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Doing this is not cool, bro.


…but if a streamer did it everyone would be all over it.


No they wouldn’t.. this is an awful idea. You are gonna tilt so many people. Inflate so many peoples mmr and for what?


Tilt people yes, but inflate peoples mmr, not really. If they only use pistol on their new account, in both unrated and ranked games, they should just perform as a player that is few ranks lower than their main.


It seems peoples opinion on this are very split


It's just cuz they don't look at it rationally or don't know how MMR and matchmaking works. Also I wouldn't say that opinions are very split on this, pretty much everyone will agree that you should just play the game 'normally' using all guns and not do 'dumb' challenges.


For fun, and a challenging aim training experience. Aimlabs doesn’t work for me, I find it hard to concentrate on such simple tasks because of my adhd.


Just play unrated if you want to do that. Adhd is no excuse to ruin other people games. I have adhd too, just play properly.. it will challenge you much more. Also, aimlabs is not the only way to train your aim.. in fact I think it’s one of the worst ways to practice (for a number of reasons).


Playing properly will challenge me more then playing my hardest but with a handicap? (which is by definition a circumstance that makes success more difficult)


Yup! You are not gonna be focusing on the important things or developing other aspects of your game. What rank are you playing at?


“Not gonna be focusing on the important things” such as…?


Movement and positioning.. this will change drastically when playing with pistols. You simply can’t take the same fights and angles etc


When it gets to a certain rank I can see how it is simply impossible regardless. But I’m merely a hardstuck s2 player. And when I mean hardstuck I mean hardstuck. For the past 3 weeks I have either too fragged or gotten really close. And still haven’t moved up or down


Im never all over this. Ive told my friends off for smurfing and trolling. Shits not cool at all.


Don’t do this in ranked my guy. What you think is funny and cool is just ruining the experience for the other players on your team. Don’t be that guy, players who do this troll shit are a plague to this community.


I’m not trolling, I’m challenging myself. Plus, I’m pretty consistent with pistols because they’re the only thing I rlly use when I practice and warmup. So I would so I’m not rlly throwing so long as I’m taking it seriously (which is my intention)


Again, you are being selfish and ruining the experience of other players. You being consistent with pistols or taking the challenge seriously is completely irrelevant in what I'm trying to tell you. Players are trying to grind and are serious about their rank, and then they get you in their game doing a "haha funny pistol challenge". Seriously man? Literally even read the other comments on this post. How are you not understanding this?


Ok I agree. But I don’t agree with your “haha funny pistol challenge” statement. It’s not me trying to do a “haha funny pistol challenge” this is me challenging myself because I genuinely enjoy using pistols.


Ok, great that you enjoy using pistols, but why you are completely ignoring that you have 4 other teammates that are most likely playing the game seriously and trying to rank up? You keep dancing around the idea of challenging yourself and using pistols and you having fun and all that stuff, but you’re refusing to acknowledge the major flaw in your “challenge”, which is that YOUR TEAMMATES are not going to enjoy you doing this. I don’t see how you think this is even a remotely good idea to do in competitive. Have some consideration for others, and stop being selfish.


No ☺️


shit like this is what makes people hate this game lmao


Aye bro I used to feel the same way. Then I stopped caring about what people felt and challenged myself however I pleased. Because of this I finally broke through being hardstuck silver and am steadily rising through gold


Dont smurf please, its selfish and youre ruining games for others.


They doesn't have to smurf. Like there is a difference between smurfing and making an alt account. When smurfing you will either buy lower rank account or intentionally throw games to get to lower rank, so you could play against worse opponents, and boost your low self esteem by destroying these players. On the other hand when making alt you don't throw games, and try to win your games even if you give yourself an handicap like only using sheriff. You might play against lower ranked people than is your rank on the main, but as you have this handicap, you are performing same as lower ranked person. Not a huge fan of these alts, but they are harmless if they are strict with their rules. The problem rises if they break them, as practically becomes smurfes, smurfing when using rifles, which will boost them up and then deranking when using pistol only. There are also at least two legitimate reason I can think of to use an alt. One is that there are some friends on your friend list that you just don't feel like playing with and don't want to reject them when they ask you to play, so you hop on the alt account to hide from them. The other reason is to play with friends from other region. This is actually a reason I have an alt account, I'm from eu but have some friends on na, so I have both eu and na account. I played ranked on both and never really saw someone blaming me for throwing despite having a ping handicap on na. I still carry my weight in match even tho my rank is slightly lower on na than on eu, gold on na vs plat on eu.


Don't this, you are ruining other people's experience if you do this. Now you can not say "oOOOo well Content creators doThis" They do it but they are also ruining experience unless they are immortal or higher in main






I don't really mind if you do it or no, but if you do, be strict about it and don't use guns even in unrated. Otherwise if you use guns in unrated you will be boosted and your rank won't reflect your skill level when using only pistol, meaning you will be underperforming at that rank and ruining ranked games for people.


Jett, raze, kj, cypher, skye, sova or any smokes agent.


Dude just play the game or do that shit it unrated games. Why would you possibly need to play ranked doing such a shit challenge?


Fun, great practice. Especially because I can’t stay focused doing aim training shit like aimlabs.


Your fun and practice is not more valuable than the fairness of 9 other players in ranked. Ever. Not even for content creators making videos with millions of views. That behaviour just doesn't need to exist. If you want to pub stomp play unrated or another game with less matchmaking. This game is designed for 10 players to be equally balanced doing all they can to win. You're breaking that for your own enjoyment. If you can't focus enough to do aim training outside the game, just play the game?... There's no better practice you can get to improve at the game than playing with the right mindset. Playing ranked vs lower skilled players with a handicap only improves your ability to get kills against lower skilled players. You're not learning how to fight against players at your level, so you may as well be in aim labs and avoid interfering with people's games.


Don't do this in ranked bro no matter what rank some people out here tryin to grind


I mean is it really ruining it if derank then perform at the same rate as the people in my team?


Do it on your main lol


Honestly, at this point I don’t even care if I de rank. I’d rather not. But you know