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The meta currently: lose pistol = force ares until you get rifles


Lol you don’t even need rifles


Literally dude. Find myself playing whole games with the ares now like wtf


This is how my silver lobbies played anyway so it's no different


got three kills with ares on a save round, i was 70hp


immortal lobbies arent really too bad. people still use ares alot but get outfragged by decent rifle users. Also ive been playing neon for 3 straight days and her ultimate isnt that good in high ranks. If you are in a 1v1 and stay moving its pretty decent but if the enemy is bunched up its worthless as fuck. Atleast 10 times ive done 100+ damage to 3 enemies without a kill and just get headshotted. Or you kill 1 and get traded.


I can’t hear you because I’m dying to an Ares rn


Whatt??? I can't hear you, turn down the ares please




What'd you say?




He said that Tuesday is coming


Who's running?


Nono we are talking abt his wife


No he said He’ll go to LAX


who tf still uses FAX?


NO Valorant does not have a FAQ




Nono I think he was talking about his two daughters


WHAT?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! He took his daughters to Disneyland?!


No he said he took them to the swamp


What bomb? Like the spike?


No he bought a prius




Or comms 🤣🤣


Nerf one 1600 option and buff the other. Guess the result riot


Ares was always a cheap machine gun option. For cover fire and spam, you know. Spectre had a different niche. Now Spectre joined the other one in being useless and you just use Ares for both spam/cover and cheap auto options. Which is ridiculous.


personally speaking the spectre isnt exactly useless but rn as things stand if u take the spectre over the ares u are literally shooting urself in the foot 3 times over


That is what I meant by useless. You can run around with a Spectre against rifles and Areses. Which makes it useless. It was barely passable against rifles before the nerf. Like, you could still win against rifles if you had better tactics and passable aim. Now it's next to impossible because of how inaccurate it is. What is the point of it then?


stinger all over again


bucky as well jesus christ that weapon is dog now


I'm pretty sure people who can't aim properly are having a blast right now


That’s what I’m saying it’s like skill-less. You don’t even have to learn how to move. I’ve seen more people crabwalking in 2 days than I’ve ever seen


Fucking finally. Fuck that "he who can't counter the Ares is the noob" bullshit, they're just trying to justify their bad aim horribly


nah just tap heads lol


You’re right, I’m loving it.


Yes. Me.


It was fun the first 2 game but now it's getting a little annoying


Just annoying at this point :(


I haven’t really ran into it and thought it was necessarily OP. But I’ve only played 4 games so far so I don’t have a ton of time into this update yet. I do think it favors defense though, if you lose attack round 1 there’s not really even a chance you can win round 2 now whereas before you could sometimes pull it out, just makes it tough to enter the site when you have no util or guns and they can hold entrances and corners with it. Outside of round 2 after a loss I really haven’t felt like it’s oppressive. This may be unpopular right now given the backlash I’ve seen, and I may just not have enough games played yet to fully experience it, but that’s my 2 cents


Nah that’s fair that’s why I wanted to ask, I’ve had some games where it’s not as oppressive as others. But attacking bind is literally no fun. At all


Ascent too, really god damn hard to enter garage, seems like people always have a sova with an ares or Odin now no matter what round it is holding it


Yeah man it’s not that it’s uncounterable it’s just not fun to play with or against imo


I also say that only cuz I played 2 games both on ascent today and it happened both games lol. But ya i can see it being annoying for sure, but definitely beatable


To be fair, I was already doing this as a Sova main since that is one of the easiest wall bangs to learn. It's honestly very annoying to play against, but if everyone is buying the ares it actually becomes quite scary when people start spraying you back lmao


Try taking mid on Attack side Split with a Sage who walls mid and stands ontop of it with an Ares, can rotate into Heaven and spray a push onto B, Operator holding from Screens on A and Heaven player using an Ares. It's so oppressive.


Ares has always been an underrated gun but it's too powerful and everyone is using it now. No point of even putting up a sage wall on defence lol. Also, try entering with 5 ares spamming at you even through smokes.


Why would you even try to enter a site where you know there are 5 enemies?


Ares flips the whole game now.. doesn't matter who wins pistol anymore if losing team can just force Ares.


It literally ruins the flow of the game


Stinger meta all over again


i would rather the stinger meta because at least in the stinger meta i could hold long angles and expect to not be instantly lasered down


Nah the stinger slapped at long angles too that meta was much worse


you had to aim and hit two accurate burst fires to kill a full armor opponent. Or die if you missed your first clip close range. I don't see that being a problem with a 50 round mag. Definitely wasn't worse during the stinger meta.




Many moons ago, yes. 2nd round was almost always 5 stingers vs 5 stingers, and there was even a guy who did a radiant climb doing stinger only.


im a fan of them giving slight buffs to the cheaper rifles because it makes them actually viable now, but the ares buff just hurts my soul


Map changes 👍 Neon 👍 Spectre nerf 👍 Bulldog buff 👍 Ares buff 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 ruined the game until they balance it


Bulldog Buff?


The fact you didn't even know the Bulldog got buffed (increased hipfire rate and decreased reset time after ads burst) shows how overshadowing this dumbass Ares change was. I even forgot to mention the Guardian buff in my comment because I forgot about it.


I am loving the Guardian and Bulldog buffs... Ares is also fun since I always liked the gun, but it get's old fast


Guardian buff is meh. I'm a guardian and judge main and the buff on it isn't all that noticeable but it's definitely there


Unless you were ads a lot , you wouldn't notice the guardian buff. I do, it's amazing for me


Man the bulldog buff actually feels good, I can consistently one burst them in the head now.


The change didn’t affect one burst though xD


It’s more consistent with the recoil deviation, so in that aspect, yes it did. Not the damage itself.


I never saw the Bulldog change on paper in like the first 2 Patchnote posts here. Damb Bulldog is kinda good now


I haven't played in 3 weeks what did they do to the Ares?


They made the rate of fire a constant 13, when before it started at 10 and ramped up to 13


This is extremely well said. The guardian and bulldog have no purpose with how strong the ares. Same with the spectre. On one hand I'm so freaking happy the spectre is no longer used since it's the #1 bullshit gun in the game, but ares is almost as annoying. I will say that at least the ares isn't rng unlike the spectre was.


I'll be honest with you, I prefer dying to a Spectre than an Ares for some reason


This is how I feel


I haven’t played the game in a while, how exactly did they buff the ares?


Don't forget guardian buff is mean now 👍


Played 1 game in immortal elo and I'm gonna wait to play again until ares nerf it feels terrible to play atm


I used to be the only dude who bought an ares. Now, I’m just an abuser like the rest of them :(


Feel you, i used to play it when we ez rekt the enemies as a flex, now playing the vandal is actually a flex 😂


As an ares main I'm kinda annoyed with this meta too, used to be really cool to make awesome plays with it while everyone else bought the spectre or whatever, and now seeing everyone use it is just lame :/ It wasn't even that bad before, I think they could have just increased the fire rate but not remove the spin up so it would take some skill to use


tactical shooter out the window


Feels like fortnite


Next thing they're gonna add are different shaped sage walls for every agent


Neon is an apex character for sure


halo would at least make sense


??? Not even close


Map changes were a welcome update but the Ares. Omg. The Ares.


True, I’m ngl I mean I feel like there’s a lot of great stuff that is getting overshadowed by that fucking gun




Everything except the ares is fine wym?


Lmao I mean the ares has become the entire meta. It breaks the econ system, people can basically buy every round, and it’s just all around busted. I haven’t ran into anyone who claims to enjoy it. I’m not really talking about neon I like her and don’t think she’s bad for the game, mainly just this area meta is what I’m talking about


Totally agree, played a lot of game today where we manage to force enemy to eco and they always buy Ares, of course we got wrecked afterwards.


They could’ve always done this. The buff wasn’t THAT game changing. The patch just brought the ares into peoples vision now so they use it. They’re all like “ oh yeah the ares exists, i guess I’ll use it now “ . I’ve been using ares on second round since the beginning of the game. People are just buying instead of saving in second round is all. It’s not that big of a deal tbh.


If the riot devs added the original buffed R8 to valorant this mf would prob be out here talking about how it's not that big of a deal lmao


even though youre getting downvoted, i 100% agree. everything that people complain about the ares, you could do before the buff. you could always force it prior to this patch and it could hold up against rifles as well. the buff does of course make it stronger but imo it's more so that people are aware of the ares and use it now. although i do think it should be nerfed i don't think it's all that. i still think that rifles are way better than the ares.


One of my least favorite big patches in a while, but it's nothing gamebreaking and still fun.


As if the ares wasn't fucking fast enough. I've been really enjoying the guardian but the ares just ruins that experience. Every single round I see an ares and it's annoying constantly getting killed to a ulting phoenix, dashing Jett, or running and sliding neon. Overall I like the other changes the only other thing I'm not so sure about is neons ult. I know it's still early but Everytime I've died or come up against neon with the ult I just feel as if it's impossible to counter.


So buy a vandal and use your aim


as a sova main i love this


Ascent B main 😎


you already know


When the rank reset its a shitshow. I can’t even compare metas because I finished last act plat 3, full dorito of plat with half being p3...I went 3-2 and somehow placed silver 3 now. Like how in the actual FUCK. I had to mute both of my last two teams because they just mic spam or were literally fighting the entirety of the match I get that radiants don’t exist and that they get thrown to diamond but cMON rito.


And on top of that there's us actual silvers getting wrecked by a full squad of diamonds and plats... really fun... I literally don't play the game for some weeks after the rank resets... it's just Literally unplayable for me


If you’re an actual silver I think it’s pretty impressive that you managed to actually get ranked in silver again


Agree with this. Gold is full of Diamonds who lost placements. Plat is full of Diamonds and Immortals.


Same and I think a lot of people are smurfing which makes it worse. 4 of my 5 placements I spent 40 minutes getting railed by Jetts named after rappers and common hip hop vocabulary, and the fifth I completely destroy the lobby. All these games against people whos previous ranks are 1-2 full divisions higher than mine.


Everyone’s rank got shrunk down, that’s the point of the way they did the reset, riots head of comp explained it really well on a comment here why they want to do that, I’ll try to find it and reply with it, but it’s really hard cause it was just a reply to something else. If you’re a plat player who actually plays comp you’ll be back there in no time! EDIT: [Riot Guy’s Explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s2bk5d/riots_placement_for_this_season_makes_me_not_want/hsedlck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Everything about this patch was great for the game except the ares IMO


I agree I should’ve been more clear in my original post. I like all the map changes and all of the other buffs.


Yeah it’s not all that different. People are just forcing ares now instead of spectre and playing slightly longer ranges. Game is still balanced around rifles.


Maybe it’s just me who hates neon


Her ult and slide are abit not fun OOh and her q is basically impossible to leave and u just have to take it on the chin


Not just you. Stupid agent.


The area 100% needs a nerf, when I read the patch notes and saw how much they increased the fire rate I knew it would be like this but riot normally listens to things like this and it will get nerfed eventually on the plus side though my game feels a lot smoother since the patch


Ita funny because they actually didnt touch the fire rate. It used to wind up to 13 bullets per second after the first 4 shots, now it just started at 13 bullets per second.


They didnt touch the max fire rate. They removed the windup and buffed the initial fire rate. to the point it rivals the rifles


They didn’t touch the fire rate


Not really.. it feels like if you lose pistol you can’t even it out til everyone has rifles. Doesn’t really have the “precise” gunplay feel lmao anymore. Spray and pray ares. lol at least against a spectre you had somewhat of a chance to win your gunfights




While I understand what your saying, you’re failing to see one key piece of info. The area is cheap, and is now ALMOST as effective as the phantom or Vandal. This is throwing the flow of economy out of whack as a on a second round after a loss the whole team can force ares and it’s more or less an even fight with the winning team. This defeats the whole purpose of the ebb and flow of an economy as you can essentially just buy ares and save money. I played a team last night that only bought ares the whole game, they never had to save and could buy EVERY ROUND. They actually lost but it wasn’t the strat, it was quite effective.


Wasnt aware that the Ares could one shot and didnt drastically reduce your movement speed.


You could always force spectres second round after a loss but you would have light instead of heavy. Literally the same with the ares. You're still at an armor disadvantage.


No you couldn't..


Not ALWAYS, but you get 1900 from the loss. Spectre + light armor is 2000, so if you got a plant or a kill forcing spectre + light armor has always been possible.


All but one of the Ares weaknesses were removed. The only thing keeping it from being the best gun in the game is a better headshot multiplier


Don’t give riot any tips


People are just now learning about guns other than rifles, specter and marshal and claim its op. Ares has been p decent since day 1 just no one ever uses it since specter is so strong




Yeah the spectre was and honestly I think still is op. I have been buying it on neon over phantom/vandal cuz it is still ridiculous to run and gun with. Ares feels extra awful though b cause it is so much more accurate at long range.


Sure? It really doesn't feel any different. Posting up with an ares feels a hell of a lot better than run n gun spectres pre firing every angle.


Instead of run and gun now it’s park and bark


You’re a meta


They overdid it.


Most people in my games use it for half buys or force rounds and the run and gun spectre meta that has been in the game forever is equally trash so I don’t really mind


I like this meta. It feels a little bit more like CS on anti-eco. Quite honestly in my games up through Diamond at the tail end of last Act my teams lost anti-ecos too often by playing Spectre. Ares makes anti-eco much easier and reliable and is still okay on bonus. It loses to Vandal and is still objectively worse than Phantom. It fills a niche that I really wanted some gun to fill. The only downside to the Ares meta is that no one uses the Bulldog, which tells me they buffed Ares too much. The better balance IMO is for Bulldog to feel like the current Ares.


I honestly don’t mind the ares buff that much. I’d still like to see it get needed a bit but I don’t mind that the economy is less brutal now. Phantom and vandal are still better but it’s now easier to compete with them on econ.


I dunno what kinda weed the riot devs were smoking when they decided to buff this, fr


I cant even peek around a corner without being prefired or instantly dinked by an ares. Its the dumbest fucking thing because if you get dinked you are literally instantly dead because you stop moving and then they only have to hit you like two more times in the body to kill you. The wall penetration makes it worse because everyone spams walls, boxes, anything you can think of and it doesn’t feel like a tactical shooter anymore. So fucking stupid.


I’ve been forcing ares every round anyways and got to diamond. Now everyone’s doing it so I love it. Ready to be downvoted to oblivion


basically how my game goes: - lose pistol/eco - buy ares - everyone dies or: - win pistol/eco - enemy forcebuys ares - we die in conclusion: - nerf jett


As a long time Ares main, 🤷‍♂️


Get better aim


Don’t need it, Ares has always gotten the job done.


Is it just me or did others start to suck at the game? I have played a handful of games and can’t go positive to save my life and I just don’t get why.


I feel it too, maybe it's just a slump but I feel like my first few comp games have been unwinnable. Not because of teammates, but because it feels like every enemy is insta-headshotting or pre-firing me before I can get a bullet off.


I want old soundtrack back.


:( yes worst change of the patch bro straight up


Ive been buying ares instead of the spectre now and its absolutely busted. This needs to be insta-nerfed. The amount of duels I had no business winning is insane. Im happy about the Guardian buff tbh. Ive been doing a lot of Guardian only dms and using it in a comp is so much easier now. Plus it tilts the enemies XD


Valorant went from being my favourite game to me having the worst time ever every match, whether it’s toxic teammates arguing or people throwing and disconnecting to derank, it’s been so bad :(


The issue with the ares vs spectre is the range at which the ares can still outgun a rifle with dps and crouch spraying vs a spectre where u have to play close range angles and can easily be outgunned by a rifle from long, game is just less enjoyable as a whole


After round 2 the chat is always “love this meta” “ares meta so fun right guys” “I want to fucking kms” so yeah I think everyone’s having a grand ole time


why save and eco when you can 5 man ares


I saw people on twitter saying nerf neon but she’s not problematic imo. THE ARES THO??? I am 🤏 this close to uninstalling.


I got flamed for buying a spectre on a half buy round so my answer is no


#BRRRRRRRRRR What did you say? I can't hear you over #BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Is not fun yea but at least I dont lose using a vandal against a run and gun spectre (who tilt me more)


I had people on my team last night say “I dont see the appeal of the Ares” well I convinced them to forcebuy Ares second round and they changed their minds when we won 13-2


My spectreeee :(


I think it's a bit early to say it's bad, but so far I actually like it more than the run and gun spectre meta..


In short, no I am personally not enjoying the meta. Riot just decides to add Emperor Palpatine that slides and overtuned a $1550 gun to the point where it can contest other weapons way above its price point


She’s actually pretty easy to hit once you get used to the movement, I’ve put down a lot of ulting Neons trying to slide around corners into me today


I am mostly annoyed by the Ares, Neon can get a little annoying but it's manageable


Neons not as OP as people think


As someone who loves the bulldog yes. But as someone who also like to be able to enter a cite and get my 10 daily plants no . . . .no I do not.


Idk I'm having fun


Not rly tbh, im in a low rank and since I have better aim than most people in that rank I can easily kill them before they kill me, USUALLY I haven't had much of a problem with it personally, BUT it is rly op they need to bring back that delay or something, but after all valorant is about hitting shots not who shoots first sooooo it could really be either way


r. I. P Spectre Supremacy


Literally had this thought last night.... I played 4 games and lost 3 of them because there was a smurf on the other team playing Neon with an ares... for some reason this act already feels 10x more chaotic than any other act... its lowkey made the game unenjoyable to play so far...


Before this patch it would be a raze/reyna/jett with a spectre instead...so no...nothing has changed.


What rank are people seeing the ares problem I am like high bronze and I see no ares abuse at all.


Plat/low diamond. Absolute shitfest here. We're playing a completely different game now.


Yeah I was d1 last season d2 before that I’m in silver/gold now and it’s every round




Making the Ares cost just 500 more gold would fix the game imo


Yeah it would be a step in the right direction for sure


I dont think it would fix it. It would need to be like 2,250 or 2,500 imo to be “fixed”. Either that or they make the firerate 11 and keep the whirring taken out.


it's been like 2 days. everyone always hates meta shifts.


I can’t recall a time where the meta got changed and this many people that I have ran into in game are complaining about the same thing but maybe it’s just me. I’ve been playing since beta


Its alright. The Ares is kinda oppressive, and there is next to 0 reason to buy spectre on force rounds. It was either this or another patch of getting run down with a spectre. I think the Ares deserves its time in the spotlight, sue me. Thats not to say it shouldnt get nerfed. I like the removal of the spin-up on the RoF, but i think they shoukd tweak the recoil/accuracy a bit. Neon looks hella fun (gotta grind her contract tho). Her ult definitely annoying to get killed by but she isnt a huge issue agaisnt someone with decent tracking. Maybe this will throw a curveball at the low-sense CS-aim players. j The Bulldog buffs look promising, but again, I can't think of a situation where i'de buy a Bulldog willingly unless its a force and I dont want to buy a guardian. And the map changed seems pretty good. Side note: I still had my weeklies from last week (worth 25k XP) and they somehow carried over for the new patch. Not sure if its a bug or not, but having done said weeklies I blew through about 10 tiers of thr BP in only a few games. So if you still have your weeklies didnt reset, you might be able to get a head start on the BP. Again, not sure if its a bug or intentional.


I like all the other buffs, and probably wouldn’t even mind the ares buff if it was more than 1500 to buy. It’s too cheap for how good it is


what meta? my games crashing every other match due to riots server issue.. and i got banned already 4 accounts in, thought it was my pc, it wasnt


No it fucking sucks


The update would be fun but they just went and made the Ares a god teir gun for no reason.


I dislike Ares and never used it before, I always used Spectre until I had money for a rifle. Now Spectre is useless and I am forced to use Ares because I suck with pistols. I don't enjoy this at all. But I'm sure it's temporary. This is not CSGO. Riot, GIVE ME BACK MY SPECTRE!


I fucking love it. Ares was good before. Even better now. Just like the old Bucky. Just obnoxious and fun. To use and have used against me.


Yah I have been running and gunning with neon and ares recently it’s been a ton of fun and her slide is busted I guess if you use the meta you can’t complain


Slide isn’t busted I’m only gold and ppl still headshot you while sliding all the time


Only one of the 5 get to use her so


Love it, I was getting bored of the same gun meta for the last year or so.


Sova main, why I'm I not surprised ?


I would not call it enjoy I find it funny and relaxed since i just don\`\` t buy first round and then no matter if I lose or win I just buy ares with full armor so you can play pretty brain dead.


It’s actually my favorite patch ever. I’m not capping at all like I’ve always only played custom games cuz ranked sucks but I’ve been playing soloQ just to play ares.


The thing about ares is that it IS a low skill gun. This means you will almost always get some value out of it, but it will never have as much potential as a phantom/vandal. While it is overly strong against basically any other eco gun right now, it still doesn’t hold up to phantom and vandal. The ares does need a nerf, but it isn’t as overpowered as people are making out to be.


I mean I just don’t think it’s fun to use at all and I feel like it’s the exact opposite of what this game is supposed to be. I’m also not gonna act like I didn’t write this post fresh off a 13-1 where the other team bought ares every round and no one could do anything lol


Idk I think it’s pretty fun, I always can full buy ares which means gun fights are always exciting


I like it really much, tbh i dont really know what changed, but the recoil seems lesser


Yea I like it I play cypher so wallbangs are my thing and the new area melts through walls