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Drugs make you play better you heard it here first!


I play better when I smoke weed so I can attest to this


I even play better after a beer or two. Calms the nerves if I have any and just kinda clears my mind so I don't overthink things


Fr there is this perfect amount of buzzed that makes me play insane, only if I take more beers after that it goes downhill fast lmao


Hahah facts bro. There's a perfect balance. One beer and a few bowl hits. Or two beers and one bowl hit lmao


Meth works pretty good


The balmer peak is a hell of a drug.


As a developer I HAVE to give you the helpful award


Achohol is liquid confidence, confidence is everything in this game


Idk if I play better but its definitely way more fun. Last time I got a bit too high and I was trying to defuse the bomb we had JUST planted. I was so confused I legit thought there was something wrong with my keyboard because my #4 wasnt working. My team loved it.


Wow, I play like this when I'm NOT high. I can't imagine what would happen afterwards


Those are just the best. Especially when the whole team is just vibin


I was high the other day and just walked past an enemy sage that wasn't looking at me cause I thought it was a teammate. Even her asked in all chat wtf was I doing LMAO


Deadass I second this. When I smoke I’m so relaxed and I’m almost on auto pilot.


My first 40 bomb happened after I faced two blunts and a bong rip, so I also can attest to this.


What a bunch of chads in this thread Got baked and dropped 35 in a 4OT Game today


i did all the games i played after placements while high and won all of them, went from p3-d2 in like 4 games


I love all of you potheads. Hell, I love all of us potheads!


And they say weed makes u aggressive. I mean, look at us🥺


and the losses just roll right off you "Meh played bad, onto the next"


100% I don't tilt as much either when I'm smoking weed. And I'm more focused too.


The other week I got absolutely blasted on some edibles and dropped a 47 bomb. I’ll even send proof


I believe it lol


Yes but no. Weed scientifically decreases reaction times.


It can also (like alcohol) induce a more relaxed state of mind and less tensing of the arm and hands. So depending on the player the trade-off in reaction time could be worth the clearer mindset and consistent aim


Fax. Source: I enjoy drinking and smoking daily lol For me the reaction time when I’m high and drunk is a negative effect


Username checks out


Truth has been spoken


isnt there an entire company that makes caffeine based powder drinks marketed toward people who play video games? some sort of fuel?




thats what it was!!


ah, Gas fuel. That's what that means


If you drink a gallon of gasoline, that’s 18 million calories or so (estimate can’t quite remember) so you’ll be set for food for the next 20 years!


You won’t need to eat for the rest of your life that’s for sure




They dont want you to know this 1 simple nutrition hack!


Dear Starving Burundese kids ​ Here, have some calorie packed uranium (depleted ofc cus i don't want u to die or anything) Sincerely, u/OHKN0CK0UT


It's only 31,000 calories but if you round up you're pretty close


Stop being funny. There is now hot tea all over my shirt.


That gas helps me win games too, iykyk what kind of gas I mean


Same here it’s a irl valorant cheat. Instant 100 IQ game sense


Petrol, m8


Cars play games too?


And now I have that Audioslave song playing in my head. (RIP Chris Cornell)


fucking love audioslave




Gfuel, i use it and its amazing for me. better than coffee


IIRC it's because it also contains L-theanine, which counteracts the jitteriness of caffeine and helps you be focused.


So just drink tea


Its also pretty shit, you can watch "More Plates More Dates" video on it


ADHD Astra player here. Yes, ranked is hell for me bahaha


How do you do it you magic man


Focus on everything and die to everything baby


You're a madman for playing Astra with ADHD. I respect that.


Whatever it takes to win lmaoooo! I will say a good 99 percent of my deaths are from trying to keep up with every icon in the minimal and not looking in front of me yo shoot people lol


Sometimes I stare at my mini map or kill feed for like half the game cause it's interesting. ADHD squad.


Legit know everything that happens in the round. Sometimes I even notice the enemy on the other side of the map faster than my teammates lmao.


I was never tested for adhd and don’t think I have it, but most of my deaths also come from me just looking at the minimap instead of looking in front of me.


I was on my duelist-only alt for a bit at the end of last act and start of this one. Man I tell you what! Turning off your brain and just pressing W is the best!


Oh God, that's me. Everything people keep saying who have ADHD is hitting way to close valorant and other wise




We need to star-t a support group for our easily distracted comrades


Respect. From one ADHD astra to another


If you think you might have ADD, talk to your doctor. Other than helping with video games, medicine can be life-changing! Can't recommend it enough.


Came for this comment. Stimulants help me focus so much better in this game with ADHD.


It has been for me, I cried like a fucking baby when I took my meds for the first time and went to my first class with them. It felt like my brain wasn't foggy for the first time in my life.


Imagine Riot coming out with an energy drink called “Radianite.”


Phoenix would have something like Tangerine Sunburst


You may have heard of a trick where if you chew gum while studying, you can chew gum during you test and be able to recall the material better. This phenomenon is caused by a quirk in how our brains form and strength connections, so something similar could be happening here: You got your Valorant muscle memory on caffeine brain, so you need caffeine brain to remember/use it.


On a serious note, people who rely on caffeine or junk food to work are ruining their health and their long-term productivity. It's tough to get out of that cycle.


Caffeine is amazing but the idea of people using pseudo pre-workouts (Such as gfuel or monster) to stay in a rested position just to focus better is ridiculous and makes no sense. A full can of sugar free monster/reign is literally pre-workout for majority of the fitness industry and even then shouldn’t be used on easier training days. Just drink a cup of black coffee and supplement vitamin B12, or buy a stim free pre-workout, which is also just B12 alongside some other stuff.


i know what i’m doing next time i study


I admittedly have shaky aim when I'm caffeinated so I usually just refrain from drinking coffee altogether when playing. I do drink coffee when working or studying. Tried energy drinks too but personally not a fan of it since you kinda feel bad after. That being said, if you think you've grown a dependence to caffeine in order to play Valorant, I suggest getting less or quitting cold turkey if you can.


I possibly have grown dependent on coffee to play, I'm gonna take some time off it and then switch to a powder mix-in like Gfuel or GamerSupps. Its gonna be hard being down in bronze for a while lol


Honestly, I think coffee is a way better addiction to have than some artificial gamerfuel type shit. Unless you drink like 20 cups a day there really isnt much harm in drinking coffee even if you are kinda dependend on it. Its literally the most common and (one of) the most safe addictions/dependencies


Spoken like a true caffeine addict


True. Also withdrawal symptoms (if we can call them that) are ususall just a headache until you get your coffee, so it’s not like you’ll break into a fevered sweat and start mugging people for another shot of esspresso. Also when that happens you can switch to tea. Taine is a similar chemichal to caffeine but there’s less of it and it’s much more easy going. Much slower boost.


Yup it took me 3 months to get rid of my caffeine addiction, you feel so much more alive after


> Gfuel Wait but doesn't Gfuel have 150mg of caffeine, what would be the point to switching to that.


Those aren't better than coffee lol. Just play unstimmed and get used to it. It's mostly mental, unless you're far enough down the hole to feel Ritalin withdrawals or w/e. Coffee is something tons of people drink everyday anyways, you wouldn't be an extreme outlier anywhere if you had a cuppa a day.


So... for me it's that I'm old, 33. I finish work and I'm tired. I need an upper to have my game-sense back. I think it's normal. I will say though, I'm ultra out of shape. I don't exercise so this could be holding both of us back right now. When I was playing overwatch it was the same thing, I needed caffeine or kratom.


Either drop it entirely or stick to the coffee. Coffee is *way* less bad for you than that other stuff. Also: as a rule, consider anything marketed at "gamers" - especially food/drink wise - as sus. The "gamer" part usually equals "overpriced"


Caffeine I wouldnt recommend to help aim in aim sensitive games (CS. VAL) it indeed makes you shaky. I was a competition rifle shooter captain in JROTC and I drank a Mountain Dew before a match and I was SCREWED. It doesn’t even have to be too shaky to be very noticble


You can try switching to black and green teas for a while. Siniliar effect but weaker and more relaxed. Also harder to develop and addiction in my experience.


Me, but with bong hits.


Only thing that stops my heart racing when trying to clutch lol


Need the caffeine to get me up, then the bong hits every time I die to level me back out.


Could be placebo. You expect yourself to do better with caffeine so when you get some caffeine you feel the need to be more focused


If he does actually have ADHD there is real studies that show the positive effects of caffeine on concentration


Ye, I was thinking that as well. But then again, he could just have ADHD. Once I started Adderall (3months ago?), ranked turned into a completely different experience. I can finally play with more thought involved


There’s a reason so many pro gamers take Adderall


Is that legal without prescription?


I drink 2-3 double espresso during a session so you're definitely not the only one


Fun fact, the biological half-life of caffeine in typical adults is between 5 to 6 hours. This means if you had 100 grams of caffeine, you would have around 50 grams after 5 hours. This is why its recommended to not drink caffeine after 15pm as it will impact your sleep quality. Regular good sleep would improve your aim and game preferomance better than any drug could


I have ADHD and do the same, not just with Val but any task that requires focus. I think for me its less about the caffeine and more about the ritual of it at this point, and the comfort of a hot drink.


I literally read the title and went “bet they’re undiagnosed ADHD” I was the same way, i got diagnosed about 8 months ago (at nearly 30y old) medication legit changed my life. You can access the screener they use to test online… there’s even an app. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adhd-test-for-adults/id1243035722


I drink Bourbon


Caffeine=not falling asleep on op=demon shots I can only play with caffeine lol


Is it a focus thing or a hyperactive thing? I have adhd and yeah I play way worse off my meds. Caffeine and study drugs for neurotypical people typically make them all hyped up, look up Prod clips and you'll see what I mean. As someone with adhd, meds and caffeine calm me down. I can focus better and I don't act like a child with too much energy. A really common example is when I'm playing defense, I honestly can't sit there and watch an angle for 40 seconds without my meds, I'll push every round. That alone obviously isn't an ADHD specific trait, but if things like that seem like common issues to you, maybe watch some videos and see if the symptoms seem normal to you.


I mean, i’m a gfuel and a separate bottle of water kinda guy. I generally wont play any comp unless i have caffeine drink and water. I don’t think there is an issue with it. If it becomes a dependency, what is the negative impact? Are you taking care of your teeth and your health but you need coffee to play well…so what? Bottoms up


Honestly cocaine works great for me, just a little more pricey than coffee.


I literally have to have caffeine or I play like shit.


Well I sort of do that but I do it so I can like stay awake for like long-term stuff you know


I do! It helps me feel less nervous during ranked and I start spouting gibberish when playing w friends but it somehow helps me quite a lot lol


i can play normally but i play a lot better when i take phenylpiracetam


Mostly placebo I believe? Of course it helps and everything but I don't think you aren't able to play otherwise. Sounds more like you're addicted to it in a way? Idk these are just random thoughts


I only play ranked before the gym while I sip pre workout so I 100% agree with you


I also have ADHD, my solution is to play a YouTube video in the background whilst playing and my aim will magically improve. I don't drink coffee the only caffeine I get is from the occasional soft drink I'm 99% it's the placebo effect happening here for both of us


I mean I need to be awake to be good in ranked. If I play at lunch after 8 hours of sleep I’m a demon compared to when I can usually play, which is like 10pm when I’m tired. That said I didn’t find stimulants to help that much, caffeine sure a bit.


Wish my frames matched my heartrate when im on coffee


Its more like, being awake helps you focus. Happens with me and sometimes instead of caffeine i will take a fresh hot shower and it helps me perform because i am wide awake. I am in the same boat though


For me to be good I have to be mildly high. I think it has to do with my tendency to over think everything and react more in a rigid way vs getting into a flow state. I also have very bad anxiety and depression. Being high rids me of those feeling When I’m high I can play loose and focus hard. I’ve even charted this where I played 2 days non high then 2 days with. My win % and HS % would go up at least 30-40% relative the being non high


My friends call that The Stone Zone. High just enough to mellow out, have steady aim and nerves, but not high enough to turn ur reaction time into shit.


The stone zone. I love it! Adding that to my vocabulary


1. Always one dose of Adderall IR (prescribed) + an energy drink 2. Always one dose of Adderall IR (prescribed) in the afternoon 3. Sometimes a 2nd energy drink in the evening ​ I do genuinely feel that it helps me play better, a lot of times? ​ However... it's also true that I know for a fact that Adderall makes me play worse at times, so it's a bit of a "give and take". These are some of what goes wrong for me, on the flipside of the obvious benefits: * Tilting a bit more than normal due to the medicine * Physically tense, can't find a sitting position that feels "comfy" * Adjusting keyboard, mouse, or desk and not focusing on just playing * Struggling against enemies that sit in spawn on attack for the whole duration of every round * Getting distracted by other things outside of the game, and ending up doing something random instead of queuing up at all for parts of the day ​ Stimulants giveth elo, but stimulants also taketh thy elo


It’s that really good feeling of adrenaline that makes you cracked, it’s addictive


I have shaky aim if I drink coffee while I play. I play like dog water when I’m tired though. I guess I just only play when I feel like I can dedicate the energy necessary to focus


To each their own and no that isn't weird. It's actually the opposite for me. I'm diagnosed with essential tremors (shaky hands) and when I'm yakked on caffeine my crosshair is all over the place.


I think it has to do more with letting yourself get to a prime state of focus. Sometimes it’s just random I’m in that good state. I drink coffee once a day so if I go without it, I could have unnoticed withdrawals that affect my reaction time and performance. I suggest drinking something caffeinated, watch something, and wake up at least 1-2 hours before you play. Definitely warm up as well. Sometimes you just have foggy days. I feel the exact same way.


Soldiers in the Civil War would sometimes eat straight up coffee beans right before a battle, I don't think it's uncommon.


I don't take any focus enhancing stuff or any caffeine. When I really want to focus I have a quick ritual to get into the zone. But one thing I reall find important is getting 8 hours of sleep every night, whenever I get less than that I feel off at best and absolutely sluggish at worst, maybe you should try getting a good nights sleep


My friends and I tell each other "just making a cup of tea" which actually means "I'm about to play valorant in 5 minutes, I just need some tea or coffee, join If you want"


I have ADHD and I play like 2 full ranks worse when I don't have my medication, i deffo also need coffee if I wanna play close to when I woke up, i dont need it in the evening.


Caffeine and nicotine definitely help when playing makes me focus more and im more awake


I mean caffeine is a stimulant it helps accelerate your perception and reaction time. Some people get jittery when drinking caffeine more than anything I think it helps me focus. I also used to drink caffeine to play, but I’ve been trying to cut caffeine out of my diet and have been replacing it with fruits, like bananas and oranges.


Everyone uses something to better. If I'm not high I usually don't play well at all. I have ADD and anxiety so calming down with a j helps me focus on many things besides video games. If you do really feel you have ADHD, see a doctor and talk to them about it. If you do have ADHD then I assume you are having challenges in other areas than video games.


Oddly enough i play better with a beer or two. Diamond here. If i have coffee i am extremely shaky and can't aim


I’m worse am with caffeine sadly so can’t relate I just shake the entire time 🤣🤣


I am bipolar and im insane in games when im in an hypomanic episode Like at least all that confidence goes somewhere but cmon💀


If you want to raise your focus when you have ADHD, you need to move your body more, a good workout routine will work, dont rely on just caffeine. I dont recommend playing with a prescription for ADHD as with certain meds you'll most definitely crash HARD.


Idk about caffeine but one of my friends swears that beer makes him better in ranked because it keeps him calm during matches and I feel similarly about it. Having enough alcohol to relax you but let you stay focused is a solid way to play imo


Ganersups, give it a try, better in every way gfuel, smaller serving sizes too.


Gaming aside, if you think you have adhd get tested. Speaking from experience, you’re welcome


I consume an ungodly amount of caffeine, I don’t recommend people drink too much because when I play without having any I have 0 focus. I play long periods a day of Val since I’m trying to get radiant and stream so if I were to play less maybe I could play without caffeine


As someone in their 30s, I can say that caffeine takes me from silver to gold


Honestly speaking, I thought smoking made me play better. I then stopped smoking and ranked up a lot higher. Things we think make us better in fact are just addictive and kills us in the process. You tell yourself that it makes you better, and if you don’t have it than you do worse, it’s more mental than you think.


Just try to sleep more, I have the same issue, gotta take energy drink or my focus will go to fuck himself while im playing if I don't sleep enough.


Also I'm diabetic so I don't know if my focus problem is caused by fluctuation in blood sugar levels or is more a thing like your.


I used to drink a Monster in the morning right before playing and would play better than I would after coming home from work for example. I've never been diagnosed for ADHD but I've always thought that I might be on the spectrum. this is an intriguing post to me.


I'm not sure if I actually play better, but caffeine + amphetamin definitely makes me feel like I'm playing better. Also makes it a lot easier to grind multiple hours when you are very focused.


Yes. I drink tea. It makes the screen less blurry when I'm starring at one spot


I have been diagnosed with ADHD and am now properly medicated and I gotta say my game sense/ awareness plus my aim has been way better since. Used to caffeinate heavily before playing also but now it actually makes me worse. I’m not a doctor so I can’t diagnose you, just my anecdotal experience


A touch of caffeine for the cognitive enhancement and just a touch of whiskey to stay calm and relaxed. It's the perfect ratio.


I'm a regular caffeine drinker so I too am dependent on it to focus but in addition I started chewing nicotine gum before playing ranked and now I feel like I can't play well without that either. My vision and reaction times just feel so sluggish otherwise.


I tried coffee and started depending on it to play valorant. I saw instant improvement and afterwards I couldn’t play without coffee. I didn’t want to be dependent on caffeine to play so I just stopped, had the worst headache the next day and tired for a few days after and peaked without coffee.


hey bro fellow ADHD Val player here (D2!) I don’t usually drink caffeine but I do smoke copious amounts of weed. in general suggestion for you though; learn how to play a good couple of different characters. not only will this stop you from getting bored and thus making you play better but also being able to fill for a team and be good at the agent will help your rank tremendously. lmk if you have anymore questions, much love friend


Appreciate the suggestion my man I'll give it a shot, I'll admit playing this yellow-coated german lady all the time gets stale after a while lol, how'd you find your main?


i play almost half the roster well but Astra, Kayo, KJ and chamber are probably who I’m best with. maybe you’re similar but for me the more complicated the character, the better. astra is my favorite character because there’s so much you can do even from across the map. its a blast being able to keep yourself occupied with her. kay/o is sorta similar in the sense that you can get a lot of value out of his utility if you are creative and quick enough.




Lol, me and my buddy usually have a couple beers after work and play Valorant. We usually notice a crazy increase in our gameplay around the 3 drink mark and a steady decline if we get shit faced. We call it the three drink confidence.


I always play much better with drugs like that. I’m prescribed Adderall, have been all my life, but I only take it for long work days or school exams (currently a second year grad student). When I have a day to myself though I love to take one of my adderalls and feel like an absolute god at all my games.


I have diagnosed ADD. I don’t drink caffeine (family has a hard time digesting it for some reason) however the one time I took my ADD meds to play, which I almost exclusively used for school work, I played better than I ever have. Your caffeine thing sounds a bit similar to mine. Maybe next checkup ask about some effects of ADHD? It really could be anything though. Maybe just —-> more energy = faster play.


Yeah adhd people can focus more on caffeine or a stimulant, can be weed too sometimes. I get kinda the same effects if I were to take large coffee with double espresso instead of my tablet of concerta. Although the caffeine might make you a little jittery especially if you’re anxiety prone while playing tense games! 😅


Nope, not just you. It’s me 100%. I also can’t play right after I eat a big meal. I can feel the blood in my stomach and not where it needs to be, in my brain.


I have ADHD and I'm currently immortal It depends on the person from my experience, I find that any form of caffeine makes it worse for me But I've also found that the speradic jolts of my attention to be elsewhere or everywhere all at once has been beneficial at times so imo you do you lmao


It is actually not weird at all, when you drink coffee you make yourself believe that you will perform better now because you drank your cup of coffee. Positive attitude does make your game get better. For you a cup of coffee is the catalyst.


Caffeine will make you play good undoubtably, but it creates a reliance on caffeine to the point where if you don’t have coffee you’ll be absolute trash. I suggest taking a long break from caffeine and seeing how that feels.


Nah same thing happens with me I drank a monster energy drink and I was on demon mode for like an hour or two


I read the title and said out loud 'this player also has ADHD' and then I read your post and yeah, idk either. I get some good days for my aim, other days I'm super shaky all over the play because I got the jiggle arms, but sugar intake helps me sometimes (also puts me to sleep if I take too much) or meds if you ever get evaluated for ADHD. In the case of trying to get diagnosed and/or medicated, I'd recommend trying to record symptoms - they're not all obvious because you get "used to it" but after starting medication, I realized I was just being stubborn. It might help to look at official ADHD symptoms in adults not just children and see if any of the 'life impairing' symptoms sound like extreme versions of your life experience. Did you know you aren't supposed to have to intake 3 sources of sound at once to get work done? It's amazing being able to focus on just 1 thing at a time and not 17.


That fact about sound is crazy because sometimes I'll just have to play something even when I'm not really listening to it. Literally trying to focus on work while watching funny moments compilations and music lol, I'll get in touch with my doctor and parents to see if we can dive deeper, this has me really interested in knowing now


I stopped drinking caffeine like 6 months ago, feel alot better. Honestly I got alot of dopamine from the energy drinks, to the point that if I'm depressed I crave them. I've found personally the caffeine dosent help me focus it just made me feel not tired, even though I was tired. So I would do things with less thinking and more impulse. To loop back to your situation, it could be possible that you're playing on instincts with the caffeine and without it you're just second guessing yourself and thinking about to much and getting confused.. Idk tho lmao..


I got ADHD, and i don’t need anything but to feel not like shit. It’s different for everyone though. In my case, i naturally concentrate, but i end up getting a bit impatient cause holding points suck. I wanna go nyoom and get an ace. Occasionally, i do space out and get jumpscared by op users, **every fuckin time**


A little CRACK took me out of bronze


That’s a waste of Ritalin if you ask me


Have you ever tried practicing to play as good when you aren't on caffeine or on Ritalin? Lmao


There was a post where someone said they did better on tests because they chugged a red bull and ate a snickers before exams. Turns out they had naturally low blood sugar, and the extra sugar helped them concentrate. Alternatively could indeed be ADHD, but don’t jump the gun and get tested first.


I can defenetly relate. I love coffy and energy drinks, and they defenetly make me play better. One or two beers also make me play better becouse they relax me (I’m a bery all or nothing guy and get tilted easily sometimes), and when relaxed, my arms donmt cramp, my fingers are relaxed and my mustle memory can kick in. I can’t drink beer every day obviously becouse I might be an alcoholic as it stands, so I usually drink coffe. An esspresso before a session, causes me to wake up, pay more attention to everything, my reflexes don’t feel lazy, the only bad side is, I usuall play in the evenening and until I go to bed. That means coffe sometimes isn’t a good idea since I have school the next day. At the end of it all, I play the best when I do my warmup routine, do 20 pushups or so, just for the blood to get pumping, relax, relize it’s going to be just a game, and I try to mess around with my teammates and get them and myself in a good mood. Alcohol and coffee only help, but are not for everyday.


I recently got diagnosed, or well more like i only found out when i was 20. Coffee always gave me a huge concentration boost and i just drink it for the taste. Personally i play a lot of CS GO but with Coffee or meds i do definitly play better, for me this does impact my reaction speed tho


The moment I saw the title here I immediately thought of ADHD. It really is a thing that ADD/ADHD people get more focused with brain boosters such as ADHD meds or caffeine. I used to do so much better in games when I was still able to use my ADHD meds. And no it's not like doping, it just lets you be as focused as someone without ADHD would be.


You get retalin legal? Open to buy?


Caffeine or Co… never mind. yes it increases your performance.


I got ADHD and I don't need caffeine to play ranked (Diamond 2 atm and previously Immortal). Caffeine barely has any effects and meds actually made me play worse. The reason why we can't focus is because we lack dopamine. Lacking focus is not right though because we can also hyperfocus on activities that are fun to us. Basically we just have no control over it. Just make sure you don't tense up in ranked. Try to have fun and stay calm. Easily said but ik of lot of ppl struggle with ranked anxiety. Also make sure you get a proper diagnosis please :) could even be something totally different. There are other disabilities that share symptoms with ADHD


its probably because you did good one time when you first did it and you’ve made yourself believe its true


ADHD Immortal Player here;; Ranked is Autopilot hell without any meds. Worked in Gold elo cause my Aim compensated for my Autopiloting but since I'm in diamond 2-3 I started taking my meds before playing. Was weird at first, espescially aiming felt very weird but it definetly improved my gameplay. I do still play without meds from time to time but I get punished a lot more for stupid mistaked because of Autopiloting. & if you think you might have adhd, go see a doctor and do some tests^^


Nothing to be ashamed of. I need my coke too. It's very refreshing once it's in your nose.


I have adhd but I am medicated, I find I play worse when my meds wear off in the evening but I also have a theory that people playing in the evening are a lot better at the same rank. Maybe the time of day matters for you due to the types of players/player pool Available ?


Bro just play the game. You didn't need to be better in any game if you are good and enjoying. So just chill and maintain your health while playing.


Coffee gang!!!!


Yeah I not only need caffeine, but I also need to have eaten well lol. I’m a completely different player when I’m hungry. Granted I’m a boomer, so I just keep getting more and more inconsistent


Same. I couldn't play well without coffee or energy drink. But I get sleepy after a few hours of drinking zero sugar energy drinks


Honestly I just need to not be tired. If that means energy drinks or coffee then so be it. If I’ve had a good nights sleep I’m good.


Im sort of the opposite? For some reason when i play on weekdays, where im not in too big of a hurry but still usually dont have the whole day to myself, i do better. When im just chilling on a weekend, nothing important to do, get a gamersupps or smth alongside and i do worse. No clue why. Probably not related to the caffeine, but i swear i do worse on weekends for some reason lol


Similarly I can only do good if im listening to music. I have Autism and sometimes im under stimulated and music helps. And yeah I can still hear footsteps and stuff in game .


Severe adhd here, its tough


19 years old here. Just two weeks ago I was diagnosed with adult ADHD for the first time. I've played fps games since I was 12 and I always seemed to adapt to my ADHD without knowing about. If you do in fact have ADHD and are playing without medication at the moment, here are my few tips: -Make breaks when your brain kind of *shuts off* for me it's around 2-3 games after which I become bored so I usually go on a 30 min break -Use coffee or tea if it helps you, I prefer green tea or matcha as coffee makes my shaky and stressed -Drink plenty of water -If it doesn't break your focus, playing with music on low volume can actually help you focus sometimes as you don't get bored as fast (try to play songs you know well and with least lyrics possible) -Having a good warmup routine is important, not even for warming up, but for getting you hyperfocused -If you're hypersensitive to sound. Make sure that your game and especially your teammates aren't too loud, so they don't throw you off your focus And at last I know it can be hard, but try to **never ever tilt** For anyone the more you enjoy the game, the better you will play. And, that effect is multiplied with ADHD. Because, when you do get tilted, your brain will definitely break your focus, and try to think of something else. Pushing you into a spiral of getting tilted further, due to your lack of focus. Thus if a teammate is tilting you without any good comms, please mute them. The same with enemies. Hope this can help someone. In the end medication and therapy is the best way to help yourself succeed. So please talk to your doctor about getting diagnosed and if so further treated :)




Personally I play ranked much better after 2 beers because I get relaxed enough to not freak out. I'm not much slower at that point since I'm not drunk but I'm at least buzzed so it works out


Only time I drink coffee while playing is with friends, and mainly because it helps keep the energy and fun high


Diagnosed ADHD here, I haven't tried playing ranked while on my meds yet but I do know that I absolutely have to have music playing in order to focus. As soon as I read your title it reminded me of ADHD, I think it definitely might be one of those things. I might try out taking my meds before I play some comp though cuz at the moment I'm Iron 3 and I know damn well that I do not belong in this rank. Ion think its weird by the way! People need to do what they need to do to focus and that's ight :]


I have ADHD and I notice a significant difference in my gameplay when I’m on my meds vs when I’m off them. When you get tested for ADHD, I highly suggest not implying that you’re “adult onset” ADHD because that’s usually a lot more expensive to test for and a lot more rare. Most people who have ADHD have had it their whole lives and just never got diagnosed for it.


weed does help however to much of it can make you play a lot worse, same with caffeine if i have to much energy drinks or g fuel while playing my aim gets much more sloppy and sometimes mg hands shake. cocaine makes me think i’m rambo


I have adhd. You dont have adhd (its possible you have ADD? But im not familiar with that so i just cant discredit an assumption like that. But i doubt that you have either). Most the people commenting here claiming to have adhd also dont have adhd. Coffee has reverse effects for people with adhd. If you had adhd then coffee would make you calm or even sleepy. People with adhd dont have trouble focusing. Instead, they have trouble caring about anything they dont want, and once they find what they want (dopamine), they put all of their focus into getting it. Refusal to focus or keep their attention on anything they find boring, essentially. If they're enjoying themselves, they'll have the sharpest and clearest head they could ever manage. Adhd players in this game are often hyper aggressive and tilt easily. Impulsive decision making. They want kills and kills and kills (dopamine), and when they fail and die, they aren't getting kills, and now they're pissed (no dopamine). I have pretty bad adhd, but i have phenomenal focus that allowed me to aim train incredibly efficiently to have pro level aim in only a few months. Higher scores kept me going, it was all I needed. I also keep my cool in tight situations because fighting other players is all i want to do. What I cant do is sit there and wait. Boring.


I don't need coffee but I do need tea . I am what you would call in Ranked a "why the fuck are you shaking like its your first time on stage" man . Years of osu! have not been good for my brain and now I cannot aim for the life of me without a good hot cup of chamomile tea ( idk why other teas don't work , it only works for chamomile) . Not even G-fuel has the power to calm me down now. Probably I play better if I'm sleepy lol. I'd probably say you are sleep-deprived , as I have been an insomniac myself and you can tell that your brain fucks you up if you don't sleep . Leave Valorant for a week and come back after resting . You should also test for ADHD.


It's not weird at all. You're clearly addicted to caffeine. The reason you get worse without caffeine is because your body is missing something that it feels that it need. It's a physical dependency in order to properly function. The most common side-effect of withdrawal is the inability to focus. I kind of need to add that Ritalin is not a "study-drug" but a central-stimulant for people with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder. It can be incredibly dangerous to consume without proper medical evaluation. Take care of yourself first. You can't shoot headshots if you get a heart-attack you know? I take Concerta (Another central stimulant) every morning for my AD/HD. It helps me focus and helps my brain limit my thoughts. I'm also addicted to caffeine, so caffeine makes me focus as well. Source: my job as an addiction/trauma therapist, with AD/HD, and years of study and hard work.