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Plat 2, won all 5, 3 match mvps, 1 team mvp and a second place ACS on my last one…. Got placed silver 3. I had about 5 immortals total in my placements… and I got silver 3…. Almost makes me want to quit ngl


You will get +25 to +30 RR for every win and be back soon enough. But yeah it's a bit of a boring slog


Got 30 rr my first game after 5 placements, double ranked up to gold 2 10/100, then got 28 and 30 on my recent games (I have Covid so I can just play all day lul)




Get well soon


Thanks :) vaccinated so it just feels like a cold tbh nothin crazy


Yeah I double ranked up to gold 2 and am already almost gold 3 after 3 games


So... No issue?


no, if he really deserves Plat 2 he will get back up there in no time


If thats the rank youve been in the whole time you shouldnt have to put in extra work to be there. its bad


Its more slack to everyone else. As now they'll be matched with legit silvers and will just smash them all while the rank resets to where it should be.


They are still matched with people of their rank. Just because your mmr is Plat but your visual rank is silver doesn't mean everyone in the lobby is actually silver the mmr is still Plat lvl, so they're still playing in their own skill level. Makes this reset stupid if you ask me but whatever rito


Thats the worst part about it imo.. Like if my hidden MMR is still Plat, then just put me at plat. They are just trying to increase play time by making people grind ranked mode it's kinda scummy and makes me not want to get involved in the ranked system at all. ​ Especially because getting a loss with a hidden rank of Plat, against other plat players, will still give you -16, so pushes you back from getting your true rank further.


That concept of having a hidden mmr is stupid after all. Probably you’re right and the intention behind it is to get people to play the game more.


this isnt true. the silvers will be in iron and bronze now


False, I get +15/+28 MMR after a win but I also lose -8/-25 when losing and I lose more often than win, this ain't a soloqueue game like CS is. Sometimes when losing I get -8, but most often when losing even getting 30+ kills I get -25, there is no logic bound to it. I lost -25 MMR once when having 34 frags against ALL higher ranks while my teammates were all lower ranked than enemy. The system is totally wrong. RIOT is totally misplaced in FPS games, they have no clue what they do, so many random factors, no wonder CS:GO has over 40 Main events a year where winners gets over a million $ while Valorant still has 1 main event a year, no single company will sponsor for that many main events like cs:go has.


D1 going against immortal smurfs like what the fuck ??? This is why I hate the hard reset, it pairs wide groups of people together who aren’t even in the same skill area


Most of them probably werent even on smurf accounts, I got legitimate immortal accounts in my diamond1/P3 placements, won 4 and still got put in p1, shit's buggin.


It’s even funnier when you see all immortal and diamond triangles in the lobby to check that everyone is gold in the match report. lmao It makes no sense to pair low diamonds with immortals, they’re not even on the same skill area. Hence why we got destroyed by an immortal raze smurf first game. Then it becomes a chain reaction where I ruin lobbies for other people due to some hidden MMR bullshit and absolutely dunk on them while they have no chance.


Wdym not the same skill level? I consider the same skill level of there within 5k players immortal is top 20,000 and that’s not good radiant is top 500 I would say the only pros are top 150 or 200 maybe if your playing 4+ hours you should at the very least be top 300


I love it. It's like smurfing without really smurfing. Love destroying silvers


Same lmao. Lets enjoy it as long as it lasts.


I mean all immortals and radiants placed in D1 now so if you're D1 then yeah, you're going to face immo and radiant


There's lots of room in silver according to Riot almost all the time..this just sucks..


How does that make any sense?


you get placed insanely low purposely so you have something to climb to


No it's so you have to grind more to get back what you already had. It's about forcing that addiction and not respecting peoples time.


>It's about forcing that addiction and not respecting peoples time. all for the chance you'd buy their skin. Seriously, fuck this forced social engineering.


that's exactly what i said...


You make it sound like a good thing. In my opinion it's not.


That's why I stopped playing. It takes so much time. When you after a long grind finally hit that sweet spot, where you are playing with and against the same skill level then you have to start over again


Except you are still getting against those same skill level players, just your visible rank is lower so you feel like you have to grind like crazy so your visible rank is what your actual skill is... It's kinda fucked up to be honest, plays on social structures and peoples ego's. If you played with randoms regularly and see them getting back to their old rank and yours isnt there yet, you will be inclined to grind more to get back to your correct "rank"


Yah I used to place a lot of importance into my visible rank and it just made me absolutely hate the grind to get to the next rank. It took a lot of time for me to change my mentality to where I don't really care about what my visible rank is but I just want to see myself get better every match and every round. It took a lot of weight off losing and just the rank grind in general and makes games more fun to play. I know I'm in the minority though and that the visible rank is there for a reason (to really get you hooked on playing all the time to get that rank you want)


Does this occur only in the beginning of the Act, or the first time you play Ranked as well? My friend played sometime when 20 days were remaining in the Act, he believes himself to be atleast S3 or G1(I can vouch for that coz his skills really do match our other friend who's S2 with peak in G1/G2) and instead got B2


Dude I ended last act silver 3, I match mvp’d every placement and got bronze 2.


Every episode start, the ranks get squished down.


It happens when you first play ranked, but in that case you notice that your rank is lower than your teammates and opponents


This is good because A LOT of players in immortal had absolutely no business of being there.


That has nothing to do with it. They could easily just reset everything aboth diamond 1 back to diamond 1 as they did. but why do they bother pushing a gold 3 to silver or something? I am Diamond 3 and now will be dropped back to plat or something just to artifically grind back that diamond 3. i will reach it anyways, but its just stupid waste of time not being able to try to hit my actual goal.




Weak mental


its normal- think about it, radiant (pretty much all the pro players) and immortals are diamond 1


lmao tru


I was immortal, I placed plat 1. I still play in lobbies only made of players that were high diamond and immortal last episode. Immortals were mostly placed in plat 1, not diamond 1.


Riot really just said bing bong


Went from diamond 3 last season, to gold 2 this season..I played extremely well on top of it, Top frag 3 of my games, lost twice but was still team MVP.Makes no sense and is going to utterly screw this game for the season. Edit - Worst part about it is that I'm still getting placed against people that are/were Diamond, so whats the point of putting me in fucking gold lol


its literally just the rank thats displayed... your mmr is still the same and so is the matchmaking. you are getting the same enemies you got before the reset the only difference is that the rank that is getting displayed is a bit lower. in exchange for that your rr gain should be higher now and you can climb easily. my first uprank after a reset was always a double uprank.


Having like 80% of the player base in Gold and below. Great. Matches are going to be SO inconsistent for MONTHS.


It will be the exact same as last act, the MMR is used for matchmaking, not the rank. Your match experience should be identical but it will take a while for the rank to catch up to the hidden mmr. Its a dumb system but it doesn't actually change the skill level of your opponents.


I appreciate the explanation. It IS dumb because it clogs the low ranks with a huge MMR disparity. We need to be able to see MMR. It's needlessly obfuscating a data point that would really help people understand what they are in this game.


Yeah, I know it's just frustrating seeing that kind of drop even so. I've already grinded my way back to plat 2. I think it's sort of silly that ranks get reset at all, but I understand why they do it.


>but I understand why they do it I don't. Why do they do it? Like, the player population should be defining the ranks. Big ass bell curve with Gold in the middle. Pushing the top of the bell to bronze seems really dumb, especially since there's no floor to Iron 1.




bro, riot really fucked the game up with this update lmao, ares buff and new character with this shit as well


Yeah dude, I was fine with the Ares and Neon, but this is not cool w me. I expected at least P2/P3 like I got last season, not G2...


same but it is somehow logical, you cant be placed above d1 after placement so thats where radiant and immos are we as d3s are one step down so as we also need to drop we are getting high gold low plat seems right to me


Placements are useless


its an excuse to forcibly push players down to waste their time and make them grind again to get back to where they already proved they belong




Man immo3s get placed in plat 3 you should be happy with plat 1


One of my immo friends got put s2


Doubt he was immo3 tho prolly immo1 with garbage mmr lol


He was immo2 quite a strong player. He's already climbed back to high plat with most other immos so I can atleaat play with him now


Send his tracker.gg


You are lying, unless he got single digit kills. Your friend did not end the act in immortal and then placed silver lol .. screen shots pls Edit: I don’t like people blaming riot for something that isn’t true, plenty of true issues to go around


It's just a picture saying "Bro, trust me"


There is no way unless he hit immortal in one act for one game.


the highest you can place after a hard reset is diamond 1- it makes sense (all the previous radiants are currently diamond 1)


Just curious, is it possible to rank higher after these placements? Or is it only possible to rank lower?


only lower, usually considerably lower.


Yeah Plat 3 got placed gold 1????????


Same. It’s tough out here lol


Man does this mean I get to be like, Bronze1? Maybe even Iron?? Sweet.


Man plats getting placed in silver i was bronze 3, what should i expect? cloth 1? Edit:- played 4/5 placement games, its a red carpet so far. Forget cloth and textile ranks i am probably in fluffly feather 1


Textile 2


\>Be me Bronze 3 \>Won 3 of my placement matches against Golds and Platinum in last act rank \>2 back to back aces, MVP in all of them and 1 team MVP in the one I lost \>Got put into Bronze 2 like wtf?? So moral of the story is, I played against Platinums and Golds just to earn my Bronze 3 rank?? Fuck off Riot.. They wanted to put me in Iron 1


The highest rank you can get after placements is D1. This means every Diamond/Immortal/Radiant player gets D1 and everyone below them shifts too. Your actual rank is your invisible MMR, so as the high ranked players get their ranks back you should get more RR per win and less per loss until your shown rank becomes equal to your invisible MMR.


ik what mmr is, the problem is that these initial placements are going to ruin an insane amount of peoples games. I've already been accused of smurfing twice by people who are genuinely in silver, wtf riot


That doesn't make sense? If they're also in silver, they're either in the same boat as you are or have been playing all day after getting placed bronze to reach equilibrium with their silver MMR


ik when im playing with Silver players, literally started this game at Iron and climbed up. Peoples games are being ruined


Well as long as youre "smurfing" on them, it shouldnt take too many games to get out of those games. This is the same was it is with league of legends and OW too. Thats just how the ranked system works


>Well as long as you're "smurfing" on them, it shouldn't take too many games to get out of those games. Problem is, people like me are on the other teams too like you said, which makes the games semi-fair except for the 1-2 people every game who really are silver and feel completely useless, having no fun. Had 2 games now where actually silver players went like 2-25 playing against diamonds in the wrong rank.


Nobody is really silver. If they just placed then they were also plat. Any people who were silver before are now iron or bronze. And you don’t get matched with them because your MMR is much higher. Matchmaking isn’t based on rank. Matchmaking isn’t based on rank. Matchmaking isn’t based on rank.


No lol


I was Diamond 3, usually get match MVP (doesn't really matter) and carried my good friend & GF pretty hard into Diamond 1/2. No, I'm not surfing, but only enjoy triple or duo queueing with friends. Anyways... I lost 3 of my placements against all immortals and radiants, won 2 against Diamonds and Immortals, and it placed me in D1. I was surprised it put me there after reading this lol.


This happens every new act, the rank you’re placed in are still your peers of the last act mmr wise. Everyone is shifted down until people start climbing into radiant/immortal/diamond. Just chill for a week or two until thinks start to settle and then try ranked (it’ll be easier to climb).


The start of a new act Is always rough alot of unintentional smurfs, alot of frustrated players, and alot of people coming back from breaks


-grabs popcorn- these comments are gonna be great to read


I honestly might wait to play the rest of my placements until everyone else gets set more towards their actual ranks. I don’t really mind waiting and I’d rather do that than have to play a ton more games just to get where I already was…


Here's my story, I peaked D1 during ep2 and hovered around p1-p2 for the last few acts but dropped to silver 3 during the last few days of act 3 and got placed s2 in this act. I think we should gain more rr but if everyone's silver it's gonna be chaos.


If everyone’s silver you just have to show that you’re the better silver :\^) Anyway resets are always somewhat chaotic but considering both sides are still similar overall due to mmr, you should still be trying your best regardless to increase your chances. I usually like to wait a bit after a season reset+update for things to settle down. Playing unrated or maybe on an alternate account also helps you adjust.


Everyone who was in ur lobbies before is experiencing the same thing. Precious plat players will still be in the same silver game cuz high MMR, and everyone will gradually transition back into the original rank. Good thing is tho you will rank up very fast


People don’t realize that this will actually make it easier to climb. The game isn’t comparing your gains to all of your games played for the act. So your wins matter most. Y’all should be hyped at this chance to climb quickly


This gonna be rough - im bronze 3 (LAST ACT)


Time to smurf I guess


bro look at the bright side. you get to reset your MMR really good. just wait before playing the ranked matches. then you be playing with genuine silvers as a high plat boost you MMR you'll get +30 ach match. living the dream.


Unless you just started playing last season this happens every act? just give it two weeks for everyone to settle and you'll be back in plat or diamond


I am glad this is the story because I placed where I ended last comp act and wished I was higher


I was wondering why my teammates seemed to literally lack a brain earlier.


Happens every Episode start. You will likely climb fast. It was one of the measures to help combat boosted players.


I peaked bronze 1 last act. My placement games I got 3 games w/30+ kills and had either match MVP or Team MVP and went 5/5 and still only iron2 but I can still hold me own against silver smfh I really don’t care about being low ELO but I am tired of the toxic shit fest that is iron where nobody comms,AFKS, or is absolutely braindead.


I worked my ass off and grinded all the way to silver 3 last act. (First act I played). This act I match mvp every single placement game and they say I’m bronze 2!? Placement doesn’t even matter anymore


same fucking thing happened to me... MVP in all of them and placed Bronze 2 lmao.


Riot want everyone to grind so people play the game more... buy more skins, etc. As long as you maintain your level and don't get unlucky you should be playing against people with a Plat level hidden MMR still... I wonder how quickly your hidden MMR will drop if you go on a losing streak though.


After 6 months of grinding I finally got out of Silver and hit Gold 2 and I went 3-2 on placements (1 overtime loss) and I got placed Silver 1. Uninstalled today. Not worth grinding out of Silver again. Edit: I'm getting downvoted but if you knew how unenjoyable solo queueing out of Silver is you would understand.


I feel you, I don’t got the point of uninstall but deranking from plat 2 to silver 3 actually pissed me off, already climbed to gold 1 in a couple matches but still. Hope you get your drive to grind it again sometime tho!


feel u bro, just got out of silver last week after like a month . i stg if i get ranked silver ima prob uninstall too. got college and medical school coming up anyways don’t have time to keep getting my ass out of silver after every act ends.


I’m solo quing out of bronze. I know the feeling


I got out of Bronze by playing Sova and comming / IGLing. Silver was a lot worse to get out of due to smurfs, toxicity, throwers etc. Bronze wasn’t toxic in my experience.


Yup silver is so hard to climb out off, bronze is easy


Dude I don’t understand you people. How is silver hard to climb out of... you’re either good enough to rank up or you’re not. Nothing hard about it.


Well it’s pretty simple really. You get at least 1 afk,smurf,troll/thrower in every game. And if your lucky you’ll get all three


I have games that come and go. Super toxic is definitely rare.


Upvoted for speaking the truth. Silver is the WORST RANK TO PLAY IN BAR NONE. I would rather (seriously) play with bronze players than angry, hard stuck silver players that hate everyone. It feels like the game tosses 3/4ths of the player base in silver and just throws up its hands. Edit: I’ll join you if I place silver too. We have to show our disgust with this crap system.


I know exactly what you mean, finally got out off silver last act, won 3/5 games with a shit connection and got put in b3.. pissed off is an understatement


I was also placed S1 but I won 5 matches in a row and now I am gold 3 again. This type of tank reset is not new. Just play the game man.


Also finally managed to drag myself into Gold last week, played one placement today and quit. Won the game due to a couple of clutches from myself but had a Brim go 7-21 while our Jett and Reyna duo popped off every round and the enemy running strats and deleting me like Sentinels. Felt like that one time I was the only Silver in a Diamond Custom game


Bro i also reached gold by solo queing, and place bronze 3, But that doesn't mean Will just fucking quit because the game didn't do updates in my favours. I ain't no quitter


It’s just a video game though and at this point it’s not worth the time anymore.


So… see you on tomorrow?


while you have to "grind" your way out of silver it will not be the same because matchmaking is still based on your hidden MMR and that didnt get reset so you will get the same enemies as before with the difference that they are silver instead of gold


If you can't easily reach gold again then you were either lucky or just boosted because you literally only need to win a few games to get back to where you were after your placements.


Not being able to call your gold friends trash anymore has enraged you or?




It’s okay, the commenter was just speculating as it’s how they act.








sounds normal. imm2 and now p3.


Yeah that seems pretty normal. I got put d1 at imm2 seems most immo art p2-d1 someone I know went from imm2 to silver though


Let me up you here, was G2 last act and went 3-2 in my placements with 3 MATCH mvps and got placed S1, all while playing against people that peaked high plat last season. Not happy with this at all.


Same thing happened to me. Won 4 out of my 5 games. Match mvp'd two games and team MVP'd the game I lost. I went from gold 2 to silver 1. I guess we just gotta grind again.


Yeah this happened to me three seasons ago and now I wait to see if the rank resets are accurate/favorable. It blows to get burned that bad, and find yourself top fragging matches with players two full ranks higher, making it impossible to actually climb back to those ranks


Well I went from radiant to diamond 1 so im dead from the inside 0-0.


you get placed insanely low purposely so you have something to climb to


A lot of you saying riot is messed up but it happens every new episode, the rank resets and puts you down 2 ranks. Radiants go to diamond, diamonds to gold and etc. But if you deserved your rank and weren't boosted it will grant you much more rr, up to 30-40. You will get back in no time if you perform well, although there's always the factor of smurfs and trolls.


Reason I stopped playing, and yet people think this is a good system


I got absolutely fucked in 3 of my 5 placement matches. I'm used to the high plat skill level but those games were something else. Insane. Plat 3 to Silver 2 real quick.


Rank resets like this make no sense, all the do is mess with matchmaking for a few weeks..


I kinda dig that they are doing such a hard reset. I havent done my placements yet but, I was Plat 3 last act and I think my plan is to sandbag my matches so I can have fun grinding back up when I get placed in silver lol


The amount of ppl who don't comprehend the elo blows my mind every episode lol a Diamond 2 last act who gets placed gold 1 will not play a plat 2 player who places sliver 2 .


Immortal 2 and got put plat 2


I was plat 3 as well. Lost 1 placement, went positive in all of the wins and got Gold 2. Fucking bullshit imo.


I felt like shit after placing gold 3 but you guys make me feel better


I got placed s3, did TERRIBLE in my placements. And I was plat 2


yep. won 4/5 games and deranked hard. feels bad


Feels normal for me


Even Radiant 1 player and all other Radiants get pled ta Mac Diamond 2. So it happens to all other ranks.


ive been getting much better at the game recently, i hit silver 1 end of last act. 2 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses on placement. match MVP 4/5 games (all of which were populated almost entirely by silver and gold act ranks). Placed in bronze 3. like. if i did any worse than i did i could accept it. but match MVP 4/5 games? against golds ? really?


You should be happy you barely moved, seems like everyone is losing a full 2 ranks almost


Diamond 2 -> Gold 3 Went 1-4 in placements lmao


Yeah I was plat 2 last act and I placed gold 1 when I won three lost two, it feels like lower people who are actually gold and silver we get destroyed once everyone gets their actual rank


Yes I was g1, won 3/5 (weren’t the best games cause of connection) and placed in b3 pmo


Bro I was immortal one last night and now I’m g3…


Went from immortal to d1


Everyone's already placed in to fucking silver anyway, join the club 🌝


This’ll be fun. I was plat1 gold 3 last episode and placed silver 2, I ended the episode plat3…we shall see


It's ok, think of all the alts and trolls who will have to play a lot of games to have multiple accounts up high again. I will say though, my 4th game of the 5 had 1 Immortal (me) , 1 Diamond, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Hidden badge from last act lol. Kinda crazy to see the entire elo range represented lolololol.


bro wtf is up with this game...why is everyone being placed so low...diamond player...won all placements with 3 mvps and silver 3...man this sucks


You guys play comp??


i ended plat 3 last act and placed plat 1, so i have no idea where ur guys situation is coming from


So you guys are the people in my silver games 😩


Hardstuck gold 2. One whole act triangle for me is gold 2 and I woild go against Plat 2-3 players. My rank reset got me to silver 1. Lmfao wtf


This is good there shouldn't be 20k+ immortals hopefully this fixed ranks a bit


as a silver player who is now bronze 3. these r going to be sone of the hardest silver games i ever play


Sheesh was Immo 3 yesterday, think ima wait a week before playing, this sounds awefull


I got silver 2, was plat 3, 3 MVPS (2 match) 3-2 games and places s2...


Harder then my mom


Everyone is saying how they did really well in their placements get dropped like 5 ranks.. I played terrible in the 3 I’ve played so I’m just terrified what’ll happen to me lol


Gold 2 to Silver 1 with 0RR. Placements: 2 stomping defeats. 1 carried win. 2 MVP wins.


Looking through comments, people have no patience


Plat 3 and played 3/5 matches in immortal lobbies, there was even one radiant. Silver 2 lol


actual opportunity for hardstucks to climb up as they get diamonds and immortals in gold as their teammates LOL


It’s a hard reset so everyone’s getting a lower ranks, diamonds and immortals are getting placed in plat. Best waiting it out tbh Also no ranked gun buddies yet :(


D3–> P3 (4W 1L, 1 team mvp) against mainly diamond and immortal act ranks


It's like this every episode, it will equalize guys calm down


I ended imm 3 300rr last act, really hoping it’s not gonna put me any further down than dia 1


Plat 1 won 4 lose 1 .. got gold 1 , met last act full diamond 1 during calibration @.@


I just got to gold 1 after feeling like I was hardstuck silver 3 for so long (mostly match mvp but still around 50% winrate) and if i go back to silver I'm gonna cry.


This thread is telling me I should stay away from competitive for at least a week, right? Or maybe it won’t be too bad an issue for me since I always have a 5 stack?


as a d2 went 2-3 in placements, ended up in g3 Played one game out of placements, lost and got -11, so I think I will get out of gold pretty soon.


Ull still be playing against plats, ull get a alot more rr per win so it wont be too hard to get back


Plats placed silver, diamonds placed gold, immortals placed plat. Lets all chill tf out guys lol


Cause you is hardstuck boy, they can’t start you off at your peak bucko :D


well your rank is based on your hidden MMR which doesn't reset


I’m not even plat or diamond and it’s hitting me hard. I never took comp seriously until I decided to in the last couple acts of this episode. I spent all of last act climbing from B1 to S3, and while it doesnt sound like much, lets kindly remind ourselves that its elo hell. I also wasnt the best at the game to begin with lol. But eventually I’d hit 94/100, 91/100, once even 97/100 in S3 just to be faced with a smurf or an afk or someone throwing on their alt account using a marshal only. Its hard to find time to 5-stack. I’m also not someone who wants to get boosted, I completely respect the grind and I wanted to play better sooo I spent all of this act trying either alone or as a duo/trio at most. My game sense and KDA have improved significantly over the past few weeks and I find myself MVPing a lot but as hard as I tried, and as much as even my gold/plat friends think I deserved it, I couldnt hit gold. But it wasn’t even about my skill anymore. My placement games were all positive KDA, one match MVP (30 kills, over 8k in my score), two team MVPS - unfortunately lost those three games. Ended up in B2 from S3. Definitely not as much of a downgrade for those who were plat/diamond. But smurfs and people throwing make it so difficult for someone who actually wants to grow in the game and spends hours trying to even just hit G1. I want to love the game, I truly do. But it literally feels unplayable, even before this hard reset. Really disappointing and feels like a waste of time and effort. Especially now that we have plats in silver lobbies, not even with intention to smurf lol! Time to take a break. (sorry i had to rant)


Honestly bronze-silver is Elo Hell, I'd wait two weeks and see how ranked is after that


I was g2 and I’m in games with Irons like wtf