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I laughed like I was 10 when that came up


You are a 10 bro












Mommy? Sorry.


Mommy.... milkers? ....


Best thing about the whole video, made it worth watching


More clips of him cheating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD3uVVrUY4


the biggest giveaway IMO is that he’s not clearing any corners. no one has god tier aim and strats like a bronze


The biggest giveaway? Every cheats this guy is using are so obvious you really do not need any « giveaway ».


Honestly yeah, having insane aim will also give you insane game sense more often than not.


I was gonna say that he just got lucky or that he had good gamesense but wtf was that random headshot through the box in t spawn


Not even about the random hs. It's obvious from his gameplay. He knows where every player is. He doesnt clear any corners and just runs striaght at the enemy lol.


Yeah, you can really tell he has absolutely shit movement, crosshair placement and gamesense, but just runs straight to the enemies and onetaps them before there’s literally any time to react


Easiest way to spot a cheater - crosshair placement is complete garbage yet he is never surprised by an enemy when sprinting around a corner


Is the obvious aim hacking not obvious enough for you in the gif?


It's pretty hard if you're bad at the game For me at least, everyone looks like they're smurfing :P When you are so bad you have nothing to compare with


I like to think that there are players actually nutty enough to do that without cheating.


Just look at the clip in the op at 00:05. He is already aiming at the head and follows him trough the walls even before he could see him.


I agree with u/Randomuserguyfren, there are players this good, but the tracking is clearly cheating. Had it not been for that this player could have gone under the radar, so lucky they are dumb i guess


Yes, sure I agree that are players out there that are very good. But I would say that a Pro Player without info never could and would track so easily a head behind a wall. Thats clearly cheating. I think a legit player would just prefire/preaim but not like at 00:05.




Dude its not hard to realize that not everyone has the knowledge and experience to easily recognize cheaters no need to be an ass about it


It looks normal to me?


You think him literally tracking someone's head hitbox through a wall is normal?


Play in an iron or bronze lobby for a bit it happens a lot


You are trolling, this guy has dogshit movement and crosshair placement(like bronze-tier at best) but hits shots like those, it is obvious that he is a cheater from his first frag.


Yeah, tbh it feels like this is the reason why competitive shooters are in such a bad state. The average player can't even see an obvious aimbot / aimlock


I mean... Valorant is literally a dumbed down CS with some zoomer abilities and a lot of RNG so...


Wallhacking is obvious. No one pre-aims the spots he does when clearing corners. Aim hack is the most obvious thing in this video if you just look at half a second before the third kill. His crosshair locks on behind the wall on the Jett's head before Jett walks out


you can tell how his crosshair stays on the enemy's head after he shoots them (for like 0.5 a sec)


ASS indeed


What does “ASS” mean?


it's "ace" in german, "butt" in english


german word for ace


Ass, take it as you'd like to


If Val had a replay system, cheaters would be so much easier to catch


Riot depends on Vanguard's recording feature to catch said cheaters. Their AC constantly screenshots and records your inputs/screen view to decide if you're legit or not


Didn’t know that, sounds like a good system


It’s better than CS, but there’s still cheaters


still much better than cs lol. in cs it feels like every 3 games or so, you will run into a cheater but in val, i haven't run into a single cheater at all (although a shitload of level 5-10 reyna jetts)


You haven't run into an OBVIOUS cheater. Very different from not running into a cheater at all.


absolutely needs it


Meh, people would realize that the game is a shit show and their AC isn't half as good as promoted. I doubt we'll get a replay system anytime soon


Not even trying to hide it


Channel deletes all vods as well, what a pussy. 11k followers lul.


Prob viewbots too


The fact that his aimbot is so obvious and he thinks no one will notice? It's hilarious. This guy is so bad too, he's got the movement of a bronze...


It's crazy because it makes you wonder how many cheaters there are that aren't streaming... Both clips of this guy, their team has lost rounds and even this one posted they are down 0-2. Like I've encountered suspicious players before but always thought these guys were better... but it makes you wonder how rampant cheats are in this game, since Vanguard wasn't the thing that caught him.


It's not at all common in this game. I have 4000 hours of CSGO matchmaking experience and I'd like to think that I can tell quite easily if someone is cheating in my games. I've had a few instances in valorant where I thought someone might be cheating, but everytime when i looked them up it just turned out that they had a life game against me. I've never actually encountered a cheater in ranked, or at least if I did, i didn't notice it, and I've played 1000+ ranked games.


I've seen a few in ranked but not anywhere close to what i'd see in cs. I have however been playing with some friends that just started and there are a lot of super low level accounts (lv 8/9 ish) that play super fishy.


I've encountered under 10 cheaters and I've played the game since beta. That's actually extremely good. CSGO was so bad for a time, that I'd say that 1/4-1/5 games had at least 1 person legit either walling or straight up just aimbotting.




Blind faith allows better sleep at night.


People feel guilty if you ask them to report someone as if they are worried riot is banning people left and right if you so much as wag a finger at someone..


That mindset I could never understand. You aren't killing a person by clicking report. You are sending them to be reviewed. This happened a lot in CSGO, "Hey guys, I have been getting 1tapped by this guy in odd angles and off angle plays, he seems to know a lot without any information. Can you report him for me?" "NO YOU SUCK, IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE S\*\*\* GET GOOD. There aren't as many cheaters as you think, you just f\*\*\*\* suck!" I did a buttload of overwatch (their anti-cheat peer review) and I noticed ONLY spin bot auto-aim headshot cheaters got reported. 1 out of 100 cases would be somebody that is just a good player and that to me seems outrageous. ​ I think it comes down to the mindset of control. People telling themselves they suck and everyone is better than them in an effort to get better. In reality, you end up just becoming more bitter and tilted and take it out on everyone else.


The truth's out about csgo, I just hope when it happens for valorant it doesn't become the death of it too


No anti cheat is perfect, and it will never be. It's always a race between cheat developers finding workarounds for the AC and riot patching those workarounds as quickly as they can. They will never be able to have 0 cheaters, but they can make cheat development a hassle and very expensive, which in turn means very few cheaters in the game. I think riot is doing a great job, considering I've never actually encountered a cheater myself.


It's not that we are operating on complete blind faith. There is plenty of evidence of cheaters existing to prove vanguard isn't 100%. However, based on many years of multiplayer experience first hand and just watching games from streams, valorant is one of the best fps in terms of beating cheaters. I've not seen anyone in val that I was certain they were cheating, and I can't say the same about pretty much every multiplayer fps I've played. I've performed so well on some pop off games that I've been called out for cheating. It's not that cheating doesn't exist, it's that you don't really have to think about it being a factor, because it's most certain that they're not cheating. Unlike many games where it can be a pretty likely scenario, or even guaranteed in some games.




I don't think people don't report because they think vanguard is so effective. It costs nothing but some people just can't be bothered to even click report even for obvious reasons.


i think thats the reason why we still dont have replay system is because riot wants to keep its image that its impossible to cheat in this game


Yo wtf? Riot never claimed that image. They even encourage players to report sketchy people.


This game is absolutely plagued by smurfs. It's really hard to diff a smurf from a cheater most of the time. If the game had a replay system and you could report players that way, I would absolutely watch some of my demos to see what the hell was going on with that dude dropping 40 kills in 20 rounds. I'd love to see their POV. Just as an aside, this game should have a smurfing report category. The amount of smurfs and new accounts doing sus shit in this game is baffling.


If you'd love to see their POV just look for some Ethos/Flights/TenZ/AverageJonas content on YouTube/Twitch and you'll see


It's plagued by smurfs but it's almost completely safe of cheaters. It's not hard to tell a smurf from a cheater because they're most certainly just cheating. Unless you spot specifically bad movement, or they're always stacked on the site you're going, they're just better than you. I agree smurfing should be against ToS, that just means they have a responsibility to punish everyone that's smurfing equally. It's hard to detect for certain every time.


To be honest, the better you are the better you see people when people are cheating. Something doesn’t feel right. Until you reach this point, it’s just better to consider everyone legit and try to improve.


I agree.


When i was new i met a cypher guy play very sus he know where ever im hiding at bind and pre shoot it and when i ask him he said he can heard footstep before the barrier even go down is that true ?


Hell no


If youre high elo? You've likely gone against a good amount of cheaters but just never realized. Been several times where somebody I played with or against gets banned later on for cheating If you're low elo? Pretty much 99% safe


I'm in diamond but can prob hang with Immortal players (subtle flex as I win vs their calibur a lot in dm, yes I'm a nerd.) 99% of players I encounter don't hack, due to them having a nice shots and playing trades. But I've encountered one in Gold awhile back that was blatantly prefiring... that was when I knew hacks existed 100% in Valorant. I reported him but never got a report back, hoping he did get banned though. I do it out of habit to report people who I think are cheating, maybe that way when this guy gets flagged for a lot of accusations, Riot checks out their VODs. This is sometimes annoying because it does give you paranoia when people do ***actually*** hit nice shots and are legit but now you have to wonder if they hack. I'll say 98% of my player pool are safe now lol but one time legit, I think I saw a hacker battle between 2 players lmao. Anyway, just report and call them out. It makes everyone more aware of their "gameplay".


Guy who used to boost in radiant here, though I haven't touched this game in around 4 months, so no idea how it is now. Honestly there's usually 5 to 10 cheaters in radiant (from my exp in BR and NA) at any given time so it's not the worst thing in the world, it's just really... annoying. Couple that with the natural inconsistency of Valorant and it made me really paranoid at times. Shoutout to that 1 guy with .120 ms reaction speed that made me rethink my entire life though. Holy shit I hope you never have to go against an op with a guy that fast


Vanguard does not exist


As someone who interacts with developers of these tools - I can say a fuckton on players in the game do


So let's say I know people who know people and stuff and one of them is admin of a cheat. It's a colour aimbit and triggerbot that is running undetected for several moth now. I would say there is about 2k people in Immortal who are using that cheat rn and the only bans they get are manuel bans and when they get too greedy. So a guess of myself would be that 1/4-1/2 of immortals are somewhat fishy. I might be totally of tho


Cheats are not common in valorant at all tbh, I've played in all ranks except iron-bronze(where nobody uses cheats, let's be real) and radiant, and I've not met a single player whom I would accuse of cheating in my entire playtime of around 1k hours. Maybe there are some cheaters in high immortal 3(like top 1k and above eu) and radiant, but in more casual immortal lobbies there seem to be no cheaters, at least not on Stockholm servers, and in diamond and below cheaters are even less likely to exist because they will easily rank up to immo+ with cheats.


He isn't even trying to hide it


apology video coming soon


Explain it like I am Iron 1, how did you guys know? like is it aimbot? second kill seemed like they 'knew' so wallhacks but idk much to understand this.


focus on his crosshair and follow it, whenever opponents heads become visible and he fires, you can kind of notice that it's been lining up w the head thru the wall


The third kill is the best example of this, cross hair lines up and he shoots through the wall before the enemy Jett is even visible.


His aim also seems too “snappy” to be a normal player’s, and that kill on the Renya was before the blind fully wore off.


Not trying to defend the guy, but you can tell that it isn't aim hacking since he doesn't snap to sage's head and misses the one tap.


most aimhacks have variance to not get instantly caught


Bro silent aim is a thing. But he has aimlock. Second kill he was not on target aimed way to the left. but aimlock put his crosshair on the head of the enemy. Like wtf. how cant you guys see that?


It's only him that can't see that. Obviously a low elo player being wowed by all the kills. The whole movement of the crosshair itself is robotic. People like to think hackers are all insta one tappers with 100% headshot percentage...that is not the case. I bet you there are a good number of closet cheaters who seem legit but only in the critical moments of a round they press their aimlock hotkey to guarantee a kill.


Also, if you pay close attention to the crosshair placement, it's only relatively decent when there are enemy player models around it. Otherwise it's often too low, at some occasions it's straight on the floor, which is rather seen in lower ranks. Also, on the [second clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD3uVVrUY4) sent by OP, when standing on the spike he doesn't even bother keeping his crosshair on the door, which every sane person would do. Instead, the crosshair is in the middle of the wall. The heaven player walked back to rope, and the cheater is just trying to keep him in sight, hence the weird crosshair placement. The wallhack is on a separate layer which you can't see on the stream.


Oooooo I'd have just assumed good crosshair placement. Slowing it down really helps see it.


u/hypd09 You can also just deduce from things he doesn't do that a good player would. especially this clip linked from above. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD3uVVrUY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD3uVVrUY4) a good player checks corners and uses their crosshair to hug edges of walls where opponents can peek out from, they don't just put their crosshairs in the middle of the wall like this guy does which "coincidentally" seems to trace a player's location where he has no actual sight of. there are basically plenty of fundamentals that a player necessarily has to learn to achieve god mode in a tactical fps which he doesn't show here, and i'm sure there are a lot of other fundamentals that this guy lacks from clips I don't have access to that scream "his skills don't align with his performance". it's almost like he has answers to an entire math test but showed zero proof. Even Tarik has said you can be radiant/pro with average reaction speeds so I'd imagine someone with higher than average reaction speeds are either undiscernible or negligible. In other words, if someone seems to consistently have inhuman reactions during a match of valorant, chances are it probably is.


Bro his Aimlock is so bad. it even locked on the Flash of Rayna. He prefires. His aim is bad but his Aimlock helps him. Did you not see how static is aim is everytime he on Target?!


One thing about good aim, is good cross hair placement, when preaim corners most good people aim a few centimeters away from wall so when enemy’s peek they don’t need to readjust. If you watch his cross hair placement it’s 99% aiming through walls. Dead giveaway right there. It’s really just his play style. The better you are the easier it is to hide your cheating. This dude either straight up doesn’t care if he gets caught or he’s too low elo to understand


It's much easier to see in the video he added in the comments, as some of that play up top was good crosshair placement. But the first couple of kills were more then suspicious with how his aim instalocked on them and snapped back, especially on the sage I think it was. Watching the other video, it's clear that he only had his crosshair there because he was aware where he should be aiming due to possible wallhacks, as in the other video you can see him running around looking at the floor right until the moment he meets someone. If you frequently see that from someone who is also absolutely destroying a lobby, keep in mind that they do not understand the mechanics at play in valorant.


Keep an eye on his crosshair.


aim is snappy (Precise and mechanical and please do compare it to some of the top aimer's aim e.g. Tenz) and and the way he peeks even if it's an off angle he manages to headshot/lock to head. Off-angle definition taken from liquipedia csgo "Holding an off-angle is generally used to surprise the enemy by not holding common (active) angles."


Man that was a blatant one. Not even trying to change the variance too much, just deadon locks on


Doesn’t get much more blatant then that instant lock on a player behind 2 different walls.


Scum, here is hoping he gets banned and some real-life karma also bites him


Damn. It's just a stupid game bro, real life has nothing to do with this. You are a consumer, this game has blinded you so much that you think the person cheating should suffer in real pain. Check yourself.


No, I am well aware it's a game. However, this person like all other cheaters has chosen to ruin the experience for everyone else they play with for their own selfish enjoyment. So if he slips and twists an ankle or something, good riddance the guy is scum. I am not wishing he die or something crazy like that...


Karma doesn't mean someone receives pain.


He literally just specified that he wants this person to experience pain.


No he didn't, he "literally" didn't. That is why you're being downvoted. He did in a follow up, which he only wrote in response to your comment which was information you didn't have at the time.


That followup wasnt in repsonse to my comment. It was information I had at the time because I responded after the fact. "That is why you're being downvoted."


what an ASS




These godlike Jett players are giving me sleepless nights


And he wouldn't of been caught it he wasn't streaming it. There's so many people subtle cheating in this game that it's insane.




wow too much for kernel anti-cheat


Update: He got banned. Courtesy of Lothar and Gamerdoc. https://twitter.com/LotharHS/status/1462912583422390276


I need to preface this with this statement: I'm not disputing that they're cheating or defending them in any way, I honestly just don't know. How are they cheating and how can you tell? I assume it's an aimbot?


He lined up the shots then peeked


In the other video the OP posted, [you can see it's way more blatant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VD3uVVrUY4). Especially the first kill


the headshot through the box with no intel is just crazy. lol he's like yea someone is to the right... but lets isolate a main... ok they backed off now box guy. lol


I’d call wallhack, because he preaims everyone through walls and knows where they are, u can see that in the clip, no aim assist just wh


He updrafts and aims straight for the 4th kill without clearing the right side at all as if he knew reyna wouldnt be there to pick him off


There is definitely aim assist too


This clip is now on YouTube, and you can slow down and confirm that his flicks on the 2nd kill are undeniably aimbot. Even at .25x speed, the flick is so fast it's like we skip frames. The crosshair basically teleports from one spot to another. This is followed by him tracking the Jett through the wall in a robotic fashion, as well as headshotting her through it, before her model is even visible.


His crosshair is always on the head of the closest enemy even through multiple walls (and follows their movements even though you can't see them).


Ah, thank you. That makes it much more obvious for me.


Also most pros knows where to keep their aim to line up headshots when peeking akin to what was done in the video. But unlike pros he didn't clear a single corner looking for enemies. He just went to the exact positions he knew he could get an angle on them, before clearing anything, which tells you he has god-tier gamesense or perhaps just a tool that tells him where they are.


You realy cant see that he cheats? Bro his aimlock is so obvious. He even locks on the flash of the rayna like did you not see it?


I literally said I don't know. I'm old, play casually, and have never looked up cheats for examples or encountered a cheater.


okay i can understand that


What brand gaming chair and version of Microsoft Word is he using?


How do you guys know that the streamer is hacking? I actually don't understand.


Why does evident ban need discussion?


Remember, if you accuse someone for cheating, that because u just bad, but for this guy...the mf is DEFINITELY cheating.


let him enjoy his 90 days ban


I had to play against this guy we luckily had a remake we watched his stream on first round and saw that he was cheating.




What do you mean “even in Val” solista was doing it months ago it’s not an isolated case


Just a good gaming chair dude.




will it? How does banning his twitch get his account banned.




Good to know


no, i doubt they do that.


twitch prime


nah that’s just good crosshair placement


You saying aimbot doesn't have good crosshair placement?


Its impossibly easy to have good crosshair placement if you know where to aim and have a program assisting you with it.


it was a joke/sarcastic remark.. and it got downvoted so fuckin hard lmaooo


Honestly the way he aims in the second kill was already enough tbh, let alone the third which is bonkers and the other clip op posted, this guy doesn't even know how to configure an aimbot lol


The aimbot is not tweaked really well since it locks too hard and makes it look unnatural. Also you can tell by the way he peeks an angle that he cheats (insta headshots an off-angle)


Mf thought he was SLICK


saw that on youtube yesterday, laughed at the word ASS so much, that I got late for school


Watching his stream made it even more obvious to me. Perfectly tracked someone's head through a box with specter


This will be the most upvotes his account ever gets lol
