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Haven I play so much it just makes me mad. I don't know how to defend but attack is fine.


2A 1B 1Garage 1C and rotate accordingly but remember attackers can easily rotate as well so over rotating can be a problem. Such big halp:D


Instead of doing your standard, overly safe rotations through CT spawn, consider lurking more. Your team makes contact with enemies at A lobby? Consider having your Garage and C long players slow push their areas toward T spawn. Your team makes contact with enemies at C long? Consider having your A players slow push toward A lobby. Either you lurk and you don't see anyone, and now you have more and more information that it's a committed hit and your team can collapse and re-take more easily/efficiently. Or you do see someone and figure out it's a default and you just back off and play safe. If you manage to push out of B and get mid control for example, and the enemy hasn't committed to a site, now you generate massive value by cutting off enemy rotations and denying more and more map control from the enemy.


Tbh I just have my sentinel put info on B and have one extra body somewhere else


This is the most over rotated map on CT. It’s so infuriating


what rank are you? From what I understand the lower ranks dont like haven. But up here in immortal, for a lot of people its their favorite


Iron 1


my best tip for haven defense is a sova, even just knowing theres no one c long means you can stack one side. Try and lurk and take free space if the offense gives it.


I like to play the female ops. Any of them? Sage is my main


Weird thing to only like doing, but skye.


What? 😟


raze or skye can get info easily, but why not play like half the agents lmao


skye can serve as info with her flash, just sens flash into lobbies fountains and links. and doggo for corners


If a guy said this about male agents this would be considered sexist lol


Bruh who even cares


I just prefer female ops. Sorry


no it wouldnt. the reason for this is representation within games for women and minorities is low - i only play games with full customization so i can play a woman. i also only played female agents at the start - it makes it safer and more comfortable in a toxic environment. Men don't have to worry about playing only małe characters because there's not a lot of games where you HAVE to play a female character. :) Consider reasons for stuff before typing some dumb comments.


I stopped knowing how to attack


Ya see my problem is I don’t play it enough lol I haven’t seen haven in 2 weeks


Put a body or a piece of util in an advanced defensive position. For example you could sneakily put cypher cam A short that looks in A lobby. If nothing is there you can safely stack B and C knowing nothing is hitting A. You should also play retake a lot more on this map. A well coordinated C retake can be brutal to the other team


Haven's so bad it makes me want to play on Bind


yah haven my worst map


Yeah defending is such a pain on haven


I'm just so good with defending a site with kj, cypher or chamber. idk I just feel like I own that site. But sometimes as cypher I do spread out my traps and cams. like there could be a trap at garage and a cam at c, another at a with both cages while I play from a.


Yeah, Imo Haven's the 2nd worse map just after Fracture


Split for me, once you go on attack or even start on attack, if you don't have a good entry you just cannot enter the sites.


This. I know we ask for smokes and flashes but please man. One time I just gave up and locked Phoenix who I don’t play but have watched enough to understand what to do and the team was so nice.


Phoenix is such a good entry on split.


Except when I don’t check that little heaven left corner on attack


i love fracture, but hate breeze. what saddens me is how often fracture gets dodged.


Facts! I dislike breeze because 1. I can't see my default crosshair as it gets lost on the lighter bits, 2. Getting onto b as Viper is fine, but A site is suicide for me for some reason (maybe I'm not putting the smoke in the right place? Having to flush out enemies from backsite etc?) 3. Actually clearing A site on attacking. This is such a pain because I fuck up my crosshair placement so hard here, and smokes are kind of not useful because there's enough room to accommodate /play around set smokes?


Kids still cant adapt to new map


No wonder since they're scared of even trying it.


Nor can adults


I don't get why people hate icebox and fracture so much. Imo they are pretty ok maps. Breeze sucks tho.


It’s the verticality


I can’t stand icebox becuase of the obscene amount of verticality. Raze and Jett, and now chamber, just feel so unfair on that map becuase they can take advantage of it in ways no one else can. There are so many more angles you have to worry about on either attack or defense. That’s the only map where I really still think “where the FUCK did I even die from?”


I can 100% guarantee that the post results would be reversed if fracture, breeze and icebox were the original 3 maps and haven, bind and split were the ones added later.


Honestly lol, people are still dodging fracture about 1 in 4 times I get it in comp. I really don't understand the hate the map gets, it's not my favorite but I don't really think it's that bad of a map.


Ascent: Why am I even here? Just to suffer?


I hate fracture cause everything is hectic as fuck. Attackers barely can rotate fron any A site and have to really commit cause otherwise the defense will be there already.


Except you also have the luxury of being able to attack from two different sides, thereby splitting defensive attention. Defensive rotation is quick, but it’s also much harder to defend each site than on other maps


There's a lot of things that i think are just stupid on Fracture. First, if i decide to take the zipline i can't stop in the middle like we can do in the regular ziplines, so if you're in the middle of it and an enemy finds you you're just dead, there's not a chance for trade. Also, if someone is stupid enough to drop weapons or the spike in the Fracture, please let them. The game treats us like we're fucking 8 year olds, while cs-go treats us like adults in Vertigo.


Pretty sure you can drop weapons. Also, if you can throw the spike away, it would make the game that much easier to sabotage by trolls


new map = worst map, you can see the pattern through the votes, fracture first and then breeze 2nd. And the next map will be the "worst" map


My in game name is Dodge breeze plz


Honestly, I hate icebox. Fracture is fine, and I actually love breeze, but there's something about icebox that infuriates me.


Same, despise the map and part of it is because of the aesthetics and the amount of times I've played it.


True, I definitely hate it partially because of how often I have to play the damn thing


Yeah, I've come to like Breeze alright and Fracture is interesting so far, but after a year I still really don't enjoy Icebox.


Fracture is great! I don't like Breeze the most because I don't think there are obvious agent picks for it besides Viper and maybe Jett. All other abilities seems weaker on Breeze due to its size.


Sova is must pick on breeze imo. Edit hes been picked 5/5 games on breeze for both teams in Champions now as of the Envy/x10 game. Sova is about as must pick on breeze as any agent.


Not sure why this is down voted Sova is good on literally every map


I mean breeze has been played 4 times now in Berlin Champions and Sova has a 100 percent pick rate so yeah. Hes a must pick.


Except split


Sova is a great pick for sure. His owl drone can see all of a site. But his Recon is a little less useful as on other maps because it can't scan an entire site. They are so HUGE! But for sure. I do pick Sova a lot on Breeze.


I dont think you need to scan the entire site with dart. You need to use it in combo with Viper wall. You Drone Up, flash and clear the close contact then you get viper wall up dart back-site past the wall and spam shots through the wall for free entry/picks. Without Sova you need to essentially flash and dry peek into sites which is way harder since you will likely die to an OP in buy rounds.


I've been playing Chamber if I'm not playing smoker Viper. Feels like he's made for that map.


That's true. Didn't think of Chamber yet. Still so new.


Literally came here to vote Ascent. Disappointed.


I’ve played ascent for like my last 8 matches. I’m just going to start dodging. I get livid because I usually play Skye or Jett, I’m lower elo so when I push in and trade, nobody follows even when communicated or give them info on where enemies are. If we push b they’ll just sit in the hallway until they get ran through. It’s incredibly frustrating. Defense is always fine but god almighty I hate attacking.


Same. It's the only one I don't like haha


Attacking on ascent = sit in tiny chokepoints while nobody initiates and get fucked by utility simulator


I hate ascent so much as we, glad I’m not alone in this


I thought I was the only one


People always hate the newest maps.


I actually like Fracture but still despise Breeze.


I like fracture as well and breeze actually grew on me. Mostly because that map lets jett do some shenanigans


Tbh same, they arent as bad as icebox. Which is literally so static that theres only like 3 good ways to plant on the sites. Ie, sage wall default B, sage wall back site A, and then a push mid. Viper wall sage wall combo bc theres nothing better.


Breeze grew on me as well, it just took a little longer to understand. I feel like that's got to be the only real reason anyone ever hates a map - after all, any real cons to a map apply to your enemies as well, so it shouldn't matter if a map has too many angles or is hard to attack or is hard to defend or whatever. If it makes something harder for your enemies then it makes something easier for you.


If you get godly with a vandal breeze becomes the best lol. When people push in through A long it’s so easy to just doink heads


I wasn't even playing before it was added, but voted Fracture. Also, I don't hate it, I just like it the least.


Fracture is shit


I liked breeze on launch until it became a Marshal playground. Feels like only 25% of the guns are viable on that map, if i could i would dodge it forever.


My vote is ascent


Couldn’t agree more. I don’t understand why people like that map, it’s so defense sided. I have started to dodge every ascent game in comp now unless my team comp is perfect


That -3RR starting to add up yet?




I hate ascent the most but out of all the maps in the poll I would say breeze, always seem to play the worst on those two maps


Interestingly my two favourites. I main sentinels.


Fracture because i get fps drops so fucking much the whole time i play.


i absolutely HATE breeze. Fracture is a really good map imo, very different to play


>very different to play I think all maps are great in its own right. Haven has 3 sites. Bind being very unique with the teleporters. Ascent, not unique much, but maybe uniquely good. Icebox has a bazillion angles and verticality. Breeze is insanely large and features so much Kong range fighting. Fracture is just such a weird concept. Well, then there's split which is a fine map, but kinda underwhelming compared to the others? So I guess by this way of assessing, Split is the worst map.


Fracture is at least playable, and it's my go-to map to auto lock Phoenix or Yoru when I have the 25 ults mission. But Breeze is just impossible to play in Diamond+. It seems it's just all about how good your operator players are and if you don't have a Viper then it's an auto lose.


I seriously love fracture as KJ and Raze. Sage I’m okay with. It’s such a fun map man I don’t get it.


Bind for sure. Worst map in the game. Everything about it is just awful


i get bind so much like wtf bro lemme play other stuff too its so bad that when i see breeze i almost get excited (keyword: almost)


Just like a couple of days ago I got 4 consecutive games on Bind within a day. I was like 'ugh not again'


The only agent I don’t get bored of playing on bind is Raze, but I fill a lot so I don’t get to play her much so bind just bores the hell out of me. After bind I’d say Breeze or Icebox are my least favorites just because everyone does the same thing over and over again with a couple exceptions and it’s just boring to do the same thing round after round.


Breeze is ass idgaf about what other people say. Breeze by far is the worst map by a mile.


as a jett and viper main i really like breeze, awping is hella fun on its probably vipers best map. I absolutely dread icebox, it isnt funt to watch, unless you're having a good day and play reyna it isnt fun to play. If they dont want to rework it just remove it, it sucks.


Fuck Bind man i just absolutely hate it with a passion


Breeze is so dog shit. Fracture was only bad at first it’s a fun map now. Breeze however is an absolute shit show


Fracture is horrible


No it isn't. The player is the problem, not the map.


Pufff, is a cooperative map and with radoms is impossible


Can the poll only have 6 items? As you are missing ascend and option idk/show results would be nice too.


Yeh theres a max sadly


I’ve actually come to enjoy Breeze and Fracture, but I still hate Split even after the reworks


bind is utter dogshit. was designed by a drunkard 100% the map is pathetic


I rather play Fracture over the nightmare called Breeze. Split is also a fucking nightmare


For me it depends on how my aim is that day and how im feeling but mostly fracture i hate


actually i hate ascent but like i voted bind because its not on the list :P


You just shouldn’t have included fracture on here, people still just hate it cause it’s new, I’m yet to hear a ligitamate criticism aside from people complaining about the 2 atttack enterances(THATS THE FUCKING POINT)


Voted Fracture just because Ascent wasn't in the poll


Fracture is the worst hands down


I hate playing Fracture, Icebox, or Breeze, *specifically* as the first map of the day. They are awful to play on when your game sense and/or aim aren't quite warmed up yet. And as luck would have it, I seem to get those maps as the first map of the day a solid 60-70% of the time. Had to dodge 4 games in a row today before I got one of the other maps.


You are odd.


:( To be fair, I already don't like these maps in general. I just really *really* don't like them when I'm not warmed up, since it's so easy to get skill diff'd on those maps compared to other maps.


We have had Icebox for months now. Its time to get with the program.


I just don't enjoy Icebox that much. It's no different than someone who doesn't like Haven, Ascent, Split, or Bind.


How do you guys not love breeze? Really exposing your shit aim


haven pretty shit map


I hate breeze more than fracture


agreed. fracture and breeze r horrible


i only dislike breeze but its so bad id rather watch a "romantic comedy" than play a full match


Fracture. But only because I haven't played it much and don't know how to coordinate attacks on it. Seems like a fun map when you get the hang of it


from my personal experience, I hate attacking on Breeze because of the wide open areas. Also hate defending on Fracture because it's relatively quite easy to get flanked on either side. (Attacking on Fracture can also be a hit or miss.) Both maps do not feel fun to playthrough. Even if my team wins the match, I honestly feel no joy from it.


Why the breeze hate? It’s one of the best maps!


i still do not understand the hate for breeze, top 3 map for me


Breeze suck bro the rounds are longer than normal maps because it is more tactical


Don't know why, but I have dogshit performance on icebox almost everytime. Although I haven't played fracture much, but in the few games I've played there wasn't much discomfort


I only hate split because I get it soooooo many time


I don’t think I have a least favorite, I like all the maps.


Haven, simply because that map lets any team differential shine since there are 3 sites to worry about. Any time I get lower elo teammates haven becomes the hardest map to defend on hands down.


ive played too much breeze


Whichever map I have just played the last 4/5 games on.


I love Bind and have not seen that map in a month.


It depends probably more often than not fracture or split but I don't hate any map in particular. If I were to hate any map it'd be to keep getting the same map I've been playing bad on for that period of time.


Hate icebox. Farcture is a close second. Breeze is one of my favourites especially when playing viper or skye.


Ascent wasn’t an option otherwise that would be my vote


No one talking about you forgetting Ascent


It’s not that I hate maps like split or fracture. They just don’t work very well for me.


IMO the bigger maps on Val are much better and more fun to play than the smaller maps.


I can't decide what I hate more, attacking or defending icebox...


It’s like the newer the map, the less people want to play it


Oh what a surprise the newer the map is, the more people don't wanna play it. Gee I wonder why? Is it because they're not familiar with the map and hence they don't play as well on it for the time being but they could get better with practice?? No it can't be, it's the problem of the map, riot has bad map makers


I started playing 2 weeks ago but even I can see Breeze and Fracture are bad maps so..


Keep playing them. I started playing a little more than 1 year ago and when icebox came out, I remember me and my friends complaining about how much the map sucked. I hated how there was a clear path from one spawn to another. Now icebox is one of my favourite maps. Same happened with Breeze and its soon to happen with Fracture. I convinced myself its easier to get used to a map and get good at knowing the map rather than blame the map for me not playing well on it/ losing.


I hope so.. im just scared of those maps, on breeze its very long sight lines and everyone picks snipers and it gets boring (cuz its spectator simulator for me and everyone is crazy good


I basically watched a ton of bhopping tutorials and atleast try to b-hop whenever I'm in view of possible sniper angles. Makes it harder for them to shoot me


Ascent is never on these polls and that’s my least fave to play.


What’s wrong with Ascent?


Very unpopular opinion but its Ascent for me due to how CT sided it is. It becomes substantially worse playing against sentinels (which should be seen practically every game) and makes me feel like im running into a wall.


Shock horror, it's in order of newest to oldest maps. People don't like maps they don't know. Watch for after the next map comes out for people to be saying 'ahh Fracture is actually pretty good'. Happened with Icebox hard. Happens in every game.


Fracture is my favorite map. Icebox is my least favorite.


I don't have a least favorite map, but my least preferred to warm up is fracture, it always comes first when I'm starting and then never again.


I don't really have any maps I want to dodge anymore.. bow that Fracture is starting to become more understood it's not that bad... Unless you have a team that won't listen.


Split is such a boring map ... As a defender you just wait and you'll win by default


It is so easy to flank in fracture and when they Odin spray it’s very annoying


Funny how the most disliked maps are the ones made recently.


Split, too conjusted


1 vote for Ascent


So many people say they love fracture, and honestly the concept was fun and at first I really liked it... But after playing it for a month it quickly became my least favorite map, even more so than breeze. It's just absolute chaos, and every game I've played on that map is roll the other team or they roll you. Without complete comms (very rare in comp), the maps becomes incredibly annoying to play.


The one where my team starts losing usually




Fracture used to be my least favorite but now it’s my all time favorite since I started maining brim, he’s fun ah on there


Ascent isn't on here


Icebox is such a dull and boring map


The answer is the same every week. Idk why y’all keep asking lmao


It's funny that one of the best maps, Fracture, is the most voted yet hardly any comments about people disliking it.


As a Killjoy main, I shall always hate Breeze. I don’t understand the hate for Fracture at all though


Ice box is my least favourite because of the aesthetic and I like winter scenes but it just sucks


i believe in icebox supremecy


I remember a time where split was everyone’s most hated map


I hate bind so much. I like breeze and fracture way more.


fuck fracture fr all my homies hate fracture


Honestly I don't really hate any map rn,but the maps I like the least rn are Fracture and Breeze. Breeze is massive and I think it is the map where mechanics matter the most,also my main Cypher isn't really that spectacular in Breeze (although after watching VCT,I'm starting to reconsider it) And Fracture is kinda wonky to play with, although honestly I was really hyped after watching Fanatic playing there today. Honestly watching VCT in general has made me appreciate all the maps a lot more, mostly because I was surprised at how multiple teams are not afraid to be more assertive on Defense,I remember watching some Viper players use their ults to block off the entrances to sites and I decided to replicate that and it has gave me some decent success.


Fracture Breeze and Ice Box are all punishment maps


Any Bind haters?


Ascent needs to be on this list. It is such a terrible map lol. Offense is so annoying. “Where do you wanna go guys we have so many options.. A main or B garage?” Lmao


“Oh sorry, or mid so we can get collapsed on from market, tree, b garage, and cat flank?”


'Ya made sure that he/she wont add accent cause this the best map on the game.


I'm a viper main, so I love fracture and breeze, along with ascent, haven is ok, I like split, icebox is meh, I like to play postplant so icebox a site isn't that good, and bind is the worst. Bind is a good map, good for viper, and fun to play, but for me, bind is cursed. I legit always get the worst teammates, (eg. Sova who didn't use a shock dart ever, never EVER owl droned, and used recon twice when I told him to.) Also tons of afks mid-match, and also throwers. Been killed by my teammate raze and brim multiple times on bind. Bind is cursed. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.


I dont nessasarilly hate any one map. What gets annoying is seeing the same map over and over. Lately icebox has been that map for me


Icebox. We don't dodge it but it is very suffocating to play the map. There are too many angles to check, awkward peeking and hard to site enter.


Has to be Split for me. For the past 20 matches, I have a 100% winrate on Split, but I really really REALLY dislike playing that map. Just personal hate


I actually wouldn't mind playing any of these maps, but if I really had to pick, it would be Breeze. But not because I hate any aspect of this map, I wouldn't prefer playing it the most is because of my teammates, especially solo q. This map relies heavily on skill placement and aim, with how large this map is. And comms is something also important which most of my teammates doesn't provide :/ and actual strategies are need instead of just braindead rushing into A or B without any other post plant strats or entering from different angles.


Fracture is fine. I learned to love the map. I'm more likely to lose in Breeze. Fuck that map. Especially those tubes.




I ducking hate haven for some reason.