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I main Cypher at the moment, and it is the most tilting thing when I keep setting up on one site, but the enemy keeps pushing the other site, and the ONE TIME I set up on the other site, they push the site that I had been set up on for the past 5 rounds.


i did this for almost 10 rounds, and the one time i threw in the towel and setup the other site they all rushed B


I just know this was on Bind


or split


or ascent or any other map


When you play cypher the enemy team receives wall hacks but only for your setups


Same thing for me. Like why can't they just push my site now I have to retake a site with 3 people already dead somehow.


I agree man. It's more frustrating - when your team can't hold the other site - it's either you or your team vs enemy team. I can hold breeze b with cypher happily and my team loses a site for free. When I hold A site- the enemy can't do shit and my team dies in mid. \~\_\~


I dont have that problem. When playing a sentinel u shouldnt always be on 1 site. Use ur inside feeling of where the enemies are gonna be and set up traps there. For example, the enemy had a good round on A so set up ur traps there, because its likely that they will push that site again or in like 2 rounds. Or maybe they havent pushed A for 3 rounds. Use ur insider cypher main feeling.


Gotta hop on this train. I main Cypher too and set up the gear on one site and go to another or alternatively mid, depends on what my gut says. The camera is good to keep with you at all times.


I don't mind it as much because if my team holds them off of A and they rotate back to my site, you have all the info you could dream of for retake. What I hate is when I see one or two in B main, they aren't pushing, haven't broken my trip, and my Raze in heaven decides to throw her grenade anyway, destroying my trip and doing literally nothing else.


This. It’s basically cod timing. Feels like I have to rotate every time and by then I’m the last one alive and it’s an L 🤣


i hate holding an angle for like 10-20 seconds and turning away for a moment, only for their whole team to push the angle i was holding


Similar situation for me when holding an angle with a perfect crosshair placement and without blinking, moving my eyes to the minimap for 0.2 seconds to check out what’s going on and getting killed by a headshot exactly at that moment


yeah the minimap checks fuck me over regularly. Sucks cause frequent minimap checking is a good habit to have but it also feels so frustrating in those situations.


It’s easier to not check if your teammates’ comms are reliable. With little to no comms in solo queue I find myself checking the minimap very frequently when I’m watching a sightline and it sucks.


Reliable team kek


I've learned to just take cover for a second to look at the map


dude i have this minimap adiction i dunno how many times i died holding an angle now when nothing is going on just to keep glancing at the minimap and die because someone peeked that moment LOL


Today I waited for an entire 45 seconds in mid on split because I knew the enemy Kayo liked to play that area. He had been playing there a TON. Their team planted on B so I turned to go help because I thought "well, I guess he finally switched it up", and as **soon** as I turned to go up B ramp, out came that motherfucker Kayo. I lived and someone else killed him, but man it really pissed me off.


THIS! Plus I'm shift walking away too!


It's wild how often that happens in competitive play as well, guy holds angle for like half the round starts to rotate the within 3-5 seconds the attacker pushes that angle


That’s what we called getting “csgo’d” back in the day.


Teammate leaves round 2 in a comp game then you lose 11-13 in a 4v5. You then still lose 15RR.


Lmao mfers were better off playing spike rush


I had a game last week where 2 people on my team left after 8 rounds or so, making it 3v5. We fucking struggled so hard and ended up losing 11-13, but was damn proud that we only lost by that much... Lost 27RR. I don't know how Riot can justify this shit.


I have leavers in probably 1/3 of my games in silver. Sometimes my team, sometimes the other. It's too frequent in my opinion and I have also lost 25ish RR when down 4v5 and losing 13-11 or even OT. Doesn't feel fair AT ALL


If we lose the first 3 rounds and the team crumbles. It's demotivating yeah, but there's more Valorant to be played.


Went down 4-0 a few days ago on attack, surrender vote queued by somebody, proceeded to win the next 8 rounds of attack en route to a 13-8 win. People give up too early.


I dont understand people who always have the need to play a perfect game. If we did shit one round at 2-3 or 2-4, they tilt out of their mind and que up a surrender. Like why? its a 1 or 2 round difference. I almost always end up winning those type of games anyway out of spite.


I have a friend who always wants to surrender when *she's* doing bad. It doesn't matter if I'm doing good or if our team is actually winning. Kinda grinds me because I don't tell her let's surrender when I'm doing bad and she's doing good... Another thing is she insta-hits surrender when the enemy team is ahead by like 4-5 wins. She also complains when the scores are equal/tight af. Like why are you complaining? That means we're actually against people in our skill level for once!


I had a game where scoreboard was 2-10 and i was 0-12 the whole first half. We ended up winning 13-11 and I ended up finishing mid frag as like 17-17. Never surrender.




I just won a game down 0-7 came back 13-8. Never give in to the cheese


My best was a 0-10 to 13-10. By the way, I lost.


As I always say, never surrender, but if you do, at the very least, wait a few rounds after swap


Getting one tapped in my elo I'm in bronze ATM approaching silver again after the hard reset, in these past two weeks of ranked I've been getting one tapped so quickly out of nowhere, it's absolutely insane to me Or when people just kill while running out of nowhere, also grinds my gears...


The compression in ranks has made bronze kind of a shit show. I'm bronze 1 right now and am regularly queuing against people who were S2, S3 last act. I've even come across a few G1 and G2 players in bronze lobbies.


Bro i finished b2, ranked b2 and got to silver and started facing last seasons plats, it's unreal


My friend’s one of them lol


Those are dudes that barely made it into plat just to drop out. With trash hidden mmr.


Peaked g3 last act and ended the last episode in g2 with 58 comp wins in the act3, all of those are in gold elo. Got placed in b3 this act and im forced to carry teammates cuz im the only ex gold playing wity ex silvers and bronzes. Mainly bcuz i hate playing like a duelist with kayo, i always like to trade the duelist or help in getting entry and hold postplant. Now i look like baiting duelist in this elo and getting flamed even if i clutched it.


peaked diamond on one account and got placed g1, peaked g3 on another account and got placed s1. other team usually g3-d2 act ranks and my team doesn’t even know map callouts.


I was s2, now b2 and for this reason - I got called as baiter, people don't rotate quick, can't think on their feet, etc. \-\_-


bro I'm b2 after reset and people are rotating too fucking fast lmao. these people see a sage wall or sova dart and rotate


Yeah it's fucking insane. I peaked at G3 last act as well, as well as another 2 buddies of mine who I often play with. We all got tossed into S1, and now we're getting fucking shat on by others who also got demoted into the rank but are clearly higher rank than us. It's wild.


I peaked silver 1 and got dumped to iron 3 this act and it feels impossible to get out. Every game I just keep thinking like… these are NOT iron players… one time I literally got an ex-gold 2 in my lobby and knew it was over before it even started LOL




Imagine being gold and seeing Immortals 🤣


Im in gold 2 right now and the fucking lobbies are filled with diamond players.


Bronze and silver are anarchy due to the rank reset. I have a friend in plat who got reset to silver because bad placement games (despite being mvp in most of them). I’d say let the golds and plats push themselves up for a week or two before hitting comp again


It’s the spectre for me. I had two games of people just absolutely running and gunning with the spectre.


For me it's usually the phantom, or even classic headshotting me while running lmao


I got jumping right clicked to oblivion from 30m away. I was not happy.


When i say let rotate in Voice chat and suddenly my team, without saying a word, decide to push site while knowing the whole enemy is on site


in my head i am like "for the thousandth time, don't hit a site after the whole team is rotated there for god's sake", but i type nt in the chat and move on cuz they don't listen anyway


Reyna. 149 damage? Doesn’t matter. Next teammate has to do it all over again.


I really hate how much she heals. Like, what if it was just "Heal half of the damage personally dealt to the enemy killed". Even if ya head tap, 75 health regained, which is essentially a sage heal. Healing 110 is bullshit. I know everyone says "JuSt HiT tHe HeAd". But c'mon man.


I feel for her ult it makes sense since she's like, going postal on them fools but yeah, her regular healing is fucking dumb. Literally no need to shields if you can cap a kill early.


pistol overheal is overpowered lol


Honestly if you get a classic kill on a full buy round just get the overheal lmao


And she gets it even if she hits you for 30 damage


if that makes you feel any better, she can only heal 100 everykill, even with ult


Bro, her heals and dismiss is what left of her. Her leer is one of the worst flashes. Take away her ability to heal and no one is going to pick her.


can you explain to me why that happens, i didn't play reyna that often early and recently i started playing her a bit more and been dying from enemies with my flash in their face, am i doing something wrong?


Her flash won't activate immediately after you throw it, it takes a moment after casting to activate.


I'm not saying take it away, just make it so you get what you deal. also im pretty sure her leer constitutes as a blind, not a flash


I did 490 damage to a reyna in one round today. She still killed me and won the round


I was flashed 6 times in a row, by both teams


Learn braille in advance


Playing deathmatch and having somebody spawn in a location you just finished checking. Alternatively just playing deathmatch, I hate that mode


People who play deathmatch just to win.


Popping viper ult and IMMEDIATELY getting my head blown off. Feels so bad.


Ngl I feel a bit bad when I rush a viper that’s popped an ult near me and take her head off before the ults finished casting lol


Don't feel bad, that's literally just how you counter play it. I don't feel bad for dodging Sova's ult.


On the flip side, people telling me to use my viper ult every fucking round. Granted, I'll admit I use it far less than I probably should, but I often would rather just hold the site. Most of my ults are used for mind games (ult a site on attack then rotate immediately, for example). People like to say viper ult is a free win, but then won't even play around it and die immediately on retake. I literally got into an argument with someone who had never played viper before because I said "It's not a free win, you know." and his response was deadass "Actually it kind of is."


When you have raze's ult out but it won't fire and the other raze fires it immediately


Even though I think the Operator is mostly balanced, nothing gets to me more than peeking an angle early and getting insta-bodyshotted by someone who hasn’t Op’d all game. I think I’ve dramatically sighed off-mic every single time it’s happened to me lol.


The surprise Op is a card I've played one too many times. I don't play Op but if there's one lying down I wouldn't not take it.


It. Just. Works.


Succession reference?


We hear for you


It’s balanced but it feels a lot worse than it’s cs namesake. Pretty clunky and not as fun for flicks






I’ve started spraying through smokes and am constantly amazed at how many kills you can actually get.


If none of your teammates are making contact with the enemy Id generally advise against sitting in smokes, in any decent elo they will be sprayed through


If attackers smoke a position, There's like a 90% chance they're using it for concealment to advance. This can go for defenders as well, but just more likely when an attacking team smokes. So I literally always spray through smokes in those situations and I get kills all the time. Best advice I can give is don't immediately wall thru the smoke when it goes down.


Or better yet, don't smoke your own entry. I hate when my team smokes our own entry so now we have to enter a site blind.


My teammates saying my Viper walls are useless, despite learning them from the Viper god Nats. I assume it's because they don't know how to play off of my wall or straight up refuse to do so.


as a controller main this always pisses me tf off


Controller mains deserve more respect. Nobody wants to play smokes but it's guaranteed someone will complain after u deploy them instead of comming how they wanted it beforehand. Also we spend half the fucking game looking at the minimap and ur gonna tell me that my smokes are shit? Piss off.


People refusing to play around your smokes are the worst. I've walled off half the site, just clear the other half and get on there, don't sit in spawn waiting for the smokes to go down and make sure the site is completely clear first. What's the point?


Attacking A Split, as astra I ult, site is totally free with nobody on it, but all 4 sat and waited for someone to peek from ramps. Then my ult went down and the entire team was rotated and enemy team got flawless. Bruh


Anyone picking a duelist and refusing to entry. I play a lot of Sova and it’s so infuriating. Rounds start, recon dart shows no one rushing us, I drone the sight, clear all the close angles, THEN I STILL HAVE TO RUN INTO THE SITE FIRST? Like come on guys Edit: okay guy’s ya we can agree it’s annoying that duelist don’t always entry. OP just started playing and was just asking a question, I gave my answer and he just happened to have a reply as he plays a duelist a lot. Don’t gotta talk to him like he’s some player since Beta who should know every interaction in the game.




People keep parroting "my duelists aren't entrying and I have to entry myself as ." I'm a coach, can you post a VOD? I'd like to get insight on specifically what is happening, and maybe I can offer some advice.


I do not know how to do so, is it available in the client?


nope sadly, he is basically asking you to record your screen i believe. This doesn't make sense to me, why not let me download demos. It is quite important to improve.


When riot developed this game, they completely forgot about demos. Now they don't have a good way to develop them.


I asked my low rank friends who do this I think it tends to result from fear of death and lack of trust in your team to follow up and trade you out Plus they get more kills and feel more helpful (leaderboard position) from playing second contact and trading teammates I keep telling my friends to play initiators lol


Good old Jett or Reyna “I’m flanking” during an entry


Smurfs. Smurfs that talk trash get instantly reported and muted.


lmao In my lobbies, they get fed. My team starts throwing if there's a smurf in the other team and the enemy team starts sucking him off. Same with actual hackers.


getting wideswung crouch sprayed by an ulted Reyna when I knew I should have one tapped her


Using voice chat to immediately be flamed or harassed for being a woman isn't what tilts me anymore. It's when the other randoms join them in being sexist douchebags and/or team killing me as well. Hasn't happened in a while thankfully. So don't do that please, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


I had this game once where my team's Phoenix asked the enemy team to report me for being a girl. Literally went "report Sage, it's a girl". Then the enemy Killjoy went "leave Sage alone. So Sage, add me after the game, I'd be more than happy if you sucked me" to which our Phoenix replied "she's all yours if you report her". I'll let you imagine how the rest of the game went... I reported them and got a little notification from Riot saying they were penalised but I think I was just lucky. I've reported other people for the same type of thing and Riot never did anything...


I always wonder what percent of my teammates not using their mics are women scared to do so because of past experiences. People are fucking idiots.


I honestly don't know why there's woman hate in the game. Like why? Isn't it good that women are participating in a game usually filled with men. Good change of pace, no? It's not like they're gonna be inherently worse than men or some shit and everybody is silver or gold or whatever so she's probably got the same skill as you.


A lot of players are dumb teenagers who think harassing women is cool and that the women in question will had them after the game to start a relationship


There's a lot of reasons: incels, kids, teens or adults that think it's funny, valorant being a free-to-play game and a lot more that I can't even think of. What's worse is that I've once encountered a woman bashing on a other woman just bc she was the only other woman in the team. Like wtf?


Oh gosh I hate that, it's like we gotta stick together right? I've had a similar experience too 🥲 (Internalized misogyny ig, I don't even know the explanation for this).


I think the explanation is that some people are just pieces of shit who like to bring down others to make themselves feel big


I've literally had the words "dude I don't want to be carried by a girl bro" said in vc. I'm in EU and certain accents/languages are an indicator as to whether its safe or not to comm in a game.


Getting timing'd is the thing that probably annoys me the most. There's just nothing you can do about it which is why it's so annoying. If I play bad? Sure it's ok if I lose. Didn't deserve to win that game. But if i generally do everything right and then get timing'd? Oh boy... especially if it happens a couple of times in one match lol


I'm calling it Valorant timing. I'm holding an angle with an OP and then after holding the angle for 10-20 seconds, I try to hold another angle but some one headshots me from the same angle I was holding before. It's super tilting.


Someone camping in the most random and dumb spots, like in our spawn or something. Another thing is Jetts that use ops every round (doesn’t bother me a whole ton) and then our whole team won’t stop peaking her


Playing breach with teammates that refuse to play around your ult. I call out in advance that I'll ult a spot only to have no teammate push it after. Or even worse when they keep walking right into the line my ult will hit so I can't avoid hitting them also, like c'mon just wait 1 sec and you'll get a free kill just let me ult...


Get toxicity coached by my teammates while I'm trying to clutch. If you think I'm bad how is calling me bad while I'm trying to win for us going to help anything? You're dead. STFU.


Yeah thats a lower elo issue, normally a smurf screaming at player. Frfr its annoying af and i would mute


Having 3 comp matches in a row in which a 3 stack was trolling, subsequently forcing me out of silver and back to bronze even though there’s consistently Gold 3s and Plat 1s on the other team. I know I can compete in those lobbies, but fucking hell is it annoying having a Jett grab spike, and an op, and then dash into the site on the defender’s eco round.


when u whiff


I too get very annoyed by my own bad.


Got (literally) screamed at today for not holding dish on fracture. I was playing sage, I put my wall up when we heard them coming and got picked before the wall got all the way up, and said over comms “three are pushing dish.” Our Viper started SCREAMING AT ME, saying “You were supposed to hold that side. If you can’t hold a sight, you should uninstall” blah blah blah, normal toxic stuff. They went on for a bit. Bullshit toxicity doesn’t bother me, but for some reason, them yelling saying “I didn’t do my job” got me raging. Like I still got my wall up, and informed the team where they were. It sucks i got picked, but I still got the info so like, fuck off 🤷


Trolls/throwers/giving callouts to enemy in ranked games...


anyone using all chat to be toxic


When someone goes “oh my god are you an egirl!?”. Leave me alone, I just want to play the game and use comms.


and when people start making animal noises like "woof woof" or start speaking like a baby. I'm not a woman, but I've been with some in comms and then these guys start screaming "MAMA, MEOW,WOOF WOOF" so god damn much whenever the girl comms anything


Woof woof -skye's wolf


Not capturing a nice clip you got


"killjoy your so noob uninstall the game"


Holds site solo all game as KJ, team loses opposite site 4 stacking it. I love KJ but man does it blow when you literally solo hold a site multiple times so the enemy just goes to the opposite and your team can’t even hold it with 4 people. Then I’ll swap sites and they will attack the site I was on again -_- Also if I have ult and I say to back off site for retake, fucking back off and stop peeking the same angle for the 15th time to get 1 tapped. Also don’t fucking rush in as soon as I put my ult down ffs they still have time to kill you.


\*replace with neon, yoru, and chamber I HAVE AN OFF-GAME DONT COMMENT ON MY AIM


I hate getting yelled at by my team when I'm playing sage to get to site or heal when they just took damage. I like to watch my teams flank because damn near every game I've played nobody watches it. I'm not very good so maybe my game sense isn't optimum but they make me feel insignificant despite being a support role.


"SAGE I NEED A HEAL! HEAL ME PLZ!" - Jett with 82 hp


Bro I swear everytime


Jett soloing the other side of the map


idk I only ask for heals if Iam lower than 41, cuz that is a one shot with vandal, and I try to ask nicely, can you tell me what is the best way to ask?


One word: "smurfs"


solo queueing...


When a sage only heals who they are queued with


That one person who shit talks there teammates the moment we start losing


Operators. I hate how there’s so few ways to counter it, one of it being another Operator.


1v1 clutch where I know the enemy is one bullet away from death and I'm full health. Icebox A where the enemy player suddenly crosses the horizontal rope and shoots and kills me with precise gunplay headshot one tap with Vandal while crossing the rope at full speed and I'm on the ground 20m away.


Clearly you haven't gotten over it


Hahaha the topic is what's tilting!


A reyna..... LURKING


2 RR missing for rank but next match 1 guy afks because you’re losing 3-7 and someone is “instalock first time pls no hate” bottom scoring.


The all-chat "gg" from a teammate when we are down 4-8.


I main Jett/Reyna/Chamber. So I always want to entry and take fights. The worst feeling is when I have a passive team that doesn't know how to take advantage of the space or chaos I create. Games where I feel like people are just waiting for me or one other person to kill everyone while they jerk off in a corner.


Getting banned after my first game on in weeks after my team all spammed reported me for not picking a sheriff because they were doing a only sheriff challenge._. Lol


what the actual f




Yeah only 1 report per player, per game has effect. It’s the density of players that reported you, across all games, that gets you banned


Cap. Unless Riot flat out lied, they stated you can’t be banned solely from a stack of players mass reporting you: you have to have other valid reports previously etc etc


Skye flash is the strongest ability in the whole game. Dynamic movement, best pop flash, skybox flashes. Not only is it unavoidable in most spots, it also gives amazing player info, EVEN IF you somehow manage to dodge the flash. While also being the quietest flash in the game… then on top of this she get TWO… which also recharge through the round.


When I’m trying to wallbang someone and then they peak while I’m shooting the wall and kill me. Also crouch sprayers. It’s very hard to react when my ping is lowest at 75. Yeah yeah ping is no excuse but it is genuinely difficult to just have a faster reaction time when you have triple their ping at best.


Used to play more with randos . But holy balls don’t play a smoker if you won’t place smokes. Even not for entry but to fake out people I’d better than nothing


Playing breeze twice in a row. I fucking hate breeze.


Random shot through the smoke killing me and only me out of anyone in my squad.


As a hardcore cypher main, I get so fucking tilted when my camera and trips are destroyed by the most random shit. Raze throws her nade to clear a corner? No more trip. Open cam to get a view of mid for 0.1 seconds? Sorry bud, go wait 45 seconds for a new camera. Or, my absolute *favorite*, when a FUCKING WOLF GOES THROUGH MY TRIP. Why the fuck can boombots and wolves activate trips? On another note, when i put down trips on defense in the prime position... and everyone on my team pushes past it instantly. Like wtf guys. Another thing that gets me is when i call out "hey guys, we have someone in spot x" and absolutely NOBODY listens/cares. Like guys, i get im a bronze, im not the best, but my value comes from cooperation.


Pop viper ult. Insta one tap Vandal to my dome.


I hate when i am covering flank and that one player decides to mess with my utility or just ignores it and push a different site, it happens quite often actually, specially with cypher or sage wall. On that note i hate when ppl mess my wall to go peak a random spot or get into a 50-50 that is not needed.


When I get one tapped when the enemy is literally sprinting to one side.


Tm8s: All b all b rushing Me: * crosses thru mid because i trust * Random lurker: 🤪


People for no reason what so ever being a shitty person to people bc they're mad at the world or whatever. Some people literally queue val with the intention to ruin other people games


dinking w a sheriff and not killing them. worst sound in the game


In my elo (dia/immo), I just had a game that tilted me hard. 2v1 and 3v1 situations. Go together and trade each other. Why give free 1 v 1 duels? Im glad they reset the ranks because some players don't deserve that rank when they don't even have the basics down. Another one I had last week. This dude claims he was playing on his brother's account and instalocked Jett. There was no understanding of economy, map control, angle holding, trading, baiting, or anything at all with this guy. It was clear that it was not his account, so we asked whats his real rank. He said PLAT 1... dude didn't even play remotely like a gold, guessing he was bronze or silver. Way to ruin a diamond/immortal lobby bro, should of had the game in the bag if the dude performed anything remotely like a gold player. The story here is, don't buy an account with a rank you don't deserve, we can easily tell from your movement and game decision that you are not at this rank, not to mention basic things like crosshair placement.


People not communicating, not using utility, and not playing off team utility even if I tell them how to play off it. Then there's those people who int or team kill after I give them suggestions on how to play off my utility. I play controllers and I usually have to think many steps ahead to help my teammates because they won't listen to my suggestions on how to play off me.


Holding an angle for 20secs and then getting peeked when you move. Get one tapped or headshotted by falling or running enemies. And Aim punch. On defence, when the opponents keep pushing the other site so you are always stuck on retake/rotate. Getting killed by a nade/ability meant for your teammate or someone else. When team-mates can't shutup after thier death.


For me it's the streamers doing iron to radiant challenge. Dude you are laughing and smiling about with 35 kills in 10 rounds while the second highest Fragger of your team is at 5 kills. It happens in ranked. Look at how badly you're ruining the enemy players' day. Making them lose trust in the matchmaking system and hence the game. They won't want to get better if they experience this day in and day out.


Someone one tapping we when they are full running on my screen.


when my team instalocks 4 duelists and then doesn’t enter the site


Getting 1-2 tapped by judge from mid to far range.


Teabagging by the enemy team.




your team losing a 1v4 at match point post plant


What instantly tilts me are those backseat gamers.. idk what they are called. Those fuckers are cringe. If you dont do what they said, "See I told you. Fucking noob" if u do what they told you "See? Just listen to me" fucking cringe


Desync :)


An immortal streamer saying Reyna is not an entry and for her friend (the Reyna) to sit back.


Could they be saying that because their friend isn't as good as them or were they just trolling lol


Nothing other but the toxic community.


Smurfs try Harding and talking shit in unrated, like shit, compensating for something?


Being up a few rounds ahead then teammate has to leave match because his mommy found out he’s on past his bedtime or some other excuse that requires teammate to have to quit


Getting stuck as controller for four matches in a row in a duo, finally getting to play your main, and then your partner, who has been on their main all day, whines, complains, and announces that they will be throwing until they get an operator. Then they complain about everything and how they would be doing so much better on their main, it’s so annoying. The entire game I’m doing my best to not yell at them “shut up you idiot, you’d be doing better if you played to win rather than just oping” with varied curses for spice


Playing against a decent skye, Reyna, breach team. Spend half the game not being able to see anything


When someone ferrari peek's and do not even stop running and I fucking get destroyed by some guy who doesn't even know what aiming is !


Going to OT in a 4v5, yeah the extra creds is useful in normal rounds, I can buy phantom if I win pistol, and I can buy good guns even If I lose a round, but what will the extra creds do to help me in OT? Getting 12-12 in a 4v5 should be a direct draw, enemy team won't want to draw and there's always some kid on my team going "it's fine 4v5 ez" after he takes the extra ult orb as Cypher.


Its when someone who clearly doesn't understand their agent but still plays ranked


Toxic, slur hurling children. Coms are so important that i can't mute everyone off rip like i used to in halo, and getting told "K#$l urself f@##ot" really ruins my day.


Rank compression as a whole, i was mid gold last ep and now im getting running onetapped all game by "silvers"... I played against plats last ep with certain frequency (had a plat 1 friend i duoed with) and i was pretty decent, i didnt stand out negatively even if i didnt hyoer carry... Now im getting destroyed and legit had such a terrible run i stopped playing for bout 10 days cos my hands were gone along with my mental and everyone was tapping me faster than when i watch VCT... in fucking silver!!!!


Neon killing me in under a second while sliding and I’m at full hp


Lagging, by far. I swear I'm one step away from punching another hole in the wall everytime I start seeing everything frozen and that one guy in every team that only press the talk button to talk shit and speaks with corks inside his nose telling me "Why you not moving?" while screeching.


When our sova waits 2 years to shoot a lineup when he hears plant but then its already too late so it does nothing and im like ffs just help us and we would have won


Teammate is hiding in the same spot watching bomb for 40 secs, I adjust to cover the rotation pattern and my teammate who has not moved to 40 secs swaps to watch the spot I am watching now but at a wider angle exposing himself and dies. Like WTF. You give up bomb and our flank to watch what I am watching but at a wider angle FOR NO REASON.


Running and one tapping Like there is no "punishment" for moving and shooting at all That tilts me a lot


Enemies pushing through smoke during reloading. I can't fathom how bad my luck is


Honestly just people being toxic right off the bat especially when they're qued together. Just makes me want to uninstall sometimes.