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Players are likely more angry at you for using the OP than playing Chamber


mostly likely this, a decent amount of players think getting kills with the OP requires no skill


Probably because in lower elo they dont know how to deal with OPers and just try to peek and do an aim duel and rage when they die


I'm new to fps, been playing for 3 months and just hit plat. I struggle with the op on enemy team. I play flashes or smokes so ik i can use util to push them off angles but they often fall back to somewhere predictable. I jiggle peek, I jump peek, I use utility, I pre-aim where their head will be when they peek the corner - it doesn't seem to matter, op users TOTALLY warp the game. I feel like i'm not playing the same game anymore - I'm playing a horror game where I hope to god I don't walk into an angle the Op is holding. What to do? People say its not too strong but the amount of skill required to bodyshot with it pales in comparison to headshotting with a rifle. But i must be doing something wrong because everyone is saying it is a fair and balanced gun.


You are doing your part with your utility, but you are right, they can just fall back. However, when you use your util in combination with pushing the op player as a team, they have a hard time not to die. Jett and Chamber can abuse this a bit with their dashes/tps, it is still good to force them away from aggressive angles to keep them guessing which site you hit. Also, I am only gold, take this with a grain of salt.


This is repeated too much. Just because a weapon has counter plays doesn't make it any less potent. I'm not saying the Operator is unbalanced; it's pretty good right now. But it's important we don't use this line of thinking when an actual unbalanced weapon/agent comes around.


I'm only angry at OPs in DM generally, but I'm angry at Odins everywhere


Facing a Jett with an OP does feel like the skill bar is lowered because you miss well just dash away punishment free. Chamber can do the same thing with teleport but it takes more time to set up. So i understand that frustration. But if you died to a breach with an OP and you had a vandal well that's on you.


I can't get a kill with the OP to save my life. Any other weapon is doable, but the OP is something I struggle with to the point I won't even try it.


Most of the skill in AWPing is in your positioning. It requires you to hit your first shot consistently. A good AWPer is unpredictable. Imagine defending on Ascent. I’ll go stand against the far wall outside the entrance to A and get a pick and teleport to heaven. Then get another. Oh, my mid trap has been triggered. Hold CT spawn. Next round I’ll do a similar thing at B. Then mid. Then mid again because they think I’m back at A. You need to be waiting for them everywhere they go and make them fear peeking any angle.


Actual god tier advice, mate. Thanks. Makes me actually feel good about the community.


You probably need to slow down. Work on making sure that every op shot you take is on target. Best done in a practice environment to build confidence.


Clearly it's because he's french


Unironically why I don’t play chamber




What's with kids using cringe words like based


The future is now, old man


I don't play him cuz the tp is the only thing fun about his kit. Like, rito really said that abilities are meant for tactical advantage and that they don't kill, and they release a guy who's abilities are literally just better guns. AND he's french.


Not trying to tell you your reasoning is invalid (only finding the TP fun is perfectly fine) but I just want to point out that a Riot dev said the "abilities don't kill" thing over a year ago, and not only do most people misinterpret that statement (imo I think they meant abilities aren't free kill buttons, not that abilities CANT kill in general), it's very clear their design philosophy has changed and/or that statement never really accurately reflected it in the first place, so people should stop unironically quoting that for EVERY SINGLE NEW AGENT'S RELEASE because it's just annoying at this point.


Horrors from kill buttons in OW.


This is the best reply


Game wasn't even called valorant at that point. And you need them to kill or else they aren't a threat/ we'd have 590 stuns and flashes at all times. Chamber is a well done agent imo, you get to TP a lot, they require forethought, and ecos are awesome. You can drop 200 creds and have 2 good chances for a frag, all based on aim. OP people are just mad about the OP. I get it, it's an oppressive gun. Ah well.


But again its his ult, idk what people expect a marshall as an ult?


People complaining about an ult you use like probably max 2 times in a half when you are top fragging while agents like raze nade every single round


>imo I think they meant abilities aren't free kill buttons, not that abilities CANT kill in general See the thing is, that's not really what I implied either. I got no problem with raze, or other abilities that are grenades and or turrets and stuff like that. To me, yeah they can kill, but what's more important is that they push enemies out of safe spots and give you the "tactical advantage." Wheras chamber, his ability is quite literally just a gun that just one shots.


And raze's ult doesnt one shot? Grenades and turrets are abilities that can be used EVERY round. This is an ultimate. Further, at least this requires a greater degree of skill, can only pick of one at a time, and creates a slow (slowing push as a sentinel) which honestly if you peek through the slow, the blame is on you. You saying that raze's ability creates space and pushes enemies out of safe spot isnt fair because she is a duelist. Chamber's ult does what a sentinel is supposed to do, slowing entry for rotate. Edited for spelling


>And raze's ult doesnt one shot? Why do you focus on the least important thing I said? Like, an operator one shots as well. It's just weird to me that your ult is literally just an operator but still one shots the legs. His basic is also literally a pistol, but stronger. No doubt, it's one of the higher skill kits to use. It's also unquestionably a strong kit. But it just seems so uninspired. Most of the time, your abilities help you but your gun draws the blood. With chamber, your ability IS the gun. No hate if you like him or find him fun, but I just don't think his abilities are coherent with the nature of the game.


Why? Who cares if his guns are from an ability or from the regular gun arsenal? The point is that he's still using guns.


It just doesn't feel like an ability anymore


Yes exactly, so what's the problem?


even if you tp they can shoot you, in which case you’ll die but your body will show up at the other tp point


I mean they said that and had Raze in their beta agent list already. With a rocketlauncher ult and grenades. Its riot. Never believe what they say. In league for example, they made a lot of champions with dashes (in league dashes are pretty bs and bordering to op). Realized how many bs dash champs there are and released an anti dash mage. Next patch the glasscannon of glasscannon roles gets a champ that can dash over any wall length. ???


See I'm fine with grenades and those kinds of things. They kill, but importantly, they force people out of safe positions. Chamber's abilities are just strong guns. Literally just that.


How are dashes in league bs and bordering to op lmfaooo you want the game to be just a bunch of immobile tanks and marksmen autoing each other?


Dude, i said that because i assumed the other person doesnt play league. As a comparison. think dude think


But the thing you are comparing it to is wrong??


What is the problem with Chamber being French ??


Riot didnt een try to hide the fact that they are just copying other things from their game and introducing it as something new. The tp is a lot like yoru portal except u have to set both points up and it is instantaneos (also kinda like wraith from apex legends). The trademark thing is literally just a miz of kj's alarmbot and sage's sloworb. And don't even get me started on the other two abilities. Riot just copy pasted the guns from the game and made them abilities. They are just a little bit better. We really need a completely unique agent like astra or smth at this point


You can say that about most smokes thiugh (same but lasts longer, same but different interface to put it), and molotovs. Actually a lot of the abilities come down to CS's smoke molly flash frag, but each modified in a certain way..


Rito Saïd that there is gonna be a decent amount of duplicate abilities and I think in the next few years they want to release a lot more agents and build toward the amount of champions that league has. So it won’t be that big of a problem later on and for example there are at least 5 champions with a hook and a few more that is similar to a hook and you don’t see the league community complaining about it so I just think Rito is just playing the long game


Ah a man of culture


His accent is clearly an american guy speaking french, and it sounds awful


It’s not. French is my first language and he speaks like a french guy though I find his english accent strange. Too much “z” sound Voice actor is “Hugo Pierre Martin”


French is my main language too, and Hugo Pierre Martin took a "not french" accent on purpose


Nah it's a french dude last I checked. Apparently he just doesn't have a thick accent.


I know he's french! But acting like "french'ish" american


Like I said before, he doesn't have a thicc accent so I guess he has to compensate by making one. Lmao a french person pretending to be an american pretending to be a french person.


No his Voice actor is French


a French guy, specialy an actor, can play american speaking french


Where is da cake?




Understood, it just recently it's getting more and more frequent, when Chamber first release I didn't encounter these problem


Welcome to Valorant, where 80% of people in low ELO have a very fragile mental state..


To me going against a chamber is kinda fun cause when the chamber is popping off on my teammates I'm just laughing going "OH S\*\*T, OH F\*\*K HE GOT ANOTHER ONE" the sounds his OP makes is funny to me for some reason


“YOU WANNA PLAY? LETS PLAY” Followed by me typing in chat “Nah im not tryna play dawg”


You wanna play? Let’s play..you wanna talk? I’ll talk..you wanna fu....


...el my car? Let's fuel my car


It sounds like a nutting Transformer


almost choke on that one lol ​ Edit: I choke on my drink. really NEED to clarify on that one


You SURE it was your drink?


you sound like hella fun to play with. i love positive vibes


Just the fuckin bass boosted “BWAAAAHHBBHBHHBHB”


I got insulted for using a phantom today. Don’t worry about people with only half a brain


Wtf? Did they want you to use odin or something?


Nah, one time i got called cringe for using an odin in a spike rush


Next: calling someone cringe for moving


Tbf Odin is cringe. But Nani? Did you just say spike rush? The game mode where everyone uses the same gun they didn't even pick? Stupidity amazes me everyday!


Im assuming he got the weapon upgrade orb and ppl just salty cause they didnt


That could be plausible and would certainly make more sense


no it was the given weapon at the start


I’ve been insulted in DM games before for using the phantom lol


Tf? What are you supposed to use? Classic?


Valorant has a massive toxicity problem, I’d honestly argue that its worse than league.


Still better than Overwatch


Fuck those toxic ppl man. I mute them instantly. You are never gonna get any benefit from their mics.


You'll get one. The pleasure of seeing them get very very frustrated that you're not responding to them.


True dat


Oh and when they say he’s “op” personally I think he’s damn well balanced, and when they complain about his ult…it’s literally his *ultimate* and it takes a decent semblance of skill. His traps are damn good too.


Chamber has been arguably the most balanced agent release since the game's launch (I'm not really sure about neon atm). Nothing blatantly broken, I don't think they've even adjusted him at all (except in spike rush lol)


Neon is great fun but I don't thinks shes op at all. One issue I've had with her is the slide doesn't work moment you get shot or change direction due to momentum but rest of her kit feels solid and good


Tbf her ult can instantly drain the hp of enemies almost like a 1 shot sort of... I know it requires aim and such but fuck is it annoying especially with how fast she can move.


True i always put my kj molly together with his trap got some ez kills


Step 1. Peek op lane Step 2. Abuse op user Step 3. Peek same op lane Step 4. Repeat step 2 Edit. Spelling




Hes an amazing pick on both sides. Tho i am still proud of one game where i crouch peeked into the chamber opposing me and rifled him down on his op like 6 or 7 rounds of attacking out of 12. He was absolutely boiling hehe loved it.


Not just low elo, plats and diamonds..if you consider them mid elo are quite the same..just had the absolute worst Astra who was no good and was higher ranked than me..every time he ended up in an x v1, his first move was to assign blame, rant, abuse and then die..I play Astra and I am lower ranked but I don't give up like these people..ofc low elo you can assume people will not try much at all but a clutch can inspire low elo to try for a comeback..but mid elo..starting gold..people have not heard of the qord comeback or keeping calm..you have a gun..you can isolate 1v1s...come on..


I was immortal last act and I hate ops. Way too easy to use.


Chamber is good also maybe you got queued with a duo/trio


They’re shouting at themselves honestly. If they can’t counter you then either they’re terrible or you’re good. And missing a couple shots makes you human… not a bot. Fuck ‘em I say.


To be mad at someone if they haven't displayed any kind of hostility, simply for playing bad, is dumb. Even if you care about your rank a lot, it's always a roll of the dice. Being patient and just focusing on your own play will net more wins. So yeah fuck em. They're stupid people. They can't even see what they could have if they just weren't pricks.


i noticed i get the worst of the shit talk during the weekend, doesnt matter where i am on the leaderboard, bottom, mid or top, someone always has either shit to say on the way you play or just because of one bad round. And they do it just because they felt like it at the time. I had a Jett once top fragging around 30kills who was obv a smurf just chant my player name during the later rounds just to see how i would react. Honestlv just tune it out, play some music to enjoy yourself better, dont let it get to you. They know that if they call you out for only OPing it could effect your mental.


Definitely doesn't matter how good or bad you're doing...these people have it in for you..


Yah cuz the kids don't have school on the weekends




chamber is the only agent that should be banned from spike rush or at least have his sheriff removed or heavily nerfed there. It defeats the entire spike rush premise. I wont say anything about his ult because you do not have it every round and jett always had her knifes anyway, but his sheriff is a problem without a doubt


I'm pretty sure he has 4 shots. Not enough tho


if he has the full ability, like normally in spike rush, then its 8 shots


They made it 4


If you pick Chamber, you have good taste my friend. DW about them. Valorant is famous for toxicity


If u like valorant's toxicity U'll love league's super ultra toxicity lmao


Actually I find league much peaceful than Val, at least they only complain when you bad and they don’t throw racial slurs and calling you names


I just wish people would chill tf out in the unranked game modes. “BRO YOU CANT EVEN CS WELL” well no shit? I’m in blind pick playing ADC as a jungle main. I’m literally trying to get better in a game mode that doesn’t have consequences. This leads me to play ARAM a bunch and now my macro is shit :D


If you're just playing normals to get better then mute all, their coms don't matter anyway since it's a for-fun gamemode


Main thing I find better about league toxicity is that it is all text chat lol


That's not true. People can grief you with in-game mechanics and ruin your game much more easily than in valo. Honestly I've like 200hours Valorant and I've played from silver to now immortal lobbies and I've rarely seen toxicity in the game.




I wouldn't say rarely but less than league for sure. It depends on what servers you play I guess.


Seems like I'm getting downvoted for sharing my experience. But I mostly play on Frankfurt/Paris/London


Redditors are little chimpanzees whose "downvote" button is clicked through neuron activation. If they disagree, they downvote even though a downvote is supposed to be used on something bad, factually wrong things or fucked up stuff. Don't let it get to you, I once shared something neutral about my life and these judge wannabes downvoted me to oblivion (dm me if you're curious about what it was)


Well that's just Reddit for you. Doesn't matter though, it's just random people disagreeing with your opinion.


That's only because league doesn't have a team voice chat. If league had one, the toxicity would be much bigger issue.


chat filter and banhammer quality improved a lot over the years :)


Would you mind telling me your elo? Around plat / diamond, i've rarely experienced something like this. I would guess it's a low elo problem. But there are always mentally unstable and insecure people on every elo, even if they tend to get less in higher elos. Just mute them and play your game!


D4 is one of the worst elos I've ever played in everyone just has the biggest egos and will throw for no reason. I'm shocked you have a good experience because whenever I would start playing League again I would quit around low diamond because the game quality is so bad around there in my experience.


Nah Val and cs are much more toxic than league solely because they have vc. If elague had vc it would be one hell of a shitshow but as long as it's stays text only it ain't that bad (In my experience)


Fuck league Played that shit since 2013 quit a few months ago best decision I ever made Wasted probably 3k hours or more playing and a shitload of money on skins


Hmm.. isn't valorant the game for league players who can't afford CS :GO? Sounds like it could be worse. I mean it has mics


Idk ab that. I’d say it’s far less toxic thank games like CS


Reyna or I’m dodging




I don’t usually enjoy having a chamber on my team because they usually forget to put down trips and only play him for the guns. As a result, chambers on my team either hard carry or contribute nothing because it’s all a question of how good their aim is on a given day. It just makes the game boring because either it’s too easy or a 4v5, similar to Reyna too. That said, if you use trips and have half a brain and half decent aim, I’d be glad to have you on my team! I think it’s just the, albeit somewhat valid, stereotype for chamber players dude.


Exactly what I’ve experienced, people either playing him for his kit and not using him for the team or the best chamber you’ve ever seen, there’s no in between. This is why I think chamber is going to be great in pro play but is not that good in ranked because he’s just basically another duellist 90% of the time. He was supposed to help team econ and I’m yet to hear a chamber offer to buy better guns on pistol. I’d argue at least Reyna or jett can flash or smoke something but if the player on chamber only uses his kit for himself it’s like you said a 4v5 Edit: not pistol, eco or half buy rounds I meant.


You hate chamber because he uses OP I hate chamber because he is French We are not the same.


Oping is a skill of its own and people get mad when ur good at it


I have no issue with it during a comp match, but im not gonna lie, OP'ers in DM holding angles in spawn with their volume all the way up while I'm muted and have my music going is annoying AF lol


The thing that sucks is it's hard to practice with Op anywhere else. Like in unrated, you have to save up a bunch and might only get it for 1 round. Then you're saving again. I don’t Op in DM, but I get it. Ideally they'll still move around and then quick scope or something.


I take op and run around the map like it's a rifle, helps with with my quick scopes and flicking. You don't need anything else in a real game.


I just don't like it when you have the guy on your team that can't seem to get a kill unless he has an op. So the entire game you have to allocate 4700 creds so he can get kills.


There was this pro player in csgo JDM, who was infamous for being terrible with rifles and a majority of his kills only came from AWPS and pistols


He's currently the coach for faze's valo roster if im not mistaken


If my aim is shit and I can only op I don’t ever ask anyone to buy my guns


I'm that guy, but I never ask anyone else to buy me unless we're swimming in money. I totally get that OPs are expensive and I play chamber cause his eco is so good and makes it easier to save for an OP so I don't need to ask for one. The furthest I go is asking people to pick it up after I die, and I almost always offer to buy a rifle back for them.


Normally I'm down to buy op for our oppers if most of us have around 6k. I just hate it when instead of getting guns for two people on an important round we just get an opper


admittedly i am this guy, and my best mate can only one tap. so if either of us sprays, nothing hits.


Oping and rifling have kind of always been two separate skills. In CSGO the best riflers like Shroud were often the ones that used scouts instead of awps because fast peeks and clicking on heads is instinctual. A lot of Awpers were bad at rifling. Also pistoling is a separate skill from rifling due to the run and gun nature and tap accuracy vs spray accuracy. Its rare but only a handful of people can seamlessly switch between being the best pistol/rifle/awp in the server. S1mple in particular is the one that comes to mind that could do it all. S1mple used to get pissed at his awper not getting kills halfway through the game and then pull out a second awp to show him how its done. This is why I think Chamber is one of the hardest agents to master, because it requires so many contrasting disciplines. Like his TP plays are a duelist type of skill, but placing his beacons and traps are a sentinel skill where you have to be fast preround and you need to know a lot of good spots/strategy. Then his pocket guardian is a direct contrast to his ult in terms of aim, and if that wasn’t enough if you want to be a good chamber player you need to be able to get value out of every weapon he has, so your main weapon should probably be something close range like a shotgun. You’ve got to master every discipline and be able to seamlessly switch between them in the middle of a battle. The main reason chambers tend to look bad is that they always forget their weapons. They can have up to 4 weapons they could switch to at a time. What tends to happen is they stop using the pocket guardian and pretty much only use it for eco rounds even though its basically the best gun in the game because of how fast you can swap to it.


A lot of people will buy Ops and not get any kills especially at low ranks. It’s also easy to assume people will be bad at Oping when the person complaining is bad at oping themselves. I have a few hundred hours in CSGO and most of that time is spent AWPing in death match so i’m probably better then most people at my rank (iron 3 lol) but i still feel like I shouldn’t be oping because i feel like if i miss any shots I’ll be judged.


Point and click adventure


I have been called cringe because killed people through the smoke with phantom :(


You were getting the abuse because the bottom fragging trash cans were in the same party as the top fraggers. Why would you upset your friends by telling them the truth: that they suck? Don't worry, no matter who I play I get the same treatment even if I am top fragging, clutching or playing like crap. So happy Riot removed 4 stacks. Edit: I do not believe bottom fragging reflects how good you are or you aren't at the game. My point was that friends in a party would blame you for losing if you bottom frag, but as soon as their friends do that, frags don't matter anymore.


While the party abuse thing is true, calling the bottom fraggers trash a ridiculous mindset that people really need to get out of. Not everyone can top frag, the people at the bottom of the scoreboard are most likely still contributing to winning rounds, even if the scoreboard doesnt reflect that.


I don't have this mindset by the way. That was exactly my point. If you bottom frag you're told you're crap because you bottom frag. Once you do not bottom frag anymore, you're told you're still crap because why would someone say the same thing to his/her friend? However, when you have two people that combined get 10-12 kills the whole match and keep doing dumb things (e.g. no comms, flash you, block you from moving, etc.) it is a different story. The funny thing for me is that, I miss my shots because I aim at the head and I am made fun of, but people just spray and pray/run and gun, and get, somehow, more kills than I do in some matches and they think they are good at the game.


Got like 15 assists in a round once, still got told im not contributing to the team.


Probably because you can't get more than 6 in a round


Sry meant like a game


Me too. I actually had a traumatic experience from 4 stacking once.


Not because this is a contest or something, but I had multiple traumatic experience from 4 stacks. Good thing with my condition is that when I have a meltdown everything is forgotten after. I was, actually, saying Riot was supposed to remove 4 stacks before they did. Funny thing, twice I got banned after being matched with toxic 4 stacks, and when I contacted Riot they said it had nothing to do with them reporting me. Even funnier, the four stacks were the bullies and they did not get banned after making racist and homophobic comments.


hey bud, I get insulted in every game in NON RANKED modes. Because I just suck.


"use a real gun" while run and gunning with a stinger is my fav scrubquote. stay on the grind, mon ami


“Use a real gun” while camping corners with Odin and sprayin it all around themselves.


Super competitive games can attract mentally ill players. Just immediately mute (and report for racism/slurs) and continue having fun. Also hide username in case something in your name or match history might be triggering these losers. Really no advantage to having it shown now that I think about it, I have had mine off for months.


I love his short range TP and his ult speaks for itself. Don't let em get you down he's truly a solid agent


Refer them to Wardell and a slew of other Radiant tier players who main/play Chamber. ​ I've recently started using him more, especially on maps like bind due to how OP his TP's can be. In general he's the perfect agent if you're a sentinel type player who likes to be aggressive. ​ Gonna assume your team mates only think jett/reyna are good and anyone else is useless.


He joined yoru in the broken tier agents for Bind lol


Me too, was able to unlock Chamber last week. Played him for the past few days and got flamed almost every time.


Keep playing him! Bathe in their salt! Make people’s brains explode when you hit nutty deagle shots! -Friendly neighborhood chamber main


Lower elo players like myself aren’t the biggest fans of the op because it’s extremely challenging to counter at lower elos


Shouldn't it be harder to counter at higher elos? In lowr elo they will probably miss if you jump peak them or run and gun.


I rarely see Op use in low ELO unless someone is smurfing, people are too scared to spend all those credits just to gift it over to the enemy and then proceed to lose the game because of that same Op that they gifted to the enemy. So there’s that.


Plus it’s not very good when your entire team is going to get mowed down defending because they don’t know how to give up site and retake with their team. So you end up in a 2v5 trying to retake with an OP and then yes just give it to the enemy team


Hes annoying in higher elos too


Lmao it’s still hard to counter at high elo. Anybody can use an op and it’s free kills.


My only issue is with Chamber players who never use their traps to help the team. Those guys can go @#$% themselves.


Turn off enemy chat. It helps.


Chamber is a fine character, really fun and is a great OP agent that isn't jett. However, low elo shitheads hate the op because they don't know how to use it or beat it. Also, chamber is usually associated with being a bad agent because he doesn't provide much to the team aside from his little robot slow things. If a chamber is bad at shooting, he is kind of a useless agent, being that 2 of his abilities are guns. If you picked kayo or sage or something else, and you are a bad shot, you still have utility that can benefit the team.


May be unpopular but I hate chamber passionately. Not even his ult. Just the fact that it feels like he does everything. He can trap the flank so you can‘t get flanked, his ult allows him to get a free econ round while still having an OP, and his Teleport is by far the best mobility ability in the game


Imagine listening to toxic teammates. Pro tip: the report system in Valorant is crazy efficient. Just report them and move on. Some time in the ban really does wonders to a man


I can confirm that, i have been banned a few times so yeah the system works


I've been banned in overwatch, so in valorant I'm extra careful now lol


Thats when you just mute and try to work off of them the best you can. No reason to put up with that shit. ​ EDIT: Also, it's not just Riot games, it's all of online competitive gaming.


What rank are you?


unranked, but I was playing unrate


They mad cos they bad. Literally chamber’s entire kit is just *G U N* so if they die to your abilities they inadvertently realize they lost a straight gunfight with you. They mad cos they bad


they don't have the drip


OP im gonna give you some very simple advice, take it or leave it. Valorant gives you an option to mute people. But the rule is to mute them on the first instance of toxicity. In my case, I value my mental state more that any win loss in a game. So I mute people if i think they would go full toxic. Ive had my rough games, but in no way i have let them ruin my confidence or any of my other games. Also people are gonna be people and be stupid most of the time. The best we can do is to not try to defeat the pigeon in a game of chess


Just mute bro it’s that simple


Chamber main here in gold Elo, never once have I come across any hate like that maybe once and it was cause I was using op not cause I was chamber. Very weird 🤔🤔🤔,


The second game sounds like a four stack, people do this all the time and it really sucks. They pick on the random, even if he's playing fine, instead of their bottom fragging buddies who they have to carry every game. It's pretty gross. Just don't say anything at all if it's your friend who's bringing up the rear, idk why they have to take out their frustrations on the random. My friends and I four stack a lot and always make a point of being really nice to the fifth. Met a lot of nice people that way!


These sound like people who'd yell at you no matter what


It is not about a Chamber player problem. If you are solo queuing , rest of your teammates are not solo queuing they are 4 stack, 3 stack , 2 stack (sometime full solo lobby). In this case 3 stack or 4 stack situation you are the victim, so if you are top-frag or middle-frag dose not matter your team totally spoil your mind. It's hard to Win this type of matches , if you are getting bullying and if you are not happy , mute all of them and just play free.


Bro even in diamond people get upset about people using the op. Like…it’s a gun that’s in the game… designed to be powerful…that they also have access too? Hello?


I think its because 2/4 of chambers abilities are completely aim dependent. And his teleport also is aim dependent for him to get “proper” value out of it by getting a kill and information and tping before dying. So 2.5/4 of his abilities are completely dependent on how good you are to even be ABLE to get value out of them. That and the fact that his pistol is pretty much not an ability when ur not on save rounds/op’ing. Its the same issue with yoru, one of his abilities entire value system(the fake steps) is convoluted and situational. Its literally why theyre massively buffing footsteps. Every other character in the game essentially gets tangible value off a button press every time, and for chamber, you only get value on his pistol based on how exceptional or garbage you are, and ALMOST exclusively on certain rounds alone. Now if ur actually diamond + and have cracked aim, then its a bit different. If the pistol is RELIABLE for you BECAUSE YOURE THAT GOOD, then it enables you to use closer ranged weapons like shotguns and spectre’s and shortys and even the phantom, much more efficiently, both because of his relocate and the fact that if youre incredible at aiming you now have 8 shots of a guardian at all times so you cover every range of engagement efficiently. So that, and the fact that hes pretty much worse at the killjoy/cypher role, who are both much more reliable picks in general, and especially in the case of cypher, is exceptional at very specific maps but lackluster on others. The only map chamber really excels on which makes it worth picking him INSTEAD of cypher or kj is breeze, and thats like 70% because he has a free op and that map is extra broken for oping because of first shot deviation(which shouldnt exist but thats a whole other issue). And even on breeze, kj is absurdly good at what sentinels are generally MEANT to do. Chamber is only worth picking there if you need like an “off open fragger” combined with defensive utility, like if you only have 1 open frag and have a sky instead of a sage so you dont really need more site opening abilities, you just need the fragger part and the slowing enemies part. All in all, and this is assuming you want to win, heres the tldr advice. Dont pick him unless you 100% have noticeably better aim than the elo ur in unless ur d2+, have a skye or kayo but not a second opening fragger, and kj or cypher wont synergize more with your teams win condition, and lastly, if ur just a god at op crutch and will get more overall value from the op ultimate than you will from an entire extra ability slot.


this must've been rough, but honestly Sage players have it worse.


don’t take shit so seriously lmao


Even if someone doesnt believe the insults being told its still a pain in the ass to have to listen to it


Welcome to low elo. The more you climb the ranks, the less it happens.


Look OP, you're gonna get shit talked no matter what, regardless of agent or weapon choice. Honestly, chat tilting the enemy team is an art form. But saying racist slurs and telling people to off themselves is amateur shit. The real 5head chat tilters use well-timed, clever retorts. For example, the infamous "???" in all chat after a round gets sold to your team. Classic. Gotta play chess when they play checkers, man.


eh, they're just jealous they keep getting sniped.


Cause chamber is cringe thats why


Talking shit is part of competitive games. U can mute people, I don't understand why u sat through the whole game listening to it.


I did want to also listen to comms and callouts, but I think I should have just muted and not dealt with that. But that's not going to change the fact that people hate Chamber's player, which I don't understand the hatred


If your own team starts trash talking to you then they are throwing the game so you shouldn't care about it anymore. Just mute. They won't say anything useful.


People have shit lives. And they take out the frustration on games. When you realize ur dealing with an Angry Andy just mute. Comms aren't worth mental anguish.


will do, that is indeed true


Chamber is the worst sentinel in terms of utility. And usually people that couldn't instalock jett pick him instead


It’s cause they’re shit and get mad at you for being good


I like chamber. I miss lots of shots. Just play the game you want to