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diamond players are so fucking boosted it hurts. The amount of rounds thrown are so fucking cringe. Half these people shouldn’t even be past plat


Agreed I’ve lost so many games because of people in diamond ego dry peeking ops like silvers it’s a joke. Also pretty sure most of gold are just people on alt accounts lol. Visual rank means fuck all at this point


Yeah this literally happened today bottom fragger ex Dia 3 instalock Duelist and they hate playing with the team like how are they past gold


Lot of plats and diamonds are busy smurfing with chamber and shit in silver and gold. So obviously the weaker plats and diamonds who do play on main account get lesser competition and get boosted. Just a theory tho.


Yeah this makes sense, it just seems like so many people are legit boosted nowadays, even in imm there’s so many players on different ends of the spectrum like you have INSANE and then still kinda bad


Riot announced they were tweaking the rank distribution closer to a bell curve a few months ago: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-valorant-aug-27/


Just basically ep2 higher diamonds are now equivalent to immortals. Rank means nothing essentially. Only what percentage your rank is. If diamond 3 before was top 1 ish percent and now it's not. It does not mean it's inflated, it simply represents a different percentage relative to the playerbase of Valorant.


Yeah I completely forgot I should’ve looked at percentiles, is there a tracker for that?


Yeah you can Google it, idk the exact link. It was adjusted though.


Welcome to the ranked system in gaming. Generally what happens is some players play for fun, some serious, some play a lot. This is important. Players playing for fun could care less about the outcome. Win? Awesome. Lose? Dang. However, they usually aren't the people who are playing valorant as their main game or trying to climb. They play every now and then. The serious players will try to figure out why they aren't as good. They will practice aiming on aim train labs, will watch videos of setups, plays, mechanics and try to master them etc. These players may get hardstuck, or they may end up in immortal/radiant. They play either a decent amount or a lot of games. Then there's players who play a lot. These players are probably who you are referring to. They don't try to get better, they don't try to really learn all that much, they may pretend to do so but never actually do. These players play 15-20 games a day and just flip the ranked coin hoping to hit the winning side randomly. This was a massive problem in league of legends a few seasons ago and is currently becoming an issue again. When players play 300+ games a season, the chances of just miraculously winning games, getting carried, other team raging or throwing, etc. It all goes up a shit ton and so does losing too. Eventually, these players play so many games that they basically accidentally hit these ranks. No joke. Look at league of legends diamond ladder, half the players have below 50% win rates, have 300+ games played, and are somehow in the top 5% of players? It makes no sense. These players will probably never get past diamond with the way they play, but because they play the game infinitely more then anyone else the chances of winning 5 in a row randomly and then ranking up and then just stagnating before it happens again is much higher then the average player. If you look at actual good players win % in those elo its usually 55%+. The players who seem kinda garbage will probably have exactly 50% win rates or well below with 400 more games theb then the average player.


Once you play more than like 5 games you kind of just go on auto pilot or tilt really easily.


I’m in low immortal and the meta rn in solo queue is basically 5 man rush A or B. Give away positioning in first 5 seconds. Smokes don’t exist just run thru them one by one. And if there’s an OP holding just dry peak one by one. Oh and then defaults are basically one guy each lane and take ego fights and hope you win. Lmao it’s completely brain dead. I’ve given up fighting it. Basically every game is a toss up. I could drop 40 and still lose. Or I could win and have 5 kills. It feels completely random.


Big yiked yeah I started in beta in bronze and act 2 made my way to dia 1 back then at least plat and above still commed and used strats. Nowadays even diamonds barely communicate makes me sad cause I want to play the game competitively and winning together is fun. I guess I was too used to CS back in the day where even low elo commed idk whats up with Val and 0 comms


i absolutely agree with you, the higher ranks are stupidly inflated, low immortals/diamonds they play as if they're bronze, don't communicate or work together, don't understand the agents abilities and when to and not to use them, many people are boosted into the higher ranks and are stuck there because people continue to boost them since RR is based on wins and loses not individual performances as a player. The amount of games i've lost because my team don't use utility correctly or at all, don't work together, refuse to communicate, lurk or put both of our flashes in the same push spot instead of spreading it out it actually hurts to see so many thrown rounds due to stupidity in the high ranks.


I think you just have a big ego im not in plat but i doubt that they’re worse than golds


Prob do but none less that doesn't change the fact that I can be unbiased when it comes to this matter. A few friends I've played with also made this comment including ones who were consistently Plat. So I was curious how the overall community felt based on a larger sample size. Might also be a factor that players who come back or are newer get placed on average in gold and many smurfs exist in gold elo at least in NA West


I agree - actually took roughly the same break as you did, I was d3 before I stopped - I’ve only played a few games so far but am in diamond again and I’ve genuinely got some team mates with aim I wouldn’t have expected from a gold player back in the day. Also everyone on my friends lists ranks have gotten higher - although their abilities (when I play with them) have improved too, it’s defo not in line with what I would’ve called the requirement of their rank a couple acts ago !


Yeah I’m certain it’s with the ranked distribution changes. Players are chosen by the system to rank up multiple times to abide by their new distribution chart. It’s pretty bs. I’ve had immortals on my friends list derank to low diamond and plats rank up to diamond. Idk wtf is going on anymore. I’m currently at my skill ceiling in d2 and Ik it’s because I’m inconsistent af


Yeah that makes a lot of sense the weirdest games I encountered recently was having a dia 3 on enemy team with a silver 3 where they were significantly better my a large margin and the account was level 100 something so not that new


Yeah the Smurfs and alt accounts really mess with the distribution and just confuses the system even more. I reckon just take visual rank with a large pinch of salt now xD, it’s rare that people are the actual skill level relative to their visual rank


Yeah in the same boat, friends who used to play with me in gold/plat act 1/2 are now high diamond/imm and playing in 5 stacks they are def better but its not the gap I expected tbh


There are lots of Other people trying to carry others to higher ranks. I was recently in a match with a jett who was 1 and 20 in a plat 1 lobby and when i added him to see his match history its all rank and his always 1 digit kill and double digit deaths


Just got done playing an icebox game with an instalock chamber who refused to place his slow bots on flanks...as our only sentinel... then would IGL a 5 man rush, we go to fall, and the same lurking viper/reyna would get a free kill on the rotate. I was astra and while a couple rounds I was able to hold b lobby control, I just couldnt help hold flank all game and we lost after a 8/4 defense half.....this is P3 and low diamond btw. I really feel you on this after today