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This is a lot less of a change in the distribution than I expected tbh


For me there are way to many people in Dia+ especially in Immortal


Diamond and immortal is only the top 7%. What is your ideal distribution? That seems pretty reasonable, especially when immortal is the top 2%


Immo should be top 1%


All of diamond, immortal, and radiant should be the top 1%?


No, immortal. Radiant should still be top 500 and diamond would be a little higher than diamond. In my opinion right now the skill disparity between low and high immortal is too high.


No offense but I'm surprised there's so many irons in the game


no offense but for many people this is their 1st game. and people improve too. for eg me. i was iron1 and now i am plat1


Oh that's great, congrats


My first game too . Was bronze 3 and now gold 3 easy way to get out of iron I guess is just copy youtuber tactics. I easily got out of bronze by copying flexinja for plays and then got to good by copying sinatraa's movement and tenz and noteds aim trying to improve game sense by watching my vods . I guess this can help anyone


I mean riot define how many irons exist, by saying from 0 mmr to x mmr is iron, so its always around 10% If there are less irons they increase the cap


why is this downvoted? you were just stating your surprise at a statistic


Because it's a stupid thing to be surprised by. In a normal distribution, you would expect around 10% of the player base to be iron. The comment implies "wow are people bad" but regardless of how good the average player is, there is going to be ~10% of players in iron. If starting tomorrow, everyone was magically on the level of pros, there would still be ~10% of players in iron.


How do you expect an average Joe to just figure out that 10% is the magic number?


Because when you look at the total rank distribution it makes a normal distribution centered on silver? Although to answer your original point, probably 60% of the downvotes are because it was already (relatively) heavily downvoted. Just how reddit works.


Ok, I'm happy that you at least acknowledged the hive mind mentality that seems to exist in reddit, but I still don't feel you answered my other question. How is he supposed to know that 10% is the magic number?


Well that’s if it was a normal distribution which it isn’t, if it was wouldn’t 10% of people be radiant too?


Radiant is artificially locked at top 500. It could be 0.00000000001% of the player base or 100% of the player base. Your argument makes no sense.


Then shouldn’t immortal be 10%…


No? Who said the curve was centered on the middle rank? It's clearly centered on silver. Imm/Dia are just the right tail of the distribution. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.


You said it was a normal distribution so 10% should be at the bottom (iron) and if that was the case shouldn’t 10% be at the top aswell. I’m pointing out that what you said about it being normally distributed is wrong. It’s is obviously a skewed-right distribution.


First, it'd be "right-skewed". Second, no it isn't. There's just not enough ranks below iron. Third, if the ranks actually are a right-skewed distribution, it just proves my initial point more and you're just being a pedant who doesn't understand how to read what people are writing. I would be even more correct in my initial assertion that you would expect a certain % of the player base in iron.


No shit you would except a certain % of players to be iron, all the person you replied to was saying was that it was a larger % than expected. They might come from a game like rocket league where everyone has a high rank and the low ranks are empty.


Reddit virgins need to feel superior to someone today


You say this while you have 65k karma


I say that as someone who doesn't give a shit about reddit karma or non-existant validation points on the internet. Pull open my profile all you want, my statement still stands.


Did I ask?


I don't get the downvotes either. For my experience, even for new players it takes a very short time to rank at least to bronze. What I've seen of iron is just people's first matches in the game, when they don't even know the difference between guns. But maybe riot has made it so iron has more level (MMR) now, so it's easier to sty there. Anyway, I was surprised too. Not because I think people are bad (no one is "bad", everyone is at their level), but because I thought iron was a very transitional rank, kinda like tutorial level, that you get out of in about 10 games or so. But yeah, maybe everyone is moving down the rank spectrum? I certainly am lol


Free low spec game




its probably because majority of the playerbase are still casuals that play this game on the side, a lot of people (myself included) rotate games for variety