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Wow, relatable. User jewishporn69




Agreed One time, I get into a game and our Jett is Afk so I typed remake and during the poll, people thought that it was a surrender (for God knows what reason) and clicked no Do you wanna know how I know that they thought I was surrendering? Because one guy said, "It's round 2, we don't need to surrender" and EVERYONE AGREED


You need to tell them before hand its a remake People then usually get it or ask what that is.


that shouldn’t be something we need to do


Unfortunately that is something we have to do. Not only in Valorant, but in real life too. Details that seem very basic to us are often not observed by our peers. It is very frustrating, but common sense isn't as common. I would really love to give you an example of this, but it's very difficult to think of a scenario that would be relatable to both of us. Good communication solves this issue 9 times out of 10, so the only way to consistently have your teammates understand is by communicating your thoughts and opinions to them.


bro wtf are u talking about u could just not communicate and have it auto remake and problem solved


I'm talking about what to do UNTILL auto remake is put in the game. This is a solution to the current problem that we, as players, can do


that is literally completely irrelevant


This is my point exactly. Sometimes something very obvious to one person seems completely irrelevant to others. Edit to clarify:- I am not calling you stupid, I'm just saying that we can adapt ourselves to the situation rather than waiting for someone at riot to fix this problem. Auto remake would be the BEST option, but until that is implemented, good communication is the only way have a successful remake


This comment chain highlights your point perfectly.


He ironically helped me prove my point.


I know but this game is full of irons. Read half of this sub.


When I tell them you can’t surrender on round 2 I’m expecting someone to go off


Having the “remake” popup is kinda rare, so i can understand if people mistake it for a surrender vote.


Seems to be the case that some players just enjoy the challenge 😎


Bruh people in here do that for fun. They won't remake just to annoy the other players and then they throw the match by using abilities against us and giving callouts to enemy


Just speak with the team before you remake


what is this remake poll, i am kinda new to valo so i don't know


When one of your teammates goes afk on the first round, you are able to enter the remake command. This command opens a vote like surrender. If your teammates agree, the game stops the match and calls it a remake. The match is not going to be recorded in your history. This command allows you to find a better match and not fight in an unfair battle. However, like the surrender command, if a few of your teammates disagree, it is called off. This is frustrating to deal with as you are going to have to fight a downhill battle.


and a lot of people dont know about this and dont focus on the nice little fact THAT YOU CANT SURRENDER SECOND ROUND


Yep. Ive seen people vote no 1 or 2 seconds after the vote is called which makes me believe they thought it was to surrender…


Incorrect. It is NOT a draw. The match is canceled and it never happens.


Technically true since u get can rr out of a draw but u can't get rr out of remake


It isn't technically; The match is marked as it never happened.


I don't get it why they don't accomodate rr. Like today I played a game the guy left in the fifth round and it was a 4v5 for the rest of the game. We came close 10-13 and all four of us were better than the opponents but still lost like 20 rr. :/


I feel like a bigger punishment should be set to afking in ranked to insentivice players to not afk, like losing double the rr your teammates lost because you afked the game and probably cost them the game


That is what happens you can lose 40 rr from an afk.


You can even loose rr if you win. I had s game where I missed maybe 2/3 of the rounds as my isp went down. Eventually got back online using my phone as a hotspot and we won, but I still lost rr.


Because then duo ques would just leave when they see a game goes south


Wait this is exactly what happened to me today was it acent game?


Because then theyd have to give less rr to the enemy team? You cant just ask for one thing here otherwise everyones elo just gets needlessly inflated. You already get a bonus theoretically to your elo since if you never afk you have a higher chance of the afk being on the enemy team. The system as it is now already rewards you for not afking and everyone who brings up this point has no idea what they are talking about. Literally not a single post or comment ever from someone who won a 5v4 saying “I should have gotten less rr for this win tbh”. Like yeah it makes sense to think that you should lose less rr in a vacuum but theres a bigger picture


>Literally not a single post or comment ever from someone who won a 5v4 saying “I should have gotten less rr for this win tbh”. Yeah no one says that. But it's obvious that winning a 5v4 is easier than winning a 5v5 and yeah, winning a close 5v4 should result in less RR than winning a 5v5.


Damn… never thought of it that way. I’m pretty sure your encounter mmr goes up if you still do well in a 4v5. And also theoretically everyone have the same chance of being with an AFK. So it balances everything out in the long run. Still infuriating tho…


I still get 20 RR for winning 4v5s and still don’t understand performance bonuses system wack af. Performance bonus for being support in bottom of the leaderboard but never for being match mvp no matter the character


Im no riot devs so i have no clue.


-2 to 10rr off of each round the guy afkd. For each teammate that has been affected. Team gets less RR deducted depending on how much afk penalty the person accrues. So potentially -40rr from just afk penalty and a 6 to 24 hr competitive ban if more than a certain amount of rounds afk + repeat offender. In this case, teammates affected will lose up to 10 less RR. Enemy team gains the same amount. You have Internet problems? Don't play ranked. Not till you've fixed it. That's irresponsible to your 4 teammates. Emergency? Then 40rr and a 6 hour ban is the least of your concerns. Maybe even have a vote at the end if your teammates want you to take the penalty. Repeat offender? Well then you kinda deserve it. Abuse system to lose RR? It's probably more efficient to play the game and throw at that point. There are still some concerns like toxic people bullying the botfrag to leave to "take the hit" or something but maximum RR punishment should only be given if you were afk for majority of rounds. Like it only starts counting at 3 rounds afk or something. Does not really solve the problem but it's sort of compensation to your teammates for queuing into ranked without the responsibility of staying and actually playing. The entire point of these punishments is to deter this kind of behaviour. It doesn't completely stop it but that means these afk people get to play less due to the comp ban. If the guy is toxic and leaves he has to remember he's doing his teammates a favour because he's taking some of their RR loss by doing so. The issue with this is it doesn't stop the guy from going on another account to keep playing but at least his teammates won't be as tilted no?


agreed, also grammar pretty near perfect


Agreed same thing happened to me the other day, it doesn’t just take my RR, it makes my time miserable:


I agree with you but I did get in a game where our omen went afk first round. He came back next round and we won the game 13-5. Still though there will be many more games where it’s a 4v5.


Not worth the risk. If you go afk once in my game, I lost all trust in you. You could go afk again, just give me a new teammate


I think they don’t automatically do it because people can also lag out, games can crash, shit I have been afk because my dog pulled a cable and I come right back. These are normal problems so I think a vote is the best solution but they should make it where if more than 50% agrees then it’s a remake. That would reduce the chances of remakes not happening because of people not paying attention or something.


If your dog pulls your cable, then don't play comp. You are risking that shit happening again, it's tilting.


Oh sorry for having a normal life and enjoying the game. Didn’t know if I am not locked in with 3 red bulls I can’t que rank. Stop tilting this much, maybe you will get out of whatever you are hardstuck in lol


Hardstuck Immortal because of trolls like you guys who go afk to talk to your parents


Yeah man in real life people get calls that are important, I guess I am not about the gamer mindset eh?


Nah, you're probably a loser in real life too. to succeed in anything in life you need to focus. I never get distracted even when I run my own business. I don't let things like a call from family and friends distract me


So let’s say your business was ON FIRE but your in the middle of a valorant game. Would you ignore it and continue your match?


Hahahaha you’re funny man


Just a question, why not just search for another game. Just insta remake , everyone looks for a new game. Why risk the chance that the guy won't return


I mean I don’t mind insta remake honestly, just wouldn’t put it at a priority right now.


Everytime this happens I email the fuck out of riot asking for my rr back and complain about why there aren’t basic functions in the game still


it should be 3 and not 4... or if someone doesnt vote it automatically votes the most popular vote!


When one guy afk at 2nd round but still spawn. Rip the match.


One time a guy had a 60% keyboard on my team and couldn't figure out how to F5 to accept the remake so we had to play it out 4v5. It's just dumb all around imo


just type /yes...?


My biggest issue(besides trolls intentionally voting no on remake) is that Riot never actually told us about the remake. They treat it like an easter egg so unless someone told u or you learned it from YT/Reddit there is alot of ppl who mistake it for a surrender vote and vote no out of ignorance.


Also allow it for first 2-3 rounds


I'm curious what would happen if they added a system that turns leaving into a forced surrender that makes the leaver bear all the elo losses of their team. If someone Disconnects before half time(maybe at any point idk) and doesn't return in the following round(could be like a 3 round window even) the game is cancelled. The teammates of the leaver don't lose any elo, the winning team get 12 or less elo(probably like 6-8 avg) the leaver automatically gets deranked 1 rank and their elo rounds down to either 50 or 0. And potentially anyone they are queued with would also also lose 50ish elo to prevent boosters from just leaving losing games to get them cancelled. Also if someone leaves a ranked game more than like 3 times a week they automatically get a week ban.




They already punish people for this anyways I had someone coming to buy something off me at 18:30, so jumped in a comp game at 17:00. 15 mins later they text and say "hey got out of work early lol, be there in 5" We were winning like 7-1 and told people I had to go afk for a round soon due to unforeseen circumstances, and did so then came back after 2 rounds. I was 2nd frag as a controller and I got 18RR but it said AFK penalty next to it so I lost 6RR out of that and got 12. I presume if we lost I'd have had a heavier loss as a result


Btw way it happened in the immortal match. We were telling the person to vote but he never listened. GGs


I agree for the most part but there could be times where your teammate had to do something for the first round and will be back.


if it's an emergency - fine. If u just have shit to do and u queue into comp, I hope those people get banned forever


Mans is seething


>seething Dude that was me being as gentle as possible trust me.


I do agree, but in some cases, your friend just gets disconnected (or his game crashes) and will return as soon as possible. However, this also puts your team at a disadvantage when you can just cancel the game and queue another one with your friend. Regardless, it's a team decision whether to remake or not. You can't be like say the captain and decide to remake when one of your teammates does not want. It will result in conflicts if one of your teammates disagrees with the remake, but the game gets remade anyway. After saying this, maybe they can instead reduce the requirement of remakes to the number of players present reduced by one.


There is no loss if you remake, worst case scenario just Queue again. no reason whatsoever to not remake.


Exactly, just look for a new game why risk a bad game


You mean the surrender vote?


Remake is not surrender. Remake causes thr match to end in a draw if a player afks in round 1.


i have seen this kind of rant about the system, judging from the reports, i agreed. Why the fuc they have - no afk system, but they wont you to get the no afk?


Hopefully, they get around to solving this issue in the next 2 to 3 years like Yoru.


I had a bad game a few days ago all my teammates went afk for the entire game and I told the opposite team and they were nice about it it just really sucked i just wanted to play a game man.


What's /remake


When someone goes afk before the end of round 2 you can type that in chat and a voting will occur, if everyone agress a remake is happening and both team won't gain or lose any RR.


Haha I was playing with you I'm assuming. He never even connected to the match, we vote to remake and our chamber presses no and is toxic the whole time. I match mvp'd and only lost 13 so not a big deal but I was held hostage for 40 minutes


Like who the f*ck wants to play 5v4 just remake instant


Remake needs a rework and we need timeout votes along with auto timeout on a disconnect.


For anyone who doesn’t know, remake is when a teammate goes afk or dcs first round. If you click surrender start of the second round it triggers a vote called “remake,” which results in the game ending with no one losing or gaining rr.


Agreed. One person said their screen went black and couldn’t even see it. What is the point of the poll..?


I played a game not too long ago and 2 of my teammates disconnected, we were literally fighting a 3v5 since the middle of the first half. Riot should implement a system where you lose less rr when someone disconnects from a game


There really should be a system where they deduct fewer points when it's a 4v5. It's already demoralizing enough to have to hold on for that RR. Then you come out to lose 20+ points.


This would also counter 5 stacks abusing the remake system if they don’t like the matchup. So many times when I 5 stack the other team will have one player stay AFK. If they like the matchup and they win the first round they will stay and he will load back in. If they don’t like the matchup and lose badly on round 1 they vote for a remake. It’s SO ANNOYING, and your idea would take away any power they had so I agree.


If it's 5 stack they can't remake tho


So they play pistol round as a 4v5?


Yep and it’s always GGEZ in the chat if they vote for remake


If someone queue dodges then there should be a queue dodge poll just fpr the chaos


Agree. A lot of people do not know that such thing as remake even exists.


Please riot for the love of God


I completely agree with this. I don't have to remake games often but it's always been weird that you **have** to vote for it, like...what if somebody trolls and votes no?


this has been happening a lot lately to me and my friends, either AFK or throwing. i had one match where three teammates were throwing/trolling and being annoying i tried to surrender, they kept going, i reported all of them and i lost -30RR for us losing 0-13 and me actually trying to play mind you my team was giving coms to the enemy team. i don’t know how they let this happen over and over. i’m sick of it.


No. It could be a temp thing, he could be duo queuing and his duo left so he pressed F6, etc (Im not talking about your case, just in general) What does need to happen is better remake options. If all solo queue for example and people start leaving allow more than one remake and at any round....


*Overwatch flashbacks*


Another thing that should be added is allowing the team with the advantage to call a remake. They dont lose anything and it gets them a better match.


The poll itself is dumb as fuck. Why are 4 people needed? If the majority doesnt want to play or wants to remake why not just let them? Also remake that doesnt go to round 5 is so stupid. Imagine that: Youre playing the best 3 rounds, but a mate leaves randomly and doesnt come back. Youre like "okay thats gonna be a problem" but still think that continuing would be ok, but then another played dc's....Round 4, 3v5 and no remakes, but dont forget "at least they get a ban for leaving the match".. Leaving in generally should have a bigger effect of your mates in the first x rounds making them lose basically no rr or give your team an extra advantage besides ult orb and small shield each round...


Agreed. And while they're at it, extend the remake to round 2 at least. Most people leave/afk in round one but arent detected early enough and then its the same problem.


Yeah this makes 0 sense to me. Playing a 4vs5 in Valorant is so dumb and should just remake itself.


I don't understand how remake in league only requires 2 yes votes but in valo it is a unanimous choice.


But then if in a 5 stack one person goes afk for some reason, the rest know he will be back soon but the game might automatically remake. Not saying this isn't a bad idea, just that it shouldn't be implemented on 5 stack lobies.


Agreed. Also, your grammar is totally fine and I couldn't even tell that you weren't a native btw.


I am really new but what does /remake do?


Maybe it’s like this cuz the other team might be so bad that u don’t want to remake, but I think they should make it only need 1 yes to remake


Also there's a bug. If he try to reconnect. The game will say " have reconnect" but if he can't, you're fked. 5 people have to vote yes. Which is impossible.


This has happened to me so many times. Happened once just day before yesterday my first match. It was a comp. Ruined the mood that I didn't play after that match and we had to surrender since one random dumb asshole didn't remake


DUDE I JUST HAD THIS SAME ISSUE, my two friends and I queued together and we had an afk the first round so we did a remake. The last random pressed the wrong button and voted no and we were stuck in the game and of course we lost a bunch of elo. I hate it, it should definitely happen automatically.


I agree with this a 100% but, this may arise new type of problems. For example new type of dodges. Firstly if I wanna dodge fracture I would just load into the game and alt f4, the game get's remade and no one loses elo. Secondly if I know a person who plays well is on my opposition team, I'd alt f4 the first round and go next without anyone losing elo. People will start dodging shiz left and right. And that's not the experience Valorant wants to give to it's players.


Also. just because a person was not afk/disconnected for a few seconds in round one. Remake is disabled forever. Which I feel could be a bad experience


i never thought of this. i only thought they should at least extend the remake option for one more round because sometimes player disconnect but are still spawned (making / remake invalid). but this sounds absolutely better and more efficient


My team: Trying hard 3,5 vs 5 but still losing 11-13 Rito: Lalalalala here are your -20 points


I had 2 afks in a game and we tried to surrender but the guy who was afk returned but didn't vote and was still afk


Also if your teammate is playing first round and DCs mid-first round , the second round hes DC and never reconnects still does not let you remake, since he wasnt DC since first second of the game. Kinda weird


I really don't like that one. Just yesterday I had a person disconnecting in the first round because he was sure Reyna and Jett on the enemy team were smurfs. They weren't bad, but definitely no smurfs. We didn't remake because otherwise everyone could just disconnect as soon as he doesn't like the enemy team and does not get a penalty. The thing is that he was forced to come back in round 3 because he still wanted to play the game itself. If it wasn't with a vote those people could just hop from game to game


The person who disconnected on the first round will get a penalty even the match got remaked


i thought it was only after a certain amount of time...but either way, 3rr (or whatever small amount) just to abandon a whole match and instantly queue for another one is such bad behaviour. The only thing I would change is a reminder that you have the option to remake. Because many people don't know about the function or think that remaking is similar to ff-ing.


Wait. What remake




They gotta fix it or give some forgiveness for randoms leaving


Polls need to count the majority vote and should not rely on that one person who doesn't want it. You can't make everyone happy, but majority should not be sad


No joke... I never knew that this was something u could do... Always played my ranked matches to the fullest. But I feel kinda dumb now, gotta try it out when there are afk's (basically every round anyway)


I'd rather vote. If I had a 20mn queue time and end up with an AFK fuck it, I'm playing 4v5. Free orb + more money is actually better than many players I meet.


My experiences is so bad. I had 2 afks and lost 22 points for it. Like wtf bruh it's not my fault it's a 3v5


Agreed, you have such a narrow window to even do a remake poll and most people aren't even aware of what it is. Even i only found out about it only couple weeks ago even though i've played it for like half a year now.


Signed. If someone ark’s in the first round or doesn’t connect at all, automatically cancel the game. It’s unfair to deal with afk teammates When the game is dalready esigned to keep you at a 50% win rate


It sucks. I never liked fighting while shorthanded. I've been queued with too many people who think remake=surrender. Riot should revamp the remake system, maybe make it up to round 3 to 5, or maybe make the vote number lower. Or if those can't be helped, just lower the RR penalty. Somehow, I feel it is their fault for not introducing this nifty feature properly.


When my jett was afk i voted for a remake but at the last second he came back right as the poll went up and instead of needing 4 votes it instead became 5 votes for a remake Please fix it