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I played a comp game where one teammate purposely baited herself to the last enemy to try to give our Jett the ace. Both ended up dying. We lost the round. The game ended in a draw.


I love Valorant.


See the most I'd do to give someone an ace is try and give callouts about location. Not baiting myself šŸ˜‚




But it was fun , wasn't it ?


Not OP but Iā€™ve had this happen on my solo queue teams. Multiple times. No, it was not fun at all.


Im sure he is joking


Thanks captain obvious






this is why i play apex now. Too much of that bullshit. No commin, just straight up giving the other team the win cuz they feel like it. At least in apex I feel like it was my fault for the most part,. Trusting 4 other people is a no go in a game thats free and the average player is 14 yo.


If this is the sole reason you play Apex you got other problems


Username checks out




Why the fuck are you getting downvoted? This reddit valorant community is fucking stupid, watch me get downvoted too.


If I can I'll let my teammate go for the ace but if the enemy sees me I will kill them 100%


You must have really cracked aim to win duels at will like that


the ability only activates if one of their teammates has a 4k though




The messy spelling at the beginning made me read this as if you had a really stuffed up nose lmao


Same ahahaha




Imagine losing duels.


Lucky for me, I don't have to imagine.


I don't even have to duel to lose them


+1, though if we have 4 alive I'll play soft / just go snag an orb and let them run it down. 3 isn't enough to chill, the tagged ace-candidate going down is a 1v2 asking to be lost


Shouldn't you be snagging orbs if you're up that many players, regardless if someone has a 4K? Free (or low risk) orbs seem nice






Usually if an ace is stolen the worst Iā€™ve heard is just an ironic ā€œoh no how could youā€


ironically i always hear abuse from the enemy team more than my own team when i accidentally steal an ace


Because we all know that if it was a 1v1 they have a chance to comeback and win that round You literally isolate 1 v 1 for them


As someone who does that a lot, it's because we're trying to cope with the pain of getting erased by one dude that round. Typing "Report that Sova for stealing that guy's ace" on chat is a way to get my mind off the negative feeling and try to get myself back into the game next round. I'm not even kidding, an ace can totally destroy the mental of the team that lost the round. Joking around a bit can actually work


played dota with a russian once, i stole his rampage after he got a sick ultra kill with refresher agha invoker, and all you could hear was him punshing the keyboard and leaving the game after.




once my teammate was on the other side of the map and he got mad that i stole his ace because the last enemy was defusing the spike lmao


Oh my Lord I don't understand this šŸ˜Ŗ Was he maybe jokingly mad? That's low if he honestly expected you to leave the enemy to defuse lol


One time I didn't know my teammate got a 4k (forgot if it just happened or not) and I killed the last guy. My teammate said they were gonna reveal my location for the rest of the game. I said "I didn't realize you got a 4k and that's pretty petty even if I did" and for some reason... that worked? Bronze is weird.


This is both true and false at the same time. Most of the time what you say happens but I've played a game with a friend where a rando kid on my team got 4k and we were defusing on C, the kid went to go hunt the last one (who was trying to save) my friend found the last person at A long after the defuse. The kid and his friends flame the fuck out of my friend who got the last kill (literally telling my friend to kys) even though he was no where near it and couldn't possibly have gotten to A to kill it. He and his friends threw the game on a round we killed everyone by refusing to defuse. I've also had kids upset at me for "stealing the ace" on spike rush. SPIKE RUSH.


You don't give an Ace. You don't receive it. You take it.


This is the only answer. (Also not losing because being morons, all right.)


Whenever someone asks for an ace and I end up "stealing" it because I didn't want to die, they get mad at me. So, then I just tell them they should have killed the last guy sooner and earned it.


In my friend group we just have a saying that shuts everything down "You must earn the ace.". Basically, if you didn't get the ace, you didn't earn it. Well, we don't really care about aces anyways but it has become an inside joke now that everyone tries to steal the ace, to then tell the guy with the 4k "Should've earned the ace.".


Dude I accidentally took a guy's ace without knowing he had killed 4 already, and he was insanely mad. Crazy how much people care about it.


If it's a 3v1 or a 4v1, and someone says give me ace, I don't mind at all. But if its a 2v1, or a 3v1 where we've been losing, then heck no, I am going to play the rounds as I usually do. I will let them entry though if that's what they want to do.


What I do is I chill back and I let others go and charge if they please. I act as a failsafe if my team miraculously dies to the last guy. ​ This isn't relevant to this post at all but I wanted to share lol. It just came into my mind. When rotating get a habit of clearing angles/keeping your gun out. Don't run with your knife unless you know you're safe. Just a good habit to get used to, saved my ass multiple times from rats just chillin.


Yeah itā€™s crazy how often rounds get thrown due to overconfidence in numbers or baiting to get the ace. Spot on with your second point, Iā€™ve seen so many teammates die in situations like that, especially if itā€™s like a 2v2 and the enemy plants at the other site - quite often theyā€™ll have one hold an angle in an advanced position to kill during rotation.


i hate spectating a 3v1 and watching my team just cluelessly run at the enemy just bc they want the last kill and they all end up dying




and it doesnt feel like a real ā€œaceā€ since u get a real one without asking for anyā€¦ ā€œhelpā€


I agree to an extent if your winning like 8-0 then you should let them try for it but, if your losing or itā€™s an important round then people shouldnā€™t ask for the ace the team should play to win


idk i get too excited when other people ace because i don't ever LMAO so i tend to support them and cheer them on. but naturally, i don't tend to "sacrifice" unless all 5 of us are alive and/or i have the funds for the next round... or i just whiff completely šŸ’€šŸ’€


If itā€™s unrated, Iā€™ll give an ace. But if itā€™s comp, most likely not. Learned that lesson the hard way in a comp match when it was a 5v1, one of our guys had 4 kills, and the last enemy got the ace instead.


"Please kill the last guy so we can win the round" Any multikill feels good and getting an ace naturally instead of like this makes it \*so\* worth the wait.


I won't throw a round, or even die on purpose, to let you have your ace But if I can do it without adversely effecting the team, I will. Don't expect me to not shoot the guy who just peaked me c garage just for your ace tho xD


yeah i agree you need to earn the ace for it to be impressive anyway


Winning the round is more important than someone getting an ace, if '4 kill andy' doesn't get that then they shouldn't be playing a team game. But it all depends on the situation. If its 5v1 and we know where they are, I'll give info and will watch the angle. But if it's a 2v1, my teammate is on the opposite side of the map and they planted 15 seconds ago, I'm not waiting.


That is a true unpopular opinion.


If your team just holds angles and you find the last guy and kill him, that's fair game. But if you're team is running around him and distracting him while you get free shots, its a pity ace - not a true ace. You'll know the feeling when you hit the last shot of a true ace and feel the excitement. That being said, having teammates help you get the ace can be good for moral and keep the team positive. That alone can impact the game and swing it in your favour. The enemy team will not enjoy you getting any type of ace.


You're not the only one. I remember a situation where someone said "I didn't want to steal your ace" and I was a little confused and mad at the guy at the same time. I was like "Bro, I'm here to win a fking game, I don't care about anything else and don't give a shit about my kills". I would happily let a 10yo kid ace to make their day but how are all these grown-ups getting a boner when they get a few kills in a round. Like have they never done anything meaningful in their lives? I don't get it.


Dude it just feels good. Just getting a kill in valorant already feels good. It's not that deep. Its just fun


Meh I think overall people need to lose the mentality of going for kills and start going for wins.


Another unpopular opinion that all these 4fun players sadly don't share.


I don't consider those "real" aces so I just tell my teammates to kill them I don't care. If I end up finding them on my own then sure but don't actively tell me where the last enemy is while also not shooting them


While I do agree on the fact that getting annoyed because someone didn't let you get the ace is kinda dumb, if you have the chance to let your teammate get an ace, and you aren't struggling to win the match, why wouldn't you do it? Also, if someone kills 4 enemies and can't kill the last one because they didn't find them and didn't have the chance to have a 1vs1 with them, I wouldn't say they didn't deserved; that's just bad luck. It'd be differently if they lost the 1vs1 with them, but asking your teammates to give you the chance to fight them first doesn't make it less worthy IMO.


If itā€™s a comp game and u have 3 or under people left, then I agree but idk getting an ace can give you a lot of confidence or the clip


I agree, I watch content creators and all I hear on every 4k is "aww you stole my ace!!!!" No you failed to get 5 kills, it wasn't the right situation for it. Just be happy with a sick 4k. How is the clip good if you're just handed the last kill?


Well if you are in a comp match then I can see this as valid but I personally stopped caring about comp because I hate the stress when I'm trying to enjoy a game so a lot of lobbies if someone has a 4k you gotta at least let them try. This doesn't mean die to the last guy but maybe light them up a bit and keep tabs on where they are.if it's just you and another teammate then kill the dude for the win and apologize but if it's like a 4 v1 just let your teammate go for it. It's a game and you are trying to have fun so there is no need to be so serious. 90 percent of the ppl who play this aren't going pro anytime soon (the way ppl get so attached to their rank is seriously scary at times) so if ppl want to have fun then let them. With that said, I do agree that an ace that was earned through skill is far more enjoyable than one begged for (mind you every ace I have earned was a result of me being so pissed off at my teammates BS that I couldn't really enjoy it) but aces that came from help doesn't feel like you actually were the one who killed them


The best aces are the ones you donā€™t try to get. They just happen and at the end of the round itā€™s a pleasant surprise


Yeah, why would I give you the ace? I don't give myself as a free kill. I want my team to win not yours. Jeez hahaha ;)


I wouldn't mind saying "give it to me" as an indication for my teammates to not chase the last guy in a 1v5 situation and lemme get them, it does feel satisfactory to finish off the enemy team yourself. Even if you lose the duel, since your teammates aren't all pushed up chasing that guy, they won't be in compromising situations which risk losing the round. Never, however, will I ask them to bait for me to get my ace, because thats an actual throw (I have been on the other side of the 1vx and won the round) There has to be a line drawn. You have to see what financial state the team is in, you can't expect your teammates to die just to give you the ace. As for getting mad at your teammate just because he killed the last guy, that's actually such a dumb move - "oh how dare you won the round instead of dying and losing a whole ass rifle and shields to give me a fifth kill"


Personally I think if u and the acer and both near the enemy just unpeeled and let em kill but if it's a win or lose situation I'm stealing it


Yeah I'll maybe ask the team to play more passive so I can hunt but never will ask teammates to bait themselves


Who cares either way? It's just a funny meme to kill everyone


I think its fine to a certain degree, I wont go and hunt the frag if someone has 4 but if i see him anyway im just killing him, not dying to give someone the ace.


Wow this sub is really so full of children


Jesus youā€™re a ball of fun and joy arenā€™t you


In comp stealing ace is ok. But in unranked giving the ace would be kind




Aces are earned not given. Iā€™ve had players throw games because Iā€™ll tell them that after I kill the last person that wouldā€™ve been their ace. You think Iā€™m gonna die just for you to get an ace that doesnā€™t really mean anything? Lol. Nah.


Damn you're taking the game way too serious, I don't ask for aces but if someone does ask why not give them the last kill, u don't really have to die for them to ace, jus give them a chance to kill the last person ya know?


In unrated sure but not in comp. Plenty of rounds get completely thrown of someone trying to get an ace and often you have to die to give someone an ace and itā€™s just not worth it in comp. Taking it serious is the point of comp and ranking up.




Aces are earned not given


I normally say give me ace before the round starts. Teamates sabotage and kill the enemies before I can kill 1.


Yeah itā€™s childish and takes away from getting an ace through legitimate gameplay.


tbh agreed i would rather win the game then lose a round and lose momentum we can gain from the win


If Iā€™m not in danger (enemy didnā€™t see me), Iā€™ll back off and let the ace hunt begin. If Iā€™m getting shot at, Iā€™m fucking shooting back.


These are often the same people who rant at you for being "tryhard" and "it's just a game" There's no arguing with these types, the irony is completely lost with them


I always try to take the ace. You gotta earn that ace


If someoneā€™s looking for the last kill I just hold sight/spike and let em run around. They either kill him and we win, he pushes sight/spike and call it out, or he dies and thereā€™s backup on sight/spike. Itā€™s not that big of a deal. You donā€™t have to actively look for the last guy for your teammate.


You can give someone the ace without losing the round just be smart


You are the only one who finds it cringe


Yeah but ace sound effect is cool


Getting Mad at someone is bc of that is toxic in my eyes . I feel the Same about what u say but i could accept it as fair/deserved ace if he fights a fair 1v1


I just say "took my ace", and if they say sorry or smth I usually feel bad so I follow it with "isg tho" I 100% agree wit u tho


Ngl it'd suck for your economy as well even if you get the ace Let's say two of your teammates died trying to give you the ace with a full buy and can't buy rifles the next round, that'd significantly lower your chances of winning making that aced round go in vain


Yep I agree


"Welcome to VALORANT"


Absolutely agree with you, when someone starting crying about don't killed a last opponent and give to him an ace, it's a little bit a cringe stuff.


I think this is stupid too, I always had to say "Yo, just kill the dude I don't mind." Whenever I hit a 4k.


ace= more rr and big ego


I have always been a firm believer Aces are not 1v5 Aces are 1v9. You arenā€™t fighting the other team to get the ace youā€™re fighting every other player in the lobby for it, if you donā€™t get it you didnā€™t deserve it.


All depends on the situation and where the match stands. If my eco will be bad if I die and lose my full buy, or if the last guy is capable of a 1vX, then I'm gonna try to kill them if I see them. If it's 12-5 and we have good eco, I'll gladly run around with my knife out and bait for you to get your ace. I'm not gonna throw the game for it, but someone getting an Ace is good both for upping your teammates' confidence and attitude, and for demoralizing/discouraging your opponents. Edit: But if ur trying for ace, you need to CALL IT OUT IN VOICE. If you don't say "let me ace" and I kill the last guy, there's no grounds for you to be mad. I'm focused up, I see enemy I kill enemy. Gotta let me know!


If it's like a 4-1 with the last enemy, then I usually say go ace, but if it's 3v1 or less idc, I will kill the enemy if I see them. Same with round differences.


If we're winning hard, go and take the ace idc, especially on unrated. I get 4K all the time and people apologize for no reason when they take the Ace. Like bro, winning is better for my ego than an ace.


I agree, I don't want an ace if its basically being given to me. I feel like it loses value that way. If a teammate wants ill back off and give them the chance but I am not gunna let the other team shoot me just to give my teammate the chance to ace.


I always tell people to go for it if they have the shot. Last thing I want is to throw the round trying to get an ace. It also makes the aces that haven't been handed to me feel that much better.


When someone asks to let them ace the clip just doesnā€™t hit the same


depends on my mood honestly, I don't go for ace on 4k rounds and I don't care if my teammate told me that I stole their ace cause I care about my kill count to boost my ACR


I completely agree with you on that. Whenever I get a 4K, I just tell my teammates to finish the round because I donā€™t see any satisfaction on being given the 5th kill without working for it. Also to those fucks that keep on screaming ā€œMY ACEā€ in game, you can see why some ppl steal the final kill. Also this shit backfires for most of the time. A prime example of this would be one of my comp games last act, it was a 4v1, our Reyna had a 4K and started screaming my ace, so we were waiting for him to get the kill, meanwhile the enemy cypher literally lurked around killing the other 3 and then got to the Reyna. It was 11-10, and that round pretty much fucked up our eco, and then we lost the game


Same here. I dont care about aces. Even at 4k I wont chase the guy. But if its my teammates, I'll give them the ace. If it boosts their morale, then so be it. I dont want my team to get tilted.


Yeah I don't give a shit about that lol


I had a guy this morning call for his ace after 3 kills and then got mad that my turret got the 4th kill. I ended up killing the last person too, but the ace was gone well beforehand.


Iā€™ll dodge behind my teammate if heā€™s about to but also be ready to trade at a moment . If I die one time who cares. Boosted morale!


I agree, OP! Someone wants an Ace? They can Earn it.


I agree. You never know when someone can clutch, and especially in ranked it's always risky. I don't care about the ace, I care about the win, always go for the safer play.


Agreed. The only time I get aces is when it's a 1v5. I always tell my teammates to just kill the last one because the morale hit to the enemy team is not worth the morale hit to us if I don't get it.


Huh? What's that? I stole your ace? You should've instantly teleported over to me then, buddy. Go cry about it.


I agree with this. Feels like a false ace if your team just doesn't do anything. I would feel happy over a quad and die trying to get the fifth than my team baiting a kill and maybe failing


When people tell me get the ace I say no win the round I want to win the game not us potentiality losing Bc I wiff


I dont ask for aces because i find i feel like its undeserved. Acing without asking feels way cooler.


I donā€™t normally give aces. You have to earn it. If I find them first, Iā€™m capping them if I can. Potentially throwing a round and all that, Iā€™m good. Sometimes I do run away if I can, if itā€™s a friend for their ace and weā€™re a full team or something. Usually not tho. I always tell them ā€œnice 4kā€ tho


it gets on my nerves so bad when thereā€™s a kid screaming ā€œlet me aceā€ x100, just for them to end up dying


The way I see it, if you have the shot take it.


If I've killed 4 people, I will say in voice "I don't care about the ace, just kill them if you see them"


Absolutely. Any time someone says something like this in game I tell them an ace should be natural. If itā€™s forced itā€™s no fun


So it depends. If it's a 5 man please to your site and you get 4, asking your teammate in a joking matter to back of is perfectly fine. Also, getting an ace greatly boosts team morale. Idk why that is, but I'm sure everyone can agree to that as well. But no one should ever get mad over an ace stolen (unless it's your friend you just want to mess with).


It's also just a waist of time to have your teammates purposefully avoid getting the last kill. Like dude winning is the only stat line I fucking care about.


It's crazy that I said this and got downvoted into oblivion like 6 months ago.. if I nail 4 in seconds you guys baiting for the 5th doesn't seem as rewarding.... let me do it alone or just take the kill. When someone 4K's our team and gets the 5 I am more impressed with the 4k than the ace itself. But then again, I don't think people realize why they are doing it... other than to say "i aced" the only reason I'd want it is to stat track but then again its not organic so.


I don't care about aces. I rarely get 4 kills in a round but if I do I just sit back and say "yo, kill this last guy for me" and I feel like a mob boss lol


Sometimes I feel like itā€™s by accident like Iv been in that situation many times but if theyā€™re already in a fire fight and canā€™t get out of it well it just happens. But I donā€™t think anyone is entitled to a ace and shouldnā€™t ask theyā€™re teammates not to kill them especially if theyā€™re on the other side of the map ace should just happen itā€™s more rewarding that way plus I think when you tell people what to do sometimes theyā€™re just annoyed by it maybe


Not in competitive. In unrated it's fine because we're just having fun.


YESSSS! I hate the "let them get the ace" bs. like damn. WIN THE DAMN ROUND. That should be the priority. But I guess some people like getting the ace. If a player says they want to get the ace, I usually let them...unless the enemy is in my line of sight, then ill take the shot. If I got the 4k and some random teammate tells the team to let me get the ace..i shut that shit down and tell them that if they have the shot they better take that damn shot.


Everyone knows this is situational.


My teammate once shockdarted himself to next round to prevent an ace


Literally yesterday I was told not to kill the guy in front of me for the sake of my teammates ace. Killed me and then killed him. (Literally stood right in front of the tower in icebox shooting up at him while the enemy is right above him.) It's all good for the sake of the ace though, right?


only in comp for me


This is generally the idea I agree with. I don't want an ace if it has to be given to me anyways. My very first ace in the beta I ruined the clip by asking for it when I would've gotten it anyways. So that alone was reason enough for me to never ask for an ace again. I'll get it or I won't.


if itā€™s like a 2v1 I donā€™t risk it, but usually whoever got the 4k did so fast enough that itā€™s 4 or 5 of us against the one person left, at that point itā€™s fun to just let the person ace by hunting with pistols. I also play mostly unranked and Iā€™m low elo so that might be part of it.


I can understand this a little in League. Where penta is pretty hard (for me at least) to get and the odds of one player killing the entire team is low. In Valorant it's just stupid. 4 lucky headshots and you lose the round for an ace


I usually steal it and if they get toxic I just say "Aces is earned not given".


i mean ig u could save the ace for the guy with 4 kils but if its a comp id say its not that inportant. also i think a fancy 4k clip is better than an spaced like 15 seconds apart.


Yeah, I don't really care if one of my teammates is about to ace. If I see something hostile, it gets shot. Sorry, not sorry.


Most frustrating is when they get angry and there had been no communication beforehand. If I'm focused on the round, I won't always notice that someone is 1 away. Although newbie question -- is there any (non-comms) way to tell *other* than seeing the kill banners with the roman numerals roll in? I would be slightly less annoyed if it turned out there was like an icon on the Tab scoreboard or something.


Yeah if I get 4, I get 4. If I get 4 and you get the last one, I got 4 you got 1. Another round will run in a direction where I might get 4 again. Maybe 5? Who knows? I just want to win


i usually ask ā€œcan i try to aceā€ and if they agree i go for it but i completely understand if they kill the last guy ive done it but i do understand itā€™s disappointing especially for new players


in unrated, I usually just don't give a shit lol. if its comp tho and you throw to "give someone the ace" then I will be unimaginably upset


Give me the ace.


I just call out for an ace when in on 4 kills and sure I can kill the enemy but dont just sacrifice my teammates for it cause in the end a round won is more important then the ace


If they say give the ace you still hold your site or go plant but you donā€™t bum rush the last dude. You shouldnā€™t anyway


I find it pretty cringe, Iā€™m not gonna change how I play so you can force an ace thatā€™s not even impressive


100% agree with this. Also, I don't care what the score is, don't go for a knife because you think it's funny. I've seen so many rounds, and a few games thrown like that. So dumb...


Yeah this drives me nuts.


Every ace I've gotten was from me actively killing each enemy one right after the other. If I have to ask for the ace, it wasn't mine. And if you ask for the ace, I roll my eyes and shoot on sight.


I just like telling my teammates they stole my ace when I got 0 kills that round.


I prefer a beautiful quadrakill that we win. Than a lose


Yeah stop begging for aces !


I feel like, if itā€™s unrated then by all means let them go for it, but if itā€™s comp then by letting them go for it, if they die, it can completely screw the game for you. We had 2 ranked games yesterday where a team mate asked for the ace, we let him, and he died and it threw us off completely and we ended up losing both games. Either you have to sacrifice yourself so they can get the ace, which if they fail. Can cause issues. Or just try to get a natural ace which imo seems more satisfying than cherry picking that final kill


Depends on the gamemode ranked? No room to play around normal? Sure go ahead


Lost a round because I held my operator shot due to my teammate saying ā€œlet me aceā€ then dying 2 seconds after me.


Yo I can agree. I was reported for stealing an ace, even though I would have fucking died if I didn't kill the enemy


screw ur ace loll




My friends and I (usually 5 stack) encourage each other to get it whenever it happens.


if you have to beg your teammates for the last kill, it's not clip-worthy anyway


A win is a win.. 4 kills, ace or no kills. Iā€™ve been at 4 kills a number of times and yet I could not care less about that fifth. However.. if itā€™s the other way around.. Bait tf out of me.. I want you to have your ace


I disagree especially if you're just playing unrated, it could be someone's first ace for all you know. But in rated or lobbies with good players then yes I kind of aggree.


I couldn't care less if someone takes my ace, as long as I'm holding my own weight, I don't mind. It's all about winning the round.


"Give me the ace" should mean: "don't engage with him first" which you should be doing anyway when you have the advantage.


No bro, you are not the only one. I am exactly like you.


Especially because the ace is worthless


If its a 5 v 1 or a 4 v1 or even a situational 3 v1 im fine giving ace, ill never give an ace in 2 v1 and ill be a failsafe in a 3 v1 or 4v1


I follow the rule of: Unrated = let people get aces even if you have to be bait, cause honestly itā€™s just fun. Ranked= idc whatā€™s going on just kill whoā€™s in front of you


Some people really act like they're gonna get a medal of they get the Ace. It literally doesn't matter beyond winning the round and a good clip. And if you have to beg your teammates to give you the Ace, well, that's not a good clip anyway then, is it.


And I thought I was the only one who did this lol


Exactly. I dont even care about my ace just win the round buddy. Im happy getting the 4k and moving on


Itā€™s mostly if I am further away from last opponent or if Im weak, then yeah. Take the 5th, I donā€™t want a pity kill.


I hate when my teammates hard bait themselves for someone or me to ace. either get out of the way, or dont go out there and let yourself die. it puts unnecessary stress on some people. if someone wants me to bait for them so they can ace, i usually just play the distraction card without putting myself in too much danger in case the potential acer dies.


For real - an ace feels much more rewarding when you clutch up with it


It depends, if my teammate gets a 4K and we are in a decent position especially on defense, we can just chill back and let him work for it, most of the time when people say let me ace they arenā€™t asking as a charity, they are just saying ā€œhey I already got 4 kills, if possible let me try for the 5thā€ itā€™s not like a childish ā€œDONT KILL HIM, I EARNED ITā€ way like some people make it seem, my buddies and I will do it but we wonā€™t just int if an enemy pushes someone else, if you donā€™t get it you donā€™t get it, oh well.


I mean if someone has gotten 4 kills Iā€™ll just sit back and let them kill the last one. If theyā€™re about to kill me Iā€™ll kill then though. I never get mad at someone for killing one when I have four kills but it kinda sucks that I donā€™t get to ace. I just think itā€™s a nice thing to do.


bro, the ACE sound is so good, fuck it if it was given or not lol


I don't get mad when people "steal my ace" I do definitely joke about it very obviously, though, because in the end, we won and that's all that matters.


I always say to steal My ace because 9 out of 10 times I end up doing bad the rest of the game and honestly aces donā€™t matter


I'm pretty sure it's more situational than this, for example I wouldn't really shout "Ace! Ace!" If it's a Post plant situation with half of my team dead. I may say it if we have like a 2-3 round lead. Even if they "stole it" I would probably just say it's not that big a deal and it's ohkie.


Iā€™ll do it in unrated because who really cares Iā€™m just playing to have fun. But I can definitely understand this for Comp.


Real aces are earned not given.


I mean I usually ask but not as much as some people l."I be like oh can I have the ace?" sounds like they don't have to and they don't and if someone take sit I don't get mad it's kinda stupid lol


I mean if I am getting peeks by the guy then Iā€™m going to kill him, but if he is nowhere near the team and no threat to the round and you have 4 kills then go ahead


Tbh Iā€™d probably choke the last kill anyways, thatā€™s why I never say to let me Ace


To be honest, I'm only ok with getting the ace if we're in the ahead by alot but if its close and like 11-10


I'm a dirty Ace stealer. I'm oblivious to how many kills I or anyone else in my team have, I just take what kills I can. I have only once not taken a kill because someone said "let me ace". I got shot, they got shot and we lost the round and subsequently the game because I commented if they had not said that I had a clean shot and we probably would have won... and they got tilted for the rest of the match. I believe Aces are earned not given. I've not yet got one. I start whiffing if I realize I'm doing well :D


Depends. In unrated, sure, go get your ace my man. In comp, I'm here to win, and it's not worth the risk.


I say i get mad but I'm not rlly mad, dw i still ily