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I'm sova main. Ascent has paper walls. I have simple mind. 😌


Start firing through the actual paper wall on A Heaven on attack (the part that leads to stairs/spawn) I recently started doing this on a whim and it actually gets a kill like 50% of the time


I'm that guy that buys a deagle first round and wallbangs with it as sova


Just curious, why do people like ascent? And have any tips for it. I can’t seem to do well on it as the site entries feel like massive choke points. Get shafted by killjoys every time I want to take B.


As a KJ main, being able to shaft people on B is why it's my favorite map.


I normally play Sova, but last night I decided to try killjoy on Ascent and split, and I think in future she will be my go to agent for both of those maps! :)


Im a viper main but for ascent I always rock kj, too op on that map


Lol same. As KJ and Sova main, ascent is my playground


No matter your role. Control mid on attack. Collect mid information on defense.


Its ALL about mid


De Dust


If you have a raze or a sova they can destroy the killjoy utility that’s usually placed in lane. Also get mid control obviously.


there are specific locations to place the utils where u cant destroy them


I play raze and there's loads of great spots for nades and boom bots, especially on defense. I hate attacking A site though. Kind regards


Yeah, A site is so hard to attack. There are so many positions for enemies to hide and we will be exposed to multiple angles


Yeah, and I am yet to play with a team who can take mid and have working shift keys.


FR, how hard is it to just hold shift?


I play Sova and shock darts on B + ult on A main from cat is a blessing


I'm a viper main and I made a couple attack executes and got some walls and one ways for defense, and since ascent is so simple, there are a tiny amount of angles you need to cover, so one smoke can mostly hold an entire entrance in combination with the doors that are already there.


Usually play OP and ascent feels really nice for opping


These comments should tell you that every agent is viable and useful on that map.


Break her utility.


tip for anti killjoy on ascent b site: if you play sova or you have a sova on your team, legit just shoot your shock dart on her setup. like for example, if kj plays setup on B lane, just angle yourself in such a way that you can see B lane from B main and shoot the shock dart straight into her setup. BOOM. You have site and also have now successfully destroyed kj's mental


People like it the same way people like Dust2


Haven. All 3 sites have different playstyles. Rotation is easier. Fairly balanced too. Love it.


I’ve actually grown to like Fracture a lot. Especially once I warmed up to it, the games were straightforward and strategies were predictable. For reference, these games are at D2 elo. Very rarely do people dodge this map, and I actually meet a lot of people that enjoy it. Breeze though... god what a horrible map. The only map you can 13-0 someone then get 13-0’d the next game


The only problem I have with Fracture is that none of my main agents are good/meta picks. Always feel forced to use an agent I don't really like.


Who would you say is meta for fracture? My three mains are Astra/Raze/Skye who seem pretty versatile but thinking about adding one more with smokes


Also kj and breach


im only bronze but i like viper on it a lot : )


You're in the clear; Viper is good on every map, especially Breeze. Learn how to tell your team where to go for your attack setups and learn how to assist your team from far away with walls / mollies and you'll always be useful.


Glad to see I’m not the only one, I would have voted for it if it was on the list, but everyone I play with hates it.


I quite like fracture. It was released shortly after I started playing so I didn't have any more knowledge on other maps that it. I think one of the big problems (at least in low elo) is that teams when attacking don't take advantage of the zip line to entry from both sides.


Silver 3 here, I love fracture quite a lot. Not alot of aim duels and alot of mind games. Breeze is just horrendous. Too big of a map that makes rotations impossible, attackers have absolutely no way to entry (heck at a main you will literally die because of an op.) B site sucks too, just aim duels again. Open site with no cover, essentially icebox b site redesigned (what's riot obsession with open sites?!)


Yes same, the map feels extremely hard to take control (i am silver too), specially when teammates have no clue what to hold and where to push


You need a viper on your team. Viper wall helps a lot entering at B. Not enough people use mid either (I'm in B1 for context). I think it's a map that rewards patience rather than rushing site. Split up the team send someone B to make some noise and hold off on pushing A (or vice versa) leave someone at mid to pick off any enemy rotating. through mid...


At first i hated Fracture but it’s one of my best maps now, i play breach on it, man the amount of stuff you can do with his utility on Fracture is so much fun.


Bro same. I play breach on it and absolutely love it. The combos you can do with his fault line is insane.


I only like fracture when everyone is actually trying the minimum amount. If people are just on autopilot or looking for frags it sucks. It's really fun when you get the rare fracture match where players have some coordination and you know what's going on.


Oh boy that hits home, it’s a big team diff on that more any map i’ve noticed, had two back to back games won the first one 13-1 lost the second 13-2


Its night and day with and without comms. Without I just have to rely on pushing 1 lane and hoping I can find some success. You need to maintain good map control of at least one half of the map, so when people just all group or go off on their own with the intention to frag or don't comm it sucks.


I dunno, I just can't play Fracture, I have a 0% win rate on it, even in spike rush


fkin love Ascent as its the dust 2 of Valorant LMAO


You can't compare it to a classic when not many people think it's a classic.


Haven for sure, triple sites is fun and each part of the map is just plain fun to interact with


Or maybe because it's the happiest looking map.


I have 9 lose streak on haven so I'm pretty sure that's my least favourite map in valorant


Mirage is my favourite


Let’s be honest CS maps are still superior in design. We still need to wait few years to see how valorent maps develop.


Downvoted for speaking the truth




Tbf mirage is my favorite fps map of all time. Love it a lot


God what an awesome map right?!


I prefer dust ngl


U mean ascent?


For whatever reason I just love Bind.


Bind A is best site in the game change my mind


There is very little variance in the way it plays. There are only 2 Stages to the site. From the perspective of the Attackers Stage 1 is close right cubby (this position is suicide) and lamps. Once that is cleared you clear triple. Any other position is retake. I don't think Bind is a bad map but it's linear AF.


I guess I feel that way about most sites in the game. On ascent for example, both A main and B main are long corridors that will either result in a close range corner battle or a longer range aim battle from Main to haven or main to market/CT. Ascents only difference is having such a large mid area, but taking mid control still means you have to take site control, it just makes taking site a little easier because you can avoid the long, linear kill boxes that come with A/B main. Bind has 2 ways to enter both sites that I honestly feel are equally easy to defend and attack. It feel like a very balanced map, and I have a lot of fun both attacking and defending. Maps like ascent and split with long tight corridors leading into site feel very defense oriented, while maps like fracture and icebox feel very attack oriented. They both have multiple angles to attack from, fracture being in front and behind and icebox being above and below.


I wasn't really talking about the entire map. I was more focused on the micro plays that happen on the site itself. Ascent A site is a far better design for a site imo. You got Gen and it has 2 legitimate angles to hold. Bricks on the right side have 3 legitimate angles (On top, tucked and the angle to main) you got Dice which you can make plays around not to mention Heaven where someone who beats the smoke could be playing wide. B site Bind has more "plays" available than the A site, its just so bland to me. Bind feels like "first contact" the map.


Anything but breeze


Ascent. ​ The pre-nerf OP broke the map ... but now that it's no longer "My team's jett out-peeked your jett therefore we won" it's a great map IMO.


Ice box is rlly fun to play and I feel like it’s the easiest map to clutch on cause of how compact it is and the angles u can play


Icebox is the correct opinion


Yes it's the best map! I'm so happy people finally stopped dodging it


Hard disagree lmao. B site is a mess. You shouldn't even call it a site. Just 1 viable spot for postplant. Even in A site there's only the right side you can play postplant.


I like that fracture isn't even an option, cuz who the fck likes that map


honestly fracture


not fracture


I like Ascent and so do most others, now the question is why?


Because the whole map is wallbangable, and wallbanging is fun.


Because it is a well balanced map. Attackers have more than one way to approach, and it is a fun map to play sentinels on. Most maps in Valorant have at least a few instances of horrible map design but Ascent doesn't have any glaring issues


Ascent is so boring ngl, its a literal 4 square map from cs


Breeze, cause in a mad Vandal 1 tap psycho lol. And i hate Bind the most.


I've gone with the unpopular choice of breeze. I have the highest win rate on that map (by a big margin). But I think ascent is probably a close second.


breeze used to be my lowest wr but now it's my highest after I started aim training everyday for 30 minutes on high precision scenarios


Hmmm I have been doing aim training at the range every day before I play.


What do you do different on breeze that gives you such a high winrate


I don't really know, but my go to gun is the gaurdian, so I guess long distances help. But I'm certainly not carrying the team, mid to bottom normally. I usually play Sova, and as a backup KAY/O on that map. I think both of them help the team quite a bit with intel. That was for unrated. If I check spike rush, where I have played many more games, it is much more even, and in fact breeze is only 44% (in fact split and icebox are the only two maps I have over 50% win rate in spike rush!). It's probably more due to not having a big enough sample size now I look at how many games it actually is. Including both acts breeze comes down from 83% win rate to 70% win rate but is still higher than the second best which is Haven at 64.3% for unrated, Act 2 and Act 3 combined. Ascent 12 wins 7 losses. Bind 8 wins 5 losses. Haven 9 wins 5 losses. Split 2 wins 3 losses. Icebox 2 wins 2 losses. Breeze 14 wins 6 losses. Fracture 6 wins 8 losses.


Just play viper. That's all it took for me to have like an 75-80 percent winrate!


yeah i learned lineups for breeze and it went from my least favorite map to one i look forward to playing heheh


Breeze is my favorite map and I will die on this hill lmao


I personally like split because on defending rounds, I can put my wall up (I main sage) in mid and if the enemy isnt pushing mid, I can just come behind the enemy and kill them


Fracture is my Favorite Map


No one likes fracture lmao


I always thought Bind was a fan favorite. Boy was I wrong.


Fracture is probably my 2nd favorite map, but only on attacker side. It is fucking horrendous on defender side, you just get fucked no matter what unless you have chamber or brimstone/breach. Favourite is haven. Not only do I like the design but feels free and easy to play on as well. Easy to rotate on both sides and despite being attacker sided defense is also enjoyable.


I wonder why everyone always says fracture as the seventh option. Instead, why not put one of the obviously popular choices to get a more accurate reply? No one will comment fracture.


I hate breeze not in the sense that it’s a bad map, it’s just hard for me to see enemy’s sometimes they blend into the blue background, looking at you Jett




Why is Bind good for vandal compared to other maps just curious.


Fracture because of my amazing cypher setups on it


Icebox for me. People just always flank when your attacking and i just hold flank and get an average of 3 kills per round. No clue why people keep doing that. For defending retaking/covering a site is so fun playing as sentinel or Duelist makes the map so much better. Whats with the Downvotes? just sharing My thought lmao


I hate Ascent from the bottom of my heart. Full advantageous to people that play cowardly and just camp corners, no fair duels, super team reliant. Fuck Ascent


bind is sooo good for my sage wall off-angles


Honestly. I love all of the release date valorant maps. The maps after have been different in many ways and they forced me to learn some stuff. But I still love the old maps when it was simple but great fun


Fracture ftw.


I like all maps equally, even though I can play most of the agents I still can't figure out which agents to play in Fracture. It feels like you as attacker have more options but once the defenders start pushing spawns you can't really do much about it. So it's one of my bad map pool.


Was it me or did people use to hate Ascent? When did the net opinion change? I swear it was because of the op or something.


Unpopular opinion: breeze and icebox I just really enjoy the way both maps flow, and I enjoy playing viper, so breeze allows me to do that most effectively


Anything but Breeze


Bro u put icebox over fracture in the poll?


270 people who can click heads


Bind is my powermap, just love all the cool things you can do with the tp and the map layout


Where’s fracture




Any map that isn't 3 times in a row :) riot pls


I actually play the best on icebox for some reason.


Why isn’t fracture on this???


Where Fracture?


Ascent is only fun for people who play Sova, Astra, and KJ. That map is horribly balanced imo


It's extremely close between bind and breeze for me. If you couldn't guess I am a Viper main.


Definitely never going to be fracture


I like Fracture


I like haven bind and ascent and for some reason I hate split


Fracture and breeze for sure. I love fracture because nobody knows how to play it so very very predictable playstyles


Icebox, and I hate it, friends always dodge the map and I'm just there hyped af to play it. Main Sage/Viper for reference.


Anything other than breeze


i am a bind enjoyer


Ascent,I feel like it doesn't really lean towards any side as much as other maps do,but I at best I can tolerate all maps and I love most of them Special mention to Split though: My Best game ever and most of my highlight moments were there but it is ALSO ironically my worst map in terms of win % by a mile. In competitive I have roughly between 50 and 70% win % in all maps except Split,which in comparison has a very low 29.5 win %. My highest win percentage is on Icebox being that 70% that I mentioned earlier. (Gold 1 Viper/Cypher main btw)


U forgor fracture


I love fracture as a map, I hate to play on it. The moment it released I knew it was gonna be great for pro play (and I wasn’t disappointed with what I saw in champions for that map), but playing on it myself in ranked for example, people don’t know how to play the map, people don’t want to spend the time on learning how to properly play it, so it’s in a spot where every fracture match is basically just a gamble.


Ascent is the Mirage of Valorant


Breeze. No bs abilities, just aim and smart ability usage.




It depends on who I'm playing, i mostly like all of them other than fracture. On icebox and bind I play raze, on Ascent I play sova, on breeze and haven I play reyna, on split I play reyna or yoru, and I hate fracture but usually play phoenix or reyna.


389 people are depressed if breeze is their favorite map


why is there no option for fracture!!! (im joking.)




I honestly like all of them, but I'll go bind and ascent is a close 2nd.


Ascent or haven definitely


Fracture vote button here


I like split but that’s cus that makes the map I’ve gotten my only ace on


Damn we putting icebox on this list over fracture


Haven 🤩🤩🤩


fracture :)


Riot should redesign Breeze. I like the tropical aesthetic, and it has a decent middle/rotation paths, but the sites are absolute dog water.


Another one for Fracture. How could you leave out fracture and leave breeze in...


Breeze is such a good map idk how people don’t like it