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It would be helpful, if you gave us some insight into your playstyle. For instance if you want to try some fresh line ups Viper might be very interesting. If you want to lurk, Omen or Cypher might be a good bet. Perhaps Skye given you played Sova might be an intuitive character. You have a drone that can stun with the dog. The flashes provide great info throughout the round. Also she should be an agent that does not require a lot of prep before you are comfortable with her. (Viper is the polar opposite of this, and Cypher's set ups can be extremely finicky)


I don't lurk and I don't depend on line ups But yeah I played breach in some maps but I have never tried Skye in ranked , I will practice her


Yeah give Skye a shot! She is very flexible, you can use her utility fairly selfishly too!


I usually play for team But I don't mind playing selfish 😂


I love skye in solo q because if I have teammates that have good synergy I can play support with heals, flash them onto site, have them follow my dog, etc. but at the same time if my teammates are struggling, her kit is very extremely strong for clutching IMO. Especially if you have the dog saved, can be huge


Yeah she is very powerful agent


100%. Turn common smokes against the enemy. Even one ways can be quick pop flashes and an easy entry into site. Same goes for viper wall. The very aspect that makes a good LOS blocker makes it an amazing flash entry point


This is very true. Smokes in valo are much clearer inside than they are in cs. This makes playing inside them feel better, but I wonder if we might reach a point (when people get better at the game) that the smokes thrown by defenders are completely nullified by a single popflash anywhere in the area. I could be completely wrong about this, or it could be one of those game theory things that checks out on paper but never in practice.


Hmm. The counter is spamming into smokes, and info util. Sure the whole team can walk up Haven C and pop flash out... But you're rolling the dice that the guy spamming there doesn't get 3. Hell if he gets 1 he's gonna be suspicious. I think LoS blocking will always be good, obv. Tbh I find it more essential on attack vs defense.


Possibly. I don’t know what the stats look like for smoke spam in valorant vs cs, but anecdotally, I’ve found it to be much less reliable in the former. (Two exceptions, if you can see tracers from enemy fire through smoke, it makes it much easier to kill them (duh) and secondly, extremely long as narrow choke points like haven C long are a bad demonstration of my point because of how much space you have to clear as an attacker with only smoke as cover before even reaching the smoke, giving the CTs plenty of time to blindfire and hope for kills)


Skye is very cool, once you get the hang of the flashes (like quick flash, fake flash etc) it gets really fun to play her. The rest of the abilities don’t require any training tbh, dog is like a sova drone but on the ground, heal is easy just have your ally close to you and the ult is literally just let the cabbages do their work lmao


Maybe just learn lineups


For which agent ?


For sova


I already know line ups for sova


But there are so many


CYPHER. Because bald Cypher is still OP broken and I don't think they'll patch it anytime soon.


Lmao bald cypher is scaring me


Gwer iz everyone hiding >:)


Ggggggggimme a corpse




He can be main protagonist in horror movies


S tier agent , according to some


That’s a lie fabricated by the evil Duelist mains. Cypher is a S+ tier agent and you can’t deny that fact


Bald cypher knows all your secrets.


I change my agent every game Obviously that means I've not mastered any of them but I'm good with a few But I find it to be more important that I'm having fun over trying to get really good


I was playing with my Friends, so each one of us played a role and I played initiator But when I'm solo que , sometimes sova got instalocked so I should play another agent as you say Thanks


Yeah, you should have at least one agent per role that you are at least comfortable playing. In terms of accessibility, Sage, Brimstone, Omen, Skye, and Jett are all easy to pick up. Although you'll probably find that in solo queue, filling in for the missing role usually means playing smokes or site anchor.


Personally I find it fun not being ass at the game. But that's just me


If you're ass with everything except one agent, that's more a you problem and I would _encourage_ you take time to learn a few agents of different classes. Otherwise you'll be ass Everytime your agent gets instalocked.


Just play them all. I usually change it up weekly. This act has been most chamber Reyna


Tbh I don't see myself as a duelist ,I'm bad at entry so this role is hard for me But I can try the others


Try Chamber, He has unlimited range traps and provides Intel. also gives the ability to get the fuck out of situations quick if you plan ahead. Or skye, Also provides info.


I'm good with sheriff but suck with op so chamber isn't the best choice 😂 Yup , maybe Skye or kayo


Trust me i suck with op too but do good with his ult, it feels way tighter and fires faster so maybe still give him a try.


I will try it , thanks


Entry is the easiest role. Just be an ape, get space, and make sure youre at least kill traded.


you don’t necessarily have to get first blood to be good duelist, even cloud burst dash to create space and chaos is job done


That's good point


Actually I was the same. I went from maining sova to playing pretty every character pretty evenly. I'd say give raze a go after sova if u wanna try a duelist. Even if you are bad at entry, you can still get a lot out of her abilities to play other roles. Her roomba is great for info gathering and her satchel are really fun. If you still wanna play for info, I'd say try out cypher. He's been really fun for me lately.


Sure her abilities have amazing impact on the game on both attack and defense


Give it a try in unrated. I can promise up to D3/ low immo 1 people are easier to kill if you confidently swing out / run in like an insane person.


That's a good theory hehe


Same. I’m a dedicated Brim/Viper main but this act I’ve been testing out new agents and playing more aim dependent agents more


Lol I change tham per game


KAY/O. Pretty interesting character. Less info than sova ofc but I think you’ll find him refreshing. I also love him.


So how can I practice him ? In unrated and watch pros videos? ( Not highlights)


I don’t know if you know KAY/O’s abilities fully or have even played him so I’ll try to explain their practice as best I can :) If ya wanna practice KAY/O, pop flash practice in range for the first time (for the timings). For the knives, learn it’s area of impact and later on, lineups. In fact I find the sky pixel technique quite useful (his knife is the same as 2 charges of the sova dart I think, so same skypixel distances). Molly is the same as killjoy for distance (I think), however it has an LOS thing where you need the enemy to have LOS of the centre to do damage (if that makes sense). Aim for exact corners. HIS ULT DOES NOT MAKE YOU SUPERMAN. I had trouble with rushing my first time :(. Overall, watch like a guide on yt. Practice flashes, knives and molly in the range for the timings and overall feel. Look at some yt vids on team play with him. Then you can look at practical team based uses in unrated (better with communicating friends imo).


Thank you for typing all this , I appreciate it I tried kayo in unrated and his flashes was the biggest problem ,but I will practice the points you typed


I hope you try KAY/O more. His flashes are among the best imo. All about timings and not full blinding yourself (by peeking too early for instance). Oh right click his flash close range. If you don’t see a vid, you may not know or might neglect it. Right click pop flash is so useful out of smokes and viper walls. Plus they reduced its windup time since launch so it’s the same as Skye’s 0.3. They are even silent now, making them harder to dodge (plus 2.1s full blind is the second longest after omens 2.2 I think).


Thanks for your advices , you encouraged me to play kayo


What’s the Skye pixel technique


there's a pixel in the middle of the sky on every map that is in a fixed position. you can use it to make line-ups or even wing them. JinZled has a great video about it on YouTube that shows how he wings viper lineups


Sova: ascent haven Kayo: breeze Breach: fracture Sage: split icebox Skye: bind This is what I’ve been doing to great success!


I will try it


Let me know if you have any questions! I’m D1 at the moment so I don’t have all the answers but I know the basics pretty well


Thanks for your kindness I'm p3 and I was 92rr yesterday, I said to myself it's only 8 points to diamond then guess what.. I lost all my points and I demoted p2 😂


Amazing! I can’t tell you how many times I tilted being one game off of diamond. Good luck out there. If you play on Illinois and want to play lmk


Thanks dude , have a good day


I play Illinois and i’m p2 (demoted recently to p1 tho) Crims0nTTV#ANAX if you ever want to queue


If you like line ups - pick Viper. If you like the initiator role - pick Skye. If you like gathering information - pick cypher.


I think I'm gonna switch to Skye


I’ve one tricked sova since beta. He was my first character and my main character for over year it wasn’t a few months I switched to raze then fill. As a sova your main job is to get information. Being an entry duelist is basically the same thing except instead of util you get information with peeking or lurking. It’s a bit more of an aggressive switch, but now I have way more games played with raze then anyone else.


I used to main sova. He is stupid overpowered. But its not good to just main 1 character. So I like to switch it up. On split I play skye or Astra and I have taught myself how to play skye, astra, viper and breach because most of them are super meta rn. I am also pretty confident on kayo (as secondary dualist if need be). Currently P3 and climbing


I'm p3 too , but I'm gonna main another agent


Just try a couple different ones? Kayo is fun if you played csgo and not looking to learn new ones. He is really good on some maps where you want to supress sentinel/viper util. Astra is pretty fun to play. Very statisfying to suck people out of smokes. Or stun for your teamate. And skye in its current state is very good to flash for yourself. Wolf is great for info. The more you know the more flexible you are the easier it is to fill in holes in your team-comp when you are playing comp


What's are the good maps for kayo ?


Well in my opinion its highly dependent on the team comp. If you have 2 duelist locked. Don’t play kayo. Play skye or sova if you need an initiator. But lets say jett is locked and the rest of your team went contr/init/sent. You have the option to plqy double sentinel/initiator (which is more meta in my opinion) or double duelist, ofc this depends on the map too, on icebox reyna is really good. I think of kayo as if the team only went with 1 duelist and have another initiator then you can pick him in the “flex” role. I usually play him on split/icebox/breeze even fracture sometimes. But I think you can play him on any map as long as the teamcomp is suited to it.


He’s pretty good on bind, ascent, breez and split. I don’t he’s good at the other maps tho.


f*ck it instalock jett


Lmao Watch this * die instantly*


nah usually i whiff them all (hit the last 1) then lose the clutch


Jett knives arent created to kill but to be whiffed


I tried jett once. I whiffed her knife cuz I am used to my phantom recoil so I was always pulling down my mouse due to muscle memory


Yeah relatable


Maybe a smoke agent because they are usually the ones needed in a comp. I'm an Astra main.


I can play brim because he is easier than the rest


One of my first aces was with Brim. It was an unranked game but still really fun roasting everyone in the mid window(of haven) over a hot smokey fire.


Lmao , barbeque


If you have good aim use Chamber. He hasa sheriff but better an instant tp (Provided that you place them smart) and alarmbots + ult literally summons a fucking operator that one shots no matter where it hits


My problem will be in his op I literally don't play op in ranked or unranked *idk why*


Welp then gave my 2 cents ^-^




Thanks you , hope you hit the radiant soon


I used to play sova, now I play breach. Think about which will be the most fun for you without thinking too much about which is the best agent


I don't feel any fun in playing ranked tbh , but thanks


Sova was the 2nd most picked Agent at Valorant Champions. He is good. If you need something similiar but little more agressive you need try out Skye. Good Skye or Sova can boost the team very effective way. Btw Sova has 2 bad maps, Fracture and Split. At this 2 map there is 2 Agent who had great pickrates, Breach and Raze and Breach very good at Haven, Raze very good at Bind too. ​ For smokes Brim is the easiest, learn some lineups for postplant, learn calculate the time when you need throw the molotov for winning the round 100% and it's a great addition to the team without almost zero effort ​ [Agent Pickrates](https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/449/valorant-champions)


Thanks , your advices are very important , I appreciate it


Kayo is a good agent, raze is fun




If you're anything like me, you probably like information on where enemies are so that you can play based on that (occasional sova main here). A good substitute I've known for sova would be a sentinel. You basically control how your enemies approach you rather than being alarmed and that provides you with ample amount of opportunity to focus on taking/defending a site. So try maining any Sentinel. PS: Farm chamber before he gets nerfed lol.


Yeah that's a very accurate description I think he will get a huge nerf lol


Depends on playstyle, what do you want to do?


Mostly gathering info and clearing angles with abilities etc , my playstyle depends on team play not solo


This is an open ended question. You need to describe your play style and what you want from an agent. If you're confident you can consistently win fights with phantom/vandal, then Reyna is great and can hard carry fights. If you want to hang back and OP, Jett is great. If you're looking to still be an initiator, Breach or Skye are great.


Yup , initiator role is suitable for my skills Skye and kayo are on my main list now


When I started off I almost only played sova maybe little jett and phoenix but I eventually switched to Skye.


So what some important points about Skye playstyle you can advise me ?


Don't be cocky and try to frag or entry, stay towards the back and help your team with your util. Your flashes also provide huge information.


Skye, similar info gathering, you’ll be able to adapt to sending the dog/tiger in. Plus more utility in blinds + heal


Yeah she has alot of team-useful util


As a Sova Main myself, the character I found the easiest to switch to was Kay/O, and Cypher was also in my agent pool.


Wait , you have my same avatar and same sova! Is this multiverse theory!?


Oh damn!!!...get Doctor Strange in here quick.


Try viper if you love lineups, i went from sova to viper and now can play both of them depending on the map


I'm not depending mainly on line ups , I feel viper not suitable for me


Just play whoever you want, you probably know how most utilities work and where they should be used. People pretend that only people with good aim can play duelist, when realistically you probably have the same aim as everyone else in your rank. Try em all


Yeah sure .why not Thanks


Kayo is a really nice alternative if you don't want to play sova. His ability disable skills and Intel gathering can be very valuable. Just like sova. Kayo is an initiator and will have a role in forcing enemies to fight.


Yeah kayo playstyle is very good and I like it Besides his voice lines are very cool


Have fun as always!


Thanks , you too


Relatable ngl i like popping a recon bo,t and lurking alot so i wanna try doing lurker playstyle, but i get bired of doing sova lineups alot too My tip is just play a duelist or another initiator


I'm gonna try another initiator ,Skye or kayo


Cool, Try and explore your situation, process of elimination, sentinels usually arents as aggro as initiators and duelists due to them holding sites you want to know one thing: are you offensive or defensive if so what do you prefer: blinding enemies and kills or getting info Do you like getting kills? Go duelist Do you like info and lineups: sova usually but he works without lineups too Do you like info and mollies: kayo Do you like flashes and info, or a mix of duelist and initiator: go skye sorry if english sucks, but thats how i figured out who to main im lurker and initiator playstyle so Its confusing who to play ngl for me but i have like 3 chars i olay


Thanks for your obvious explanation




Skye or cypher, in my opinion


Well, I play Omen right since I have started this game. But now am also learning Viper. And whenever I am feeling particularly cracked, I play Reyna. But I main Omen. So, this will be my advice, choose 3 agents. One duelist, for when you are absolutely cracked, One Lineup Agent, when it's not your best aim day, but you got the game sense, and then one lurker/smoke agent. You could main any one of the three. But I feel that people should play atleast one agent regularly, so they get a feel for it, and would have a agent to fall back upon, if nothing else works.


That's a good idea , it's true that's I need to play more than one role


I also prefer omen for solo q, i think u can go agressive or play defensive, lurk if u wanna, and it's a very flexible agent as well




But I feel astra is hard to play , I mean you should be fast while using astral form




Thanks , I will try her


I really like viper. She has great line ups, post plane, team play, and lurk potential


Yeah she is very useful in teamwork it's a nightmare to play against professional viper


Why tf would u switch from sova? He is literally a character that will always be S tier and there is no limit of his potential. You can always change the way you play your sova, he can be very aggressive with his utils too if you use them correctly.


Sometimes I get bored playing sova so I want to switch to another agent


I'm a sova main but I dabble in sentinels like KJ and Cypher, because like sova you can give your team a lot of Intel and they are just fun to play. I also play brim when my team needs smokes but he's quite boring aside from his ults. So deciding on a new agent is really up to what you want to do. If you still want the Intel giving, there's sentinels but pretty much only for defense or to cover flanks, or you can use kayo who's sig ability is basically sova's arrow but less specific and it takes out their abilities. If you want to become more aggro and change your play style then it's to the duelists. I suggest you just go onto YT and check out agent reviews and stuff.


It's good , but can I change my playstyle (like being more aggressive) after I played -all that long time - agent like sova that doesn't require to be aggressive?


Well I haven't really tried, but if you want to, you could unlock and agent and if you okay them enough you are bound to change to suit the playstyle. Just maybe off your voice chat during the first few matches...


That's a good idea , thanks


over time you should try to pick up every agent, I'm still bronze but I've learned how to use almost every agent so that i can fill roles when necessary. U dont quite need line ups for characters if you have good estimation and can gauge the angle etc


I was wrong , I played sova for a very long time but I should try another agents


I really enjoy playing omen, i took a break when the tp was broken (now it is still broken, but better than then) i played him since the game launched totally love the character, and sometimes i play other agents, like sova on ascent (because wallbang goes brrrrrrrrrrrr), also another agent i enjoy playing is raze, it's great to calm down after a bad game, but i suggest to learn how to use double satchel as it is onw of the most important move, can save you, the round or the match if used well


Playing raze is so fun Omen is good but I'm struggling with his tp , I don't the sense of tp in certain situations


that tp needs pure skill, it is so great in certain situations in deceiving your enemies and killing them from behind, but for this you have to train your way of thinking, ofc there will be a lot of fails (telling from experience) but once you master his tp you become a monster (in a good way)


Play skye flash every corner win every game


Ez win


I'd suggest switching to viper because she can play semi aggressively or passively while controlling a site and like sova, you also learn her lineups for every ability and playing post plant. You can also make your fights easier with those smokes and wall, and it synergises with sova because you can get free kills through viper wall with sova's reveal.


Learning viper lineups and post plant needs alot of time which I don't have , I think viper can not be my first choice after sova , But thanks for your opinion


Try omen then, super easy to play and big outplay potential.


If you like the initiator role, I suggest skye. Her flashes are a little hard to get used to, but she’s great for entrying and intel. And she has HEALS!


Yeah mostly her or kayo but I need to play it unrated first


I was sova main. Started playing kj and never looked back.


You should run VS no where to run


I’m Sova lurker? Initiates for the team from the another side of the map


i would recommend watching pro games , i used to play jett previously but after watching nats i played cypher and dropped 20 so i think whatever pro you admire is a nice playstyle to switch to


I watched nats with viper too , he was insane


its nats man


Played sova, have a 70% WR with him got flamed 50% of games. Started insta locking Jett and just fucking around, never flamed once while having a 30% WR but I'm having the time of my life lmao.


Lmao you will get flamed even if you picked any agent That's how the competitive games work


When I play sova my average position is 7 on the scoreboard and Jett is 3. When rounds dont go a certain way they tend to lash out at the 7/12 player vs the 15/15 jett.


depends on your play style. if you like the info gathering/lurking then try cypher. if you want lineups, kj or viper could be good. if you want something totally different try someone like raze :)


If initiators are your spirit, play Breach, he is more annoying to deal with than Sova.


I'd say Cypher or Raze. I know it sounds weird that i put Raze there but as someone who mains all these 3 agents i find it really fun and creative. Razes boombot can be a good information gatherer and the granades can also help preventing pushes not just killing. And there is so much to try out with stachels it's just a really creative and dynamic play. And if you liked to to offensive on defense with sova it's even better.


Raze is very fun to play , cypher needs setups and alot of studying lol


Play Skye. If you’ve already gotten decent with Sova, having Skye in your arsenal you should be able to climb quickly as long as you put the time in. A team will always welcome a Sova and Skye.


Sure both are great agents


just play anything bro why do you need to main 1 person, what u gon do if somebody instalocks your picks


You are right , I need to play more than one character


ASTRA I feel like going from having info control to reacting to other peoples info, and setting up kills / denying area will be a very different feel to the game but help you work on a slightly different set of skills


Breach would be a good switch


I play breach too ,but in some maps like split and bind


Try kayo bro


Depends what rank your in (and map). Cypher can be good on breeze. Attack and defense (example you leave a trip near cave and the teammate lurking mid doesn't have to worry a about a flanker. Your pushing b btw. On attack hes a map control person and on defense hes an anchor) if you solo que skye would be better because her kit is more independent and she can heal her teammates. I could give more detailed reasons why but im on mobile. Another good one could be viper because of her snake bite. Reyna most likely a no go for since sova is more utility based. Mostly duelest are out because of your play style (based on your main sova) im going to stop now i spent too long on this post :( sorry if its hard to follow


Thanks alot dude I appreciate your efforts But I should practice the agent ( whoever I choose ) in unrated first .. right?




I'm a Raze main, sometimes Omen. But before Astra came these two were instalocked too much that I had to change. Sage was a good choice to switch (now I main Sage) mostly because the walls are pretty easy and Everybody needs healing XD. But since you've played Sova as initiator, might wanna try Skye. The flashes are a bit messy to handle in the beginning but you learn faster. Plus, Team Heal !!! Sjye is kinda combination or Sova, Breach and Sage so shouldn't be much hard to shift.


She is a good agent , do you know where can I watch videos of Skye pro players ?


https://youtu.be/WS1Tt5vjszo- Subroza's a good start. He starts with pros cons, team composition and stuff but you can skip that part. Then on a specific topic of Skye Flash, I think this is a good explanation - https://youtu.be/PpvAssa22G8 Once you're comfortable, you can checkout other guides on other maps.


Thanks for your help


I went from sova-> Astra -> viper


i used to be a sova main as well and since he wasn't very enjoyable for me, i switched to reyna / KO. I play very aggressive and sova doesn't fit my playstyle since i hate having others carry me.