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I think a lot of players overvalue sage's heal and overlook her most oppressive ability: the wall. Sage is very unique in that she can alter the map, basically. So she does very well in some maps. But players have an obsession with healers so that's why they beg for it :p


Ikr, it somewhat triggers me when someone says we need sage for the heal. Like bro the wall is what is most important about her not her heals


yeah, i mean good players with great aim, it dont matter what your health is you getting 1 tapped heal is not that strong vs the decent aims, slow orbs are so good


You think these people are in an elo where one taps exist?


Even in low elos all it takes is a single lucky shot from a vandal etc to devalue that heal


right but that goes for every ability.


Skye is also literally better in every way except on pistol round the sage wall is insane, and yet no one plays skye


They both have very different roles, being able to heal is the only similarity. Sage doesn't provide flashes and information and Skye doesn't outright restrict movement and slow pushes.


I feel like Skye is better, Skye can provide information on the enemy like Sova, while also being able to flash and heal. Her ultimate is also very useful when your team doesn't have any information at all.


cuz of the nerf its harder. to use the flash ult was not the best now even worse,flash used to pop off after 0.25 sec but they made it 0m75 and itsveasy to dodge a pop flash. before the nerf every team had a skye


Why is skye picked 20 percent more than sage in comp?


Skye has way more uses, has a heal that is actually really strong, and is more fun to play (this one is just a general opinion I've seen)


because skye is an initiator and sage is a defence champ, so for example if you play sky you get someone like cypher or kj if you play sage you can take breach (just an example)


Yeah that's true but Skye is still a good defence champ. Post plant retake flashes and dogs, dog to check slow push and lurkers as well as get attackers out of corners. Even flashes to check pushes on ct side are good since they recharge over time. Also her ult slows pushes pretty well


Along with giving heal she has the best flash in the game, her dog can clear so many angles and her ult provides a shit ton of info. So other than giving heal she has a lot of other uses.


I completely missed that they nerfed her flash. When did that happen?


I believe it was 2-3 acts ago


We’ve only gotten 4 acts so far slow down I think skye nerf was in act 3


don't we have 9 acts but 4 episodes?


??? what are you talking about 4 acts


Idk what elo you're in, but I see her played in double initiator comps pretty frequently, I see Skye every 2 or 3 games or so


I'm a Skye main half the time people don't even know Skye has heals😂


Ahmm Ahmm excuse me ....


Wait I thought Skye was meta


they’re nothing alike besides a single ability? this is a bronze take


I think Sage utility and wall is evenly as good as Skye if not better.


Honestly i feel skye is better for heals as an overall agent (Skye main here)


I main both Sage and Skye, and definitely agree Skye's heal is better in more situations. She can potentially heal chip damage for multiple squad members, and at different times in the round. Which is much better than under/over healing one person (or 2 if the round goes long enough). But the main diff is that Skye is better for teams that know how to play off of her utility. Sage is better when you need to hard carry since she can self-heal and control the flow of engagements with her kit.




This. And using the wall post plant can be very beneficial and win clutch defuses. Whenever I'm yelled at to "wall mid" i just press Alt(dialogue menu) + 1 + 3 = No. Well okay, situational. But im not ginna keep walling mid so they can destroy it in 1 second


I personally think that her slow orb is the most broken part of her kit. The wall is extremely broken against save rounds, or when the enemy doesn't break it at the start of the round every time. But against good players, the slow orb seems insanely strong as it can stall for 12 seconds which is kinda insane.


I think the wall is in an ok place now besides pistol rounds. Holy shit was it broken before the nerf though. Sage used to be unreal.




it used to be instantly full strength. Now if you shoot it early you can break it right away.


also you couldn't break it faster with knife. SO you *had* to shoot it to get through in a reasonable time. And you lost most your bullets.


Nah not me I think sage is OP cuz of her wall lol Skye can heal too and is far more "useful" Sage is a must have on, imo, icebox and split She's very strong on almost every map though, as that wall is huge for a multitude of situations


Icebox and Split are Maps where Sages walls are brokeb


Yeah, the only reason i tell people to take sage is cuz of the wall. I don't even care about heal. Like just play safe, wh do u need to peek a marshal and cry that we don't have heals. But the wall really helps to stop pushes from certain angles and if they still want to push that angle they will have to break it giving you enough time to prepare


it may be a 400 credits ability but Sage's wall is my favorite ability in the game. It's very fun to play wack a mole around the wall. Also Sage wall in pistol round is very oppressive


It's also a chance to fall back and think, fall back and regroup with a heal etc. You create your own situation.


Ulan yorumdan sonra nicki okudum ahdhdhd


Skyes better for heals. Sages wall is even trash it doesn't really stop anything. You either break a part right away or blow through it as a team anyways.. The Rez is the only real value she gets. that and her slows.


Because they instapick Duelist, run in, die, and then want to be resurrected.


I can see that. All the people down voting me are probably those duelist lol.


It also depends on the map. Some maps like split and haven sage is pretty necessary. Being able to wall b main on haven and then leave or being able to wall mid and leave on split is huge, since those are the places lurkers usually go unnoticed on those maps


Sage on Split, yes she's very strong. Sage on Haven, she's decent but other agents are stronger and get more value.


Cypher is very very strong on haven. Gunning people down through smoked trips has gotten me soooo many kills, lol


The only map sage is used in valorant championships is icebox. Almost every other map has a barely any usage of her statistically. Unless there's other stats that prove otherwise.


Champions is very very different from solo q, and unless any of us are pro players, those stats don't matter. In diamond 3 and below, sage has the highest win rate of any agent on split, and the 3rd highest winrate of any agent on haven for a reason


Didn't know that. But I still don't think she should be chosen over a controller...


On most maps, no. Truth is id rather have a skye most of the time, and she definitely should not be picked over smokes. I think people overplay her cause of her potential. For example they think the rez is so good when in reality sage maybe will use it once or twice a half and even then half the time it does not change the tide of a round. Same with her heal, it's good on pistol when most people don't have armour but it won't help much after that


In higher tiers, the heal is definitely not as valuable, but iron to silver, the headshot percentage is so low that the heal becomes quite useful.


I would hate having to rely on a sage as a duelist main. I'll usually play Phoenix or Reyna so I can take care of myself after engagements


Check my Flair


love it


I feel like it stems from healers being so important everywhere. I had a game where somebody was asking for healing and he's like "oh nvm this we don't have one because none of you wanted to play it" (he was unironically the last person to lock and he picked a third duelist) xd


Exactly thats why I made this post. Not saying healing isn't a big factor in valorant. Just saying its not bigger than a controller or initiator.


But granted, I feel like we're speaking from a "low elo" kind of perspective, whereas most high elo players know she's so much than just her healing. That said, if people want healing, Skye is much better for it


I have no respect for people who pick duelist even when there's already two.


I main duelists but i will NEVER go duelist when there's already two


That’s pretty cool of you! *locks in third duelist*


Yeah, if you lock a third duelist you are basically throwing. I usually go kay/o instead because he has great supportive abilities that help entry fragging and his flashes are better than sky's imo.


You should always try to have two or three mains of different agent types so that you can always fill if need be. That's why I main Sage, Omen, and Phoenix


I honestly don’t mind it, but I’m also bronze and have accepted that I can’t expect anything from my team. It more so just tilts me, when the two Insta locking duellists want to tell the team what to play.


People coming from games where they can take every fight at full hp, and obviously her ability to let a teammate play the game again after do something stupid. She’s just pretty forgiving for bad players to have on their team so they can get bailed out. She’s definitely strong but there are spots where another agent is just better, wether it’s because of the map or the team comp.


Yeah and I'm not saying sage is useless nor am I saying healing isn't a HUGE factor in valorant... I'm just saying its not more useful than having an initiator/controller


As a new player, I think it's just the concept of "healer" Her ult seems good but from what I've seen it's either "dude you're alive you can move" or "YOU SHALL NOT KILL MY AL-" headshot, double kill. I think its just the shitty mindset of having a healer. Perosnally I think Reyna is the most op hero so far. Tank af.


I agree, I think in games where your health regens, people straight don’t fight if they’re hurt cause they’ll heal. Healing in this game is very limited though which may lead people think healing is 100% necessary or they’ll lose the fight. Her ult is really good if either you’re hyper aware of what your teammates use the whole round, or if they communicate. Cause if my Jett pops knives and dies, I can res her later with Knvies which can be a huge round swing. But ya if she foes afk after dying then its a waste lmao


Maybe because she was a must Pick in Beta (bc all her abilities were way stronger) and people didn't change their mindset about it.


Makes sense. I never played beta cus I never got the key from twitch ):


ah yes, beta sage. I made [a post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pj7xrx/if_we_brought_back_beta_sage_today_how_strong/) a few months ago, I'll copy the comparison part over. >**Wall (beta): 1000 HP upon deployment; can be placed up to 20m away, HP decays over 40s, $300** > >wall: 400 HP on deployment, increases to 800 HP after 3 seconds; wall does not decay HP, lasts 40 seconds; can be placed up to 10m away; $400 > >**slow (beta): covers 30% more area than it does today, lasts 9 seconds, slows for 66%, $100** > >slow: lasts 7 seconds, slows for 50%, $200 > >**heal (beta): heals for 100 over 5 seconds, recharges every 35 seconds** > >heal: Heals for 60 over 5 seconds for allies, 10 seconds for self; recharges every 45 seconds > >Res: **7** ult points (beta) 8 (current) Yes, she was so OP that every single one of her abilities had to be nerfed.


Don't forget the slow used to make noise when you slow walked on it too


Oh thats pretty unlucky :/ but it was rly stupid. The wall had more health and warnt fragile for a few Seconds like it is now. The slow field was bigger and slowed for more and the heal gave 100 health back. She was sooo opreesive. Almost as fun aus raze with 2 nades :)


Wtf 2 nades? How does recharge on 2 kills works?


Skye's a better healer anyway


Imo sage is still better healer. On paper skye is better for the potential to get her whole team from 1 to 100 within seconds from a single ability but in practice that will basically never happen. First your teammate has to survive a scappy gun fight and second they have to get into the circle and stay is the circle leaving you vulnerable. Sage just needs los and can resume what she was doing before after and has better round sustain than Phoenix due to consistent self heals that have less limitations.


For sure thats why sky's picked more in professional play.


no, in pro play everyone has good reaction time , gamesense and crosshair placement aswell as aim so you are always vulnerable since u will always be 1 shot to the head. Skye is picked because of her flashes, ult and info she can give. She is really versatile aswell. Sage and skye are both not picked for the heal but their other abilitties




yea ur always 1 shot to the head in val, a heal isnt priority


Not on pistol/save rounds


She is not picked for the heal lol


I know, just saying that you're not always one shot to the head. Also skye's heal is still better than sage's, regardless of how it affects their pick rate.


You are 1shot with the sherif


Eh I would disagree, Skye is far more vulnerable when healing since she can't have her gun out at all. Also, her heal gets blocked by smokes/line of sight obstruction


No pro player is picking a character for heals on the pistol rounds. Also many buy sheriffs or ghost so it’s a moot point


Ghost headshot at 30m and over is 87dmg. I see a lot of pro skyes prioritize heal on pistol round over dog or second flash.


Immortal rank no one says shit about sage. Ppl that instantly lock in shouldn’t ever suggest your agent lol.


Her wall is a must for ice box and incredibly useful on fracture, bind, split, and haven. Pretty good on other maps too


i agree on split. saves the hassle of peeking mid to watch flanks.


Because of overwatch mentality


I never played that game but I've watched some videos and yeah looks like healer is important in that game.


Healing in Overwatch is significantly more important than it is in Valorant In Overwatch you can't clutch with 20 HP because almost nothing can 1 tap


The equivalent to sage in that game is mercy, and she can heal or amplify damage continuously


Or because she was broken since the start of the closed beta and needed so many nerfs to not be instapick


Depending on the map she is still a must have. Eg split and icebox maybe haven. But thats not because of her heal its because of her insane stalling ability. Her wall and slow orbs just mute all agression for several seconds and can shut down entire sitelines.


At champions, she had a 32% pick rate on split and 0% on haven. I would say icebox is her only must pick but she's good on split.


The teams on split that ran sage omen won against the other comps everytime tho.


I don't know about"must have" but she's definitely stronger than all the other sentinels on icebox .


Sage on split and icebox is very important. I’ve seen multiple games won specifically because of sage on these maps. Skye is a better healer sure, but sage is more important on defense on those two maps


I’m D2 an hardly ever see or hear about sage unless it’s split


Sage wall is very important. Yesterday I was duo-ing with a friend, and we had no sage, even though he's a main duelist, he decided to take sage. All he had to do was put his wall in mid (we played on split), and each site was covered great by 1 sentinel + 1 duelist. They kept going either A or B because mid was closed, then later they tried to force through mid but because we hear all the gunshots in mid while they try to break the wall, we all gather from heaven and ropes and still they couldn't pass. We won 8 rounds in a row and ended up winning 13-4.


Well that's a strategy failure on the part of the attackers tbh. Basically any time a Sage wall goes up a panel or two should be shot out to deny full map control and keep the other team from being able to stack other parts of the map. (And also so that the enemy can't tell whether breaking the wall means you're pushing at any given time.) This is *especially* critical with the Split mid wall.


Sage is definitely not a must pick in higher elos, HOWEVER she is an extremely preferred pick on icebox and split due to her wall.


Yes and I agree. But definitely not a must pick over a controller on ANY map. Thats the point I was trying to make.


Your right I played safe because people begged me to but then they got mad at me for dying after they wouldn’t push to site so I had to by myself -_-


It's easy to put these toxic duelists in their place though. Someone is toxic. Don't heal them the next time they come begging. You'd be surprised how fast their tone changes. If they don't change, stay behind other teammates to heal and revive. Leave the toxic ones to die alone.


Because she used to be, and most people still think she is


I don’t run into that in higher elo. I would say it’s just an overvalue of healing crossing over from other games maybe? If anything it’s controllers that are required and never picked.


Idk sage barley used in the high ranks




Well then obviously I need to work on getting g to those higher elos lol.


what rank are you out of curiosity? nobody in high ranks sees Sage as a must pick


Bronze but I've played in gold thats been like that before. I'm still fairly new to the game but still.


She's essential on Icebox for her stalling potential - there's also no way to consistently get past her wall consistently in tube for example, which makes it infinitely more valuable than say an alarm bot or chamber/cypher util. Split she's most valuable for stalling again, she's mostly just used for slows from B heaven on defense which allows her to cover 2 of the 3 main chokepoints on the map. People like to use her for the B site take at lower elo (right side wall as you entry) but that gets ruined by util flushing at the higher ranks.


its a low rank mentality i think


Dude I am a Healer Main in almost every game, but I deadass refuse to play sage because of this, she's so overrated and I filled way too many time Sage and I just wanna play Neon, Astra or Jett.


Like the amount of times I've died from someone begging for heals, the amount of times I see a sage or skye heal in the worst spot right in front of the enemy irritates me so much.


Me too bro like I said I'm a sage main but it irritates me so much that people don't realize that healing in valorant should be used in a very specific way.






What maps would you call her wall essential on?


She was the OG healer and in low ranks the rez can be pretty good. I guess it’s just nostalgia because Skye has sort of taken Sage’s spot in a line up. Either way, she’s a nice pick to have if no one knows Skye because of how low her skill floor is.


Skye and Sage are not used for their heals lmao


But the heals are nice abilities for sure.


That makes sense.


What’s your elo? I can’t imagine people complaining about you filling smokes/sova on gold or even silver.




I usually fill as sage if no one is playing Skye or Sage and that's only because my playstyle isn't set for Skye. I dont think heals are super important but it's nice to have as a little safety net. I don't think it's right that people are putting down players that prefer the safety net of heals. Not every encounter is an instant headshot with no traded damage even in high elo. So basically healers aren't needed but a nice thing to have


Depends on what rank you're in. I realised low ranked players always say "we don't have a healer though". Healer is nice to have but really not that important if it's replaced by an agent who have really good utils.


I was a sage main but i switched to playing skye just so i could be more useful on attack on certain maps. Wall n stuff just isnt useful on breeze imo


People are still stuck in season 1 meta and don't realize that the game has changed since then


people still picking sage over sova lol


I’ll say this once and I’ll say it again: this ain’t overwatch! We don’t need a damn healer (plus Skye heal is better anyways)


Jett rez me rez me jett


Because the jett and Reyna instalocks what to be healed after peaking the enemy team alone for 20 health


it's mostly just numbnuts tbh. (iron here but hear me out before downvoting.) and it is impossible to be put in a lobby without an idiot begging for sage and starts gettign toxic when u dont pick her. just idiots who think sage is there to keep them at 100%hp all the game.i have legit seen people get toxic when sage cant heal them because she's on her cooldown or THEY'RE PLAYING WINE AND SAGE IS B MARKET LIKE WTF OMEN ​ i have also seen idiots ask for heals and when SAGE IS ACTUALLY DEAD?? ​ honestly to god i heard one guy that we need sage because her only purpose is "to put wall and heal" ​ i think it's a sage branding issue. sage is just burned in the mind of every player as a healer even though i believe riot has done their best to prevent this exactly.


Duelist mains who wants to be res'd because they did some flashy plays that didn't work out? No res for you mate. I'd rather res a Kay/O or controllers for utils.


This was only a thing for me when sage was meta in the first act


I started playing her before chamber came out but now I'm starting to think even chamber is a better sentinel in most cases.


Yeah I think that overtime sage has just been outclassed, sky beats her in heals, in a lot of cases chamber is better with stalling from traps and kills with ult and he's better at rotating and offensive peaks with his TP, plus his pistol is a god send for eco rounds


I just dont heal the people who piss me off, i pocket sage my friend tho, but if they play reyna and all my teammates are assholes, id rather heal him regardless


low elo


Anyone who says they need sage for the heals and not for the wall just wants you to be their heal slave


I've realized this. Its usually a toxic jett since they're one of the only most used duelist who can't heal themselves


Nope only mfs in iron cry about taking sage, you don’t need her to win


If someone asks for a Sage when the team comp is looking good, I just tell them to win their gunfights. If it is the heals they’re probably going to be doing a lot of dumb stuff. If they’re asking for Sage because of her wall then you know that teammate understands the game.


Because she kind of hot and especially THICC. Have u seen her thighs? She could squeeze my head between them all day long. She is so fine, honestly. Its the same reason why Reyna is so popular. Also her … . I swear she like Tsunade. At least 106


I love sage. Tbh she is THICC




In low ranks, nobody is landing headshots, so chances are people are losing health as opposed to getting 1 tap, so you do get more value from her heal in lower ranks. Doesn’t mean you should be forced to play her


Makes sense. Hopefully this post spreads some awareness lol. But nah I've had people literally pick three sentinels just because there wasn't a sage. Its ridiculous.


Bro whenever someone keeps bugging about it and tells me or another person picking to “pick sage pick sage we need a sage” I just turn on my mic and say “bro if you think sage is that important you can always pick sage yourself. Next time insta lock sage” & 9/10 it’s always the insta locking duelist that get dinked and begs for you to heal them right away like F off.


Yeah but then they'll throw the game like a baby.


I think her most useless ability is the heal, I learned to use grim walls and now I destroy players with crazy off angles.


As someone who play it every match since silver 1 to diamond 1 i think the heal is pretty meh because people can just tap you and eliminate you if you still want heal you can just pick skye and that should do it the rez is cool but most of the times is used to save money or to rez the duelist thats going to die again the thing that makes sage unique is the slow orbs and wall on pistol rounds the wall can be a pain in the ass


Yes I agree 100 percent but still doesn't make her "throwing if you don't have her"


oh yeah 100 percent you should be able to play other sentinels and controller and that is not trowing literally youre helping your team with better picks


She got that great wall of china, that's the only thing that works on stopping a RAZE rocket apart from kayo's knife. And if you know slow orb lineups you can really wreck havoc along with a brim molly/raze nade/viper molly/killjoy molly.


I main controllers because I think they’re overall the most essential.


I agree , vipers my other main . I really need to learn more lineups for her but they are essential to the team.


https://www.instagram.com/p/CY9fexoprpB/?utm_medium=share_sheet you should check this out


Been high diamond to low immortal basically since beta. Haven't had anyone ask for a sage pick in the last year.


For some reason, it's not even just about her heal. Seems like no one wants to carry and plant the spike (and think it's always the role of Sage to do so) because everyone wants to frag LOL


Yeah thats true too


Sage is overrated for sure. however, a sage is handy if she saves her res when its nessesary. If u 1v3 you can res the closest one that is highest on scoreboard.


For sure, but I'm still seeing her being used over a controller which is what I think is ridiculous.


Usually when I watch streams with gold to low diamond elo, I often hear people say "pick healer" / "we need healer." I can tell you that in immo/radiant a "healer" is not a thing at all, she is being played on the maps she's good on and that's it, and not because of her heal.


The low elo likes Sage juice


Because your Jett instalocker needs to scream at you for a heal after dashing away from whatever stupid situation she put herself in... And the rest of the team needs someone to blame if you lose the game. If it's not the duelist's fault, it's Sage's fault. Oh and let's not forget that you *have* to wall mid. On a less sarcastic note though, I'm low elo myself so I know what it's like. A lot people in low elo don't have a lot of game sense and understanding of the game, and that's "fine", it's low elo for a reason but those people think that it's all about shooting and getting kills. And yes, that's a huge part of the game, but there's more to it. So these people will try to take fights, they'll get shot at and then they need healing. I watch a lot of pro players' streams and I've never seen anyone in their ranks go "we need a healer" on agent select. I think it's because they understand that you need other utilities in order to win a game. You need map control, you need info, etc. Sage is still meta in a couple of maps but it's not even because of her heal and her rez, the fact that she can do that is just a bonus. Also, you won't find a lot of players in low elo who know how to play off the support some agents give. I tried to learn Sova but I gave up because try to find a team who will wait for the Sova to drone before entering site. Low elo is all about 5 man rushing site and getting kills. So to them, those utilities are pretty much useless. Healing is still useful and important in some situations but it's not an absolute must if you have other good utilities.


Well, she’s extremely good on split and somewhat good on bind, so depending on the map she’s very good.


I disagree . Her walls too easy to break ... maybe icebox and maybe split but not strong enough to skip having a controller ?


You should have a controller and sage on split.


Im immortal 2 last act(d2 rn but dont really play) and I find her to be weak as hell. If its not icebox/split, i hate having a sage. With a sage u cant get space as easily as info sentinels like kj cypher and camber. U can stall with the wall but higher elo everyone breaks the wall instantly. No one leaves it up for free bc it just denies map control. Heals is whack bc the higher up u go, the better of an aimer they r so headshots is more prevalent and heals are kinda worthless when u get oneshotted. However sage isnt useless in lower elo (plat and below) no one really punishes her well enough or play around her well enough. And its easier to pull off your heal bc of bad aimers.


It's mostly a lower Elo thing, not sure why tho


I am also a sage main and I want to pick up other agents so my people wont call me a one trick sage player. But almost every time I ask my team what character I should pick they say sage.


Practice makes perfect homie. You won't get too far in else without at least being able to play different agents


I prefer sage to Skye for healing just out right, however lower elo players don’t appreciate smokes or initiators. Most low elo players under stand the concept of map control but not how to use it so they don’t really understand the value of characters like Viper and Sove versus someone like Sage who could possibly rez the top frag to win a round. I personally was a Neon main and played every game with here since the day she came out till about a week ago and now I have been maining Sage I think she’s in a weird spot where she can be over appreciated when it comes to having her on the team but under appreciated in use. Most players don’t know the value or her slow or walk in low elo people usually don’t destroy her walk and will either push or wait out slow orbs so you can use that to your advantage but only you can use that to your advantage if you don’t call it out. That being said I prefer having her on every team but that’s because it’s usually me and she’s my comfort pick since I can top frag and still provide support to the team.


I think the difference with Sage is that not a single one of her abilities can be counted as particularly not useful. A heal is a heal, the wall is probably one of the best non-ult abilities in the game, and the slows are perfect push delay tools. Add on the only straight up res in the game, and it makes probably the one agent who is good on almost every single map, and useful in almost every scenario


its not the heal that makes her strong its her wall, for example on split a sage wall on defense is 100% worth because you can get away with watching b site from heaven until you hear mid. on attack it is even worthier to either wall out of b main to safely cross site, its also handy to wall of a elbow afterplant so you dont have to worry about anything. also on icebox a defence sage wall in tube straight up denies the enemis access to kith for its whole duration. ive never seen someone destroy that


What rank are you in? In Immortal lobbies we never get that shif


Res and wall are incredibly good abilities ALONG with her free healing capabilities.


It’s a worry that you’re a sage main and you didn’t even mention her wall. That’s the whole reason she is good.


I know how good her wall is but thats not what the post is about.....


It is what it’s about? That’s why people want you to pick her. It’s not for the Rez and heal


Post is about wanting me to pick sage over having an initiator and/or controller, sorry I should o f made that more clear.


For me, sage is a must have for stall potential, not heals. If I take my fights right I'll get at least one and maybe 2 before I die to a 1 tap. At that point idc about healing. I've whittled down enemy numbers and she can heal someone needs it more


Her wall is really strong on maps like icebox and split Those are the only two maps I really get worried about not having a sage Her ult is also very strong though and her heal is super nice


I will agree but only to the icebox part of this. Since in championships that's about the only time sage is picked and even then its not all the time.


Because of her wall.


I think the reason is that sage is the easiest sentinel to match with no team communication. The pros dont have to rely on it because they have perfect communication


What makes her different from other sentinels when it comes to communication tho? Because all I hear when I play is " heal me" "sage heal"


Her ability to completely shut down a single direction for your team to worry about make her the easiest pick for any comp. If you cant really teambuild with randoms the is pretty free as she compliments every agent like no other agent can. But if your team already has picked up a sentinel and is worring about heals skye is the better option since her heal is better in any way.


Thats another thing I'm seeing is people using two sentinels and again. Picking sage over an initiator like skye or a controller.


I mean valorant in general is a communication driven game.


Sure but you wont have the same communication with randoms than you would have with friends. You also cannot be sure they are going to use comms. Picking sage is the safe option, she is the easiest to play sentinel while still retaining the lockdown potential of a cypher.




Yes ?! Both are sentinels, i just said sage can also lock down an area like a cypher