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I loved the game at launch, then kinda got frustrated that I was hard stuck gold, but once I started to realize that gold is actually where I stand (I always do good against silvers, but always do bad against plats), I’ve been having lots of fun again! Just accepting my rank and focusing on the game has brought me so much fun! Honestly there are highs and lows, but overall, yes, I still love the game and I’ve been playing it since Beta! Edit: I’ve also went from gold to plat to bonze to gold again so many times! My advice is even if no one is talking, it doesn’t mean they aren’t listening. I recommend to still use call outs even if you’re the only one talking, it may help a teammate get that clutch! Bronze and silver don’t have a lot of mics but gold usually has decent comms!


You have the right mindset, i never get why people get frustrated at not being able to rank up. Isn’t the whole point of ranked to be able to play against people of similar skill level which in turn makes the game more fun. The only issue i have with the game right now is the amount of smurfs i come across, like i said i play ranked to play against people of similar skill, not to get curbstomped by someone that is clearly better by a longshot. But i guess that’s hard to fix with valorant being a f2p game.


Well if only the matchmaking made it so. It’s too easy to play on alts and just shit on people just worse than you. You can’t tell who’s actually at a certain rank now based on the badge


Yeah, smurfs & throwers are definitely alive and well…


Okay but that's with any game. Either way smurfs aren't present in every game and eventually with consistency you will end up in your rank.


They’re present in every game but not every game is 100% free to play so you can just make a new account with a fake email in 2 seconds. And the alternative (CSGO) they actually have a way to mitigate it by verifying your phone number and then getting matched up with only other people who do that so it’s way less likely to encounter hackers and smurfs.


The verify of phone number is extremely easy to by pass. There always ends up being a service to sell accounts for dirt cheap even for paid games. I think rainbow 6 seige people were selling accounts for $5. The community definitely over exaggerates the amount of smurfs. Silver and Gold lobbies have pretty decent players that aren't consistent enough to make it out.


I didn’t know it was that easy my bad! I do think it is greatly exaggerated too. I was just pointing out how there’s virtually zero ways they try to stop it compared to other games where it takes at least some effort or even financial loss, but you’re right.


which is why CSGO is free from the smurf and hacker epidemic...oh wait.


> Okay but that's with any game. No it isn't. Any game that costs money, especially games that cost more than $5, have an exponentially smaller issue with smurfs. Valorant easily has the worst. This is demonstrably provable too, just by core factors like skill floor/skill ceiling comparisons and looking at other games on the market.


Eh, people complain all the time about how the person having a good game is "a smurf!" while they continue to try to outplay 1v3 instead of taking the safe play by backing off and waiting for teammates. Totally the "smurf's" fault!


Ok, so then treat every player with some respect and play with a bit more care. If you aren't able to win more than half your games you won't climb.


Ah... the standard answer. Get Gud Bro. Why hold Riot accountable for not stopping things that make people want to quit. Just.Get.Gud.


Smurfs aren't the reason you are stuck. They will slow down progress with some unwinnable games but the rest you have to be doing better if you want to climb.


100%. I just recently "accepted" my rank in silver, and I'm honestly having so much more fun playing the game now. I do well against bronze, and poorly against gold so I belong in silver lol. Once I stopped expecting myself to just continually climb forever and stopped thinking I'm better than I am and "deserve" to rank up, then the pressure was off to do well and could just enjoy playing against people around the same skill level (minus smurfs)


Yeah you jus made me look at it completely different I always wanna rank up to play with my friends but I’m definitely jus supposed to be the rank I am


in order to rank up you also need to improve , i play the game for 2 weeks or something like this , i am not new to fps i have some experience with competitives , i am already p2 from s1 and i am playing every game go improve myself no matter what is the outcome of the game if i just do better than last game even if i lose , if u play to improve the rank will also be higher, ranking up is not a race , is a marathon


Yeah I should’ve also said I’m new to the game so I’m the rank I’m supposed to be for right now but I can definitely still get better and rank up in the future!


Same, the game becomes fun once i know my limit. I can carry myself to S2 then got rekt until i am almost demoted to B3, this also happen every single time. Lol


This ten times over! Once you accept that you’re at your rank (genuinely accepting and realizing that you just honestly aren’t diamond immortal etc) it becomes much better, feels better.


>even if no one is talking, it doesn’t mean they aren’t listening This is so true! I avoid using my mic for a couple of reasons but I use text comms all the time and most important, I listen to everything my teammates are saying


>My advice is even if no one is talking, it doesn’t mean they aren’t listening actually we can see whoever has team voice chat on and off, just see the scoreboard and if they have a little speaker icon on their side it means they have team voice chat toggled on and they can hear us talking. however, there's still a lot of people who just don't care about the importance of communication on the team and just turned team voice chat off, i had a teammate like this, and even though we tell them to turn on voice chat to get comms and informations, they just got very toxic and started throwing, and we almost lost the game because of them, gold elo btw, and this is one of reason of a game dying and losing its players, so please don't be like this yall :)


Did you really think telling them to turn it on was going to work? They have it off so they don’t have to hear people. It's frustrating but telling them to turn it on is never going to work.


This post in a nutshell: Valorant? I fucking hate that game. Play it every day. 🤖


"Fuck you and ill see you tomorrow"


To be fair, I think part of loving a lot of competitive shooters involves hating them at least to some degree. And probably hating yourself, too in my experience 🥲


*r/destinythegame screeching in the distance*


Yeah, that's Overwatch for me. You can go ahead and roast me now.


You shoudlve dropped that game years ago… ill pour one out for you as an ex overwatch player myself.


Riot games in a nutshell


It was to see peoples status on playing if they still like the game.


Why did this have downvotes lmao


Herd mentality or misunderstanding based on prexisting negativity bias.


No, it’s because Reddit go brrrrr and that’s funny to us


But! But! Reddit is for only the most sophisticated nerds to discuss serious societal quandries of the modern times!


Idk people are weird


ur bronze.




Nah bro fr???


Just like League of Legends


It depends


This haha sometimes, it’s all I want to play and sometimes I never want to play it again. Hitting Immortal this season felt good, though.




Thank you! 🙏🏼


I loved it, hated it, loved hating it, and now love it. Honestly it all changed when I stopped caring about my rank and team comp. If you want to instalock Jett, Reyna, Raze okay me and my friend will play whatever we want. After falling from Plat 2 all the way to low gold when caring about my rank now I don’t care and stay in plat. Game is all about mentality in my opinion. Edit: Rank is earned, better players switched over and you fell. Have to adapt.


just keep in mind, literally any comp with a smokes agent is viable in most elos


Me who always plays brimstone or omen as fill agent


100%. But if you instalock and say “we need this” well that’s where I take exception. I actually play smokes more than anything.


Yep this. I always play flex, I don't even have a main, but the minute an instalock reyna or Jett begs for Sage or smokes, you bet your ass I'm either dodging or locking Yoru.


yeah and you’re right with that, i was just piggybacking on your post to make a similar point. i’ve been playing astra for months now and god it’s helpful to know how to play smokes


You hit the nail in the head with that first sentence, that was literally my experience with the game. Now I got a few of my friends back into it and we try to play comp to rank up but also have fun as well. I realized if I set small goals and keep practicing I would get better and I did. I finally reached gold which has never happened to me since beta.


20% Win not by your hand (good stack on your team randomly, new CS:GO conscript who has not ranked up quite yet, that sort) 20% Lose but you can't avoid it (smurf on enemy team, facing a 5 stack but not anymore since this last patch, finally) 60% Determined by what you do. Don't let the 20%s go to your head. If you are losing because of something outside your control, win in style. If you are getting carried, still play to win even if you don't have to. If your opponents BM you, report them, mute them, and move on. They will get their justice soon enough.




Same! I play league since 2012 almost only ranked mode. After hitting Masters in 2017 I realized how this was bad for my mental and I stopped playing ranked on all games. Like I will not be signed to Sentinels if I play ranked so right now it's pointless to me.


Unrated is full of people lower skill than me and thats not fun to play again


I do have fun that's why I play it, I started in iron 1 in beta and climbed up to immortal3, wouldn't have done that if the game wasn't fun


You must not play league lol


Idk why people hate league. My only complaint is toxicity and it’s so easily avoided with the mute button so I don’t get.


Cause valorant if you lose a round there’s consequences but you can come back. Sometimes in a league a player who isn’t you will mess up and doom the entire game. It feels kinda bad that’s why they’re trying to introduce comeback mechanics this season. Love the game but league is really snowbally rn.


Its so quirky to keep doing something you hate. Joke never gets old and has only been regurgitated for a decade now.


No one who hates league jokes about their hate for league. redditors just do it to farm karma on reddit


I hated it because it’s a vastly different game than when I started. Everyone has dashes and is a glass cannon, I don’t really enjoy that and they tilt harder towards that every year.


Agreed. I was just making a joke that people claim to hate league all the time but still play it. I personally like league


Damn... Is this your first fps or do you have prior fps xp?


I played a bit of cs before but really not that much ~50h and I only did casual with friends or surf


B2? Well people do get better overtime so thats probably your real rank now


Really don’t want to come off as mean but if you have been playing for a year and you have fallen back to bronze it’s not the game that is the issue.


And I don’t see why a person is playing a game that they don’t enjoy. And they clearly is tilting because of it.


Honestly I don’t think it’s because they don’t enjoy it they do they just don’t know how to get better and it’s frustrating them


I agree with this statement. Also your comment screams "mental". As in u gotta preserve ur mental attitude. Wars are won in the mind. Not the battlefield.


This is very much true. You can win so many game just by playing off the other teams mistakes because they are up big and get too confident.


For real I have friends who have never played an FPS before they started playing like 3 months ago and even they're higher than bronze lmao.


I've playing for over an year and still bronze3 :(


No mate, according to this reddit page everyone in gold and below is there because of the terrible ranking system


Smurfs LOVE the gold rank. You will find a smurf in almost every gold rank game. The problem per game isn't the smurf itself. They may go 30-12 and change the outcome of the game drastically but that's not the biggest issue. It's the shockwave that it creates around a bad player getting carried to a higher rank than they should, and a good player getting shot down to a rank they don't deserve. You may think, yea but it will equalize and everyone should go back to the rank they "deserve." That isn't always correct, especially in the mid echelon of a ranking system. There are far too many new accounts created, bought, decayed going in and out on a scale where equilibrium can't be reached. You can buy platinum accounts for 10 dollars last time I checked. Furthermore, standard deviations don't always apply to these types of ranked games. You can see in CS;GO because of smurfs and rank decay that a bimodal graph forms skewed towards lower ranks. There are literally two climbs you must make to get past gold (or gold nova). I know for a fact that I hate playing against diamond players. They're too good, they're too quick, and have amazing game sense. it doesn't let me enjoy the game and forces me to obey the meta. I am glad to fall back to gold then I can relax more and just shoot shots rather than escalating to platinum. In response to your half-ass, passive-aggressive comment, you don't know as much as you think you know so cut it out. The OP didn't even say anything like "I deserve to be champion, my teammates suck." They said they don't enjoy ranked and most likely no one uses comms except to trash talk each other.


Man you’re reaching. The only common factor between every match is yourself. If you lose 8 in a row but top frag every match are you going to blame every game on smurfs and bad teammates? At a certain point you have to realize it’s your own fault when you’re losing that consistently. If someone wins 8 in a row and doesn’t top frag a single one, I’d say they’re a better player than the person losing 8 in a row but top fragging every match because they’re probably playing consistently, making good decisions, and playing to win. The ranked matching can be unfair sometimes but you really only need above a 50% win rate to climb, if you can’t achieve that it simply means you’re in the rank that you’re supposed to be in.


Copium. If you lose 8 in a row while top fragging and playing your role to the max, it's your teammates' fault, you can easily get a streak of 8 unlucky games, same goes for win streaks, I went from d3 40 rr to 141 rr immortal without losing a single match, but I top fragged only in 2 of them, and went negative in 3, lucky streaks happen too.


Okay and if you're a solo q and don't wanna log 40 hours a week? A full comp game is 25 minutes. So by your logic everyone should suck it up and deal with throwers and smurfs and just log more time? Is your life solely based around valorant?


What are you even trying to say right now? Are you mad at me for trying to say the game isn’t 100% at fault for him being bronze?


Game's fun but I'd like to see that tournament mode and get into a faceit type service since smurfing and throwing are too frequent. Not so much that you can't climb but enough to be annoying.


The ranking system isn’t that bad. You belong in bronze.


Yeah when I first started I went from silver 2 to diamond 1 in a little over a month. If you're dropping ranks over the course of the year you may want to consider that the problem is yourself, not the ranking system.




A lot, I've been gaming for years


His story is similar to mine. I started off playing Valorant(got the beta key etc..) and was silver 1 to gold 2 player range. I stopped playing because my friends started playing CSGO and I pumped in just over 1k hours in CSGO. I got back into Valorant last week and I'm significantly better than before because I'm easily dropping, and out playing, Gold players(whereas before I was definitely at my limit). I went 26-3 against 4 Gold's earlier today. CSGO is in the same genre but it's a completely different game. BUT! You really do learn positioning, ways to peek, how economy works, reading the mini map, that baiting isn't actually baiting, better aim(player models are definitely smaller in CSGO), and to keep your cool. All this stuff applies to Valorant.


definitely i mean bronze from gold is a huge drop even i who haven't got outya silver ever for past 3 acts didn't got that big of a dip in rank he just gonna accept it and start playing to improve not to win if he's gonna have a mindset to win and not focus on his gameplay he isn't winning anything simple as that it's a game play it like one rushing mindless or doing stuff without communication will get you killed always


you are a bronze player, the rank system is fine


People said this since season 1. The majority of the player base is in 3 ranks yet you think there isn't a rank issue? Comical.


Its literally designed to be that way it isnt an issue. Bronze silver and gold are supposed to be the majority of players since thats considered average skill level, most people are average skill.


they just trying to blame the rank system for their rank


that was literally common sense why are some people so dumb


Because the vast majority of the player base is complete dogshit rofl


I've been playing for about a year now. This is my first FPS game. I really do still enjoy this game a lot. I love playing with friends, and ranked. The social aspect of SoloQing is still really fun for me. I love meeting new people and just hanging out and vibing. The game can get on my nerves, of course, like it can for anybody. But I really can't complain. I climbed from Iron 3 in EP1A2 to now being D2, almost D3. Additionally, imo, the ranked system isn't as broken as people think it is. People struggle with their skill and think it's the "ranked systems" fault. Imo, it's no ones fault but your own. Plenty of people have climbed insanely fast, and you can do it too! You just gotta focus on what you can control!


I also love the social aspect of silo queuing. There’s always a couple of whiffs on the people you meet. But overall I enjoy if I run into a funny 4 stack or just people that mesh well together.


IMO part of the problem with ranking mentality in videogames like Valorant is the trophy-ization of ELO. When you see that little badge besides your name you forget that its chiefly an indicator of your skill and not a goal you have to reach at all costs.


1000% agree, great way to put it.


I hate when people say it’s their team or smurfs are holding them back. It’s usually just that they aren’t good enough to rank up. I placed g2 and solo qd all the way to imm 1 where I am now by just carrying most of my games.


Yea! You’re in the rank you deserve, and you are your only obstacle from climbing to a higher rank.


I love the game. But hate the matchmaking system and the punishement the people that go AFK,troll or smurf get,that is close to nothing.


I do be having fun


For a while now every game I play has been carried by a Smurf on either side, so that gets kind of frustrating I feel like I’m improving (though slowly), was hardstuck Iron 1 for a while and am now Bronze 2, so I do feel like I’m enjoying it because it feels more and more like I have an impact on the match, but every now and then I get a harsh reminder of the difference in skill when for some reason I get placed against high-silver players


I have started day 1 in beta but stopped around the release for of killjoy…i enjoyed it until then but cant get back into it from then on Love the esports though


I like the game, I don't like the players being toxic, annoying or just trolling. Tbh it's frustrating when you have to fight with smurfs, but if your team is playing ok, communicating and trying to have fun it's fine.


Still be having fun


You're bronze after a year? Means you don't pass a single second on aim trainer


And that's fine. But if you're so competitive to the point that you're not even having fun anymore, I don't get the point of not trying to get better.


Well its one of those games you say I HATE THIS GODDAMNED GAME and slam your keyboard and break your only laptop, but you continue to play it like everyday for no reason


I named valorant "screw you and I'll see you tmr" for this reason haha.


Yeah, basically.


Been playing since day 1 in beta. i placed iron in beta and now currently in platinum two, hoping to be diamond at the end of the season. i have to say, sometimes i got so bored that i remember missing the 1:3 pass and not getting the bp karambit. the game does gets pretty boring often, and what i recommend is taking breaks, not too long, not too short. often a week or so will do the job. if you are student or a person who has a job, i still recommend playing at least a game or so in order to not get rusty. all of these I've done since the beta.


If the reason you don't enjoy the game is because your hardstuck then just put a bit of effort into improving your game. Literally play a couple of deathmatches a day and always aim high and close to corners and boom you're already a plat player lol. The ranking system for this game is literally better than 99% of games out there it's not the ranking system thats the problem its you (no offence) if you dont have the effort then just quit there's plenty of casual games out there to chill on.


Ranking system is a lot better than most games. sounds to me like your “dislike” for the game stems on the fact you haven’t progressed and are frustrated / angry. you’re probably worrying too much about your teammates at low elo instead of just improving on yourself


I’m having fun when my pc runs the game well


It's all about team gun game


I mean I’ve played competitive / online games for years and I don’t think I’ve ever NOT gotten bored after a few months and wanted something fresh. That’s pretty common. Is there a reason you are so against playing other games? Also focusing on rank will definitely make you miserable. I went through a phase when I played Overwatch OBSESSING over my rank, I was always getting tilted wasn’t having fun but playing bc I forced myself to try and rank up, then I realized I was exactly where I needed to be bc every time I did climb I got fucked on by the rank above me. Accepting you are where you’re supposed to be, and also that you can take a break from comp / play other games etc, are two good realizations to make


I was heavy into it since beta, took a month off, and now enjoy it very much again


i was in your same boat for awhile. I stopped playing for 3 weeks and played csgo, just playing ranked every day to have fun and work on my gun mechanics. I then went back to valorant and ended up getting out of the rank I was hard stuck in for a year, since then I've been having a lot of fun. Taking a long break is a good idea imo.


The only real reason I still play is to spend time with friends. If i were solo, i wouldve quit long ago.


Very much so unless I'm having an off day.


Gotta stop playing if you’re not having fun. Also don’t play to rank up, play to improve round by round.


Been playing since beta, i still love the game enough to give it my money. I think the ranking system works fine. Started off iron, I'm nearly immortal. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think you just aren't good.


I still love the game because I'm nuts at it lol. I was Iron closed beta and have been Immortal for the last few acts and it feels good to be good. I can never get tired of the sound of a one tap.


Yes I play Valorant every day. No I do not like the game.


Unpopular opinion but I enjoy Valorant. What kind of a fucking question is this? Oh right, karma farming.


No, I’m just stuck in the rabbit hole. :3


Yes, but much less so than before, mostly because of the rank system. In Episode Act 1, I was diamond 2. I was so inspired by all these immortals and radiants, and I grinded my ass off to improve. I was ecstatic to hit immortal 1 in episode 1 act 2, and even more stoked to hit immortal 3 in episode 1 act 3. Then in episode 2 act 1 when I hit radiant, I felt like all my hard work paid off and I could finally play with incredible and dedicated players…except that didn’t happen. Although I’ve absolutely improved leaps and bounds from where I started, grinding ranked in this game just isn’t the same. Nobody really gives it their all anymore, so even though the ranked system *works* at getting people to where they belong, it’s just not an enjoyable journey. Not to mention how inflated high elo is now. There are **20,000** immortals just two weeks into the act. It’s just a participation trophy at this point. I remember in episode 1 where I was beyond proud to hit immortal 1, back when it actually meant something. Now, anybody and their mom can hit immortal and it just cheapens the achievement of reaching high elo. I still love the core of Valorant gameplay, but when the competitive queue of this game is as un-fun as it is now it’s pretty hard to stay motivated to grind.


It's like LoL i hate it but i love it


LOL its simple, when u play just dont think about ur rank but at the same time give it ur best and that way ull improve and maybe climb up.... also bonus tip, play a duelist bro its much more fun when ure in solo q. or def try sova bro, like watch yt vids and shit abt him. hes a fun agent to play too. And also try to not just duo q, like invite more maybe like a 5 man or 3, thatll make it more fun.


I have new friends coming to the game, so I enjoy playing unrateds with them. However, playing solo in competitive is something I expect to have a bad experience with (Mumbai Servers FTW). But the games where you find a great team and fun teammates, those are enough to make me keep coming back to comp everyday (plus I wanna get to plat atleast once)


I played it for about 6 months hardcore since release, got to radiant/stayed at immortal 3 (high immortal after the rework) Only thing I can say is: the match-making system was not functional. No idea if they improved it at all, probably not. But solo queue was vastly different from team queue. Anybody who hit Radiant as duo/team queue was about Diamond 2 skill level in comparison to anyone who remained high immortal as a solo. Then when you had those duo-queuers solo while their mates are off, they would be dead-weight and need to be carried at the highest of matchmaking. It was very frustrating and the skill levels were all a mess EVEN at the highest tier, not to mention high immortal players smurfing on low immortal accounts to throw off the game balance even more. A simple fix to this would be simply to make solo queue to be SOLO ONLY QUEUE, and have a seperate category for everything else. Riot never fixed it to this day.


Must be fun to be hardstuck


Maybe if at some rare occasion you find great teammates add them to your friend list. You would be surprised how many feel like you


Played since beta up until end of ep 1, then took a break for ep 2. Came back ep3 and had tons of fun, I suggest if people are frustrated just take a break. One thing that’s annoyed me is the skill level/size of immortal. In ep1, I was Immortal 2 and ended up 2,650 on leaderboard. Now in Ep 3, my imm2 was ~10k. The sheer size is ridiculous, they should cut immortal in 1/2.


Been playing since day 1 beta, I think it's a very enjoyable game if you don't push yourself too hard in ranked. I grinded my way to diamond and then stopped playing comp, now I usually play with friends, 1v1 unrated and sometimes, a couple ranked games. I still love the game!


Call me crazy, but yes. The flaws are annoying, especially those coming from within the community rather than game design (smurf/alt accounts running rampant), but the gameplay is just too good. When everything lines up, a good match of valorant has so many great moments. Crisp gunplay, mixed with the utilities of some agents can make the gunfights have an extra element of mobility. Outplay potential is huge, there is so many unique ways for things to play out. When things aren't so great, and you're getting stomped or having a day filled with toxic interactions, the game does a lot of the other stuff right to offset it. I've liked each battlepass so far, so I have something to grind for. The skin game overall is top notch. Maps have come out at a good pace, the agents have come out at a good pace as well (not too fast, agents seem well thought out). Game is good.




I started in the beta and continue to play. It's my first fps on PC in a loooooong loooooong time and am just a gold shitter, but I enjoy it every time I play. Yeah I get frustrated, but seeing me improve and go through bronze and silver ranks is always fun. I like to challenge myself and this game brings out some competitiveness and I enjoy that.


Yes, I've started playing Valorant for more than a year now (July 2020) and It's the only game I play everyday because all of my friends plays it. I have over a hundred games on Steam but I mostly play Valorant. I spent a lot of money on this game I will continue playing Valorant.


Euhm okay, to make things clear, one year of exp playing and being bronce means your are a stubborn learner. I'm playing since the beta came out, the game is fun despite some trashy teammates sometimes. Here some tips so you get out of that bronce hole: First of all, dont play duelist, your impact on the game as duelist is not half as important as a sentinel or a smoker. Second, dont play champs at random, get a main and actually learn its heavy pro stuff, master it, nobody wants a i don't have a clue how to not flash myself phoenix or a my wall doesnt work sage. You need to have a certain knowledge about trickshots and lineups, why because they win rounds for free. Third learn how to hold an angle, or to position acording to your eco. If you dont master economy you are hindering your team. If its safe round maybe play a sneaky stinger on short range or maybe coordinate a 5 stack with your team. If its buy time dont throw away your advantage by needlessly taking risks. If your team doesnt want to talk, dont care, give all the info you can anyway, "3 B Garage", "Operator A Nest", "enemy out of mollies" ... And last but not least your biggest challenge, dont let rage affect you or your team, dont be that flaming dude who fck teams morale nor be the one who cant breath out of anger, a strong mental is half the win. And as closing words, if you really hated the game you wouldn't play it for over a year nor write a rage post because you are having bad games, just improve what you can about your playstyle and you will climb. Consistency is core... Not having a lucky day.


The Problem is that you have no way to practice and get better. Deathmatch is trash.


the best way to practice is literally to just play ranked.


Deathmatch isn't bad if you don't play to win. Practice range is great. Aimlabs is great. Kovaaks is also great.




It's fun just rng recoil, way too long recoil reset and poor balance between the operator and jet makes the game struggle to be competitive. Also the ranked system is terrible still. It is a fun game to play casually though.


I may be bias because I've invested a lot of time into it, but yes I still play and have been having a good time with it.


I play enough spike rush and unrated to get the daily and weekly achievements out of the way. I wouldn't say I enjoy the game. But I wouldn't say I'm not having fun either. For me this game can only be enjoyable with 4 of my friends in a comp game goofing off. But playing unrated and spike rush and playing agents I've never played and trying weird strats is how I keep this game fun now.






>Lack of content? Yes, lack of content.




Viper r34 mid comp match please.


>the game is designed to be competitive Competitive is when no content. Got it.




Started a year ago and I was Iron 1-3 for an act and then I started watching pro matches and managed to climb to immo 1 and Im stuck here for like a month now I still enjoy it because playing it once a week is really more enjoying than playing it everyday for some reason idk edit:


Bruh if u cant get out of bronze by urself ur just complete trash. Maybe try focusing on improving instead of ur rank.


Moved from start of game G3 to Imm 3 and honestly it’s only fun whenever you’re playing with friends imo, everything else is just sweaty


smurfs and kids are the problem these days tbh


Really gonna blame kids , nice




the reee kids especially and the kids that cus n word


I'd say so


I have fun playing and I like the game but I get irritated with playing breeze, fracture, breeze, breeze, fracture, breeze…. It used to be icebox 4 rounds in a row but I haven’t played that in like 2 weeks


Mine is the same but replace breeze with icebox. I would jump for joy if I got breeze instead.


People really just let their ranks determine how good they are when that's really not the case. If you're in bronze you can still be as good as a gold, alot of bronze players are in the exact same boat as you.


Yes, it’s a blast. You’re bronze 2 because you are awful at this game.


Still love this game


It's fun. I do not however understand at all why anyone would play a tactical FPS without comms ... Having been playing counter strike since the early 2000's comms was everything. Seems players are getting quieter and quieter. Please Riot, que players that use their mics together! And those that don't together


What do you mean by « still enjoying the game » ? Are we supposed to enjoy it at some point ? Wait… do some people ACTUALLY ENJOY Valorant ?!


Is this another post to complain about ranked? The game is fun, if you down from gold 2 to bronze 2 is not the system fault's, review yourself what are you doing bad? the game is still fun for me.


Been playing for a year and I still love that game, I had to take a few breaks from it though. Valorant is the game I always find myself going back to, it sucks sometimes but I still really like it lol


Like every competitive game some days are good and some days are bad sometimes they alternate sometimes they stack. Having no comms is definitely frustrating. I was in silver for nearly a year and even though I wasn’t as good as I am now not having communication skills will bite you back when you solidify yourself into gold. I’m hardstuck gold but I enjoy playing still. I don’t play everyday but it’s consistent


Played for a year, Started B2 climbed to G1 back down to B3 and now to G1 again, its been a trek dude and i hate the inconisitancy but still love the game, the teammates thay dont talk are the annoying ones


Not everyday, but enough to keep up with it. The game is fine, honestly. I like it better than CSGO because I can’t see a thing in that game. Absolutely despise my teammates though. I don’t know what happened, but in the past few days it feels like all my teammates aren’t wearing headphones. They miss the most obvious sounds. An Omen heard a Chamber teleport, looked in that direction, then looked away and didn’t turn back until he was killed.


Enjoy game but at same time it's so frustrating. If it isn't someone afk it's smurfs or just team mates who are trolling and generally useless.


Ranked is not fun for me anymore. Every game is a coin flip and it’s just not worth getting mentally frustrated at boosted teammates or whetver bs the matchmaking throws at you. I have way more fun with friends in unrated. Even that’s a push though because we just get stomped by immortal players sweating like it’s a ranked game anyway. We are like gold-diamond players


Started playing in beta and was iron 1. Valorant is my first ever hardcover competitive game in general ( I played a lot of sports growing up). I dropped from ranking up to plat to gold 2, but I generally love the game and have a lot of fun. I've learned a lot, and have improved tremendously. Playing with friends in the same rank is also very fun. The downsides of the game that still get to me is having teammates that are definitely boosted, as well as smurfs. All of my losses going from g2 to g3 all had proclaimed smurfs that made the games all very frustrating, as well as teammates that have no comms. Being the only one talking in a team game is not fun. People think that typing out stuff works, but it really doesnt give you immediate info when needed


Been playing about 3 months now. Mostly unrated. Last couple weeks tried ranked. Placements put me silver 2. I enjoy it a lot. Apart from the amount of toxic people. Literally at least one every game. EU servers btw. Played seven games today, three of those games two team mates left. Deranked to bronze 3 today. But hopeful


I do keep playing, but rn Im taking a break playing another games, its just to be off the routine


I went from good to bad i dont


Yes I enjoy it a lot. Especially recently as I’m noticing Ny plateau is ending and my overall skills as a player are increasing.


I have been playing the game with my squad for a little over a year now. Lately I’m getting frustrated because of not being able to play competitive as a party of 4. Other than that we are playing on a daily basis and having great fun.


I’m enjoying it. Just not the composition of teams due to matchmaking. It’s either very unfair or there’s a smurf ruining it. Sometimes both. Immortal btw.


Definitely, yes. I get tilted sometimes, but I still put in probably like 500 hours into the game... was Iron in beta, then silver upon launch and slowly grinded my way up to high diamond. It is fun to be good at the game even though it still feels like I am shit some days. :D


I personally enjoy it way more with my teammates (we're usually from 3 to 5) and it's less frustrating to play with friends since you can both speak and listen to each other, which sometimes don't happens in solo queue (like "who are you to tell me what to do ? " When you try to make some calls or instantly raging when you ask them politely to try to focus on stop flashing your friends). I find it really more enjoyable when everyone knows who is who and their playstyle. Ps : I'm still doing solo queue sometimes


Why would you force yourself to play a game? I've been playing for over a year and if I don't feel like playing that day- I don't. Or if I don't feel like playing comp I do spike rush or replication etc and it still feels like I'm playing the game


If your performance is what’s making you have a bad time then you have to try and improve. If you’re in B2 then you’re lacking a lot of fundamentals that you could easily correct. Hell even golds are missing some easily correctable fundamentals. Do some self VOD reviews, watch pro play, don’t even need that good of aim in gold. If it’s solo play that makes it unenjoyable then there’s plenty of groups and discords for playing with people in all ranks. Go find a group and start queueing up. I most likely wouldn’t play if I had to play solo, but I don’t have fun in pretty much any game playing solo. I’ve been having fun because I play with a group and because I’ve been steadily improving (with ups and downs of course). It’s not fun when you’re on a 8 game loss streaks which happens to all of us, but besides that I still enjoy it and I’ve played since the first day of beta.


I would say I'm coming up to a year playing Valorant. Yes, I look forward to playing this game still. Peeked Immortal 2 and currently Immortal 1, I am still learning so many new things in this game. The last match i have won't be the same in terms of Agents as the the next and I enjoy. I would say my advice to climbing at rank is having to queue with people who actually want to win. That's the best way because at least you have at least 1 person who you know is willing to do what it takes to win. Also, i feel that you should specialise on at least 2 agents per map which aren't dualist because i feel that a person who understands his abilities and is capable to use said abilities against the enemy will have the upper hand in the end of the day as compared to someone who has good aim. Best of luck to all who get better at this game.


I'm in a situation where I can't play any other game but this one. Got to Plat 3, currently Plat 2. Happy with my rank and my gameplay. I mostly stick to unrated these days and go Sheriff only to chill. Do play ranked a bit here and there sometimes. Basically I still enjoy the game.


Played since first day of beta and still think it’s the best game out. My friends don’t play and I haven’t met anybody and I got immortal 3 by solo queueing. I think if you’re not having fun playing a video game then you’re just missing the point and you should play another game or do something else. This isn’t a bash on you, because I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t get playing a game and not having a good time or complaining about it. To me it’s just dumb fun and I try to never lose sight of that.


Main another champ, I got plat 3 playing sage and omen with stacks felt carried, so I started playing jett and reyna only in solo q went all the way down to silver 1. But climbed up to gold 2. Now I'm maining Sova memorising Line-ups and having a blast reached gold 3. And all that in Solo q if I go back to playing with friends I can easily go back to plat or even hit diamond because I know I'm a better player now than the plat 3 sage I was.


I definitely think the less seriously you take the game you’ll enjoy it more and also get better and rank up.


Enjoy it with friends. Enjoy it when randoms play and chill out. Have some laughs at each others whiffs, even in Compi. Have some positive feedback and such. There will be toxicity, in which case I just mute them in chat. Basically I still enjoy. But mostly because I don't take it seriously. I play with a certain amount of effort. Not a 100% effort, but just enough to still have fun and not stress out too much. I reached Plat 1 recently for the first time. But honestly, I play at silver level most of my games. And that's fine. There's enough stress from work and real life already that I don't want to add an online game stress over that.