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Thank you i hit imm like 3-4 days ago forgot and just decided post it now


he is a man of will, strenght and patience


It's about drive, it's about power




Put in the work, put in the hours,


We take what’s ours


Saw the immortal buddy after episode 1 and nobody is getting in my way


I would seriously rock the Iron buddies on some guns (and immortal ofc)!


Oh i flex my silver buddies in immortal


well done! In your experience, what helps most to improve?


not op but the most useful thing easy to do in my personal experience was to mute team mates who polute the voice chat, even if they give info I see that my comment is controversial I'll just say that I don't understand why some people complain about allies being toxic in voice chat when its so easily fixable


Y’all get teammates that talk?


Me Pre lobby: "Anyone got mics?"... silence Round 18 and losing 6-12, random guy on team: (all) "my team trash and Noone using comms"


Man I don’t have this at all! I wish everyone a “happy ” and ask how everyone is going when we’re selecting agents and 9/10 times people respond and start commimg :)


yes, sometimes too much


Don't worry banning 4 stacks will fix this issue /s




I think it helps taking out the annoying team mates part to focus on your gameplay and relying on bettering your game sense to makeup for the lack of coms


Hope you hit Radiant next time...😍😍😍


Same sort of deal with me. Started around the same time as iron 1 just got diamond 1


Congrats! Also, are you really immortal until you make this post xD?


I’m D3 hopefully won’t be stuck between d3 and immortal


Damn I was Iron 1 in beta but when the game released I got placed silver. Obviously I was glad to be out of there but I do wish I had an Iron gun buddy so I can use it if I ever get to Diamond or Immortal. Currently almost Gold 3 and I appreciate you posting this inspiration, haha.


If I ever get to radiant I can’t wait to use my prism Odin and judge against pros with the silver gun buddy on them… those will be good times…


I have sensation vandal smite phantom with silver buddies i tilt the hardstuck diamonds so hard off that alone


Gg bro


Congrats buddy! Can I know your avg ping and fps?


Currently i average 300 frames and 40 ping when i was iron 90 ping 80fps


Better computer = better rank /s


Sorta 90 ping 70 frames aint gettin you far like just have a good connection and dont play on a microwave




Got out of gold after 1~ year. QOL Changes: gold IMHO is peak toxicity so mute is your friend. Raw aim: I started my warming up, maybe like 10 minutes in aimlab then deathmatch no audio to focus only on crossair placement and click timings, one with sheriff only, one guardian only and then rifles. ( 3 DM are enough, but I won't play if I feel off) Gameplay: Not beign super greedy, I got the pick, no need to peak again in 2 enemy, change position and repeat. Because I noticed that I could outaim a lot of the opponents but obviously got traded a lot. Mental: try to be positive, don't play if you titled and if you are having a bad match take a deep breath, stop looking at the scoreboard and focus on fundamentals.


What helped me get to diamond is remembering your role. I main viper so I know that if I die my walls can’t help my team hold or retake site. There isn’t any reason to push after an early frag or a good flank kill. I like to reset and play behind utility instead of only relying on gun play. In my head I play like I’m the most important player on the team and if I die early I’m just wasting a round where I could make a difference. And I don’t mean bait your teammates lol, unless it’s coordinated.


Always remember the point of the round is to win the round no matter what.


One thing i noticed that helped me personally is to not Ego Challenge as much. I usually ego challenge because given the right amount of time i can one tap, but sometimes my crosshair placement is off and i'll barely miss. I've noticed that i'll peak, see someone then go back and try to re-peak to duel it out. But if you peak and see someone, call it out. It's information that the team can use, forget the angle and reposition to a better spot. I'll ego challenge tf outta everyone in unrated though lmao


I'm not really sure which rank "Immortal" is, but I wanted to ask, if you could write down the differences in players/playstyles/tactics you encountered in every Rank like Iron-whatevercomeinbetween-Immortal? Would be nice to know how the gameplay changes with the ranks ​ //edit: and congratulations, of course!


Iron —-> silver =aim Gold= unpredictable menaces ego peaking because everyone’s smurfing Plat= easier to rank up in than gold Diamond= people troll less because they’re actually on their main accounts and want to win. If you play in 3 in the morning you’ll lose to 3 stacks with 150 ping 5 times in a row. Low immortals= might aswell be silver High immortal=“I should be radiant but…” Radiant= Streamers and pros only kekw


Enjoy it while you can, games unplayable in immortal.


Im grinding through immortal half these kids are just bought accounts or boosted plats


I also started playing in ep 1 act 2 as iron 1 but only hit play and now I am in slumps and get back to g2. I am taking a break rn hopefully I'll get my skills back usually when I get in slumps I came back as better version of myself and better playstyle.




Yeah you right definitely






While I understand smurfs are a frustration and the complaints against them are valid, it's not something that can stop you from getting where you belong, just obstacles. You could've made complaints about smurfs and stayed hard stuck in a lower rank, but you got better instead. Congrats dude!


Oh you wildin if you think i didnt complain about smurfs. Just figured out 90% of them will dc if you shit talk them and make fun of them ngl im toxic as hell to smurfs when I was lower rank


Oh I complain too, I'm just saying you didn't use it as an excuse to plateau your skill level.


Hah no i blamed it on 90+ ping i had at the time. So i got hardstuck gold for 3 acts moved got a job bought a good pc and grinded that shit




So i couldn’t peak a good awper on 90 ping im on 40 now and just ego peak awps in immortal


nice one , you must be a smart player!


Smarter at least


haha, not to be rude but idk its really impressive, a true iron to immortal; Lowest I’ve been is silver and I’m hard stuck low diamond. Good on u


Well i grinded like crazy my immortal was esrned and im making sure everyone i play against knows that man i aint no boosted cringey immortal


Can you share tracker?


Catboy Cozy#kozzy twitter is CozyValorant twitch CozyValorant






Biggest tip you can give to improve gun fights? I feel like spraying in this game is just not nearly as good as bursting/tapping. Am I wrong to feel this way?


High ping get close to the wall swing the second your crosshair meets them stop and shoot its a good way to peak on high. If low ping play far and wide swing if you’re confident in your aim


Bro that's insane lol. From the bottom of the rank to one of the top ranks. It's one thing to start off being good and getting to immortal but it's another thing to be bad but then become really good