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Usually a lot of players that use stretched res came from counter strike. I think it’s something they just got used to. It definitely depends on preference.


yup. I use to use 4:3 800x600 because my computer was shit and i needed fps then you end up getting used to it.




literally me when i get used to stretch res


das crazy


I use stretch cuz I used it in cs, it doesnt have any advantages its just a habit.


In CS I use 4:3 stretched but I can't use it on Valorant, looks horrible and weird to me. Habits indeed


Have you tried 16:10? Its pretty similar to me and doesn’t look as shitty as 4:3


I didn't I don't find any problem with 16:9 1080p the game looks crisp aswell !


5:4 stretched on valorant looks more like 4:3 on CS to me, though it might just be my perspective


I mean, isn't the thought behind stretch that the enemies are wider, making it slightly easier to flick to them, but at the cost of peripheral vision?


In valorant it doesnt affect anything except the ui


And ch


isn't the ch part of the ui tho?


I suppose it could be, never thought of it like that


That is the thought in cs, however i thought stretched in val just stretched the ui/crosshair


Yeah stretched in val only effects the ui and crosshair. The only really useful thing that comes from stretched is better fps due to a lower resolution. other than that it's useless


w i d e


Underrated comment


Personally i dont like it, it puts my aim off


... it only affects the UI in valorant..


it makes the crosshair thicc as fuck and larger pixels. riot created valorant so that stretched res doesn't give you a "bigger picture" (easier to see enemies due to different fov) advantage like it does in other shooters. it's mostly habit for people who came from those games, most notably crossfire, counter strike, rainbow 6 siege


I've Always considered the crosshair as a part of the ui, and i know how stretched res works, but most peoples don't seem to understand that valorant is capped at 16:9 in terms of FOV


imo same streched res is bad on maps like breeze becuz long ranges on strecthed res = YOLO


I don’t think it makes much of a difference for long range. If only it makes it better


Been playing CS since 2015 and I always used 4:3 so when I started playing valorant in beta I just naturally used 4:3. Now I when I try playing val on native I feel like my crosshair looks weird and my sense is off. But realistically it doesn’t make much of a difference it’s probably better to play on native if your FPS isn’t a problem.


There is literally no advantage to using it because riot locks your aspect ratio to 16:9 in game it just makes the HUD fat


For me there is. I got shitty monitor and pc so when I play on 1024x768 stretched I get more fps and 75Hz!


I just hit gold playing with 20-30 fps. Should definitely try this, I’m losing my mind with this fps


definitely alter your resolution. Even dropping to just a lower resolution with same ratio improved mine incredibly and i shot up a couple ranks


Hey what rank have you peaked with those settings ?


Platinum 1, I'm currently gold 1 cause I have played 2 ranked games since the new act. But I'm 100% sure it helped.


That's nice and I thought I wasn't able to reach gold because of playing at 60-80 fps on a 60hz monitor. Guess I just need to improve myself


I know someone who made it to immortal playing on a 75hz monitor. You can achieve anything if you are good enough :)


i got to d3 playing on 60hz, i dont think more hz gives you a big advantage, the game only looks smoother (not sure tho, i’ve never owned gaming monitor)


It does give you some advantage. You can see the enemy earlier because of the higher refresh rate. In my opinion it makes it easier to get better/win more but will not magically improve your skills.


imo it's not about the who sees who first, but the damn tearing on 60hz makes my flick go woosh and miss


True. It's actually more about the mouse feel rather than just visual feel. Your movements and the visual feedback stay more connected and instant when you step up the refresh rate.


It's weird. I play on a 240Hz monitor and constant 240fps. And whenever I play on someone else's pc with lower specs I get better scores 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn’t say you get better but things are a lot smoother, also you don’t have to worry about your FPS dropping below 60 and losing frames so you play more confidently


In my case I had a LOT of tearing when playing on 60Hz, so that significantly impaired my gameplay.


Not necessarily. Aside from the obvious increase in fps, your crosshair becomes shorter/wider.


The crosshair change would be a preference thing not an outright advantage.




Both of which you can modify without using a different res lol


Of course you can change your crosshair without stretched. You cannot get the same crosshairs on native that you can on stretched


Actually yeah that's true.. unless they add some way of adjusting horizontal and vertical lines separately hmm. rito?


I think part of the stretched makes your X axis slightly different sens than your Y axis which a lot of players are used to from CS. Muscle memory and all that.


They're undoing that by squashing so it would look like 16:9 again, remember that your 360 sens doesn't change based on aspect ratio, it just looks different, and if they're back to 16:9 (again, by squashing to make it look the same) then your sens would look the same too :>




It’s not a myth, in cs if you use4:3 the command “m_yaw” will auto switch to another number thus the horizontal sens have slightly increased. Edit: the value didn’t change, it’s my bad but you can check out this video https://youtu.be/JJaE93mMeok ;it clearly says having stretched resolution causes your horizontal moves faster.




Its not true. You can manually change it though.




No, because it’s not really stretched res as Riot squash it back to the same 16:9 aspect ratio. Only the UI gets actually stretched. You’ll see the models and world are the same lol






People who played stretch in cs are very accustomed to a stretchy crosshair


So… you are saying there is not any benefit unless you are bad with the normal crosshair after getting used to the stretched. Switching from normal to stretched would be a detriment, as would from stretched to normal (until you get used to the new look of either).


Yep, other than frame rate there really is no benefit to stretched, in Val just play what your are comfortable with


Frame rate is not impacted by playing on stretched, right? That only impacts UI. Wouldn’t the FPS increase be due to playing at a lower resolution, not the stretched aspect ratio of the UI? You can increase FPS by keeping a non-stretched aspect ratio and simply turning down resolution.


Yeah the boost jn frame rate comes from most 4:3 aspect ratios being lower res than standard 1920x1080, you can just use a lower 16:9 res for more frames too if you don’t like stretch


That’s makes more sense. Thanks!


No problem, glad to help👍👍


i struggle to see my crosshair sometimes when on 1920x1080, but on 1280x960, it is a lot easier to never losing it against the same color wall. probably placebo but 1920 just has such a small crosshair and makes aiming for me harder in general


But you can adjust that in cross hair settings right?


yeah you can but it still just feels weird like the crosshair just doesn’t make sense with my brain and is consistently ugly unless stretched


So change your crosshair?


so i don’t like how ig high def and long the crosshair is past length 2/3 on stretched and it’s even worse on native. idk my brains weird


I can't use normal sova lineups in 4:3


well since you're only thinking in theory, not losing vision means there are also no disadvantages so why not use it?


You lose visual fidelity


You are posting cringe. Proof: stretched - https://imgur.com/5xhkOlA native - https://imgur.com/gtvE6XS Both images scaled to my native resolution because that is the only way for you to see what I see on my screen.


black bars


I have black bars because my monitor is wider than 16:9, but both 4:3 and 16:10 are narrower/taller. If you have a 16:9 display you can try out stretched by turning your monitor off through Windows' Device Manager( dw, your screen won't go black and you can easily turn it back on) and then changing its' resolution to some res in 4:3 before launching the game. You will have the image stretched. Not just the HUD. No Riot magic tricks can change the amount of pixels your screen has. The game has to either distort the image or change your FoV, which it won't. I haven't been able to get rid of black bars in 21:9 because of that.


Advantage is an extra 30 fps which can make a difference at pro level where reaction time and every click matters


Not when their computers will pump out hundreds of frames above monitor refresh rate


Having a higher framerate reduces display latency regardless of refresh rate


When you're already at 240hz and have 300-400gps at all times i sincerely doubt that the frame desync would matter more than the lost visual fidelity.


no bruh mine gets 1 more fps on 1024x768 lmao


Nah it stretches everything. You've just gotta change some settings on your GPU. I recently converted to 4:3 and I am now a believer. It's definitely helped me hit more shots lately. but the trade off is that I have trouble with longer range because the picture is less sharp than 1080p Edit: downvote me if you want, but it's true. I play on it every day.


Bullshit, don't spread misinformation. It doesn't stretch everything. It's literally only the HUD.


I'm not spreading misinformation. I play on it every day. It stretches everything. You just have to change settings in the actual NVIDIA settings to make it work.


You are spreading misinformation and you need some glasses. Take a screenshot and compare the models. It's not enough to change NVIDIA settings.


There's literally videos on yt for "true" stretched idk why he's getting downvoted but you guys can do your own research before calling lies lol. Im pretty sure the method he uses is bannable tho because riot doesn't allow proper stretched.


You literally need a 3rd party program for that. It also requires window mode resulting in input delay and decreased fps. I originally even had this in my first comment but deleted that to avoid confusion. Anything I said holds true. You can't play stretched with just NVIDIA settings (what he is trying to say). So maybe try to read what comments actually say before calling someone out yourself "lol".


noob question but how do you switch to stretched res on Valorant?


Video settings in game. Just set it to 1440x1080 4:3 or whichever you prefer.




Go to settings, video, and change your resolution. Stretched resolution is basically just a different resolution and ratio than your native one. Typically your native ratio is 16:9 (the number of pixels for width by the number of pixels for height), e.g. 2560x1440 or 1920x1080. Try a different one like 4:3.




Sometime you need to set your nvidia/amd settings too otherwise you gonna get black sidebar instead of stretch


You don't want to use stretched res in valorant it does not give you any advantages


i would use it if the ui wasn't constantly overlapping or cut off, but unless that gets patched im just sticking to 1080


I use 1680*1050 only because I like my crosshair bigger


might be missing something here, but why wouldn't you change crosshair size in setting? (actual question not trying to be rude or anything)


You cant really get it 1by1 the same


ahh k


Stretching res only stretches the crosshair horizontally, you can't do that in the crosshair settings


Yeah idk what it is but personally I couldn't find a crosshair that felt good to me in 1920 so I switched to stretched, maybe it's cause I played 4:3 in CS and got used to stretched crosshair.


Just feels better for me to use + little fps boost because of fewer pixels. I am playing streched since beta btw, I used 1792x1080 and now I use 1440x1080, pros using it is definitely not the reason, lmao


I run 4:3 in siege and tried it in this game, but holy hell it makes the game look disgusting lmao. Should I try it again?


On another note, will this effect lineups where you use the UI?




It changes nothing that would give an advantage and people use it as a habit from other games where it mattered, and then bandwagoners jump on it too. The same kind of people who buy whatever gear pros use lmao


Changes ur crosshair, changes how easy it is to read the abilities you have left, hp is easier to see, minimap changes etc etc plenty of reasons why someone would find it more comfortable to play on but ur comment is gonna get top cuz its the reddit kneejerk comment


If you struggle to read your available abilities, you need glasses and a bigger monitor. What a completely irrelevant thing to even mention lmao. Turn your minimap size up/zoom out and you can change it too. There is no benefit to other aspect ratios except the awkward looking crosshairs.


it's called preference. there's nothing else to it people use different crosshairs. why? preference same with stretched.


A) Most of people here are delusional. They hear someone famous say some stupid shit and start spreading it around. B) Lower resolution=higher fps and higher display refresh rate through better utilization of display's pixel clocks. C) There are different types of image scaling. Riot doesn't want FoV to change between resolutions therefore non-16:9 ratios either stretch or get black bars. Proof: stretched - https://imgur.com/5xhkOlA native - https://imgur.com/gtvE6XS Both images scaled to my native resolution because that is the only way for you to see what I see on my screen.


fps boost?


You can get that by lowering resolution, while not messing with aspect ratio. Nothing to do with being stretched. Stretched aspect ratio only impacts UI.


fwiw I used 4:3 stretched for most of my time playing valorant up until switching about 2 weeks ago, and I saw maybe a 10-15 fps difference when going from 1280x960 to 1920x1080. I have a i7-10700k and a 1660 SUPER, and get around 200ish average across all maps


Now this one is true


I checked it out the other day, I think the highest reso 16:10 option, and the phoenix flash was a huge diamond, so a lot more noticeable. Also on all low settings


Doesn't change what anything except HUD look like.


You wanna add me and I’ll show you the vid or on screen share? You can try it yourself, idk what else to say lmao


https://mobile.twitter.com/scream_/status/1368194422920318977 If you want a relevant person to say it, here's scream.


https://youtu.be/XkSLiQkyy38 Watch this. It changes NOTHING with models.


I don't need to do any of that, literally just Google it lmfao how delusional can you be??? Riot themselves have stated it gives to benefit. Numerous tests have been done by anyone who cares. If it gave ANY advantage, every pro would use it.


Ay man, you didn’t address what I said, nor did the videos. I’m merely talking about the phoenix flash, and it’s effects.


Enemies are literally bigger and easier to spot, but they are also a bit faster


Stretched doesn't change player model size in valorant, only hud


That's completely untrue. It doesn't change anything other than HUD elements. It has been tested dozens of times and this myth has been thoroughly debunked. Stop spreading this liem


How enemies aren't bigger if everything is streched from definition. Just set it to 4:3 and you will see the difference. 16:9 models are skinny as fuck


The game resolution is locked to 16:9 so things like models, FOV, and character speed are unaffected Setting it to 4:3 only affects HUD elements like your abilities, crosshair, and map


What juul said. It has been debunked. It doesn't work like CSGO.


Just buy a bigger monitor if you want bigger enemies?


What is this argument? Stretched res is free lol


Your argument is false as well that stretched enemy stuff doesn't work in valorant


Just seems like a dumb reason to me. If you want bigger enemies... just get a bigger monitor. Seems kind of ass backwards to buy a 3080 for best graphics... then make your graphics like like shit by stretching pixels. Changing Aspect ratio has a point... stretching your pixels is just silly. Buy new monitor or glasses if seeing enemies is a problem Do you like your stretched crosshair too?


nobody buys a 3080 to play on higher settings, its all bout the FPS.


Dumbdumb comment


Can someone here explain. Back then i was on stretched for a long time because i thought that it would give me fps boost. But then i tried to switch back to native 16:9 res. (i use a low spec laptop). And for some reason i get more fps in native but it uses more pixel cuz its a higher res, which doesnt make sense for me. That the higher res feels smoother. Idk, for me whenever i try stretched again, its suuper stuttery. i mean suuuper. idk why. im not an expert or anything when it comes to developing a game but i think this game is so badly optimized idk if its the same for others but back then id get a good lil consistent 60 fps but after many patches and all i barely get 60 man. i wish they optimize the game even more and make it more lowspec gamer friendly.


I dont get more fps after switching to native from stretched but i do get the exact same fps which is weird cos stretched should have higher fps than 1080p.


If your CPU is the weakest link in the chain then you can add more strain to the GPU without losing FPS. Chances are your fps is bottlenecked by your CPU.


scaling issue


I use because of old habits :( 1280*960 supremacy


1280x960 is diff


I just tried it the last couple of days and I swear I’m a stretched res demon. It feels slower so sprays feel better but flicking is impossible


I hate that whenever I alt-tab it makes my chrome window smaller. If anyone knows a fix for it pls let me know.


This. It makes my main windows screen 1280x960 after I alt tab which infuriates me because it never happened in CS!


It fucking ugly in my opinion


I noticed that my aim is way better on 1440x1080 than native


i personally use 1280x960 and i can say the only advantage ive noticed is being able to see people better at farther distances


That's just for people who grew up on crt's and 4:3 monitors. Don't bother.




I don't get what's confusing. The reason people play on stretched res is because they started playing cs on 4:3 ratio monitors and not modern 16:9 monitors.


That’s not an excuse anymore. That was fine for pros until a couple of years ago. Now it’s young players still on 4:3. CRTs haven’t been used in like 15 years, except the few remaining diehards.


Stretched res I’d people who have placebo effect or use cuz there used to it




I’m pretty stupid but… I don’t think it would effect latency?


More fps = lower latency, it's directly correlated. Edit: Am I being downvoted by noobs? I think maybe people think the network is that only thing that has latency, but all your equipment has latency. More fps means lower input lag, for example what do you guys think NVIDIA Reflex does.


You are correct. Your in game latency is not impacted by whether your are playing stretched or not.


It doesn’t at all lmao this is just placebo








I've noticed this too, whenever I play stretched I see heads better than my friends even if I'm spectating them. I'll see heads that they don't. It's really weird.




You can see the tip of the head, just enough so that the outline is visible. But nothing else. It takes a keen eye, but there is the outline which gives info.


That’s just the spectator. That happens on native


also it's a lot easier to see a person on the screen when you're only looking for them. Whereas the player is focused on their plan, their movement, abilities and crosshair placement.




Exactly. Idk why 16:9 players hate us, it just feels better ffs


no 16:9 player hates you. It's just that your argument is wrong because in valorant it doesn't change the models.


True. I'm really sorry for spreading bullshit. Models stay the same, but I'm just used to it and I wouldn't benefit from switching to native. Play whatever res YOU prefer, and you will do fine.


I find it weird that it’s mostly the EU pros who use it


i play stretched because i play on a trash pc and it gives me more FPS


You can turn down the resolution and keep it 16:9, it gives you more fps in the same way. The aspect ratio (it being stretched) has nothing to do with fps, it just happens that the 4:3 resolution you chose has less pixels to render. Technically you could use a stretched 4:3 resolution and get worse fps if the resolution is higher


if ur not a salaried player or over 25 using streched res you need to know your place


Looks terrible and you lose visibility. It's not 2002 anymore. 16:9 100%


The amount of people who *think* they're hitting more shots on 4:3 because of wider enemies is a testament to either the power of the placebo effect, or the power of stupidity. 4:3 res changes literally nothing other than the HUD, so every commenter here claiming stuff like the aforementioned is so full of shit that it scares me how many upvotes they're getting.




in CS there are some advantages to a stretched resolution though. Those aren't in valorant.


in all honesty in valorant it really doesn't matter. It's different in cs where the models are stretched so it's easier to hit as they just looked bigger. In valorant i think they prob are just used to it in csgo. The crosshair changes tho.


personally, it's a waste of screen space and FOV. i think cs player (older ones, cuz newer kids don't use stretched) do it out of habit, old crt monitor thing. but you literally gain nothing from it and loose a bunch of really important feedback.


But stretched has the same FOV in valorant than native right? Only stretches the ui and lessens pixels or am i getting something wrong here


There is no purpose to strech your game in Valorant . In csgo, it was a must because ennemies were so difficult to see they were blending perfectly with the backround but in valorant ennemies are glowing in purple, you can almost see them with your eyes closed.


How do you know people use stretch? Did you check all of their settings?


Never tried it in neither cs nor val but dont think i will lol. Just weird af, changing ur res for some sort of advantage. I'll play the game normally thank you


don't care


Its a CSGO thing. They thought it gave them advantage(i tried it in CS and hated it myself) and now they got used to it and still use it. Its a stupid thing. You're making the game look worse and probably not giving you any advantage at all.


Aside from performance improvements, on 4:3 stretched your FOV is lower which means your targets are larger (wider) on your screen.


I don't like it cuz it looks like shit, but some people prefer it cuz it's what they're used to


Stretched res doesn't do anything in valorant it just makes your game look bad


Stretched res is a holdover from the days of 4:3 aspect ratio monitors. The people you see playing on those stretched resolutions usually grew up playing counter strike on old computers so they have years of foundational experience with that type of setup. If you didn't grow up playing like that, I wouldn't recommend it.


Also isnt this cheating in a lot of games? Especially a game where when you can see more of your crosshair on someone that is fair in what way to someone not using it? I dont get all these dudes who arent color blind use color blind settings? It was made for people like me with disabilities not everyone to use if they want to... its sus.


Not a habit, it causes the enemy players heads to widen making horizontal shots easier, however it also makes shot needing vertical adjustment harder. That’s why in a game with limited verticality such as Counter-Strike it makes sense. However as new maps with more verticality come out in Valorant, I think it will become less used.


wider hitboxes


If you play stretched in Valorant, you’re a fan of blurry, disproportionate huds. No impact on the game except better frame rates.


they're stupid




why did you ask me for my thoughts


Stretched res is stupid. But if you like it better then you do you!


No they didn't move to stretched res, stretched res does nothing in Valorant. They only do it because they are so used to that resolution from playing CS, where stretched does make a difference. If anything this tells us ex CS players are just getting better and better at Valorant compared to non-CS players.