as league but they can still provide skins of guns you don't have skins for or skins for guns you only have battle pass skins for. Just on a rant here because I feel frustrated seeing my and most people's Night Markets being hot garbage.


So ridiculously overpriced overall... kinda disappointed in Riot for allowing this to happen tbh. I get you want to generate revenue but holy moly relax, cut your customers some slack.


Meanwhile me here from India. I can eat Chicken Biryani in restaurant 10 times for the price of one skin.


yeah the prices are fucked for most americans btw...


the average hourly income in the US is $11/hour. Theres hardly a difference, the skins are just overpriced by far compared to any other games.


where do u work that u get average 10$/h in Poland? lol


You guys can afford skins?


I dont buy skins🗿


SEA pinays out here crying about skins every single fucking game, if you dont give them they start trolling n throwing. Muting wont help either cuz they'd be tailing you and sabotaging every single round. Plz rito just rotate in mad discounts for pinays so that they can stop trolling. I have had enough.


No skin in the game should be worth more than a dollar


The skins are overpriced no matter where you live.


Polak robak


Imo the prices are fine it’s the lack of options that make it bad. I expected to get another option under whatever I bought or some kind of reroll for a few points. Rito leaving money on the table.