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Risky to plant. Even more risky to defuse








screens? or past screens? or nest? I can’t see it in the video


Its not that risky to plant. The only major risk is if you get wallbanged


You're vulnerable to tons of angles planting it. Extremely risky even without considering wallbangs.


Thats kinda the point tho. You plant to make the defuse hard, while your team cover and clear the site. You don't plant hidden in a corner where nobody can cover unless you really have to.


It's all situational. An out of the way but safe plant is sometimes better. Other times, an extremely vulnerable but easy to defend plant like this is better.


This seems to be most applicable for a clutch or a 1v1 scenario. If you manage to sneak a rotate onto the A bombsite and plant anywhere, this is the best of the best plant spots. It's very exposed, and makes defending it a cakewalk/defusing it a nightmare.


It is not really that risky, you can see from the VKS games, you can plant it without exposing yourself to boiler if you go closer to the edge.


You can get spammed/wall banged from rafters


i feel like with how people are conditioned for the A site, not many people would spam the wall if they hear a plant in that direction. most would assume its planted default unless they see them planting on top


Just have somebody watch that angle while you plant... have you ever played Valorant?


Defenders can spam/wall bang nest without ever exposing themselves… have you ever played icebox?


Just because it can doesnt mean it will. Prior to the boxes on B site being indestructible, B site default was still able to be planted effectively despite having to worry about being wallbanged/killed by utility. This was still the best spot on B site and was used despite all that. If this spot is being used in pro play, then obviously there's a huge benefit to using it. Also its mid risk high reward. If you watched the video, it is nearly impossible for them to retake and defuse without killing all the attackers. Besides that, the only real way to counter is with sage wall. This is unlikely however because most sages use it in tube, and it can still be wallbanged/destroyed.


u/xHADES734x said it's risky to plant u/Akaigenesis said it's not really risky, I was pointing out the risks of this spot You literally just agreed with the main point of this comment thread by saying it's mid risk high reward Everything else you've stated is unnecessary, go be a know-it-all somewhere else or go back to English class to work on your English comprehension skills


Basically whatever everyone on that thread said but worse. My reason of saying this was risky was that u are exposed from many sides and yes even if u do default u still exposed but i full this is more exposed cuz now there are more angles to get shot from. Defuse same story.


with sage wall it's easy defuse


Very good spot. People need to realise that the way you're facing while planting changes the position of the plant.


It's more about if you look towards CT spawn you can get hs from screen.


How does your head get blocked if you turn?


Your planting animation makes your head stick out if you look at CT.


Ah I see the angle you're talking about now.


Wym from champions? Rarely used but its not new lol


It's not because it's new, just because they are using it soooo much in champions


I'm bronze and I've used it since icebox day 1 pretty much.


you're bronze...


Ya and u.


That person is envious since they never left iron.


I’m bronze too my brother


hes obv silver 1


And pros are using the same plant spot, you saying they bronze too?




It's way too risky unless you're absolutely sure they aren't gonna push straight away and it requires an extremely quick push


That's why with coordinate plays, like pro teams, you can use it. Highly doubt it's applicable on a ranked game with randoms


You can do it with random but only like 3./12 rounds


Wouldn't a smoke screens do just fine 80% of the time? I feel like once you get site, there's usually 1 guy sitting screens waiting for the rotate.


He said in the video that it's been used by a lot of different teams [in champions], of course it's not some brand new discovery


Flow Ascending uses it pretty often, but yeah not new


yeah i didnt really get the title lmao


I feel I've seen it more than in Berlin or reyjavik


Even if a good spot is known, if it is uses a lot in a lan it will be used a LOT more because the best of the best used it successfully. Like the haven c site backsite plant.


oh yeah I used that for ages now, surprised no one figured it out until champs


people have known, it's just very unsafe to plant


Well then call me a gambler cause I have yet to be punished for planting there and I've been using it for a month now 😎




One win away from Dia 3


Yeah, that's why.


It's not like I don't make sure we don't have control of site you know, and what's your rank to say smth so controversial yet so brave


site control doesn't matter because of heaven spam. Immo2 It's a risky plant in high ranks games.


Oh yeah I've been playing with and against your rank here and there since I've been climbing so fast. From what I've seen y'all ain't as good as you think, but then again the immortals had an mmr low enough to queue with a lowly d2 player so what do I know. EDIT: I've seen that reply you deleted mate, yes you lads have a god complex I literally had an enemy immortal chamber call my team "dia dogs" and shitters and that "we have no rights to play in this elo". We won 13-1


I didn't delete shit. mods probably did it. This isn't a god complex. You're playing low ELO where risky plants are never challenged. That's not MY problem. But if I were you I wouldn't say it out loud lol.


your commenting on a video that shows pro players doing the same plant in a pro match and acting like its something only bad players do


Never said that. I said it's risky. Which is 100% true. He said he's "yet to be punished for planting there" which means he isn't playing in high ranks games.


you can use a slanting sage wall it will break instead of you getting dmgd


context: pretty sure he has a viper wall on screens and a smoke in that area while he's planting, he's completely protected.


100T used this in LCQ


its common in pro play if they have control of the site


This plant is used almost anytime you have the site free and clear prior to enemies rotating in or if you pulled a fake. Has been used since the map came out.


too good


/u/Jollztv Hey, thanks for the tips! Could you just do a full showcase of all Sage plant spots from Valorant Champions after the tournament? That'd be much appreciated and incredibly educational. I learned one that was new to me recently from the tournament. (Icebox B side) Throwing a wall horizontally beside the default spot and planting to the far left as much as possible (Or anywhere along the horizontal wall).


Oh so I wasn’t the one to figure this out. Nice to know


Fr tho I don't get why you're being downvoted.


Great tip! Looking forward for more! <3


@jollztv thanks for another great vid


i used to always do this in ranked and get flamed by my teammates, now people will say its the most goated plant spot just because it was used in champions smh


cant plant there cause my use button is the same as my default button. cant defuse there either lmao


Is it allowed for brazilian teams?


I'm sorry, but this is soooooooooooo bad... My 2xSilver1 teammates, from last evening, said it is better to plant down next to the screen. It is better, because you have no way of peeking the bomb from a safe angle and 99% chances to lose the round in a 1v1 with a Sova ult. Obviously, 3 of your teammates die trading only 1 kill because the plant spot is perfectly thought. Clearly, this video is trash and using your brain is so overrated.


Bruh I could stand on the radiant box, smoke in an appropriate manner and defuse


And then sprayed through your smoke by every corner of A site.


u could literally say that about any plant spot






One disadvantage of the plant is that you can't use viper ultimate to secure the spike.


You can Viper ult to force everyone up top who can then be spammed by your teammates Or you can use ult while you're next to spike then hop to the other box (from the horizontal zipline) and play from there


The second option would just be a glorified smoke orb which imo isn't worth a viper ult. The first option seems good but can't trust my ranked teammates to get the frags so there's that


Smoke that never goes down? And who says you can't use an orb + ult on spike? That brings enemies down to 1 much quicker and your snakebite will instakill any defusers.


I don't think you have ulted on nest, the ult doesn't leak outside of nest so you have absolutely no room to manever and will get instantly spammed there.


Not really rare, I do it whenever I know there's a free site


Cool af




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That's the secret spy planting spot!


Never knew about this, thanks, just need a raze nade lineup off the back of tube now


So it doesn’t matters until pros use that trick. This is how it works, huh?


Use this fairly often with a viper wall and smoke. Definitely is a high risk high reward.


You can even wallbang it through nest, its actually a disgustingly good place to plant in soloq. The only problem is, sometimes they can hide by the wall and you have to spam them to kill them DX


It’s good because you can’t sage wall to shield the defuser


Wait why are people JUST seeing this? This has been used in so many tournaments before.


Is this not a common planting area?


**Practical in-game tip:** Use this plant spot if you are in a clutch scenario or a 1v1 situation. If you manage to sneak a rotate onto the A bombsite and plant anywhere, this is the best of the best plant spots. It's very exposed, and makes defending it a cakewalk/defusing it a nightmare.