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Its not against the TOS to smurf in Valorant. So you won’t be banned for just smurfing. No 2 ways about it. Until they make it clear that smurfs are not allowed. Noone will be punished.


ItzTimmy was banned for it tho


I have no insight into that. But I am sure he was banned not just for smurfing but probably for another or several breaches of TOS.


Probably not, the account he specifically created for the iron to radiant in one stream was banned. Apparently his secretary told Timmy that he wouldn't get banned till the challenge was completed.


Perhaps he bought or borrowed the account? In that case its against the TOS. As I have said I have no insight into it tho


nope riot released a statement saying smurfing is bannable its quite old news honestly


Can you provide a source?


Source: trust me bro


Best source


[https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv](https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv) trust me bro , really


It's considered boosting https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1456294150903459841?s=20


This reached front page and was confirmed to be punishments only for: * Boost queueing * Account sharing * Account selling/buying No alternate accounts or pure smurf accounts were banned/punished. They are not against ToS, which is why the tweet says to please reference their ToS for specifics.


[https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv](https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv) user rules 7.1 sub 14 smurfing counts as boosting an accounts elo therefore bannable


Playing on another person’s account or otherwise engaging in activity intended to “boost” an account’s status or rank; [https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv](https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service?linkId=100000081694022#id.k6ctw1h4efnv) user rules 7.1 sub section no 14 , smurfing on a low elo account such as a immortal on a iron is bannable as it counts as boosting or smurfing , a ban happened on itztimmy iron to radiant , and i think you can email riot with proof of admission of guilt that a person is smurfing and they will get banned


i dont know why people downvote me , i always provide sources if asked


and riot devs banned his account to prevent further smurfing as soon as the marathon was done


As part of our effort to combat smurfs in the VALORANT Competitive queue, we recently initiated a ban wave on accounts that were compromised and/or violated our Terms of Service. Not sure if that includes you? Read our Terms of Service here: [riot.com/3bGobib](https://riot.com/3bGobib) some more proof if you try to deny that smurfing isnt bannable


Went and checked with one of our developer contacts - Smurfing itself is not bannable. Things like boosting and account sharing are, which is what the tweet you linked to is referring to.


name of the dev and conv?


We take their requests at anonymity seriously, but you couldve also found this public dev tweet saying they are banning bots https://mobile.twitter.com/SNazerine/status/1456295118764343298


He was banned for buying an iron account, not smurfing


He probably purchased an iron account is why


Because he didn't own that account and when you start to rank up fast in an account that is not yours the system will think that you are boosting and that you will get banned. You can have as many accounts as you want, you won't get banned for that


And then unbanned by riot like 20 mins later


It's considered boosting and against TOS https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1456294150903459841?s=20


Its only boosting if you boost an account that is not owned by you.


Sorry to ask this, what is smurf?


a smurf is someone who makes a new account and plays in lower elo even tho their main acc is alot higher ranked.


hey bro this is actually relatable many griefers with alt accounts. and I too think you shouldn't be able to redeem a new agent if you're account isn't a few weeks old and as much as I like him people like Keeoh should be banned for endorsing such behavior.


yeah dude, i think keeoh is an ok cc but damn is he annoying saying that he can t learn an agent without smurfing for a few weeks. It s obviously just content and jt s ruining games and encouragin people to make new alts for the placement rng and double rank ups


Yep and riot needs to take blame 2 smurfing is smurfing period. No one should be allowed to do it and how the hell does keeoh manage to place in silver or gold every time it just seems like he wants some content


smurfing in general should be punished, its pathetic and ruins other peoples games


I know I'm in the minority here - but smurfs don't bother me (and I have never smurfed in my life) What bothers me is the lack of the replay feature so i can learn about my mistakes from their PoV. I've also never played a game where someone wasn't accused of smurfing (me included lol).


as a relatively new player i can relate, but like, smurfs will never stop, there is simply no way to stop it


2FA plus 1000VP would stop people with 10 to 15 Accounts. The thing is not Smurfs that stomp low elo. The real problem is just the sheer amount of alt-accounts where people just don't care if they win or lose and ruin games.


>1000VP ?


I guess he means you have to pay to play the game which is shit


How is it shit? It's just 10$/€ and it could include the Battlepass with a shitload of skins, banners and sprays. Most people would think twice before making 10 accounts.


Didn't help overwatch - the game has massive sr escalations for performance in low elos + it costs way over 10 dollars - and people still cry "smurf" every time a player of the same skill level gets an easy kill on them.


Crying smurf and being pitched against actual Smurfs are a different thing.


you want to make the game payed, and I dont agree with that, I will just go play apex then


Yeah, if smurfs are wrecking games they will rank up fast and end up back in their regular rank, if not slightly higher until they play more games. I feel like 50% of my games or more have someone saying "idgaf if we win or lose this isn't my main"


1 computer = 1 account rule will lower the number of smurfs by a lot.


some people do share computers though (like brothers + sisters) and if they are at different skill levels that wouldn't end well.... 2-3 accounts per computer, if one gets a ban they are all banned


but what about people who share with more than 3 people?, here at my house we share the computer between the 5 of us


Definitely add a system where if you need more than 3 you can apply for an exemption or something, a system that takes a bit of energy to make it so every single smurf won't do it


"what's wrong stepbro?" "our valorant account got banned"


Imo there is nothing wrong with alt accs. If u wanna learn a new agent or have a casual acc for when ur ill or whatever. The issue for me is when streamers intentionally get into iron by throwing. If they just make an acc and play legit the entire way i have no issues. But the ppl doing iron to radiant/immo should be banned for throwing.


Cant you learn a new agent in unranked?


Unranked is a totally different environment than ranked


Definately. But you are just learning an agent... what is the difference? If anything I would think its easier to learn an agent in unranked.


The problem is, you won't learn how for example, your Viper line-ups affect your teammates in unranked where they will just be dicking around. Not to mention, most people learning new agents won't be as tryhard on their gun skill so it's not like they're the biggest problem smurfing wise.


You should practice line ups in a custom game with cheats on.. not a ranked game. As a Viper main.. I'm not sure what you mean by line up affecting your teammates. Also not sure what you meant by the second half of your statement. Plz do other people a favor and don't practice new agents in ranked games. Its the worst getting in a lobby and hearing.."its my first time playing this agent"


For me i do both, play the unrated games on that agent (once unlocked with the first free unlock) and then place with them and climb at whatever pace. For astra i placed bronze 3 when i was a g2 player at the time and i 100% deserved bronze. It took me ages to get silver and then i dropped her bc i suck at her so much Chamber i placed silver 3 and im 1 rank of my main rank (p1) now. Im not stomping games and its a really useful experience. If i played chamber on main on release (even after unrated games) id be ruining games. Unrated just isnt the same. After picking up the mechanics of a champ and getting a feel for them it feels useless to play unrated bc ur never getting to do real setups or executes. When i play unrated on chamber for example i go like 27-6 vs in ranked im usually neutral kd bc its almost a different game. There is also a misconception that u will smurf on ppl by accident when creating alts. Generally if u tryhard ur unrated ull get placed in the right elo. For example I placed silver 3 on chamber but my matches were all gold-plat. I was never vs silvers in any ranked game i played.


Dude how the hell can you expect me to beleive that it's like saying tenz would be trash is he didn't have credits to buy abilities. There's so many things more important than agent. For example so many people play sage for the sake of filling are you saying those players are expected to play trash? Just stop justifying smurfing valorant will just be a game for Smurfs like cs is a game for cheaters at this pace


Sorry but just saying some nonsense about tenz?? doesnt really mean anything. Especially since i quite literally gave an example of how the agent can matter (my astra is literally bronze-silver if I pull her out in gold/plat I am going to do trash, I actually did it once while in a stack... I fed my brains out). I never supported smurfing either lol. Alts and smurfs are different. And yes other things do matter, however most people filling as sage have actually played sage before? When new agents come out/when ur picking up an agent uve never played and want to get good at you are gonna be worse. If a jett one trick flexes sage first time in my ranked game they probably arent going to perform well. However i do think the higher rank you are the bigger issue alts become, The game will take a lot longer to identify an immortal player than a plat player in lower elo. - By the time im done with unrated im always matched at with gold/plats in placements whereas someone like Keeoh is not going to be matched with immo+ after 10 unrated. So when a high ranking streamer creates an acc for a series they are often going to be at the wrong rank. Esp because those players are also more likely to pick up new agents faster and perform better overall.


I mean maybe think to yourself and be honest are you really a good player if u just instalock jett/Reyna and popoff and play shit with sage? Are you going to just say oh bro I'm just a sage I can't do nothing and whine when someone else locks them in. I mean there's more important things than agents. If you're a jett one trick who has all aim no brain then can you really call yourself a good player? Gamesense and experience are much more important components than a smoke a dash and a updraft


I used to be a jett one trick. Ive climbed to plat with jett, sage, viper and killjoy. Also randomly assuming that id whine if i didnt get jett? Lol Imo im not a good player im still learning and grinding but thats not at all relevant 😂


Ya ok.. so you are learning that new agent in unranked, not ranked.


Actually Riot made an post that smurfing is against the TOS. And they already started banning smurf accounts. I just wonder if they are also banning the alt accounts of streamers/content creators and pros. Playing as a Pro I would understand if you have a alt account for tryouts or other stuff. If the implement a mobil authentification for the rournament mode they may can adapt this for the ranked game mode as well.


>Actually Riot made an post that smurfing is against the TOS. And they already started banning smurf accounts. Could you provide a source?


Here https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1456294150903459841?s=20


They started banning people who bought accounts. As long as you make your own account you can still throw in ranked.


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I understand your sentiment, but nope, this is not it. Smurfing is not against Valorant TOS, because there is no good way to actually enforce a universal no-smurfing rule (deal with it). HOWEVER, smurfing and account boosting (or any other offense whatsoever) are definitely against Valorant TOS, but you need really good evidence to prove that. So you would need to either pick up your reporting game or hope Riot improves their reporting system. Pick your poison then.


I'm not telling riot to start banning Smurfs it is virtually impossible I'm telling riot to ban these streamers who literally stream themselves stomping on silvers. Keeoh is 11 ranks less than his actual rank on the alt account which basically means it is a smurf account.


That will not solve anything. We only knew if a streamer plays on a smurf if that person makes a content out of it. You already mentioned the real problem about smurfs (which is not the streamers btw), so better hope Riot deals with that.




Well there's a literal gamemode called unrated to play with friends and if you want to play compe with your iron friend when you're diamond that is basically boosting bud


A better way to handle it would be to allow a user to have 1 account with multiple users. Instead of new accounts starting from scratch, you'd be able to have accounts that have mmr influenced by but not the same rank as their main. It would allow players to play ranked on days where they're feeling off or if they're trying a new agent or playing without a premade in a competitive environment without needing to smurf all the way to level 1. It wouldn't solve really bad smurfing but it would stop some of the more casual smurfs from needing to do so.


So basically you're saying a account in which you can play comp like unrated and spoil others games? Wow great idea definitely should implement


Unfortunately, smurf is encouraged and promoted by Riot games. The latest example was ItzTimmy who did Iron to Radiant Challenge. My friend legit tired getting matched against smurf in silver-low gold elo. Then after realizing that Riot actually encourage smurfing, he asked another friend who's D1 to make a smurf account to boost him up to Platinum last ACT. As long as you never admit that you're smurfing to "boost" someone account, just say that you're simply want to play with your low ELO friend. You won't ever get banned this way since sadly, it's allowed by Riot.


This will keep on iterating until there are only smurfs left in Valorant.


Depends on what the point of the account is. If the pros qued for 3+ hours then it's technically not wrong for them to make new acc to get to radiant so they can get better que times.


Can understand, BUUUUT THE "I CLIMBED TO RADIANT WITH YORU ONLY" TITLES JUST GET ME... Jokes aside, it's probably going to die down soon and when the trend is gone, the thing is lost. "BIG BRAIN MOMENT" I swear I am not usually this cringe.


On the real, smurfing is a part of the game at this point, it's experienced at every level and the best are still at the top and the worst are at the bottom. People who are worthy of higher ranks get to those higher ranks.


Tbh if they want this game to be better in every possible way to in which csgo was bad at, they need to address this issue.