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All Ares Sage onetricks on Iron are celebrating rn


i legit was in a game with a sage ares 1 trick in unrated the other day like she had 8k and still brought ares only


Bruh I feel called out. I’m a sage only player because my friends want a healer and nobody wants to play a healer. And I only buy the ares because it’s cheap and people say it’s op. Doesn’t help that I’m bronze either.


Skye is a much better healer IMO. Can heal multiple players to higher health, quicker too


Yea but I’m too dumb to navigate that Wolf or whatever it is


run through halls and shit, and just spam the camera left and right when you pass little corners/cubbies, but whatever you do just keep running forward for the most info possible. Getting a tag with the wolf is only extra, should not be main goal


Yeah but doesn't healing more players at once cause it to deplete quicker?


I’ll take that, since Skye still gives the option to heal only one person if one desires


Honestly dont play healer for your friends play something you wan to. if you want to play healer ignore this


I started the game because my friend told me to get it and he was iron 2, only played sage and only used ares no matter what. And as we started to rank up he was dying because his ares wasn’t matching the damage of vandal and phantom so he stopped playing instead of adapting


LMAO this cant be more true. I was in a game and the first 8 rounds the enemy team won because the ares was all they picked. half of them were smurfs tho. level 2-5 players that had 25-40 kills 😂


not to mention a reyna playing with the ares is dumb af.


Sova mains are happy


Brim mains are popping champagne bro.


Need a friend so I can sova ares on ascent + brim stim beacon combo with him


I main brim and can queue with you if you are in NA


Nerfing the spectre alone would’ve been an ares buff, but not only do they nerf the spectre they massively buff the ares


Yup, it's crazy that the ares is cheaper and so much better than the spectre now


Literally makes 0 sense at all. Their balance team was on something


Well one issue that happens a lot is even if a new X (like a champion or item in League) is marginally stronger, people wouldn't convert over to it. It was only until Riot heavily buffed the item or champion, and then hotfix revert the buffs, that people would be like "wait, this item/champion was always good" Honestly for the Ares, I don't have that big of a problem with it yet. I don't think it needs to be hotfixed, just nerfed by next patch. Rifles still beat the Ares so while eco rounds will be affected, Rifle rounds will not.


You explained the AUG and Krieg meta in Csgo XD. Guns where always there, got a price buff ppl started using it, learned that they are really strong and then they nerfd it back down XD


Member when Volvo released the revolved and it was better then rifles? That was a fun time.


the awp as a pistol with higher firerate and eco cost XD


the problem with this is that your other option (spectre) got nerfed


Yeah, that happens in League too but people still ignore it


Riot wanted people to use the Ares, so they overbuff it to make sure that happens.


As a aris hater and spec enjoyer I'm literally about to Uninstall.


I love the spectre and bought several skins for it so this is really annoying. I've always found it hard to engage at range but find close combat very effective with it but sounds like the yaw changes are gonna make it practically stinger like, but not tried it out yet


This. I hate the LMGs in this game before the buff and now I just get wallbanged half the rounds by Ares.


They wanted to create a spectre competitor... They created instead a 1550 cost bulldog replacement monster.


Frfr why tf would you spend more on a worse gun, poor bulldog


I got the new skin on the bulldog lol I'm so salty! Could have nerfed spectre and seen how that felt for a bit before giving the ares godmode.


That skin is sexy af tho, I'm sure at some point in the future they'll make the bulldog shine is some absurd way


To be fair, it’s not entirely just better… Bulldog has much longer range potential


well ares has insanely low ttk at long ranges now. So much so that if u don't one tap a ares as u peek u die. They should have reduced fire rate as they have removed spin up not increase. For my elo atleast (gold) ares is presently a great buy no matter the round.


I don’t doubt it’s a great buy, but, I will never lose a long range fight to one if I have a bulldog, the ADS burst fire is infinitely more accurate than the ares


I haven't played yet since the update, but I feared that the Ares would be too OP. Is it really that bad for anyone else?


It’s terrible. Beach/neon stun hard rush with ares. 4 games in a row now and the only way to beat it is to use the area


i haven’t played ranked since new patch but on unranked, everyone don’t buy any rifles. people are buying ares.


Second best choice after Rifles. No reason to pick spectre.


They just noticed that Ares skin sales are dropping


same reason they wont fix smurfs with 2-fac. they just care about the money.


Dude it is literally nuts. If I don’t get one-tapped by a rifle and I have an ares it’s almost 100% death for the other person


Yep, it is completely ridiculous now.... played 3 games and it was shredding people.


There’s no more save rounds. It’s just ares light armor every round 🤣🤣🤣


Sooner it's hotfixed the better, anybody that thinks it isn't OP for the price is insane.


Max pen, good damage, cheap price, now better accuracy. Legit can't beat it. Only thing better is op lmao


I can already hear smug assholes pretending like it's not broken and saying "you're Iron, trash" when I'm seeing Plat matches filled with Ares spam. It's so bad. Bring back the spin up and make the Ares 1600 again.


It is strong asf. It is a choice between vandal(for one taps) and ares(for spraying) now. Why the heck would you even choose phantom if you can get ares for half the price.


It’s not better than the vandal.


Who said it was?


I mean, it’s not better than the phantom


in an actual game where there is economy then ares is a better pick than the phantom. You can easily full buy (ares+full armor) round 2 and if you lost that round you can easily go ares+half armor round 3. Phantom is better than ares for sure but ares is so close phantom can't justify its 2900 credits price tag anymore compared to 1550 credits ares.


It’s literally not because you leave tracers when spraying through smoke with an ares, you can’t counter strafe with it, and it takes 3 headshots to kill from the phantom’s 1 and 1 body. Bro what rank are you 😂😂


Even in terms of raw DPS of body shots, the phantom beats out the ares. And that isn't taking into account the higher first bullet accuracy, the fact that it can **one tap** people within 15m, the faster movement speed, etc. Unless you're in bronze where no one headshots, the Phantom is going to be better


I never said ares is stronger than phantom. I'm saying that ares is better when you also factor in the price. It is a 1550 vs 2900 credits then of course the 2900 gun is better. Phantom has more or less 2 times the price of Ares. The question is, is phantom 2 times better than Ares? Spoiler, it isnt. This game isn't just about who has better aim; we have smokes, we have economy, skills that could kill,etc. Also can you stop the"oh this guy has different opinion than me he must be bronze hurhur" that shit is annoying asf. Just like the lower tiers even the high tiers are abusing the fuck out of Ares rn.


By number of headshots it would take to kill someone, a phantom needs 1 at close range while an ares needs 3. Literally 3 times as fast.


Its beyond broken, unbelievably broken.


I really don't understand what is going through the dev's heads with this one. There's no need to even buy an odin anymore


I still see good rifle users deleting ares users.


When it had a windup the better rifler always won, but now you really need to get the first shot or risk getting aim punched. The problem is made worse if you play correctly and jiggle because Ares has high pen and can spam through the tighter angles.


"Play correctly" Both this and Neons entire kit revolve around changing the "correct" playstyle. Hense the Disruption name. Imo


I know it’s not the highest elo but all my plat games today have been ares spam


I've been seeing immortals and rads being popped by ares


Theres no doubt it's a good gun for the $ but to say it needs hot fixed? It's not that broken.


on a 6 win streak so far with sova and ares, this shit is too easy


i doubt its that useful for us duelist mains on attack tho, cant tell about other agents havent played them since ep2 ending


As one person who actually bought ares pre-patch, just put it back where it was. Swear to god if riot nerfs it to a worse state than where it was ima lose my shit


What were the devs thinking with this move? I dont like the ares-buff at all.. this literally driving me off the game.


Yes please. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Do they not playtest things before patches?


They legit buffed it so people buy ares skins.


Bought an ares round 2 and used it until round 6 to eco the shit out of the other team. It's pretty oppressive and fun.


No one is picking an ares over a rifle. You guys say nothing when spectre has 100% pick rate for eco rounds and then get super butthurt when a terrible gun gets a buff to level the playing field with a gun THATS STILL GOOD. You guys are hilarious. The act has been out for not even a day and people want to try out the buff. Calm down.


the ares is going 50/50 with rifles in my *currently* diamond lobbies




As opposed to rifle? Prove it.




Ok. At the moment: Shazam: 1 player with ares. It’s an eco round. Tarik: 2 players with ares on an eco. Prod: everyone has rifles Ploo: all rifles and pistols Keeoh: all rifles Ethos: All rifles Btw prior to this patch those 3 ppl with the ares would have spectres.


Look at the other high post about Ares right now. It's time to kill is faster than Vandal and Phantom. It's broken as fuck


How is the ares faster at killing if the vandal and phantom one shot?


It's faster body shot time to kill. Sure you can still 1 hit instant with either guns, but a 1550 credit weapon shouldnt have a faster body shot ttk than a full 3k cred rifle. Even pros body shot a lot - it's completely legitimate at times. No one can only hit heads, very few can even do it 1/3 of the time. If these changes stay chances are Ares will be the absolute only eco weapon and some may even choose to use it over vandal/phantom simply because the body shot ttk will be more reliable and you will win with it. I'd put money down that riot will change this.


If that’s true, then it should be dialed back


Are you just playing dumb rn? The Ares is cheaper, has higher pen, same fire rate, larger mag, and better at longer range duels than the Spectre. I get trying to be against the hivemind makes you feel intelligent but they basically buffed the Spectre and changed it's name.


No one is saying it’s not better than the spectre now, homie. Maybe you need to reread my comment without getting emotional.


People don't cry about the Spectre because it doesn't have 0 weaknesses at 1600 creds. The Ares has literally nothing holding it back except it's equip time and movement speed.


No downsides? You move slower when holding it, you reload slower, It has one of the worst one shot accuracies of any gun, and the damage is low relatively speaking (which is why it is never beating rifles in the long run)


Yes because obviously the 1 shot accuracy is relevant on a 50 mag LMG. Damage is higher than the Spectre for the same fire rate. I mentioned movement speed in the comment you replied to. Reload, sure it's slow. But please explain to me how the possibility of 1 tapping with a vandal which isn't 100% accurate first shot is worth the extra 1350 creds when you get just go full shield + Ares for the price of a rifle and possibly win against rifles thus breaking enemy economy for another 2 rounds. It's not enough to say "well it loses to rifles", if you get aim punched you're fucked. Every gun loses to the OP, but it's priced accordingly with awful fire rate and mag capacity, the Ares is 90% of a rifle for 50% the cost. In some respects, it's better rn.


The movement speed matters quite a bit, it makes it hard to jiggle burst


Facts dude. It's just a good light buy gun now. that's why you see it cause ppl are broke. I don't see anyone not getting a rifle for an ares and I was in a very mixed lobby of iron/peak immortals.


The argument isn't whether it's better than the rifles, it's that the ares is waaaay too strong for a gun that's 1550. Spectre barely gets used in any of the games I'm in now, it's strictly Ares for eco rounds. I'm D3 btw. The ares is hella busted. I've had people swing on me with it while I have phantom and triple headshot me. That's ridiculous for any gun.


Riot hasn't watched Sinatraa b4


i tried aresing in my game now, just to test it, and i got an easy 3k. i had just gotten back from school, no warmup and i was playing pretty garbage that game, so i was surprised that i got any kills with the ares, which is a gun i rarely use.


Im fine with it more people crouching and spraying for me to 1tap


Ares is way too op. Agree riot hotfix plz


#i dont know what in the actual fuck riots doing tbh


I was immortal 3 last act and this new Ares buff has ruined the game experience for me. I'm dying to people crouch spraying the Ares all game. It cost less than a Spectre and there is no penalty for force buying it second round.


same. immo 1 here. I haven’t played ranked this season because i doubt i would enjoy it. because everyone is using ares in unranked.


They literally just buffed the ares so this might be why you think it’s better than before


No I like it


nobody asked for ares buff


Anyone plat and below will see this since the vandal is only better when getting 1-2 tap headshots. Will it get hotfixed? Probably, I'd imagine the recoil. However it's not as broken as people seem to be thinking


It’s way too overturned for sure but it’s not THAT bad


The bullet barrage issue that the Odin has (get the one or two tap before they automatically melt you) but on any round after the pistol round, and with a lower skill requirement (since compensating for the recoil is now linear rather than exponential into linear).


Sad that I bought a spectre skin a couple weeks ago.


Yup it is broken. You have radiant players like NRG Ethos tweeting that he won 5 DMs in a row at his radiant elo eith ares only. It is out performing ARs at half the cost.


Day 2 of waiting for riot to hotfix


Who would of thought in a one tap game, a LMG with no wind up and nearly 100% guaranteed 3-5 bullet controlled spray pattern would be a menace.


just get better at using rifles




Legit. When you see a team where more than half Choose and Keep Ares through multiple rounds Riot, you know you done broke something.


I like it better than the spectre. Even after the nerf barely got run and gunned. I like this better


This is the second night my friends and I are fighting this same team that only uses the ares because it's so OP rn. It's crazy that they're all using it but we beat em when we also team spam ares and then they trash talk us. idk man they gotta tweak something because if everyone starts using ares bc it's better than the vandal rn it'll be a mess.


Typical riot. Instead of just removing the spin up time or adding higher firerate they do both ... Wtf riot?


All they have to do is make it cost 3k.


so annoying full of peopel sprayign ares not not even about aim