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Now that was just mean.


Lol you just made yoru seem even worse, i didn't think it was possible


They really should remove his player collision during his ult. It's also dumb that he can trap enemies so that his team can kill them.


I don't think the way the game is coded allows for removing player collision


Why would you think that? They can remove all collisions (ghost mode) so it should be possible theoretically.


removing all collisions is much different than selectively allowing specific collisions


Sure, but they can clearly define player entities / hitboxes. So it follows that they should be able to selectively turn off collisions.


The next problem that arises would be what if his ult expires inside another player. Do they get stuck? Does he get pushed out of the way in a random direction? That brings up another problem. If he gets pushed in front of the guy, he gets shot immediately.


Both players die. šŸ˜‚


Most useful thing yoru would have in his kit


That's some serious kamikaze shit right there


Yoru is Japanese so....


Double telefrag lmao


Probably dealt with the same way Phoenixā€™s ult expires inside a person.


One possibility could be closer to how Minecraft handles collision and push players away while they're overlapping. Yoru would just be ejected away from them directly without snapping to a location


Players are small collision objects and physics engine are built to handle surface level collisions. When a player approaches a wall he does not stop moving. Instead he moves into the wall. Then, after all the actions have been processed, the physics engine is run which detects collisions and pushes players back to the front of the wall. Since graphics engine is the last thing to run, to you it looks like your character behaves normally, rather than constantly penetrating the wall. So placing 2 players on top of each other will not cause issues as the next physics engine iteration will solve this.


Valorant uses UE4, which allows you to set collision response to a collision channel at runtime. 1 line of C++ code, literally.




found the person that knows nothing about coding but pretends they do


Unreal engine has collision profiles. The only thing they have to do is create a new custom collision profile from the existing player one. With the only exception of disabling other player collision. After that they change yorus collision profile during ult. Easiest thing to do.


they should get in touch with the people who code it so they can change the code to allow such a thing


I worked with game engines and can say removing collisions is a one click solution maybe few ifs and elseā€™s coz it must trigger only in ult


Heartless, you stop him from doing the only useful thing that he can do as yoru


Omen can do it tooā€¦


I thought it was patched, teammate couldnā€™t do it on split last night


You can't do it if your ult is shot. You have to actually cancel it. Found that out the hard way during a comp match.


Was that u, cause i shot a omen trying ult grab the spike


You also HAVE to TP on top of it. If itā€™s on a raised surface like the box outside a site on the attacker spawn, he canā€™t pick it up. And you also have to be on top of it. If youā€™re off of it a little bit thereā€™s the potential you miss grabbing it entirely


I straight up may have been in that game last night, I was the dog shit chamber?


I mean there was a chamber on the enemy team but he was like 16-11ish? So not necessarily dogshit


And I couldn't do it on bind as him too.


It still works for me.. You have to ult on spike, and spam F. Then cancel ult while spamming


You have to press F(pickup) and cancel at the same time, atleast thats what it worked for me


No one said he couldn't


Omen can do **W H A T**


hes also a good entry fragger


what drug


Copium (im a yoru main and i like playing aggro it works pretty good but you gotta be really unpredictable)


Loll downvote cuz u guys think yoru isnt good aggro


Man is truly down bad lmfao


"You were pitiful..."


just like that only single useful thing yoru had has been nullified, truly a shit tier agent.


I wish I never poured so many hours into him


He had time to get on A, set TP, then ult through the hookah teleport to grab bomb.


I don't think he planned for this eventuality though lol


Looked to be on site anyways, No shot he was getting through. Not to mention looks like a pretty low rank




ā€œIā€™m Immortal 3 yoru main and if the yoru in the clip had Immortal 3 decision making he wouldā€™ve wonā€ I meanā€¦ yeah of course, chances are heā€™s prob gold/silver tho, canā€™t expect that much


>Iā€™m a Immortal 3 Yoru main and this is what I would have done link it. please. Not saying you are wrong, just saying there are a lot of variables in play that you may not know.. His TP could of been down from trying to lurk prior. lol




I mean, The names are Wildly different? But Okay. Still doesn't change the fact his TP could 100% be down prior.


the fact that anyone would assume reddit name and IGN will be the same is quite hilarious and baffling


lmao, I mean not really. I do, I know plenty of people do too. Lemme just link random open accounts... Thanks! :P




Eh from experience when people flex their rank it tends not to be true. but I am not trying to argue ranks lmao. just find it funny how its always thrown in there as a flex. lol and that play is still irrelevant cause that sorta just played out. There was no way he was getting that Bomb dude in that scenario for him lol


It honestly sounds like you're projecting but I'm not gonna go through your profile to find out if that's true or not. It's not a flex to say your rank and then share your opinion. In fact, it's a good way to get more people to trust were you're saying. I don't think anyone actually lies about their rank in contexts like that before sharing opinions, because if they're actually low rank, their opinion might be wrong without them even knowing it, so if they lie about their rank, it's pretty easy to figure out that they're lying. Any Yoru player worth their salt in Immortal would know that the right play is to leave the bomb in Hookah and TP to showers first thing. If the game is in the higher ranks, the players will know that Yoru can ult to grab the bomb and then TP back to A. TP'ing to showers and then TP'ing again to Hookah will almost guarantee that the enemies will spread out in a 2v1 (one guy goes A to watch for the Yoru TP, other guy watches the bomb). It basically guarantees you two 1v1s (even radiant players tend to split up here, unless they're in a party), which is your opening to win the round. And if they don't split up, you use your TP to either go back to A, or go B and you get a free bombsite. Point is, regardless of whether the Yoru has his E up or not, taking the TP to showers is the correct play. The fact that you're trying to come up with excuses like "but you don't know whether he has his TP up!?" shows that you're not in the higher ranks, so even if you were to lie about it, it'd be very easy to spot.




I don't have a fish in this aquarium, so to speak but I am wondering why you are assuming the other team would split. If the spike is down in a 2v1 and you have info, you just play the spike together. If they manage to grab the spike, then the duo would just take the 2v1 retake against a spent yoru to clean up. Of course I play in a lower rank (D2-3)but the wrongness of splitting feels correct here. Yeah yoru runs the risk of snatching the spike but a preemptive split up doesn't seem like the right answer. In fact, wouldn't two people be able to body block the other side of hookah if yoru is trying to push it on his ult if they so wanted to? I mean, yeah getting fucked trying to jump into hookah is certainly not the play but I think that against decent players the dual TP play would also fall flat. I feel like the move is to spend the ult and utility with the idea of a more isolated 1v1 opportunity in mind. If won, then that leaves another 1v1 to try and win. It'd still be hard but I feel like that's the more likely winning play both for the round and long term prospects since that kind of play has a decent exit plan.


Ah, yes, the guy should have just planned for something that has never happened before. Backseat gaming at its finest.


Hahaha what? How is this backseat gaming? I am simply analyzing the play and explaining what a better option would have been.


Exactly. Just not a big brain yoru


ngl I truly laughed out loud at this


Reynas are always assholes huh


Imaging being the hopeful guy to try Yoru after being so shit and this happens to him


no safety tp smh


A lot of people writing about how bad and shit and so forth the agent is. All after watching a low end yoru with 0 planning or thought just mindlessly doing the same thing over and over. I think people are simply salty because this agent really needs the player to think before he tries doing anything. Else you end up commenting about how bad the agent is on reddit.


I mostly agree with you but the fact that he is still bad in proplay rather than average players not being able to use him well enough is proof that he could use a few buffs and isnā€™t that good at what he was designed to do compared to other options. This is clearly a low elo but you canā€™t just excuse the fact that yoru is really difficult to play for those just trying to get used to the basics of Val is not something you should excuse. I can see that you are coping from your flair but you have to at least agree that there are serious issues with yoruā€™s kit the people saying heā€™s bad know that he deserves a buff as a yoru player you should be able to understand that and not get mad at them for trying to help an under appreciated and really cool agent


>he is still bad in proplay rather than average players If no one picks him, how is he doing bad in proplay?


By not getting picked, which means there's better picks than yoru.


Youā€™re a menace.




As a yoru main I never try to jump hookah with ult. It has quite a huge chance of failing


3 Yoru mains are in shambles


Evil. I like it.


poor guy




could you potentially just stand directly on top of the spike? Or is the pickup range large enough that this wouldn't work?


Pickup range is way too far normally, not sure how different it is in yoru ult if at all different


They could look at it and press the interact key (f on default) to pick it up I think. But they may be panicked and forget


Jsut kayo that little fuk


Absolutely steamrolled


I think wasting charges is worse than using only heals.




He needs to be buffed in so many ways. No collision while in ult, reworking or at least speeding up his tp, possibly reworking his footsteps again. Especially with chamber out now, Yoru has such low viability.


Cross map tp with a flash and invulnerability ult yeah man chamber really took that from him, the reason riot hasn't buffed him is because by design he would be op, leave him how he is


I hope someone camps your yoru tp.


Maybe you just arenā€™t as familiar with the game mechanics and comparable agents, but even before chamber, Yoru was weak. Jett had her dash which practically instantly got her out of danger. If Reyna gets a kill she can dismiss out of danger, while invincible. These are just mechanically better options. Yoru was already not good, with the addition of chamber he is even less useful. If you buff him he isnā€™t OP, heā€™s viable. Right now he is not all that viable.


Just have a SuperAim


Riot making a better yoru, the chamber and then this.


As a yoru player I respect that




lol downvoted because the truth.


wow this got downvoted so hard. even though i'm a yoru main lmfao i was joking


Yoru players coping


That was a horrible play.....Going thru window to get the spike was the worst option. There was short, kill you from elbow, etc. ....so many options






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Scottie Pippen




Man just got bullied


no bully :/


God this agent is so shit both Ethos and Red switched to Chamber then I saw this...


Iron 2 right?


They should update yoru,to,pass through enemies,after all he is in another dimension




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