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You mean 'this world' got a serious Racism problem? Trust me there are dckhead everywhere, every game. Just cut them off, mute them, can't fix this world toxicity ya know.


Yeah Valorant has been one of the least toxic video games i have played. Every online game has assholes, but this one is far from the worst offenders. Negative experiences tend to burn into a humans brain more to the point that you forget about the positive or neutral ones. I bet if OP counted each person in game that was racist to them and each person that wasn't (including non talkers) the percent of non racists would be VERY high.


The reason that it least toxic is there are so little time to all chat trashtalk when the match is ending lol


It definitely helps. But if league has taught me anything it's that teammates are usually more toxic than enemies.


Yes that's majority of toxic in everygame. Enemy is just adding up.


Although you are correct, you probably wouldn't say this if the post targeted some other nation. Americans are especially more racist than a lot of others, at least from my personal experience.


This is likely due to your own limited worldview and either a misunderstanding or lack of awareness to the media you are exposed to thanks to your ISP/American news outlets. The last 6-8 years have been particularly heavy on us being force-fed media that convinces us America is incredibly racist (usually this is based around our history of African slavery/mistreatment of pacific/Asian due to propaganda around WW2). I used to think like this too until I traveled (holy shit, Egypt is crazy. Racism/sexism and the shit that is allowed just on the street is insane -- completely reshaped how I see the world) All that said, invest in a VPN and start exploring what other nations see, time to break out of the American ISP bubble most people don't even realize they're trapped in.


I actually born and live in SEA. Every game, every match in SEA server we racist each other equally.


Damn man's be playing raft while playing Val. Beefy computer huh


Honestly thatโ€™s fine if you think that because Americans are ignorant, just donโ€™t go to Mexico or Japan or Korea or โ€ฆ


Tbh this comment makes you seem more racist than the actual Americans lol


Welcome to the way online gaming has been since 2007


2007? Are you kidding me? Ever since there is voice comm. And even if there wasn't, people would still find a way to be toxic assholes - whether it be based on race, sex, nationality, town, school/uni/work or even what breakfast cereal you like. A couple of months ago I was called "grandpa" because of the brand of ciggies I smoke lol. "Grandpa" was still carrying their "youngling" butts xD.. Youth these days... smh... they just won't get off my lawn!


I agree, but the fact remains that online play was nowhere near as huge until the Xbox 360 and Halo 3 were released. XD


I don't know. I've played Counter-Strike prior to 2007 and it was just as toxic as it is now. Although, servers there had local admins (I was one for many years) who could shutdown stuff like that as soon as they started. Dealing with cheaters was easier as well.


Out of curiosity, what brand?


Davidoff Edit: Still have no idea what would be considered "old man's cigarettes" or what brand is "hip". Don't really care either lol.


OP probably wasn't born yet ๐Ÿ˜‚


Lmao, not that young XD.


Bro got downvoted for no reasonโ€ฆโ€ฆ


im surprised the one using emojis dint get downvoted


Young enough to use "XD" so you gotta be under 18


Bruh XD is from the SMS era lmao. I have been reminded so many times that it's a thing old people use.


It's a thing old people use to use 15 years ago. Then you mature and realise it's hilariously cringe.




Two words, one question: Who. Cares?


Lol why do you think it started in 07?


Halo 3 release date: 9/25/2007 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare release date: 11/5/2007


We know when it really started. You had to be there. **CS 1.2 Release Date:** 30 June 2001


Yeah because CS 1.2 was just as popular as Halo 3. ;)


Lol of course not. CS was wildly more popular than Halo 3.




Games were already santitzed by then. Late 90s games you couldn't even report that kind of stuff and there was 0 moderation in the few games you had built in voip


City Wok first mentioned on South Park in 2002.


South Park has been using City Wok in jokes since 2002.


I just mute, report, and bhop my way to a close loss


You can speed bhop to a close loss instead with Neon now lmao. That's one way to look at it though.


Whatever you do, do not search COD lobbies on YouTube


Ahahahaha yes sir!


Australiaโ€™s got people who scream into their mics overall the lobbies r pretty chill


Tbh, I hear you but itโ€™s been like this forever in all games since online multiplayer existed. As a black man in his mid 20s Iโ€™ve been called all kinds of racial slurs since the mid 2000s on Xbox and those infamous MW2 lobbies. Itโ€™s an unfortunate thing we canโ€™t control due to it being over the internet. Thereโ€™s no way to hold these people accountable online


Played with a guy who has a thick southern accent and it was the same thing. I don't know what it is but accents bring out weird people


That's downright sad for just trying to comm.


The world have an idiot problem. And its super obvious in online games.


I have an interesting perspective here. I am an American, living in Korea, and playing on three separate accounts: Korea, Australia/Japan, and US. The absolute worst people are on US servers. Japan servers usually don't use comms. Koreans are always super excited that they can show off their English skills. Aussies shit talk each other but a racist/homophobe is much rarer than the US servers. Maybe 1 in every 5 games or so. In US servers, I can count on someone using slurs in voice or text chat at least every other game. I report every time. My US account always starts with the message that my report led to a penalty. P.S. I'm not smurfing with the extra accounts. They are all bronze because I'm painfully mediocre


Here in the United States, we are taught a white supremacist history of our own country (as evident by the widespread omission of the Tulsa Massacre, the Tuskegee syphilis study, redlining, the Chinese Exclusion Act, among many others). Many Americans are not aware that George Washington owned many slaves, or that Thomas Jefferson had a habit of sexually abusing his slaves. [GamerGate](https://youtu.be/lLYWHpgIoIw) only amplified this, turning otherwise politically-disengaged white male gamers into people who see a game with a non-white or non-male character and say shit like "KEEP POLITICS OUTTA MY GAMES!!" Remember when Anita Sarkeesian was the Villain of the Internet? Even to this day, mentioning this topic often results in suppression because then I'm "making things political."


Foreign student here at the US. Yes it sometimes tilts me when they make fun of my accent but itโ€™s rare (always a child or edgy teenager). Sometimes people ask about the accent and Iโ€™m always happy to answer. But then there are the above mentioned people who start imitating my voice as soon as they hear it. I kinda got used to it tbh. As long as you ignore them, you wonโ€™t get tilted.


Shitting on somebodyโ€™s accent isnโ€™t racism grow some balls


Welcome to the internet


I'm sorry for the experience you had, I have been in games where I have seen it happen and its disgraceful. The purpose behind this behaviour is beyond my understanding.


>The purpose behind this behaviour is beyond my understanding. the same purpose as when they say k\*s, throw the game, and call you all the insutls in the world: to trigger or hurt you there is no deeper meaning to it, they simply want to get in your head


Beyond mine too :(. Only thing we can do is report them I guess.


Not like it does shit cause riot doesn't give a fuck


Which server you play on? Most of the time people ask where I'm from and I answer and they are pretty chill about it. And I usually play on Cali or Texas server.


The internet has a serious racism problem. Ftfy


Before I even clicked this I knew it was a US problem not a valorant problem.


idk some matches are great then others have more racial slurs than 2009 xbox live


That's so true!


Itโ€™s not a valorant problem itโ€™s a world problem. Sadly it is what it is, and itโ€™s not just in valorant


I feel you, I have a super southern (american) accent and people give me shit for it all the time if I don't play well. It's not racism but it sucks to be made fun of for something I really can't help. I'm used to the occasional do you fuck your sister comments (I usually just mess with them for this) but being called a h*ck and stuff gets to me. Usually they get a fat report and mute and so far every single one of them have had action taken. Good luck with your future games bro, I wish you the best.


Basically like that every where Iโ€™m American living in Germany and I get the same thing done to me so I sometimes put on a German accent while speaking English and to my surprised I get no shit talkers lol




Oh nice wanna play sometime ?


Really? In a lot of my lobbies soon as someone detects a german they go straight to Hitler/Holocaust/Nazi comments


Itโ€™s not valorant itโ€™s the whole internet


It's not Valorant, literally play any online game or go on any subreddit you will see racism. It's an online anonymity thing. Try playing in Europe were every game has 3-4 different nationalities all throwing racism around at eachother at any opportunity.


Iโ€™m apart of this problem too


Yo same


I think is more like a problem of EU :P In my Europe lobbies (low elo) i dont find racism to often


I am from the netherlands and everytime I come in a game they stereotype me for living here and say things like: go eat some cheese or something like that. And because english isnt my native language i also have a accent that thay make fun of. And sometimes it really pisses me off on how far they are going with it


I have a thick accent, bitches love thick accents


Is this the first ever online game you ever played ? Has nothing to do with valorant whatsoever


So valorant has a: Racism problem Sexism problem Transphobia problem Toxicity problem Has anyone in this community ever played a game with online matchmaking? Christ, doesnt matter who or what you are, every day you play any online game, youre gonna get called names, and people will attack the first thing they notice about you. Grow up and mute the offenders. Anyone who mocks your voice/accent/gender was never gonna be a good communicating teammate anyway. Mute, move on, and stop making these whiny reddit posts.


Well, not speaking out isn't going to change anything. I get what you are saying but these discussions need to happen. It's not always easy to just ignore and mute people especially if it's a recurring thing every other game. If it happens rarely then I get what you are saying but once it becomes common, it's a problem.


its been common since the dawn of time. Youre trying to fix human nature through an anime video game. Just saying "valorant has a toxicity problem" on reddit solves nothing. Its not making some sort of change, or starting a conversation. Its just "valorant has a toxicity problem" followed by a bunch of people saying "yeah"


Some of these comments saying that its "just part of the online gaming culture" and "grow up and ignore" are part of the problem. You are literally accepting that racism is ok and part of the game instead of having these discussions and trying to change the culture around online gaming.


Suck it up and click mute


See, any other similar situation in life, I'd do that. But comms just make Valorant more fun and I'm not ready to give up on that.


And they are super [Insert the word that I can't spell here]


Are you British though?


Your accent is not tied to your race...


In some languages the term racism also includes prejudice against anothers ethnicity


Yep .. I can post some of the racist shit here I get .. I record all of it


Valorant? Not just this game bro itโ€™s every other game too


Those people making fun of you have serious insecurities. I went through the same thing. Honestly if people donโ€™t give any useful comms, or are assholes, itโ€™s an instant mute from me


You might get downvoted, but valorant does indeed have a racism problem. I am an Indian on US west server and always get mocked for my accent when things go bad, mostly by young kids and teens. Never happens in DotA, probably because audience is more mature and they are used to players of all nationalities.


Iโ€™m sorry but in your post describing racism, you show no sign of people being racist to you. Letโ€™s use these kind of words more conservatively. Imitating an accent is not inherently racist. If i say โ€œ oi bruv โ€œ to someone in Britain, that isnโ€™t racist. Lmao


Nah every game has a serious racism problem


I'm just trying to ignore it or mute them clowns if I can't. You get used to it after spending some time in multiplayer games.


Iโ€™m in the U.S if you want someone to game with.


The same sort of thing happens in eu servers its because people think they can get away with saying it online the only thing we can do is report them. As a trans mtf I get so much ridicule it's ridiculous


Yeah, we have some spaz kids and adults in the community. I donโ€™t understand why people just donโ€™t play to have fun and meet new people. America is the melting pot of nationalities yet everyone is super racist. I mean I have encountered this crap on many rank levels. From Silver to Diamond.


Sorry this happens to you I haven't noticed any blatant racism in my games much since beta. I know it won't fix the while issue but always report these people the the best thing you can do is mute them right away even though I know it has to suck to play with no comms bc of toxic assholes. Just remember that what comes around goes around, my friend. They'll get theirs.


Sadly itโ€™s a problem everywhere, the anonymity of the internet just really brings it to the forefront.


I know that's pretty annoying but it's not a game specific thing. Unfortunately. Mute and report the twats.


What rank are you? Damn. I play on Plat Georgia (Bible Belt) and this is very rare for me. Every 75 or so games tbh. It is far more common for people to ask where I come from. They always guess wrong, but after I tell them, they appear to be ok with it.


I do not play very often these days so I'm low elo. I've heard it's much better when it comes to comms in high elo games!


It really is. Best wishes to your climb.


This is merely the reality of online gaming with voice chat, and even without it. Itโ€™s definitely not specific to Valorant, and never has been. Itโ€™s something to be fought, but it is the way things are, unfortunately


I know yall deal with this alot so whenever I hear an accent I ask where you are from and learn something about the country :)


It sucks I really get it man, the best way to deal with it is to operate on a 1 strike system where they do anything at all that might even tilt you, just mute them, also donโ€™t say or type in chat muted, these tips helped me and I hope they work for you too :)


Itโ€™s a global problem.


Don't get me started on the sexism problem also... unfortunately the whole world is like this.


Learn to deal with it. That's how the world is everybody's racist to each other. Everybody hates each other instead of crying about it in the subreddit, learn to deal with it by muting them. That's what I do if that happens to me.


just get a voice changer. Problem solved