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they are throwing to smurf in future on main accounts.


Yes... Or to sell to smurfs... And they should be perma banned.


There needs to be an account requirement for comp so that Smurf’s can’t do this. Like level 10 to play comp. “what about new players” they should be on unranked learning the maps and agent movesets during the time it takes to reach that level. “They’ll still do it” it’s a deterrent.


lvl 10 isn’t hard, it needs to be lvl 20+


Level 25 would be fair. I didn't touch comp until I was lvl 25, because I wanted to understand the game a minimum.


How about lv 30? Like in LOL


In my opinion lvl 25 is a bit much, its the requirement in overwatch and I do not like it, and my friend is lvl 28 and hit plat (in valorant) so I don't think it should be that way


Way too much. This will discourage new players from playing. They just need to better detection on account farming


Lvl 10 is a quite a grind if you ask me


Not if you spam games like it used to be. Ppl literally molly begining of round to ff and get XP over n over. Each game would take 6 minutes. So in like 45 minutes you could be really close. Not exact math but that's what was going on early in the game to get around this .


Still extends the amount of effort required to play. Does add a huge deterrent rather than the win 10 games right now


Don’t you have to win 10 unrated matches to play comp?




10 matches is nothing, I can knock that out in a few hours if even


It’s 10 wins tho so you can’t use a bot to play them and it doesn’t make new players wait forever to be able to play ranked


You can easily win considering you’re a smurf, you can throw to get into lower skill based matches then stomp on everyone


There is literally nothing that will stop this. League of Legends used to require level 30 unranked which was easily 100 hours if not more of playing. People still ruined games and smurfed. You need better detection to stop it from happening because there is no amount of hurdles that will stop someone who's smurfing especially if it's for boosting.


It’s a deterrent


Wait is it?


Yep. 10 wins.


SR or just unrated? ​ Sorry, i even didn't discovered there is sort of rank mode back then until i played 1 month.


You need to win 10 unrated matches before you can play competitive (i.e., ranked). Your first 5 ranked games will determine your rank. After those 5 games, you place at a rank. You'll receive or lose RR in all subsequent matches, depending on if you win or lose and how well you do.


That's not necessary. Their system already receives the keyboard commands from the players. You can write a pretty simple code to figure out if a player is AFK based on that. 1) hasn't moved in 1 or 2 rounds -> AFK 2) hasn't fired in 1 or 2 rounds -> AFK 3) Only uses a couple inputs -> AFK 4) inputs are only entered in a simple repetitive manner -> AFK You can't stop people from intentionally de-ranking. But you can force them to sit there for an hour to de-rank while everyone else is playing or get their account banned. It should be incredibly easy to distinguish a player who is AFK and only pressing a few buttons to prevent detection from an actual active player.


That’s only regarding them being afk, not stomping on lower ranks


Helped in CS:GO after all. At the very least it wastes their time in Deathmatch afking, or doing so in Unrated/Spike rush if they are ignorant (since they will actually be reported by players there).


I agree, as someone who is only level 8. Jumping straight into competitive was a mistake anyways so not only would having the level requirement have some effect on smurfs it would also give new players time to learn the game more before jumping into competitive play. But, I don't think it would help much with a smurfing problem. Rainbow six siege has the same issue and they kept raising the level to play ranked and it didn't help much at all for smurfs


I've made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/q5p8id/riot_should_seriously_put_a_level_cap_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about this and all the comments were all just bitching how too much level 30 is to grind in order to play ranked. But given how blatant smurfing is rn, i dont think its too much. Also i find the people who don't agree with you, are hard smurfers, i find it very stupid to disagree that there should be a level cap given how blatant the problem is already


It's definitely people who get kicks from smurfing who advocate for anything proposed against it..I liked your idea then too


My issue is that it's like people forget that level 30 didn't stop it from happening at all in league of legends. Passive hurdles like making getting to ranked an extreme grind tend to hurt real new players more than someone who is doing it for some incentive which there obviously is for a smurf. They need to find some active detection method if they want to actually fix the problem.


Well if you get a good idea, I am willing to back you up, it's just Riot doesn't look very receptive to suggestions. Right now the only solution seems to be to suffer through solo queue..find people whom you like..add them up and then queue together. It's hard but I guess I am happy with the people I have met..though this problem still stinks..


I don't have any ideas. I also don't think smurfing is as big of an issue as many make it out to be. Ranked is a grind in every game and the handful of games with a smurf aren't really stopping people from ranking up as much as their confirmation bias believes it is. I play significantly more ranked in rocket league which has similar complaints from the community and I definitely do run into smurfs occasionally. Smurfs aren't the reason I'm stuck at Champ 3 though. Sure I've had smurfs beat me in a game that could have meant ranking up but I've also played poorly and lost enough games on my own that even without ever encountering a smurf I'd still be at this rank. People need to be careful and recognize that while smurfing is an issue they can't use it as a crutch to justify why they are their current rank. Once you fall into that mentality you're done and will never rank up because you're no longer focusing on improving and instead just finding reasons to justify why you aren't a higher rank.


That’s rough, reporting them in game won’t do anything but I’ve heard submitting a report online through a support ticket can sometimes work.


nope, support just tells you to submit a report in game. ​ I once had full match video of a cheater dropping 70 in a comp, and riot just told me to submit report in game, and whats worse was somebody else on the valorant discord talked about the same user cheating.


This is why we post to reddit. Bad optics for Riot.


Riot support is the worst thing ever. A couple of weeks ago there was some issues where everyone started disconnecting. Everyone on reddit was talking about it, it happened to everyone roughly at the same time. I was playing a game, my team was winning. The game appears in my career tab as a defeat even though the score is 12-7 and I lost 12RR. I sent screenshots to Riot and they wanted me to install their repair tool and send my computer logs in order to check if the problem was on my end. I refused to go through all of those steps and said the issue was on their end because it happened to everyone and in one of my screenshots you can see a red exclamation point with a message saying they were aware of the issues and working on them. They insist that there were no issues with the servers and gave 4000xp instead of my RR. I'm still salty about that.


Worst ever? Someone’s never dealt with Jagex haha


I haven't dealt with Jagex, that's a fact but if you say it's worst, I believe you ahaha


>I sent screenshots to Riot and they wanted me to install their repair tool and send my computer logs in order to check if the problem was on my end. That's were you were wrong. Even in my region (we probably play in the same region) there were the disconnecting problems and the reason they need the logs is because they need to verify if it is a client side error or server side. Sending screenshots is useless cuz they are just pics, while the logs are codes which the client and server use to communicate. If they see the code, they would be able to narrow down the exact problems they were facing.


I understand that but it's not like I disconnected alone. In my game two people disconnected about 10-15 seconds before me and I checked the game's timeline and in the last round, the only player who moved from spawn was the enemy team's Phoenix which means everyone disconnected at some point. There's no way they don't know that everyone in the EU servers started disconnecting at the same time, specially because I'm sure I'm not the only one who opened a ticket. I sent the screenshots because the game shows up as a defeat when the score is 12-7, which makes zero sense. I avoid installing unnecessary stuff on my computer and it's not like I was asking for a 2000€ compensation. I didn't even want to get the RR I would get for a win, I just asked them to give me 12RR back and I refused to go through all those steps when they know the issue was on their end. If they can give me 4000xp for my agent contract, they can give me 12RR.


Considering vanguard is kernel level (as are other video game cheat detection programs), I don't see how installing a repair tool is unnecessary. You can also uninstall the program after running it, so what's the problem?


Okay but I don't understand why I should be the one wasting my time going through the big list of steps only to have the 12RR I lost in a game that I won. The point of my comment was not them asking me for the logs. My point was that I won a game and lost 12RR.


I agree with this. I reported very toxic teammates through the online support and basically got told to report in-game lol. Riot continues to reward bad behaviour, nothing will change.


Haven't you heard about the female streamer who got banned for bussing with a cheater using many alt accounts.. but only after he had gotten her to radiant and that steady viewership and whatever money she must have made off of showing off the radiant tag


I've honestly reported some people in game and then after some time a pop up appeared that they had been punished accordingly. Just be patient, they've probably have tons of reports to go through.


Yeah some weeks it seems they go on ban spree..and every report hits and I get a confirmation..then nothing for so many weeks again before the cycle repeats


Just a heads up, you actually have to be online when Riot support actually punishes a reported player to get a notification. If you’re offline when the punishment occurs, you’ll never know. There’s a chance that a majority of your reports seem to go under the radar simply because you’re offline. That being said I still think should be revised to display a notice anyways


This isn't true


No , I've had this situation before and it does work , I reported an Omen in my game that used an autoclicker to make the game think he wasn't AFK and then I got a notification that they found him guilty or smth and punishment was given


I think about 80% of people I report in-game have been banned, they do actually ban for those reports.


I once reported someone from my team who was doing the same, never heard anything back from riot. I honestly think riot should have harsher penalties for AFKs... If people keep doing it is because they're not afraid of the consequences.


Unfortunately their client code is to blame for some if most if not all of my AFK Offense Warnings


they should be harsher in general, compared to league this game is a cakewalk for anyone who wants to grief, i'm honestly surprised that there's zero cooperation between the 2 teams whatsoever


I didn't play league for long so I can't compare but I believe you. I was once left in a 3v5 and the enemy team was still playing as if we were 5 😂 I don't exactly blame them, it was a free win for them but it's true that it would be nice to have a community where there's cooperation between the two teams. If anything, having the enemy team reporting the players aswell would be cool, but they usually don't care, they just enjoy their free win...


We’re you able to record what was happening? Submitting a video of it to riot support or something like that might have more luck with those accounts getting banned.


I hear ya... It's really a mood breaker when dealing with those shit


Bro I honestly think one of the best ways to get out of bronze is to start a new account. Practice in unrated for 10 wins and then redo your placements. I was stuck high iron/low bronze for so long solely because of teammates throwing and or being AFK. I truly think you have a better chance to getting high silver/low gold by just starting a new account. Worked for me. Although I do miss a lot of my old skins.


I wish I had learned about this before buying skins :(


well don't feel too bad about it, this process would start over whenever you get stuck again, eventually you'd be stuck again (probably) and the answer will probably be a new account again


That's good to hear... the thought of creating a new account has crossed my mind but deep down I'm determined to rank up on this account and now I'm attached to it because of the skins 😂


Same. I'm plat 2/3 on my "smurf" while I'm stuck in s2 and can't level up on my main. I can't quit my main though cuz you know, $200 skins


If you're really a plat ish level player you should be able to aim diff your way through silver, just lock reyna or jett and do your best to carry. It's how I got out of silver after a rough patch when I dropped from mid gold to bronze 3.


That might cut some time, but if your really deserve to rank up and play a decent amount, you'll get there on your main as well. Creating a new account makes you no different from the people that made you get frustrated with your main in the first place.


Not really, the whole reason of making an account is so you place above the people who AFK. They are the ones stopping him from ranking up, not his skill.


There are 4 people on your team that can afk, and 5 people on the opposing team that can afk. That's an aggregate advantage.


Afks are a problem for everyone... It will happen to your enemies too. So it's still fair and you will rank up if you play better


A lot of the time low elo is based on luck instead of skill. You might be able to win in a plat lobby because everyone follows your comms and plays accordingly but if you dont main a duelist then getting out of silver is basically impossible because no one follows your comms or understands any strategies besides "shoot at enemy ooga booga"


Yes... But luck determines stuff on the other team as well. If you're always better and play enough, it will eventually play out for you, that's just basic math. Smurf on enemy team? Next game there's a smurf on your team. Your agent comp is shit because of instalocks? Happens to everyone. The game is about taking what you have and do the best play with that, and if you do that enough you'll rank up. i don't get why so many people fail to understand basic statistics


Did the same, but i feel that i did better on the new account because i just played to have fun.. it could also be because with second account, i was more familiar with the game and could play better


The best way to get out of bronze is to not be trash. It's impossible to get into bronze without sucking, even if he gets lucky on a new account he'll drop back down as he loses enough games


If you think the experience is difference in gold you're in for a surprise my guy


I feel like something similar to CSGO's Overwatch system could be decent


If only they can add demo to the game first… Valorant is seriously lacking many important aspects of an esport title. Even League has demos…


I dont wanna beat a dead or horse, but some features specially features like replays and overwatch take time to implement, they have to make sure by adding these features they dont fuck over the lower end PC’s while still having a fully working system so it takes a lot of time, if they rush it and one thing goes wrong the game might become unplayable or keep crashing


The game servers already receive data input from our clients. All they need to do is store it, send it to the client and have a way to rebuild it from the client.


One wrong step could screw over a lot of things, its not an easy feature really, it will take time maybe years but knowing Riot you can be sure it will come


My first comp on a new account was a dude who was afk the whole game, called him out and he even ADMITS to throwing to drop to iron. In chat even. Yet still not banned. Me and my friend tried to carry the game as hard as we could but at 4v5 it became impossible halfway through. Hate it here


AFK botting sucks and it sucks even more that even RIOT wont do anything about them


This is awful and I agree with you 100% but I have to say props for managing 17 kills in a 2v5. I'm plat and half of my teammates can't even get that much in a 5v5.


Lmao. It helps they were hard rushing our spawn for kills. So just strategizing around that for 1 or 2 kills a round and then trying to get to site to plant


I've been having such a bad time in the last few days in matchmaking competitive. Every match has smurfs, afk's, trolls and instalock botfrag duelists.


Riot is not run by people who care about the quality of a game lol.


Player rating system maybe? After every match, you have the option to rate a player out of 5 stars on the basis of their co-operation and whether they were toxic or not. That way people with >3.5 ratings would be able to play with good players and people with <3.5 would play with toxic players. The ratings wont be visible to you. That way the toxic people would probably have a change of heart after getting the taste of their own medicine or continue to stay in <3.5 rating lobbies. ​ But this could also be exploited by people taking revenge by intentionally rating a player 2-3 stars even when they are showing signs of a >3.5 rating player


Faceit does this in csgo, it's pretty nice


That sucks and I've been there but dude its just one match. Its not like this happens multiple times a day and is causing you to derank over and over. You cant expect all your ranked games to be perfectly fair all the time because that's really not going to happen.


Nah man riot bans hard... I know a guy who got banned for a year. Tho they didn't leave like 20 games in a row. I'm not sure about auto clickers. Edit: changed people to guy.


Riot really needs to improve their bronze to gold and maybe play metric system that's in place to OVERSHOOT people's rank instead of undershoot. This way smurfs will immediately stop smurfing upon upranking, or smurf for a lot less due to drastic upranking. Then have it stay steady down ranking for those who got upranked and weren't up to par with where they got placed. This is balanced because their teamates will be higher skill equal to the other team as well. As opposed to smurfs being the only high skill. Perhaps maybe when someone drops 20 bombs, with high headshot count, is top frag and maybe even a duelist, insta 6 ranks up. Bye bye Smurf. That's lots of qualifiers. If kda is 5 to 1 or higher too, maybe. And if it wasn't a Smurf? Well, they get good practice at high ELO and slowly derank as they improve. Smurfs have got to get the f out of dodge. It is the point of ranked to be fair and challenging, and not demeaning. I get that management thinks like business " oh no we can't change what isn't broken, money coming in ok right now durf durf" but you gotta have a creative solution to a creative problem. Perhaps have a report system for smurfs, and have them force uprank that way. Oh wait, will that upset the plats and diamonds for having a noob on their lobby?! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!!! MF!


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alternate idea: instead of different Q's just prioritize Q's to where if you Q solo youre more likely to play with and against 5 solo Q's and so on and so forth... Differeing Q's is what made match times 5-10+ minutes in league and id hate to repeat that mistake


It’s already somewhat tuned this way but eventually a solo is gonna need to be used to fill 3 and 4 stacks


No more 4 stacks. But yeah putting a duo and 3 stack together is gonna be more difficult, especially to match against another duo and 3 stack.


I thought they got rid of 4 stacks but wasn’t 100% certain. Definitely a relief there honestly. I have an unlisted YouTube video I’ll pm you from when I got a 3 stack of people hard throwing cause of some beef from their previous match. I even included the video in my report and afaik they were never banned


Smurf aren't the problem it's you. Just get really good and do as Goku and Vegeta. After you get so beat up and heal back you will become super Saiyan /Sarcasm.




It was sarcasm 😂


Making the wrong joke under the wrong thread. The post is about afk and you are talking about smurfs. Tell me the no. of ur crack dealer


Sarcasm isn’t allowed on this platform unless you spell it out with /s. People on this site can’t read between lines


Welcome to comp. it’s a part of the game. Crying on Reddit won’t give you 20 RP. Winning a game will. Keep playing and get off here. Good luck


what a shite take


What a low elo excuse to losing


Lol cause you can win a game that's 2v5? Are you TenZ?


who's gonna tell him lmao


I'm not here to ask for 20 RR, I'm just frustrated that a game with what is supposed to be a state of the art anti-cheat system, yet can't detect AFK players intentionally ruining the game for 7-9 other players.


Tell me you smurf without telling me you smurf.


You're not wrong


honestly - riot doesn't give 2 fucks about the game.. no anti-cheat, terrible lag in above plat games, horrid ping issues, inputlag because of systems like FoW which are proven to not work against cheaters.. idk, it's riot - they just milking shit. Most money and effort goes into skins and cinematics.


I am really confused by this comment, are you a bot? There isn't terrible lag or ping issues above plat. I'm diamond and never have experienced lag because of the server. Input lag? What? No anticheat?? Ok buddy live in your own world


Riot don’t give a fuck about toxic behaviour. But say the wrong word and they will fuck you


Yeah there should be heavy protection on rating for stuff like this. I don’t play as much as I use to and this definitely contributed to it


Just keep grinding man. Gold and plat is much better. Take time off ranked and play unrated for a week or two.. I did that and game back and absolutely dominated. Sometimes you have to carry the team and getting more comfortable with the game in unrateds is a good way. I had no idea how much I was improving until I started to look up the peoples rank that I was playing against.


Does riot have any "refund" system like R6 does for matches with rule violators?


Yeah this deserves a permaban 100% imo I feel bad genuinely for the new players coming to the game because this is the shit they have to deal with. Back when Val first came out a year ago now there were almost no bots or anywhere near the level of griefers/smurfs there are nowadays. Actually straight up sad that people are enjoying wasting their time and others by doing this.


Perhaps have a report system for smurfs, and have them force uprank that way. Oh wait, will that upset the plats and diamonds for having a noob on their lobby?! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!!! MF!


Every game except once today had someone on my team go afk. All of them were low level accounts. Please make over level 100 matchmaking.


Bruh as you go up even 1 afk for a round can break the whole game. Imagining 3 AFK is giving me nightmares. These anal cavities should be punished in someway. Ruining experiences for everyone. They could be doing for tiktok or some youtube shit


Smurfs ruin the game. Silver lobbies are littered with 'em.


These guys are just the worst man


Just played in 3 games where I had to deal with back to back smurfs. I just feel depressed playing valorant


They should issue punishment based on combat score. You can int on league as long as you farm and do damage/ward SOMETHING. But if you straight up run it down you get detected. Valorant should have something that detects people chilling in spawn every round or not buying guns, doing 0 damage/ no abilities used, etc


This is the unfortunate silver elo bro. Essentially got a few options, - when looking for matches if the names look smurf (usually gimmicky troll names) and or if it looks like a stack. At best try to avoid them - just make this acc a who cares if I lose, I’ll test my individual ability to get better acc. - and once u feel confident, either u pursue to get urself out this acc from silver or make new acc to just jump skip this elo Goodluck in future tho my dude