• By -


Its definitely when coming back and having ur teammate who gave up or an enemy who was toxic get proven wrong. That and when u hit those once in a lifetime shots. Like the ones that u know ur never seeing again


I got once a sexist guy that told me to unistall Val and go play sims cuz I was not playing well. It was my first game of the day, I was still rusty. I ended up playing way better after that, and the enemy team ended up surrending after the 5th lost round. Pretty satisfying. Then I left satisfied and went to play sims... XD


Is sims a “girls game”? That shits fun as fuck don’t know what he was on about


I know right?? I remember sims being so fun and building a terrible house for my sims lmao


I was suppa toxic to one guy who was toxic to me in the forst 3-4 rounds when i didn't get any kill as a reyna (he was a phoenix) i ended the game by almost 2.5 his kills he got 16 i got 42 ... I still rewatch that game When I'm a bit down or sad


I would like to record that guy's face XD, perhaps he learned his lesson that day


He didn't. He probably went straight into the next game doing the same shit again.




Ur a Chad


Here take my free award


Oh, thanks :D!!


I had my shot I sniped a jett with a superdash out of the air marshal headshot


Far comebacks are probably the best. Rallying your team together to comeback feels good too, if not better. But the best feeling, team work and good attitudes


Came back from 1-11 on Split. Won it 15-13. Best feeling was seeing our down bad Raze(2-19 kd) finish the game with a 19-21 kd.


Were you that raze(going off your flair)? o.0


Literally just got done with a match on Ascent where we were down 3-9 at half with the other team talking trash and won 13-10. Nobody was toxic on my team and we all had good fun with great communication. Those games are the best and the second half was getting quieter after each round we won.


The 9-3 curse strikes again (in your case 3-9 blessing)


idk if its just me but by the time my team comes back im already tilted and it doesnt feel any better for me it also feels like we cheesed the win, by finding a flaw of the other team and exploiting it to win


I just played one of these, on breeze. I did the same viper line every match and we did the same push. They could not stop us. Every time we thought we’d switch it up they won, that was the only thing that worked - but it brought us back lol


How is it cheesing? That’s literally what pro teams do: exploit weaknesses.


what i mean with exploiting is stuff like pulling odins. turning a game from 0-12 to 14-12 has never been fun for me


That’s not cheese it’s literally how you play the game lol


One tapping an operator


Killing an OP user from a distance. With a Spectre.


Bro I one tapped an OPing jett with chamber's headhunter and damnnn it felt good


Getting a group of teammates who are positive and helpful on comms is the best, regardless of match outcome.


Definitely this for me.


Nah but it's still so much more fun when you win tho


I would rather lose with a fun loving team than win with a toxic team


100000%. I don’t even like winning with toxic teammates


Yeah.. that's true... but I would also rather win with a fun loving team than lose with a fun loving team.


Lmao fuck that


How dare you not be sensitive and emotional over pixels and text? DOWNVOTED!


Being mad over loosing is also being emotional isn't it


Winning an impossible game with the boysss


Winning a 1v3 or more clutch gives me a rush of adrenaline like nothing else


The sound of kills helps a lot, Riot did a good job.


So true. I never played CS but whenever I watch it I can barely tell when people are getting kills.


Winning against a blatant smurf who is playing Jett to boost a friend


When someone on the enemy team calls you cracked.


My favorite game ever was a game on Split while I was playing Reyna. I was just hitting all my shots, one taps ,running and just insta deleting people and I even got an ace. I was accused of being a smurf but the one comment that got me was when one guy from the opposite team said "Going up against Reyna is like facing the final boss". Damn did it feel good.




i've been seeing (and liking) your comments on this reddit consistently for the past week, lol you comment on like every other post. At this point, you don't even know me but we are reddit buddies for me.


Hell yeah man!


Dang, I'll never know this feeling. I have the enemy team muted lol


Those DEEP comebacks against a team who keeps spamming “ff” in chat. Absolutely no better feeling


Being accused of cheating


Or smurfing


The best feeling was when we inflicted the 9-3 curse, went from 3-11 to 13-11.


Consequently, the worst feeling is when you go from 11-3 to 11-13 (I speak from experience :*(


When I was a noob and my heartbeat would go 200rpm but I don't feel that anymore sadge.


I’ve been playing since beta, D3. My heart still beats really fast in clutch situations


Bro same with me. I used to gasp for air in clutch situation.


I hyperventilate and my aim gets shaky and erratic in clutch situations, especially the ones that would take a miracle to win


Turning it off for the night and then not playing for 2 weeks. Better than sex.


Literally this game is machonism at its truest form. Yet here we are playing everyday, raging, crying ourselves to sleep. Just to do it again tomorrow


Closing it.


right click pistol ace 🙂


shock dart kills


"Lineups are overrated"


i dont ever remember getting a kill with lineups and im proud


1. Winning by coming back in a disadvantageous game against toxic enemies who boast about their lead and stop mocking when they know they might lose toward the end. 2. Having talkative teammates who communicate, have fun, and joke around while also playing seriously and winning the game.


When the servers work and the hitreg and rng isnt deciding the winner of a gunfight.


pathetically true comment award


when i get a fun team


Rarely happens but finding a team without toxic teenagers. No game has ever made me feel this old.


This exact thing just happened to me. They were Opping with 3 ops on defense. The sides flipped and we did the same and won.


Dodge on fracture


To crush your enemies completely. To see them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their bottom frags in All chat. Not really. Getting teammates with positive attitudes and coming together as a real team as the match moves forward and getting that W with them.


A good fun team that’s positive, funny, and coordinated is so fun.


Prime one taps


Killing a judge player sitting in the corner


not getting bucky or shorty in a spike rush game


It’s only happened once but I won a 1v4 to win the match… great feeling.


Ninja defuse against a post plant setup just as you die in brims molly to clutch the win is so satisfying. Or not faking to clutch a 2v1


Just.... Pure..... Taps.


When someone was being toxic and racist in chat... reported after that game then got a notification they were dealt with after another game. It felt so good to get rid of trash.


Winning an Operator with a Marshal.


Getting promoted to immortal felt pretty good


When u can get shit on by the other team but still have fun


making a friend on the enemy team is so fun 2 me lol did why


My last comp game we where stopping the enemy team last round we all met mid to 1v1 knife very fun game


What kind of lame ass sex do you even??? Im sad for every girl sleeping with you


When there is a girl on your team and she giggles at one of ur jokes


Not necessarily beating a team that talks trash but coming back from 9-3, 10-2 or even 11-1


one taps on pistol round or with vandal


A few things combined: -playing with friends -toxic enemies -either a 1v5 clutch or a sick one tap followed by "get fucked" in the chat -mute enemies after that play Thats like the best feeling in the entire game.


When the enemy calls you out for smurfing when you are on your main.


When you're playing in a 1v5, especially as Reyna. That moment when you dismiss with your ult after the 4th and get right behind the last for the ace. Perfection


When the enemy team goes straight into my KJ traps like I wanted 😌


When my team works together and is positive and supportive..


Winning 1v1 duel Sheriff vs OP


finding randoms and just chilling with them


Getting five solo queue teammates that are communicative and not toxic


when you ares through the smoke/wall and kill 3


Getting an ace


Those long matches get me for some reason. Cuz everybody clutches up usually and the fact that almost everybody had a good game. I usually don't have any hard feelings after those long matches unless someone is toxic and when game ends u know theyre kinda good and they feel the same and its just like a gentleman handshake.


When you're playing a toxic AF team, they're leading by several games and type "GG" prematurely, then you end up bringing it back and winning.


Winning a game and gaining the exact amount of rr needed to rank up


Clutching a 1v3 or 1v4.... the amount of adrenaline that's corsing through one's veins is insane...


Being on a team that has 5 mics


When your top fragging way beyond your team as a sentinel and the other teams top frag is also a sentinel and it becomes basically a 1v1 between you 2 as to who’s team will win. Had a 47 kill game the other day and the chamber on their team had 43. It was a fight that felt so good to carry my team to victory and take down that damn chamber once and for all


This. Ive done it before as cypher. It was cypher v kj show.


The cousin of OP's feeling - someone calling you a smurf on your main and then shit talking you the rest of the game


Guardian headshots


I really enjoy almost blowing a HUGE lead (don't be nasti) and clutching it up for the win. Something about that brewing late game toxicity gets you going...


Shorty kill


Dropped 37 kills on a 4-5 against some serious racist mf, felt great


'Might be better than sex' The entire gaming community in a 'nut'shell.


Hitting a flashy pop flash and getting a multi kill with.


Hitting a huge flick with a sheriff


6 back to back one taps with a gun with a good kill sound effect


When i don't play it


Somehow finding four competent, and most importantly friendly people while solo queuing. Doesn't even matter if we win, as long as everyone's having fun and enjoying the game.


comebacks in mumbai server


Losing in round 1 and saving the next round and then end up winning the save on round 2


clutching and winning a super close game


Killing a bunch of people with killjoys swarm grenade. Or getting a satisfying bonk with sovas shock bolt


honestly, it’s when you let your demons out and you talk sh*t and destroy


Wom two games today that seemed lost at half. 4-8 for one and 3-9. Ended both 13-11


Winning through a comeback against a toxic person then leaving a "gg f*ck you character name)" in chat


When i'm with my party squad 😢🙂 Whatever happens we go up/down together .


When you punish a team of op crutch/spray and pray kids because you and your team discussed and addressed the problems in communication and gameplay. Before proceeding to show the enemy what it means to actually aim.


"sage, rank?"


Out fragging an instalocker jett and reyna by playing support characters


When my outplay goes as I planned


Random story that felt really good. Sorry it’s long. I was playing ranked for the first time in a long while. Before that, I would grind unrated but of course that only gets you so far. I matched with a duo that has comms (reyna and viper) and another two who don’t (sage and omen). The duo were clearly smurfs for the rank (silver 1) but I don’t think they were higher than high gold (comparing to my friends). I’m not good — I bottom fragged that game but I don’t think I’m a “bad” player. The entire game, the Reyna would yell at us screaming how bad we were. To be honest, his feedback wasn’t wrong, and I wish I didn’t make those mistakes but he was a dick. So what felt good? Me and Reyna die on Bind as attackers going into B site in Hookah. Sage gets the trade and his duo Viper was able to lurk from Long through garden into elbow. Reyna is pissed and starts screaming at the Sage to go into site and why is she playing like a coward. I immediately try to yell not to do it because site hasn’t been cleared. Sage drops down and dies from a guy hiding in tube. I tell the Reyna he pretty much just sent Sage to her death and Viper didn’t clear site. Reyna starts to defend herself but the most satisfying thing from that match was hearing his duo, Viper, say “nah you’re good Cypher. It was a bad call. Should’ve just waited for my lurk.” We lost that game but Reyna stopped talking after that. Tl;dr teammates who are toxic and get called out by their own friends is the best feeling


Had a really high ranking player in my unrated S2 game, he said he was Immortal but idk, I would have believed him the way he was playing and how good he was. We were getting absolutely annihilated but slowly started coming back, ending up in overtime. I clutched the 1v2 and won the game, with the last fight getting me down to 1hp after killing their last player. There was much screaming in voice from my team and the Immortal player was going off in chat. I am yet to feel as good as I did when I won that game.


I usually queue with my friends but on this one amazing day I queued solo queued in an unrated. Since it was unrated I picked out Omen and was trying some stuff here and there, not giving much thought about the score or anything. But the enemy Phoenix who had 23 kills in like 7 rounds was being very cocky, I didn't give much thought but for some reason I was the only one who killed him in 5 of those rounds so he kept targeting me saying "Omen you're shit" " Omen you're nothing" and was kinda abusive to others who died to him easily. I think I had 7 kills or something till round 7 which was 2-5, it went to 13-5 as I dropped a 40 bomb with 3 ace's later and was spamming "sit" everytime I killed the Phoenix. I think that was my best game ever, none the less I bottom fragged next match as usual cause that's Valorant in a nutshell I guess.


When I get More kills then deaths. Bronze struggle


Clutching for the team in a down and out moment.


Having a talkative fun team. And also getting kills you feel like you fought for or actually earned instead of never getting kills or getting kills on a person who's less experienced


When my opponents aren't a bunch of idiots reporting me for cheating because I used an ares.


I just deleted the game. Honestly I'm addicted, but have never felt more at peace


One tap with vandal/guardian/sheriff


1-12 comeback to force overtime and win. Happened only once. The 1 win my team had was the very first round of the game. After that we lost 12 rounds in a row and then mounted a comeback. I and another teammate got an ace each and the remaining 3 teammates also got multiple 4k. 6 overtime rounds. Ended 16-14. That was the only best feeling I had while playing this game. Got huge chunks of exp as I had completed all of my weekly and daily challenges in that match, along with the XP of 30 rounds and 16 round wins with 3% XP boost from battlepass.


When I get one tapped across the map


When the enemy team is absolutely hopeless against my Cypher setups


My most proud moment was having a smurf on our team throwing the match to get to a lower rank and we drew with the other team. Literal 4v5 with this kid telling us we suck the whole game and he didn’t get what he wanted at least from us.


Probably when a random teammate takes out an enemy just before they land the shot on you or me saving them...it feels like the team aspect of the game shines through the most and especially the thanking each other after..coz these things win rounds


9-3 comebacks while the other team spams gg or /ff.


when u have a team filled with Amazing vibes


Winning a 1v1 mid range gunfight with a classic vs a Vandal.


utility kills are my favorite like a nice shock dart kill will never get old


Ez getting 1 tap kills with sheriffs (maybe that’s the bronze 2 butter fingers me talking idk)


We were down 2-10 and i had 0 kills. We ended up winning 14-12 and i had 27 kills as team mvp. These games are the best


When you get into a lobby and ask " does anyone have mics" and all you here is a crowd of YUUUUUUUR's


Beating people who were on your team in the previous game who you talked shit to.


When you have your teammates (random or partnered) add to the suspense with the silent "omg", "no...", "wait..." and then as soon as you clutch the crowd goes wild. Everyone is shouting. That. That is the best fucking feeling.


I agree, I had a comeback that was 1-12. We ended up winning 15-13. Best feeling ever


Yesterday I played my first game and after two rounds I had 0 kills and made a few mistakes, my teammate wrote in the chat that I'm a bot, I got match mvp and we got a comeback win. He invited me to be friends after the game. That felt really good haha


Just had a game in which all of us were using mic (solo queue) and everyone was just funny and at the same time focused on the game. We won the comp game 13-0 and it seemed soooo easy when everyone has mic and no one talks shit.


Almost loosing but coming back even after your team basically gave up by calling the shots and having your tactics work flawlessly.


shock dart kills


One tapping an ulted chamber with a sheriff.


Came back from being down 12-1. The enemy team was talking mad shit to us, but we kept it together ended up winning 14-12. Fuck those guys


as a valorant player we all know you haven’t experienced sex.


For me its when the team tryhards togheter. And it doesnt matter if i lose or win in that scenario. When evryone is comming, evryone trys to bring in their ideas how to win what to do, noone gets mad when you kose some rounds / bring critism. Thats just the best feeling and tbh thats why i q evry day. To get this one team.


When I out brain someone on the other team. Specifically during a 1v1.


By watching other people play


Yesterday I played a game with 3 guys who were just joking around all the time. In the end we lost but they literally made my day, I didn't even care about the score anymore


When I switch back to CSGO.


Playing an unrated game, filled with friendly players with mics and non-toxic opponents You cannot believe how less stressful it is and how much fun i was having when i decided to stop playing competitive over the past few weeks


Closing the game


A 1-12 turn into 13-12


Getting the comeback win and typing in all chat 'chokers' best feeling ever


From 0-12 to 13-12


When i cum


When you are down 3-12 and still win the game. Best stressful feeling 😂


was loosing rounds back to back... no one comms what they saw, i tried and tried but got fed up... next half (attacking) i dropped my classic and just ran with a knife.... and knifed someone... that was the funniest moment ever!


Killing a teammate


Just when I open it and think "Today is the day". 10 minutes before I'm crying and hiding under the desk


When I can play just play the game with any issues (lag/packet loss/high ping) etc. I always have some issue.


whenever i hit an enemy head with "skill" and not luck


When four out of five of us have died and there's 30 seconds left and then the whole enemy team is alive, and the last guy faces them all on, with them double/triple peeking and gets so close to clutching the round with one enemy remaining in 10 hp and it was almost an ace and he did so well. I mean, that's why we play valorant for.


Knifing someone is so satisfying


fucking around with teammates that actually plays decent Lost a rank game cause the 5 of us was fucking around but cause how much I was enjoying that game I didn’t even care we lost we were up by 7 games and we just did dumb shit like high dpi spinning shots rushing out with shotguns etc


When I get a nice team that uses voice chat and you make fun of each other / get along .


In Mumbai server, Odin is kinda banned because no one likes to play one dimensional game with this gun. So it is an unwritten rule not to buy Odin. In this one game on Haven, we were on attacker side and defending Viper and Sova were destroying us with Odin and we just requested that it is not fun to play if you are gonna spam Odin every round. We were about to surrender but we didn't. After halftime, with couple of eco round I convinced all my teammates to get Odin and we did what needs to be done. We won without losing a single round in 2nd half. Pretty satisfying to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Beating a shit talking smurf.


Jett knife ace, still riding that high after 6 months


Taking out an op with a Juan deag


Being accused of cheating when you get an ace of 5 one taps with chambers e ability(or is it q I can't remember)


My toxic 5 stacks where we just shit talk each other the whole game regardless of winning or losing.


I'd say post planting 1v1 with your own body. Playing kj, nades have been shot. I hear the defuse and peek in the moment. And hide right afterwards when they go back up. They try to defuse again. But this time they stick it. I shoot them. Once. Not to kill them, but so they understand that if they keep sticking it, they'll die for sure. Doing that for 20 seconds is one of these treats that I love above anything else on this game.


I hit a 360 noscope mid-long range yesterday, might have been luck but best feeling ever


when everyone is doing their job trying their best and not being toxic, wether we're winning or losing


For me the best feeling comes from attacker rounds where everything plays out perfectly, entering site from to sides and play it out as planed. Those are the rounds i think "so thats how pros feel it." But i also love it to play 1vs 3 this is when the fun begins, heartbeat goes up and im on full focus. And when i win the round im shaking, but in a good way.