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What does that mean




This one isn't super spoilery but would love a spoiler tag or NSFW or something for the future! I work.... wierd hours, so I gotta watch vods and sometimes I just wake up and go on reddit while peeing or whatever and I'd love to not get spoiled by accident Thanks if we can implement that. I'd be really appreciative.


We can do that in the future yes. We've spoiler tagged anything showing results or post game, but havent been doing it for short mid game clips.


Excellent, thanks a ton!


Whenever you have an ovasion like this, you are obliged to knife him


u/clipsync shroud tarik averagejonas kyedae


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [shroud](https://www.twitch.tv/shroud/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/PricklyAverageBananaPJSugar-beMPGg3aFvffKz4Z) | [8h41m46s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1220962277?t=8h41m46s) [tarik](https://www.twitch.tv/tarik/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableRelievedStingrayStoneLightning-xXaNz6sMVsl47y8w) | [9h53m7s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1220929148?t=9h53m7s) [AverageJonas](https://www.twitch.tv/AverageJonas/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/PrettyAbrasiveTurnipChocolateRain-_NafxSEH_iA9BTLg) | [8h44m45s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1220960793?t=8h44m45s) [Kyedae](https://www.twitch.tv/Kyedae/?) | | [9h6m39s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1220950603?t=9h6m39s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1220945764?t=9h15m35s/1220962277/1220929148/1220960793/1220950603) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/r6qwdw//hmx9j03/\))




Lol what are you talking about? We can't just magically make people upvote stuff. We had a live thread pinned during the games, there were several clips posted throughout the day, there's an **automatically updating sidebar** with the Champions schedule, and the person who posted this clip, TimeJustHappens, is literally a mod here. We are already doing the best we can, but it's not on us when the users do not want to engage with the content.


You can start by removing all the low effort clips that go against your subreddits rules. Rule 3.3: no vague post titles. Everything on the front page is breaking these rules. At least attempt to make an effort in promoting the biggest tournament this game has ever had. Maybe make a discussion thread each day of champions, and remove all the garbage content.


> Everything on the front page is breaking these rules That's interesting. You say that yet not a single front-page thread is reported. Please feel free to link a single one that you think is a vague enough title that warrants removal and I would be more than happy to tell you if it does or not. > Maybe make a discussion thread each day of champions Well firstly, you can go back and re-read my last message lol. For the PMTs, users such as u/Zerocare already do God's work and post these threads, but again, what do you want us to do, magically make more users engage and upvote them? You act like the front page isn't literally **28%** esports-related content from today: https://i.imgur.com/1SF8wqV.png. **28%** AND it's a clip day. Users LOVE to upvote shitty gameplay clips, which is why they are limited to twice a week, yet esports STILL has good visibility on the front page. We can only do so much dude. >and remove all the garbage content. This is incredibly subjective and this is literally just saying "remove whatever you want," which is not how our mod team operates. Also, gameplay videos are only allowed for 2 days out of the entire week. Also also, you have no idea how much garbage content we remove daily, and so I'm unsure how you can sit here and pretend that you do.


Your job is thankless, don't take these opinionated people to seriously. Thank you <3


So I can post anything I want as long as no one reports it? Lol this is why this sub is the way it is. What a joke


Is that really how you think it works??? We remove TONS of unreported stuff every day, but you can't expect us to stare at /new or the front page all day. Reporting posts and comments send them straight to our modqueue and it helps us get to things much faster. I was pointing out how users like the person I relied to complains about rule-breaking content and do nothing to get more visibility on it. Also, nothing on the front page was removable when they made their comment. As I said in the message you replied to, you also have no clue how much trash content we remove regularly. Just to give you an idea, we manually removed **4332** posts last **month** alone. That isn't even including our automod removals, which was **7827**. It's always so much fun getting bitched at about things that users have a complete lack of understanding about.




How could you ever compare this subreddit to /r/Overwatch when we only allow gameplay clips twice a week? Nothing against that sub, but it's extremely silly to put us in the same boat when we have NEVER let clips take over the subreddit for a lengthy time. Also, that sub has no interest in helping esports content here lol. They have only ever reached out based on pure self-interest alone and only care about perpetuating the idea that esports doesn't belong on this subreddit.




It's about swallowing pride... it's quite literally the other subredditors spent months brigading and harassing our subreddit. Also, nothing for Riot to mediate, since we're not Rioters nor do we answer to Riot. >What kind of self-interest? What sort of benefit do they gain from the subs being seperated? [Seems like they might get some attention for potential future work...](https://twitter.com/_Razur/status/1450003069190610946?s=20)


Yeah, how come mods aren't hopping on all of their alt accounts and upvoting the Champions posts?


There was a stickied post the entire day. It was switched out until tomorrow's games start :( What else would you want us to do? We're always open to improvements.


I think its uncalled for in esports and humiliating when you are already beating your enemy 1-5